| // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. |
| // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml |
| yue{ |
| durationUnits{ |
| hm{"h:mm"} |
| hms{"h:mm:ss"} |
| ms{"m:ss"} |
| } |
| units{ |
| acceleration{ |
| g-force{ |
| dnam{"G 力"} |
| other{"{0} G 力"} |
| } |
| meter-per-square-second{ |
| dnam{"米/平方秒"} |
| other{"每平方秒 {0} 米"} |
| } |
| } |
| angle{ |
| arc-minute{ |
| dnam{"角分"} |
| other{"{0} 角分"} |
| } |
| arc-second{ |
| dnam{"角秒"} |
| other{"{0} 角秒"} |
| } |
| degree{ |
| dnam{"角度"} |
| other{"{0} 度"} |
| } |
| radian{ |
| dnam{"弧度"} |
| other{"{0} 弧度"} |
| } |
| revolution{ |
| dnam{"圈"} |
| other{"{0} 圈"} |
| } |
| } |
| area{ |
| acre{ |
| dnam{"英畝"} |
| other{"{0} 英畝"} |
| } |
| dunam{ |
| dnam{"德南"} |
| other{"{0} 德南"} |
| } |
| hectare{ |
| dnam{"公頃"} |
| other{"{0} 公頃"} |
| } |
| square-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"平方厘米"} |
| other{"{0} 平方厘米"} |
| per{"每平方厘米 {0}"} |
| } |
| square-foot{ |
| dnam{"平方英呎"} |
| other{"{0} 平方英呎"} |
| } |
| square-inch{ |
| dnam{"平方英吋"} |
| other{"{0} 平方英吋"} |
| per{"每平方英吋 {0}"} |
| } |
| square-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"平方公里"} |
| other{"{0} 平方公里"} |
| per{"每平方公里 {0}"} |
| } |
| square-meter{ |
| dnam{"平方米"} |
| other{"{0} 平方米"} |
| per{"每平方米 {0}"} |
| } |
| square-mile{ |
| dnam{"平方英里"} |
| other{"{0} 平方英里"} |
| per{"每平方英里 {0}"} |
| } |
| square-yard{ |
| dnam{"平方碼"} |
| other{"{0} 平方碼"} |
| } |
| } |
| compound{ |
| 1024p1{"二進制千{0}"} |
| 1024p2{"二進制兆{0}"} |
| 1024p3{"二進制吉{0}"} |
| 1024p4{"二進制太{0}"} |
| 1024p5{"二進制拍{0}"} |
| 1024p6{"二進制艾{0}"} |
| 1024p7{"二進制澤{0}"} |
| 1024p8{"二進制堯{0}"} |
| 10p-1{"分{0}"} |
| 10p-12{"皮{0}"} |
| 10p-15{"飛{0}"} |
| 10p-18{"埃{0}"} |
| 10p-2{"厘{0}"} |
| 10p-21{"仄{0}"} |
| 10p-24{"麼{0}"} |
| 10p-3{"毫{0}"} |
| 10p-6{"微{0}"} |
| 10p-9{"納{0}"} |
| 10p1{"十{0}"} |
| 10p12{"太{0}"} |
| 10p15{"拍{0}"} |
| 10p18{"艾{0}"} |
| 10p2{"百{0}"} |
| 10p21{"澤{0}"} |
| 10p24{"堯{0}"} |
| 10p3{"千{0}"} |
| 10p6{"兆{0}"} |
| 10p9{"吉{0}"} |
| per{"每 {1} {0}"} |
| power2{ |
| other{ |
| _{ |
| _{"平方{0}"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| power3{ |
| other{ |
| _{ |
| _{"立方{0}"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| concentr{ |
| karat{ |
| dnam{"克拉"} |
| other{"{0} 克拉"} |
| } |
| milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter{ |
| dnam{"毫克/公合"} |
| other{"{0} 毫克/公合"} |
| } |
| millimole-per-liter{ |
| dnam{"毫摩爾/公升"} |
| other{"{0} 毫摩爾/公升"} |
| } |
| mole{ |
| dnam{"摩爾"} |
| other{"{0} 摩爾"} |
| } |
| percent{ |
| dnam{"%"} |
| other{"{0}%"} |
| } |
| permille{ |
| dnam{"‰"} |
| other{"{0}‰"} |
| } |
| permillion{ |
| dnam{"百萬分率"} |
| other{"{0} 百萬分率"} |
| } |
| permyriad{ |
| dnam{"點子"} |
| other{"{0} 點子"} |
| } |
| } |
| consumption{ |
| liter-per-100-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"公升/100 公里"} |
| other{"{0} 公升/100 公里"} |
| } |
| liter-per-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"公升/公里"} |
| other{"{0} 公升/公里"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon{ |
| dnam{"英里/加侖"} |
| other{"{0} 英里/加侖"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"英里/英制加侖"} |
| other{"{0} 英里/英制加侖"} |
| } |
| } |
| coordinate{ |
| dnam{"方向"} |
| east{"東經{0}"} |
| north{"北緯{0}"} |
| south{"南緯{0}"} |
| west{"西經{0}"} |
| } |
| digital{ |
| bit{ |
| dnam{"bit"} |
| other{"{0} bit"} |
| } |
| byte{ |
| dnam{"byte"} |
| other{"{0} byte"} |
| } |
| gigabit{ |
| dnam{"Gb"} |
| other{"{0} Gb"} |
| } |
| gigabyte{ |
| dnam{"GB"} |
| other{"{0} GB"} |
| } |
| kilobit{ |
| dnam{"kb"} |
| other{"{0} kb"} |
| } |
| kilobyte{ |
| dnam{"kB"} |
| other{"{0} kB"} |
| } |
| megabit{ |
| dnam{"Mb"} |
| other{"{0} Mb"} |
| } |
| megabyte{ |
| dnam{"MB"} |
| other{"{0} MB"} |
| } |
| petabyte{ |
| dnam{"PB"} |
| other{"{0} PB"} |
| } |
| terabit{ |
| dnam{"Tb"} |
| other{"{0} Tb"} |
| } |
| terabyte{ |
| dnam{"TB"} |
| other{"{0} TB"} |
| } |
| } |
| duration{ |
| century{ |
| dnam{"世紀"} |
| other{"{0} 個世紀"} |
| } |
| day{ |
| dnam{"天"} |
| other{"{0} 天"} |
| per{"每天 {0}"} |
| } |
| decade{ |
| dnam{"十年"} |
| other{"{0} 個十年"} |
| } |
| hour{ |
| dnam{"小時"} |
| other{"{0} 小時"} |
| per{"每小時 {0}"} |
| } |
| microsecond{ |
| dnam{"微秒"} |
| other{"{0} 微秒"} |
| } |
| millisecond{ |
| dnam{"毫秒"} |
| other{"{0} 毫秒"} |
| } |
| minute{ |
| dnam{"分鐘"} |
| other{"{0} 分鐘"} |
| per{"每分鐘 {0}"} |
| } |
| month{ |
| dnam{"月"} |
| other{"{0} 個月"} |
| per{"每月 {0}"} |
| } |
| nanosecond{ |
| dnam{"奈秒"} |
| other{"{0} 奈秒"} |
| } |
| second{ |
| dnam{"秒"} |
| other{"{0} 秒"} |
| per{"每秒 {0}"} |
| } |
| week{ |
| dnam{"週"} |
| other{"{0} 週"} |
| per{"每週 {0}"} |
| } |
| year{ |
| dnam{"年"} |
| other{"{0} 年"} |
| per{"每年 {0}"} |
| } |
| } |
| electric{ |
| ampere{ |
| dnam{"安培"} |
| other{"{0} 安培"} |
| } |
| milliampere{ |
| dnam{"毫安培"} |
| other{"{0} 毫安培"} |
| } |
| ohm{ |
| dnam{"歐姆"} |
| other{"{0} 歐姆"} |
| } |
| volt{ |
| dnam{"伏特"} |
| other{"{0} 伏特"} |
| } |
| } |
| energy{ |
| british-thermal-unit{ |
| dnam{"英制熱量單位"} |
| other{"{0} 英制熱量單位"} |
| } |
| calorie{ |
| dnam{"卡路里"} |
| other{"{0} 卡路里"} |
| } |
| electronvolt{ |
| dnam{"電子伏特"} |
| other{"{0} 電子伏特"} |
| } |
| foodcalorie{ |
| dnam{"大卡"} |
| other{"{0} 大卡"} |
| } |
| joule{ |
| dnam{"焦耳"} |
| other{"{0} 焦耳"} |
| } |
| kilocalorie{ |
| dnam{"千卡"} |
| other{"{0} 千卡"} |
| } |
| kilojoule{ |
| dnam{"千焦耳"} |
| other{"{0} 千焦耳"} |
| } |
| kilowatt-hour{ |
| dnam{"千瓦小時"} |
| other{"{0} 千瓦小時"} |
| } |
| therm-us{ |
| dnam{"美制熱量單位"} |
| other{"{0} 美制熱量單位"} |
| } |
| } |
| force{ |
| newton{ |
| dnam{"牛頓"} |
| other{"{0} 牛頓"} |
| } |
| pound-force{ |
| dnam{"磅力"} |
| other{"{0} 磅力"} |
| } |
| } |
| frequency{ |
| gigahertz{ |
| dnam{"吉赫"} |
| other{"{0} 吉赫"} |
| } |
| hertz{ |
| dnam{"赫茲"} |
| other{"{0} 赫茲"} |
| } |
| kilohertz{ |
| dnam{"千赫"} |
| other{"{0} 千赫"} |
| } |
| megahertz{ |
| dnam{"兆赫"} |
| other{"{0} 兆赫"} |
| } |
| } |
| graphics{ |
| dot{ |
| dnam{"圓點"} |
| other{"{0} 個圓點"} |
| } |
| dot-per-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"每厘米點數"} |
| other{"{0} 點/厘米"} |
| } |
| dot-per-inch{ |
| dnam{"每吋點數"} |
| other{"{0} 點/吋"} |
| } |
| em{ |
| dnam{"字體 em"} |
| other{"{0} em"} |
| } |
| megapixel{ |
| dnam{"百萬像素"} |
| other{"{0} 百萬像素"} |
| } |
| pixel{ |
| dnam{"像素"} |
| other{"{0} 像素"} |
| } |
| pixel-per-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"每厘米像素"} |
| other{"{0} 像素/厘米"} |
| } |
| pixel-per-inch{ |
| dnam{"每吋像素"} |
| other{"{0} 像素/吋"} |
| } |
| } |
| length{ |
| astronomical-unit{ |
| dnam{"天文單位"} |
| other{"{0} 天文單位"} |
| } |
| centimeter{ |
| dnam{"厘米"} |
| other{"{0} 厘米"} |
| per{"每厘米 {0}"} |
| } |
| decimeter{ |
| dnam{"公寸"} |
| other{"{0} 公寸"} |
| } |
| earth-radius{ |
| dnam{"地球半徑"} |
| other{"{0} 地球半徑"} |
| } |
| fathom{ |
| dnam{"英尋"} |
| other{"{0} 英尋"} |
| } |
| foot{ |
| dnam{"英呎"} |
| other{"{0} 英呎"} |
| per{"每英呎 {0}"} |
| } |
| furlong{ |
| dnam{"化朗"} |
| other{"{0} 化朗"} |
| } |
| inch{ |
| dnam{"英吋"} |
| other{"{0} 英吋"} |
| per{"每英吋 {0}"} |
| } |
| kilometer{ |
| dnam{"公里"} |
| other{"{0} 公里"} |
| per{"每公里 {0}"} |
| } |
| light-year{ |
| dnam{"光年"} |
| other{"{0} 光年"} |
| } |
| meter{ |
| dnam{"米"} |
| other{"{0} 米"} |
| per{"每米 {0}"} |
| } |
| micrometer{ |
| dnam{"微米"} |
| other{"{0} 微米"} |
| } |
| mile{ |
| dnam{"英里"} |
| other{"{0} 英里"} |
| } |
| mile-scandinavian{ |
| dnam{"斯堪地那維亞英里"} |
| other{"{0} 斯堪地那維亞英里"} |
| } |
| millimeter{ |
| dnam{"毫米"} |
| other{"{0} 毫米"} |
| } |
| nanometer{ |
| dnam{"奈米"} |
| other{"{0} 奈米"} |
| } |
| nautical-mile{ |
| dnam{"海里"} |
| other{"{0} 海里"} |
| } |
| parsec{ |
| dnam{"秒差距"} |
| other{"{0} 秒差距"} |
| } |
| picometer{ |
| dnam{"皮米"} |
| other{"{0} 皮米"} |
| } |
| point{ |
| dnam{"點"} |
| other{"{0} 點"} |
| } |
| solar-radius{ |
| dnam{"太陽半徑"} |
| other{"{0} 太陽半徑"} |
| } |
| yard{ |
| dnam{"碼"} |
| other{"{0} 碼"} |
| } |
| } |
| light{ |
| candela{ |
| dnam{"坎德拉"} |
| other{"{0} 坎德拉"} |
| } |
| lumen{ |
| dnam{"流明"} |
| other{"{0} 流明"} |
| } |
| lux{ |
| dnam{"勒克斯"} |
| other{"{0} 勒克斯"} |
| } |
| solar-luminosity{ |
| dnam{"太陽光度"} |
| other{"{0} 太陽光度"} |
| } |
| } |
| mass{ |
| carat{ |
| dnam{"克拉"} |
| other{"{0} 克拉"} |
| } |
| dalton{ |
| dnam{"道爾頓"} |
| other{"{0} 道爾頓"} |
| } |
| earth-mass{ |
| dnam{"地球質量"} |
| other{"{0} 地球質量"} |
| } |
| grain{ |
| dnam{"喱"} |
| other{"{0}格令"} |
| } |
| gram{ |
| dnam{"克"} |
| other{"{0} 克"} |
| per{"每克 {0}"} |
| } |
| kilogram{ |
| dnam{"公斤"} |
| other{"{0} 公斤"} |
| per{"每公斤 {0}"} |
| } |
| metric-ton{ |
| dnam{"公噸"} |
| other{"{0} 公噸"} |
| } |
| microgram{ |
| dnam{"微克"} |
| other{"{0} 微克"} |
| } |
| milligram{ |
| dnam{"毫克"} |
| other{"{0} 毫克"} |
| } |
| ounce{ |
| dnam{"安士"} |
| other{"{0} 安士"} |
| per{"每安士 {0}"} |
| } |
| ounce-troy{ |
| dnam{"金衡安士"} |
| other{"{0} 金衡安士"} |
| } |
| pound{ |
| dnam{"磅"} |
| other{"{0} 磅"} |
| per{"每磅 {0}"} |
| } |
| solar-mass{ |
| dnam{"太陽質量"} |
| other{"{0} 太陽質量"} |
| } |
| stone{ |
| dnam{"英石"} |
| other{"{0} 英石"} |
| } |
| ton{ |
| dnam{"英噸"} |
| other{"{0} 英噸"} |
| } |
| } |
| power{ |
| gigawatt{ |
| dnam{"吉瓦"} |
| other{"{0} 吉瓦"} |
| } |
| horsepower{ |
| dnam{"匹"} |
| other{"{0} 匹"} |
| } |
| kilowatt{ |
| dnam{"千瓦特"} |
| other{"{0} 千瓦特"} |
| } |
| megawatt{ |
| dnam{"百萬瓦特"} |
| other{"{0} 百萬瓦特"} |
| } |
| milliwatt{ |
| dnam{"毫瓦特"} |
| other{"{0} 毫瓦特"} |
| } |
| watt{ |
| dnam{"瓦特"} |
| other{"{0} 瓦特"} |
| } |
| } |
| pressure{ |
| atmosphere{ |
| dnam{"atm"} |
| other{"{0} atm"} |
| } |
| bar{ |
| dnam{"巴"} |
| other{"{0} 巴"} |
| } |
| hectopascal{ |
| dnam{"百帕"} |
| other{"{0} 百帕"} |
| } |
| inch-ofhg{ |
| dnam{"英吋汞柱"} |
| other{"{0} 英吋汞柱"} |
| } |
| kilopascal{ |
| dnam{"千帕"} |
| other{"{0} 千帕"} |
| } |
| megapascal{ |
| dnam{"兆帕"} |
| other{"{0} 兆帕"} |
| } |
| millibar{ |
| dnam{"毫巴"} |
| other{"{0} 毫巴"} |
| } |
| millimeter-ofhg{ |
| dnam{"毫米汞柱"} |
| other{"{0} 毫米汞柱"} |
| } |
| pascal{ |
| dnam{"帕斯卡"} |
| other{"{0} 帕斯卡"} |
| } |
| pound-force-per-square-inch{ |
| dnam{"磅力/平方英吋"} |
| other{"每平方吋 {0} 磅"} |
| } |
| } |
| speed{ |
| kilometer-per-hour{ |
| dnam{"公里/小時"} |
| other{"每小時 {0} 公里"} |
| } |
| knot{ |
| dnam{"節"} |
| other{"{0} 節"} |
| } |
| meter-per-second{ |
| dnam{"米/秒"} |
| other{"每秒 {0} 米"} |
| } |
| mile-per-hour{ |
| dnam{"英里/小時"} |
| other{"每小時 {0} 英里"} |
| } |
| } |
| temperature{ |
| celsius{ |
| dnam{"攝氏"} |
| other{"攝氏 {0} 度"} |
| } |
| fahrenheit{ |
| dnam{"華氏"} |
| other{"華氏 {0} 度"} |
| } |
| generic{ |
| dnam{"°"} |
| other{"{0}°"} |
| } |
| kelvin{ |
| dnam{"克耳文"} |
| other{"{0} 克耳文"} |
| } |
| } |
| torque{ |
| newton-meter{ |
| dnam{"牛頓米"} |
| other{"{0} 牛頓米"} |
| } |
| pound-force-foot{ |
| dnam{"尺磅"} |
| other{"{0} 尺磅"} |
| } |
| } |
| volume{ |
| acre-foot{ |
| dnam{"英畝英呎"} |
| other{"{0} 英畝英呎"} |
| } |
| barrel{ |
| dnam{"桶"} |
| other{"{0} 桶"} |
| } |
| bushel{ |
| dnam{"蒲式耳"} |
| other{"{0} 蒲式耳"} |
| } |
| centiliter{ |
| dnam{"釐升"} |
| other{"{0} 釐升"} |
| } |
| cubic-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"立方厘米"} |
| other{"{0} 立方厘米"} |
| per{"每立方厘米 {0}"} |
| } |
| cubic-foot{ |
| dnam{"立方英呎"} |
| other{"{0} 立方英呎"} |
| } |
| cubic-inch{ |
| dnam{"立方英吋"} |
| other{"{0} 立方英吋"} |
| } |
| cubic-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"立方公里"} |
| other{"{0} 立方公里"} |
| } |
| cubic-meter{ |
| dnam{"立方米"} |
| other{"{0} 立方米"} |
| per{"每立方米 {0}"} |
| } |
| cubic-mile{ |
| dnam{"立方英里"} |
| other{"{0} 立方英里"} |
| } |
| cubic-yard{ |
| dnam{"立方碼"} |
| other{"{0} 立方碼"} |
| } |
| cup{ |
| dnam{"量杯"} |
| other{"{0} 杯"} |
| } |
| cup-metric{ |
| dnam{"公制量杯"} |
| other{"{0} 公制杯"} |
| } |
| deciliter{ |
| dnam{"公合"} |
| other{"{0} 公合"} |
| } |
| dessert-spoon{ |
| dnam{"甜品匙"} |
| other{"{0}甜品匙"} |
| } |
| dessert-spoon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"英制甜品匙"} |
| other{"英制甜品匙{0}匙"} |
| } |
| dram{ |
| dnam{"英制液量打蘭"} |
| other{"{0}英制液量打蘭"} |
| } |
| drop{ |
| dnam{"滴"} |
| other{"{0}滴"} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce{ |
| dnam{"液盎司"} |
| other{"{0} 液盎司"} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce-imperial{ |
| dnam{"英制液盎司"} |
| other{"{0} 英制液盎司"} |
| } |
| gallon{ |
| dnam{"加侖"} |
| other{"{0} 加侖"} |
| per{"每加侖 {0}"} |
| } |
| gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"英制加侖"} |
| other{"{0} 英制加侖"} |
| per{"每英制加侖 {0}"} |
| } |
| hectoliter{ |
| dnam{"公石"} |
| other{"{0} 公石"} |
| } |
| jigger{ |
| dnam{"量酒杯"} |
| other{"量酒器{0}杯"} |
| } |
| liter{ |
| dnam{"公升"} |
| other{"{0} 公升"} |
| per{"每公升 {0}"} |
| } |
| megaliter{ |
| dnam{"兆升"} |
| other{"{0} 兆升"} |
| } |
| milliliter{ |
| dnam{"毫升"} |
| other{"{0} 毫升"} |
| } |
| pinch{ |
| dnam{"小撮"} |
| other{"{0} 小撮"} |
| } |
| pint{ |
| dnam{"品脫"} |
| other{"{0} 品脫"} |
| } |
| pint-metric{ |
| dnam{"公制品脫"} |
| other{"{0} 公制品脫"} |
| } |
| quart{ |
| dnam{"夸脫"} |
| other{"{0} 夸脫"} |
| } |
| quart-imperial{ |
| dnam{"英制夸脫"} |
| other{"{0} 英制夸脫"} |
| } |
| tablespoon{ |
| dnam{"湯匙"} |
| other{"{0} 湯匙"} |
| } |
| teaspoon{ |
| dnam{"茶匙"} |
| other{"{0} 茶匙"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| unitsNarrow{ |
| acceleration{ |
| g-force{ |
| other{"{0}G"} |
| } |
| meter-per-square-second{ |
| other{"{0}m/s²"} |
| } |
| } |
| angle{ |
| arc-minute{ |
| other{"{0}角分"} |
| } |
| arc-second{ |
| other{"{0}角秒"} |
| } |
| degree{ |
| other{"{0}度"} |
| } |
| radian{ |
| other{"{0}弧度"} |
| } |
| } |
| area{ |
| acre{ |
| other{"{0}英畝"} |
| } |
| hectare{ |
| other{"{0}公頃"} |
| } |
| square-centimeter{ |
| other{"{0}cm²"} |
| } |
| square-foot{ |
| other{"{0}平方英尺"} |
| } |
| square-inch{ |
| other{"{0}in²"} |
| } |
| square-kilometer{ |
| other{"{0}km²"} |
| } |
| square-meter{ |
| other{"{0}m²"} |
| } |
| square-mile{ |
| other{"{0}平方英里"} |
| } |
| square-yard{ |
| other{"{0}yd²"} |
| } |
| } |
| compound{ |
| 1024p1{"二進制千{0}"} |
| 1024p2{"二進制兆{0}"} |
| 1024p3{"二進制吉{0}"} |
| 1024p4{"二進制太{0}"} |
| 1024p5{"二進制拍{0}"} |
| 1024p6{"二進制艾{0}"} |
| 1024p7{"二進制澤{0}"} |
| 1024p8{"二進制堯{0}"} |
| 10p-1{"分{0}"} |
| 10p-12{"皮{0}"} |
| 10p-15{"飛{0}"} |
| 10p-18{"埃{0}"} |
| 10p-2{"厘{0}"} |
| 10p-21{"仄{0}"} |
| 10p-24{"麼{0}"} |
| 10p-3{"毫{0}"} |
| 10p-6{"微{0}"} |
| 10p-9{"納{0}"} |
| 10p1{"十{0}"} |
| 10p12{"太{0}"} |
| 10p15{"拍{0}"} |
| 10p18{"艾{0}"} |
| 10p2{"百{0}"} |
| 10p21{"澤{0}"} |
| 10p24{"堯{0}"} |
| 10p3{"千{0}"} |
| 10p6{"兆{0}"} |
| 10p9{"吉{0}"} |
| per{"{0}/{1}"} |
| power2{ |
| other{ |
| _{ |
| _{"平方{0}"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| power3{ |
| other{ |
| _{ |
| _{"立方{0}"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| concentr{ |
| karat{ |
| other{"{0}kt"} |
| } |
| percent{ |
| dnam{"%"} |
| other{"{0}%"} |
| } |
| } |
| consumption{ |
| liter-per-100-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"公升/100 公里"} |
| other{"{0}L/100km"} |
| } |
| liter-per-kilometer{ |
| other{"{0}L/km"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon{ |
| other{"{0}mpg"} |
| } |
| } |
| coordinate{ |
| dnam{"方向"} |
| east{"東經{0}"} |
| north{"北緯{0}"} |
| south{"南緯{0}"} |
| west{"西經{0}"} |
| } |
| digital{ |
| bit{ |
| other{"{0}bit"} |
| } |
| byte{ |
| other{"{0}byte"} |
| } |
| gigabit{ |
| other{"{0}Gb"} |
| } |
| gigabyte{ |
| other{"{0}GB"} |
| } |
| kilobit{ |
| other{"{0}kb"} |
| } |
| kilobyte{ |
| other{"{0}kB"} |
| } |
| megabit{ |
| other{"{0}Mb"} |
| } |
| megabyte{ |
| other{"{0}MB"} |
| } |
| terabit{ |
| other{"{0}Tb"} |
| } |
| terabyte{ |
| other{"{0}TB"} |
| } |
| } |
| duration{ |
| day{ |
| dnam{"天"} |
| other{"{0} 天"} |
| } |
| hour{ |
| dnam{"小時"} |
| other{"{0} 小時"} |
| } |
| microsecond{ |
| other{"{0}μs"} |
| } |
| millisecond{ |
| dnam{"毫秒"} |
| other{"{0} 毫秒"} |
| } |
| minute{ |
| dnam{"分鐘"} |
| other{"{0} 分鐘"} |
| } |
| month{ |
| dnam{"月"} |
| other{"{0} 個月"} |
| } |
| nanosecond{ |
| other{"{0}ns"} |
| } |
| second{ |
| dnam{"秒"} |
| other{"{0} 秒"} |
| } |
| week{ |
| dnam{"週"} |
| other{"{0} 週"} |
| } |
| year{ |
| dnam{"年"} |
| other{"{0} 年"} |
| } |
| } |
| electric{ |
| ampere{ |
| other{"{0}A"} |
| } |
| milliampere{ |
| other{"{0}mA"} |
| } |
| ohm{ |
| other{"{0}Ω"} |
| } |
| volt{ |
| other{"{0}V"} |
| } |
| } |
| energy{ |
| calorie{ |
| other{"{0}卡"} |
| } |
| foodcalorie{ |
| other{"{0}大卡"} |
| } |
| joule{ |
| other{"{0}焦"} |
| } |
| kilocalorie{ |
| other{"{0}千卡"} |
| } |
| kilojoule{ |
| other{"{0}千焦耳"} |
| } |
| kilowatt-hour{ |
| other{"{0}kWh"} |
| } |
| } |
| frequency{ |
| gigahertz{ |
| other{"{0}GHz"} |
| } |
| hertz{ |
| other{"{0}Hz"} |
| } |
| kilohertz{ |
| other{"{0}kHz"} |
| } |
| megahertz{ |
| other{"{0}MHz"} |
| } |
| } |
| length{ |
| astronomical-unit{ |
| other{"{0}au"} |
| } |
| centimeter{ |
| dnam{"厘米"} |
| other{"{0} 厘米"} |
| } |
| decimeter{ |
| other{"{0}dm"} |
| } |
| fathom{ |
| dnam{"英尋"} |
| other{"{0}fth"} |
| } |
| foot{ |
| other{"{0}呎"} |
| } |
| furlong{ |
| dnam{"化朗"} |
| other{"{0}化朗"} |
| } |
| inch{ |
| other{"{0}吋"} |
| } |
| kilometer{ |
| dnam{"公里"} |
| other{"{0} 公里"} |
| } |
| light-year{ |
| other{"{0}光年"} |
| } |
| meter{ |
| dnam{"米"} |
| other{"{0} 米"} |
| } |
| micrometer{ |
| other{"{0}μm"} |
| } |
| mile{ |
| other{"{0}英里"} |
| } |
| millimeter{ |
| dnam{"毫米"} |
| other{"{0} 毫米"} |
| } |
| nanometer{ |
| other{"{0}nm"} |
| } |
| nautical-mile{ |
| other{"{0}nmi"} |
| } |
| parsec{ |
| other{"{0}pc"} |
| } |
| picometer{ |
| other{"{0}皮米"} |
| } |
| yard{ |
| other{"{0}碼"} |
| } |
| } |
| light{ |
| lux{ |
| other{"{0}lx"} |
| } |
| } |
| mass{ |
| carat{ |
| other{"{0}CD"} |
| } |
| gram{ |
| dnam{"克"} |
| other{"{0} 克"} |
| } |
| kilogram{ |
| dnam{"公斤"} |
| other{"{0} 公斤"} |
| } |
| metric-ton{ |
| other{"{0}t"} |
| } |
| microgram{ |
| other{"{0}μg"} |
| } |
| milligram{ |
| other{"{0}mg"} |
| } |
| ounce{ |
| other{"{0}盎司"} |
| } |
| ounce-troy{ |
| other{"{0}oz-t"} |
| } |
| pound{ |
| other{"{0}磅"} |
| } |
| stone{ |
| dnam{"英石"} |
| other{"{0}st"} |
| } |
| ton{ |
| other{"{0}tn"} |
| } |
| } |
| power{ |
| gigawatt{ |
| other{"{0}GW"} |
| } |
| horsepower{ |
| other{"{0}匹"} |
| } |
| kilowatt{ |
| other{"{0}千瓦"} |
| } |
| megawatt{ |
| other{"{0}MW"} |
| } |
| milliwatt{ |
| other{"{0}mW"} |
| } |
| watt{ |
| other{"{0}瓦特"} |
| } |
| } |
| pressure{ |
| hectopascal{ |
| other{"{0}百帕"} |
| } |
| inch-ofhg{ |
| other{"{0}″ Hg"} |
| } |
| millibar{ |
| other{"{0}毫巴"} |
| } |
| millimeter-ofhg{ |
| other{"{0}mmHg"} |
| } |
| pound-force-per-square-inch{ |
| other{"{0}psi"} |
| } |
| } |
| speed{ |
| kilometer-per-hour{ |
| dnam{"公里/小時"} |
| other{"{0}公里/小時"} |
| } |
| meter-per-second{ |
| other{"{0}m/s"} |
| } |
| mile-per-hour{ |
| other{"{0}英里/小時"} |
| } |
| } |
| temperature{ |
| celsius{ |
| dnam{"°C"} |
| other{"{0}°C"} |
| } |
| fahrenheit{ |
| other{"{0}°F"} |
| } |
| kelvin{ |
| dnam{"K"} |
| other{"{0}°K"} |
| } |
| } |
| volume{ |
| acre-foot{ |
| other{"{0}ac-ft"} |
| } |
| bushel{ |
| dnam{"蒲式耳"} |
| other{"{0}bu"} |
| } |
| centiliter{ |
| other{"{0}cL"} |
| } |
| cubic-centimeter{ |
| other{"{0}cm³"} |
| } |
| cubic-foot{ |
| other{"{0}ft³"} |
| } |
| cubic-inch{ |
| other{"{0}in³"} |
| } |
| cubic-kilometer{ |
| other{"{0}km³"} |
| } |
| cubic-meter{ |
| other{"{0}m³"} |
| } |
| cubic-mile{ |
| other{"{0}立方英里"} |
| } |
| cubic-yard{ |
| other{"{0}yd³"} |
| } |
| cup{ |
| other{"{0}c"} |
| } |
| deciliter{ |
| other{"{0}dL"} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce{ |
| other{"{0}fl-oz"} |
| } |
| gallon{ |
| other{"{0}gal"} |
| } |
| hectoliter{ |
| other{"{0}hL"} |
| } |
| liter{ |
| dnam{"公升"} |
| other{"{0} 公升"} |
| } |
| megaliter{ |
| other{"{0}ML"} |
| } |
| milliliter{ |
| other{"{0}mL"} |
| } |
| pint{ |
| other{"{0}pt"} |
| } |
| quart{ |
| other{"{0}qt"} |
| } |
| tablespoon{ |
| other{"{0}匙"} |
| } |
| teaspoon{ |
| other{"{0}tsp"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| unitsShort{ |
| acceleration{ |
| g-force{ |
| dnam{"G 力"} |
| other{"{0} G 力"} |
| } |
| meter-per-square-second{ |
| dnam{"米/平方秒"} |
| other{"每平方秒{0}米"} |
| } |
| } |
| angle{ |
| arc-minute{ |
| dnam{"角分"} |
| other{"{0} 角分"} |
| } |
| arc-second{ |
| dnam{"角秒"} |
| other{"{0} 角秒"} |
| } |
| degree{ |
| dnam{"角度"} |
| other{"{0} 度"} |
| } |
| radian{ |
| dnam{"弧度"} |
| other{"{0} 弧度"} |
| } |
| revolution{ |
| dnam{"圈"} |
| other{"{0} 圈"} |
| } |
| } |
| area{ |
| acre{ |
| dnam{"英畝"} |
| other{"{0} 英畝"} |
| } |
| dunam{ |
| dnam{"德南"} |
| other{"{0} 德南"} |
| } |
| hectare{ |
| dnam{"公頃"} |
| other{"{0} 公頃"} |
| } |
| square-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"平方厘米"} |
| other{"{0} 平方厘米"} |
| per{"每平方厘米{0}"} |
| } |
| square-foot{ |
| dnam{"平方英呎"} |
| other{"{0} 平方英呎"} |
| } |
| square-inch{ |
| dnam{"平方英吋"} |
| other{"{0} 平方英吋"} |
| per{"每平方英吋{0}"} |
| } |
| square-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"平方公里"} |
| other{"{0} 平方公里"} |
| per{"每平方公里{0}"} |
| } |
| square-meter{ |
| dnam{"平方米"} |
| other{"{0} 平方米"} |
| per{"每平方米{0}"} |
| } |
| square-mile{ |
| dnam{"平方英里"} |
| other{"{0} 平方英里"} |
| per{"每平方英里{0}"} |
| } |
| square-yard{ |
| dnam{"平方碼"} |
| other{"{0} 平方碼"} |
| } |
| } |
| compound{ |
| 1024p1{"二進制千{0}"} |
| 1024p2{"二進制兆{0}"} |
| 1024p3{"二進制吉{0}"} |
| 1024p4{"二進制太{0}"} |
| 1024p5{"二進制拍{0}"} |
| 1024p6{"二進制艾{0}"} |
| 1024p7{"二進制澤{0}"} |
| 1024p8{"二進制堯{0}"} |
| 10p-1{"分{0}"} |
| 10p-12{"皮{0}"} |
| 10p-15{"飛{0}"} |
| 10p-18{"埃{0}"} |
| 10p-2{"厘{0}"} |
| 10p-21{"仄{0}"} |
| 10p-24{"麼{0}"} |
| 10p-3{"毫{0}"} |
| 10p-6{"微{0}"} |
| 10p-9{"納{0}"} |
| 10p1{"十{0}"} |
| 10p12{"太{0}"} |
| 10p15{"拍{0}"} |
| 10p18{"艾{0}"} |
| 10p2{"百{0}"} |
| 10p21{"澤{0}"} |
| 10p24{"堯{0}"} |
| 10p3{"千{0}"} |
| 10p6{"兆{0}"} |
| 10p9{"吉{0}"} |
| per{"{0}/{1}"} |
| power2{ |
| other{ |
| _{ |
| _{"平方{0}"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| power3{ |
| other{ |
| _{ |
| _{"立方{0}"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| concentr{ |
| karat{ |
| dnam{"克拉"} |
| other{"{0} 克拉"} |
| } |
| milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter{ |
| dnam{"毫克/公合"} |
| other{"{0} 毫克/公合"} |
| } |
| millimole-per-liter{ |
| dnam{"毫摩爾/公升"} |
| other{"{0} 毫摩爾/公升"} |
| } |
| mole{ |
| dnam{"摩爾"} |
| other{"{0} 摩爾"} |
| } |
| percent{ |
| dnam{"%"} |
| other{"{0}%"} |
| } |
| permille{ |
| dnam{"‰"} |
| other{"{0}‰"} |
| } |
| permillion{ |
| dnam{"百萬分率"} |
| other{"{0} 百萬分率"} |
| } |
| permyriad{ |
| dnam{"點子"} |
| other{"{0} 點子"} |
| } |
| } |
| consumption{ |
| liter-per-100-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"公升/100 公里"} |
| other{"{0} 公升/100 公里"} |
| } |
| liter-per-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"公升/公里"} |
| other{"{0} 公升/公里"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon{ |
| dnam{"英里/加侖"} |
| other{"{0} 英里/加侖"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"英里/英制加侖"} |
| other{"{0} 英里/英制加侖"} |
| } |
| } |
| coordinate{ |
| dnam{"方向"} |
| east{"東經{0}"} |
| north{"北緯{0}"} |
| south{"南緯{0}"} |
| west{"西經{0}"} |
| } |
| digital{ |
| bit{ |
| dnam{"bit"} |
| other{"{0} bit"} |
| } |
| byte{ |
| dnam{"byte"} |
| other{"{0} byte"} |
| } |
| gigabit{ |
| dnam{"Gb"} |
| other{"{0} Gb"} |
| } |
| gigabyte{ |
| dnam{"GB"} |
| other{"{0} GB"} |
| } |
| kilobit{ |
| dnam{"kb"} |
| other{"{0} kb"} |
| } |
| kilobyte{ |
| dnam{"kB"} |
| other{"{0} kB"} |
| } |
| megabit{ |
| dnam{"Mb"} |
| other{"{0} Mb"} |
| } |
| megabyte{ |
| dnam{"MB"} |
| other{"{0} MB"} |
| } |
| petabyte{ |
| dnam{"PB"} |
| other{"{0} PB"} |
| } |
| terabit{ |
| dnam{"Tb"} |
| other{"{0} Tb"} |
| } |
| terabyte{ |
| dnam{"TB"} |
| other{"{0} TB"} |
| } |
| } |
| duration{ |
| century{ |
| dnam{"世紀"} |
| other{"{0} 世紀"} |
| } |
| day{ |
| dnam{"天"} |
| other{"{0} 天"} |
| per{"每天{0}"} |
| } |
| decade{ |
| dnam{"十年"} |
| other{"{0} 個十年"} |
| } |
| hour{ |
| dnam{"小時"} |
| other{"{0} 小時"} |
| per{"每小時{0}"} |
| } |
| microsecond{ |
| dnam{"微秒"} |
| other{"{0} 微秒"} |
| } |
| millisecond{ |
| dnam{"毫秒"} |
| other{"{0} 毫秒"} |
| } |
| minute{ |
| dnam{"分鐘"} |
| other{"{0} 分鐘"} |
| per{"每分鐘{0}"} |
| } |
| month{ |
| dnam{"月"} |
| other{"{0} 個月"} |
| per{"每月{0}"} |
| } |
| nanosecond{ |
| dnam{"奈秒"} |
| other{"{0} 奈秒"} |
| } |
| second{ |
| dnam{"秒"} |
| other{"{0} 秒"} |
| per{"每秒{0}"} |
| } |
| week{ |
| dnam{"週"} |
| other{"{0} 週"} |
| per{"每週{0}"} |
| } |
| year{ |
| dnam{"年"} |
| other{"{0} 年"} |
| per{"每年{0}"} |
| } |
| } |
| electric{ |
| ampere{ |
| dnam{"安培"} |
| other{"{0} 安培"} |
| } |
| milliampere{ |
| dnam{"毫安培"} |
| other{"{0} 毫安培"} |
| } |
| ohm{ |
| dnam{"歐姆"} |
| other{"{0} 歐姆"} |
| } |
| volt{ |
| dnam{"伏特"} |
| other{"{0} 伏"} |
| } |
| } |
| energy{ |
| british-thermal-unit{ |
| dnam{"英制熱量單位"} |
| other{"{0} 英制熱量單位"} |
| } |
| calorie{ |
| dnam{"卡路里"} |
| other{"{0} 卡路里"} |
| } |
| electronvolt{ |
| dnam{"電子伏特"} |
| other{"{0} 電子伏特"} |
| } |
| foodcalorie{ |
| dnam{"大卡"} |
| other{"{0} 大卡"} |
| } |
| joule{ |
| dnam{"焦耳"} |
| other{"{0} 焦耳"} |
| } |
| kilocalorie{ |
| dnam{"千卡"} |
| other{"{0} 千卡"} |
| } |
| kilojoule{ |
| dnam{"千焦耳"} |
| other{"{0} 千焦"} |
| } |
| kilowatt-hour{ |
| dnam{"千瓦小時"} |
| other{"{0} 千瓦小時"} |
| } |
| therm-us{ |
| dnam{"美制熱量單位"} |
| other{"{0} 美制熱量單位"} |
| } |
| } |
| force{ |
| newton{ |
| dnam{"牛頓"} |
| other{"{0} 牛頓"} |
| } |
| pound-force{ |
| dnam{"磅力"} |
| other{"{0} 磅力"} |
| } |
| } |
| frequency{ |
| gigahertz{ |
| dnam{"吉赫"} |
| other{"{0} 吉赫"} |
| } |
| hertz{ |
| dnam{"赫茲"} |
| other{"{0} 赫茲"} |
| } |
| kilohertz{ |
| dnam{"千赫"} |
| other{"{0} 千赫"} |
| } |
| megahertz{ |
| dnam{"兆赫"} |
| other{"{0} 兆赫"} |
| } |
| } |
| graphics{ |
| dot{ |
| dnam{"圓點"} |
| other{"{0} 個圓點"} |
| } |
| dot-per-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"每厘米點數"} |
| other{"{0} 點/厘米"} |
| } |
| dot-per-inch{ |
| dnam{"每吋點數"} |
| other{"{0} 點/吋"} |
| } |
| em{ |
| dnam{"em"} |
| other{"{0} em"} |
| } |
| megapixel{ |
| dnam{"百萬像素"} |
| other{"{0} 百萬像素"} |
| } |
| pixel{ |
| dnam{"像素"} |
| other{"{0} 像素"} |
| } |
| pixel-per-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"每厘米像素"} |
| other{"{0} 像素/厘米"} |
| } |
| pixel-per-inch{ |
| dnam{"每吋像素"} |
| other{"{0} 像素/吋"} |
| } |
| } |
| length{ |
| astronomical-unit{ |
| dnam{"天文單位"} |
| other{"{0} 天文單位"} |
| } |
| centimeter{ |
| dnam{"厘米"} |
| other{"{0} 厘米"} |
| per{"每厘米{0}"} |
| } |
| decimeter{ |
| dnam{"公寸"} |
| other{"{0} 公寸"} |
| } |
| earth-radius{ |
| dnam{"地球半徑"} |
| other{"{0} 地球半徑"} |
| } |
| fathom{ |
| dnam{"fm"} |
| other{"{0} 英尋"} |
| } |
| foot{ |
| dnam{"英呎"} |
| other{"{0} 英呎"} |
| per{"每英呎{0}"} |
| } |
| furlong{ |
| dnam{"化朗"} |
| other{"{0} 化朗"} |
| } |
| inch{ |
| dnam{"英吋"} |
| other{"{0} 英吋"} |
| per{"每英吋{0}"} |
| } |
| kilometer{ |
| dnam{"公里"} |
| other{"{0} 公里"} |
| per{"每公里{0}"} |
| } |
| light-year{ |
| dnam{"光年"} |
| other{"{0} 光年"} |
| } |
| meter{ |
| dnam{"米"} |
| other{"{0} 米"} |
| per{"每米{0}"} |
| } |
| micrometer{ |
| dnam{"微米"} |
| other{"{0} 微米"} |
| } |
| mile{ |
| dnam{"英里"} |
| other{"{0} 英里"} |
| } |
| mile-scandinavian{ |
| dnam{"斯堪地那維亞英里"} |
| other{"{0} 斯堪地那維亞英里"} |
| } |
| millimeter{ |
| dnam{"毫米"} |
| other{"{0} 毫米"} |
| } |
| nanometer{ |
| dnam{"奈米"} |
| other{"{0} 奈米"} |
| } |
| nautical-mile{ |
| dnam{"海里"} |
| other{"{0} 海里"} |
| } |
| parsec{ |
| dnam{"秒差距"} |
| other{"{0} 秒差距"} |
| } |
| picometer{ |
| dnam{"皮米"} |
| other{"{0} 皮米"} |
| } |
| point{ |
| dnam{"點"} |
| other{"{0} 點"} |
| } |
| solar-radius{ |
| dnam{"太陽半徑"} |
| other{"{0} 太陽半徑"} |
| } |
| yard{ |
| dnam{"碼"} |
| other{"{0} 碼"} |
| } |
| } |
| light{ |
| candela{ |
| dnam{"坎德拉"} |
| other{"{0} 坎德拉"} |
| } |
| lumen{ |
| dnam{"流明"} |
| other{"{0} 流明"} |
| } |
| lux{ |
| dnam{"勒克斯"} |
| other{"{0} 勒克斯"} |
| } |
| solar-luminosity{ |
| dnam{"太陽光度"} |
| other{"{0} 太陽光度"} |
| } |
| } |
| mass{ |
| carat{ |
| dnam{"克拉"} |
| other{"{0} 克拉"} |
| } |
| dalton{ |
| dnam{"道爾頓"} |
| other{"{0} 道爾頓"} |
| } |
| earth-mass{ |
| dnam{"地球質量"} |
| other{"{0} 地球質量"} |
| } |
| grain{ |
| dnam{"喱"} |
| other{"{0} 喱"} |
| } |
| gram{ |
| dnam{"克"} |
| other{"{0} 克"} |
| per{"每克{0}"} |
| } |
| kilogram{ |
| dnam{"公斤"} |
| other{"{0} 公斤"} |
| per{"每公斤{0}"} |
| } |
| metric-ton{ |
| dnam{"公噸"} |
| other{"{0} 公噸"} |
| } |
| microgram{ |
| dnam{"微克"} |
| other{"{0} 微克"} |
| } |
| milligram{ |
| dnam{"毫克"} |
| other{"{0} 毫克"} |
| } |
| ounce{ |
| dnam{"安士"} |
| other{"{0} 安士"} |
| per{"每安士{0}"} |
| } |
| ounce-troy{ |
| dnam{"金衡安士"} |
| other{"{0} 金衡安士"} |
| } |
| pound{ |
| dnam{"磅"} |
| other{"{0} 磅"} |
| per{"每磅{0}"} |
| } |
| solar-mass{ |
| dnam{"太陽質量"} |
| other{"{0} 太陽質量"} |
| } |
| stone{ |
| dnam{"st"} |
| other{"{0} 英石"} |
| } |
| ton{ |
| dnam{"英噸"} |
| other{"{0} 英噸"} |
| } |
| } |
| power{ |
| gigawatt{ |
| dnam{"吉瓦"} |
| other{"{0} 吉瓦"} |
| } |
| horsepower{ |
| dnam{"匹"} |
| other{"{0} 匹"} |
| } |
| kilowatt{ |
| dnam{"千瓦特"} |
| other{"{0} 千瓦特"} |
| } |
| megawatt{ |
| dnam{"百萬瓦特"} |
| other{"{0} 百萬瓦特"} |
| } |
| milliwatt{ |
| dnam{"毫瓦特"} |
| other{"{0} 毫瓦特"} |
| } |
| watt{ |
| dnam{"瓦特"} |
| other{"{0} 瓦特"} |
| } |
| } |
| pressure{ |
| atmosphere{ |
| dnam{"atm"} |
| other{"{0} atm"} |
| } |
| bar{ |
| dnam{"巴"} |
| other{"{0} 巴"} |
| } |
| hectopascal{ |
| dnam{"百帕"} |
| other{"{0} 百帕"} |
| } |
| inch-ofhg{ |
| dnam{"英吋汞柱"} |
| other{"{0} 英吋汞柱"} |
| } |
| kilopascal{ |
| dnam{"千帕"} |
| other{"{0} 千帕"} |
| } |
| megapascal{ |
| dnam{"兆帕"} |
| other{"{0} 兆帕"} |
| } |
| millibar{ |
| dnam{"毫巴"} |
| other{"{0} 毫巴"} |
| } |
| millimeter-ofhg{ |
| dnam{"毫米汞柱"} |
| other{"{0} 毫米汞柱"} |
| } |
| pascal{ |
| dnam{"帕斯卡"} |
| other{"{0} 帕斯卡"} |
| } |
| pound-force-per-square-inch{ |
| dnam{"磅力/平方英吋"} |
| other{"每平方吋{0}磅"} |
| } |
| } |
| speed{ |
| kilometer-per-hour{ |
| dnam{"公里/小時"} |
| other{"每小時{0}公里"} |
| } |
| knot{ |
| dnam{"節"} |
| other{"{0} 節"} |
| } |
| meter-per-second{ |
| dnam{"米/秒"} |
| other{"每秒{0}米"} |
| } |
| mile-per-hour{ |
| dnam{"英里/小時"} |
| other{"每小時{0}英里"} |
| } |
| } |
| temperature{ |
| celsius{ |
| dnam{"攝氏"} |
| other{"{0}°C"} |
| } |
| fahrenheit{ |
| dnam{"華氏"} |
| other{"{0}°F"} |
| } |
| generic{ |
| dnam{"°"} |
| other{"{0}°"} |
| } |
| kelvin{ |
| dnam{"克耳文"} |
| other{"{0} 克耳文"} |
| } |
| } |
| torque{ |
| newton-meter{ |
| dnam{"牛頓米"} |
| other{"{0} 牛頓米"} |
| } |
| pound-force-foot{ |
| dnam{"尺磅"} |
| other{"{0} 尺磅"} |
| } |
| } |
| volume{ |
| acre-foot{ |
| dnam{"英畝英呎"} |
| other{"{0} 英畝英呎"} |
| } |
| barrel{ |
| dnam{"桶"} |
| other{"{0} 桶"} |
| } |
| bushel{ |
| dnam{"蒲式耳"} |
| other{"{0} 蒲式耳"} |
| } |
| centiliter{ |
| dnam{"釐升"} |
| other{"{0} 釐升"} |
| } |
| cubic-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"立方厘米"} |
| other{"{0} 立方厘米"} |
| per{"每立方厘米{0}"} |
| } |
| cubic-foot{ |
| dnam{"立方英呎"} |
| other{"{0} 立方英呎"} |
| } |
| cubic-inch{ |
| dnam{"立方英吋"} |
| other{"{0} 立方英吋"} |
| } |
| cubic-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"立方公里"} |
| other{"{0} 立方公里"} |
| } |
| cubic-meter{ |
| dnam{"立方米"} |
| other{"{0} 立方米"} |
| per{"每立方米{0}"} |
| } |
| cubic-mile{ |
| dnam{"立方英里"} |
| other{"{0} 立方英里"} |
| } |
| cubic-yard{ |
| dnam{"立方碼"} |
| other{"{0} 立方碼"} |
| } |
| cup{ |
| dnam{"量杯"} |
| other{"{0} 杯"} |
| } |
| cup-metric{ |
| dnam{"公制量杯"} |
| other{"{0} 公制杯"} |
| } |
| deciliter{ |
| dnam{"公合"} |
| other{"{0} 公合"} |
| } |
| dessert-spoon{ |
| dnam{"甜品匙"} |
| other{"{0}甜品匙"} |
| } |
| dessert-spoon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"英制甜品匙"} |
| other{"{0}英制甜品匙"} |
| } |
| dram{ |
| dnam{"英制液量打蘭"} |
| other{"{0}英制液量打蘭"} |
| } |
| drop{ |
| dnam{"滴"} |
| other{"{0}滴"} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce{ |
| dnam{"液盎司"} |
| other{"{0} 液盎司"} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce-imperial{ |
| dnam{"英制液盎司"} |
| other{"{0} 英制液盎司"} |
| } |
| gallon{ |
| dnam{"加侖"} |
| other{"{0} 加侖"} |
| per{"每加侖{0}"} |
| } |
| gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"英制加侖"} |
| other{"{0} 英制加侖"} |
| per{"每英制加侖{0}"} |
| } |
| hectoliter{ |
| dnam{"公石"} |
| other{"{0} 公石"} |
| } |
| jigger{ |
| dnam{"量酒杯"} |
| other{"量酒器{0}杯"} |
| } |
| liter{ |
| dnam{"公升"} |
| other{"{0} 公升"} |
| per{"每公升{0}"} |
| } |
| megaliter{ |
| dnam{"兆升"} |
| other{"{0} 兆升"} |
| } |
| milliliter{ |
| dnam{"毫升"} |
| other{"{0} 毫升"} |
| } |
| pinch{ |
| dnam{"小撮"} |
| other{"{0} 小撮"} |
| } |
| pint{ |
| dnam{"品脫"} |
| other{"{0} 品脫"} |
| } |
| pint-metric{ |
| dnam{"公制品脫"} |
| other{"{0} 公制品脫"} |
| } |
| quart{ |
| dnam{"夸脫"} |
| other{"{0} 夸脫"} |
| } |
| quart-imperial{ |
| dnam{"英制夸脫"} |
| other{"{0} 英制夸脫"} |
| } |
| tablespoon{ |
| dnam{"湯匙"} |
| other{"{0} 湯匙"} |
| } |
| teaspoon{ |
| dnam{"茶匙"} |
| other{"{0} 茶匙"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |