blob: b7d9cccef152aea69c1805038f63d33d8901e0fb [file] [log] [blame]
* @(#)$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2003/05/14 19:04:02 $
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999. All Rights Reserved.
* The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* IBM will not be liable for any damages suffered by you as a result
* of using the Program. In no event will IBM be liable for any
* special, indirect or consequential damages or lost profits even if
* IBM has been advised of the possibility of their occurrence. IBM
* will not be liable for any third party claims against you.
// Requires Java2
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer;
import java.awt.font.TextHitInfo;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
final class BidiParagraphRenderer extends ParagraphRenderer {
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999 - All Rights Reserved";
private final class BidiSegment {
TextLayout fLayout;
Rectangle2D.Float fBounds;
int fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
private final class BidiLayoutInfo extends LayoutInfo
int fCharLength; // number of characters on line (was fLength)
int fAscent;
int fDescent;
int fLeading;
int fVisibleAdvance; // distance along line direction ie width
int fTotalAdvance; // distance along line direction including trailing whitespace
int fLeadingMargin; // screen distance from leading margin
boolean fLeftToRight; // true iff the orientation is left-to-right
final Vector fSegments = new Vector(); // segments to render, in logical order
public int getCharLength() {
return fCharLength;
public int getAscent() {
return fAscent;
public int getDescent() {
return fDescent;
public int getLeading() {
return fLeading;
public int getVisibleAdvance() {
return fVisibleAdvance;
public int getTotalAdvance() {
return fTotalAdvance;
public int getLeadingMargin() {
return fLeadingMargin;
public boolean isLeftToRight() {
return fLeftToRight;
public int getHeight() {
return fAscent + fDescent + fLeading;
public String toString()
return "LayoutInfo(charStart: " + getCharStart(0) +
", fCharLength: " + fCharLength +
", fAscent: " + fAscent +
", fDescent: " + fDescent +
", fVisibleAdvance: " + fVisibleAdvance +
", fTotalAdvance: " + fTotalAdvance +
", fLeadingMargin: " + fLeadingMargin +
BidiParagraphRenderer fRenderer;
// just delegate to renderer for now
public void renderWithHighlight(int lengthBasis,
Graphics2D g,
int lineBound,
int x,
int y,
TextOffset selStart,
TextOffset selStop,
Color highlightColor) {
public void render(int lengthBasis,
Graphics2D g,
int lineBound,
int x,
int y) {
fRenderer.render(this, lengthBasis, g, lineBound, x, y);
public void renderCaret(MConstText text,
int lengthBasis,
Graphics2D g,
int lineBound,
int x,
int y,
int charOffset,
Color strongCaretColor,
Color weakCaretColor) {
fRenderer.renderCaret(this, text, lengthBasis, g, lineBound, x, y, charOffset,
strongCaretColor, weakCaretColor);
public TextOffset pixelToOffset(int lengthBasis,
TextOffset result,
int lineBound,
int x,
int y) {
return fRenderer.pixelToOffset(this, lengthBasis, result, lineBound, x, y);
public Rectangle caretBounds(MConstText text,
int lengthBasis,
int lineBound,
int charOffset,
int x,
int y) {
return fRenderer.caretBounds(this, text, lengthBasis, lineBound, charOffset, x, y);
public int strongCaretBaselinePosition(int lengthBasis,
int lineBound,
int charOffset) {
return fRenderer.strongCaretBaselinePosition(this, lengthBasis, lineBound, charOffset);
public int getNextOffset(int lengthBasis,
int charOffset,
short dir) {
return fRenderer.getNextOffset(this, lengthBasis, charOffset, dir);
private static final int FLUSH_LEADING = TextAttribute.FLUSH_LEADING.intValue();
private static final int FLUSH_CENTER = TextAttribute.FLUSH_CENTER.intValue();
private static final int FLUSH_TRAILING = TextAttribute.FLUSH_TRAILING.intValue();
private static final int FULLY_JUSTIFIED = TextAttribute.FULLY_JUSTIFIED.intValue();
private AttributeMap cacheStyle = null;
private float fLeadingMargin;
private float fTrailingMargin;
private float fFirstLineIndent;
private float fMinLineSpacing;
private float fExtraLineSpacing;
private int fFlush = -1;
private MTabRuler fTabRuler;
private boolean fLtrDefault;
private DefaultCharacterMetric fDefaultCharMetric;
BidiParagraphRenderer(AttributeMap pStyle, DefaultCharacterMetric defaultCharMetric) {
fDefaultCharMetric = defaultCharMetric;
private float getFloatValue(Object key, AttributeMap style) {
return ((Float)style.get(key)).floatValue();
private int getIntValue(Object key, AttributeMap style) {
return ((Integer)style.get(key)).intValue();
* NOTE: it is illegal to initialize a StandardParagraphRenderer for any style
* other than the one it was created with.
public void initRenderer(AttributeMap pStyle) {
if (cacheStyle == null) {
fLeadingMargin = getFloatValue(TextAttribute.LEADING_MARGIN, pStyle);
fTrailingMargin = getFloatValue(TextAttribute.TRAILING_MARGIN, pStyle);
fFirstLineIndent = getFloatValue(TextAttribute.FIRST_LINE_INDENT, pStyle);
fMinLineSpacing = getFloatValue(TextAttribute.MIN_LINE_SPACING, pStyle);
fExtraLineSpacing = getFloatValue(TextAttribute.EXTRA_LINE_SPACING, pStyle);
fFlush = getIntValue(TextAttribute.LINE_FLUSH, pStyle);
fTabRuler = (MTabRuler) pStyle.get(TextAttribute.TAB_RULER);
Object runDir = pStyle.get(TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION);
fLtrDefault = !TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL.equals(runDir);
cacheStyle = pStyle;
else if (pStyle != cacheStyle) {
if (!pStyle.equals(cacheStyle)) {
throw new Error("Attempt to share BidiParagraphRenderer between styles!");
else {
cacheStyle = pStyle;
private static boolean isTab(char ch) {
return ch == '\t';
* Fill in info with the next line.
* @param measurer the LineBreakMeasurer for this paragraph.
* Current position should be the first character on the line.
* If null, a 0-length line is generated. If measurer is null
* then paragraphStart and paragraphLimit should be equal.
// Usually totalFormatWidth and lineBound will be the same.
// totalFormatWidth is used for wrapping, but lineBound is
// for flushing. These may be different for unwrapped text,
// for example.
public LayoutInfo layout(MConstText text,
LayoutInfo layoutToReuse,
LineBreakMeasurer measurer,
FontRenderContext frc,
int paragraphStart,
int paragraphLimit,
int totalFormatWidth,
int lineBound) {
if ((measurer==null) != (paragraphStart==paragraphLimit)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"measurer, paragraphStart, paragraphLimit are wrong.");
BidiLayoutInfo line = null;
try {
line = (BidiLayoutInfo) layoutToReuse;
catch(ClassCastException e) {
if (line == null) {
line = new BidiLayoutInfo();
line.fRenderer = this;
final int lineCharStart = measurer==null? paragraphStart : measurer.getPosition();
final int lineIndent = (lineCharStart==paragraphStart)? (int) fFirstLineIndent : 0;
int formatWidth = totalFormatWidth - (int) (fLeadingMargin + fTrailingMargin);
computeLineMetrics(text, line, measurer, frc,
paragraphStart, paragraphLimit, formatWidth, lineIndent);
// position the line according to the line flush
if (fFlush == FLUSH_TRAILING || fFlush == FLUSH_CENTER) {
int lineArea = lineBound - (int) (fLeadingMargin + fTrailingMargin);
int advanceDifference = lineArea - line.fVisibleAdvance;
if (fFlush == FLUSH_TRAILING) {
line.fLeadingMargin = ((int) (fLeadingMargin)) + advanceDifference;
else if (fFlush == FLUSH_CENTER) {
line.fLeadingMargin = (int) (fLeadingMargin + advanceDifference/2);
else {
line.fLeadingMargin = (int) fLeadingMargin;
return line;
* Fill in the following fields in line:
* fCharLength, fAscent, fDescent, fLeading, fVisibleAdvance,
* fTotalAdvance.
* Uses: line.fLeadingMargin
* @param formatWidth the width to fit the line into.
private void computeLineMetrics(MConstText text,
BidiLayoutInfo line,
LineBreakMeasurer measurer,
FontRenderContext frc,
final int paragraphStart,
final int paragraphLimit,
final int formatWidth,
final int lineIndent) {
int segmentCount = 0;
/* variable not used boolean firstLine = measurer==null ||
measurer.getPosition() == paragraphStart; */
if (measurer != null) {
computeSegments(text, line, measurer, paragraphLimit, formatWidth, lineIndent);
// iterate through segments and accumulate ascent, descent,
// leading, char length
float ascent = 0;
float descent = 0;
float descentPlusLeading = 0;
segmentCount = line.fSegments.size();
for (int i=0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
TextLayout layout = ((BidiSegment)line.fSegments.elementAt(i)).fLayout;
ascent = Math.max(ascent, layout.getAscent());
float segDescent = layout.getDescent();
descent = Math.max(descent, segDescent);
descentPlusLeading = Math.max(descentPlusLeading, segDescent+layout.getLeading());
line.fCharLength += layout.getCharacterCount();
line.fAscent = (int) Math.ceil(ascent);
line.fDescent = (int) Math.ceil(descent);
line.fLeading = (int) Math.ceil(descentPlusLeading) - line.fDescent;
else {
line.fLeftToRight = fLtrDefault;
line.fCharLength = 0;
AttributeMap style = text.characterStyleAt(paragraphStart);
DefaultCharacterMetric.Metric cm = fDefaultCharMetric.getMetricForStyle(style);
line.fAscent = cm.getAscent();
line.fDescent = cm.getDescent();
line.fLeading = cm.getLeading();
line.fVisibleAdvance = line.fTotalAdvance = 0;
if (fExtraLineSpacing != 0) {
line.fAscent += (int) Math.ceil(fExtraLineSpacing);
if (fMinLineSpacing != 0){
int height = line.getHeight();
if (height < fMinLineSpacing) {
line.fAscent += Math.ceil(fMinLineSpacing - height);
final int lineNaturalAdvance = line.fTotalAdvance;
line.fTotalAdvance += lineIndent;
line.fVisibleAdvance += lineIndent;
if (measurer != null) {
// Now fill in fBounds field of BidiSegments. fBounds should tile
// the line.
final float lineHeight = line.getHeight();
for (int i=1; i < segmentCount; i++) {
BidiSegment currentSegment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(i-1);
BidiSegment nextSegment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(i);
float origin;
float width;
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
origin = 0;
width = nextSegment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin -
else {
origin = currentSegment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
origin -= nextSegment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
origin += (float) Math.ceil(nextSegment.fLayout.getAdvance());
width = (float) Math.ceil(currentSegment.fLayout.getAdvance()) - origin;
currentSegment.fBounds = new Rectangle2D.Float(origin, -line.fAscent, width, lineHeight);
// set last segment's bounds
BidiSegment currentSegment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(segmentCount-1);
float origin;
float width;
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
origin = 0;
width = lineNaturalAdvance - currentSegment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
else {
origin = currentSegment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin - lineNaturalAdvance;
width = (float) Math.ceil(currentSegment.fLayout.getAdvance()) - origin;
currentSegment.fBounds = new Rectangle2D.Float(origin, -line.fAscent, width, lineHeight);
* Fill in fSegments, fLeftToRight. measurer must not be null
private void computeSegments(MConstText text,
BidiLayoutInfo line,
LineBreakMeasurer measurer,
final int paragraphLimit,
final int formatWidth,
final int lineIndent) {
// Note on justification: only the last segment of a line is
// justified.
// Also, if a line ends in a tab it will not be justified.
// This behavior is consistent with other word processors
// I tried (MS Word and Lotus Word Pro).
line.fCharLength = 0;
TabStop currentTabStop = new TabStop((int)fLeadingMargin+lineIndent, TabStop.kLeading);
int segmentLimit = measurer.getPosition();
boolean firstSegment = true;
int advanceFromLeadingMargin = lineIndent;
boolean computeSegs = true;
computeTabbedSegments: do {
// compute sementLimit:
if (segmentLimit <= measurer.getPosition()) {
while (segmentLimit < paragraphLimit) {
if (isTab( {
// NOTE: adjust available width for center tab!!!
//System.out.println("Format width: " + (formatWidth-advanceFromLeadingMargin) +
// "; segmentLimit: " + segmentLimit);
int wrappingWidth = Math.max(formatWidth-advanceFromLeadingMargin, 0);
TextLayout layout = null;
if (firstSegment || wrappingWidth > 0 || segmentLimit > measurer.getPosition()+1) {
layout = measurer.nextLayout(wrappingWidth, segmentLimit, !firstSegment);
if (layout == null) {
if (firstSegment) {
// I doubt this would happen, but check anyway
throw new Error("First layout is null!");
break computeTabbedSegments;
final int measurerPos = measurer.getPosition();
if (measurerPos < segmentLimit) {
computeSegs = false;
if (fFlush == FULLY_JUSTIFIED) {
layout = layout.getJustifiedLayout(wrappingWidth);
else {
computeSegs = !(measurerPos == paragraphLimit);
if (firstSegment) {
firstSegment = false;
// Have to get ltr off of layout. Not available from measurer,
// unfortunately.
line.fLeftToRight = layout.isLeftToRight();
BidiSegment segment = new BidiSegment();
segment.fLayout = layout;
int layoutAdvance = (int) Math.ceil(layout.getAdvance());
// position layout relative to leading margin, update logicalPositionOnLine
int relativeTabPosition = currentTabStop.getPosition()-(int)fLeadingMargin;
int logicalPositionOfLayout;
switch (currentTabStop.getType()) {
case TabStop.kTrailing:
logicalPositionOfLayout = Math.max(
case TabStop.kCenter:
logicalPositionOfLayout = Math.max(
default: // includes decimal tab right now
logicalPositionOfLayout = relativeTabPosition;
// position layout in segment
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
segment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin = logicalPositionOfLayout;
else {
segment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin = logicalPositionOfLayout+layoutAdvance;
// update advanceFromLeadingMargin
advanceFromLeadingMargin = logicalPositionOfLayout + layoutAdvance;
// add segment to segment Vector
// get next tab
currentTabStop = fTabRuler.nextTab((int)fLeadingMargin+advanceFromLeadingMargin);
if (currentTabStop.getType() == TabStop.kLeading ||
currentTabStop.getType() == TabStop.kAuto) {
advanceFromLeadingMargin = currentTabStop.getPosition();
//System.out.println("Advance from leading margin:" + advanceFromLeadingMargin);
else {
//System.out.println("Non-leading tab, type=" + currentTabStop.getType());
} while (computeSegs);
// Now compute fTotalAdvance, fVisibleAdvance. These metrics may be affected
// by a trailing tab.
BidiSegment lastSegment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.lastElement();
TextLayout lastLayout = lastSegment.fLayout;
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
line.fTotalAdvance = (int) Math.ceil(lastLayout.getAdvance()) +
line.fVisibleAdvance = (int) Math.ceil(lastLayout.getVisibleAdvance()) +
else {
line.fTotalAdvance = lastSegment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
line.fVisibleAdvance = lastSegment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin -
(int) Math.ceil(lastLayout.getAdvance() -
if (isTab( {
line.fTotalAdvance = Math.max(line.fTotalAdvance,
* Return the highlight shape for the given character offsets.
* The Shape returned is relative to the leftmost point on the
* baseline of line.
private Shape getHighlightShape(BidiLayoutInfo line,
int lengthBasis,
int lineBound,
int hlStart,
int hlLimit) {
if (hlStart >= hlLimit) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Highlight range length is not positive.");
final int leadingMargin = (line.fLeftToRight)?
line.fLeadingMargin : lineBound - line.fLeadingMargin;
final int segmentCount = line.fSegments.size();
Shape rval = null;
GeneralPath highlightPath = null;
int currentLayoutStart = line.getCharStart(lengthBasis);
for (int i=0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
BidiSegment segment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(i);
TextLayout layout = segment.fLayout;
int charCount = layout.getCharacterCount();
int currentLayoutLimit = currentLayoutStart + charCount;
boolean rangesIntersect;
if (hlStart <= currentLayoutStart) {
rangesIntersect = hlLimit > currentLayoutStart;
else {
rangesIntersect = hlStart < currentLayoutLimit;
if (rangesIntersect) {
Shape currentHl = layout.getLogicalHighlightShape(
Math.max(hlStart-currentLayoutStart, 0),
Math.min(hlLimit-currentLayoutStart, charCount),
float xTranslate;
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
xTranslate = leadingMargin +
else {
xTranslate = leadingMargin -
if (xTranslate != 0) {
AffineTransform xform =
AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(xTranslate, 0);
currentHl = xform.createTransformedShape(currentHl);
if (rval == null) {
rval = currentHl;
else {
if (highlightPath == null) {
highlightPath = new GeneralPath();
highlightPath.append(rval, false);
rval = highlightPath;
highlightPath.append(currentHl, false);
currentLayoutStart = currentLayoutLimit;
return rval;
private void renderWithHighlight(BidiLayoutInfo line,
int lengthBasis,
Graphics2D g,
int lineBound,
int x,
int y,
TextOffset selStart,
TextOffset selStop,
Color highlightColor) {
final int lineCharStart = line.getCharStart(lengthBasis);
if (selStart != null && selStop != null && !selStart.equals(selStop) &&
line.fCharLength != 0 &&
selStart.fOffset < lineCharStart + line.fCharLength &&
selStop.fOffset > lineCharStart) {
Shape highlight = getHighlightShape(line, lengthBasis, lineBound, selStart.fOffset, selStop.fOffset);
if (highlight != null) {
Graphics2D hl = (Graphics2D) g.create();
hl.translate(x, y + line.fAscent);
render(line, lengthBasis, g, lineBound, x, y);
* Draw the line into the graphics. (x, y) is the upper-left corner
* of the line. The leading edge of a right-aligned line is aligned
* to (x + lineBound).
private void render(BidiLayoutInfo line,
int lengthBasis,
Graphics2D g,
int lineBound,
int x,
int y) {
final int leadingMargin = (line.fLeftToRight)?
x + line.fLeadingMargin : x + lineBound - line.fLeadingMargin;
final int baseline = y + line.fAscent;
final int segmentCount = line.fSegments.size();
for (int i=0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
BidiSegment segment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(i);
float drawX;
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
drawX = leadingMargin + segment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
else {
drawX = leadingMargin - segment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
segment.fLayout.draw(g, drawX, baseline);
private TextOffset hitTestSegment(TextOffset result,
int segmentCharStart,
BidiSegment segment,
int xInSegment,
int yInSegment) {
final TextLayout layout = segment.fLayout;
final int charCount = layout.getCharacterCount();
final int layoutAdvance = (int) Math.ceil(layout.getAdvance());
Rectangle2D bounds = segment.fBounds;
final boolean ltr = layout.isLeftToRight();
if (ltr && (xInSegment >= layoutAdvance) || !ltr && (xInSegment <= 0)) {
// pretend the extra space at the end of the line is a
// tab and 'hit-test' it.
double tabCenter;
if (ltr) {
tabCenter = (layoutAdvance+bounds.getMaxX()) / 2;
else {
tabCenter = bounds.getX() / 2;
if ((xInSegment >= tabCenter) == ltr) {
result.fOffset = charCount;
result.fPlacement = TextOffset.BEFORE_OFFSET;
else {
result.fOffset = charCount-1;
result.fPlacement = TextOffset.AFTER_OFFSET;
else {
TextHitInfo info = layout.hitTestChar(xInSegment, yInSegment, segment.fBounds);
result.fOffset = info.getInsertionIndex();
if (result.fOffset == 0) {
result.fPlacement = TextOffset.AFTER_OFFSET;
else if (result.fOffset == charCount) {
result.fPlacement = TextOffset.BEFORE_OFFSET;
else {
result.fPlacement = info.isLeadingEdge()?
result.fOffset += segmentCharStart;
return result;
* Return the offset at the point (x, y). (x, y) is relative to the top-left
* of the line. The leading edge of a right-aligned line is aligned
* to lineBound.
private TextOffset pixelToOffset(BidiLayoutInfo line,
int lengthBasis,
TextOffset result,
int lineBound,
int x,
int y) {
if (result == null) {
result = new TextOffset();
final int yInSegment = y - line.fAscent;
final int leadingMargin = (line.fLeftToRight)?
line.fLeadingMargin : lineBound - line.fLeadingMargin;
final int lineCharStart = line.getCharStart(lengthBasis);
// first see if point is before leading edge of line
final int segmentCount = line.fSegments.size();
int segLeadingMargin = leadingMargin;
if (segmentCount > 0) {
BidiSegment firstSeg = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(0);
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
segLeadingMargin += firstSeg.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
else {
segLeadingMargin -= firstSeg.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
segLeadingMargin += (float) firstSeg.fBounds.getMaxX();
if (line.fLeftToRight == (x <= segLeadingMargin)) {
result.fOffset = lineCharStart;
result.fPlacement = TextOffset.AFTER_OFFSET;
return result;
int segmentCharStart = lineCharStart;
for (int i=0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
BidiSegment segment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(i);
int segmentOrigin = line.fLeftToRight?
leadingMargin+segment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin :
int xInSegment = x - segmentOrigin;
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
if (segment.fBounds.getMaxX() > xInSegment) {
return hitTestSegment(result, segmentCharStart, segment, xInSegment, yInSegment);
else {
if (segment.fBounds.getX() < xInSegment) {
return hitTestSegment(result, segmentCharStart, segment, xInSegment, yInSegment);
segmentCharStart += segment.fLayout.getCharacterCount();
result.fOffset = lineCharStart + line.fCharLength;
result.fPlacement = TextOffset.BEFORE_OFFSET;
return result;
private void renderCaret(BidiLayoutInfo line,
MConstText text,
int lengthBasis,
Graphics2D g,
int lineBound,
int x,
int y,
final int charOffset,
Color strongCaretColor,
Color weakCaretColor)
final int segmentCount = line.fSegments.size();
final int lineStart = line.getCharStart(lengthBasis);
int currentStart = lineStart;
BidiSegment segment = null;
int segmentIndex;
for (segmentIndex=0; segmentIndex < segmentCount; segmentIndex++) {
segment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(segmentIndex);
int currentEndpoint = currentStart + segment.fLayout.getCharacterCount();
if (currentEndpoint > charOffset) {
currentStart = currentEndpoint;
There are two choices here:
1. get carets from a TextLayout and render them, or
2. make up a caret ourselves and render it.
We want to do 2 when:
* there is no text on the line, or
* the line ends with a tab and we are drawing the last caret on the line
Otherwise, we want 1.
if (segmentIndex == segmentCount && segmentCount > 0) {
// If we get here, line length is not 0, and charOffset is at end of line
if (!isTab( {
segmentIndex = segmentCount-1;
segment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(segmentIndex);
currentStart = lineStart + line.getCharLength() -
Object savedPaint = Graphics2DConversion.getColorState(g);
try {
if (segmentIndex < segmentCount) {
TextLayout layout = segment.fLayout;
int offsetInLayout = charOffset - currentStart;
Shape[] carets = layout.getCaretShapes(offsetInLayout, segment.fBounds);
int layoutPos = line.fLeadingMargin + segment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
int layoutX = line.fLeftToRight?
x + layoutPos : x + lineBound - layoutPos;
int layoutY = y + line.fAscent;
// Translating and then clipping doesn't work. Try this:
Rectangle2D.Float clipRect = new Rectangle2D.Float();
clipRect.x += layoutX;
clipRect.y += layoutY;
clipRect.width += 1;
clipRect.height -= 1;
Object savedClip = ClipWorkaround.saveClipState(g);
try {
if (carets[1] != null) {
finally {
ClipWorkaround.restoreClipState(g, savedClip);
else {
int lineEnd = line.fLeadingMargin + line.fTotalAdvance;
int endX = line.fLeftToRight? lineEnd : lineBound-lineEnd;
endX += x;
g.drawLine(endX, y, endX, y+line.getHeight()-1);
finally {
Graphics2DConversion.restoreColorState(g, savedPaint);
private Rectangle caretBounds(BidiLayoutInfo line,
MConstText text,
int lengthBasis,
int lineBound,
int charOffset,
int x,
int y) {
final int segmentCount = line.fSegments.size();
final int lineStart = line.getCharStart(lengthBasis);
int currentStart = lineStart;
BidiSegment segment = null;
int segmentIndex;
for (segmentIndex=0; segmentIndex < segmentCount; segmentIndex++) {
segment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(segmentIndex);
int currentEndpoint = currentStart + segment.fLayout.getCharacterCount();
if (currentEndpoint > charOffset) {
currentStart = currentEndpoint;
if (segmentIndex == segmentCount && segmentCount > 0) {
// If we get here, line length is not 0, and charOffset is at end of line
if (!isTab( {
segmentIndex = segmentCount-1;
segment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(segmentIndex);
currentStart = lineStart + line.getCharLength() -
Rectangle r;
if (segmentIndex < segmentCount) {
TextLayout layout = segment.fLayout;
int offsetInLayout = charOffset - currentStart;
Shape[] carets = layout.getCaretShapes(offsetInLayout, segment.fBounds);
r = carets[0].getBounds();
if (carets[1] != null) {
r.width += 1;
int layoutPos = line.fLeadingMargin + segment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
r.x += layoutPos;
else {
r.x += lineBound - layoutPos;
r.y += line.fAscent;
else {
r = new Rectangle();
r.height = line.getHeight();
r.width = 1;
int lineEnd = line.fLeadingMargin + line.fTotalAdvance;
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
r.x = lineEnd;
else {
r.x = lineBound - lineEnd;
r.translate(x, y);
return r;
private int strongCaretBaselinePosition(BidiLayoutInfo line,
int lengthBasis,
int lineBound,
int charOffset) {
final int segmentCount = line.fSegments.size();
int currentStart = line.getCharStart(lengthBasis);
BidiSegment segment = null;
int segmentIndex;
for (segmentIndex=0; segmentIndex < segmentCount; segmentIndex++) {
segment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(segmentIndex);
int currentEndpoint = currentStart + segment.fLayout.getCharacterCount();
if (currentEndpoint > charOffset) {
currentStart = currentEndpoint;
if (segmentIndex < segmentCount) {
TextLayout layout = segment.fLayout;
int offsetInLayout = charOffset - currentStart;
TextHitInfo hit = TextHitInfo.afterOffset(offsetInLayout);
hit = TextLayout.DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY.getStrongCaret(hit, hit.getOtherHit(), layout);
float[] info = layout.getCaretInfo(hit);
int layoutPos = line.fLeadingMargin + segment.fDistanceFromLeadingMargin;
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
return layoutPos + (int) info[0];
else {
return lineBound - layoutPos + (int) info[0];
else {
int lineEnd = line.fLeadingMargin + line.fTotalAdvance;
if (line.fLeftToRight) {
return lineEnd;
else {
return lineBound - lineEnd;
private int getNextOffset(BidiLayoutInfo line,
int lengthBasis,
int charOffset,
short dir) {
if (dir != MFormatter.eLeft && dir != MFormatter.eRight) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid direction.");
// find segment containing offset:
final int segmentCount = line.fSegments.size();
final int lineCharStart = line.getCharStart(lengthBasis);
int currentStart = lineCharStart;
BidiSegment segment = null;
int segmentIndex;
for (segmentIndex=0; segmentIndex < segmentCount; segmentIndex++) {
segment = (BidiSegment) line.fSegments.elementAt(segmentIndex);
int currentEndpoint = currentStart + segment.fLayout.getCharacterCount();
if (currentEndpoint > charOffset ||
(segmentIndex == segmentCount-1 && currentEndpoint==charOffset)) {
currentStart = currentEndpoint;
final boolean logAdvance = (dir==MFormatter.eRight)==(line.fLeftToRight);
int result;
if (segmentIndex < segmentCount) {
TextLayout layout = segment.fLayout;
int offsetInLayout = charOffset - currentStart;
TextHitInfo hit = (dir==MFormatter.eLeft)?
layout.getNextLeftHit(offsetInLayout) :
if (hit == null) {
result = logAdvance?
currentStart+layout.getCharacterCount()+1 : currentStart-1;
else {
result = hit.getInsertionIndex() + currentStart;
else {
result = logAdvance? lineCharStart + line.fCharLength + 1 :
lineCharStart - 1;
return result;