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<title>IntlTest Test Suite Doumentation</title>
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<h1>IntlTest Test Suite Documentation</h1>
© Copyright Taligent, Inc., 1997<br>
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1997-1999<br>
Licensed Material - Program-Property of IBM - All Rights Reserved.<br>
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure<br>
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.</p>
<p>The IntlTest suite contains all of the tests for the C++ API of IBM's International
Classes for Unicode. These tests may be automatically run by typing &quot;intltest&quot;
at the command line. Since the verbose option prints out a lot of information, it is
recommended that the output be redirected to a file:<br>
&quot;intltest -v &gt; testOutput&quot;. </p>
<p>To compile this test suite using MSVC, follow the instructions in <a
href="../readme.html#HowToInstall">intlwork/readme.html#HowToInstall</a> for building the
&quot;alCPP&quot; (All C++ interfaces) workspace. This builds the libraries as well as the
intltest executable.</p>
<p>To run the test suite from the command line, change directories to
&quot;intlwork/source/test/intltest/Debug&quot;, then type:<br>
&quot;intltest -v &gt; testOutput&quot;.&nbsp; For the release build, the executable will
reside in &quot;intlwork/source/test/intltest/Release&quot;.</p>
<p>Type just &quot;intltest -h&quot; to see the usage:</p>
<pre>### Syntax:
### IntlTest [-option1 -option2 ...] [testname1 testname2 ...]
### where options are: verbose (v), all (a), noerrormsg (n),
### exhaustive (e) and leaks (l).
### (Specify either -all (shortcut -a) or a test name).
### -all will run all of the tests.
### To get a list of the test names type: intltest LIST
### To run just the utility tests type: intltest utility
### Test names can be nested using slashes (&quot;testA/subtest1&quot;)
### For example to list the utility tests type: intltest utility/LIST
### To run just the Locale test type: intltest utility/LocaleTest
### A parameter can be specified for a test by appending '@' and the value
### to the testname.
<p><a href="../readme.html">ReadMe for </a><a href="../readme.html#API">IBM's
International Classes for Unicode</a></p>