blob: 1116c9a80e90ea04b53168b3ee50ed204d617ccc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1998-2001, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* File uprintf.h
* Modification History:
* Date Name Description
* 11/19/98 stephen Creation.
* 03/12/99 stephen Modified for new C API.
#ifndef UPRINTF_H
#define UPRINTF_H
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/ustdio.h"
#include "ufmt_cmn.h"
#include "locbund.h"
* Struct encapsulating a single uprintf format specification.
typedef struct u_printf_spec_info {
int32_t fPrecision; /* Precision */
int32_t fWidth; /* Width */
UChar fSpec; /* Conversion specification */
UChar fPadChar; /* Padding character */
UBool fAlt; /* # flag */
UBool fSpace; /* Space flag */
UBool fLeft; /* - flag */
UBool fShowSign; /* + flag */
UBool fZero; /* 0 flag */
UBool fIsLongDouble; /* L flag */
UBool fIsShort; /* h flag */
UBool fIsLong; /* l flag */
UBool fIsLongLong; /* ll flag */
} u_printf_spec_info;
typedef int32_t U_EXPORT2
u_printf_write_stream(void *context,
const UChar *str,
int32_t count);
typedef int32_t U_EXPORT2
u_printf_pad_and_justify_stream(void *context,
const u_printf_spec_info *info,
const UChar *result,
int32_t resultLen);
typedef struct u_printf_stream_handler {
u_printf_write_stream *write;
u_printf_pad_and_justify_stream *pad_and_justify;
} u_printf_stream_handler;
* A u_printf handler function.
* A u_printf handler is responsible for handling a single u_printf
* format specification, for example 'd' or 's'.
* @param stream The UFILE to which to write output.
* @param info A pointer to a <TT>u_printf_spec_info</TT> struct containing
* information on the format specification.
* @param args A pointer to the argument data
* @return The number of Unicode characters written to <TT>stream</TT>.
typedef int32_t U_EXPORT2
u_printf_handler(const u_printf_stream_handler *handler,
void *context,
ULocaleBundle *formatBundle,
const u_printf_spec_info *info,
const ufmt_args *args);
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */