| // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. |
| // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml |
| ca{ |
| Currencies{ |
| ADP{ |
| "ADP", |
| "pesseta andorrana", |
| } |
| AED{ |
| "AED", |
| "dírham de la UEA", |
| } |
| AFA{ |
| "AFA", |
| "afgani afganès (1927–2002)", |
| } |
| AFN{ |
| "AFN", |
| "afgani afganès", |
| } |
| ALK{ |
| "ALK", |
| "lek albanès (1946–1965)", |
| } |
| ALL{ |
| "ALL", |
| "lek albanès", |
| } |
| AMD{ |
| "AMD", |
| "dram armeni", |
| } |
| ANG{ |
| "ANG", |
| "florí de les Antilles Neerlandeses", |
| } |
| AOA{ |
| "AOA", |
| "kwanza angolès", |
| } |
| AOK{ |
| "AOK", |
| "kwanza angolès (1977–1991)", |
| } |
| AON{ |
| "AON", |
| "nou kwanza angolès (1990–2000)", |
| } |
| AOR{ |
| "AOR", |
| "kwanza angolès reajustat (1995–1999)", |
| } |
| ARA{ |
| "ARA", |
| "austral argentí", |
| } |
| ARL{ |
| "ARL", |
| "peso ley argentí (1970–1983)", |
| } |
| ARM{ |
| "ARM", |
| "peso argentí (1981–1970)", |
| } |
| ARP{ |
| "ARP", |
| "peso argentí (1983–1985)", |
| } |
| ARS{ |
| "ARS", |
| "peso argentí", |
| } |
| ATS{ |
| "ATS", |
| "xíling austríac", |
| } |
| AUD{ |
| "AU$", |
| "dòlar australià", |
| } |
| AWG{ |
| "AWG", |
| "florí d’Aruba", |
| } |
| AZM{ |
| "AZM", |
| "manat azerbaidjanès (1993–2006)", |
| } |
| AZN{ |
| "AZN", |
| "manat azerbaidjanès", |
| } |
| BAD{ |
| "BAD", |
| "dinar de Bòsnia i Hercegovina (1992–1994)", |
| } |
| BAM{ |
| "BAM", |
| "marc convertible de Bòsnia i Hercegovina", |
| } |
| BAN{ |
| "BAN", |
| "nou dinar de Bòsnia i Hercegovina (1994–1997)", |
| } |
| BBD{ |
| "BBD", |
| "dòlar de Barbados", |
| } |
| BDT{ |
| "BDT", |
| "taka de Bangla Desh", |
| } |
| BEC{ |
| "BEC", |
| "franc belga (convertible)", |
| } |
| BEF{ |
| "BEF", |
| "franc belga", |
| } |
| BEL{ |
| "BEL", |
| "franc belga (financer)", |
| } |
| BGL{ |
| "BGL", |
| "lev fort búlgar", |
| } |
| BGM{ |
| "BGM", |
| "lev socialista búlgar", |
| } |
| BGN{ |
| "BGN", |
| "lev búlgar", |
| } |
| BGO{ |
| "BGO", |
| "lev búlgar (1879–1952)", |
| } |
| BHD{ |
| "BHD", |
| "dinar de Bahrain", |
| } |
| BIF{ |
| "BIF", |
| "franc de Burundi", |
| } |
| BMD{ |
| "BMD", |
| "dòlar de les Bermudes", |
| } |
| BND{ |
| "BND", |
| "dòlar de Brunei", |
| } |
| BOB{ |
| "BOB", |
| "bolivià", |
| } |
| BOL{ |
| "BOL", |
| "boliviano bolivià (1863–1963)", |
| } |
| BOP{ |
| "BOP", |
| "peso bolivià", |
| } |
| BOV{ |
| "BOV", |
| "MVDOL bolivià", |
| } |
| BRB{ |
| "BRB", |
| "cruzeiro novo brasiler (1967–1986)", |
| } |
| BRC{ |
| "BRC", |
| "cruzado brasiler", |
| } |
| BRE{ |
| "BRE", |
| "cruzeiro brasiler (1990–1993)", |
| } |
| BRL{ |
| "BRL", |
| "real brasiler", |
| } |
| BRN{ |
| "BRN", |
| "cruzado novo brasiler", |
| } |
| BRR{ |
| "BRR", |
| "cruzeiro brasiler", |
| } |
| BRZ{ |
| "BRZ", |
| "antic cruzeiro brasiler", |
| } |
| BSD{ |
| "BSD", |
| "dòlar de les Bahames", |
| } |
| BTN{ |
| "BTN", |
| "ngultrum de Bhutan", |
| } |
| BUK{ |
| "BUK", |
| "kyat birmà", |
| } |
| BWP{ |
| "BWP", |
| "pula de Botswana", |
| } |
| BYB{ |
| "BYB", |
| "nou ruble bielorús (1994–1999)", |
| } |
| BYN{ |
| "BYN", |
| "ruble bielorús", |
| } |
| BYR{ |
| "BYR", |
| "ruble bielorús (2000–2016)", |
| } |
| BZD{ |
| "BZD", |
| "dòlar de Belize", |
| } |
| CAD{ |
| "CAD", |
| "dòlar canadenc", |
| } |
| CDF{ |
| "CDF", |
| "franc congolès", |
| } |
| CHE{ |
| "CHE", |
| "euro WIR", |
| } |
| CHF{ |
| "CHF", |
| "franc suís", |
| } |
| CHW{ |
| "CHW", |
| "franc WIR", |
| } |
| CLE{ |
| "CLE", |
| "escut xilè", |
| } |
| CLF{ |
| "CLF", |
| "unidad de fomento xilena", |
| } |
| CLP{ |
| "CLP", |
| "peso xilè", |
| } |
| CNH{ |
| "CNH", |
| "iuan xinès extracontinental", |
| } |
| CNY{ |
| "CNY", |
| "iuan xinès", |
| } |
| COP{ |
| "COP", |
| "peso colombià", |
| } |
| COU{ |
| "COU", |
| "unidad de valor real colombiana", |
| } |
| CRC{ |
| "CRC", |
| "colon costa-riqueny", |
| } |
| CSD{ |
| "CSD", |
| "dinar serbi antic", |
| } |
| CSK{ |
| "CSK", |
| "corona forta txecoslovaca", |
| } |
| CUC{ |
| "CUC", |
| "peso convertible cubà", |
| } |
| CUP{ |
| "CUP", |
| "peso cubà", |
| } |
| CVE{ |
| "CVE", |
| "escut de Cap Verd", |
| } |
| CYP{ |
| "CYP", |
| "lliura xipriota", |
| } |
| CZK{ |
| "CZK", |
| "corona txeca", |
| } |
| DDM{ |
| "DDM", |
| "marc de l’Alemanya Oriental", |
| } |
| DEM{ |
| "DEM", |
| "marc alemany", |
| } |
| DJF{ |
| "DJF", |
| "franc de Djibouti", |
| } |
| DKK{ |
| "DKK", |
| "corona danesa", |
| } |
| DOP{ |
| "DOP", |
| "peso dominicà", |
| } |
| DZD{ |
| "DZD", |
| "dinar algerià", |
| } |
| ECS{ |
| "ECS", |
| "sucre equatorià", |
| } |
| ECV{ |
| "ECV", |
| "unidad de valor constante (UVC) equatoriana", |
| } |
| EEK{ |
| "EEK", |
| "corona estoniana", |
| } |
| EGP{ |
| "EGP", |
| "lliura egípcia", |
| } |
| ERN{ |
| "ERN", |
| "nakfa eritreu", |
| } |
| ESA{ |
| "ESA", |
| "pesseta espanyola (compte A)", |
| } |
| ESB{ |
| "ESB", |
| "pesseta espanyola (compte convertible)", |
| } |
| ESP{ |
| "₧", |
| "pesseta espanyola", |
| { |
| "¤ #,##0.00", |
| ",", |
| ".", |
| } |
| } |
| ETB{ |
| "ETB", |
| "birr etíop", |
| } |
| EUR{ |
| "€", |
| "euro", |
| } |
| FIM{ |
| "FIM", |
| "marc finlandès", |
| } |
| FJD{ |
| "FJD", |
| "dòlar fijià", |
| } |
| FKP{ |
| "FKP", |
| "lliura de les illes Malvines", |
| } |
| FRF{ |
| "FRF", |
| "franc francès", |
| } |
| GBP{ |
| "£", |
| "lliura esterlina britànica", |
| } |
| GEK{ |
| "GEK", |
| "cupó de lari georgià", |
| } |
| GEL{ |
| "GEL", |
| "lari georgià", |
| } |
| GHC{ |
| "GHC", |
| "cedi ghanès (1979–2007)", |
| } |
| GHS{ |
| "GHS", |
| "cedi ghanès", |
| } |
| GIP{ |
| "GIP", |
| "lliura de Gibraltar", |
| } |
| GMD{ |
| "GMD", |
| "dalasi gambià", |
| } |
| GNF{ |
| "GNF", |
| "franc guineà", |
| } |
| GNS{ |
| "GNS", |
| "syli guineà", |
| } |
| GQE{ |
| "GQE", |
| "ekwele de Guinea Equatorial", |
| } |
| GRD{ |
| "GRD", |
| "dracma grega", |
| } |
| GTQ{ |
| "GTQ", |
| "quetzal guatemalenc", |
| } |
| GWE{ |
| "GWE", |
| "escut de la Guinea Portuguesa", |
| } |
| GWP{ |
| "GWP", |
| "peso de Guinea Bissau", |
| } |
| GYD{ |
| "GYD", |
| "dòlar de Guyana", |
| } |
| HKD{ |
| "HK$", |
| "dòlar de Hong Kong", |
| } |
| HNL{ |
| "HNL", |
| "lempira hondurenya", |
| } |
| HRD{ |
| "HRD", |
| "dinar croat", |
| } |
| HRK{ |
| "HRK", |
| "kuna croata", |
| } |
| HTG{ |
| "HTG", |
| "gourde haitià", |
| } |
| HUF{ |
| "HUF", |
| "fòrint hongarès", |
| } |
| IDR{ |
| "IDR", |
| "rupia indonèsia", |
| } |
| IEP{ |
| "IEP", |
| "lliura irlandesa", |
| } |
| ILP{ |
| "ILP", |
| "lliura israeliana", |
| } |
| ILR{ |
| "ILR", |
| "xéquel israelià", |
| } |
| ILS{ |
| "₪", |
| "nou xéquel israelià", |
| } |
| INR{ |
| "₹", |
| "rupia índia", |
| } |
| IQD{ |
| "IQD", |
| "dinar iraquià", |
| } |
| IRR{ |
| "IRR", |
| "rial iranià", |
| } |
| ISJ{ |
| "ISJ", |
| "corona islandesa antiga", |
| } |
| ISK{ |
| "ISK", |
| "corona islandesa", |
| } |
| ITL{ |
| "ITL", |
| "lira italiana", |
| } |
| JMD{ |
| "JMD", |
| "dòlar jamaicà", |
| } |
| JOD{ |
| "JOD", |
| "dinar jordà", |
| } |
| JPY{ |
| "¥", |
| "ien japonès", |
| } |
| KES{ |
| "KES", |
| "xíling kenyà", |
| } |
| KGS{ |
| "KGS", |
| "som kirguís", |
| } |
| KHR{ |
| "KHR", |
| "riel cambodjà", |
| } |
| KMF{ |
| "KMF", |
| "franc de les Comores", |
| } |
| KPW{ |
| "KPW", |
| "won nord-coreà", |
| } |
| KRH{ |
| "KRH", |
| "hwan sud-coreà (1953–1962)", |
| } |
| KRO{ |
| "KRO", |
| "antic won sud-coreà", |
| } |
| KRW{ |
| "₩", |
| "won sud-coreà", |
| } |
| KWD{ |
| "KWD", |
| "dinar kuwaitià", |
| } |
| KYD{ |
| "KYD", |
| "dòlar de les illes Caiman", |
| } |
| KZT{ |
| "KZT", |
| "tenge kazakh", |
| } |
| LAK{ |
| "LAK", |
| "kip laosià", |
| } |
| LBP{ |
| "LBP", |
| "lliura libanesa", |
| } |
| LKR{ |
| "LKR", |
| "rupia de Sri Lanka", |
| } |
| LRD{ |
| "LRD", |
| "dòlar liberià", |
| } |
| LSL{ |
| "LSL", |
| "loti de Lesotho", |
| } |
| LTL{ |
| "LTL", |
| "litas lituà", |
| } |
| LTT{ |
| "LTT", |
| "talonas lituà", |
| } |
| LUC{ |
| "LUC", |
| "franc convertible luxemburguès", |
| } |
| LUF{ |
| "LUF", |
| "franc luxemburguès", |
| } |
| LUL{ |
| "LUL", |
| "franc financer luxemburguès", |
| } |
| LVL{ |
| "LVL", |
| "lats letó", |
| } |
| LVR{ |
| "LVR", |
| "ruble letó", |
| } |
| LYD{ |
| "LYD", |
| "dinar libi", |
| } |
| MAD{ |
| "MAD", |
| "dírham marroquí", |
| } |
| MAF{ |
| "MAF", |
| "franc marroquí", |
| } |
| MCF{ |
| "MCF", |
| "franc monegasc", |
| } |
| MDC{ |
| "MDC", |
| "cupó moldau", |
| } |
| MDL{ |
| "MDL", |
| "leu moldau", |
| } |
| MGA{ |
| "MGA", |
| "ariary malgaix", |
| } |
| MGF{ |
| "MGF", |
| "franc malgaix", |
| } |
| MKD{ |
| "MKD", |
| "denar macedoni", |
| } |
| MKN{ |
| "MKN", |
| "denar macedoni (1992–1993)", |
| } |
| MLF{ |
| "MLF", |
| "franc malià", |
| } |
| MMK{ |
| "MMK", |
| "kyat de Myanmar", |
| } |
| MNT{ |
| "MNT", |
| "tögrög mongol", |
| } |
| MOP{ |
| "MOP", |
| "pataca de Macau", |
| } |
| MRO{ |
| "MRO", |
| "ouguiya maurità (1973–2017)", |
| } |
| MRU{ |
| "MRU", |
| "ouguiya maurità", |
| } |
| MTL{ |
| "MTL", |
| "lira maltesa", |
| } |
| MTP{ |
| "MTP", |
| "lliura maltesa", |
| } |
| MUR{ |
| "MUR", |
| "rupia mauriciana", |
| } |
| MVR{ |
| "MVR", |
| "rupia de les Maldives", |
| } |
| MWK{ |
| "MWK", |
| "kwacha malawià", |
| } |
| MXN{ |
| "MXN", |
| "peso mexicà", |
| } |
| MXP{ |
| "MXP", |
| "peso de plata mexicà (1861–1992)", |
| } |
| MXV{ |
| "MXV", |
| "unidad de inversión (UDI) mexicana", |
| } |
| MYR{ |
| "MYR", |
| "ringgit de Malàisia", |
| } |
| MZE{ |
| "MZE", |
| "escut moçambiquès", |
| } |
| MZM{ |
| "MZM", |
| "antic metical moçambiquès", |
| } |
| MZN{ |
| "MZN", |
| "metical moçambiquès", |
| } |
| NAD{ |
| "NAD", |
| "dòlar namibià", |
| } |
| NGN{ |
| "NGN", |
| "naira nigerià", |
| } |
| NIC{ |
| "NIC", |
| "córdoba nicaragüenca", |
| } |
| NIO{ |
| "NIO", |
| "córdoba nicaragüenc", |
| } |
| NLG{ |
| "NLG", |
| "florí neerlandès", |
| } |
| NOK{ |
| "NOK", |
| "corona noruega", |
| } |
| NPR{ |
| "NPR", |
| "rupia nepalesa", |
| } |
| NZD{ |
| "NZ$", |
| "dòlar neozelandès", |
| } |
| OMR{ |
| "OMR", |
| "rial omanita", |
| } |
| PAB{ |
| "PAB", |
| "balboa panameny", |
| } |
| PEI{ |
| "PEI", |
| "inti peruà", |
| } |
| PEN{ |
| "PEN", |
| "sol peruà", |
| } |
| PES{ |
| "PES", |
| "sol peruà (1863–1965)", |
| } |
| PGK{ |
| "PGK", |
| "kina de Papua Nova Guinea", |
| } |
| PHP{ |
| "PHP", |
| "peso filipí", |
| } |
| PKR{ |
| "PKR", |
| "rupia pakistanesa", |
| } |
| PLN{ |
| "PLN", |
| "zloty polonès", |
| } |
| PLZ{ |
| "PLZ", |
| "zloty polonès (1950–1995)", |
| } |
| PTE{ |
| "PTE", |
| "escut portuguès", |
| } |
| PYG{ |
| "PYG", |
| "guaraní paraguaià", |
| } |
| QAR{ |
| "QAR", |
| "rial de Qatar", |
| } |
| RHD{ |
| "RHD", |
| "dòlar rhodesià", |
| } |
| ROL{ |
| "ROL", |
| "antic leu romanès", |
| } |
| RON{ |
| "RON", |
| "leu romanès", |
| } |
| RSD{ |
| "RSD", |
| "dinar serbi", |
| } |
| RUB{ |
| "RUB", |
| "ruble rus", |
| } |
| RUR{ |
| "RUR", |
| "ruble rus (1991–1998)", |
| } |
| RWF{ |
| "RWF", |
| "franc de Ruanda", |
| } |
| SAR{ |
| "SAR", |
| "rial saudita", |
| } |
| SBD{ |
| "SBD", |
| "dòlar de les illes Salomó", |
| } |
| SCR{ |
| "SCR", |
| "rupia de les Seychelles", |
| } |
| SDD{ |
| "SDD", |
| "dinar sudanès", |
| } |
| SDG{ |
| "SDG", |
| "lliura sudanesa", |
| } |
| SDP{ |
| "SDP", |
| "antiga lliura sudanesa", |
| } |
| SEK{ |
| "SEK", |
| "corona sueca", |
| } |
| SGD{ |
| "SGD", |
| "dòlar de Singapur", |
| } |
| SHP{ |
| "SHP", |
| "lliura de Santa Helena", |
| } |
| SIT{ |
| "SIT", |
| "tolar eslovè", |
| } |
| SKK{ |
| "SKK", |
| "corona eslovaca", |
| } |
| SLL{ |
| "SLL", |
| "leone de Sierra Leone", |
| } |
| SOS{ |
| "SOS", |
| "xíling somali", |
| } |
| SRD{ |
| "SRD", |
| "dòlar de Surinam", |
| } |
| SRG{ |
| "SRG", |
| "florí de Surinam", |
| } |
| SSP{ |
| "SSP", |
| "lliura del Sudan del Sud", |
| } |
| STD{ |
| "STD", |
| "dobra de São Tomé i Príncipe (1977–2017)", |
| } |
| STN{ |
| "STN", |
| "dobra de São Tomé i Príncipe", |
| } |
| SUR{ |
| "SUR", |
| "ruble soviètic", |
| } |
| SVC{ |
| "SVC", |
| "colon salvadorenc", |
| } |
| SYP{ |
| "SYP", |
| "lliura siriana", |
| } |
| SZL{ |
| "SZL", |
| "lilangeni swazi", |
| } |
| THB{ |
| "฿", |
| "baht tailandès", |
| } |
| TJR{ |
| "TJR", |
| "ruble tadjik", |
| } |
| TJS{ |
| "TJS", |
| "somoni tadjik", |
| } |
| TMM{ |
| "TMM", |
| "manat turcman (1993–2009)", |
| } |
| TMT{ |
| "TMT", |
| "manat turcman", |
| } |
| TND{ |
| "TND", |
| "dinar tunisià", |
| } |
| TOP{ |
| "TOP", |
| "pa‘anga tongà", |
| } |
| TPE{ |
| "TPE", |
| "escut de Timor", |
| } |
| TRL{ |
| "TRL", |
| "lira turca (1922–2005)", |
| } |
| TRY{ |
| "TRY", |
| "lira turca", |
| } |
| TTD{ |
| "TTD", |
| "dòlar de Trinitat i Tobago", |
| } |
| TWD{ |
| "NT$", |
| "nou dòlar de Taiwan", |
| } |
| TZS{ |
| "TZS", |
| "xíling tanzà", |
| } |
| UAH{ |
| "UAH", |
| "hrívnia ucraïnesa", |
| } |
| UAK{ |
| "UAK", |
| "karbóvanets ucraïnès", |
| } |
| UGS{ |
| "UGS", |
| "xíling ugandès (1966–1987)", |
| } |
| UGX{ |
| "UGX", |
| "xíling ugandès", |
| } |
| USD{ |
| "USD", |
| "dòlar dels Estats Units", |
| } |
| USN{ |
| "USN", |
| "dòlar dels Estats Units (dia següent)", |
| } |
| USS{ |
| "USS", |
| "dòlar dels Estats Units (mateix dia)", |
| } |
| UYI{ |
| "UYI", |
| "peso uruguaià en unitats indexades", |
| } |
| UYP{ |
| "UYP", |
| "peso uruguaià (1975–1993)", |
| } |
| UYU{ |
| "UYU", |
| "peso uruguaià", |
| } |
| UZS{ |
| "UZS", |
| "som uzbek", |
| } |
| VEB{ |
| "VEB", |
| "bolívar veneçolà (1871–2008)", |
| } |
| VEF{ |
| "VEF", |
| "bolívar veneçolà (2008–2018)", |
| } |
| VES{ |
| "VES", |
| "bolívar veneçolà", |
| } |
| VND{ |
| "₫", |
| "dong vietnamita", |
| } |
| VNN{ |
| "VNN", |
| "dong vietnamita (1978–1985)", |
| } |
| VUV{ |
| "VUV", |
| "vatu de Vanuatu", |
| } |
| WST{ |
| "WST", |
| "tala samoà", |
| } |
| XAF{ |
| "FCFA", |
| "franc CFA BEAC", |
| } |
| XAG{ |
| "XAG", |
| "plata", |
| } |
| XAU{ |
| "XAU", |
| "or", |
| } |
| XBA{ |
| "XBA", |
| "unitat compensatòria europea", |
| } |
| XBB{ |
| "XBB", |
| "unitat monetària europea", |
| } |
| XBC{ |
| "XBC", |
| "unitat de compte europea (XBC)", |
| } |
| XBD{ |
| "XBD", |
| "unitat de compte europea (XBD)", |
| } |
| XCD{ |
| "XCD", |
| "dòlar del Carib Oriental", |
| } |
| XDR{ |
| "XDR", |
| "drets especials de gir", |
| } |
| XEU{ |
| "XEU", |
| "unitat de moneda europea", |
| } |
| XFO{ |
| "XFO", |
| "franc or francès", |
| } |
| XFU{ |
| "XFU", |
| "franc UIC francès", |
| } |
| XOF{ |
| "F CFA", |
| "franc CFA BCEAO", |
| } |
| XPD{ |
| "XPD", |
| "pal·ladi", |
| } |
| XPF{ |
| "CFPF", |
| "franc CFP", |
| } |
| XPT{ |
| "XPT", |
| "platí", |
| } |
| XRE{ |
| "XRE", |
| "fons RINET", |
| } |
| XTS{ |
| "XTS", |
| "codi reservat per a proves", |
| } |
| XXX{ |
| "XXX", |
| "moneda desconeguda", |
| } |
| YDD{ |
| "YDD", |
| "dinar iemenita", |
| } |
| YER{ |
| "YER", |
| "rial iemenita", |
| } |
| YUD{ |
| "YUD", |
| "dinar fort iugoslau", |
| } |
| YUM{ |
| "YUM", |
| "nou dinar iugoslau", |
| } |
| YUN{ |
| "YUN", |
| "dinar convertible iugoslau", |
| } |
| YUR{ |
| "YUR", |
| "dinar iugoslau reformat (1992–1993)", |
| } |
| ZAL{ |
| "ZAL", |
| "rand sud-africà (financer)", |
| } |
| ZAR{ |
| "ZAR", |
| "rand sud-africà", |
| } |
| ZMK{ |
| "ZMK", |
| "kwacha zambià (1968–2012)", |
| } |
| ZMW{ |
| "ZMW", |
| "kwacha zambià", |
| } |
| ZRN{ |
| "ZRN", |
| "nou zaire zairès", |
| } |
| ZRZ{ |
| "ZRZ", |
| "zaire zairès", |
| } |
| ZWD{ |
| "ZWD", |
| "dòlar zimbabuès (1980–2008)", |
| } |
| ZWL{ |
| "ZWL", |
| "dòlar zimbabuès (2009)", |
| } |
| ZWR{ |
| "ZWR", |
| "dòlar zimbabuès (2008)", |
| } |
| } |
| Currencies%narrow{ |
| AOA{"Kz"} |
| ARS{"$"} |
| AUD{"$"} |
| BAM{"KM"} |
| BBD{"$"} |
| BDT{"৳"} |
| BMD{"$"} |
| BND{"$"} |
| BOB{"Bs"} |
| BRL{"R$"} |
| BSD{"$"} |
| BWP{"P"} |
| BYN{"р."} |
| BZD{"$"} |
| CAD{"$"} |
| CLP{"$"} |
| CNY{"¥"} |
| COP{"$"} |
| CRC{"₡"} |
| CUC{"$"} |
| CUP{"$"} |
| CZK{"Kč"} |
| DKK{"kr"} |
| DOP{"$"} |
| EGP{"E£"} |
| EUR{"€"} |
| FJD{"$"} |
| FKP{"£"} |
| GBP{"£"} |
| GEL{"₾"} |
| GIP{"£"} |
| GNF{"FG"} |
| GTQ{"Q"} |
| GYD{"$"} |
| HKD{"$"} |
| HNL{"L"} |
| HRK{"kn"} |
| HUF{"Ft"} |
| IDR{"Rp"} |
| ILS{"₪"} |
| INR{"₹"} |
| ISK{"kr"} |
| JMD{"$"} |
| JPY{"¥"} |
| KHR{"៛"} |
| KMF{"CF"} |
| KPW{"₩"} |
| KRW{"₩"} |
| KYD{"$"} |
| KZT{"₸"} |
| LAK{"₭"} |
| LBP{"L£"} |
| LKR{"Rs"} |
| LRD{"$"} |
| MGA{"Ar"} |
| MMK{"K"} |
| MNT{"₮"} |
| MUR{"Rs"} |
| MXN{"$"} |
| MYR{"RM"} |
| NAD{"$"} |
| NGN{"₦"} |
| NIO{"C$"} |
| NOK{"kr"} |
| NPR{"Rs"} |
| NZD{"$"} |
| PHP{"₱"} |
| PKR{"Rs"} |
| PLN{"zł"} |
| PYG{"₲"} |
| RON{"lei"} |
| RUB{"₽"} |
| RWF{"RF"} |
| SBD{"$"} |
| SEK{"kr"} |
| SGD{"$"} |
| SHP{"£"} |
| SRD{"$"} |
| SSP{"£"} |
| STN{"Db"} |
| SYP{"£"} |
| THB{"฿"} |
| TOP{"T$"} |
| TRY{"₺"} |
| TTD{"$"} |
| TWD{"$"} |
| UAH{"₴"} |
| USD{"$"} |
| UYU{"$"} |
| VEF{"Bs F"} |
| VND{"₫"} |
| XCD{"$"} |
| ZAR{"R"} |
| ZMW{"ZK"} |
| } |
| Currencies%variant{ |
| GEL{"₾"} |
| TRY{"TL"} |
| } |
| CurrencyPlurals{ |
| ADP{ |
| one{"pesseta andorrana"} |
| other{"pessetes andorranes"} |
| } |
| AED{ |
| one{"dírham de la UEA"} |
| other{"dírhams de la UEA"} |
| } |
| AFA{ |
| one{"afgani afganès (1927–2002)"} |
| other{"afganis afganesos (1927–2002)"} |
| } |
| AFN{ |
| one{"afgani afganès"} |
| other{"afganis afganesos"} |
| } |
| ALK{ |
| one{"lek albanès (1946–1965)"} |
| other{"lekë albanesos (1946–1965)"} |
| } |
| ALL{ |
| one{"lek albanès"} |
| other{"lekë albanesos"} |
| } |
| AMD{ |
| one{"dram armeni"} |
| other{"drams armenis"} |
| } |
| ANG{ |
| one{"florí de les Antilles Neerlandeses"} |
| other{"florins de les Antilles Neerlandeses"} |
| } |
| AOA{ |
| one{"kwanza angolès"} |
| other{"kwanzas angolesos"} |
| } |
| AOK{ |
| one{"kwanza angolès (1977–1991)"} |
| other{"kwanzas angolesos (1977–1991)"} |
| } |
| AON{ |
| one{"nou kwanza angolès (1990–2000)"} |
| other{"nous kwanzas angolesos (1990–2000)"} |
| } |
| AOR{ |
| one{"kwanza angolès reajustat (1995–1999)"} |
| other{"kwanzas angolesos (1995–1999)"} |
| } |
| ARA{ |
| one{"austral argentí"} |
| other{"australs argentins"} |
| } |
| ARL{ |
| one{"peso ley argentí (1970–1983)"} |
| other{"pesos ley argentins (1970–1983)"} |
| } |
| ARM{ |
| one{"peso argentí moneda nacional"} |
| other{"pesos argentins moneda nacional"} |
| } |
| ARP{ |
| one{"peso argentí (1983–1985)"} |
| other{"pesos argentins (1983–1985)"} |
| } |
| ARS{ |
| one{"peso argentí"} |
| other{"pesos argentins"} |
| } |
| ATS{ |
| one{"xíling austríac"} |
| other{"xílings austríacs"} |
| } |
| AUD{ |
| one{"dòlar australià"} |
| other{"dòlars australians"} |
| } |
| AWG{ |
| one{"florí d’Aruba"} |
| other{"florins d’Aruba"} |
| } |
| AZM{ |
| one{"manat azerbaidjanès (1993–2006)"} |
| other{"manats azerbaidjanesos (1993–2006)"} |
| } |
| AZN{ |
| one{"manat azerbaidjanès"} |
| other{"manats azerbaidjanesos"} |
| } |
| BAD{ |
| one{"dinar de Bòsnia i Hercegovina (1992–1994)"} |
| other{"dinars de Bòsnia i Hercegovina (1992–1994)"} |
| } |
| BAM{ |
| one{"marc convertible de Bòsnia i Hercegovina"} |
| other{"marcs convertibles de Bòsnia i Hercegovina"} |
| } |
| BAN{ |
| one{"nou dinar de Bòsnia i Hercegovina (1994–1997)"} |
| other{"nous dinars de Bòsnia i Hercegovina (1994–1997)"} |
| } |
| BBD{ |
| one{"dòlar de Barbados"} |
| other{"dòlars de Barbados"} |
| } |
| BDT{ |
| one{"taka de Bangla Desh"} |
| other{"taka de Bangla Desh"} |
| } |
| BEC{ |
| one{"franc belga (convertible)"} |
| other{"francs belgues (convertibles)"} |
| } |
| BEF{ |
| one{"franc belga"} |
| other{"francs belgues"} |
| } |
| BEL{ |
| one{"franc belga (financer)"} |
| other{"francs belgues (financers)"} |
| } |
| BGL{ |
| one{"lev fort búlgar"} |
| other{"leva forts búlgars"} |
| } |
| BGM{ |
| one{"lev socialista búlgar"} |
| other{"leva socialistes búlgars"} |
| } |
| BGN{ |
| one{"lev búlgar"} |
| other{"leva búlgars"} |
| } |
| BGO{ |
| one{"lev búlgar (1879–1952)"} |
| other{"leva búlgars (1879–1952)"} |
| } |
| BHD{ |
| one{"dinar de Bahrain"} |
| other{"dinars de Bahrain"} |
| } |
| BIF{ |
| one{"franc de Burundi"} |
| other{"francs de Burundi"} |
| } |
| BMD{ |
| one{"dòlar de les Bermudes"} |
| other{"dòlars de les Bermudes"} |
| } |
| BND{ |
| one{"dòlar de Brunei"} |
| other{"dòlars de Brunei"} |
| } |
| BOB{ |
| one{"bolivià"} |
| other{"bolivians"} |
| } |
| BOL{ |
| one{"boliviano bolivià (1863–1963)"} |
| other{"bolivianos bolivians (1863–1963)"} |
| } |
| BOP{ |
| one{"peso bolivià"} |
| other{"pesos bolivians"} |
| } |
| BOV{ |
| one{"MVDOL bolivià"} |
| other{"MVDOL bolivians"} |
| } |
| BRB{ |
| one{"cruzeiro novo brasiler (1967–1986)"} |
| other{"cruzeiros novos brasilers (1967–1986)"} |
| } |
| BRC{ |
| one{"cruzado brasiler"} |
| other{"cruzados brasilers"} |
| } |
| BRE{ |
| one{"cruzeiro brasiler (1990–1993)"} |
| other{"cruzeiros brasilers (1990–1993)"} |
| } |
| BRL{ |
| one{"real brasiler"} |
| other{"reals brasilers"} |
| } |
| BRN{ |
| one{"cruzado novo brasiler"} |
| other{"cruzados novos brasilers"} |
| } |
| BRR{ |
| one{"cruzeiro brasiler"} |
| other{"cruzeiros brasilers"} |
| } |
| BRZ{ |
| one{"antic cruzeiro brasiler"} |
| other{"antics cruzeiros brasilers"} |
| } |
| BSD{ |
| one{"dòlar de les Bahames"} |
| other{"dòlars de les Bahames"} |
| } |
| BTN{ |
| one{"ngultrum de Bhutan"} |
| other{"ngultrums de Bhutan"} |
| } |
| BUK{ |
| one{"kyat birmà"} |
| other{"kyats birmans"} |
| } |
| BWP{ |
| one{"pula de Botswana"} |
| other{"pula de Botswana"} |
| } |
| BYB{ |
| one{"nou ruble bielorús (1994–1999)"} |
| other{"nous rubles bielorussos (1994–1999)"} |
| } |
| BYN{ |
| one{"ruble bielorús"} |
| other{"rubles bielorussos"} |
| } |
| BYR{ |
| one{"ruble bielorús (2000–2016)"} |
| other{"rubles bielorussos (2000–2016)"} |
| } |
| BZD{ |
| one{"dòlar de Belize"} |
| other{"dòlars de Belize"} |
| } |
| CAD{ |
| one{"dòlar canadenc"} |
| other{"dòlars canadencs"} |
| } |
| CDF{ |
| one{"franc congolès"} |
| other{"francs congolesos"} |
| } |
| CHE{ |
| one{"euro WIR"} |
| other{"euros WIR"} |
| } |
| CHF{ |
| one{"franc suís"} |
| other{"francs suïssos"} |
| } |
| CHW{ |
| one{"franc WIR"} |
| other{"francs WIR"} |
| } |
| CLE{ |
| one{"escudo xilè"} |
| other{"escudos xilens"} |
| } |
| CLF{ |
| one{"unidad de fomento xilena"} |
| other{"unidades de fomento xilenes"} |
| } |
| CLP{ |
| one{"peso xilè"} |
| other{"pesos xilens"} |
| } |
| CNH{ |
| one{"iuan xinès extracontinental"} |
| other{"iuans xinesos extracontinentals"} |
| } |
| CNX{ |
| one{"dòlar del Banc Popular Xinès"} |
| other{"dòlars del Banc Popular Xinès"} |
| } |
| CNY{ |
| one{"iuan xinès"} |
| other{"iuans xinesos"} |
| } |
| COP{ |
| one{"peso colombià"} |
| other{"pesos colombians"} |
| } |
| COU{ |
| one{"unidad de valor real colombiana"} |
| other{"unidades de valor real colombianes"} |
| } |
| CRC{ |
| one{"colon costa-riqueny"} |
| other{"colons costa-riquenys"} |
| } |
| CSD{ |
| one{"dinar serbi antic"} |
| other{"dinars serbis antics"} |
| } |
| CSK{ |
| one{"corona forta txecoslovaca"} |
| other{"corones fortes txecoslovaques"} |
| } |
| CUC{ |
| one{"peso convertible cubà"} |
| other{"pesos convertibles cubans"} |
| } |
| CUP{ |
| one{"peso cubà"} |
| other{"pesos cubans"} |
| } |
| CVE{ |
| one{"escut de Cap Verd"} |
| other{"escuts de Cap Verd"} |
| } |
| CYP{ |
| one{"lliura xipriota"} |
| other{"lliures xipriotes"} |
| } |
| CZK{ |
| one{"corona txeca"} |
| other{"corones txeques"} |
| } |
| DDM{ |
| one{"marc de l’Alemanya Oriental"} |
| other{"marcs de l’Alemanya Oriental"} |
| } |
| DEM{ |
| one{"marc alemany"} |
| other{"marcs alemanys"} |
| } |
| DJF{ |
| one{"franc de Djibouti"} |
| other{"francs de Djibouti"} |
| } |
| DKK{ |
| one{"corona danesa"} |
| other{"corones daneses"} |
| } |
| DOP{ |
| one{"peso dominicà"} |
| other{"pesos dominicans"} |
| } |
| DZD{ |
| one{"dinar algerià"} |
| other{"dinars algerians"} |
| } |
| ECS{ |
| one{"sucre equatorià"} |
| other{"sucres equatorians"} |
| } |
| ECV{ |
| one{"unidad de valor constante (UVC) equatoriana"} |
| other{"unidades de valor constante (UVC) equatorianes"} |
| } |
| EEK{ |
| one{"corona estoniana"} |
| other{"corones estonianes"} |
| } |
| EGP{ |
| one{"lliura egípcia"} |
| other{"lliures egípcies"} |
| } |
| ERN{ |
| one{"nakfa eritreu"} |
| other{"nakfes eritreus"} |
| } |
| ESA{ |
| one{"pesseta espanyola (compte A)"} |
| other{"pessetes espanyoles (compte A)"} |
| } |
| ESB{ |
| one{"pesseta espanyola (compte convertible)"} |
| other{"pessetes espanyoles (compte convertible)"} |
| } |
| ESP{ |
| one{"pesseta espanyola"} |
| other{"pessetes espanyoles"} |
| } |
| ETB{ |
| one{"birr etíop"} |
| other{"birrs etíops"} |
| } |
| EUR{ |
| one{"euro"} |
| other{"euros"} |
| } |
| FIM{ |
| one{"marc finlandès"} |
| other{"marcs finlandesos"} |
| } |
| FJD{ |
| one{"dòlar fijià"} |
| other{"dòlars fijians"} |
| } |
| FKP{ |
| one{"lliura de les illes Malvines"} |
| other{"lliures de les illes Malvines"} |
| } |
| FRF{ |
| one{"franc francès"} |
| other{"francs francesos"} |
| } |
| GBP{ |
| one{"lliura esterlina britànica"} |
| other{"lliures esterlines britàniques"} |
| } |
| GEK{ |
| one{"cupó de lari georgià"} |
| other{"cupons de lari georgians"} |
| } |
| GEL{ |
| one{"lari georgià"} |
| other{"laris georgians"} |
| } |
| GHC{ |
| one{"cedi ghanès (1979–2007)"} |
| other{"cedis ghanesos (1979–2007)"} |
| } |
| GHS{ |
| one{"cedi ghanès"} |
| other{"cedis ghanesos"} |
| } |
| GIP{ |
| one{"lliura de Gibraltar"} |
| other{"lliures de Gibraltar"} |
| } |
| GMD{ |
| one{"dalasi gambià"} |
| other{"dalasis gambians"} |
| } |
| GNF{ |
| one{"franc guineà"} |
| other{"francs guineans"} |
| } |
| GNS{ |
| one{"syli guineà"} |
| other{"sylis guineans"} |
| } |
| GQE{ |
| one{"ekwele de Guinea Equatorial"} |
| other{"bipkwele de Guinea Equatorial"} |
| } |
| GRD{ |
| one{"dracma grega"} |
| other{"dracmes gregues"} |
| } |
| GTQ{ |
| one{"quetzal guatemalenc"} |
| other{"quetzals guatemalencs"} |
| } |
| GWE{ |
| one{"escut de la Guinea Portuguesa"} |
| other{"escuts de la Guinea Portuguesa"} |
| } |
| GWP{ |
| one{"peso de Guinea Bissau"} |
| other{"pesos de Guinea Bissau"} |
| } |
| GYD{ |
| one{"dòlar de Guyana"} |
| other{"dòlars de Guyana"} |
| } |
| HKD{ |
| one{"dòlar de Hong Kong"} |
| other{"dòlars de Hong Kong"} |
| } |
| HNL{ |
| one{"lempira hondurenya"} |
| other{"lempires hondurenyes"} |
| } |
| HRD{ |
| one{"dinar croat"} |
| other{"dinars croats"} |
| } |
| HRK{ |
| one{"kuna croata"} |
| other{"kunes croates"} |
| } |
| HTG{ |
| one{"gourde haitià"} |
| other{"gourdes haitians"} |
| } |
| HUF{ |
| one{"fòrint hongarès"} |
| other{"fòrints hongaresos"} |
| } |
| IDR{ |
| one{"rupia indonèsia"} |
| other{"rupies indonèsies"} |
| } |
| IEP{ |
| one{"lliura irlandesa"} |
| other{"lliures irlandeses"} |
| } |
| ILP{ |
| one{"lliura israeliana"} |
| other{"lliures israelianes"} |
| } |
| ILR{ |
| one{"xéquel israelià"} |
| other{"xéquel israelià"} |
| } |
| ILS{ |
| one{"nou xéquel israelià"} |
| other{"nous xéquels israelians"} |
| } |
| INR{ |
| one{"rupia índia"} |
| other{"rupies índies"} |
| } |
| IQD{ |
| one{"dinar iraquià"} |
| other{"dinars iraquians"} |
| } |
| IRR{ |
| one{"rial iranià"} |
| other{"rials iranians"} |
| } |
| ISJ{ |
| one{"corona islandesa antiga"} |
| other{"corones islandeses antigues"} |
| } |
| ISK{ |
| one{"corona islandesa"} |
| other{"corones islandeses"} |
| } |
| ITL{ |
| one{"lira italiana"} |
| other{"lires italianes"} |
| } |
| JMD{ |
| one{"dòlar jamaicà"} |
| other{"dòlars jamaicans"} |
| } |
| JOD{ |
| one{"dinar jordà"} |
| other{"dinars jordans"} |
| } |
| JPY{ |
| one{"ien japonès"} |
| other{"iens japonesos"} |
| } |
| KES{ |
| one{"xíling kenyà"} |
| other{"xílings kenyans"} |
| } |
| KGS{ |
| one{"som kirguís"} |
| other{"soms kirguisos"} |
| } |
| KHR{ |
| one{"riel cambodjà"} |
| other{"riels cambodjans"} |
| } |
| KMF{ |
| one{"franc de les Comores"} |
| other{"francs de les Comores"} |
| } |
| KPW{ |
| one{"won nord-coreà"} |
| other{"wons nord-coreans"} |
| } |
| KRH{ |
| one{"hwan sud-coreà"} |
| other{"hwans sud-coreans"} |
| } |
| KRO{ |
| one{"antic won sud-coreà"} |
| other{"antics wons sud-coreans"} |
| } |
| KRW{ |
| one{"won sud-coreà"} |
| other{"wons sud-coreans"} |
| } |
| KWD{ |
| one{"dinar kuwaitià"} |
| other{"dinars kuwaitians"} |
| } |
| KYD{ |
| one{"dòlar de les illes Caiman"} |
| other{"dòlars de les illes Caiman"} |
| } |
| KZT{ |
| one{"tenge kazakh"} |
| other{"tenges kazakhs"} |
| } |
| LAK{ |
| one{"kip laosià"} |
| other{"kips laosians"} |
| } |
| LBP{ |
| one{"lliura libanesa"} |
| other{"lliures libaneses"} |
| } |
| LKR{ |
| one{"rupia de Sri Lanka"} |
| other{"rupies de Sri Lanka"} |
| } |
| LRD{ |
| one{"dòlar liberià"} |
| other{"dòlars liberians"} |
| } |
| LSL{ |
| one{"loti de Lesotho"} |
| other{"maloti de Lesotho"} |
| } |
| LTL{ |
| one{"litas lituà"} |
| other{"litai lituans"} |
| } |
| LTT{ |
| one{"talonas lituà"} |
| other{"talonai lituans"} |
| } |
| LUC{ |
| one{"franc convertible luxemburguès"} |
| other{"francs convertibles luxemburguesos"} |
| } |
| LUF{ |
| one{"franc luxemburguès"} |
| other{"francs luxemburguesos"} |
| } |
| LUL{ |
| one{"franc financer luxemburguès"} |
| other{"francs financers luxemburguesos"} |
| } |
| LVL{ |
| one{"lats letó"} |
| other{"lati letons"} |
| } |
| LVR{ |
| one{"ruble letó"} |
| other{"rubles letons"} |
| } |
| LYD{ |
| one{"dinar libi"} |
| other{"dinars libis"} |
| } |
| MAD{ |
| one{"dírham marroquí"} |
| other{"dírhams marroquins"} |
| } |
| MAF{ |
| one{"franc marroquí"} |
| other{"francs marroquins"} |
| } |
| MCF{ |
| one{"franc monegasc"} |
| other{"francs monegascos"} |
| } |
| MDC{ |
| one{"cupó moldau"} |
| other{"cupons moldaus"} |
| } |
| MDL{ |
| one{"leu moldau"} |
| other{"lei moldaus"} |
| } |
| MGA{ |
| one{"ariary malgaix"} |
| other{"ariarys malgaixos"} |
| } |
| MGF{ |
| one{"franc malgaix"} |
| other{"francs malgaixos"} |
| } |
| MKD{ |
| one{"denar macedoni"} |
| other{"denari macedonis"} |
| } |
| MKN{ |
| one{"denar macedoni (1992–1993)"} |
| other{"denari macedonis (1992–1993)"} |
| } |
| MLF{ |
| one{"franc malià"} |
| other{"francs malians"} |
| } |
| MMK{ |
| one{"kyat de Myanmar"} |
| other{"kyats de Myanmar"} |
| } |
| MNT{ |
| one{"tögrög mongol"} |
| other{"tögrögs mongols"} |
| } |
| MOP{ |
| one{"pataca de Macau"} |
| other{"pataques de Macau"} |
| } |
| MRO{ |
| one{"ouguiya maurità (1973–2017)"} |
| other{"ouguiyas mauritans (1973–2017)"} |
| } |
| MRU{ |
| one{"ouguiya maurità"} |
| other{"ouguiyas mauritans"} |
| } |
| MTL{ |
| one{"lira maltesa"} |
| other{"lires malteses"} |
| } |
| MTP{ |
| one{"lliura maltesa"} |
| other{"lliures malteses"} |
| } |
| MUR{ |
| one{"rupia mauriciana"} |
| other{"rupies mauricianes"} |
| } |
| MVR{ |
| one{"rupia de les Maldives"} |
| other{"rupies de les Maldives"} |
| } |
| MWK{ |
| one{"kwacha malawià"} |
| other{"kwacha malawians"} |
| } |
| MXN{ |
| one{"peso mexicà"} |
| other{"pesos mexicans"} |
| } |
| MXP{ |
| one{"peso de plata mexicà (1861–1992)"} |
| other{"pesos de plata mexicans (1861–1992)"} |
| } |
| MXV{ |
| one{"unidad de inversión (UDI) mexicana"} |
| other{"unidades de inversión (UDI) mexicanes"} |
| } |
| MYR{ |
| one{"ringgit de Malàisia"} |
| other{"ringgits de Malàisia"} |
| } |
| MZE{ |
| one{"escut moçambiquès"} |
| other{"escuts moçambiquesos"} |
| } |
| MZM{ |
| one{"antic metical moçambiquès"} |
| other{"antics meticals moçambiquesos"} |
| } |
| MZN{ |
| one{"metical moçambiquès"} |
| other{"meticals moçambiquesos"} |
| } |
| NAD{ |
| one{"dòlar namibià"} |
| other{"dòlars namibians"} |
| } |
| NGN{ |
| one{"naira nigerià"} |
| other{"naires nigerians"} |
| } |
| NIC{ |
| one{"córdoba nicaragüenca"} |
| other{"córdobas nicaragüenques"} |
| } |
| NIO{ |
| one{"córdoba nicaragüenc"} |
| other{"córdobas nicaragüencs"} |
| } |
| NLG{ |
| one{"florí neerlandès"} |
| other{"florins neerlandesos"} |
| } |
| NOK{ |
| one{"corona noruega"} |
| other{"corones noruegues"} |
| } |
| NPR{ |
| one{"rupia nepalesa"} |
| other{"rupies nepaleses"} |
| } |
| NZD{ |
| one{"dòlar neozelandès"} |
| other{"dòlars neozelandesos"} |
| } |
| OMR{ |
| one{"rial omanita"} |
| other{"rials omanites"} |
| } |
| PAB{ |
| one{"balboa panameny"} |
| other{"balboes panamenys"} |
| } |
| PEI{ |
| one{"inti peruà"} |
| other{"intis peruans"} |
| } |
| PEN{ |
| one{"sol peruà"} |
| other{"sols peruans"} |
| } |
| PES{ |
| one{"sol peruà (1863–1965)"} |
| other{"sols peruans (1863–1965)"} |
| } |
| PGK{ |
| one{"kina de Papua Nova Guinea"} |
| other{"kines de Papua Nova Guinea"} |
| } |
| PHP{ |
| one{"peso filipí"} |
| other{"pesos filipins"} |
| } |
| PKR{ |
| one{"rupia pakistanesa"} |
| other{"rupies pakistaneses"} |
| } |
| PLN{ |
| one{"zloty polonès"} |
| other{"zlote polonesos"} |
| } |
| PLZ{ |
| one{"zloty polonès (1950–1995)"} |
| other{"zlote polonesos (1950–1995)"} |
| } |
| PTE{ |
| one{"escut portuguès"} |
| other{"escuts portuguesos"} |
| } |
| PYG{ |
| one{"guaraní paraguaià"} |
| other{"guaranís paraguaians"} |
| } |
| QAR{ |
| one{"rial de Qatar"} |
| other{"rials de Qatar"} |
| } |
| RHD{ |
| one{"dòlar rhodesià"} |
| other{"dòlars rhodesians"} |
| } |
| ROL{ |
| one{"antic leu romanès"} |
| other{"antics lei romanesos"} |
| } |
| RON{ |
| one{"leu romanès"} |
| other{"lei romanesos"} |
| } |
| RSD{ |
| one{"dinar serbi"} |
| other{"dinars serbis"} |
| } |
| RUB{ |
| one{"ruble rus"} |
| other{"rubles russos"} |
| } |
| RUR{ |
| one{"ruble rus (1991–1998)"} |
| other{"rubles russos (1991–1998)"} |
| } |
| RWF{ |
| one{"franc de Ruanda"} |
| other{"francs de Ruanda"} |
| } |
| SAR{ |
| one{"rial saudita"} |
| other{"rials saudites"} |
| } |
| SBD{ |
| one{"dòlar de les illes Salomó"} |
| other{"dòlars de les illes Salomó"} |
| } |
| SCR{ |
| one{"rupia de les Seychelles"} |
| other{"rupies de les Seychelles"} |
| } |
| SDD{ |
| one{"dinar sudanès"} |
| other{"dinars sudanesos"} |
| } |
| SDG{ |
| one{"lliura sudanesa"} |
| other{"lliures sudaneses"} |
| } |
| SDP{ |
| one{"antiga lliura sudanesa"} |
| other{"antigues lliures sudaneses"} |
| } |
| SEK{ |
| one{"corona sueca"} |
| other{"corones sueques"} |
| } |
| SGD{ |
| one{"dòlar de Singapur"} |
| other{"dòlars de Singapur"} |
| } |
| SHP{ |
| one{"lliura de Santa Helena"} |
| other{"lliures de Santa Helena"} |
| } |
| SIT{ |
| one{"tolar eslovè"} |
| other{"tolars eslovens"} |
| } |
| SKK{ |
| one{"corona eslovaca"} |
| other{"corones eslovaques"} |
| } |
| SLL{ |
| one{"leone de Sierra Leone"} |
| other{"leones de Sierra Leone"} |
| } |
| SOS{ |
| one{"xíling somali"} |
| other{"xílings somalis"} |
| } |
| SRD{ |
| one{"dòlar de Surinam"} |
| other{"dòlars de Surinam"} |
| } |
| SRG{ |
| one{"florí de Surinam"} |
| other{"florins de Surinam"} |
| } |
| SSP{ |
| one{"lliura del Sudan del Sud"} |
| other{"lliures del Sudan del Sud"} |
| } |
| STD{ |
| one{"dobra de São Tomé i Príncipe (1977–2017)"} |
| other{"dobras de São Tomé i Príncipe (1977–2017)"} |
| } |
| STN{ |
| one{"dobra de São Tomé i Príncipe"} |
| other{"dobras de São Tomé i Príncipe"} |
| } |
| SUR{ |
| one{"ruble soviètic"} |
| other{"rubles soviètics"} |
| } |
| SVC{ |
| one{"colón salvadorenc"} |
| other{"colones salvadorencs"} |
| } |
| SYP{ |
| one{"lliura siriana"} |
| other{"lliures sirianes"} |
| } |
| SZL{ |
| one{"lilangeni swazi"} |
| other{"emalangeni swazis"} |
| } |
| THB{ |
| one{"baht tailandès"} |
| other{"bahts tailandesos"} |
| } |
| TJR{ |
| one{"ruble tadjik"} |
| other{"rubles tadjiks"} |
| } |
| TJS{ |
| one{"somoni tadjik"} |
| other{"somonis tadjiks"} |
| } |
| TMM{ |
| one{"manat turcman (1993–2009)"} |
| other{"manats turcmans (1993–2009)"} |
| } |
| TMT{ |
| one{"manat turcman"} |
| other{"manats turcmans"} |
| } |
| TND{ |
| one{"dinar tunisià"} |
| other{"dinars tunisians"} |
| } |
| TOP{ |
| one{"pa‘anga tongà"} |
| other{"pa‘angas tongans"} |
| } |
| TPE{ |
| one{"escut de Timor"} |
| other{"escuts de Timor"} |
| } |
| TRL{ |
| one{"lira turca (1922–2005)"} |
| other{"lires turques (1922–2005)"} |
| } |
| TRY{ |
| one{"lira turca"} |
| other{"lires turques"} |
| } |
| TTD{ |
| one{"dòlar de Trinitat i Tobago"} |
| other{"dòlars de Trinitat i Tobago"} |
| } |
| TWD{ |
| one{"nou dòlar de Taiwan"} |
| other{"nous dòlars de Taiwan"} |
| } |
| TZS{ |
| one{"xíling tanzà"} |
| other{"xílings tanzans"} |
| } |
| UAH{ |
| one{"hrívnia ucraïnesa"} |
| other{"hrívnies ucraïneses"} |
| } |
| UAK{ |
| one{"karbóvanets ucraïnès"} |
| other{"karbóvantsiv ucraïnesos"} |
| } |
| UGS{ |
| one{"xíling ugandès (1966–1987)"} |
| other{"xílings ugandesos (1966–1987)"} |
| } |
| UGX{ |
| one{"xíling ugandès"} |
| other{"xílings ugandesos"} |
| } |
| USD{ |
| one{"dòlar dels Estats Units"} |
| other{"dòlars dels Estats Units"} |
| } |
| USN{ |
| one{"dòlar dels Estats Units (dia següent)"} |
| other{"dòlars dels Estats Units (dia següent)"} |
| } |
| USS{ |
| one{"dòlar dels Estats Units (mateix dia)"} |
| other{"dòlars dels Estats Units (mateix dia)"} |
| } |
| UYI{ |
| one{"peso uruguaià en unitats indexades"} |
| other{"pesos uruguaians en unitats indexades"} |
| } |
| UYP{ |
| one{"peso uruguaià (1975–1993)"} |
| other{"pesos uruguaians (1975–1993)"} |
| } |
| UYU{ |
| one{"peso uruguaià"} |
| other{"pesos uruguaians"} |
| } |
| UZS{ |
| one{"som uzbek"} |
| other{"soms uzbeks"} |
| } |
| VEB{ |
| one{"bolívar veneçolà (1871–2008)"} |
| other{"bolívars veneçolans (1871–2008)"} |
| } |
| VEF{ |
| one{"bolívar veneçolà (2008–2018)"} |
| other{"bolívars veneçolans (2008–2018)"} |
| } |
| VES{ |
| one{"bolívar veneçolà"} |
| other{"bolívars veneçolans"} |
| } |
| VND{ |
| one{"dong vietnamita"} |
| other{"dongs vietnamites"} |
| } |
| VNN{ |
| one{"dong vietnamita (1978–1985)"} |
| other{"dongs vietnamites (1978–1985)"} |
| } |
| VUV{ |
| one{"vatu de Vanuatu"} |
| other{"vatus de Vanuatu"} |
| } |
| WST{ |
| one{"tala samoà"} |
| other{"tales samoans"} |
| } |
| XAF{ |
| one{"franc CFA BEAC"} |
| other{"francs CFA BEAC"} |
| } |
| XAG{ |
| one{"plata"} |
| other{"plata"} |
| } |
| XAU{ |
| one{"or"} |
| other{"or"} |
| } |
| XBA{ |
| one{"unitat compensatòria europea"} |
| other{"unitats compensatòries europees"} |
| } |
| XBB{ |
| one{"unitat monetària europea"} |
| other{"unitats monetàries europees"} |
| } |
| XBC{ |
| one{"unitat de compte europea (XBC)"} |
| other{"unitats de compte europees (XBC)"} |
| } |
| XBD{ |
| one{"unitat de compte europea (XBD)"} |
| other{"unitats de compte europees (XBD)"} |
| } |
| XCD{ |
| one{"dòlar del Carib Oriental"} |
| other{"dòlars del Carib Oriental"} |
| } |
| XDR{ |
| one{"drets especials de gir"} |
| other{"drets especials de gir"} |
| } |
| XEU{ |
| one{"unitat de moneda europea"} |
| other{"unitats de moneda europees"} |
| } |
| XFO{ |
| one{"franc or francès"} |
| other{"francs or francesos"} |
| } |
| XFU{ |
| one{"franc UIC francès"} |
| other{"francs UIC francesos"} |
| } |
| XOF{ |
| one{"franc CFA BCEAO"} |
| other{"francs CFA BCEAO"} |
| } |
| XPD{ |
| one{"pal·ladi"} |
| other{"pal·ladi"} |
| } |
| XPF{ |
| one{"franc CFP"} |
| other{"francs CFP"} |
| } |
| XPT{ |
| one{"platí"} |
| other{"platí"} |
| } |
| XRE{ |
| one{"fons RINET"} |
| other{"fons RINET"} |
| } |
| XTS{ |
| one{"codi reservat per a proves"} |
| other{"codi reservat per a proves"} |
| } |
| XXX{ |
| one{"(unitat monetària desconeguda)"} |
| other{"(moneda desconeguda)"} |
| } |
| YDD{ |
| one{"dinar iemenita"} |
| other{"dinars iemenites"} |
| } |
| YER{ |
| one{"rial iemenita"} |
| other{"rials iemenites"} |
| } |
| YUD{ |
| one{"dinar fort iugoslau"} |
| other{"dinars forts iugoslaus"} |
| } |
| YUM{ |
| one{"nou dinar iugoslau"} |
| other{"nous dinars iugoslaus"} |
| } |
| YUN{ |
| one{"dinar convertible iugoslau"} |
| other{"dinars convertibles iugoslaus"} |
| } |
| YUR{ |
| one{"dinar reformat iugoslau"} |
| other{"dinars reformats iugoslaus"} |
| } |
| ZAL{ |
| one{"rand sud-africà (financer)"} |
| other{"rands sud-africans (financers)"} |
| } |
| ZAR{ |
| one{"rand sud-africà"} |
| other{"rands sud-africans"} |
| } |
| ZMK{ |
| one{"kwacha zambià (1968–2012)"} |
| other{"kwacha zambians (1968–2012)"} |
| } |
| ZMW{ |
| one{"kwacha zambià"} |
| other{"kwacha zambians"} |
| } |
| ZRN{ |
| one{"nou zaire zairès"} |
| other{"nous zaires zairesos"} |
| } |
| ZRZ{ |
| one{"zaire zairès"} |
| other{"zaires zairesos"} |
| } |
| ZWD{ |
| one{"dòlar zimbabuès (1980–2008)"} |
| other{"dòlars zimbabuesos (1980–2008)"} |
| } |
| ZWL{ |
| one{"dòlar zimbabuès (2009)"} |
| other{"dòlars zimbabuesos (2009)"} |
| } |
| ZWR{ |
| one{"dòlar zimbabuès (2008)"} |
| other{"dòlars zimbabuesos (2008)"} |
| } |
| } |
| CurrencyUnitPatterns{ |
| one{"{0} {1}"} |
| other{"{0} {1}"} |
| } |
| } |