blob: 4713a7edd694f78e8b2cefb3a35a0d69d795d7f7 [file] [log] [blame]
Unicode 4.1 update
*** related Jitterbugs
4332 RFE: Update to Unicode 4.1
4157 RBBI, TR29 4.1 updates
*** data files & enums & parser code
* file preparation
- ucdstrip:
- ucdstrip and ucdmerge:
* add new files to the repository
* update FractionalUCA.txt and UCARules.txt with new canonical closure
* genpname
- handle new enumerated properties in sub read_uchar
- run
* uchar.h & uscript.h & uprops.h & uprops.c & genprops
- new binary properties
+ Pattern_Syntax
+ Pattern_White_Space
- new enumerated properties
+ Grapheme_Cluster_Break
+ Sentence_Break
+ Word_Break
- new block & script & line break values
* gencase
- case-ignorable changes
now: (D47a) Word_Break=MidLetter or Mn, Me, Cf, Lm, Sk
*** Unicode version numbers
- makedata.mak
- uchar.h
*** tests
- verify that u_charMirror() round-trips
- test all new properties and some new values of old properties
*** other code
* hardcoded Unihan range end/limit
- Unihan range end moves from 9FA5 to 9FBB
search for both 9FA5 (end) and 9FA6 (limit) (regex 9FA[56], case-insensitive)
+ do not modify BOCU/BOCSU code because that would change the encoding
and break binary compatibility!
+ similarly, do not change the GB 18030 range data (ucnvmbcs.c),
+ ignore trietest.c: test data is arbitrary
+ ignore tstnorm.cpp: test optimization, not important
+ ignore collation: 9FA[56] only appears in comments; swapCJK() uses the whole block up to 9FFF
+ do change line_th.txt and word_th.txt
by replacing hardcoded ranges with the new property values
+ do change gennames.c
source\data\brkitr\line_th.txt(229): \u33E0-\u33FE \u3400-\u4DB5 \u4E00-\u9FA5 \uA000-\uA48C \uA490-\uA4C6
source\data\brkitr\word_th.txt(23): \u33E0-\u33FE \u3400-\u4DB5 \u4E00-\u9FA5 \uA000-\uA48C \uA490-\uA4C6
source\tools\gennames\gennames.c(971): 0x4e00, 0x9fa5,
* case mappings
- compare new special casing context conditions with previous ones
* genpname
- consider storing only the short name if it is the same as the long name
*** other reviews
- UAX #29 changes (grapheme/word/sentence breaks)
- UAX #14 changes (line breaks)
- Pattern_Syntax & Pattern_White_Space
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
Unicode 4.0.1 update
*** related Jitterbugs
3170 RFE: Update to Unicode 4.0.1
3171 Add new Unicode 4.0.1 properties
3520 use Unicode 4.0.1 updates for break iteration
*** data files & enums & parser code
* file preparation
- ucdstrip: DerivedNormalizationProps.txt, NormalizationTest.txt, DerivedCoreProperties.txt
- ucdstrip and ucdmerge: EastAsianWidth.txt, LineBreak.txt
* file fixes
- fix UnicodeData.txt general categories of Ethiopic digits Nd->No
according to PRI #26
- undone again because no corrigendum in sight;
instead modified tests to not check consistency on this for Unicode 4.0.1
* ucdterms.txt
- update from
formatted for plain text
* uchar.h & uprops.h & uprops.c & genprops
- add UBLOCK_CYRILLIC_SUPPLEMENT because the block is renamed
- add U_LB_INSEPARABLE due to a spelling fix
+ put short name comment only on line with new constant
for genpname perl script parser
- new binary properties
+ STerm
+ Variation_Selector
* genpname
- fix genpname perl script so that it doesn't choke on more than 2 names per property value
- perl script: correctly calculate the maximum number of fields per row
* uscript.h
- new script code Hrkt=Katakana_Or_Hiragana
* gennorm.c track changes in DerivedNormalizationProps.txt
- "FNC" -> "FC_NFKC"
- single field "NFD_NO" -> two fields "NFD_QC; N" etc.
* genprops/props2.c track changes in DerivedNumericValues.txt
- changed from 3 columns to 2, dropping the numeric type
+ assume that the type is always numeric for Han characters,
and that only those are added in addition to what UnicodeData.txt lists
*** Unicode version numbers
- makedata.mak
- uchar.h
*** tests
- update test of default bidi classes according to PRI #28
- bidi tests: change exemplar character for ES depending on Unicode version
- change hardcoded expected property values where they change
*** other code
* name matching
- read UCD.html
* scripts
- use new Hrkt=Katakana_Or_Hiragana
- are now part of combining character sequences
- break iteration used to assume that LB classes did not overlap; now they do for ZWJ & ZWNJ