blob: baeb48275527a8a3e6a8d6bd80b455c11ac13bf6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011, International Business Machines Corporation *
* All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* <code>Region</code> is the class representing a Unicode Region Code, also known as a
* Unicode Region Subtag, which is defined based upon the BCP 47 standard. We often think of
* "regions" as "countries" when defining the characteristics of a locale. Region codes There are different
* types of region codes that are important to distinguish.
* <p>
* Macroregion - A code for a "macro geographical (continental) region, geographical sub-region, or
* selected economic and other grouping" as defined in
* UN M.49 (
* These are typically 3-digit codes, but contain some 2-letter codes, such as the LDML code QO
* added for Outlying Oceania. Not all UNM.49 codes are defined in LDML, but most of them are.
* Macroregions are represented in ICU by one of three region types: WORLD ( region code 001 ),
* CONTINENTS ( regions contained directly by WORLD ), and SUBCONTINENTS ( things contained directly
* by a continent ).
* <p>
* TERRITORY - A Region that is not a Macroregion. These are typically codes for countries, but also
* include areas that are not separate countries, such as the code "AQ" for Antarctica or the code
* "HK" for Hong Kong (SAR China). Overseas dependencies of countries may or may not have separate
* codes. The codes are typically 2-letter codes aligned with the ISO 3166 standard, but BCP47 allows
* for the use of 3-digit codes in the future.
* <p>
* UNKNOWN - The code ZZ is defined by Unicode LDML for use to indicate that the Region is unknown,
* or that the value supplied as a region was invalid.
* <p>
* DEPRECATED - Region codes that have been defined in the past but are no longer in modern usage,
* usually due to a country splitting into multiple territories or changing its name.
* <p>
* GROUPING - A widely understood grouping of territories that has a well defined membership such
* that a region code has been assigned for it. Some of these are UNM.49 codes that do't fall into
* the world/continent/sub-continent hierarchy, while others are just well known groupings that have
* their own region code. Region "EU" (European Union) is one such region code that is a grouping.
* Groupings will never be returned by the getContainingRegion() API, since a different type of region
* ( WORLD, CONTINENT, or SUBCONTINENT ) will always be the containing region instead.
* @author John Emmons
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public class Region implements Comparable<Region> {
* RegionType is an enumeration defining the different types of regions. Current possible
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public enum RegionType {
* Type representing the unknown region.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* Type representing a territory.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* Type representing the whole world.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* Type representing a continent.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* Type representing a sub-continent.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* Type representing a grouping of territories that is not to be used in
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* Type representing a region whose code has been deprecated, usually
* due to a country splitting into multiple territories or changing its name.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* A constant used for unknown numeric region code.
* @see #getNumericCode()
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static final int UNDEFINED_NUMERIC_CODE = -1;
private String id;
private int code;
private RegionType type;
private static boolean hasData = false;
private static boolean hasContainmentData = false;
private static Map<String,Integer> regionIndexMap = null; // Map from ID to position in the table
private static Map<Integer,Integer> numericIndexMap = null; // Map from numeric code to position in the table
private static Map<String,String> territoryAliasMap = null; // Aliases
private static Map<String,Integer> numericCodeMap = null; // Map of all possible IDs to numeric codes
private static Region[] regions = null;
private static BitSet[] subRegionData = null;
private static Integer[] containingRegionData = null;
private static ArrayList<Set<Region>> availableRegions = null;
private static final String UNKNOWN_REGION_ID = "ZZ";
private static final String WORLD_ID = "001";
* Private default constructor. Use factory methods only.
private Region () {}
* Initializes the region data from the ICU resource bundles. The region data
* contains the basic relationships such as which regions are known, what the numeric
* codes are, and any known aliases. It does not contain the territory containment data.
* Territory containment data only gets loaded if someone calls an API that is actually
* going to use that data.
* If the region data has already loaded, then this method simply returns without doing
* anything meaningful.
private static synchronized void initRegionData() {
if ( hasData ) {
territoryAliasMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
numericCodeMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
regionIndexMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
numericIndexMap = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
availableRegions = new ArrayList<Set<Region>>(RegionType.values().length);
for (int i = 0 ; i < RegionType.values().length ; i++) {
UResourceBundle regionCodes = null;
UResourceBundle territoryAlias = null;
UResourceBundle codeMappings = null;
UResourceBundle worldContainment = null;
UResourceBundle territoryContainment = null;
UResourceBundle groupingContainment = null;
UResourceBundle rb = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(
regionCodes = rb.get("regionCodes");
territoryAlias = rb.get("territoryAlias");
UResourceBundle rb2 = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(
codeMappings = rb2.get("codeMappings");
// Right now only fetch as much territory containment as we need in order to determine
// types. Only fetch the rest if we have to.
territoryContainment = rb2.get("territoryContainment");
worldContainment = territoryContainment.get("001");
groupingContainment = territoryContainment.get("grouping");
String[] continentsArr = worldContainment.getStringArray();
List<String> continents = Arrays.asList(continentsArr);
String[] groupingArr = groupingContainment.getStringArray();
List<String> groupings = Arrays.asList(groupingArr);
// First put alias mappings for iso3 and numeric code mappings
for ( int i = 0 ; i < codeMappings.getSize(); i++ ) {
UResourceBundle mapping = codeMappings.get(i);
if ( mapping.getType() == UResourceBundle.ARRAY ) {
String [] codeStrings = mapping.getStringArray();
if ( !territoryAliasMap.containsKey(codeStrings[1])) {
territoryAliasMap.put(codeStrings[1],codeStrings[0]); // Put alias from the numeric to the iso2 code
territoryAliasMap.put(codeStrings[2],codeStrings[0]); // Put alias from the iso3 to the iso2 code.
numericCodeMap.put(codeStrings[0], Integer.valueOf(codeStrings[1])); // Create the mapping from the iso2 code to its numeric value
for ( int i = 0 ; i < territoryAlias.getSize(); i++ ) {
UResourceBundle res = territoryAlias.get(i);
String key = res.getKey();
String value = res.getString();
if ( !territoryAliasMap.containsKey(key)) {
territoryAliasMap.put(key, value);
regions = new Region[regionCodes.getSize()];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < regions.length ; i++ ) {
regions[i] = new Region();
String id = regionCodes.getString(i);
regions[i].id = id;
regionIndexMap.put(id, Integer.valueOf(i));
if ( id.matches("[0-9]{3}")) {
regions[i].code = Integer.valueOf(id).intValue();
numericIndexMap.put(regions[i].code, Integer.valueOf(i));
} else if (numericCodeMap.containsKey(id)) {
regions[i].code = numericCodeMap.get(id).intValue();
if ( !numericIndexMap.containsKey(regions[i].code)) {
numericIndexMap.put(regions[i].code, Integer.valueOf(i));
} else {
regions[i].code = UNDEFINED_NUMERIC_CODE;
if ( territoryAliasMap.containsKey(id)){
regions[i].type = RegionType.DEPRECATED;
} else if ( id.equals(WORLD_ID) ) {
regions[i].type = RegionType.WORLD;
} else if ( id.equals(UNKNOWN_REGION_ID) ) {
regions[i].type = RegionType.UNKNOWN;
} else if ( continents.contains(id) ) {
regions[i].type = RegionType.CONTINENT;
} else if ( groupings.contains(id) ) {
regions[i].type = RegionType.GROUPING;
} else if ( id.matches("[0-9]{3}|QO") ) {
regions[i].type = RegionType.SUBCONTINENT;
} else {
regions[i].type = RegionType.TERRITORY;
hasData = true;
* Initializes the containment data from the ICU resource bundles. The containment data
* defines the relationships between different regions, such as which regions are contained
* within other regions.
* Territory containment data only gets loaded if someone calls an API that is actually
* going to use that data. Since you have to have the basic region data as well, this
* method will attempt to load the basic region data if it hasn't been loaded already.
* If the containment data has already loaded, then this method simply returns without doing
* anything meaningful.
private static synchronized void initContainmentData() {
if ( hasContainmentData ) {
subRegionData = new BitSet[regions.length];
containingRegionData = new Integer[regions.length];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < regions.length ; i++ ) {
subRegionData[i] = new BitSet(regions.length);
containingRegionData[i] = null;
UResourceBundle territoryContainment = null;
UResourceBundle rb = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(
territoryContainment = rb.get("territoryContainment");
// Get territory containment info from the supplemental data.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < territoryContainment.getSize(); i++ ) {
UResourceBundle mapping = territoryContainment.get(i);
String parent = mapping.getKey();
Integer parentRegionIndex = regionIndexMap.get(parent);
for ( int j = 0 ; j < mapping.getSize(); j++ ) {
String child = mapping.getString(j);
Integer childRegionIndex = regionIndexMap.get(child);
if ( parentRegionIndex != null && childRegionIndex != null ) {
subRegionData[parentRegionIndex.intValue()].set(childRegionIndex.intValue()); // Set the containment bit for this pair
// Regions of type GROUPING can't be set as the parent, since another region
// such as a SUBCONTINENT, CONTINENT, or WORLD must always be the parent.
if ( !regions[parentRegionIndex].isOfType(RegionType.GROUPING)) {
containingRegionData[childRegionIndex] = parentRegionIndex;
hasContainmentData = true;
/** Returns a Region using the given region ID. The region ID can be either a 2-letter ISO code,
* 3-letter ISO code, UNM.49 numeric code, or other valid Unicode Region Code as defined by the CLDR.
* @param id The id of the region to be retrieved.
* @return The corresponding region.
* @throws NullPointerException if the supplied id is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied ID cannot be canonicalized to a Region ID that is known by ICU.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static Region get(String id) {
if ( id == null ) {
throw new NullPointerException();
String canonicalID = canonicalize(id);
if (canonicalID.equals(UNKNOWN_REGION_ID) && !id.equals(UNKNOWN_REGION_ID)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown region id: " + id);
return regions[regionIndexMap.get(canonicalID)];
/** Returns a Region using the given numeric code as defined by UNM.49
* @param code The numeric code of the region to be retrieved.
* @return The corresponding region.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied numeric code is not recognized.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static Region get(int code) {
Integer index = numericIndexMap.get(Integer.valueOf(code));
if ( index != null ) {
Region r = regions[index];
// Since a deprecated region will have the same numeric code as its new region code
// we get by id which will make sure we get the canonicalized one.
return Region.get(;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown region code: " + code);
/** Returns the canonicalized (preferred) form of the Region code. For territories, it will
* convert the string to the 2-letter ISO 3166 code if at all possible, and will convert any
* known aliases to their modern counterparts.
* @param id The string representing the region code to be canonicalized.
* @return The canonicalized (preferred) form of the region code. If the supplied region
* code is not recognized, the unknown region ( code "ZZ" ) is returned.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static String canonicalize(String id) {
String result = territoryAliasMap.get(id);
if ( result != null && regionIndexMap.containsKey(result)) {
return result;
if ( regionIndexMap.containsKey(id)) {
return id;
/** Returns true if the supplied region code is already in its canonical ( preferred ) form.
* @param id The string representing the region code to be checked.
* @return TRUE if the supplied region code is canonical, FALSE otherwise.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static boolean isCanonical(String id) {
return ( canonicalize(id).equals(id));
/** Used to retrieve all available regions of a specific type.
* @param type The type of regions to be returned ( TERRITORY, MACROREGION, etc. )
* @return An unmodifiable set of all known regions that match the given type.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static Set<Region> getAvailable(RegionType type) {
if ( availableRegions.get(type.ordinal()) == null) {
Set<Region> result = new TreeSet<Region>();
for ( Region r : regions ) {
if ( r.type == type ) {
availableRegions.set(type.ordinal(), Collections.unmodifiableSet(result));
return availableRegions.get(type.ordinal());
/** Used to determine the macroregion that geographically contains this region.
* @return The region that geographically contains this region. Returns NULL if this region is
* code "001" (World) or "ZZ" (Unknown region). For example, calling this method with region "IT" (Italy)
* returns the region "039" (Southern Europe).
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Region getContainingRegion() {
Integer index = regionIndexMap.get(id);
if ( containingRegionData[index] == null ) {
return null;
} else {
return regions[containingRegionData[index]];
/** Used to determine the sub-regions that are contained within this region.
* @return An unmodifiable set containing all the regions that are immediate children
* of this region in the region hierarchy. These returned regions could be either macro
* regions, territories, or a mixture of the two, depending on the containment data as defined
* in CLDR. This API may return an empty set if this region doesn't have any sub-regions.
* For example, calling this method with region "150" (Europe) returns a set containing
* the various sub regions of Europe - "039" (Southern Europe) - "151" (Eastern Europe)
* - "154" (Northern Europe) and "155" (Western Europe).
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Set<Region> getSubRegions() {
Set<Region> result = new TreeSet<Region>();
Integer index = regionIndexMap.get(id);
BitSet contains = subRegionData[index];
for( int i = contains.nextSetBit(0); i>=0; i=contains.nextSetBit(i+1)) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result);
/** Used to determine all the territories that are contained within this region.
* @return An unmodifiable set containing all the territories that are children of this
* region anywhere in the region hierarchy. If this region is already a territory,
* the empty set is returned, since territories by definition do not contain other regions.
* For example, calling this method with region "150" (Europe) returns a set containing all
* the territories in Europe ( "FR" (France) - "IT" (Italy) - "DE" (Germany) etc. )
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Set<Region> getContainedTerritories() {
Set<Region> result = new TreeSet<Region>();
Set<Region> subRegions = getSubRegions();
Iterator<Region> it = subRegions.iterator();
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
Region r =;
if ( r.isOfType(RegionType.TERRITORY) ) {
} else if ( r.isOfType(RegionType.CONTINENT) || r.isOfType(RegionType.SUBCONTINENT)) {
result.addAll(r.getContainedTerritories()); // Recursion!!!
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result);
/** Returns the string representation of this region
* @return The string representation of this region, which is its canonical ID.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public String toString() {
return id;
/** Returns the numeric code for this region
* @return The numeric code for this region. Returns UNDEFINED_NUMERIC_CODE (-1) if the
* given region does not have a numeric code assigned to it. This is a very rare case and
* only occurs for a few very small territories.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public int getNumericCode() {
return code;
/** Returns this region's type.
* @return This region's type classification, such as MACROREGION or TERRITORY.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public RegionType getType() {
return type;
/** Checks to see if this region is of a specific type.
* @return Returns TRUE if this region matches the supplied type.
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public boolean isOfType(RegionType type) {
return this.type.equals(type);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public int compareTo(Region other) {
return id.compareTo(;