blob: c865b451b1028f13cc31bb260c895572e3016f3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013, Google Inc, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* @author markdavis
public abstract class PluralRulesFactory {
abstract boolean hasOverride(ULocale locale);
abstract PluralRules forLocale(ULocale locale, PluralType ordinal);
PluralRules forLocale(ULocale locale) {
return forLocale(locale, PluralType.CARDINAL);
abstract ULocale[] getAvailableULocales();
abstract ULocale getFunctionalEquivalent(ULocale locale, boolean[] isAvailable);
static final PluralRulesFactory NORMAL = new PluralRulesFactoryVanilla();
static final PluralRulesFactory ALTERNATE = new PluralRulesFactoryWithOverrides();
private PluralRulesFactory() {}
static class PluralRulesFactoryVanilla extends PluralRulesFactory {
boolean hasOverride(ULocale locale) {
return false;
PluralRules forLocale(ULocale locale, PluralType ordinal) {
return PluralRules.forLocale(locale, ordinal);
ULocale[] getAvailableULocales() {
return PluralRules.getAvailableULocales();
ULocale getFunctionalEquivalent(ULocale locale, boolean[] isAvailable) {
return PluralRules.getFunctionalEquivalent(locale, isAvailable);
static class PluralRulesFactoryWithOverrides extends PluralRulesFactory {
boolean hasOverride(ULocale locale) {
return getPluralOverrides().containsKey(locale);
PluralRules forLocale(ULocale locale, PluralType ordinal) {
PluralRules override = ordinal != PluralType.CARDINAL
? null
: getPluralOverrides().get(locale);
return override != null
? override
: PluralRules.forLocale(locale, ordinal);
ULocale[] getAvailableULocales() {
return PluralRules.getAvailableULocales(); // TODO fix if we add more locales
static final Map<String,ULocale> rulesToULocale = new HashMap();
ULocale getFunctionalEquivalent(ULocale locale, boolean[] isAvailable) {
if (rulesToULocale.isEmpty()) {
for (ULocale locale2 : getAvailableULocales()) {
String rules = forLocale(locale2).toString();
ULocale old = rulesToULocale.get(rules);
if (old == null) {
rulesToULocale.put(rules, locale2);
String rules = forLocale(locale).toString();
ULocale result = rulesToULocale.get(rules);
return result == null ? ULocale.ROOT : result;
static class SamplePatterns {
final Map<String,String> keywordToPattern = new TreeMap(PluralRules.KEYWORD_COMPARATOR);
final Map<String,String> keywordToErrors = new HashMap();
public void put(String keyword, String sample) {
if (keywordToPattern.containsKey(keyword)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate keyword <" + keyword + ">");
} else {
keywordToPattern.put(keyword, sample.replace(" ", "\u00A0"));
public void checkErrors(Set<String> set) {
final Map<String,String> skeletonToKeyword = new HashMap();
for (String keyword : set) {
String error = "";
String sample = keywordToPattern.get(keyword);
String skeleton = sample.replace(" ", "").replaceAll("\\s*\\{0\\}\\s*", "");
String oldSkeletonKeyword = skeletonToKeyword.get(skeleton);
if (oldSkeletonKeyword != null) {
if (error.length() != 0) {
error += ", ";
error += "Duplicate keyword skeleton <" + keyword + ", " + skeleton + ">, same as for: <" + oldSkeletonKeyword + ">";
} else {
skeletonToKeyword.put(skeleton, keyword);
if (error.length() == 0) {
keywordToErrors.put(keyword, "");
} else {
keywordToErrors.put(keyword, "\tERROR: " + error);
public static Map<ULocale, SamplePatterns> getLocaleToSamplePatterns() {
public static Map<ULocale, PluralRules> getPluralOverrides() {
if (OVERRIDES == null) {
public static Relation<ULocale, NumberInfo> getExtraSamples() {
if (EXTRA_SAMPLES == null) {
private static Map<ULocale, SamplePatterns> LOCALE_TO_SAMPLE_PATTERNS = null;
private static Map<ULocale,PluralRules> OVERRIDES = null;
private static Relation<ULocale,NumberInfo> EXTRA_SAMPLES = null;
private static void loadData() {
LinkedHashMap<ULocale, SamplePatterns> temp = new LinkedHashMap<ULocale, SamplePatterns>();
HashMap<ULocale, PluralRules> tempOverrides = new HashMap<ULocale,PluralRules>();
Relation<ULocale, NumberInfo> tempSamples = Relation.of(new HashMap<ULocale,Set<NumberInfo>>(), HashSet.class);
for (String[] row : SAMPLE_PATTERNS) {
ULocale locale = new ULocale(row[0]);
String keyword = row[1];
String sample = row[2];
SamplePatterns samplePatterns = temp.get(locale);
if (samplePatterns == null) {
temp.put(locale, samplePatterns = new SamplePatterns());
samplePatterns.put(keyword, sample);
for (String[] pair : overrides) {
for (String locale : pair[0].split("\\s*,\\s*")) {
ULocale uLocale = new ULocale(locale);
if (tempOverrides.containsKey(uLocale)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate locale: " + uLocale);
try {
PluralRules rules = PluralRules.parseDescription(pair[1]);
tempOverrides.put(uLocale, rules);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(locale + "\t" + pair[1], e);
for (String[] pair : EXTRA_SAMPLE_SOURCE) {
for (String locale : pair[0].split("\\s*,\\s*")) {
ULocale uLocale = new ULocale(locale);
if (tempSamples.containsKey(uLocale)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate locale: " + uLocale);
for (String item : pair[1].split("\\s*,\\s*")) {
tempSamples.put(uLocale, new PluralRules.NumberInfo(item));
LOCALE_TO_SAMPLE_PATTERNS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(temp);
OVERRIDES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tempOverrides);
EXTRA_SAMPLES = (Relation<ULocale, NumberInfo>) tempSamples.freeze();
static String[][] OLDRULES = {
{"af", "one: n is 1"},
{"am", "one: n in 0..1"},
{"ar", "zero: n is 0; one: n is 1; two: n is 2; few: n mod 100 in 3..10; many: n mod 100 in 11..99"},
{"az", "other: null"},
{"bg", "one: n is 1"},
{"bn", "one: n is 1"},
{"ca", "one: n is 1"},
{"cs", "one: n is 1; few: n in 2..4"},
{"cy", "zero: n is 0; one: n is 1; two: n is 2; few: n is 3; many: n is 6"},
{"da", "one: n is 1"},
{"de", "one: n is 1"},
{"el", "one: n is 1"},
{"en", "one: n is 1"},
{"es", "one: n is 1"},
{"et", "one: n is 1"},
{"eu", "one: n is 1"},
{"fa", "other: null"},
{"fi", "one: n is 1"},
{"fil", "one: n in 0..1"},
{"fr", "one: n within 0..2 and n is not 2"},
{"gl", "one: n is 1"},
{"gu", "one: n is 1"},
{"hi", "one: n in 0..1"},
{"hr", "one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11; few: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14; many: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14"},
{"hu", "other: null"},
{"hy", "one: n is 1"},
{"id", "other: null"},
{"is", "one: n is 1"},
{"it", "one: n is 1"},
{"he", "one: n is 1; two: n is 2; many: n is not 0 and n mod 10 is 0"},
{"ja", "other: null"},
{"ka", "other: null"},
{"kk", "one: n is 1"},
{"km", "other: null"},
{"kn", "other: null"},
{"ko", "other: null"},
{"ky", "one: n is 1"},
{"lo", "other: null"},
{"lt", "one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 not in 11..19; few: n mod 10 in 2..9 and n mod 100 not in 11..19"},
{"lv", "zero: n is 0; one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11"},
{"mk", "one: n mod 10 is 1 and n is not 11"},
{"ml", "one: n is 1"},
{"mn", "one: n is 1"},
{"mr", "one: n is 1"},
{"ms", "other: null"},
{"my", "other: null"},
{"ne", "one: n is 1"},
{"nl", "one: n is 1"},
{"nb", "one: n is 1"},
{"pa", "one: n is 1"},
{"pl", "one: n is 1; few: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14; many: n is not 1 and n mod 10 in 0..1 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 12..14"},
{"ps", "one: n is 1"},
{"pt", "one: n is 1"},
{"ro", "one: n is 1; few: n is 0 or n is not 1 and n mod 100 in 1..19"},
{"ru", "one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11; few: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14; many: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14"},
{"si", "other: null"},
{"sk", "one: n is 1; few: n in 2..4"},
{"sl", "one: n mod 100 is 1; two: n mod 100 is 2; few: n mod 100 in 3..4"},
{"sq", "one: n is 1"},
{"sr", "one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11; few: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14; many: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14"},
{"sv", "one: n is 1"},
{"sw", "one: n is 1"},
{"ta", "one: n is 1"},
{"te", "one: n is 1"},
{"th", "other: null"},
{"tr", "other: null"},
{"uk", "one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11; few: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14; many: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14"},
{"ur", "one: n is 1"},
{"uz", "other: null"},
{"vi", "other: null"},
{"zh", "other: null"},
{"zu", "one: n is 1"},
static String[][] SAMPLE_PATTERNS = {
{"und", "zero", "{0} ADD-SAMPLE-ZERO"},
{"und", "one", "{0} ADD-SAMPLE-ONE"},
{"und", "two", "{0} ADD-SAMPLE-TWO"},
{"und", "few", "{0} ADD-SAMPLE-FEW"},
{"und", "many", "{0} ADD-SAMPLE-MANY"},
{"und", "other", "{0} ADD-SAMPLE-OTHER"},
{"af", "one", "{0} dag"},
{"af", "other", "{0} dae"},
{"am", "one", "{0} ቀን"},
{"am", "other", "{0} ቀናት"}, // fixed to 'other'
{"ar", "few", "{0} ساعات"},
{"ar", "many", "{0} ساعة"},
{"ar", "one", "ساعة"},
{"ar", "other", "{0} ساعة"},
{"ar", "two", "ساعتان"},
{"ar", "zero", "{0} ساعة"},
{"bg", "one", "{0} ден"},
{"bg", "other", "{0} дена"},
{"bn", "one", "সসে {0}টি আপেল নিয়ে সেটা খেল"},
{"bn", "other", "সসে {0}টি আপেল নিয়ে সেগুলি খেল"},
{"br", "few", "{0} deiz"},
{"br", "many", "{0} a zeizioù"},
{"br", "one", "{0} deiz"},
{"br", "other", "{0} deiz"},
{"br", "two", "{0} zeiz"},
{"ca", "one", "{0} dia"},
{"ca", "other", "{0} dies"},
{"cs", "few", "{0} dny"},
{"cs", "one", "{0} den"},
{"cs", "other", "{0} dní"},
{"cs", "many", "{0} dne"}, // added from spreadsheet
{"cy", "zero", "{0} cadair, {0} peint"},
{"cy", "one", "{0} gadair, {0} peint"},
{"cy", "two", "{0} gadair, {0} beint"},
{"cy", "few", "{0} cadair, {0} pheint"},
{"cy", "many", "{0} chadair, {0} pheint"},
{"cy", "other", "{0} cadair, {0} peint"},
{"da", "one", "{0} dag"},
{"da", "other", "{0} dage"},
{"de", "one", "{0} Tag"},
{"de", "other", "{0} Tage"},
{"dz", "other", "ཉིནམ་ {0} "},
{"el", "one", "{0} ημέρα"},
{"el", "other", "{0} ημέρες"},
{"es", "one", "{0} día"},
{"es", "other", "{0} días"},
{"et", "one", "{0} ööpäev"},
{"et", "other", "{0} ööpäeva"},
{"eu", "one", "Nire {0} lagunarekin nago"},
{"eu", "other", "Nire {0} lagunekin nago"},
{"fa", "one", "او {0} فیلم در هفته می‌بیند که کمدی است."},
{"fa", "other", "او {0} فیلم در هفته می‌بیند که کمدی هستند."},
{"fi", "one", "{0} päivä"},
{"fi", "other", "{0} päivää"},
{"fil", "one", "sa {0} araw"},
{"fil", "other", "sa {0} (na) araw"},
{"fr", "one", "{0} jour"},
{"fr", "other", "{0} jours"},
{"gl", "one", "{0} día"},
{"gl", "other", "{0} días"},
{"gu", "one", "{0} કિલોગ્રામ"},
{"gu", "other", "{0} કિલોગ્રામ્સ"},
{"he", "many", "{0} ימים"},
{"he", "one", " יום {0}"},
{"he", "other", "{0} ימים"},
{"he", "two", "יומיים"},
{"hi", "one", "{0} घंटा"},
{"hi", "other", "{0} घंटे"},
{"hr", "few", "za {0} mjeseca"},
{"hr", "many", "za {0} mjeseci"},
{"hr", "one", "za {0} mjesec"},
{"hr", "other", "za {0} mjeseci"},
{"hu", "other", "{0} nap"},
{"hy", "one", "այդ {0} ժամը"},
{"hy", "other", "այդ {0} ժամերը"},
{"id", "other", "{0} hari"},
{"is", "one", "{0} dagur"},
{"is", "other", "{0} dagar"},
{"it", "one", "{0} giorno"},
{"it", "other", "{0} giorni"},
{"ja", "other", "{0}日"},
{"km", "other", "{0} ថ្ងៃ"}, //
{"kn", "one", "{0} ದಿನ"},
{"kn", "other", "{0} ದಿನಗಳು"},
{"ko", "other", "{0}일"},
{"lo", "other", "{0} ມື້"},
{"lt", "few", "{0} dienos"},
{"lt", "one", "{0} diena"},
{"lt", "other", "{0} dienų"},
{"lv", "one", "{0} diennakts"},
{"lv", "other", "{0} diennaktis"},
{"lv", "zero", "{0} diennakšu"},
{"ml", "one", "{0} വ്യക്തി"},
{"ml", "other", "{0} വ്യക്തികൾ"},
{"mr", "one", "{0} घर"},
{"mr", "other", "{0} घरे"},
{"ms", "other", "{0} hari"},
{"nb", "one", "{0} dag"},
{"nb", "other", "{0} dager"},
{"ne", "one", "तपाईंसँग {0} निमन्त्रणा छ"},
{"ne", "other", "तपाईँसँग {0} निमन्त्रणाहरू छन्"},
// {"ne", "", "{0} दिन बाँकी छ ।"},
// {"ne", "", "{0} दिन बाँकी छ ।"},
// {"ne", "", "{0} दिन बाँकी छ ।"},
// {"ne", "", "{0} जनाहरू पाहुना बाँकी छ ।"},
{"nl", "one", "{0} dag"},
{"nl", "other", "{0} dagen"},
{"pl", "few", "{0} miesiące"},
{"pl", "many", "{0} miesięcy"},
{"pl", "one", "{0} miesiąc"},
{"pl", "other", "{0} miesiąca"},
{"pt", "one", "{0} ponto"},
{"pt", "other", "{0} pontos"},
// {"pt_PT", "one", "{0} dia"},
// {"pt_PT", "other", "{0} dias"},
{"ro", "few", "{0} zile"},
{"ro", "one", "{0} zi"},
{"ro", "other", "{0} de zile"},
{"ru", "few", "{0} года"},
{"ru", "many", "{0} лет"},
{"ru", "one", "{0} год"},
{"ru", "other", "{0} года"},
{"si", "other", "දින {0}ක්"},
{"sk", "few", "{0} dni"},
{"sk", "one", "{0} deň"},
{"sk", "other", "{0} dní"},
{"sk", "many", "{0} dňa"}, // added from spreadsheet
{"sl", "few", "{0} ure"},
{"sl", "one", "{0} ura"},
{"sl", "other", "{0} ur"},
{"sl", "two", "{0} uri"},
{"sr", "few", "{0} сата"},
{"sr", "many", "{0} сати"},
{"sr", "one", "{0} сат"},
{"sr", "other", "{0} сати"},
{"sv", "one", "om {0} dag"},
{"sv", "other", "om {0} dagar"},
{"sw", "one", "siku {0} iliyopita"},
{"sw", "other", "siku {0} zilizopita"},
{"ta", "one", "{0} நாள்"},
{"ta", "other", "{0} நாட்கள்"},
{"te", "one", "{0} రోజు"},
{"te", "other", "{0} రోజులు"},
{"th", "other", "{0} วัน"},
{"tr", "other", "{0} gün"},
{"uk", "few", "{0} дні"},
{"uk", "many", "{0} днів"},
{"uk", "one", "{0} день"},
{"uk", "other", "{0} дня"},
{"ur", "one", "{0} گھنٹہ"},
{"ur", "other", "{0} گھنٹے"},
{"vi", "other", "{0} ngày"},
{"zh", "other", "{0} 天"},
{"zh_Hant", "other", "{0} 日"},
{"en", "one", "{0} day"}, // added from spreadsheet
{"en", "other", "{0} days"}, // added from spreadsheet
{"zu", "one", "{0} usuku"}, // added from spreadsheet
{"zu", "other", "{0} izinsuku"}, // added from spreadsheet
static String[][] EXTRA_SAMPLE_SOURCE = {
static String[][] overrides = {
{"gu,mr,kn,am,fa", "one: n within 0..1"},
{"ta,te", "one: n is 1"},
{"bn", "one: n within 0..1"},
{"en,ca,de,et,fi,gl,it,nl,sv,sw,ur", "one: j is 1"},
{"pt", "one: n is 1 or f is 1"},
{"cs,sk", "one: j is 1; few: j in 2..4; many: v is not 0"},
//{"cy", "one: n is 1; two: n is 2; few: n is 3; many: n is 6"},
//{"el", "one: j is 1 or i is 0 and f is 1"},
{"da,is", "one: j is 1 or f is 1"},
{"fil,tl", "one: j in 0..1"},
{"he,iw", "one: j is 1; two: j is 2; many: j is not 0 and j mod 10 is 0", "10,20"},
{"hi", "one: n within 0..1"},
{"hy", "one: n within 0..2 and n is not 2"},
// {"hr", "one: j mod 10 is 1 and j mod 100 is not 11; few: j mod 10 in 2..4 and j mod 100 not in 12..14; many: j mod 10 is 0 or j mod 10 in 5..9 or j mod 100 in 11..14"},
{"lv", "zero: n mod 10 is 0" +
" or n mod 10 in 11..19" +
" or v is 2 and f mod 10 in 11..19;" +
"one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11" +
" or v is 2 and f mod 10 is 1 and f mod 100 is not 11" +
" or v is not 2 and f mod 10 is 1"},
// {"lv", "zero: n mod 10 is 0" +
// " or n mod 10 in 11..19" +
// " or v in 1..6 and f is not 0 and f mod 10 is 0" +
// " or v in 1..6 and f mod 10 in 11..19;" +
// "one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11" +
// " or v in 1..6 and f mod 10 is 1 and f mod 100 is not 11" +
// " or v not in 0..6 and f mod 10 is 1"},
{"pl", "one: j is 1; few: j mod 10 in 2..4 and j mod 100 not in 12..14; many: j is not 1 and j mod 10 in 0..1 or j mod 10 in 5..9 or j mod 100 in 12..14"},
{"sl", "one: j mod 100 is 1; two: j mod 100 is 2; few: j mod 100 in 3..4 or v is not 0"},
// {"sr", "one: j mod 10 is 1 and j mod 100 is not 11" +
// " or v in 1..6 and f mod 10 is 1 and f mod 100 is not 11" +
// " or v not in 0..6 and f mod 10 is 1;" +
// "few: j mod 10 in 2..4 and j mod 100 not in 12..14" +
// " or v in 1..6 and f mod 10 in 2..4 and f mod 100 not in 12..14" +
// " or v not in 0..6 and f mod 10 in 2..4"
// },
{"sr,hr,sh,bs", "one: j mod 10 is 1 and j mod 100 is not 11" +
" or f mod 10 is 1 and f mod 100 is not 11;" +
"few: j mod 10 in 2..4 and j mod 100 not in 12..14" +
" or f mod 10 in 2..4 and f mod 100 not in 12..14"
// +
// " ; many: j mod 10 is 0 " +
// " or j mod 10 in 5..9 " +
// " or j mod 100 in 11..14" +
// " or v in 1..6 and f mod 10 is 0" +
// " or v in 1..6 and f mod 10 in 5..9" +
// " or v in 1..6 and f mod 100 in 11..14" +
// " or v not in 0..6 and f mod 10 in 5..9"
{"mo,ro", "one: j is 1; few: v is not 0 or n is 0 or n is not 1 and n mod 100 in 1..19"},
{"ru", "one: j mod 10 is 1 and j mod 100 is not 11;" +
" many: j mod 10 is 0 or j mod 10 in 5..9 or j mod 100 in 11..14"
// + "; many: j mod 10 is 0 or j mod 10 in 5..9 or j mod 100 in 11..14"
{"uk", "one: j mod 10 is 1 and j mod 100 is not 11; " +
"few: j mod 10 in 2..4 and j mod 100 not in 12..14; " +
"many: j mod 10 is 0 or j mod 10 in 5..9 or j mod 100 in 11..14"},
{"zu", "one: n within 0..1"},