blob: 8b88a5c7515c2d24ed3f9d42862c6986b8c075a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2000, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/test/translit/Attic/,v $
* $Date: 2001/12/03 18:32:24 $
* $Revision: 1.20 $
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
* @test
* @summary General test of UnicodeSet
public class UnicodeSetTest extends TestFmwk {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new UnicodeSetTest().run(args);
* Test that toPattern() round trips with syntax characters and
* whitespace.
public void TestToPattern() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < OTHER_TOPATTERN_TESTS.length; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) {
if ((i <= 0xFF && !UCharacter.isLetter(i)) || UCharacter.isWhitespace(i)) {
// check various combinations to make sure they all work.
if (i != 0 && !toPatternAux(i, i)) continue;
if (!toPatternAux(0, i)) continue;
if (!toPatternAux(i, 0xFFFF)) continue;
static String[] OTHER_TOPATTERN_TESTS = {
"[:nonspacing mark:]"
public boolean toPatternAux(int start, int end) {
// use Integer.toString because Utility.hex doesn't handle ints
String source = "0x" + Integer.toString(start,16).toUpperCase();
if (start != end) source += "..0x" + Integer.toString(end,16).toUpperCase();
UnicodeSet testSet = new UnicodeSet();
testSet.add(start, end);
return checkPat(source, testSet);
boolean checkPat (String source, UnicodeSet testSet) {
String pat = "";
try {
// What we want to make sure of is that a pattern generated
// by toPattern(), with or without escaped unprintables, can
// be passed back into the UnicodeSet constructor.
String pat0 = testSet.toPattern(true);
if (!checkPat(source + " (escaped)", testSet, pat0)) return false;
//String pat1 = unescapeLeniently(pat0);
//if (!checkPat(source + " (in code)", testSet, pat1)) return false;
String pat2 = testSet.toPattern(false);
if (!checkPat(source, testSet, pat2)) return false;
//String pat3 = unescapeLeniently(pat2);
//if (!checkPat(source + " (in code)", testSet, pat3)) return false;
//logln(source + " => " + pat0 + ", " + pat1 + ", " + pat2 + ", " + pat3);
logln(source + " => " + pat0 + ", " + pat2);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("EXCEPTION in toPattern: " + source + " => " + pat);
return false;
return true;
boolean checkPat (String source, UnicodeSet testSet, String pat) {
UnicodeSet testSet2 = new UnicodeSet(pat);
if (!testSet2.equals(testSet)) {
errln("Fail toPattern: " + source + " => " + pat);
return false;
return true;
// NOTE: copied the following from Utility. There ought to be a version in there with a flag
// that does the Java stuff
public static int unescapeAt(String s, int[] offset16) {
int c;
int result = 0;
int n = 0;
int minDig = 0;
int maxDig = 0;
int bitsPerDigit = 4;
int dig;
int i;
/* Check that offset is in range */
int offset = offset16[0];
int length = s.length();
if (offset < 0 || offset >= length) {
return -1;
/* Fetch first UChar after '\\' */
c = UTF16.charAt(s, offset);
offset += UTF16.getCharCount(c);
/* Convert hexadecimal and octal escapes */
switch (c) {
case 'u':
minDig = maxDig = 4;
case 'U':
minDig = maxDig = 8;
case 'x':
minDig = 1;
maxDig = 2;
dig = UCharacter.digit(c, 8);
if (dig >= 0) {
minDig = 1;
maxDig = 3;
n = 1; /* Already have first octal digit */
bitsPerDigit = 3;
result = dig;
if (minDig != 0) {
while (offset < length && n < maxDig) {
// TODO: Restore the char32-based code when UCharacter.digit
// is working (Bug 66).
//c = UTF16.charAt(s, offset);
//dig = UCharacter.digit(c, (bitsPerDigit == 3) ? 8 : 16);
c = s.charAt(offset);
dig = Character.digit((char)c, (bitsPerDigit == 3) ? 8 : 16);
if (dig < 0) {
result = (result << bitsPerDigit) | dig;
//offset += UTF16.getCharCount(c);
if (n < minDig) {
return -1;
offset16[0] = offset;
return result;
/* Convert C-style escapes in table */
for (i=0; i<UNESCAPE_MAP.length; i+=2) {
if (c == UNESCAPE_MAP[i]) {
offset16[0] = offset;
return UNESCAPE_MAP[i+1];
} else if (c < UNESCAPE_MAP[i]) {
/* If no special forms are recognized, then consider
* the backslash to generically escape the next character. */
offset16[0] = offset;
return c;
/* This map must be in ASCENDING ORDER OF THE ESCAPE CODE */
static private final char[] UNESCAPE_MAP = {
/*" 0x22, 0x22 */
/*' 0x27, 0x27 */
/*? 0x3F, 0x3F */
/*\ 0x5C, 0x5C */
/*a*/ 0x61, 0x07,
/*b*/ 0x62, 0x08,
/*f*/ 0x66, 0x0c,
/*n*/ 0x6E, 0x0a,
/*r*/ 0x72, 0x0d,
/*t*/ 0x74, 0x09,
/*v*/ 0x76, 0x0b
* Convert all escapes in a given string using unescapeAt().
* Leave invalid escape sequences unchanged.
public static String unescapeLeniently(String s) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
int[] pos = new int[1];
for (int i=0; i<s.length(); ) {
char c = s.charAt(i++);
if (c == '\\') {
pos[0] = i;
int e = unescapeAt(s, pos);
if (e < 0) {
} else {
UTF16.append(buf, e);
i = pos[0];
} else {
return buf.toString();
public void TestPatterns() {
UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet();
expectPattern(set, "[[a-m]&[d-z]&[k-y]]", "km");
expectPattern(set, "[[a-z]-[m-y]-[d-r]]", "aczz");
expectPattern(set, "[a\\-z]", "--aazz");
expectPattern(set, "[-az]", "--aazz");
expectPattern(set, "[az-]", "--aazz");
expectPattern(set, "[[[a-z]-[aeiou]i]]", "bdfnptvz");
// Throw in a test of complement
String exp = '\u0000' + "aeeoouu" + (char)('z'+1) + '\uFFFF';
expectPairs(set, exp);
public void TestCategories() {
int failures = 0;
UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet("[:Lu:]");
expectContainment(set, "ABC", "abc");
// Make sure generation of L doesn't pollute cached Lu set
// First generate L, then Lu
// not used int TOP = 0x200; // Don't need to go over the whole range:
set = new UnicodeSet("[:L:]");
for (int i=0; i<0x200; ++i) {
boolean l = UCharacter.isLetter(i);
if (l != set.contains((char)i)) {
errln("FAIL: L contains " + (char)i + " = " +
if (++failures == 10) break;
set = new UnicodeSet("[:Lu:]");
for (int i=0; i<0x200; ++i) {
boolean lu = (UCharacter.getType(i) == UCharacterCategory.UPPERCASE_LETTER);
if (lu != set.contains((char)i)) {
errln("FAIL: Lu contains " + (char)i + " = " +
if (++failures == 20) break;
public void TestAddRemove() {
UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet();
set.add('a', 'z');
expectPairs(set, "az");
set.remove('m', 'p');
expectPairs(set, "alqz");
set.remove('e', 'g');
expectPairs(set, "adhlqz");
set.remove('d', 'i');
expectPairs(set, "acjlqz");
set.remove('c', 'r');
expectPairs(set, "absz");
set.add('f', 'q');
expectPairs(set, "abfqsz");
set.remove('a', 'g');
expectPairs(set, "hqsz");
set.remove('a', 'z');
expectPairs(set, "");
// Try removing an entire set from another set
expectPattern(set, "[c-x]", "cx");
UnicodeSet set2 = new UnicodeSet();
expectPattern(set2, "[f-ky-za-bc[vw]]", "acfkvwyz");
expectPairs(set, "deluxx");
// Try adding an entire set to another set
expectPattern(set, "[jackiemclean]", "aacceein");
expectPattern(set2, "[hitoshinamekatajamesanderson]", "aadehkmort");
expectPairs(set, "aacehort");
// Test commutativity
expectPattern(set, "[hitoshinamekatajamesanderson]", "aadehkmort");
expectPattern(set2, "[jackiemclean]", "aacceein");
expectPairs(set, "aacehort");
* Make sure minimal representation is maintained.
public void TestMinimalRep() {
// This is pretty thoroughly tested by checkCanonicalRep()
// run against the exhaustive operation results. Use the code
// here for debugging specific spot problems.
// 1 overlap against 2
UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet("[h-km-q]");
UnicodeSet set2 = new UnicodeSet("[i-o]");
expectPairs(set, "hq");
// right
expectPairs(set, "ao");
// left
expectPairs(set, "ao");
// 1 overlap against 3
expectPairs(set, "aw");
public void TestAPI() {
// default ct
UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet();
if (!set.isEmpty() || set.getRangeCount() != 0) {
errln("FAIL, set should be empty but isn't: " +
// clear(), isEmpty()
if (set.isEmpty()) {
errln("FAIL, set shouldn't be empty but is: " +
if (!set.isEmpty()) {
errln("FAIL, set should be empty but isn't: " +
// size()
if (set.size() != 0) {
errln("FAIL, size should be 0, but is " + set.size() +
": " + set);
if (set.size() != 1) {
errln("FAIL, size should be 1, but is " + set.size() +
": " + set);
set.add('1', '9');
if (set.size() != 10) {
errln("FAIL, size should be 10, but is " + set.size() +
": " + set);
// contains(first, last)
set.applyPattern("[A-Y 1-8 b-d l-y]");
for (int i = 0; i<set.getRangeCount(); ++i) {
int a = set.getRangeStart(i);
int b = set.getRangeEnd(i);
if (!set.contains(a, b)) {
errln("FAIL, should contain " + (char)a + '-' + (char)b +
" but doesn't: " + set);
if (set.contains((char)(a-1), b)) {
errln("FAIL, shouldn't contain " +
(char)(a-1) + '-' + (char)b +
" but does: " + set);
if (set.contains(a, (char)(b+1))) {
errln("FAIL, shouldn't contain " +
(char)a + '-' + (char)(b+1) +
" but does: " + set);
// Ported InversionList test.
UnicodeSet a = new UnicodeSet((char)3,(char)10);
UnicodeSet b = new UnicodeSet((char)7,(char)15);
UnicodeSet c = new UnicodeSet();
logln("a [3-10]: " + a);
logln("b [7-15]: " + b);
c.set(a); c.addAll(b);
UnicodeSet exp = new UnicodeSet((char)3,(char)15);
if (c.equals(exp)) {
logln("c.set(a).add(b): " + c);
} else {
errln("FAIL: c.set(a).add(b) = " + c + ", expect " + exp);
exp.set((char)0, (char)2);
exp.add((char)16, UnicodeSet.MAX_VALUE);
if (c.equals(exp)) {
logln("c.complement(): " + c);
} else {
errln(Utility.escape("FAIL: c.complement() = " + c + ", expect " + exp));
exp.set((char)3, (char)15);
if (c.equals(exp)) {
logln("c.complement(): " + c);
} else {
errln("FAIL: c.complement() = " + c + ", expect " + exp);
c.set(a); c.complementAll(b);
exp.add((char)11,(char) 15);
if (c.equals(exp)) {
logln("c.set(a).complement(b): " + c);
} else {
errln("FAIL: c.set(a).complement(b) = " + c + ", expect " + exp);
c = bitsToSet(setToBits(c));
if (c.equals(exp)) {
logln("bitsToSet(setToBits(c)): " + c);
} else {
errln("FAIL: bitsToSet(setToBits(c)) = " + c + ", expect " + exp);
* Test the [:Latin:] syntax.
public void TestScriptSet() {
UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet("[:Latin:]");
expectContainment(set, "aA", CharsToUnicodeString("\\u0391\\u03B1"));
UnicodeSet set2 = new UnicodeSet("[:Greek:]");
expectContainment(set2, CharsToUnicodeString("\\u0391\\u03B1"), "aA");
/* Jitterbug 1423 */
UnicodeSet set3 = new UnicodeSet("[[:Common:][:Inherited:]]");
expectContainment(set3, CharsToUnicodeString("\\U00003099\\U0001D169\\u0000"), "aA");
* Test the [:Latin:] syntax.
public void TestPropertySet() {
UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet("[:Latin:]");
expectContainment(set, "aA", "\u0391\u03B1");
set = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Greek}]");
expectContainment(set, "\u0391\u03B1", "aA");
set = new UnicodeSet("\\P{ GENERAL Category = upper case letter }");
expectContainment(set, "abc", "ABC");
* Test cloning of UnicodeSet
public void TestClone() {
UnicodeSet s = new UnicodeSet("[abcxyz]");
UnicodeSet t = (UnicodeSet) s.clone();
expectContainment(t, "abc", "def");
* Test the indexOf() and charAt() methods.
public void TestIndexOf() {
UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet("[a-cx-y3578]");
for (int i=0; i<set.size(); ++i) {
int c = set.charAt(i);
if (set.indexOf(c) != i) {
errln("FAIL: charAt(" + i + ") = " + c +
" => indexOf() => " + set.indexOf(c));
int c = set.charAt(set.size());
if (c != -1) {
errln("FAIL: charAt(<out of range>) = " +
int j = set.indexOf('q');
if (j != -1) {
errln("FAIL: indexOf('q') = " + j);
public void TestExhaustive() {
// exhaustive tests. Simulate UnicodeSets with integers.
// That gives us very solid tests (except for large memory tests).
char limit = (char)128;
for (char i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
logln("Testing " + i + ", " + bitsToSet(i));
for (char j = 0; j < limit; ++j) {
void _testComplement(int a) {
UnicodeSet x = bitsToSet(a);
UnicodeSet z = bitsToSet(a);
int c = setToBits(z);
if (c != (~a)) {
errln("FAILED: add: ~" + x + " != " + z);
errln("FAILED: add: ~" + a + " != " + c);
checkCanonicalRep(z, "complement " + a);
void _testAdd(int a, int b) {
UnicodeSet x = bitsToSet(a);
UnicodeSet y = bitsToSet(b);
UnicodeSet z = bitsToSet(a);
int c = setToBits(z);
if (c != (a | b)) {
errln(Utility.escape("FAILED: add: " + x + " | " + y + " != " + z));
errln("FAILED: add: " + a + " | " + b + " != " + c);
checkCanonicalRep(z, "add " + a + "," + b);
void _testRetain(int a, int b) {
UnicodeSet x = bitsToSet(a);
UnicodeSet y = bitsToSet(b);
UnicodeSet z = bitsToSet(a);
int c = setToBits(z);
if (c != (a & b)) {
errln("FAILED: retain: " + x + " & " + y + " != " + z);
errln("FAILED: retain: " + a + " & " + b + " != " + c);
checkCanonicalRep(z, "retain " + a + "," + b);
void _testRemove(int a, int b) {
UnicodeSet x = bitsToSet(a);
UnicodeSet y = bitsToSet(b);
UnicodeSet z = bitsToSet(a);
int c = setToBits(z);
if (c != (a &~ b)) {
errln("FAILED: remove: " + x + " &~ " + y + " != " + z);
errln("FAILED: remove: " + a + " &~ " + b + " != " + c);
checkCanonicalRep(z, "remove " + a + "," + b);
void _testXor(int a, int b) {
UnicodeSet x = bitsToSet(a);
UnicodeSet y = bitsToSet(b);
UnicodeSet z = bitsToSet(a);
int c = setToBits(z);
if (c != (a ^ b)) {
errln("FAILED: complement: " + x + " ^ " + y + " != " + z);
errln("FAILED: complement: " + a + " ^ " + b + " != " + c);
checkCanonicalRep(z, "complement " + a + "," + b);
* Check that ranges are monotonically increasing and non-
* overlapping.
void checkCanonicalRep(UnicodeSet set, String msg) {
int n = set.getRangeCount();
if (n < 0) {
errln("FAIL result of " + msg +
": range count should be >= 0 but is " +
n + " for " + Utility.escape(set.toString()));
int last = 0;
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
int start = set.getRangeStart(i);
int end = set.getRangeEnd(i);
if (start > end) {
errln("FAIL result of " + msg +
": range " + (i+1) +
" start > end: " + start + ", " + end +
" for " + Utility.escape(set.toString()));
if (i > 0 && start <= last) {
errln("FAIL result of " + msg +
": range " + (i+1) +
" overlaps previous range: " + start + ", " + end +
" for " + Utility.escape(set.toString()));
last = end;
* Convert a bitmask to a UnicodeSet.
static UnicodeSet bitsToSet(int a) {
UnicodeSet result = new UnicodeSet();
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
if ((a & (1<<i)) != 0) {
return result;
* Convert a UnicodeSet to a bitmask. Only the characters
* U+0000 to U+0020 are represented in the bitmask.
static int setToBits(UnicodeSet x) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
if (x.contains((char)i)) {
result |= (1<<i);
return result;
* Return the representation of an inversion list based UnicodeSet
* as a pairs list. Ranges are listed in ascending Unicode order.
* For example, the set [a-zA-M3] is represented as "33AMaz".
static String getPairs(UnicodeSet set) {
StringBuffer pairs = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=0; i<set.getRangeCount(); ++i) {
int start = set.getRangeStart(i);
int end = set.getRangeEnd(i);
if (end > 0xFFFF) {
end = 0xFFFF;
i = set.getRangeCount(); // Should be unnecessary
return pairs.toString();
* Expect the given set to contain the characters in charsIn and
* to not contain those in charsOut.
void expectContainment(UnicodeSet set, String charsIn, String charsOut) {
StringBuffer bad = new StringBuffer();
if (charsIn != null) {
for (int i=0; i<charsIn.length(); ++i) {
int c = UTF16.charAt(charsIn,i);
if(c>0xffff) i++;
if (!set.contains(c)) {
if (bad.length() > 0) {
errln(Utility.escape("FAIL: set " + set + " does not contain " + bad +
", expected containment of " + charsIn));
} else {
logln(Utility.escape("Ok: set " + set + " contains " + charsIn));
if (charsOut != null) {
for (int i=0; i<charsOut.length(); ++i) {
char c = charsOut.charAt(i);
if (set.contains(c)) {
if (bad.length() > 0) {
errln(Utility.escape("FAIL: set " + set + " contains " + bad +
", expected non-containment of " + charsOut));
} else {
logln(Utility.escape("Ok: set " + set + " does not contain " + charsOut));
void expectPattern(UnicodeSet set,
String pattern,
String expectedPairs) {
if (!getPairs(set).equals(expectedPairs)) {
errln("FAIL: applyPattern(\"" + pattern +
"\") => pairs \"" +
Utility.escape(getPairs(set)) + "\", expected \"" +
Utility.escape(expectedPairs) + "\"");
} else {
logln("Ok: applyPattern(\"" + pattern +
"\") => pairs \"" +
Utility.escape(getPairs(set)) + "\"");
void expectPairs(UnicodeSet set, String expectedPairs) {
if (!getPairs(set).equals(expectedPairs)) {
errln("FAIL: Expected pair list \"" +
Utility.escape(expectedPairs) + "\", got \"" +
Utility.escape(getPairs(set)) + "\"");
static final String CharsToUnicodeString(String s) {
return Utility.unescape(s);