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* Copyright (C) 2001-2002, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/test/timezone/,v $
* $Date: 2003/05/14 19:03:18 $
* $Revision: 1.12 $
* @test 1.22 99/09/21
* @bug 4028006 4044013 4096694 4107276 4107570 4112869 4130885
* @summary test TimeZone
* @build TimeZoneTest
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Locale;
public class TimeZoneTest extends TestFmwk
static final int millisPerHour = 3600000;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new TimeZoneTest().run(args);
* Bug 4130885
* Certain short zone IDs, used since 1.1.x, are incorrect.
* The worst of these is:
* "CAT" (Central African Time) should be GMT+2:00, but instead returns a
* zone at GMT-1:00. The zone at GMT-1:00 should be called EGT, CVT, EGST,
* or AZOST, depending on which zone is meant, but in no case is it CAT.
* Other wrong zone IDs:
* ECT (European Central Time) GMT+1:00: ECT is Ecuador Time,
* GMT-5:00. European Central time is abbreviated CEST.
* SST (Solomon Island Time) GMT+11:00. SST is actually Samoa Standard Time,
* GMT-11:00. Solomon Island time is SBT.
* NST (New Zealand Time) GMT+12:00. NST is the abbreviation for
* Newfoundland Standard Time, GMT-3:30. New Zealanders use NZST.
* AST (Alaska Standard Time) GMT-9:00. [This has already been noted in
* another bug.] It should be "AKST". AST is Atlantic Standard Time,
* GMT-4:00.
* PNT (Phoenix Time) GMT-7:00. PNT usually means Pitcairn Time,
* GMT-8:30. There is no standard abbreviation for Phoenix time, as distinct
* from MST with daylight savings.
* In addition to these problems, a number of zones are FAKE. That is, they
* don't match what people use in the real world.
* FAKE zones:
* EET (should be EEST)
* ART (should be EEST)
* MET (should be IRST)
* NET (should be AMST)
* PLT (should be PKT)
* BST (should be BDT)
* VST (should be ICT)
* CTT (should be CST) +
* ACT (should be CST) +
* AET (should be EST) +
* MIT (should be WST) +
* IET (should be EST) +
* PRT (should be AST) +
* CNT (should be NST)
* AGT (should be ARST)
* BET (should be EST) +
* + A zone with the correct name already exists and means something
* else. E.g., EST usually indicates the US Eastern zone, so it cannot be
* used for Brazil (BET).
public void TestShortZoneIDs() throws Exception {
ZoneDescriptor[] JDK_116_REFERENCE_LIST = {
new ZoneDescriptor("MIT", -660, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("HST", -600, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("AST", -540, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("PST", -480, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("PNT", -420, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("MST", -420, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("CST", -360, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("IET", -300, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("EST", -300, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("PRT", -240, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("CNT", -210, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("AGT", -180, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("BET", -180, true),
// new ZoneDescriptor("CAT", -60, false), // Wrong:
// As of bug 4130885, fix CAT (Central Africa)
new ZoneDescriptor("CAT", 120, false), // Africa/Harare
new ZoneDescriptor("GMT", 0, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("UTC", 0, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("ECT", 60, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("ART", 120, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("EET", 120, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("EAT", 180, false),
// new ZoneDescriptor("MET", 210, true),
// This is a standard Unix zone, so don't remap it - Liu 3Jan01
// new ZoneDescriptor("NET", 240, false);
// As of bug 4191164, fix NET
new ZoneDescriptor("NET", 240, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("PLT", 300, true), // Liu 3Dec02, Pakistan uses DST as of 2002
new ZoneDescriptor("IST", 330, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("BST", 360, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("VST", 420, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("CTT", 480, true), // Revised Liu 3Jan01, std->dst
new ZoneDescriptor("JST", 540, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("ACT", 570, true), // Revised Liu 3Jan01, std->dst
new ZoneDescriptor("AET", 600, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("SST", 660, false),
// new ZoneDescriptor("NST", 720, false),
// As of bug 4130885, fix NST (New Zealand)
new ZoneDescriptor("NST", 720, true), // Pacific/Auckland
// [3Jan01 Liu] Three of these zones have been updated.
// The CTT and ACT zones just remap to Asia/Shanghai
// and Australia/Darwin. Since those zones have changed,
// I have updated the table. The MET zone used to be mapped
// to Asia/Tehran but since MET is a standard Unix zone named
// in the source data we no longer do this in icu or icu4j.
Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();
String[] ids = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
for (int i=0; i<ids.length; ++i) {
String id = ids[i];
if (id.length() == 3) {
hash.put(id, new ZoneDescriptor(TimeZone.getTimeZone(id)));
for (int i=0; i<JDK_116_REFERENCE_LIST.length; ++i) {
ZoneDescriptor referenceZone = JDK_116_REFERENCE_LIST[i];
ZoneDescriptor currentZone = (ZoneDescriptor)hash.get(referenceZone.getID());
if (referenceZone.equals(currentZone)) {
logln("ok " + referenceZone);
else {
errln("Fail: Expected " + referenceZone +
"; got " + currentZone);
* A descriptor for a zone; used to regress the short zone IDs.
static class ZoneDescriptor {
String id;
int offset; // In minutes
boolean daylight;
ZoneDescriptor(TimeZone zone) { = zone.getID();
this.offset = zone.getRawOffset() / 60000;
this.daylight = zone.useDaylightTime();
ZoneDescriptor(String id, int offset, boolean daylight) { = id;
this.offset = offset;
this.daylight = daylight;
public String getID() { return id; }
public boolean equals(Object o) {
ZoneDescriptor that = (ZoneDescriptor)o;
return that != null &&
id.equals( &&
offset == that.offset &&
daylight == that.daylight;
public String toString() {
int min = offset;
char sign = '+';
if (min < 0) { sign = '-'; min = -min; }
return "Zone[\"" + id + "\", GMT" + sign + (min/60) + ':' +
(min%60<10?"0":"") + (min%60) + ", " +
(daylight ? "Daylight" : "Standard") + "]";
public static int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
ZoneDescriptor i1 = (ZoneDescriptor)o1;
ZoneDescriptor i2 = (ZoneDescriptor)o2;
if (i1.offset > i2.offset) return 1;
if (i1.offset < i2.offset) return -1;
if (i1.daylight && !i2.daylight) return 1;
if (!i1.daylight && i2.daylight) return -1;
static final String EXPECTED_CUSTOM_ID = "Custom";
static final String formatMinutes(int min) {
char sign = '+';
if (min < 0) { sign = '-'; min = -min; }
int h = min/60;
min = min%60;
return "" + sign + h + ":" + ((min<10) ? "0" : "") + min;
* As part of the VM fix (see CCC approved RFE 4028006, bug
* 4044013), TimeZone.getTimeZone() has been modified to recognize
* generic IDs of the form GMT[+-]hh:mm, GMT[+-]hhmm, and
* GMT[+-]hh. Test this behavior here.
* Bug 4044013
public void TestCustomParse() throws Exception {
Object[] DATA = {
// ID Expected offset in minutes
"GMT", null,
"GMT0", null,
"GMT+0", new Integer(0),
"GMT+1", new Integer(60),
"GMT-0030", new Integer(-30),
"GMT+15:99", new Integer(15*60+99),
"GMT+", null,
"GMT-", null,
"GMT+0:", null,
"GMT-:", null,
"GMT+0010", new Integer(10), // Interpret this as 00:10
"GMT-10", new Integer(-10*60),
"GMT+30", new Integer(30),
"GMT-3:30", new Integer(-(3*60+30)),
"GMT-230", new Integer(-(2*60+30)),
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=2) {
String id = (String)DATA[i];
Integer exp = (Integer)DATA[i+1];
TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id);
if (zone.getID().equals("GMT")) {
logln(id + " -> generic GMT");
// When TimeZone.getTimeZone() can't parse the id, it
// returns GMT -- a dubious practice, but required for
// backward compatibility.
if (exp != null) {
throw new Exception("Expected offset of " + formatMinutes(exp.intValue()) +
" for " + id + ", got parse failure");
else {
int ioffset = zone.getRawOffset()/60000;
String offset = formatMinutes(ioffset);
logln(id + " -> " + zone.getID() + " GMT" + offset);
if (exp == null) {
throw new Exception("Expected parse failure for " + id +
", got offset of " + offset +
", id " + zone.getID());
else if (ioffset != exp.intValue() ||
!zone.getID().equals(EXPECTED_CUSTOM_ID)) {
throw new Exception("Expected offset of " + formatMinutes(exp.intValue()) +
", id Custom, for " + id +
", got offset of " + offset +
", id " + zone.getID());
* Test the basic functionality of the getDisplayName() API.
* Bug 4112869
* Bug 4028006
* See also API change request A41.
* 4/21/98 - make smarter, so the test works if the ext resources
* are present or not.
public void TestDisplayName() {
TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("PST");
String name = zone.getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH);
logln("PST->" + name);
if (!name.equals("Pacific Standard Time"))
errln("Fail: Expected \"Pacific Standard Time\", got " + name +
" for " + zone);
Object[] DATA = {
new Boolean(false), new Integer(TimeZone.SHORT), "PST",
new Boolean(true), new Integer(TimeZone.SHORT), "PDT",
new Boolean(false), new Integer(TimeZone.LONG), "Pacific Standard Time",
new Boolean(true), new Integer(TimeZone.LONG), "Pacific Daylight Time",
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=3) {
name = zone.getDisplayName(((Boolean)DATA[i]).booleanValue(),
if (!name.equals(DATA[i+2]))
errln("Fail: Expected " + DATA[i+2] + "; got " + name);
// Make sure that we don't display the DST name by constructing a fake
// PST zone that has DST all year long.
SimpleTimeZone zone2 = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "PST");
zone2.setStartRule(Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 0);
zone2.setEndRule(Calendar.DECEMBER, 31, 0);
logln("Modified PST inDaylightTime->" + zone2.inDaylightTime(new Date()));
name = zone2.getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH);
logln("Modified PST->" + name);
if (!name.equals("Pacific Standard Time"))
errln("Fail: Expected \"Pacific Standard Time\"");
// Make sure we get the default display format for Locales
// with no display name data.
name = zone.getDisplayName(zh_CN);
logln("PST(zh_CN)->" + name);
// Now be smart -- check to see if zh resource is even present.
// If not, we expect the en fallback behavior.
// in icu4j 2.1 we know we have the zh_CN locale data, though it's incomplete
ResourceBundle enRB = ICULocaleData.getResourceBundle("DateFormatZoneData", Locale.ENGLISH);
ResourceBundle zhRB = ICULocaleData.getResourceBundle("DateFormatZoneData", zh_CN);
boolean noZH = enRB == zhRB;
if (noZH) {
logln("Warning: Not testing the zh_CN behavior because resource is absent");
if (!name.equals("Pacific Standard Time"))
errln("Fail: Expected Pacific Standard Time");
if (!name.equals("Pacific Standard Time") &&
!name.equals("GMT-08:00") &&
!name.equals("GMT-8:00") &&
!name.equals("GMT-0800") &&
!name.equals("GMT-800")) {
errln("Fail: Expected GMT-08:00 or something similar");
// Now try a non-existent zone
zone2 = new SimpleTimeZone(90*60*1000, "xyzzy");
name = zone2.getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH);
logln("GMT+90min->" + name);
if (!name.equals("GMT+01:30") &&
!name.equals("GMT+1:30") &&
!name.equals("GMT+0130") &&
errln("Fail: Expected GMT+01:30 or something similar");
public void TestGenericAPI() {
String id = "NewGMT";
int offset = 12345;
SimpleTimeZone zone = new SimpleTimeZone(offset, id);
if (zone.useDaylightTime()) errln("FAIL: useDaylightTime should return false");
TimeZone zoneclone = (TimeZone)zone.clone();
if (!zoneclone.equals(zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator== failed");
if (zoneclone.equals(zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator!= failed");
// delete zoneclone;
zoneclone = (TimeZone)zone.clone();
if (!zoneclone.equals(zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator== failed");
if (zoneclone.equals(zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator!= failed");
// C++ only
SimpleTimeZone copy(*zone);
if (!(copy == *zone)) errln("FAIL: copy constructor or operator== failed");
copy = *(SimpleTimeZone*)zoneclone;
if (!(copy == *zoneclone)) errln("FAIL: assignment operator or operator== failed");
TimeZone saveDefault = TimeZone.getDefault();
TimeZone defaultzone = TimeZone.getDefault();
if (defaultzone == zone) errln("FAIL: Default object is identical, not clone");
if (!defaultzone.equals(zone)) errln("FAIL: Default object is not equal");
// delete defaultzone;
// delete zoneclone;
public void TestRuleAPI()
// ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
int offset = (int)(60*60*1000*1.75); // Pick a weird offset
SimpleTimeZone zone = new SimpleTimeZone(offset, "TestZone");
if (zone.useDaylightTime()) errln("FAIL: useDaylightTime should return false");
// Establish our expected transition times. Do this with a non-DST
// calendar with the (above) declared local offset.
GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(zone);
gc.set(1990, Calendar.MARCH, 1);
long marchOneStd = gc.getTime().getTime(); // Local Std time midnight
gc.set(1990, Calendar.JULY, 1);
long julyOneStd = gc.getTime().getTime(); // Local Std time midnight
// Starting and ending hours, WALL TIME
int startHour = (int)(2.25 * 3600000);
int endHour = (int)(3.5 * 3600000);
zone.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 1, 0, startHour);
zone.setEndRule (Calendar.JULY, 1, 0, endHour);
gc = new GregorianCalendar(zone);
// if (failure(status, "new GregorianCalendar")) return;
long marchOne = marchOneStd + startHour;
long julyOne = julyOneStd + endHour - 3600000; // Adjust from wall to Std time
long expMarchOne = 636251400000L;
if (marchOne != expMarchOne)
errln("FAIL: Expected start computed as " + marchOne +
" = " + new Date(marchOne));
logln(" Should be " + expMarchOne +
" = " + new Date(expMarchOne));
long expJulyOne = 646793100000L;
if (julyOne != expJulyOne)
errln("FAIL: Expected start computed as " + julyOne +
" = " + new Date(julyOne));
logln(" Should be " + expJulyOne +
" = " + new Date(expJulyOne));
Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
cal1.set(1990, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
cal2.set(1990, Calendar.JUNE, 1);
_testUsingBinarySearch(zone, cal1.getTimeInMillis(),
cal2.getTimeInMillis(), marchOne);
cal1.set(1990, Calendar.JUNE, 1);
cal2.set(1990, Calendar.DECEMBER, 31);
_testUsingBinarySearch(zone, cal1.getTimeInMillis(),
cal2.getTimeInMillis(), julyOne);
if (zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(marchOne - 1000)) ||
!zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(marchOne)))
errln("FAIL: Start rule broken");
if (!zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(julyOne - 1000)) ||
zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(julyOne)))
errln("FAIL: End rule broken");
if (zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(marchOne)) ||
zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(julyOne - 1000)))
errln("FAIL: Start year broken");
// failure(status, "TestRuleAPI");
// delete gc;
// delete zone;
void _testUsingBinarySearch(SimpleTimeZone tz, long min, long max, long expectedBoundary)
// ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
boolean startsInDST = tz.inDaylightTime(new Date(min));
// if (failure(status, "SimpleTimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return;
if (tz.inDaylightTime(new Date(max)) == startsInDST) {
logln("Error: inDaylightTime(" + new Date(max) + ") != " + (!startsInDST));
// if (failure(status, "SimpleTimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return;
while ((max - min) > INTERVAL) {
long mid = (min + max) / 2;
if (tz.inDaylightTime(new Date(mid)) == startsInDST) {
min = mid;
else {
max = mid;
// if (failure(status, "SimpleTimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return;
logln("Binary Search Before: " + min + " = " + new Date(min));
logln("Binary Search After: " + max + " = " + new Date(max));
long mindelta = expectedBoundary - min;
// not used long maxdelta = max - expectedBoundary;
if (mindelta >= 0 &&
mindelta <= INTERVAL &&
mindelta >= 0 &&
mindelta <= INTERVAL)
logln("PASS: Expected bdry: " + expectedBoundary + " = " + new Date(expectedBoundary));
errln("FAIL: Expected bdry: " + expectedBoundary + " = " + new Date(expectedBoundary));
static final int INTERVAL = 100;
// Bug 006; verify the offset for a specific zone.
public void TestPRTOffset()
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone( "PRT" );
if( tz == null ) {
errln( "FAIL: TimeZone(PRT) is null" );
if (tz.getRawOffset() != (-4*millisPerHour))
errln("FAIL: Offset for PRT should be -4, got " +
tz.getRawOffset() / (double)millisPerHour);
// Test various calls
public void TestVariousAPI518()
TimeZone time_zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("PST");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(1997, Calendar.APRIL, 30);
Date d = cal.getTime();
logln("The timezone is " + time_zone.getID());
if (time_zone.inDaylightTime(d) != true)
errln("FAIL: inDaylightTime returned false");
if (time_zone.useDaylightTime() != true)
errln("FAIL: useDaylightTime returned false");
if (time_zone.getRawOffset() != -8*millisPerHour)
errln( "FAIL: getRawOffset returned wrong value");
GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
if (time_zone.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, gc.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR), gc.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH),
gc.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_WEEK), 0)
!= -7*millisPerHour)
errln("FAIL: getOffset returned wrong value");
// Test getAvailableID API
public void TestGetAvailableIDs913()
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("TimeZone.getAvailableIDs() = { ");
String[] s = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
for (int i=0; i<s.length; ++i)
if (i > 0) buf.append(", ");
buf.append(" };");
buf.append("TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(GMT+02:00) = { ");
s = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(+2 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
for (int i=0; i<s.length; ++i)
if (i > 0) buf.append(", ");
buf.append(" };");
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("PST");
if (tz != null)
logln("getTimeZone(PST) = " + tz.getID());
errln("FAIL: getTimeZone(PST) = null");
tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
if (tz != null)
logln("getTimeZone(America/Los_Angeles) = " + tz.getID());
errln("FAIL: getTimeZone(PST) = null");
// Bug 4096694
tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("NON_EXISTENT");
if (tz == null)
errln("FAIL: getTimeZone(NON_EXISTENT) = null");
else if (!tz.getID().equals("GMT"))
errln("FAIL: getTimeZone(NON_EXISTENT) = " + tz.getID());
* Bug 4107276
public void TestDSTSavings() {
// It might be better to find a way to integrate this test into the main TimeZone
// tests above, but I don't have time to figure out how to do this (or if it's
// even really a good idea). Let's consider that a future. --rtg 1/27/98
SimpleTimeZone tz = new SimpleTimeZone(-5 * millisPerHour, "dstSavingsTest",
Calendar.MARCH, 1, 0, 0, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 1, 0, 0,
(int)(0.5 * millisPerHour));
if (tz.getRawOffset() != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("Got back a raw offset of " + (tz.getRawOffset() / millisPerHour) +
" hours instead of -5 hours.");
if (!tz.useDaylightTime())
errln("Test time zone should use DST but claims it doesn't.");
if (tz.getDSTSavings() != 0.5 * millisPerHour)
errln("Set DST offset to 0.5 hour, but got back " + (tz.getDSTSavings() /
millisPerHour) + " hours instead.");
int offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.JANUARY, 1,
Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10 AM, 1/1/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.JUNE, 1, Calendar.MONDAY,
10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -4.5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10 AM, 6/1/98 should have been -4.5 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.JANUARY, 1,
Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10 AM, 1/1/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.JUNE, 1, Calendar.MONDAY,
10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10 AM, 6/1/98 (with a 1-hour DST offset) should have been -4 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
* Bug 4107570
public void TestAlternateRules() {
// Like TestDSTSavings, this test should probably be integrated somehow with the main
// test at the top of this class, but I didn't have time to figure out how to do that.
// --rtg 1/28/98
SimpleTimeZone tz = new SimpleTimeZone(-5 * millisPerHour, "alternateRuleTest");
// test the day-of-month API
tz.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 10, 12 * millisPerHour);
tz.setEndRule(Calendar.OCTOBER, 20, 12 * millisPerHour);
int offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 5,
Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/5/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 15,
Calendar.SUNDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 15,
Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 25,
Calendar.SUNDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/25/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
// test the day-of-week-after-day-in-month API
tz.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 10, Calendar.FRIDAY, 12 * millisPerHour, true);
tz.setEndRule(Calendar.OCTOBER, 20, Calendar.FRIDAY, 12 * millisPerHour, false);
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 11,
Calendar.WEDNESDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/11/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 14,
Calendar.SATURDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/14/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 15,
Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 17,
Calendar.SATURDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/17/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
+ (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
public void TestEquivalencyGroups() {
String id = "America/Los_Angeles";
int n = TimeZone.countEquivalentIDs(id);
if (n < 2) {
errln("FAIL: countEquivalentIDs(" + id + ") returned " + n +
", expected >= 2");
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
String s = TimeZone.getEquivalentID(id, i);
if (s.length() == 0) {
errln("FAIL: getEquivalentID(" + id + ", " + i +
") returned \"" + s + "\", expected valid ID");
} else {
logln("" + i + ":" + s);
public void TestCountries() {
// Make sure America/Los_Angeles is in the "US" group, and
// Asia/Tokyo isn't. Vice versa for the "JP" group.
String[] s = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs("US");
boolean la = false, tokyo = false;
String laZone = "America/Los_Angeles", tokyoZone = "Asia/Tokyo";
for (int i=0; i<s.length; ++i) {
if (s[i].equals(laZone)) {
la = true;
if (s[i].equals(tokyoZone)) {
tokyo = true;
if (!la || tokyo) {
errln("FAIL: " + laZone + " in US = " + la);
errln("FAIL: " + tokyoZone + " in US = " + tokyo);
s = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs("JP");
la = false; tokyo = false;
for (int i=0; i<s.length; ++i) {
if (s[i].equals(laZone)) {
la = true;
if (s[i].equals(tokyoZone)) {
tokyo = true;
if (la || !tokyo) {
errln("FAIL: " + laZone + " in JP = " + la);
errln("FAIL: " + tokyoZone + " in JP = " + tokyo);