blob: 2db0d6c25730917ff9869fcbd8098dd7c08459c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2000, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/icu/demo/components/Attic/,v $
* $Date: 2001/11/28 19:27:09 $
* $Revision: 1.1 $
import java.text.*;
public final class Selection {
public int anchor;
public int caret;
public boolean clickAfter;
public int getStart() {
return anchor < caret ? anchor : caret;
public int getEnd() {
return anchor > caret ? anchor : caret;
public boolean isCaret() {
return anchor == caret;
public Selection set(Selection other) {
anchor = other.anchor;
caret = other.caret;
clickAfter = other.clickAfter;
return this;
public Selection set(int anchor, int caret, boolean clickAfter) {
this.anchor = anchor;
this.caret = caret;
this.clickAfter = clickAfter;
return this;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
Selection other2 = (Selection)other;
return anchor == other2.anchor
&& caret == other2.caret
&& clickAfter == other2.clickAfter;
public boolean isLessThan(Selection other) {
return getStart() < other.getEnd();
public Selection pin(String text) {
if (anchor > text.length()) {
anchor = text.length();
} else if (anchor < 0) {
anchor = 0;
if (caret > text.length()) {
caret = text.length();
clickAfter = true;
} else if (caret < 0) {
caret = 0;
clickAfter = false;
return this;
public Selection swap(Selection after) {
int temp = anchor;
anchor = after.anchor;
after.anchor = temp;
temp = caret;
caret = after.caret;
after.caret = temp;
boolean b = clickAfter;
clickAfter = after.clickAfter;
after.clickAfter = b;
return this;
public Selection fixAfterReplace(int start, int end, int len) {
if (anchor >= start) {
if (anchor < end) anchor = end;
anchor = start + len + anchor - end;
if (caret >= start) {
if (caret < end) caret = end;
caret = start + len + caret - end;
return this;
// Mac & Windows considerably different
// Mac: end++. If start!=end, start=end
// SHIFT: move end right
// CTL: no different
// Windows:
// UNSHIFTED: if start!=end, start = end, else start=end=end+1;
// anchor = tip = start
// SHIFT: tip++
// CTL: if start!=end, start = end = nextbound(end-1),
// else start=end=nextbound(end)
// anchor = tip = start
// CTL/SHIFT: tip = nextbound(tip)
public Selection nextBound(BreakIterator breaker,
int direction, boolean extend) {
if (!extend && anchor != caret) caret -= direction;
caret = next(caret, breaker, direction, true);
if (!extend) anchor = caret;
clickAfter = false;
return this;
// expand start and end to word breaks--if they are not already on one
public void expand(BreakIterator breaker) {
if (anchor <= caret) {
anchor = next(anchor,breaker,-1,false);
caret = next(caret,breaker,1,false);
try {
anchor = breaker.previous();
} catch (Exception e) {}
try {
caret = breaker.following(caret-1);
} catch (Exception e) {}
} else {
anchor = next(anchor,breaker,1,false);
caret = next(caret,breaker,-1,false);
try {
caret = breaker.previous();
} catch (Exception e) {}
try {
anchor = breaker.following(anchor-1);
} catch (Exception e) {}
// different = false - move to next boundary, unless on one
// true - move to next boundary, even if on one
public static int next(int position, BreakIterator breaker,
int direction, boolean different) {
if (!different) position -= direction;
try {
if (direction > 0) {
position = breaker.following(position);
} else {
position = breaker.previous();
} catch (Exception e) {}
return position;