blob: cae8e3f93bd59b318ff713c7dbf14673d282c03c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2000, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/test/rbbi/Attic/,v $
* $Date: 2000/03/10 03:47:46 $
* $Revision: 1.3 $
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* This resource bundle is included for testing and demonstration purposes only.
* It applies the dictionary-based algorithm to English text that has had all the
* spaces removed. Once we have good test cases for Thai, we will replace this
* with good resource data (and a good dictionary file) for Thai
public class BreakIteratorRules_en_US_TEST extends ListResourceBundle {
public Object[][] getContents() {
URL url = getClass().getResource("english.dict");
// if dictionary wasn't found, then this resource bundle doesn't have
// much to contribute...
if (url == null) {
return new Object[0][0];
return new Object[][] {
// names of classes to instantiate for the different kinds of break
// iterator. Notice we're now using DictionaryBasedBreakIterator
// for word and line breaking.
{ "BreakIteratorClasses",
new String[] { "RuleBasedBreakIterator", // character-break iterator class
"DictionaryBasedBreakIterator", // word-break iterator class
"DictionaryBasedBreakIterator", // line-break iterator class
"RuleBasedBreakIterator" } // sentence-break iterator class
// These are the same word-breaking rules as are specified in the default
// resource, except that the Latin letters, apostrophe, and hyphen are
// specified as dictionary characters
{ "WordBreakRules",
+ "dictionary=[a-zA-z\\'\\-];"
+ "kanji=[\u3005\u4e00-\u9fa5\uf900-\ufa2d];"
+ "kata=[\u30a1-\u30fa];"
+ "hira=[\u3041-\u3094];"
+ "cjk-diacrit=[\u3099-\u309c];"
+ "let=[[:L:]^[{kanji}{kata}{hira}{cjk-diacrit}{dictionary}]];"
+ "dgt=[[:N:]];"
+ "mid-word=[[:Pd:]\u00ad\u2027\\\"\\\'\\.];"
+ "mid-num=[\\\"\\\'\\,\u066b\\.];"
+ "pre-num=[[:Sc:]\\#\\.^\u00a2];"
+ "post-num=[\\%\\&\u00a2\u066a\u2030\u2031];"
+ "ls=[\n\u000c\u2028\u2029];"
+ "ws=[[:Zs:]\t];"
+ "word=({let}{let}*({mid-word}{let}{let}*)*|[a-zA-Z][a-z\\'\\-]*);"
+ "number=({dgt}{dgt}*({mid-num}{dgt}{dgt}*)*);"
+ ".;"
+ "{{word}}({number}{word})*{{number}{{post-num}}};"
+ "{pre-num}({number}{word})*{{number}{{post-num}}};"
+ "{ws}*{\r}{{ls}};"
+ "[{kata}{cjk-diacrit}]*;"
+ "[{hira}{cjk-diacrit}]*;"
+ "{kanji}*;" },
// These are the same line-breaking rules as are specified in the default
// resource, except that the Latin letters, apostrophe, and hyphen are
// specified as dictionary characters
{ "LineBreakRules",
+ "<dictionary>=[a-zA-z\\'\\-];"
+ "<break>=[\u0003\t\n\f\u2028\u2029];"
+ "<nbsp>=[\u00a0\u2007\u2011\ufeff];"
+ "<space>=[:Zs::Cc:^[<nbsp><break>\r]];"
+ "<dash>=[:Pd:\u00ad^<nbsp>];"
+ "<pre-word>=[:Sc::Ps:^\u00a2];"
+ "<post-word>=[:Pe:\\!\\%\\.\\,\\:\\;\\?\u00a2\u00b0\u066a\u2030-\u2034\u2103"
+ "\u2105\u2109\u3001\u3002\u3005\u3041\u3043\u3045\u3047\u3049\u3063"
+ "\u3083\u3085\u3087\u308e\u3099-\u309e\u30a1\u30a3\u30a5\u30a7\u30a9"
+ "\u30c3\u30e3\u30e5\u30e7\u30ee\u30f5\u30f6\u30fc-\u30fe\uff01\uff0e"
+ "\uff1f];"
+ "<kanji>=[\u4e00-\u9fa5\uf900-\ufa2d\u3041-\u3094\u30a1-\u30fa^[<post-word><ignore>]];"
+ "<digit>=[:Nd::No:];"
+ "<mid-num>=[\\.\\,];"
+ "<char>=[^[<break><space><dash><kanji><nbsp><ignore><dictionary>\r]];"
+ "<number>=([<pre-word><dash>]*<digit><digit>*(<mid-num><digit><digit>*)*);"
+ "<word-core>=(<char>*|<kanji>|<number>|[a-zA-Z][a-z\\'\\-]*);"
+ "<word-suffix>=((<dash><dash>*|<post-word>*)<space>*);"
+ "<word>=(<pre-word>*<word-core><word-suffix>);"
+ "<word>(<nbsp><nbsp>*<word>)*{\r}{<break>};" },
// these two resources specify the pathnames of the dictionary files to
// use for word breaking and line breaking. Both currently refer to
// a file called english.dict placed in com\ibm\text\resources
// somewhere in the class path. It's important to note that
// english.dict was created for testing purposes only, and doesn't
// come anywhere close to being an exhaustive dictionary of English
// words (basically, it contains all the words in the Declaration of
// Independence, and the Revised Standard Version of the book of Genesis,
// plus a few other words thrown in to show more interesting cases).
// { "WordBreakDictionary", "com\\ibm\\text\\resources\\english.dict" },
// { "LineBreakDictionary", "com\\ibm\\text\\resources\\english.dict" }
{ "WordBreakDictionary", url },
{ "LineBreakDictionary", url }