blob: 0842846d34248add4d05debbaed02067a7b68469 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2000, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/test/normalizer/,v $
* $Date: 2002/02/25 22:43:58 $
* $Revision: 1.10 $
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
public class BasicTest extends TestFmwk {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new BasicTest().run(args);
String[][] canonTests = {
// Input Decomposed Composed
{ "cat", "cat", "cat" },
{ "\u00e0ardvark", "a\u0300ardvark", "\u00e0ardvark", },
{ "\u1e0a", "D\u0307", "\u1e0a" }, // D-dot_above
{ "D\u0307", "D\u0307", "\u1e0a" }, // D dot_above
{ "\u1e0c\u0307", "D\u0323\u0307", "\u1e0c\u0307" }, // D-dot_below dot_above
{ "\u1e0a\u0323", "D\u0323\u0307", "\u1e0c\u0307" }, // D-dot_above dot_below
{ "D\u0307\u0323", "D\u0323\u0307", "\u1e0c\u0307" }, // D dot_below dot_above
{ "\u1e10\u0307\u0323", "D\u0327\u0323\u0307", "\u1e10\u0323\u0307"}, // D dot_below cedilla dot_above
{ "D\u0307\u0328\u0323","D\u0328\u0323\u0307", "\u1e0c\u0328\u0307"}, // D dot_above ogonek dot_below
{ "\u1E14", "E\u0304\u0300", "\u1E14" }, // E-macron-grave
{ "\u0112\u0300", "E\u0304\u0300", "\u1E14" }, // E-macron + grave
{ "\u00c8\u0304", "E\u0300\u0304", "\u00c8\u0304" }, // E-grave + macron
{ "\u212b", "A\u030a", "\u00c5" }, // angstrom_sign
{ "\u00c5", "A\u030a", "\u00c5" }, // A-ring
// { "\u00fdffin", "A\u0308ffin", "\u00fdffin" },
{ "\u00fdffin", "y\u0301ffin", "\u00fdffin" }, //updated with 3.0
// { "\u00fd\uFB03n", "A\u0308\uFB03n", "\u00fd\uFB03n" },
{ "\u00fd\uFB03n", "y\u0301\uFB03n", "\u00fd\uFB03n" }, //updated with 3.0
{ "Henry IV", "Henry IV", "Henry IV" },
{ "Henry \u2163", "Henry \u2163", "Henry \u2163" },
{ "\u30AC", "\u30AB\u3099", "\u30AC" }, // ga (Katakana)
{ "\u30AB\u3099", "\u30AB\u3099", "\u30AC" }, // ka + ten
{ "\uFF76\uFF9E", "\uFF76\uFF9E", "\uFF76\uFF9E" }, // hw_ka + hw_ten
{ "\u30AB\uFF9E", "\u30AB\uFF9E", "\u30AB\uFF9E" }, // ka + hw_ten
{ "\uFF76\u3099", "\uFF76\u3099", "\uFF76\u3099" }, // hw_ka + ten
{ "A\u0300\u0316", "A\u0316\u0300", "\u00C0\u0316" },
String[][] compatTests = {
// Input Decomposed Composed
{ "\uFB4f", "\u05D0\u05DC", "\u05D0\u05DC", }, // Alef-Lamed vs. Alef, Lamed
// { "\u00fdffin", "A\u0308ffin", "\u00fdffin" },
// { "\u00fd\uFB03n", "A\u0308ffin", "\u00fdffin" }, // ffi ligature -> f + f + i
{ "\u00fdffin", "y\u0301ffin", "\u00fdffin" }, //updated for 3.0
{ "\u00fd\uFB03n", "y\u0301ffin", "\u00fdffin" }, // ffi ligature -> f + f + i
{ "Henry IV", "Henry IV", "Henry IV" },
{ "Henry \u2163", "Henry IV", "Henry IV" },
{ "\u30AC", "\u30AB\u3099", "\u30AC" }, // ga (Katakana)
{ "\u30AB\u3099", "\u30AB\u3099", "\u30AC" }, // ka + ten
{ "\uFF76\u3099", "\u30AB\u3099", "\u30AC" }, // hw_ka + ten
/* These two are broken in Unicode 2.1.2 but fixed in 2.1.5 and later
{ "\uFF76\uFF9E", "\u30AB\u3099", "\u30AC" }, // hw_ka + hw_ten
{ "\u30AB\uFF9E", "\u30AB\u3099", "\u30AC" }, // ka + hw_ten
// With Canonical decomposition, Hangul syllables should get decomposed
// into Jamo, but Jamo characters should not be decomposed into
// conjoining Jamo
String[][] hangulCanon = {
// Input Decomposed Composed
{ "\ud4db", "\u1111\u1171\u11b6", "\ud4db" },
{ "\u1111\u1171\u11b6", "\u1111\u1171\u11b6", "\ud4db" },
// With compatibility decomposition turned on,
// it should go all the way down to conjoining Jamo characters.
String[][] hangulCompat = {
// Input Decomposed Composed
// { "\ud4db", "\u1111\u116e\u1175\u11af\u11c2", "\ud478\u1175\u11af\u11c2" },
public void TestHangulCompose() {
// Make sure that the static composition methods work
logln("Canonical composition...");
staticTest(Normalizer.COMPOSE, 0, hangulCanon, 2);
logln("Compatibility composition...");
staticTest(Normalizer.COMPOSE_COMPAT, 0, hangulCompat, 2);
// Now try iterative composition....
logln("Static composition...");
Normalizer norm = new Normalizer("", Normalizer.COMPOSE, 0);
iterateTest(norm, hangulCanon, 2);
iterateTest(norm, hangulCompat, 2);
// And finally, make sure you can do it in reverse too
logln("Reverse iteration...");
backAndForth(norm, hangulCanon);
public void TestHangulDecomp() {
// Make sure that the static decomposition methods work
logln("Canonical decomposition...");
staticTest(Normalizer.DECOMP, 0, hangulCanon, 1);
logln("Compatibility decomposition...");
staticTest(Normalizer.DECOMP_COMPAT, 0, hangulCompat, 1);
// Now the iterative decomposition methods...
logln("Iterative decomposition...");
Normalizer norm = new Normalizer("", Normalizer.DECOMP, 0);
iterateTest(norm, hangulCanon, 1);
iterateTest(norm, hangulCompat, 1);
// And finally, make sure you can do it in reverse too
logln("Reverse iteration...");
backAndForth(norm, hangulCanon);
public void TestPrevious() {
Normalizer norm = new Normalizer("", Normalizer.DECOMP, 0);
logln("testing decomp...");
backAndForth(norm, canonTests);
logln("testing compose...");
backAndForth(norm, canonTests);
public void TestDecomp() {
Normalizer norm = new Normalizer("", Normalizer.DECOMP, 0);
iterateTest(norm, canonTests, 1);
staticTest(Normalizer.DECOMP, 0, canonTests, 1);
public void TestCompatDecomp() {
Normalizer norm = new Normalizer("", Normalizer.DECOMP_COMPAT, 0);
iterateTest(norm, compatTests, 1);
staticTest(Normalizer.DECOMP_COMPAT, 0, compatTests, 1);
public void TestCanonCompose() {
Normalizer norm = new Normalizer("", Normalizer.COMPOSE, 0);
iterateTest(norm, canonTests, 2);
staticTest(Normalizer.COMPOSE, 0, canonTests, 2);
public void TestCompatCompose() {
Normalizer norm = new Normalizer("", Normalizer.COMPOSE_COMPAT, 0);
iterateTest(norm, compatTests, 2);
staticTest(Normalizer.COMPOSE_COMPAT, 0, compatTests, 2);
public void TestExplodingBase() {
// \u017f - Latin small letter long s
// \u0307 - combining dot above
// \u1e61 - Latin small letter s with dot above
// \u1e9b - Latin small letter long s with dot above
String[][] canon = {
// Input Decomposed Composed
{ "Tschu\u017f", "Tschu\u017f", "Tschu\u017f" },
{ "Tschu\u1e9b", "Tschu\u017f\u0307", "Tschu\u1e9b" },
String[][] compat = {
// Input Decomposed Composed
{ "\u017f", "s", "s" },
{ "\u1e9b", "s\u0307", "\u1e61" },
staticTest(Normalizer.DECOMP, 0, canon, 1);
staticTest(Normalizer.COMPOSE, 0, canon, 2);
staticTest(Normalizer.DECOMP_COMPAT, 0, compat, 1);
staticTest(Normalizer.COMPOSE_COMPAT, 0, compat, 2);
Normalizer norm = new Normalizer("", Normalizer.DECOMP_COMPAT);
iterateTest(norm, compat, 1);
backAndForth(norm, compat);
iterateTest(norm, compat, 2);
backAndForth(norm, compat);
* The Tibetan vowel sign AA, 0f71, was messed up prior to Unicode version 2.1.9.
* Once 2.1.9 or 3.0 is released, uncomment this test.
public void TestTibetan() {
String[][] decomp = {
{ "\u0f77", "\u0f77", "\u0fb2\u0f71\u0f80" }
String[][] compose = {
{ "\u0fb2\u0f71\u0f80", "\u0fb2\u0f71\u0f80", "\u0fb2\u0f71\u0f80" }
staticTest(Normalizer.DECOMP, 0, decomp, 1);
staticTest(Normalizer.DECOMP_COMPAT, 0, decomp, 2);
staticTest(Normalizer.COMPOSE, 0, compose, 1);
staticTest(Normalizer.COMPOSE_COMPAT, 0, compose, 2);
* Make sure characters in the CompositionExclusion.txt list do not get
* composed to.
public void TestCompositionExclusion() {
// This list is generated from CompositionExclusion.txt.
// Update whenever the normalizer tables are updated. Note
// that we test all characters listed, even those that can be
// derived from the Unicode DB and are therefore commented
// out.
"\u0340\u0341\u0343\u0344\u0374\u037E\u0387\u0958" +
"\u0959\u095A\u095B\u095C\u095D\u095E\u095F\u09DC" +
"\u09DD\u09DF\u0A33\u0A36\u0A59\u0A5A\u0A5B\u0A5E" +
"\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0F43\u0F4D\u0F52\u0F57\u0F5C\u0F69" +
"\u0F73\u0F75\u0F76\u0F78\u0F81\u0F93\u0F9D\u0FA2" +
"\u0FA7\u0FAC\u0FB9\u1F71\u1F73\u1F75\u1F77\u1F79" +
"\u1F7B\u1F7D\u1FBB\u1FBE\u1FC9\u1FCB\u1FD3\u1FDB" +
"\u1FE3\u1FEB\u1FEE\u1FEF\u1FF9\u1FFB\u1FFD\u2000" +
"\u2001\u2126\u212A\u212B\u2329\u232A\uF900\uFA10" +
"\uFA12\uFA15\uFA20\uFA22\uFA25\uFA26\uFA2A\uFB1F" +
"\uFB2A\uFB2B\uFB2C\uFB2D\uFB2E\uFB2F\uFB30\uFB31" +
"\uFB32\uFB33\uFB34\uFB35\uFB36\uFB38\uFB39\uFB3A" +
"\uFB3B\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46" +
for (int i=0; i<EXCLUDED.length(); ++i) {
String a = String.valueOf(EXCLUDED.charAt(i));
String b = Normalizer.normalize(a, Normalizer.DECOMP_COMPAT, 0);
String c = Normalizer.normalize(b, Normalizer.COMPOSE, 0);
if (c.equals(a)) {
errln("FAIL: " + hex(a) + " x DECOMP_COMPAT => " +
hex(b) + " x COMPOSE => " +
} else if (isVerbose()) {
logln("Ok: " + hex(a) + " x DECOMP_COMPAT => " +
hex(b) + " x COMPOSE => " +
// The following method works too, but it is somewhat
// incestuous. It uses UInfo, which is the same database that
// NormalizerBuilder uses, so if something is wrong with
// UInfo, the following test won't show it. All it will show
// is that NormalizerBuilder has been run with whatever the
// current UInfo is.
// We comment this out in favor of the test above, which
// provides independent verification (but also requires
// independent updating).
// logln("---");
// UInfo uinfo = new UInfo();
// for (int i=0; i<=0xFFFF; ++i) {
// if (!uinfo.isExcludedComposition((char)i) ||
// (!uinfo.hasCanonicalDecomposition((char)i) &&
// !uinfo.hasCompatibilityDecomposition((char)i))) continue;
// String a = String.valueOf((char)i);
// String b = Normalizer.normalize(a, Normalizer.DECOMP_COMPAT, 0);
// String c = Normalizer.normalize(b, Normalizer.COMPOSE, 0);
// if (c.equals(a)) {
// errln("FAIL: " + hex(a) + " x DECOMP_COMPAT => " +
// hex(b) + " x COMPOSE => " +
// hex(c));
// } else if (isVerbose()) {
// logln("Ok: " + hex(a) + " x DECOMP_COMPAT => " +
// hex(b) + " x COMPOSE => " +
// hex(c));
// }
// }
* Test for a problem that showed up just before ICU 1.6 release
* having to do with combining characters with an index of zero.
* Such characters do not participate in any canonical
* decompositions. However, having an index of zero means that
* they all share one typeMask[] entry, that is, they all have to
* map to the same canonical class, which is not the case, in
* reality.
public void TestZeroIndex() {
String[] DATA = {
// Expect col1 x COMPOSE_COMPAT => col2
// Expect col2 x DECOMP => col3
"A\u0316\u0300", "\u00C0\u0316", "A\u0316\u0300",
"A\u0300\u0316", "\u00C0\u0316", "A\u0316\u0300",
"A\u0327\u0300", "\u00C0\u0327", "A\u0327\u0300",
"c\u0321\u0327", "c\u0321\u0327", "c\u0321\u0327",
"c\u0327\u0321", "\u00E7\u0321", "c\u0327\u0321",
for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=3) {
String a = DATA[i];
String b = Normalizer.normalize(a, Normalizer.COMPOSE_COMPAT, 0);
String exp = DATA[i+1];
if (b.equals(exp)) {
logln("Ok: " + hex(a) + " x COMPOSE_COMPAT => " + hex(b));
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + hex(a) + " x COMPOSE_COMPAT => " + hex(b) +
", expect " + hex(exp));
a = Normalizer.normalize(b, Normalizer.DECOMP, 0);
exp = DATA[i+2];
if (a.equals(exp)) {
logln("Ok: " + hex(b) + " x DECOMP => " + hex(a));
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + hex(b) + " x DECOMP => " + hex(a) +
", expect " + hex(exp));
* Test for a problem found by Verisign. Problem is that
* characters at the start of a string are not put in canonical
* order correctly by compose() if there is no starter.
public void TestVerisign() {
String[] inputs = {
String[] outputs = {
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
String input = inputs[i];
String output = outputs[i];
String result = Normalizer.decompose(input, false, 0);
if (!result.equals(output)) {
errln("FAIL input: " + Utility.escape(input));
errln(" decompose: " + Utility.escape(result));
errln(" expected: " + Utility.escape(output));
result = Normalizer.compose(input, false, 0);
if (!result.equals(output)) {
errln("FAIL input: " + Utility.escape(input));
errln(" compose: " + Utility.escape(result));
errln(" expected: " + Utility.escape(output));
// Internal utilities
private void backAndForth(Normalizer iter, String input)
// Run through the iterator forwards and stick it into a StringBuffer
StringBuffer forward = new StringBuffer();
for (char ch = iter.first(); ch != iter.DONE; ch = {
// Now do it backwards
StringBuffer reverse = new StringBuffer();
for (char ch = iter.last(); ch != iter.DONE; ch = iter.previous()) {
reverse.insert(0, ch);
if (!forward.toString().equals(reverse.toString())) {
errln("FAIL: Forward/reverse mismatch for input " + hex(input)
+ ", forward: " + hex(forward) + ", backward: " + hex(reverse));
} else if (isVerbose()) {
logln("Ok: Forward/reverse for input " + hex(input)
+ ", forward: " + hex(forward) + ", backward: " + hex(reverse));
private void backAndForth(Normalizer iter, String[][] tests)
for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++)
// Run through the iterator forwards and stick it into a StringBuffer
StringBuffer forward = new StringBuffer();
for (char ch = iter.first(); ch != iter.DONE; ch = {
// Now do it backwards
StringBuffer reverse = new StringBuffer();
for (char ch = iter.last(); ch != iter.DONE; ch = iter.previous()) {
reverse.insert(0, ch);
if (!forward.toString().equals(reverse.toString())) {
errln("FAIL: Forward/reverse mismatch for input " + hex(tests[i][0])
+ ", forward: " + hex(forward) + ", backward: " + hex(reverse));
} else if (isVerbose()) {
logln("Ok: Forward/reverse for input " + hex(tests[i][0])
+ ", forward: " + hex(forward) + ", backward: " + hex(reverse));
private void staticTest(Normalizer.Mode mode, int options, String[][] tests, int outCol)
for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++)
String input = tests[i][0];
String expect = tests[i][outCol];
logln("Normalizing '" + input + "' (" + hex(input) + ")" );
String output = Normalizer.normalize(input, mode, options);
if (!output.equals(expect)) {
errln("FAIL: case " + i
+ " expected '" + expect + "' (" + hex(expect) + ")"
+ " but got '" + output + "' (" + hex(output) + ")" );
private void iterateTest(Normalizer iter, String[][] tests, int outCol)
for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++)
String input = tests[i][0];
String expect = tests[i][outCol];
logln("Normalizing '" + input + "' (" + hex(input) + ")" );
assertEqual(expect, iter, "case " + i + " ");
private void assertEqual(String expected, Normalizer iter, String msg)
int index = 0;
for (char ch = iter.first(); ch != iter.DONE; ch =
if (index >= expected.length()) {
errln("FAIL: " + msg + "Unexpected character '" + ch + "' (" + hex(ch) + ")"
+ " at index " + index);
char want = expected.charAt(index);
if (ch != want) {
errln("FAIL: " + msg + "got '" + ch + "' (" + hex(ch) + ")"
+ " but expected '" + want + "' (" + hex(want) + ")"
+ " at index " + index);
if (index < expected.length()) {
errln("FAIL: " + msg + "Only got " + index + " chars, expected " + expected.length());