blob: e22dea87a178d1578642f723beeb8640d270fe3c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* © 2023 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
* License & terms of use:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>${proj-title} (${project.artifactId})</name>
<description>International Component for Unicode for Java (ICU4J) is a mature, widely used Java library
providing Unicode and Globalization support</description>
<name>Unicode, Inc.</name>
<proj-title>International Components for Unicode for Java</proj-title>
<!-- Variables used to generate the javadoc -->
<api.doc.version>74 Release Candidate</api.doc.version>
<icu4j.api.doc.window.title>ICU4J ${api.doc.version}</icu4j.api.doc.window.title>
<icu4j.api.doc.header>ICU4J ${api.doc.version}</icu4j.api.doc.header>
<icu4j.api.doc.copyright.footer>&lt;font size=-1&gt;Copyright © 2016 Unicode, Inc. and others.&lt;/font&gt;</icu4j.api.doc.copyright.footer>
<!-- Needs to be overriden in sub-modules -->
<!-- Used for the .jar Manifest files -->
<!-- For most modules artifactId does not have an "icu4j" prefix, so this is a good default -->
<!-- Manifest fields that rarely change, if ever -->
<mf.Specification-Title>${proj-title} (${proj.displayname})</mf.Specification-Title>
<mf.Implementation-Title>${proj-title} (${proj.displayname})</mf.Implementation-Title>
<mf.Bundle-Description>${proj-title} (${proj.displayname})</mf.Bundle-Description>
<mf.Bundle-Name>ICU4J ${proj.displayname}</mf.Bundle-Name>
<mf.Specification-Vendor>Unicode, Inc.</mf.Specification-Vendor>
<mf.Implementation-Vendor>Unicode, Inc.</mf.Implementation-Vendor>
<mf.Bundle-Vendor>Unicode, Inc.</mf.Bundle-Vendor>
<mf.Bundle-Copyright>© 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License &amp; terms of use:</mf.Bundle-Copyright>
The ant project specified <doclint>reference,html</doclint>.
But that fails in main\core\src\main\java because maven enforces dependencies more strictly:
[ERROR] com\ibm\icu\text\ error: reference not found
[ERROR] * {@link}
[ERROR] com\ibm\icu\util\ error: reference not found
[ERROR] * {@link}
<!-- <verbose>true</verbose> -->
<!-- We can use `tagletArtifact` instead of `tagletpath`,
but then we must `mvn install` the `tools_build` artifact. -->
<!-- Dependencies for org.mcraig:jcite -->
<!-- This is used to create the *-sources.jar for individual modules -->
<!-- TODO: the shaded equivalent. -->
<!-- This is used to create the *-javadoc.jar for individual modules -->
<!-- TODO: the shaded equivalent. -->
<!-- This is used to create the *-javadoc.jar for individual modules -->
<!-- The tools/build module depends on the old tools.jar (jdk 1.8)
The com.sun.javadoc package was deprecated in Java 11, and has been removed for Java 17.
JDK 11 does not include tools.jar anymore. The code must be updated, see migration guide at