blob: f76b69f3133d2b0adaa21f08f09055fb8b2a2694 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2000, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/text/resources/Attic/,v $
* $Date: 2000/03/10 04:07:31 $
* $Revision: 1.2 $
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
public class TransliterationRule_StraightQuotes_CurlyQuotes extends ListResourceBundle {
* Overrides ListResourceBundle
public Object[][] getContents() {
return new Object[][] {
{ "Rule",
// Rewritten using character codes [LIU]
+ "black=[^{white}];"
+ "open=[:Ps:];"
+ "dquote=\";"
+ "lAng=\u3008;"
+ "ldAng=\u300A;"
+ "lBrk='[';"
+ "lBrc='{';"
+ "lquote=\u2018;"
+ "rquote=\u2019;"
+ "ldquote=\u201C;"
+ "rdquote=\u201D;"
+ "ldguill=\u00AB;"
+ "rdguill=\u00BB;"
+ "lguill=\u2039;"
+ "rguill=\u203A;"
+ "mdash=\u2014;"
// Conversions from input
// join single quotes
+ "{lquote}''>{ldquote};"
+ "{lquote}{lquote}>{ldquote};"
+ "{rquote}''>{rdquote};"
+ "{rquote}{rquote}>{rdquote};"
//smart single quotes
+ "{white})''>{lquote};"
+ "{open})''>{lquote};"
+ "{black})''>{rquote};"
+ "''>{lquote};"
//smart doubles
+ "{white}){dquote}>{ldquote};"
+ "{open}){dquote}>{ldquote};"
+ "{black}){dquote}>{rdquote};"
+ "{dquote}>{ldquote};"
// join single guillemets
+ "{rguill}{rguill}>{rdguill};"
+ "'>>'>{rdguill};"
+ "{lguill}{lguill}>{ldguill};"
+ "'<<'>{ldguill};"
// prevent double spaces
+ "\\ )\\ >;"
// join hyphens into dash
+ "-->{mdash};"
// Conversions back to input
//smart quotes
+ "''<{lquote};"
+ "''<{rquote};"
+ "{dquote}<{ldquote};"
+ "{dquote}<{rdquote};"
+ "--<{mdash};"