blob: c1635e73a696f18b625f02278f1e281bf55fa79b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2000, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/icu/text/Attic/,v $
* $Date: 2003/05/14 19:03:31 $
* $Revision: 1.14 $
* A transliterator that converts from Unicode characters to
* hexadecimal Unicode escape sequences. It outputs a
* prefix specified in the constructor and optionally converts the hex
* digits to uppercase.
* <p>The format of the output is set by a pattern. This pattern
* follows the same syntax as <code>HexToUnicodeTransliterator</code>,
* except it does not allow multiple specifications. The pattern sets
* the prefix string, suffix string, and minimum and maximum digit
* count. There are no setters or getters for these attributes; they
* are set only through the pattern.
* <p>The setUppercase() and isUppercase() methods control whether 'a'
* through 'f' or 'A' through 'F' are output as hex digits. This is
* not controlled through the pattern; only through the methods. The
* default is uppercase.
* @author Alan Liu
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
public class UnicodeToHexTransliterator extends Transliterator {
private static final String COPYRIGHT =
"\u00A9 IBM Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.";
* Package accessible ID for this transliterator.
static final String _ID = "Any-Hex";
private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',
// Character constants for special pattern chars
private static final char ZERO = '0';
private static final char POUND = '#';
private static final char BACKSLASH = '\\';
* The pattern set by applyPattern() and returned by toPattern().
private String pattern;
* The string preceding the hex digits, parsed from the pattern.
private String prefix;
* The string following the hex digits, parsed from the pattern.
private String suffix;
* The minimum number of hex digits to output, between 1 and 4,
* inclusive. Parsed from the pattern.
private int minDigits;
* If true, output uppercase hex digits; otherwise output
* lowercase. Set by setUppercase() and returned by isUppercase().
private boolean uppercase;
* Constructs a transliterator.
* @param pattern The pattern for this transliterator. See
* applyPattern() for pattern syntax.
* @param uppercase if true, the four hex digits will be
* converted to uppercase; otherwise they will be lowercase.
* Ignored if direction is HEX_UNICODE.
* @param filter the filter for this transliterator, or
* null if none.
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
public UnicodeToHexTransliterator(String pattern, boolean uppercase,
UnicodeFilter filter) {
super(_ID, filter);
this.uppercase = uppercase;
* Constructs an uppercase transliterator with no filter.
* @param pattern The pattern for this transliterator. See
* applyPattern() for pattern syntax.
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
public UnicodeToHexTransliterator(String pattern) {
this(pattern, true, null);
* Constructs a transliterator with the default prefix "&#092;u"
* that outputs four uppercase hex digits.
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
public UnicodeToHexTransliterator() {
super(_ID, null);
pattern = "\\\\u0000";
prefix = "\\u";
suffix = "";
minDigits = 4;
uppercase = true;
* Set the pattern recognized by this transliterator. The pattern
* must contain zero or more prefix characters, one or more digit
* characters, and zero or more suffix characters. The digit
* characters indicates optional digits ('#') followed by required
* digits ('0'). The total number of digits cannot exceed 4, and
* must be at least 1 required digit. Use a backslash ('\\') to
* escape any of the special characters. An empty pattern is not
* allowed.
* <p>Example: "U+0000" specifies a prefix of "U+", exactly four
* digits, and no suffix. "<###0>" has a prefix of "<", between
* one and four digits, and a suffix of ">".
* <p><pre>
* pattern := prefix-char* digit-spec suffix-char*
* digit-spec := '#'* '0'+
* prefix-char := [^special-char] | '\\' special-char
* suffix-char := [^special-char] | '\\' special-char
* special-char := ';' | '0' | '#' | '\\'
* </pre>
* <p>Limitations: There is no way to set the uppercase attribute
* in the pattern. (applyPattern() does not alter the uppercase
* attribute.)
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
public void applyPattern(String thePattern) {
StringBuffer prefixBuf = null;
StringBuffer suffixBuf = null;
int minDigits = 0;
int maxDigits = 0;
/* The mode specifies where we are in each spec.
* mode 0 = in prefix
* mode 1 = in optional digits (#)
* mode 2 = in required digits (0)
* mode 3 = in suffix
int mode = 0;
for (int i=0; i<thePattern.length(); ++i) {
char c = thePattern.charAt(i);
boolean isLiteral = false;
if (c == BACKSLASH) {
if ((i+1)<thePattern.length()) {
isLiteral = true;
c = thePattern.charAt(++i);
} else {
// Trailing '\\'
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trailing '\\'");
if (!isLiteral) {
switch (c) {
case POUND:
// Seeing a '#' moves us from mode 0 (prefix) to mode 1
// (optional digits).
if (mode == 0) {
} else if (mode != 1) {
// Unquoted '#'
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unquoted '#'");
case ZERO:
// Seeing a '0' moves us to mode 2 (required digits)
if (mode < 2) {
mode = 2;
} else if (mode != 2) {
// Unquoted '0'
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unquoted '0'");
isLiteral = true;
if (isLiteral) {
if (mode == 0) {
if (prefixBuf == null) {
prefixBuf = new StringBuffer();
} else {
// Any literal outside the prefix moves us into mode 3
// (suffix)
mode = 3;
if (suffixBuf == null) {
suffixBuf = new StringBuffer();
if (minDigits < 1 || maxDigits > 4) {
// Invalid min/max digit count
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid min/max digit count");
pattern = thePattern;
prefix = (prefixBuf == null) ? "" : prefixBuf.toString();
suffix = (suffixBuf == null) ? "" : suffixBuf.toString();
this.minDigits = minDigits;
* Return this transliterator's pattern.
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
public String toPattern() {
return pattern;
* Returns the string that precedes the four hex digits.
* @return prefix string
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
public String getPrefix() {
return prefix;
* Sets the string that precedes the four hex digits.
* <p>Callers must take care if a transliterator is in use by
* multiple threads. The prefix should not be changed by one
* thread while another thread may be transliterating.
* @param prefix prefix string
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
public void setPrefix(String prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
* Returns true if this transliterator outputs uppercase hex digits.
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
public boolean isUppercase() {
return uppercase;
* Sets if this transliterator outputs uppercase hex digits.
* <p>Callers must take care if a transliterator is in use by
* multiple threads. The uppercase mode should not be changed by
* one thread while another thread may be transliterating.
* @param outputUppercase if true, then this transliterator
* outputs uppercase hex digits.
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
public void setUppercase(boolean outputUppercase) {
uppercase = outputUppercase;
* Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
* @deprecated ICU 2.4 This class to be removed after 2003-12-01. Use the Transliterator factory methods.
protected void handleTransliterate(Replaceable text,
Position offsets, boolean incremental) {
* Performs transliteration changing all characters to
* Unicode hexadecimal escapes. For example, '@' -> "U+0040",
* assuming the prefix is "U+".
int cursor = offsets.start;
int limit = offsets.limit;
StringBuffer hex = new StringBuffer(prefix);
int prefixLen = prefix.length();
while (cursor < limit) {
char c = text.charAt(cursor);
boolean showRest = false;
for (int i=3; i>=0; --i) {
int d = (c >> (i*4)) & 0xF;
if (showRest || (d != 0) || minDigits > i) {
hex.append(HEX_DIGITS[uppercase ? (d|16) : d]);
showRest = true;
text.replace(cursor, cursor+1, hex.toString());
int len = hex.length();
cursor += len; // Advance cursor by 1 and adjust for new text
limit += len;
offsets.contextLimit += limit - offsets.limit;
offsets.limit = limit;
offsets.start = cursor;