blob: 5bf38a3eccc8def556d2a6dd1943bbb1298e9e79 [file] [log] [blame]
* ******************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
* All Rights Reserved.
* ******************************************************************************
* Loads the ICUTZU tool, command-line version.
public class CLILoader {
* The filename of the log file in patch mode.
public static final String LOG_FILENAME_PATCH = "icutzu_patch.log";
* The filename of the log file in discovery only mode.
public static final String LOG_FILENAME_DISCOVERYONLY = "icutzu_discovery.log";
* The backup directory to use in patch mode, or null if there should be no
* backups.
private File backupDir = null;
* The current directory.
private File curDir = null;
* A logger that manages both output to the screen and to the log file.
private Logger logger;
* The file that stores the path list.
private File pathFile = null;
* A glorified list of IncludePath objects representing the list of
* directories used in discovery mode.
private PathModel pathModel;
* The file that stores the result list.
private File resultFile = null;
* A glorified list of ICUFile objects representing the ICU4J jars found in
* discovery mode and used in patch mode.
private ResultModel resultModel;
* A glorified map of Strings to URLs populated by parsing the directory
* structure in the ICU Time Zone repository online and used in patch mode.
private SourceModel sourceModel;
* The local timezone resource file.
private File tzFile = null;
* Entry point for the command-line version of the tool.
* @param curDir
* The base directory of the tool.
* @param backupDir
* The location to store backups.
* @param pathFile
* The file to load paths from.
* @param resultFile
* The file to load/save results to/from.
* @param tzFile
* The local timezone resource file.
public CLILoader(File curDir, File backupDir, File pathFile,
File resultFile, File tzFile) {
// determine whether we are running in discover only mode or patch mode
boolean discoverOnly = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(System
boolean silentPatch = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(System
File logFile = new File(curDir.getPath() + File.separator
+ (discoverOnly ? "icutzu_discover.log" : "icutzu_patch.log"));
// create the logger based on the silentpatch option
try {
this.logger = Logger.getInstance(logFile,
silentPatch ? Logger.QUIET : Logger.NORMAL);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.out.println("Could not open " + logFile.getPath()
+ " for writing.");
this.pathFile = pathFile;
this.resultFile = resultFile;
this.tzFile = tzFile;
this.backupDir = backupDir;
this.curDir = curDir;
// if discoveryonly is enabled, call the search method
// otherwise, call the update method
try {
if (discoverOnly)
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
* Discover Only Mode. Load the path list from the path file and save the
* path of each updatable ICU jar files it finds to the result list
* @throws IOException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws InterruptedException
private void search() throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
InterruptedException {
logger.printlnToScreen("*********** Command-Line \'Discover Only\'"
+ " Mode Started ***********");
logger.printlnToScreen("\'Discover Only\' Mode:");
logger.printlnToScreen("\tIn this mode, "
+ "the tool will search for ICU4J jars"
+ " in the directories specified in DirectorySearch.txt"
+ " and print the ICU4J jars detected and their respective"
+ " time zone version to the file ICUList.txt");
// initialize the result model and the path model
resultModel = new ResultModel(logger, resultFile);
pathModel = new PathModel(logger, pathFile);
// load paths stored in PathModel.PATHLIST_FILENAME
// perform the search, putting the the results in the result model,
// searching all subdirectories of the included path, using the backup
// directory specified, and without using a status bar (since this is
// command-line)
pathModel.searchAll(resultModel, true, curDir, backupDir);
// save the results in PathModel.RESULTLIST_FILENAME
logger.printlnToScreen("Please run with DISCOVERYONLY=false"
+ " in order to update ICU4J jars listed in ICUList.txt");
logger.printlnToScreen("*********** Command-Line \'Discover Only\'"
+ " Mode Ended ***********");
* Patch Mode. Load all the results from resultFile, populate the tz version
* list via the web, and update all the results with the best available Time
* Zone data.
* @throws IOException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws InterruptedException
private void update() throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException,
InterruptedException {
logger.printlnToScreen("*********** Command-Line \'Patch\'"
+ " Mode Started ***********");
logger.printlnToScreen("\'Patch\' Mode:");
logger.printlnToScreen("\tIn this mode, the tool patches each of the"
+ " ICU4J jars listed in ICUList.txt with the new time zone"
+ " information.");
// initialize the result model and the source model
resultModel = new ResultModel(logger, resultFile);
sourceModel = new SourceModel(logger, tzFile);
// load the results from the result list file
// if the offline is not set to true, populate the list of available
// timezone resource versions
if (!"true".equals(System.getProperty("offline")))
// perform the updates using the best tz version available
sourceModel.getURL(sourceModel.getSelectedItem()), backupDir);
logger.printlnToScreen("*********** Command-Line \'Patch\'"
+ " Mode Ended ***********");