blob: a37daac7fbbba2e66fa88c8b09655e7df8823db5 [file] [log] [blame]
* ******************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
* All Rights Reserved.
* ******************************************************************************
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.swing.AbstractListModel;
import javax.swing.ComboBoxModel;
import javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTML;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit;
import javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator;
* Represents a map of timezone version names to urls where they can be found
* that is usable by any class that uses AbstractListModels (such as a JList or
* JCombobox in swing). Also contains methods to begin a search for sources on
* the ICU Timezone Repository.
class SourceModel extends AbstractListModel implements ComboBoxModel {
* The serializable UID.
public static final long serialVersionUID = 1339;
* The URL of the ICU Timezone Repository. In order to catch a
* MalformedURLException, this field must be initialized by the constructor.
public static URL TZ_BASE_URL = null;
* The end of a URL string to any timezone resource in the ICU Timezone
* Repository meant for ICU4J.
public static final String TZ_BASE_URLSTRING_END = "/be/zoneinfo.res";
* The URL string of the ICU Timezone Repository.
public static final String TZ_BASE_URLSTRING_START = "";
* The readable name of the local timezone resource file, ie. "Local Copy"
* or "Local Copy (2007c)". Since the version is determined by a
* <code>ICUFile.findFileTZVersion</code>, this field must be initialized
* by the constructor.
public static String TZ_LOCAL_CHOICE = null;
* The URL of the local timezone resource file. In order to catch a
* MalformedURLException, this field must be initialized by the constructor.
public static URL TZ_LOCAL_URL = null;
* The version of the local timezone resource file, ie. "2007c". Since the
* version is determined by a <code>ICUFile.findFileTZVersion</code>,
* this field must be initialized by the constructor.
public static String TZ_LOCAL_VERSION = null;
* The local timezone resource file.
public static File tzLocalFile = null;
* The current logger.
private Logger logger;
* The currently selected timezone resource name. Initially set to
* <code>TZ_LOCAL_CHOICE</code>.
private Object selected = TZ_LOCAL_CHOICE;
* The map of timezone resource names to their respective URL locations.
private TreeMap urlMap = new TreeMap();
* Constructs a source model.
* @param logger
* The current logger.
* @param tzLocalFile
* The local timezone resource file.
public SourceModel(Logger logger, File tzLocalFile) {
this.logger = logger;
// if all constants are not yet initialized
// (this is where they get initialized)
if (TZ_BASE_URL == null) {
try {
SourceModel.tzLocalFile = tzLocalFile;
if (!tzLocalFile.exists()) {
// not a critical error, but we won't be able to use the
// local tz file
logger.errorln("Local copy (zoneinfo.res) does not exist");
} else {
TZ_LOCAL_URL = tzLocalFile.toURL();
TZ_LOCAL_VERSION = ICUFile.findFileTZVersion(tzLocalFile,
if (TZ_LOCAL_VERSION == null) {
.errorln("Failed to determine version of local copy");
TZ_LOCAL_CHOICE = "Local Copy";
} else {
+ ")";
selected = TZ_LOCAL_CHOICE;
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// this shouldn't happen
logger.errorln("Internal program error.");
* Gathers all the names and urls of timezone resources available on the ICU
* Timezone Repository. Also sets the selected item in this list to be the
* best timezone version available.
public void findSources() {
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
URLConnection con = TZ_BASE_URL.openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("user-agent", System.getProperty("http.agent"));
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
// create an html callback function to parse through every list item
// (every list item
HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback htmlCallback = new HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback() {
private boolean listItem = false;
public void handleEndTag(HTML.Tag tag, int pos) {
if (tag == HTML.Tag.LI)
listItem = false;
public void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag tag,
MutableAttributeSet attr, int pos) {
if (tag == HTML.Tag.LI)
listItem = true;
public void handleText(char[] data, int pos) {
if (listItem) {
String str = new String(data);
if (str.charAt(str.length() - 1) == '/')
str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1);
if (!"..".equals(str))
try {
// add the new item to the map
// update the selected item and fire off an
// event
selected = urlMap.lastKey();
int index = 0;
for (Iterator iter = urlMap.keySet().iterator(); iter
.hasNext();) {
if (
fireIntervalAdded(this, index, index);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
logger.errorln("Internal program error.");
new ParserDelegator().parse(reader, htmlCallback, false);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// cannot connect to the repository -- use local version only.
String message = "Failed to connect to the ICU Timezone Repository at "
+ TZ_BASE_URL.toString()
+ " .\n\n"
+ "Check your connection and re-run ICUTZU or continue using the local copy of the timezone update (version "
} finally {
// close the reader gracefully
if (reader != null)
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
* Returns the name of the timezone resource at the given index.
* @param index
* The given index.
* @return The name of the timezone resource at the given index.
public Object getElementAt(int index) {
if (index == 0)
else if (index < 0 || index > urlMap.size())
return null;
else {
Iterator iter = urlMap.keySet().iterator();
for (int i = 1; i < index; i++);
* Returns the selected timezone resource name. If
* <code>setSelectedItem</code> is never called externally, then this is
* also the best available timezone resource (the most recent version).
* @return The selected timezone resource name.
public Object getSelectedItem() {
return selected;
* Gets the number of timezone resources currently stored by the source
* model. There will always be at least one.
* @return The number of timezone resources.
public int getSize() {
// the added size (+1) is due to the local copy not being inside the map
return urlMap.size() + 1;
* Returns the URL mapped to by the given timezone resource name.
* @param choice
* The version name, which should be a String.
* @return The URL mapped to by the given timezone resource name.
public URL getURL(Object choice) {
if (choice == null || !(choice instanceof String))
return null;
else if (TZ_LOCAL_CHOICE.equalsIgnoreCase((String) choice))
return TZ_LOCAL_URL;
return (URL) urlMap.get(choice);
* Returns the version of a timezone resource with the given name. Usually
* this is exactly the same as the name, but if the name is
* <code>TZ_LOCAL_CHOICE</code> (ignoring case), then the version is
* <code>TZ_LOCAL_VERSION</code>.
* @param choice
* The version name, which should be a String.
* @return The URL mapped to by the given version name.
public String getVersion(Object choice) {
if (choice == null || !(choice instanceof String))
return null;
else if (TZ_LOCAL_CHOICE.equalsIgnoreCase((String) choice))
return (String) choice;
* Returns an iterator on the entry set of the url map. Each item iterated
* will be of type Map.Entry, whos key is a String and value is a URL.
* @return An iterator as described above.
public Iterator iterator() {
return urlMap.entrySet().iterator();
* Sets the selected timezone resource name.
* @param selected
* The timezone resource name to be selected.
public void setSelectedItem(Object selected) {
this.selected = selected;