| // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. |
| // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml |
| fr_CA{ |
| units{ |
| acceleration{ |
| g-force{ |
| dnam{"force g"} |
| } |
| meter-per-square-second{ |
| one{"{0} mètre par seconde carrée"} |
| other{"{0} mètres par seconde carrée"} |
| } |
| } |
| angle{ |
| degree{ |
| one{"{0} degré"} |
| other{"{0} degrés"} |
| } |
| radian{ |
| one{"{0} radian"} |
| other{"{0} radians"} |
| } |
| } |
| area{ |
| acre{ |
| dnam{"acres"} |
| one{"{0} acre"} |
| other{"{0} acres"} |
| } |
| hectare{ |
| one{"{0} hectare"} |
| other{"{0} hectares"} |
| } |
| square-centimeter{ |
| one{"{0} centimètre carré"} |
| other{"{0} centimètres carrés"} |
| } |
| square-foot{ |
| one{"{0} pied carré"} |
| other{"{0} pieds carrés"} |
| } |
| square-inch{ |
| one{"{0} pouce carré"} |
| other{"{0} pouces carrés"} |
| } |
| square-kilometer{ |
| one{"{0} kilomètre carré"} |
| other{"{0} kilomètres carrés"} |
| } |
| square-meter{ |
| one{"{0} mètre carré"} |
| other{"{0} mètres carrés"} |
| } |
| square-mile{ |
| one{"{0} mille carré"} |
| other{"{0} milles carrés"} |
| per{"{0} par mille carré"} |
| } |
| square-yard{ |
| dnam{"verges carrées"} |
| one{"{0} verge carrée"} |
| other{"{0} verges carrées"} |
| } |
| } |
| concentr{ |
| permille{ |
| one{"{0} pour mille"} |
| other{"{0} pour mille"} |
| } |
| permillion{ |
| dnam{"parties par million"} |
| one{"{0} partie par million"} |
| other{"{0} parties par million"} |
| } |
| } |
| consumption{ |
| liter-per-100-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"litres aux 100 kilomètres"} |
| one{"{0} litre aux 100 kilomètres"} |
| other{"{0} litres aux 100 kilomètres"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon{ |
| dnam{"milles au gallon"} |
| one{"{0} mille au gallon"} |
| other{"{0} milles au gallon"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"milles au gallon impérial"} |
| one{"{0} mille au gallon impérial"} |
| other{"{0} milles au gallon impérial"} |
| } |
| } |
| coordinate{ |
| dnam{"point cardinal"} |
| west{"{0} ouest"} |
| } |
| digital{ |
| bit{ |
| one{"{0} bit"} |
| other{"{0} bits"} |
| } |
| byte{ |
| one{"{0} octet"} |
| other{"{0} octets"} |
| } |
| gigabit{ |
| one{"{0} gigabit"} |
| other{"{0} gigabits"} |
| } |
| gigabyte{ |
| one{"{0} gigaoctet"} |
| other{"{0} gigaoctets"} |
| } |
| kilobit{ |
| one{"{0} kilobit"} |
| other{"{0} kilobits"} |
| } |
| kilobyte{ |
| one{"{0} kilooctet"} |
| other{"{0} kilooctets"} |
| } |
| megabit{ |
| one{"{0} mégabit"} |
| other{"{0} mégabits"} |
| } |
| megabyte{ |
| one{"{0} mégaoctet"} |
| other{"{0} mégaoctets"} |
| } |
| terabit{ |
| one{"{0} térabit"} |
| other{"{0} térabits"} |
| } |
| terabyte{ |
| one{"{0} téraoctet"} |
| other{"{0} téraoctets"} |
| } |
| } |
| duration{ |
| day{ |
| one{"{0} jour"} |
| other{"{0} jours"} |
| } |
| hour{ |
| one{"{0} heure"} |
| other{"{0} heures"} |
| } |
| microsecond{ |
| one{"{0} microseconde"} |
| other{"{0} microsecondes"} |
| } |
| millisecond{ |
| one{"{0} milliseconde"} |
| other{"{0} millisecondes"} |
| } |
| month{ |
| one{"{0} mois"} |
| other{"{0} mois"} |
| } |
| nanosecond{ |
| one{"{0} nanoseconde"} |
| other{"{0} nanosecondes"} |
| } |
| second{ |
| one{"{0} seconde"} |
| other{"{0} secondes"} |
| per{"{0} à la seconde"} |
| } |
| week{ |
| one{"{0} semaine"} |
| other{"{0} semaines"} |
| } |
| year{ |
| one{"{0} an"} |
| other{"{0} ans"} |
| } |
| } |
| electric{ |
| ampere{ |
| one{"{0} ampère"} |
| other{"{0} ampères"} |
| } |
| milliampere{ |
| one{"{0} milliampère"} |
| other{"{0} milliampères"} |
| } |
| ohm{ |
| one{"{0} ohm"} |
| other{"{0} ohms"} |
| } |
| volt{ |
| one{"{0} volt"} |
| other{"{0} volts"} |
| } |
| } |
| energy{ |
| british-thermal-unit{ |
| dnam{"Unités thermiques britanniques"} |
| one{"{0} unité thermique britannique"} |
| other{"{0} unités thermiques britanniques"} |
| } |
| calorie{ |
| one{"{0} calorie"} |
| other{"{0} calories"} |
| } |
| foodcalorie{ |
| one{"{0} kilocalorie"} |
| other{"{0} kilocalories"} |
| } |
| joule{ |
| one{"{0} joule"} |
| other{"{0} joules"} |
| } |
| kilocalorie{ |
| one{"{0} kilocalorie"} |
| other{"{0} kilocalories"} |
| } |
| kilojoule{ |
| one{"{0} kilojoule"} |
| other{"{0} kilojoules"} |
| } |
| kilowatt-hour{ |
| one{"{0} kilowattheure"} |
| other{"{0} kilowattheures"} |
| } |
| therm-us{ |
| dnam{"therms américains"} |
| one{"{0} therm américain"} |
| other{"{0} therms américains"} |
| } |
| } |
| frequency{ |
| gigahertz{ |
| one{"{0} gigahertz"} |
| other{"{0} gigahertz"} |
| } |
| hertz{ |
| one{"{0} hertz"} |
| other{"{0} hertz"} |
| } |
| kilohertz{ |
| one{"{0} kilohertz"} |
| other{"{0} kilohertz"} |
| } |
| megahertz{ |
| one{"{0} mégahertz"} |
| other{"{0} mégahertz"} |
| } |
| } |
| length{ |
| astronomical-unit{ |
| one{"{0} unité astronomique"} |
| other{"{0} unités astronomiques"} |
| } |
| centimeter{ |
| one{"{0} centimètre"} |
| other{"{0} centimètres"} |
| } |
| decimeter{ |
| one{"{0} décimètre"} |
| other{"{0} décimètres"} |
| } |
| foot{ |
| one{"{0} pied"} |
| other{"{0} pieds"} |
| } |
| inch{ |
| one{"{0} pouce"} |
| other{"{0} pouces"} |
| } |
| kilometer{ |
| one{"{0} kilomètre"} |
| other{"{0} kilomètres"} |
| } |
| light-year{ |
| one{"{0} année-lumière"} |
| other{"{0} années-lumière"} |
| } |
| meter{ |
| one{"{0} mètre"} |
| other{"{0} mètres"} |
| } |
| micrometer{ |
| one{"{0} micromètre"} |
| other{"{0} micromètres"} |
| } |
| mile{ |
| dnam{"mille"} |
| one{"{0} mille"} |
| other{"{0} milles"} |
| } |
| millimeter{ |
| one{"{0} millimètre"} |
| other{"{0} millimètres"} |
| } |
| nanometer{ |
| one{"{0} nanomètre"} |
| other{"{0} nanomètres"} |
| } |
| nautical-mile{ |
| one{"{0} mille marin"} |
| other{"{0} milles marins"} |
| } |
| parsec{ |
| one{"{0} parsec"} |
| other{"{0} parsecs"} |
| } |
| picometer{ |
| one{"{0} picomètre"} |
| other{"{0} picomètres"} |
| } |
| yard{ |
| dnam{"verges"} |
| gender{"feminine"} |
| one{"{0} verge"} |
| other{"{0} verges"} |
| } |
| } |
| light{ |
| candela{ |
| dnam{"candela"} |
| } |
| lux{ |
| one{"{0} lux"} |
| other{"{0} lux"} |
| } |
| } |
| mass{ |
| carat{ |
| one{"{0} carat"} |
| other{"{0} carats"} |
| } |
| grain{ |
| dnam{"grain"} |
| } |
| gram{ |
| one{"{0} gramme"} |
| other{"{0} grammes"} |
| } |
| kilogram{ |
| one{"{0} kilogramme"} |
| other{"{0} kilogrammes"} |
| per{"{0} par kilogramme"} |
| } |
| metric-ton{ |
| one{"{0} tonne"} |
| other{"{0} tonnes"} |
| } |
| milligram{ |
| one{"{0} milligramme"} |
| other{"{0} milligrammes"} |
| } |
| ounce{ |
| one{"{0} once"} |
| other{"{0} onces"} |
| } |
| ounce-troy{ |
| one{"{0} once troy"} |
| other{"{0} onces troy"} |
| } |
| pound{ |
| one{"{0} livre"} |
| other{"{0} livres"} |
| } |
| stone{ |
| one{"{0} stone"} |
| other{"{0} stone"} |
| } |
| ton{ |
| one{"{0} tonne courte"} |
| other{"{0} tonnes courtes"} |
| } |
| } |
| power{ |
| gigawatt{ |
| one{"{0} gigawatt"} |
| other{"{0} gigawatts"} |
| } |
| horsepower{ |
| one{"{0} cheval-vapeur"} |
| other{"{0} chevaux-vapeur"} |
| } |
| kilowatt{ |
| one{"{0} kilowatt"} |
| other{"{0} kilowatts"} |
| } |
| megawatt{ |
| one{"{0} mégawatt"} |
| other{"{0} mégawatts"} |
| } |
| milliwatt{ |
| one{"{0} milliwatt"} |
| other{"{0} milliwatts"} |
| } |
| watt{ |
| one{"{0} watt"} |
| other{"{0} watts"} |
| } |
| } |
| pressure{ |
| atmosphere{ |
| one{"{0} atmosphère"} |
| other{"{0} atmosphères"} |
| } |
| hectopascal{ |
| one{"{0} hectopascal"} |
| other{"{0} hectopascals"} |
| } |
| inch-ofhg{ |
| one{"{0} pouce de mercure"} |
| other{"{0} pouces de mercure"} |
| } |
| millibar{ |
| one{"{0} millibar"} |
| other{"{0} millibars"} |
| } |
| } |
| speed{ |
| kilometer-per-hour{ |
| dnam{"kilomètres à l’heure"} |
| one{"{0} kilomètre par heure"} |
| other{"{0} kilomètres par heure"} |
| } |
| meter-per-second{ |
| one{"{0} mètre par seconde"} |
| other{"{0} mètres par seconde"} |
| } |
| mile-per-hour{ |
| dnam{"milles à l’heure"} |
| one{"{0} mille à l’heure"} |
| other{"{0} milles à l’heure"} |
| } |
| } |
| temperature{ |
| celsius{ |
| one{"{0} degré Celsius"} |
| other{"{0} degrés Celsius"} |
| } |
| fahrenheit{ |
| one{"{0} degré Fahrenheit"} |
| other{"{0} degrés Fahrenheit"} |
| } |
| generic{ |
| dnam{"°"} |
| one{"{0}°"} |
| other{"{0}°"} |
| } |
| } |
| volume{ |
| cubic-centimeter{ |
| one{"{0} centimètre cube"} |
| other{"{0} centimètres cubes"} |
| } |
| cubic-foot{ |
| one{"{0} pied cube"} |
| other{"{0} pieds cubes"} |
| } |
| cubic-inch{ |
| one{"{0} pouce cube"} |
| other{"{0} pouces cubes"} |
| } |
| cubic-kilometer{ |
| one{"{0} kilomètre cube"} |
| other{"{0} kilomètres cubes"} |
| } |
| cubic-meter{ |
| one{"{0} mètre cube"} |
| other{"{0} mètres cubes"} |
| } |
| cubic-mile{ |
| one{"{0} mille cube"} |
| other{"{0} milles cubes"} |
| } |
| cubic-yard{ |
| dnam{"verges cubes"} |
| one{"{0} verge cube"} |
| other{"{0} verges cubes"} |
| } |
| gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"gallon impérial"} |
| } |
| hectoliter{ |
| one{"{0} hectolitre"} |
| other{"{0} hectolitres"} |
| } |
| jigger{ |
| dnam{"gobelet doseur"} |
| one{"{0} gobelet doseur"} |
| other{"{0} gobelets doseurs"} |
| } |
| liter{ |
| one{"{0} litre"} |
| other{"{0} litres"} |
| } |
| megaliter{ |
| one{"{0} mégalitre"} |
| other{"{0} mégalitres"} |
| } |
| pint{ |
| dnam{"chopine"} |
| one{"{0} chopine"} |
| other{"{0} chopines"} |
| } |
| quart{ |
| dnam{"pintes"} |
| gender{"feminine"} |
| one{"{0} pinte"} |
| other{"{0} pintes"} |
| } |
| quart-imperial{ |
| dnam{"pinte impériale"} |
| gender{"feminine"} |
| one{"{0} pinte impériale"} |
| other{"{0} pintes impériales"} |
| } |
| teaspoon{ |
| dnam{"cuillères à thé"} |
| one{"{0} cuillère à thé"} |
| other{"{0} cuillères à thé"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| unitsNarrow{ |
| acceleration{ |
| meter-per-square-second{ |
| one{"{0}m/s²"} |
| other{"{0}m/s²"} |
| } |
| } |
| concentr{ |
| percent{ |
| one{"{0} %"} |
| other{"{0} %"} |
| } |
| } |
| consumption{ |
| liter-per-100-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"L/100 km"} |
| one{"{0} L/100 km"} |
| other{"{0} L/100 km"} |
| } |
| } |
| duration{ |
| century{ |
| one{"´{0}s."} |
| other{"´{0}s."} |
| } |
| microsecond{ |
| one{"{0}μs"} |
| other{"{0}μs"} |
| } |
| minute{ |
| one{"{0}m"} |
| other{"{0}m"} |
| per{"{0}/m"} |
| } |
| month{ |
| one{"{0}m"} |
| other{"{0}m"} |
| per{"{0}/m"} |
| } |
| nanosecond{ |
| one{"{0}ns"} |
| other{"{0}ns"} |
| } |
| week{ |
| dnam{"sem"} |
| one{"{0}sem"} |
| other{"{0}sem"} |
| per{"{0}/sem"} |
| } |
| } |
| length{ |
| decimeter{ |
| one{"{0}dm"} |
| other{"{0}dm"} |
| } |
| foot{ |
| one{"{0}pi"} |
| other{"{0}pi"} |
| } |
| inch{ |
| one{"{0}po"} |
| other{"{0}po"} |
| } |
| light-year{ |
| one{"{0}al"} |
| other{"{0}al"} |
| } |
| micrometer{ |
| one{"{0}μm"} |
| other{"{0}μm"} |
| } |
| mile-scandinavian{ |
| one{"{0}smi"} |
| other{"{0}smi"} |
| } |
| nanometer{ |
| one{"{0}nm"} |
| other{"{0}nm"} |
| } |
| nautical-mile{ |
| dnam{"NM"} |
| one{"{0}NM"} |
| other{"{0}NM"} |
| } |
| parsec{ |
| one{"{0}pc"} |
| other{"{0}pc"} |
| } |
| point{ |
| one{"{0}pt"} |
| other{"{0}pt"} |
| } |
| yard{ |
| dnam{"vg"} |
| one{"{0}vg"} |
| other{"{0}vg"} |
| } |
| } |
| mass{ |
| metric-ton{ |
| one{"{0}t"} |
| other{"{0}t"} |
| } |
| microgram{ |
| one{"{0}μg"} |
| other{"{0}μg"} |
| } |
| milligram{ |
| one{"{0}mg"} |
| other{"{0}mg"} |
| } |
| stone{ |
| one{"{0}st"} |
| other{"{0}st"} |
| } |
| ton{ |
| dnam{"tc"} |
| one{"{0}tc"} |
| other{"{0}tc"} |
| } |
| } |
| pressure{ |
| inch-ofhg{ |
| dnam{"inHg"} |
| } |
| millimeter-ofhg{ |
| one{"{0}mmHg"} |
| other{"{0}mmHg"} |
| } |
| pound-force-per-square-inch{ |
| dnam{"psi"} |
| one{"{0}psi"} |
| other{"{0}psi"} |
| } |
| } |
| speed{ |
| knot{ |
| one{"{0}nd"} |
| other{"{0}nd"} |
| } |
| } |
| temperature{ |
| celsius{ |
| one{"{0} °C"} |
| other{"{0} °C"} |
| } |
| kelvin{ |
| one{"{0}K"} |
| other{"{0}K"} |
| } |
| } |
| volume{ |
| liter{ |
| dnam{"L"} |
| one{"{0}L"} |
| other{"{0}L"} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| unitsShort{ |
| acceleration{ |
| g-force{ |
| dnam{"G"} |
| one{"{0} G"} |
| other{"{0} G"} |
| } |
| meter-per-square-second{ |
| one{"{0} m/s²"} |
| other{"{0} m/s²"} |
| } |
| } |
| angle{ |
| radian{ |
| one{"{0} rad"} |
| other{"{0} rad"} |
| } |
| } |
| area{ |
| acre{ |
| one{"{0} ac"} |
| other{"{0} ac"} |
| } |
| hectare{ |
| one{"{0} ha"} |
| other{"{0} ha"} |
| } |
| square-centimeter{ |
| one{"{0} cm²"} |
| other{"{0} cm²"} |
| } |
| square-foot{ |
| one{"{0} pi²"} |
| other{"{0} pi²"} |
| } |
| square-inch{ |
| one{"{0} po²"} |
| other{"{0} po²"} |
| } |
| square-kilometer{ |
| one{"{0} km²"} |
| other{"{0} km²"} |
| } |
| square-meter{ |
| one{"{0} m²"} |
| other{"{0} m²"} |
| } |
| square-mile{ |
| one{"{0} mi²"} |
| other{"{0} mi²"} |
| } |
| square-yard{ |
| dnam{"vg²"} |
| one{"{0} vg²"} |
| other{"{0} vg²"} |
| } |
| } |
| concentr{ |
| karat{ |
| dnam{"carats"} |
| } |
| percent{ |
| one{"{0} %"} |
| other{"{0} %"} |
| } |
| permille{ |
| one{"{0} ‰"} |
| other{"{0} ‰"} |
| } |
| } |
| consumption{ |
| liter-per-100-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"L/100 km"} |
| one{"{0} L/100 km"} |
| other{"{0} L/100 km"} |
| } |
| liter-per-kilometer{ |
| dnam{"L/km"} |
| one{"{0} L/km"} |
| other{"{0} L/km"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon{ |
| one{"{0} mi/gal"} |
| other{"{0} mi/gal"} |
| } |
| mile-per-gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"mi/gal Imp"} |
| one{"{0} mi/gal Imp"} |
| other{"{0} mi/gal Imp"} |
| } |
| } |
| digital{ |
| bit{ |
| one{"{0} bit"} |
| other{"{0} bit"} |
| } |
| byte{ |
| one{"{0} octet"} |
| other{"{0} octet"} |
| } |
| gigabit{ |
| dnam{"Gb"} |
| one{"{0} Gb"} |
| other{"{0} Gb"} |
| } |
| gigabyte{ |
| one{"{0} Go"} |
| other{"{0} Go"} |
| } |
| kilobit{ |
| dnam{"kb"} |
| one{"{0} kb"} |
| other{"{0} kb"} |
| } |
| kilobyte{ |
| one{"{0} ko"} |
| other{"{0} ko"} |
| } |
| megabit{ |
| dnam{"Mb"} |
| one{"{0} Mb"} |
| other{"{0} Mb"} |
| } |
| megabyte{ |
| one{"{0} Mo"} |
| other{"{0} Mo"} |
| } |
| terabit{ |
| dnam{"Tb"} |
| one{"{0} Tb"} |
| other{"{0} Tb"} |
| } |
| terabyte{ |
| one{"{0} To"} |
| other{"{0} To"} |
| } |
| } |
| duration{ |
| century{ |
| dnam{"s."} |
| } |
| day{ |
| one{"{0} j"} |
| other{"{0} j"} |
| } |
| hour{ |
| one{"{0} h"} |
| other{"{0} h"} |
| } |
| microsecond{ |
| one{"{0} μs"} |
| other{"{0} μs"} |
| } |
| millisecond{ |
| one{"{0} ms"} |
| other{"{0} ms"} |
| } |
| minute{ |
| one{"{0} min"} |
| other{"{0} min"} |
| } |
| month{ |
| one{"{0} m."} |
| other{"{0} m."} |
| } |
| nanosecond{ |
| one{"{0} ns"} |
| other{"{0} ns"} |
| } |
| second{ |
| one{"{0} s"} |
| other{"{0} s"} |
| } |
| week{ |
| one{"{0} sem."} |
| other{"{0} sem."} |
| } |
| year{ |
| one{"{0} an"} |
| other{"{0} ans"} |
| } |
| } |
| electric{ |
| ampere{ |
| one{"{0} A"} |
| other{"{0} A"} |
| } |
| milliampere{ |
| one{"{0} mA"} |
| other{"{0} mA"} |
| } |
| ohm{ |
| one{"{0} Ω"} |
| other{"{0} Ω"} |
| } |
| volt{ |
| one{"{0} V"} |
| other{"{0} V"} |
| } |
| } |
| energy{ |
| british-thermal-unit{ |
| one{"{0} BTU"} |
| other{"{0} BTU"} |
| } |
| calorie{ |
| one{"{0} cal"} |
| other{"{0} cal"} |
| } |
| foodcalorie{ |
| one{"{0} kcal"} |
| other{"{0} kcal"} |
| } |
| joule{ |
| one{"{0} J"} |
| other{"{0} J"} |
| } |
| kilocalorie{ |
| one{"{0} kcal"} |
| other{"{0} kcal"} |
| } |
| kilojoule{ |
| one{"{0} kJ"} |
| other{"{0} kJ"} |
| } |
| kilowatt-hour{ |
| one{"{0} kWh"} |
| other{"{0} kWh"} |
| } |
| } |
| frequency{ |
| gigahertz{ |
| one{"{0} GHz"} |
| other{"{0} GHz"} |
| } |
| hertz{ |
| one{"{0} Hz"} |
| other{"{0} Hz"} |
| } |
| kilohertz{ |
| one{"{0} kHz"} |
| other{"{0} kHz"} |
| } |
| megahertz{ |
| one{"{0} MHz"} |
| other{"{0} MHz"} |
| } |
| } |
| graphics{ |
| dot{ |
| dnam{"p"} |
| one{"{0} p"} |
| other{"{0} p"} |
| } |
| dot-per-centimeter{ |
| dnam{"ppcm"} |
| one{"{0} ppcm"} |
| other{"{0} ppcm"} |
| } |
| dot-per-inch{ |
| dnam{"ppp"} |
| one{"{0} ppp"} |
| other{"{0} ppp"} |
| } |
| } |
| length{ |
| astronomical-unit{ |
| one{"{0} ua"} |
| other{"{0} ua"} |
| } |
| centimeter{ |
| one{"{0} cm"} |
| other{"{0} cm"} |
| } |
| decimeter{ |
| one{"{0} dm"} |
| other{"{0} dm"} |
| } |
| foot{ |
| one{"{0} pi"} |
| other{"{0} pi"} |
| } |
| inch{ |
| one{"{0} po"} |
| other{"{0} po"} |
| } |
| kilometer{ |
| one{"{0} km"} |
| other{"{0} km"} |
| } |
| light-year{ |
| one{"{0} al"} |
| other{"{0} al"} |
| } |
| meter{ |
| one{"{0} m"} |
| other{"{0} m"} |
| } |
| micrometer{ |
| one{"{0} μm"} |
| other{"{0} μm"} |
| } |
| mile{ |
| one{"{0} mi"} |
| other{"{0} mi"} |
| } |
| millimeter{ |
| one{"{0} mm"} |
| other{"{0} mm"} |
| } |
| nanometer{ |
| one{"{0} nm"} |
| other{"{0} nm"} |
| } |
| nautical-mile{ |
| dnam{"NM"} |
| one{"{0} NM"} |
| other{"{0} NM"} |
| } |
| parsec{ |
| one{"{0} pc"} |
| other{"{0} pc"} |
| } |
| picometer{ |
| one{"{0} pm"} |
| other{"{0} pm"} |
| } |
| yard{ |
| dnam{"vg"} |
| one{"{0} vg"} |
| other{"{0} vg"} |
| } |
| } |
| light{ |
| lux{ |
| one{"{0} lx"} |
| other{"{0} lx"} |
| } |
| } |
| mass{ |
| carat{ |
| one{"{0} ct"} |
| other{"{0} ct"} |
| } |
| grain{ |
| one{"{0} grain"} |
| other{"{0} grains"} |
| } |
| gram{ |
| one{"{0} g"} |
| other{"{0} g"} |
| } |
| kilogram{ |
| one{"{0} kg"} |
| other{"{0} kg"} |
| } |
| metric-ton{ |
| one{"{0} t"} |
| other{"{0} t"} |
| } |
| microgram{ |
| one{"{0} μg"} |
| other{"{0} μg"} |
| } |
| milligram{ |
| one{"{0} mg"} |
| other{"{0} mg"} |
| } |
| ounce{ |
| one{"{0} oz"} |
| other{"{0} oz"} |
| } |
| ounce-troy{ |
| one{"{0} oz t"} |
| other{"{0} oz t"} |
| } |
| pound{ |
| one{"{0} lb"} |
| other{"{0} lb"} |
| } |
| ton{ |
| dnam{"tc"} |
| one{"{0} tc"} |
| other{"{0} tc"} |
| } |
| } |
| power{ |
| gigawatt{ |
| one{"{0} GW"} |
| other{"{0} GW"} |
| } |
| horsepower{ |
| one{"{0} ch"} |
| other{"{0} ch"} |
| } |
| kilowatt{ |
| one{"{0} kW"} |
| other{"{0} kW"} |
| } |
| megawatt{ |
| one{"{0} MW"} |
| other{"{0} MW"} |
| } |
| milliwatt{ |
| one{"{0} mW"} |
| other{"{0} mW"} |
| } |
| watt{ |
| one{"{0} W"} |
| other{"{0} W"} |
| } |
| } |
| pressure{ |
| hectopascal{ |
| one{"{0} hPa"} |
| other{"{0} hPa"} |
| } |
| inch-ofhg{ |
| dnam{"po Hg"} |
| one{"{0} po Hg"} |
| other{"{0} po Hg"} |
| } |
| millibar{ |
| one{"{0} mbar"} |
| other{"{0} mbar"} |
| } |
| millimeter-ofhg{ |
| dnam{"mm Hg"} |
| one{"{0} mm Hg"} |
| other{"{0} mm Hg"} |
| } |
| pound-force-per-square-inch{ |
| dnam{"psi"} |
| one{"{0} psi"} |
| other{"{0} psi"} |
| } |
| } |
| speed{ |
| kilometer-per-hour{ |
| one{"{0} km/h"} |
| other{"{0} km/h"} |
| } |
| meter-per-second{ |
| one{"{0} m/s"} |
| other{"{0} m/s"} |
| } |
| mile-per-hour{ |
| one{"{0} mi/h"} |
| other{"{0} mi/h"} |
| } |
| } |
| temperature{ |
| celsius{ |
| one{"{0} °C"} |
| other{"{0} °C"} |
| } |
| fahrenheit{ |
| one{"{0} °F"} |
| other{"{0} °F"} |
| } |
| kelvin{ |
| one{"{0} K"} |
| other{"{0} K"} |
| } |
| } |
| torque{ |
| pound-force-foot{ |
| dnam{"lb-pi"} |
| one{"{0} lb-pi"} |
| other{"{0} lb-pi"} |
| } |
| } |
| volume{ |
| centiliter{ |
| dnam{"cL"} |
| one{"{0} cL"} |
| other{"{0} cL"} |
| } |
| cubic-centimeter{ |
| one{"{0} cm³"} |
| other{"{0} cm³"} |
| } |
| cubic-foot{ |
| one{"{0} pi³"} |
| other{"{0} pi³"} |
| } |
| cubic-inch{ |
| one{"{0} po³"} |
| other{"{0} po³"} |
| } |
| cubic-kilometer{ |
| one{"{0} km³"} |
| other{"{0} km³"} |
| } |
| cubic-meter{ |
| one{"{0} m³"} |
| other{"{0} m³"} |
| } |
| cubic-mile{ |
| one{"{0} mi³"} |
| other{"{0} mi³"} |
| } |
| cubic-yard{ |
| dnam{"vg³"} |
| one{"{0} vg³"} |
| other{"{0} vg³"} |
| } |
| deciliter{ |
| dnam{"dL"} |
| one{"{0} dL"} |
| other{"{0} dL"} |
| } |
| dessert-spoon{ |
| dnam{"cuill. à d."} |
| one{"{0} cuill. à d."} |
| other{"{0} cuill. à d."} |
| } |
| dessert-spoon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"cuill. à d. imp."} |
| one{"{0} cuill. à d. imp."} |
| other{"{0} cuill. à d. imp."} |
| } |
| dram{ |
| dnam{"dram liquide"} |
| one{"{0} dram liq"} |
| other{"{0} dram liq"} |
| } |
| drop{ |
| dnam{"goutte"} |
| one{"{0} goutte"} |
| other{"{0} gouttes"} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce{ |
| dnam{"oz liq."} |
| one{"{0} oz liq."} |
| other{"{0} oz liq."} |
| } |
| fluid-ounce-imperial{ |
| dnam{"oz liq imp."} |
| one{"{0} oz liq imp."} |
| other{"{0} oz liq imp."} |
| } |
| gallon-imperial{ |
| dnam{"gal Imp"} |
| one{"{0} gal Imp"} |
| other{"{0} gal Imp"} |
| per{"{0}/gal Imp"} |
| } |
| hectoliter{ |
| dnam{"hL"} |
| one{"{0} hL"} |
| other{"{0} hL"} |
| } |
| jigger{ |
| dnam{"gobelet doseur"} |
| one{"{0} gobelet doseur"} |
| other{"{0} gobelets doseurs"} |
| } |
| liter{ |
| dnam{"L"} |
| one{"{0} L"} |
| other{"{0} L"} |
| per{"{0}/L"} |
| } |
| megaliter{ |
| dnam{"ML"} |
| one{"{0} ML"} |
| other{"{0} ML"} |
| } |
| milliliter{ |
| dnam{"mL"} |
| one{"{0} mL"} |
| other{"{0} mL"} |
| } |
| pint{ |
| dnam{"chop"} |
| one{"{0} chop"} |
| other{"{0} chop"} |
| } |
| quart{ |
| dnam{"pte"} |
| one{"{0} pte"} |
| other{"{0} pte"} |
| } |
| quart-imperial{ |
| dnam{"pte Imp"} |
| one{"{0} pte Imp"} |
| other{"{0} pte Imp"} |
| } |
| teaspoon{ |
| dnam{"c. à t."} |
| one{"{0} c. à t."} |
| other{"{0} c. à t."} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |