blob: 2eee0e9fbf7f4a9c64f6c1e0568cc9f03bf7df6c [file] [log] [blame]
* *
* (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc., 1997 *
* (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1997-1998 *
* Licensed Material - Program-Property of IBM - All Rights Reserved. *
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure *
* restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. *
* *
* Modification History:
* Date Name Description
* 02/19/97 aliu Converted from java.
* 07/21/98 stephen Added getZoneIndex
* Changed weekdays/short weekdays to be one-based
* 06/14/99 stephen Removed SimpleDateFormat::fgTimeZoneDataSuffix
#include "dtfmtsym.h"
#include "resbund.h"
#include "smpdtfmt.h"
#include "mutex.h"
// *****************************************************************************
// class DateFormatSymbols
// *****************************************************************************
// generic date-format pattern symbols. For their meanings, see class docs
// for SimpleDateFormat
UnicodeString DateFormatSymbols::fgPatternChars = "GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKz";
// Strings of last resort. These are only used if we have no resource
// files. They aren't designed for actual use, just for backup.
// To make the VC++ compiler happy these must occur before the
// sizeof operations on the arrays occur below.
// These are the month names and abbreviations of last resort.
const UnicodeString DateFormatSymbols::fgLastResortMonthNames[] =
"01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "13"
// These are the weekday names and abbreviations of last resort.
const UnicodeString DateFormatSymbols::fgLastResortDayNames[] =
"", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
// These are the am/pm and BC/AD markers of last resort.
const UnicodeString DateFormatSymbols::fgLastResortAmPmMarkers[] =
"AM", "PM"
const UnicodeString DateFormatSymbols::fgLastResortEras[] =
"BC", "AD"
// These are the zone strings of last resort.
UnicodeString** DateFormatSymbols::fgLastResortZoneStringsH = 0;
const UnicodeString DateFormatSymbols::fgLastResortZoneStrings[] =
"GMT", "GMT", "GMT", "GMT", "GMT"
DateFormatSymbols::DateFormatSymbols(const Locale& locale,
UErrorCode& status)
initializeData(locale, status);
DateFormatSymbols::DateFormatSymbols(UErrorCode& status)
initializeData(Locale::getDefault(), status, TRUE);
DateFormatSymbols::DateFormatSymbols(const DateFormatSymbols& other)
fIsOwned = 0; // We own nothing (ignore existing pointers)
*this = other;
DateFormatSymbols::assignArray(UnicodeString*& dstArray,
int32_t& dstCount,
const UnicodeString* srcArray,
int32_t srcCount,
const DateFormatSymbols& other,
int32_t which)
// duplicates or aliases the source array, depending on the status of
// the appropriate isOwned flag
bool_t owned = other.isOwned(which);
setIsOwned(which, owned);
dstCount = srcCount;
if (owned)
dstArray = new UnicodeString[srcCount];
icu_arrayCopy(srcArray, dstArray, srcCount);
dstArray = (UnicodeString*)srcArray; // Compiler requires cast
* Create a copy, in fZoneStrings, of the given zone strings array. The
* member variables fZoneStringsRowCount and fZoneStringsColCount should
* be set already by the caller. The fIsOwned flags are not checked or set
* by this method; that is the caller's responsibility.
DateFormatSymbols::createZoneStrings(const UnicodeString *const * otherStrings)
fZoneStrings = new UnicodeString*[fZoneStringsRowCount];
for (int32_t row=0; row<fZoneStringsRowCount; ++row)
fZoneStrings[row] = new UnicodeString[fZoneStringsColCount];
icu_arrayCopy(otherStrings[row], fZoneStrings[row], fZoneStringsColCount);
* Assignment operator. A bit messy because the other object may or may not
* own each of its arrays. We then alias or copy those arrays as appropriate.
* Arrays that aren't owned are assumed to be permanently "around," which is
* true, since they are owned by the ResourceBundle cache.
DateFormatSymbols& DateFormatSymbols::operator=(const DateFormatSymbols& other)
assignArray(fEras, fErasCount, other.fEras, other.fErasCount, other, kEras);
assignArray(fMonths, fMonthsCount, other.fMonths, other.fMonthsCount, other, kMonths);
assignArray(fShortMonths, fShortMonthsCount, other.fShortMonths, other.fShortMonthsCount, other, kShortMonths);
assignArray(fWeekdays, fWeekdaysCount, other.fWeekdays, other.fWeekdaysCount, other, kWeekdays);
assignArray(fShortWeekdays, fShortWeekdaysCount, other.fShortWeekdays, other.fShortWeekdaysCount, other, kShortWeekdays);
assignArray(fAmPms, fAmPmsCount, other.fAmPms, other.fAmPmsCount, other, kAmPms);
bool_t owned = other.isOwned(kZoneStrings);
setIsOwned(kZoneStrings, owned);
fZoneStringsRowCount = other.fZoneStringsRowCount;
fZoneStringsColCount = other.fZoneStringsColCount;
if (owned) createZoneStrings((const UnicodeString**)other.fZoneStrings);
else fZoneStrings = other.fZoneStrings;
fLocalPatternChars = other.fLocalPatternChars;
return *this;
void DateFormatSymbols::dispose()
// Delete those items which we have marked as owned
if (isOwned(kEras)) delete[] fEras;
if (isOwned(kMonths)) delete[] fMonths;
if (isOwned(kShortMonths)) delete[] fShortMonths;
if (isOwned(kWeekdays)) delete[] fWeekdays;
if (isOwned(kShortWeekdays)) delete[] fShortWeekdays;
if (isOwned(kAmPms)) delete[] fAmPms;
fIsOwned = 0; // Indicate that we no longer need to delete anything
void DateFormatSymbols::disposeZoneStrings()
if (isOwned(kZoneStrings))
for (int32_t row=0; row<fZoneStringsRowCount; ++row)
delete[] fZoneStrings[row];
delete[] fZoneStrings;
DateFormatSymbols::arrayCompare(const UnicodeString* array1,
const UnicodeString* array2,
int32_t count)
if (array1 == array2) return TRUE;
while (count>0)
if (array1[count] != array2[count]) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
DateFormatSymbols::operator==(const DateFormatSymbols& other) const
// First do cheap comparisons
if (fErasCount == other.fErasCount &&
fMonthsCount == other.fMonthsCount &&
fShortMonthsCount == other.fShortMonthsCount &&
fWeekdaysCount == other.fWeekdaysCount &&
fShortWeekdaysCount == other.fShortWeekdaysCount &&
fAmPmsCount == other.fAmPmsCount &&
fZoneStringsRowCount == other.fZoneStringsRowCount &&
fZoneStringsColCount == other.fZoneStringsColCount)
// Now compare the arrays themselves
if (arrayCompare(fEras, other.fEras, fErasCount) &&
arrayCompare(fMonths, other.fMonths, fMonthsCount) &&
arrayCompare(fShortMonths, other.fShortMonths, fShortMonthsCount) &&
arrayCompare(fWeekdays, other.fWeekdays, fWeekdaysCount) &&
arrayCompare(fShortWeekdays, other.fShortWeekdays, fShortWeekdaysCount) &&
arrayCompare(fAmPms, other.fAmPms, fAmPmsCount))
if (fZoneStrings == other.fZoneStrings) return TRUE;
for (int32_t row=0; row<fZoneStringsRowCount; ++row)
if (!arrayCompare(fZoneStrings[row], other.fZoneStrings[row], fZoneStringsColCount))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
const UnicodeString*
DateFormatSymbols::getEras(int32_t &count) const
count = fErasCount;
return fEras;
const UnicodeString*
DateFormatSymbols::getMonths(int32_t &count) const
count = fMonthsCount;
return fMonths;
const UnicodeString*
DateFormatSymbols::getShortMonths(int32_t &count) const
count = fShortMonthsCount;
return fShortMonths;
const UnicodeString*
DateFormatSymbols::getWeekdays(int32_t &count) const
count = fWeekdaysCount;
return fWeekdays;
const UnicodeString*
DateFormatSymbols::getShortWeekdays(int32_t &count) const
count = fShortWeekdaysCount;
return fShortWeekdays;
const UnicodeString*
DateFormatSymbols::getAmPmStrings(int32_t &count) const
count = fAmPmsCount;
return fAmPms;
DateFormatSymbols::setEras(const UnicodeString* erasArray, int32_t count)
// delete the old list if we own it
if (isOwned(kEras)) delete[] fEras;
// we always own the new list, which we create here (we duplicate rather
// than adopting the list passed in)
setIsOwned(kEras, TRUE);
fEras = new UnicodeString[count];
icu_arrayCopy(erasArray,fEras, count);
fErasCount = count;
DateFormatSymbols::setMonths(const UnicodeString* monthsArray, int32_t count)
// delete the old list if we own it
if (isOwned(kMonths)) delete[] fMonths;
// we always own the new list, which we create here (we duplicate rather
// than adopting the list passed in)
setIsOwned(kMonths, TRUE);
fMonths = new UnicodeString[count];
icu_arrayCopy( monthsArray,fMonths,count);
fMonthsCount = count;
DateFormatSymbols::setShortMonths(const UnicodeString* shortMonthsArray, int32_t count)
// delete the old list if we own it
if (isOwned(kShortMonths)) delete[] fShortMonths;
// we always own the new list, which we create here (we duplicate rather
// than adopting the list passed in)
setIsOwned(kShortMonths, TRUE);
fShortMonths = new UnicodeString[count];
icu_arrayCopy(shortMonthsArray,fShortMonths, count);
fShortMonthsCount = count;
void DateFormatSymbols::setWeekdays(const UnicodeString* weekdaysArray, int32_t count)
// delete the old list if we own it
if (isOwned(kWeekdays)) delete[] fWeekdays;
// we always own the new list, which we create here (we duplicate rather
// than adopting the list passed in)
setIsOwned(kWeekdays, TRUE);
fWeekdays = new UnicodeString[count];
fWeekdaysCount = count;
DateFormatSymbols::setShortWeekdays(const UnicodeString* shortWeekdaysArray, int32_t count)
// delete the old list if we own it
if (isOwned(kShortWeekdays)) delete[] fShortWeekdays;
// we always own the new list, which we create here (we duplicate rather
// than adopting the list passed in)
setIsOwned(kShortWeekdays, TRUE);
fShortWeekdays = new UnicodeString[count];
icu_arrayCopy( shortWeekdaysArray,fShortWeekdays,count);
fShortWeekdaysCount = count;
DateFormatSymbols::setAmPmStrings(const UnicodeString* amPmsArray, int32_t count)
// delete the old list if we own it
if (isOwned(kAmPms)) delete[] fAmPms;
// we always own the new list, which we create here (we duplicate rather
// than adopting the list passed in)
setIsOwned(kAmPms, TRUE);
fAmPms = new UnicodeString[count];
fAmPmsCount = count;
const UnicodeString**
DateFormatSymbols::getZoneStrings(int32_t& rowCount, int32_t& columnCount) const
rowCount = fZoneStringsRowCount;
columnCount = fZoneStringsColCount;
return (const UnicodeString**)fZoneStrings; // Compiler requires cast
DateFormatSymbols::setZoneStrings(const UnicodeString* const *strings, int32_t rowCount, int32_t columnCount)
// since deleting a 2-d array is a pain in the butt, we offload that task to
// a separate function
// we always own the new list, which we create here (we duplicate rather
// than adopting the list passed in)
setIsOwned(kZoneStrings, TRUE);
fZoneStringsRowCount = rowCount;
fZoneStringsColCount = columnCount;
createZoneStrings((const UnicodeString**)strings);
DateFormatSymbols::getLocalPatternChars(UnicodeString& result) const
result = fLocalPatternChars;
return result;
DateFormatSymbols::setLocalPatternChars(const UnicodeString& newLocalPatternChars)
fLocalPatternChars = newLocalPatternChars;
DateFormatSymbols::initializeData(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status, bool_t useLastResortData)
if (U_FAILURE(status)) return;
fIsOwned = 0; // Nothing is owned
* Retrieve the string arrays we need from the resource bundle file.
* We cast away const here, but that's okay; we won't delete any of
* these.
ResourceBundle resource(Locale::getDataDirectory(), locale, status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
if (useLastResortData)
// Handle the case in which there is no resource data present.
// We don't have to generate usable patterns in this situation;
// we just need to produce something that will be semi-intelligible
// in most locales.
fEras = (UnicodeString*)fgLastResortEras;
fErasCount = sizeof(fgLastResortEras[0]) / sizeof(fgLastResortEras[0]);
fMonths = fShortMonths = (UnicodeString*)fgLastResortMonthNames;
fMonthsCount = fShortMonthsCount = sizeof(fgLastResortMonthNames) / sizeof(fgLastResortMonthNames[0]);
fWeekdays = fShortWeekdays = (UnicodeString*)fgLastResortDayNames;
fWeekdaysCount = fShortWeekdaysCount = sizeof(fgLastResortDayNames) / sizeof(fgLastResortDayNames[0]);
fAmPms = (UnicodeString*)fgLastResortAmPmMarkers;
fAmPmsCount = sizeof(fgLastResortAmPmMarkers) / sizeof(fgLastResortAmPmMarkers[0]);
if (fgLastResortZoneStringsH == 0)
// Initialize this -- the compiler doesn't like to do so at static init time
UnicodeString **tempH = fgLastResortZoneStringsH = new UnicodeString*[1];
Mutex lock; // This could be optimized but it's not worth it -- exceptional case
*fgLastResortZoneStringsH = (UnicodeString*)fgLastResortZoneStrings;
fZoneStrings = fgLastResortZoneStringsH;
fZoneStringsRowCount = 1;
fZoneStringsColCount = sizeof(fgLastResortZoneStrings);
fLocalPatternChars = fgPatternChars;
// if we make it to here, the resource data is cool, and we can get everything out
// of it that we need except for the time-zone and localized-pattern data, which
// are stoerd in a separate file
fEras = (UnicodeString*)resource.getStringArray(SimpleDateFormat::fgErasTag, fErasCount, status);
fMonths = (UnicodeString*)resource.getStringArray(SimpleDateFormat::fgMonthNamesTag, fMonthsCount, status);
fShortMonths = (UnicodeString*)resource.getStringArray(SimpleDateFormat::fgMonthAbbreviationsTag, fShortMonthsCount, status);
// {sfb} fixed to handle 1-based weekdays
UnicodeString *lWeekdays = (UnicodeString*)resource.getStringArray(SimpleDateFormat::fgDayNamesTag, fWeekdaysCount, status);
fWeekdays = new UnicodeString [8];
fWeekdays[0] = UnicodeString("");
icu_arrayCopy(lWeekdays, 0, fWeekdays, 1, 7);
setIsOwned(kWeekdays, TRUE);
//fWeekdays = (UnicodeString*)resource.getStringArray(SimpleDateFormat::fgDayNamesTag, fWeekdaysCount, status);
UnicodeString *lSWeekdays = (UnicodeString*)resource.getStringArray(SimpleDateFormat::fgDayAbbreviationsTag, fShortWeekdaysCount, status);
fShortWeekdays = new UnicodeString [8];
fShortWeekdays[0] = UnicodeString("");
icu_arrayCopy(lSWeekdays, 0, fShortWeekdays, 1, 7);
setIsOwned(kShortWeekdays, TRUE);
//fShortWeekdays = (UnicodeString*)resource.getStringArray(SimpleDateFormat::fgDayAbbreviationsTag, fShortWeekdaysCount, status);
fWeekdaysCount = fShortWeekdaysCount = 8;
fAmPms = (UnicodeString*)resource.getStringArray(SimpleDateFormat::fgAmPmMarkersTag, fAmPmsCount, status);
* Retrieve the data we need from the time zone data file.
* We cast away const here, but that's okay; we won't delete any of
* these.
ResourceBundle zoneResource(Locale::getDataDirectory(), locale, status);
fZoneStrings = (UnicodeString**)zoneResource.get2dArray(SimpleDateFormat::fgZoneStringsTag, fZoneStringsRowCount, fZoneStringsColCount, status);
zoneResource.getString(SimpleDateFormat::fgLocalPatternCharsTag, fLocalPatternChars, status);
* Package private: used by SimpleDateFormat
* Gets the index for the given time zone ID to obtain the timezone
* strings for formatting. The time zone ID is just for programmatic
* lookup. NOT LOCALIZED!!!
* @param ID the given time zone ID.
* @return the index of the given time zone ID. Returns -1 if
* the given time zone ID can't be located in the DateFormatSymbols object.
* @see java.util.SimpleTimeZone
int32_t DateFormatSymbols::getZoneIndex(const UnicodeString& ID) const
// {sfb} kludge to support case-insensitive comparison
UnicodeString lcaseID(ID);
for(int32_t index = 0; index < fZoneStringsRowCount; index++) {
UnicodeString lcase(fZoneStrings[index][0]);
if (lcaseID == lcase)
return index;
return -1;