blob: 7f52325350d8a705bee6a39c9fec41d36e1fdbec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004-2007, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Author: Alan Liu
* Created: January 14 2004
* Since: ICU 2.8
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class ULocaleTest extends TestFmwk {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new ULocaleTest().run(args);
public void TestCalendar() {
// TODO The CalendarFactory mechanism is not public,
// so we can't test it yet. If it becomes public,
// enable this code.
// class CFactory implements CalendarFactory {
// Locale loc;
// Calendar proto;
// public CFactory(Locale locale, Calendar prototype) {
// loc = locale;
// proto = prototype;
// }
// public Calendar create(TimeZone tz, Locale locale) {
// // ignore tz -- not relevant to this test
// return locale.equals(loc) ?
// (Calendar) proto.clone() : null;
// }
// public String factoryName() {
// return "CFactory";
// }
// };
checkService("en_US_BROOKLYN", new ServiceFacade() {
public Object create(ULocale req) {
return Calendar.getInstance(req);
// }, null, new Registrar() {
// public Object register(ULocale loc, Object prototype) {
// CFactory f = new CFactory(loc, (Calendar) prototype);
// return Calendar.register(f, loc);
// }
// public boolean unregister(Object key) {
// return Calendar.unregister(key);
// }
// Currency getLocale API is obsolete in 3.2. Since it now returns ULocale.ROOT,
// and this is not equal to the requested locale zh_TW_TAIPEI, the
// checkService call would always fail. So we now omit the test.
public void TestCurrency() {
checkService("zh_TW_TAIPEI", new ServiceFacade() {
public Object create(ULocale req) {
return Currency.getInstance(req);
}, null, new Registrar() {
public Object register(ULocale loc, Object prototype) {
return Currency.registerInstance((Currency) prototype, loc);
public boolean unregister(Object key) {
return Currency.unregister(key);
public void TestBreakIterator() {
checkService("ja_JP_OSAKA", new ServiceFacade() {
public Object create(ULocale req) {
return BreakIterator.getWordInstance(req);
}, null, new Registrar() {
public Object register(ULocale loc, Object prototype) {
return BreakIterator.registerInstance(
(BreakIterator) prototype,
loc, BreakIterator.KIND_WORD);
public boolean unregister(Object key) {
return BreakIterator.unregister(key);
public void TestCollator() {
checkService("ja_JP_YOKOHAMA", new ServiceFacade() {
public Object create(ULocale req) {
return Collator.getInstance(req);
}, null, new Registrar() {
public Object register(ULocale loc, Object prototype) {
return Collator.registerInstance((Collator) prototype, loc);
public boolean unregister(Object key) {
return Collator.unregister(key);
public void TestDateFormat() {
checkService("de_CH_ZURICH", new ServiceFacade() {
public Object create(ULocale req) {
return DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, req);
}, new Subobject() {
public Object get(Object parent) {
return ((SimpleDateFormat) parent).getDateFormatSymbols();
}, null);
public void TestNumberFormat() {
class NFactory extends SimpleNumberFormatFactory {
NumberFormat proto;
ULocale locale;
public NFactory(ULocale loc, NumberFormat fmt) {
this.locale = loc;
this.proto = fmt;
public NumberFormat createFormat(ULocale loc, int formatType) {
return (NumberFormat) (locale.equals(loc) ?
proto.clone() : null);
checkService("fr_FR_NICE", new ServiceFacade() {
public Object create(ULocale req) {
return NumberFormat.getInstance(req);
}, new Subobject() {
public Object get(Object parent) {
return ((DecimalFormat) parent).getDecimalFormatSymbols();
}, new Registrar() {
public Object register(ULocale loc, Object prototype) {
NFactory f = new NFactory(loc, (NumberFormat) prototype);
return NumberFormat.registerFactory(f);
public boolean unregister(Object key) {
return NumberFormat.unregister(key);
public void TestSetULocaleKeywords() {
ULocale uloc = new ULocale("en_Latn_US");
uloc = uloc.setKeywordValue("Foo", "FooValue");
if (!"en_Latn_US@foo=FooValue".equals(uloc.getName())) {
errln("failed to add foo keyword, got: " + uloc.getName());
uloc = uloc.setKeywordValue("Bar", "BarValue");
if (!"en_Latn_US@bar=BarValue;foo=FooValue".equals(uloc.getName())) {
errln("failed to add bar keyword, got: " + uloc.getName());
uloc = uloc.setKeywordValue("BAR", "NewBarValue");
if (!"en_Latn_US@bar=NewBarValue;foo=FooValue".equals(uloc.getName())) {
errln("failed to change bar keyword, got: " + uloc.getName());
uloc = uloc.setKeywordValue("BaR", null);
if (!"en_Latn_US@foo=FooValue".equals(uloc.getName())) {
errln("failed to delete bar keyword, got: " + uloc.getName());
uloc = uloc.setKeywordValue(null, null);
if (!"en_Latn_US".equals(uloc.getName())) {
errln("failed to delete all keywords, got: " + uloc.getName());
// ================= Infrastructure =================
* Compare two locale IDs. If they are equal, return 0. If `string'
* starts with `prefix' plus an additional element, that is, string ==
* prefix + '_' + x, then return 1. Otherwise return a value < 0.
static int loccmp(String string, String prefix) {
int slen = string.length(),
plen = prefix.length();
/* 'root' is "less than" everything */
if (prefix.equals("root")) {
return string.equals("root") ? 0 : 1;
// ON JAVA (only -- not on C -- someone correct me if I'm wrong)
// consider "" to be an alternate name for "root".
if (plen == 0) {
return slen == 0 ? 0 : 1;
if (!string.startsWith(prefix)) return -1; /* mismatch */
if (slen == plen) return 0;
if (string.charAt(plen) == '_') return 1;
return -2; /* false match, e.g. "en_USX" cmp "en_US" */
* Check the relationship between requested locales, and report problems.
* The caller specifies the expected relationships between requested
* and valid (expReqValid) and between valid and actual (expValidActual).
* Possible values are:
* "gt" strictly greater than, e.g., en_US > en
* "ge" greater or equal, e.g., en >= en
* "eq" equal, e.g., en == en
void checklocs(String label,
String req,
Locale validLoc,
Locale actualLoc,
String expReqValid,
String expValidActual) {
String valid = validLoc.toString();
String actual = actualLoc.toString();
int reqValid = loccmp(req, valid);
int validActual = loccmp(valid, actual);
boolean reqOK = (expReqValid.equals("gt") && reqValid > 0) ||
(expReqValid.equals("ge") && reqValid >= 0) ||
(expReqValid.equals("eq") && reqValid == 0);
boolean valOK = (expValidActual.equals("gt") && validActual > 0) ||
(expValidActual.equals("ge") && validActual >= 0) ||
(expValidActual.equals("eq") && validActual == 0);
if (reqOK && valOK) {
logln("Ok: " + label + "; req=" + req + ", valid=" + valid +
", actual=" + actual);
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + label + "; req=" + req + ", valid=" + valid +
", actual=" + actual +
(reqOK ? "" : "\n req !" + expReqValid + " valid") +
(valOK ? "" : "\n val !" + expValidActual + " actual"));
* Interface used by checkService defining a protocol to create an
* object, given a requested locale.
interface ServiceFacade {
Object create(ULocale requestedLocale);
* Interface used by checkService defining a protocol to get a
* contained subobject, given its parent object.
interface Subobject {
Object get(Object parent);
* Interface used by checkService defining a protocol to register
* and unregister a service object prototype.
interface Registrar {
Object register(ULocale loc, Object prototype);
boolean unregister(Object key);
* Use reflection to call getLocale() on the given object to
* determine both the valid and the actual locale. Verify these
* for correctness.
void checkObject(String requestedLocale, Object obj,
String expReqValid, String expValidActual) {
Class[] params = new Class[] { ULocale.Type.class };
try {
Class cls = obj.getClass();
Method getLocale = cls.getMethod("getLocale", params);
ULocale valid = (ULocale) getLocale.invoke(obj, new Object[] {
ULocale actual = (ULocale) getLocale.invoke(obj, new Object[] {
checklocs(cls.getName(), requestedLocale,
valid.toLocale(), actual.toLocale(),
expReqValid, expValidActual);
// Make the following exceptions _specific_ -- do not
// catch(Exception), since that will catch the exception
// that errln throws.
catch(NoSuchMethodException e1) {
// no longer an error, Currency has no getLocale
// errln("FAIL: reflection failed: " + e1);
} catch(SecurityException e2) {
errln("FAIL: reflection failed: " + e2);
} catch(IllegalAccessException e3) {
errln("FAIL: reflection failed: " + e3);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e4) {
errln("FAIL: reflection failed: " + e4);
} catch(InvocationTargetException e5) {
// no longer an error, Currency has no getLocale
// errln("FAIL: reflection failed: " + e5);
* Verify the correct getLocale() behavior for the given service.
* @param requestedLocale the locale to request. This MUST BE
* FAKE. In other words, it should be something like
* en_US_FAKEVARIANT so this method can verify correct fallback
* behavior.
* @param svc a factory object that can create the object to be
* tested. This isn't necessary here (one could just pass in the
* object) but is required for the overload of this method that
* takes a Registrar.
void checkService(String requestedLocale, ServiceFacade svc) {
checkService(requestedLocale, svc, null, null);
* Verify the correct getLocale() behavior for the given service.
* @param requestedLocale the locale to request. This MUST BE
* FAKE. In other words, it should be something like
* en_US_FAKEVARIANT so this method can verify correct fallback
* behavior.
* @param svc a factory object that can create the object to be
* tested.
* @param sub an object that can be used to retrieve a subobject
* which should also be tested. May be null.
* @param reg an object that supplies the registration and
* unregistration functionality to be tested. May be null.
void checkService(String requestedLocale, ServiceFacade svc,
Subobject sub, Registrar reg) {
ULocale req = new ULocale(requestedLocale);
Object obj = svc.create(req);
checkObject(requestedLocale, obj, "gt", "ge");
if (sub != null) {
Object subobj = sub.get(obj);
checkObject(requestedLocale, subobj, "gt", "ge");
if (reg != null) {
logln("Info: Registering service");
Object key = reg.register(req, obj);
Object objReg = svc.create(req);
checkObject(requestedLocale, objReg, "eq", "eq");
if (sub != null) {
Object subobj = sub.get(obj);
// Assume subobjects don't come from services, so
// their metadata should be structured normally.
checkObject(requestedLocale, subobj, "gt", "ge");
logln("Info: Unregistering service");
if (!reg.unregister(key)) {
errln("FAIL: unregister failed");
Object objUnreg = svc.create(req);
checkObject(requestedLocale, objUnreg, "gt", "ge");
private static final int LOCALE_SIZE = 9;
private static final String[][] rawData2 = new String[][]{
/* language code */
{ "en", "fr", "ca", "el", "no", "zh", "de", "es", "ja" },
/* script code */
{ "", "", "", "", "", "Hans", "", "", "" },
/* country code */
{ "US", "FR", "ES", "GR", "NO", "CN", "DE", "", "JP" },
/* variant code */
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", "", "" },
/* full name */
{ "en_US", "fr_FR", "ca_ES",
"el_GR", "no_NO_NY", "zh_Hans_CN",
"de_DE@collation=phonebook", "es@collation=traditional", "ja_JP@calendar=japanese" },
/* ISO-3 language */
{ "eng", "fra", "cat", "ell", "nor", "zho", "deu", "spa", "jpn" },
/* ISO-3 country */
{ "USA", "FRA", "ESP", "GRC", "NOR", "CHN", "DEU", "", "JPN" },
/* LCID */
{ "409", "40c", "403", "408", "814", "804", "407", "a", "411" },
/* display language (English) */
{ "English", "French", "Catalan", "Greek", "Norwegian", "Chinese", "German", "Spanish", "Japanese" },
/* display script code (English) */
{ "", "", "", "", "", "Simplified Han", "", "", "" },
/* display country (English) */
{ "United States", "France", "Spain", "Greece", "Norway", "China", "Germany", "", "Japan" },
/* display variant (English) */
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", "", "" },
/* display name (English) */
{ "English (United States)", "French (France)", "Catalan (Spain)",
"Greek (Greece)", "Norwegian (Norway, NY)", "Chinese (Simplified Han, China)",
"German (Germany, Collation=Phonebook Order)", "Spanish (Collation=Traditional)", "Japanese (Japan, Calendar=Japanese Calendar)" },
/* display language (French) */
{ "anglais", "fran\\u00E7ais", "catalan", "grec", "norv\\u00E9gien", "chinois", "allemand", "espagnol", "japonais" },
/* display script code (French) */
{ "", "", "", "", "", "Hans", "", "", "" },
/* display country (French) */
{ "\\u00C9tats-Unis", "France", "Espagne", "Gr\\u00E8ce", "Norv\\u00E8ge", "Chine", "Allemagne", "", "Japon" },
/* display variant (French) */
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", "", "" },
/* display name (French) */
{ "anglais (\\u00C9tats-Unis)", "fran\\u00E7ais (France)", "catalan (Espagne)",
"grec (Gr\\u00E8ce)", "norv\\u00E9gien (Norv\\u00E8ge, NY)", "chinois (Hans, Chine)",
"allemand (Allemagne, Ordonnancement=Ordre de l'annuaire)", "espagnol (Ordonnancement=Ordre traditionnel)", "japonais (Japon, Calendrier=Calendrier japonais)" },
/* display language (Catalan) */
{ "angl\\u00E8s", "franc\\u00E8s", "catal\\u00E0", "grec", "noruec", "xin\\u00E9s", "alemany", "espanyol", "japon\\u00E8s" },
/* display script code (Catalan) */
{ "", "", "", "", "", "Hans", "", "", "" },
/* display country (Catalan) */
{ "Estats Units", "Fran\\u00E7a", "Espanya", "Gr\\u00E8cia", "Noruega", "Xina", "Alemanya", "", "Jap\\u00F3" },
/* display variant (Catalan) */
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", "", "" },
/* display name (Catalan) */
{ "angl\\u00E8s (Estats Units)", "franc\\u00E8s (Fran\\u00E7a)", "catal\\u00E0 (Espanya)",
"grec (Gr\\u00E8cia)", "noruec (Noruega, NY)", "xin\\u00E9s (Hans, Xina)",
"alemany (Alemanya, COLLATION=PHONEBOOK)", "espanyol (COLLATION=TRADITIONAL)", "japon\\u00E8s (Jap\\u00F3, CALENDAR=JAPANESE)" },
/* display language (Greek) */
/* display script code (Greek) */
{ "", "", "", "", "", "Hans", "", "", "" },
/* display country (Greek) */
"\\u0397\\u03bd\\u03c9\\u03bc\\u03ad\\u03bd\\u03b5\\u03c2 \\u03a0\\u03bf\\u03bb\\u03b9\\u03c4\\u03b5\\u03af\\u03b5\\u03c2",
/* display variant (Greek) */
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", "", "" }, /* TODO: currently there is no translation for NY in Greek fix this test when we have it */
/* display name (Greek) */
"\\u0391\\u03b3\\u03b3\\u03bb\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0397\\u03bd\\u03c9\\u03bc\\u03ad\\u03bd\\u03b5\\u03c2 \\u03a0\\u03bf\\u03bb\\u03b9\\u03c4\\u03b5\\u03af\\u03b5\\u03c2)",
"\\u0393\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0393\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03af\\u03b1)",
"\\u039a\\u03b1\\u03c4\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03b1\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0399\\u03c3\\u03c0\\u03b1\\u03bd\\u03af\\u03b1)",
"\\u0395\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03b7\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0395\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03ac\\u03b4\\u03b1)",
"\\u039d\\u03bf\\u03c1\\u03b2\\u03b7\\u03b3\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u039d\\u03bf\\u03c1\\u03b2\\u03b7\\u03b3\\u03af\\u03b1, NY)",
"\\u039A\\u03B9\\u03BD\\u03B5\\u03B6\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (Hans, \\u039A\\u03AF\\u03BD\\u03B1)",
"\\u0393\\u03B5\\u03C1\\u03BC\\u03B1\\u03BD\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (\\u0393\\u03B5\\u03C1\\u03BC\\u03B1\\u03BD\\u03AF\\u03B1, COLLATION=PHONEBOOK)",
"\\u0399\\u03C3\\u03C0\\u03B1\\u03BD\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (COLLATION=TRADITIONAL)",
"\\u0399\\u03B1\\u03C0\\u03C9\\u03BD\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (\\u0399\\u03B1\\u03C0\\u03C9\\u03BD\\u03AF\\u03B1, CALENDAR=JAPANESE)"
// private static final int ENGLISH = 0;
// private static final int FRENCH = 1;
// private static final int CATALAN = 2;
// private static final int GREEK = 3;
// private static final int NORWEGIAN = 4;
private static final int LANG = 0;
private static final int SCRIPT = 1;
private static final int CTRY = 2;
private static final int VAR = 3;
private static final int NAME = 4;
// private static final int LANG3 = 5;
// private static final int CTRY3 = 6;
// private static final int LCID = 7;
// private static final int DLANG_EN = 8;
// private static final int DSCRIPT_EN = 9;
// private static final int DCTRY_EN = 10;
// private static final int DVAR_EN = 11;
// private static final int DNAME_EN = 12;
// private static final int DLANG_FR = 13;
// private static final int DSCRIPT_FR = 14;
// private static final int DCTRY_FR = 15;
// private static final int DVAR_FR = 16;
// private static final int DNAME_FR = 17;
// private static final int DLANG_CA = 18;
// private static final int DSCRIPT_CA = 19;
// private static final int DCTRY_CA = 20;
// private static final int DVAR_CA = 21;
// private static final int DNAME_CA = 22;
// private static final int DLANG_EL = 23;
// private static final int DSCRIPT_EL = 24;
// private static final int DCTRY_EL = 25;
// private static final int DVAR_EL = 26;
// private static final int DNAME_EL = 27;
public void TestBasicGetters() {
int i;
logln("Testing Basic Getters\n");
for (i = 0; i < LOCALE_SIZE; i++) {
String testLocale=(rawData2[NAME][i]);
logln("Testing "+ testLocale+".....\n");
String lang =ULocale.getLanguage(testLocale);
if (0 !=lang.compareTo(rawData2[LANG][i])) {
errln(" Language code mismatch: "+lang+" versus "+ rawData2[LANG][i]);
String ctry=ULocale.getCountry(testLocale);
if (0 !=ctry.compareTo(rawData2[CTRY][i])) {
errln(" Country code mismatch: "+ctry+" versus "+ rawData2[CTRY][i]);
String var=ULocale.getVariant(testLocale);
if (0 !=var.compareTo(rawData2[VAR][i])) {
errln(" Variant code mismatch: "+var+" versus "+ rawData2[VAR][i]);
String name = ULocale.getName(testLocale);
if (0 !=name.compareTo(rawData2[NAME][i])) {
errln(" Name mismatch: "+name+" versus "+ rawData2[NAME][i]);
public void TestPrefixes() {
// POSIX ids are no longer handled by getName, so POSIX failures are ignored
final String [][] testData = new String[][]{
/* null canonicalize() column means "expect same as getName()" */
{"sv", "", "FI", "AL", "sv-fi-al", "sv_FI_AL", null},
{"en", "", "GB", "", "en-gb", "en_GB", null},
{"i-hakka", "", "MT", "XEMXIJA", "i-hakka_MT_XEMXIJA", "i-hakka_MT_XEMXIJA", null},
{"i-hakka", "", "CN", "", "i-hakka_CN", "i-hakka_CN", null},
{"i-hakka", "", "MX", "", "I-hakka_MX", "i-hakka_MX", null},
{"x-klingon", "", "US", "SANJOSE", "X-KLINGON_us_SANJOSE", "x-klingon_US_SANJOSE", null},
{"mr", "", "", "", "mr.utf8", "mr.utf8", "mr"},
{"de", "", "TV", "", "de-tv.koi8r", "de_TV.koi8r", "de_TV"},
{"x-piglatin", "", "ML", "", "x-piglatin_ML.MBE", "x-piglatin_ML.MBE", "x-piglatin_ML"}, /* Multibyte English */
{"i-cherokee", "","US", "", "i-Cherokee_US.utf7", "i-cherokee_US.utf7", "i-cherokee_US"},
{"x-filfli", "", "MT", "FILFLA", "", "", "x-filfli_MT_FILFLA"},
{"no", "", "NO", "NY_B", "no-no-ny.utf32@B", "no_NO_NY.utf32@B", "no_NO_NY_B"},
{"no", "", "NO", "B", "no-no.utf32@B", "no_NO.utf32@B", "no_NO_B"},
{"no", "", "", "NY", "no__ny", "no__NY", null},
{"no", "", "", "NY", "no@ny", "no@ny", "no__NY"},
{"el", "Latn", "", "", "el-latn", "el_Latn", null},
{"en", "Cyrl", "RU", "", "en-cyrl-ru", "en_Cyrl_RU", null},
{"zh", "Hant", "TW", "STROKE", "zh-hant_TW_STROKE", "zh_Hant_TW_STROKE", null},
{"qq", "Qqqq", "QQ", "QQ", "qq_Qqqq_QQ_QQ", "qq_Qqqq_QQ_QQ", null},
{"qq", "Qqqq", "", "QQ", "qq_Qqqq__QQ", "qq_Qqqq__QQ", null},
{"12", "3456", "78", "90", "12_3456_78_90", "12_3456_78_90", null}, /* total garbage */
// odd cases
{"", "", "", "", "@FOO=bar", "@foo=bar", null},
{"", "", "", "", "_@FOO=bar", "@foo=bar", null},
{"", "", "", "", "__@FOO=bar", "@foo=bar", null},
{"", "", "", "FOO", "__foo@FOO=bar", "__FOO@foo=bar", null}, // we have some of these prefixes
String loc, buf,buf1;
final String [] testTitles = {
ULocale uloc;
for(int row=0;row<testData.length;row++) {
loc = testData[row][NAME];
logln("Test #"+row+": "+loc);
uloc = new ULocale(loc);
for(int n=0;n<=(NAME+2);n++) {
if(n==NAME) continue;
switch(n) {
case LANG:
buf = ULocale.getLanguage(loc);
buf1 = uloc.getLanguage();
case SCRIPT:
buf = ULocale.getScript(loc);
buf1 = uloc.getScript();
case CTRY:
buf = ULocale.getCountry(loc);
buf1 = uloc.getCountry();
case VAR:
buf = ULocale.getVariant(loc);
buf1 = buf;
case NAME+1:
buf = ULocale.getName(loc);
buf1 = uloc.getName();
case NAME+2:
buf = ULocale.canonicalize(loc);
buf1 = ULocale.createCanonical(loc).getName();
buf = "**??";
buf1 = buf;
logln("#"+row+": "+testTitles[n]+" on "+loc+": -> ["+buf+"]");
String expected = testData[row][n];
if (expected == null && n == (NAME+2)) {
expected = testData[row][NAME+1];
// ignore POSIX failures in getName, we don't spec behavior in this case
if (n == NAME+1 &&
(expected.indexOf('.') != -1 ||
expected.indexOf('@') != -1)) {
if(buf.compareTo(expected)!=0) {
errln("#"+row+": "+testTitles[n]+" on "+loc+": -> ["+buf+"] (expected '"+expected+"'!)");
if(buf1.compareTo(expected)!=0) {
errln("#"+row+": "+testTitles[n]+" on ULocale object "+loc+": -> ["+buf1+"] (expected '"+expected+"'!)");
public void TestObsoleteNames(){
final String[][] tests = new String[][]{
/* locale, language3, language2, Country3, country2 */
{ "eng_USA", "eng", "en", "USA", "US" },
{ "kok", "kok", "kok", "", "" },
{ "in", "ind", "in", "", "" },
{ "id", "ind", "id", "", "" }, /* NO aliasing */
{ "sh", "srp", "sh", "", "" },
{ "zz_FX", "", "zz", "FXX", "FX" },
{ "zz_RO", "", "zz", "ROU", "RO" },
{ "zz_TP", "", "zz", "TMP", "TP" },
{ "zz_TL", "", "zz", "TLS", "TL" },
{ "zz_ZR", "", "zz", "ZAR", "ZR" },
{ "zz_FXX", "", "zz", "FXX", "FX" }, /* no aliasing. Doesn't go to PS(PSE). */
{ "zz_ROM", "", "zz", "ROU", "RO" },
{ "zz_ROU", "", "zz", "ROU", "RO" },
{ "zz_ZAR", "", "zz", "ZAR", "ZR" },
{ "zz_TMP", "", "zz", "TMP", "TP" },
{ "zz_TLS", "", "zz", "TLS", "TL" },
{ "mlt_PSE", "mlt", "mt", "PSE", "PS" },
{ "iw", "heb", "iw", "", "" },
{ "ji", "yid", "ji", "", "" },
{ "jw", "jaw", "jw", "", "" },
{ "sh", "srp", "sh", "", "" },
{ "", "", "", "", "" }
for(int i=0;i<tests.length;i++){
String locale = tests[i][0];
logln("** Testing : "+ locale);
String buff, buff1;
ULocale uloc = new ULocale(locale);
buff = ULocale.getISO3Language(locale);
errln("FAIL: ULocale.getISO3Language("+locale+")=="+
buff+",\t expected "+tests[i][1]);
logln(" ULocale.getISO3Language("+locale+")=="+buff);
buff1 = uloc.getISO3Language();
errln("FAIL: ULocale.getISO3Language("+locale+")=="+
buff+",\t expected "+tests[i][1]);
logln(" ULocale.getISO3Language("+locale+")=="+buff);
buff = ULocale.getLanguage(locale);
errln("FAIL: ULocale.getLanguage("+locale+")=="+
buff+",\t expected "+tests[i][2]);
logln(" ULocale.getLanguage("+locale+")=="+buff);
buff = ULocale.getISO3Country(locale);
errln("FAIL: ULocale.getISO3Country("+locale+")=="+
buff+",\t expected "+tests[i][3]);
logln(" ULocale.getISO3Country("+locale+")=="+buff);
buff1 = uloc.getISO3Country();
errln("FAIL: ULocale.getISO3Country("+locale+")=="+
buff+",\t expected "+tests[i][3]);
logln(" ULocale.getISO3Country("+locale+")=="+buff);
buff = ULocale.getCountry(locale);
errln("FAIL: ULocale.getCountry("+locale+")=="+
buff+",\t expected "+tests[i][4]);
logln(" ULocale.getCountry("+locale+")=="+buff);
if (ULocale.getLanguage("iw_IL").compareTo( ULocale.getLanguage("he_IL"))==0) {
errln("he,iw ULocale.getLanguage mismatch");
String buff = ULocale.getLanguage("kok_IN");
errln("ULocale.getLanguage(\"kok\") failed. Expected: kok Got: "+buff);
public void TestCanonicalization(){
final String[][]testCases = new String[][]{
{ "ca_ES_PREEURO", "ca_ES_PREEURO", "ca_ES@currency=ESP" },
{ "de_AT_PREEURO", "de_AT_PREEURO", "de_AT@currency=ATS" },
{ "de_DE_PREEURO", "de_DE_PREEURO", "de_DE@currency=DEM" },
{ "de_LU_PREEURO", "de_LU_PREEURO", "de_LU@currency=EUR" },
{ "el_GR_PREEURO", "el_GR_PREEURO", "el_GR@currency=GRD" },
{ "en_BE_PREEURO", "en_BE_PREEURO", "en_BE@currency=BEF" },
{ "en_IE_PREEURO", "en_IE_PREEURO", "en_IE@currency=IEP" },
{ "es_ES_PREEURO", "es_ES_PREEURO", "es_ES@currency=ESP" },
{ "eu_ES_PREEURO", "eu_ES_PREEURO", "eu_ES@currency=ESP" },
{ "fi_FI_PREEURO", "fi_FI_PREEURO", "fi_FI@currency=FIM" },
{ "fr_BE_PREEURO", "fr_BE_PREEURO", "fr_BE@currency=BEF" },
{ "fr_FR_PREEURO", "fr_FR_PREEURO", "fr_FR@currency=FRF" },
{ "fr_LU_PREEURO", "fr_LU_PREEURO", "fr_LU@currency=LUF" },
{ "ga_IE_PREEURO", "ga_IE_PREEURO", "ga_IE@currency=IEP" },
{ "gl_ES_PREEURO", "gl_ES_PREEURO", "gl_ES@currency=ESP" },
{ "it_IT_PREEURO", "it_IT_PREEURO", "it_IT@currency=ITL" },
{ "nl_BE_PREEURO", "nl_BE_PREEURO", "nl_BE@currency=BEF" },
{ "nl_NL_PREEURO", "nl_NL_PREEURO", "nl_NL@currency=NLG" },
{ "pt_PT_PREEURO", "pt_PT_PREEURO", "pt_PT@currency=PTE" },
{ "de__PHONEBOOK", "de__PHONEBOOK", "de@collation=phonebook" },
{ "en_GB_EURO", "en_GB_EURO", "en_GB@currency=EUR" },
{ "en_GB@EURO", null, "en_GB@currency=EUR" }, /* POSIX ID */
{ "es__TRADITIONAL", "es__TRADITIONAL", "es@collation=traditional" },
{ "hi__DIRECT", "hi__DIRECT", "hi@collation=direct" },
{ "ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", "ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", "ja_JP@calendar=japanese" },
{ "th_TH_TRADITIONAL", "th_TH_TRADITIONAL", "th_TH@calendar=buddhist" },
{ "zh_TW_STROKE", "zh_TW_STROKE", "zh_TW@collation=stroke" },
{ "zh__PINYIN", "zh__PINYIN", "zh@collation=pinyin" },
{ "zh@collation=pinyin", "zh@collation=pinyin", "zh@collation=pinyin" },
{ "zh_CN@collation=pinyin", "zh_CN@collation=pinyin", "zh_CN@collation=pinyin" },
{ "zh_CN_CA@collation=pinyin", "zh_CN_CA@collation=pinyin", "zh_CN_CA@collation=pinyin" },
{ "en_US_POSIX", "en_US_POSIX", "en_US_POSIX" },
{ "hy_AM_REVISED", "hy_AM_REVISED", "hy_AM_REVISED" },
{ "no_NO_NY", "no_NO_NY", "no_NO_NY" /* not: "nn_NO" [alan ICU3.0] */ },
{ "no@ny", null, "no__NY" /* not: "nn" [alan ICU3.0] */ }, /* POSIX ID */
{ "no-no.utf32@B", null, "no_NO_B" /* not: "nb_NO_B" [alan ICU3.0] */ }, /* POSIX ID */
{ "qz-qz@Euro", null, "qz_QZ@currency=EUR" }, /* qz-qz uses private use iso codes */
{ "en-BOONT", "en_BOONT", "en__BOONT" }, /* registered name */
{ "de-1901", "de_1901", "de__1901" }, /* registered name */
{ "de-1906", "de_1906", "de__1906" }, /* registered name */
{ "sr-SP-Cyrl", "sr_SP_CYRL", "sr_Cyrl_CS" }, /* .NET name */
{ "sr-SP-Latn", "sr_SP_LATN", "sr_Latn_CS" }, /* .NET name */
{ "sr_YU_CYRILLIC", "sr_YU_CYRILLIC", "sr_Cyrl_CS" }, /* Linux name */
{ "uz-UZ-Cyrl", "uz_UZ_CYRL", "uz_Cyrl_UZ" }, /* .NET name */
{ "uz-UZ-Latn", "uz_UZ_LATN", "uz_Latn_UZ" }, /* .NET name */
{ "zh-CHS", "zh_CHS", "zh_Hans" }, /* .NET name */
{ "zh-CHT", "zh_CHT", "zh_Hant" }, /* .NET name This may change back to zh_Hant */
/* posix behavior that used to be performed by getName */
{ "mr.utf8", null, "mr" },
{ "de-tv.koi8r", null, "de_TV" },
{ "x-piglatin_ML.MBE", null, "x-piglatin_ML" },
{ "i-cherokee_US.utf7", null, "i-cherokee_US" },
{ "", null, "x-filfli_MT_FILFLA" },
{ "no-no-ny.utf8@B", null, "no_NO_NY_B" /* not: "nn_NO" [alan ICU3.0] */ }, /* @ ignored unless variant is empty */
/* fleshing out canonicalization */
/* sort keywords, ';' is separator so not present at end in canonical form */
{ "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@currency=EUR;calendar=Japanese;", "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@calendar=Japanese;currency=EUR", "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@calendar=Japanese;currency=EUR" },
/* already-canonical ids are not changed */
{ "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@calendar=Japanese;currency=EUR", "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@calendar=Japanese;currency=EUR", "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@calendar=Japanese;currency=EUR" },
/* PRE_EURO and EURO conversions don't affect other keywords */
/* not in spec
{ "es_ES_PREEURO@CALendar=Japanese", "es_ES_PREEURO@calendar=Japanese", "es_ES@calendar=Japanese;currency=ESP" },
{ "es_ES_EURO@SHOUT=zipeedeedoodah", "es_ES_EURO@shout=zipeedeedoodah", "es_ES@currency=EUR;shout=zipeedeedoodah" },
/* currency keyword overrides PRE_EURO and EURO currency */
/* not in spec
{ "es_ES_PREEURO@currency=EUR", "es_ES_PREEURO@currency=EUR", "es_ES@currency=EUR" },
{ "es_ES_EURO@currency=ESP", "es_ES_EURO@currency=ESP", "es_ES@currency=ESP" },
/* norwegian is just too weird, if we handle things in their full generality */
/* this is a negative test to show that we DO NOT handle 'lang=no,var=NY' specially. */
{ "no-Hant-GB_NY@currency=$$$", "no_Hant_GB_NY@currency=$$$", "no_Hant_GB_NY@currency=$$$" /* not: "nn_Hant_GB@currency=$$$" [alan ICU3.0] */ },
/* test cases reflecting internal resource bundle usage */
/* root is just a language */
{ "root@kw=foo", "root@kw=foo", "root@kw=foo" },
/* level 2 canonicalization should not touch basename when there are keywords and it is null */
{ "@calendar=gregorian", "@calendar=gregorian", "@calendar=gregorian" },
for(int i = 0; i< testCases.length;i++){
String[] testCase = testCases[i];
String source = testCase[0];
String level1Expected = testCase[1];
String level2Expected = testCase[2];
if (level1Expected != null) { // null means we have no expectations for how this case is handled
String level1 = ULocale.getName(source);
if (!level1.equals(level1Expected)) {
errln("ULocale.getName error for: '" + source +
"' expected: '" + level1Expected + "' but got: '" + level1 + "'");
} else {
logln("Ulocale.getName for: '" + source + "' returned: '" + level1 + "'");
} else {
logln("ULocale.getName skipped: '" + source + "'");
if (level2Expected != null) {
String level2 = ULocale.canonicalize(source);
errln("ULocale.getName error for: '" + source +
"' expected: '" + level2Expected + "' but got: '" + level2 + "'");
} else {
logln("Ulocale.canonicalize for: '" + source + "' returned: '" + level2 + "'");
} else {
logln("ULocale.canonicalize skipped: '" + source + "'");
public void TestGetAvailable(){
ULocale[] locales = ULocale.getAvailableLocales();
errln("Did not get the correct result from getAvailableLocales");
errln("Did not get the expected result");
public void TestDisplayNames() {
// consistency check, also check that all data is available
ULocale[] locales = ULocale.getAvailableLocales();
for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; ++i) {
ULocale l = locales[i];
String name = l.getDisplayName();
logln(l + " --> " + name +
", " + l.getDisplayName(ULocale.GERMAN) +
", " + l.getDisplayName(ULocale.FRANCE));
String language = l.getDisplayLanguage();
String script = l.getDisplayScript();
String country = l.getDisplayCountry();
String variant = l.getDisplayVariant();
checkName(name, language, script, country, variant);
for (int j = 0; j < locales.length; ++j) {
ULocale dl = locales[j];
name = l.getDisplayName(dl);
language = l.getDisplayLanguage(dl);
script = l.getDisplayScript(dl);
country = l.getDisplayCountry(dl);
variant = l.getDisplayVariant(dl);
if (!checkName(name, language, script, country, variant)) {
// spot check
ULocale[] locales = {
ULocale.US, ULocale.GERMANY, ULocale.FRANCE
String[] names = {
"Chinese (China)", "Chinesisch (China)", "chinois (Chine)"
ULocale locale = new ULocale("zh_CN");
for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; ++i) {
String name = locale.getDisplayName(locales[i]);
if (!names[i].equals(name)) {
errln("expected '" + names[i] + "' but got '" + name + "'");
private boolean checkName(String name, String language, String script, String country, String variant) {
if (language.length() > 0 && name.indexOf(language) == -1) {
errln("name '" + name + "' does not contain language '" + language + "'");
return false;
if (script.length() > 0 && name.indexOf(script) == -1) {
errln("name '" + name + "' does not contain script '" + script + "'");
return false;
if (country.length() > 0 && name.indexOf(country) == -1) {
errln("name '" + name + "' does not contain country '" + country + "'");
return false;
if (variant.length() > 0 && name.indexOf(variant) == -1) {
errln("name '" + name + "' does not contain variant '" + variant + "'");
return false;
return true;
public void TestCoverage() {
//Cover displayXXX
int i, j;
String localeID="zh_CN";
String name, language, script, country, variant;
logln("Covering APIs with signature displayXXX(String, String)");
for (i = 0; i < LOCALE_SIZE; i++) {
//localeID String
String testLocale=(rawData2[NAME][i]);
logln("Testing "+ testLocale+".....");
name = ULocale.getDisplayName(localeID, testLocale);
language = ULocale.getDisplayLanguage(localeID, testLocale);
script = ULocale.getDisplayScript(localeID, testLocale);
country = ULocale.getDisplayCountry(localeID, testLocale);
variant = ULocale.getDisplayVariant(localeID, testLocale);
if (!checkName(name, language, script, country, variant)) {
logln("Covering APIs with signature displayXXX(String, ULocale)\n");
for (j = 0; j < LOCALE_SIZE; j++) {
String testLocale=(rawData2[NAME][j]);
ULocale loc = new ULocale(testLocale);
logln("Testing "+ testLocale+".....");
name = ULocale.getDisplayName(localeID, loc);
language = ULocale.getDisplayLanguage(localeID, loc);
script = ULocale.getDisplayScript(localeID, loc);
country = ULocale.getDisplayCountry(localeID, loc);
variant = ULocale.getDisplayVariant(localeID, loc);
if (!checkName(name, language, script, country, variant)) {
ULocale loc1 = new ULocale("en_US_BROOKLYN");
ULocale loc2 = new ULocale("en","US","BROOKLYN");
if (!loc2.equals(loc1)){
errln("ULocale.ULocale(String a, String b, String c)");
ULocale loc3 = new ULocale("en_US");
ULocale loc4 = new ULocale("en","US");
if (!loc4.equals(loc3)){
errln("ULocale.ULocale(String a, String b)");
ULocale loc5 = (ULocale) loc4.clone();
if (!loc5.equals(loc4)){
errln("ULocale.clone should get the same ULocale");
ULocale.getISOCountries(); // To check the result ?!
public void TestBamBm() {
// "bam" shouldn't be there since the official code is 'bm'
String[] isoLanguages = ULocale.getISOLanguages();
for (int i = 0; i < isoLanguages.length; ++i) {
if ("bam".equals(isoLanguages[i])) {
errln("found bam");
if (i > 0 && isoLanguages[i].compareTo(isoLanguages[i-1]) <= 0) {
errln("language list out of order: '" + isoLanguages[i] + " <= " + isoLanguages[i-1]);
public void TestDisplayKeyword() {
//prepare testing data
String[] data = {"en_US@collation=direct;calendar=islamic-civil",
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
String localeID = data[i];
logln("Testing locale " + localeID + " ...");
ULocale loc = new ULocale(localeID);
Iterator it = loc.getKeywords();
Iterator it2 = ULocale.getKeywords(localeID);
//it and it2 are not equal here. No way to verify their equivalence yet.
while(it.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
String key2 = (String);
if (!key.equals(key2)) {
errln("FAIL: static and non-static getKeywords returned different results.");
//To verify display of Keyword
// display the above key in English
String s0 = ULocale.getDisplayKeyword(key); //display in default locale
String s1 = ULocale.getDisplayKeyword(key, ULocale.US);
String s2 = ULocale.getDisplayKeyword(key, "en_US");
if (!s1.equals(s2)) {
errln ("FAIL: one of the getDisplayKeyword methods failed.");
if (ULocale.getDefault().equals(ULocale.US) && !s1.equals(s0)) {
errln ("FAIL: getDisplayKeyword methods failed for the default locale.");
if (!s1.equals(h[0].get(key))) {
warnln("Locale " + localeID + " getDisplayKeyword for key: " + key +
" in English expected \"" + h[0].get(key) + "\" saw \"" + s1 + "\" instead");
} else {
logln("OK: getDisplayKeyword for key: " + key + " in English got " + s1);
// display the key in S-Chinese
s1 = ULocale.getDisplayKeyword(key, ULocale.CHINA);
s2 = ULocale.getDisplayKeyword(key, "zh_Hans");
if (!s1.equals(s2)) {
errln ("one of the getDisplayKeyword methods failed.");
if (!s1.equals(h[1].get(key))) {
warnln("Locale " + localeID + " getDisplayKeyword for key: " + key +
" in Chinese expected \"" + h[1].get(key) + "\" saw \"" + s1 + "\" instead");
} else {
logln("OK: getDisplayKeyword for key: " + key + " in Chinese got " + s1);
//To verify display of Keyword values
String type = loc.getKeywordValue(key);
// display type in English
String ss0 = loc.getDisplayKeywordValue(key);
String ss1 = loc.getDisplayKeywordValue(key, ULocale.US);
String ss2 = ULocale.getDisplayKeywordValue(localeID, key, "en_US");
String ss3 = ULocale.getDisplayKeywordValue(localeID, key, ULocale.US);
if (!ss1.equals(ss2) || !ss1.equals(ss3)) {
errln ("FAIL: one of the getDisplayKeywordValue methods failed.");
if (ULocale.getDefault().equals(ULocale.US) && !ss1.equals(ss0)) {
errln ("FAIL: getDisplayKeyword methods failed for the default locale.");
if (!ss1.equals(h[0].get(type))) {
warnln(" Locale " + localeID + " getDisplayKeywordValue for key: " + key +
" in English expected \"" + h[0].get(type) + "\" saw \"" + ss1 + "\" instead");
} else {
logln("OK: getDisplayKeywordValue for key: " + key + " in English got " + ss1);
// display type in Chinese
ss0 = loc.getDisplayKeywordValue(key);
ss1 = loc.getDisplayKeywordValue(key, ULocale.CHINA);
ss2 = ULocale.getDisplayKeywordValue(localeID, key, "zh_Hans");
ss3 = ULocale.getDisplayKeywordValue(localeID, key, ULocale.CHINA);
if (!ss1.equals(ss2) || !ss1.equals(ss3)) {
warnln ("one of the getDisplayKeywordValue methods failed.");
if (!ss1.equals(h[1].get(type))) {
warnln("Locale " + localeID + " getDisplayKeywordValue for key: " + key +
" in Chinese expected \"" + h[1].get(type) + "\" saw \"" + ss1 + "\" instead");
} else {
logln("OK: getDisplayKeywordValue for key: " + key + " in Chinese got " + ss1);
private void initHashtable() {
h[0] = new Hashtable();
h[1] = new Hashtable();
//display in English
h[0].put("collation", "Collation");
h[0].put("calendar", "Calendar");
h[0].put("currency", "Currency");
h[0].put("phonebook", "Phonebook Order");
h[0].put("pinyin", "Pinyin Order");
h[0].put("traditional", "Traditional");
h[0].put("stroke", "Stroke Order");
h[0].put("direct", "Direct Order");
h[0].put("japanese", "Japanese Calendar");
h[0].put("buddhist", "Buddhist Calendar");
h[0].put("islamic", "Islamic Calendar");
h[0].put("islamic-civil", "Islamic-Civil Calendar" );
h[0].put("hebrew", "Hebrew Calendar");
h[0].put("chinese", "Chinese Calendar");
h[0].put("gregorian", "Gregorian Calendar" );
//display in S-Chinese
h[1].put("collation", "\u5BF9\u7167");
h[1].put("calendar", "\u65E5\u5386");
h[1].put("currency", "\u8D27\u5E01");
h[1].put("direct", "\u987A\u5E8F");
h[1].put("phonebook", "\u7535\u8BDD\u7C3F\u987A\u5E8F");
h[1].put("pinyin", "\u62FC\u97F3\u987a\u5e8f");
h[1].put("stroke", "\u7B14\u5212\u987A\u5E8F");
h[1].put("traditional", "\u4F20\u7EDF\u5386\u6CD5");
h[1].put("japanese", "\u65E5\u672C\u65E5\u5386");
h[1].put("buddhist", "\u4F5B\u6559\u65E5\u5386");
h[1].put("islamic", "\u4F0A\u65AF\u5170\u65E5\u5386");
h[1].put("islamic-civil", "\u4F0A\u65AF\u5170\u5E0C\u5409\u6765\u5386");
h[1].put("hebrew", "\u5E0C\u4F2F\u6765\u65E5\u5386");
h[1].put("chinese", "\u519C\u5386");
h[1].put("gregorian", "\u516C\u5386");
//Hashtables for storing expected display of keys/types of locale in English and Chinese
private static Hashtable[] h = new Hashtable[2];
private static final String ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_TESTS[][] = {
/*# result fallback? */
/*0*/ { "mt_MT", "false" },
/*1*/ { "en", "false" },
/*2*/ { "en", "true" }, // fell back from en-zzz to en
/*3*/ { null, "true" },
/*4*/ { "es", "false" },
/*5*/ { "de", "false" }};
private static final String ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_HTTP[] = {
/*0*/ "mt-mt, ja;q=0.76, en-us;q=0.95, en;q=0.92, en-gb;q=0.89, fr;q=0.87, iu-ca;q=0.84, iu;q=0.82, ja-jp;q=0.79, mt;q=0.97, de-de;q=0.74, de;q=0.71, es;q=0.68, it-it;q=0.66, it;q=0.63, vi-vn;q=0.61, vi;q=0.58, nl-nl;q=0.55, nl;q=0.53, th-th-traditional;q=.01",
/*1*/ "ja;q=0.5, en;q=0.8, tlh",
/*2*/ "en-zzz, de-lx;q=0.8",
/*3*/ "mga-ie;q=0.9, tlh",
/*4*/ "xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, "+
"xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, "+
"xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, "+
"xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, "+
"xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, "+
"xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, "+
"xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, "+
"xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, "+
"xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, "+
"xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, xxx-yyy;q=.01, "+
/*5*/ "de;q=.9, fr;q=.9, xxx-yyy, sr;q=.8"};
public void TestAcceptLanguage() {
for(int i = 0 ; i < (ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_HTTP.length); i++) {
Boolean expectBoolean = new Boolean(ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_TESTS[i][1]);
String expectLocale=ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_TESTS[i][0];
logln("#" + i + ": expecting: " + expectLocale + " (" + expectBoolean + ")");
boolean r[] = { false };
ULocale n = ULocale.acceptLanguage(ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_HTTP[i], r);
if((n==null)&&(expectLocale!=null)) {
errln("result was null! line #" + i);
if(((n==null)&&(expectLocale==null)) || (n.toString().equals(expectLocale))) {
logln(" locale: OK." );
} else {
errln("expected " + expectLocale + " but got " + n.toString());
if(expectBoolean.equals(new Boolean(r[0]))) {
logln(" bool: OK.");
} else {
errln("bool: not OK, was " + new Boolean(r[0]).toString() + " expected " + expectBoolean.toString());
private ULocale[] StringToULocaleArray(String acceptLanguageList){
//following code is copied from
//ULocale.acceptLanguage(String acceptLanguageList, ULocale[] availableLocales, boolean[] fallback)
class ULocaleAcceptLanguageQ implements Comparable {
private double q;
private double serial;
public ULocaleAcceptLanguageQ(double theq, int theserial) {
q = theq;
serial = theserial;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
ULocaleAcceptLanguageQ other = (ULocaleAcceptLanguageQ) o;
if(q > other.q) { // reverse - to sort in descending order
return -1;
} else if(q < other.q) {
return 1;
if(serial < other.serial) {
return -1;
} else if(serial > other.serial) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0; // same object
// 1st: parse out the acceptLanguageList into an array
TreeMap map = new TreeMap();
final int l = acceptLanguageList.length();
int n;
for(n=0;n<l;n++) {
int itemEnd = acceptLanguageList.indexOf(',',n);
if(itemEnd == -1) {
itemEnd = l;
int paramEnd = acceptLanguageList.indexOf(';',n);
double q = 1.0;
if((paramEnd != -1) && (paramEnd < itemEnd)) {
/* semicolon (;) is closer than end (,) */
int t = paramEnd + 1;
while(Character.isSpace(acceptLanguageList.charAt(t))) {
if(acceptLanguageList.charAt(t)=='q') {
while(Character.isSpace(acceptLanguageList.charAt(t))) {
if(acceptLanguageList.charAt(t)=='=') {
while(Character.isSpace(acceptLanguageList.charAt(t))) {
try {
String val = acceptLanguageList.substring(t,itemEnd).trim();
q = Double.parseDouble(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
q = 1.0;
} else {
q = 1.0; //default
paramEnd = itemEnd;
String loc = acceptLanguageList.substring(n,paramEnd).trim();
int serial = map.size();
ULocaleAcceptLanguageQ entry = new ULocaleAcceptLanguageQ(q,serial);
map.put(entry, new ULocale(ULocale.canonicalize(loc))); // sort in reverse order.. 1.0, 0.9, 0.8 .. etc
n = itemEnd; // get next item. (n++ will skip over delimiter)
// 2. pull out the map
ULocale acceptList[] = (ULocale[])map.values().toArray(new ULocale[map.size()]);
return acceptList;
public void TestAcceptLanguage2() {
for(int i = 0 ; i < (ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_HTTP.length); i++) {
Boolean expectBoolean = new Boolean(ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_TESTS[i][1]);
String expectLocale=ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_TESTS[i][0];
logln("#" + i + ": expecting: " + expectLocale + " (" + expectBoolean + ")");
boolean r[] = { false };
ULocale n = ULocale.acceptLanguage(StringToULocaleArray(ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_HTTP[i]), r);
if((n==null)&&(expectLocale!=null)) {
errln("result was null! line #" + i);
if(((n==null)&&(expectLocale==null)) || (n.toString().equals(expectLocale))) {
logln(" locale: OK." );
} else {
errln("expected " + expectLocale + " but got " + n.toString());
if(expectBoolean.equals(new Boolean(r[0]))) {
logln(" bool: OK.");
} else {
errln("bool: not OK, was " + new Boolean(r[0]).toString() + " expected " + expectBoolean.toString());
public void TestJB3962(){
ULocale loc = new ULocale("de_CH");
String disp = loc.getDisplayName(ULocale.GERMAN);
if(!disp.equals("Deutsch (Schweiz)")){
errln("Did not get the expected display name for de_CH locale. Got: "+ prettify(disp));