blob: 954ebe0c2877ccaca52cb4ce3439de8bfe4d9874 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.function.Function.identity;
import static org.unicode.cldr.api.AttributeKey.keyOf;
import static org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrData.PathOrder.ARBITRARY;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.AttributeKey;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrData;
* Auxiliary APIs for processing locale IDs and other supplemental data needed by business logic
* in some mapper classes.
* When a {@link SupplementalData} instance is used in a mapper class, it is imperative that it is
* build using the same underlying CLDR data. The only reason mapper classes do not create their
* own instances directly is the relative cost of processing all the supplemental data each time.
// TODO: This should be moved into the API and leverage some of the existing utility functions.
public final class SupplementalData {
private static final Pattern SCRIPT_SUBTAG = Pattern.compile("[A-Z][a-z]{3}");
private static final PathMatcher ALIAS =
private static final PathMatcher PARENT_LOCALE =
private static final AttributeKey PARENT = keyOf("parentLocale", "parent");
private static final AttributeKey LOCALES = keyOf("parentLocale", "locales");
private static final PathMatcher CALENDER_PREFERENCE =
private static final AttributeKey CALENDER_TERRITORIES =
keyOf("calendarPreference", "territories");
private static final AttributeKey CALENDER_ORDERING =
keyOf("calendarPreference", "ordering");
private static final PathMatcher LIKELY_SUBTAGS =
private static final AttributeKey SUBTAG_FROM = keyOf("likelySubtag", "from");
private static final AttributeKey SUBTAG_TO = keyOf("likelySubtag", "to");
private static final Splitter LIST_SPLITTER =
// Aliases come in three flavours. Note that the TERRITORY aliases map to a _list_ rather than
// a single value (it's structurally always a list, but only territory aliases have a need for
// more than one value).
private enum Alias {
private static final ImmutableMap<String, Alias> TYPE_MAP =
.collect(toImmutableMap(a -> Ascii.toLowerCase( + "Alias", identity()));
private final String elementName = Ascii.toLowerCase(name()) + "Alias";
final AttributeKey typeKey = AttributeKey.keyOf(elementName, "type");
final AttributeKey replacementKey = AttributeKey.keyOf(elementName, "replacement");
static Optional<Alias> forElementName(String name) {
return Optional.ofNullable(TYPE_MAP.get(name));
* Creates a supplemental data API instance from the given CLDR data.
* @param supplementalData the raw CLDR supplemental data instance.
* @return the supplemental data API.
static SupplementalData create(CldrData supplementalData) {
Table<Alias, String, String> aliasTable = HashBasedTable.create();
Map<String, String> parentLocaleMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> defaultCalendarMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> likelySubtagMap = new HashMap<>();
v -> {
if (ALIAS.matches(v.getPath())) {
// Territory alias replacements can be a list of values (e.g. when countries
// break up). We use the first (geo-politically most significant) value. This
// doesn't happen for languages or scripts, but could in theory.
alias -> aliasTable.put(
} else if (PARENT_LOCALE.matches(v.getPath())) {
String p = PARENT.valueFrom(v);
LOCALES.listOfValuesFrom(v).forEach(c -> parentLocaleMap.put(c, p));
} else if (CALENDER_PREFERENCE.matches(v.getPath())) {
String c = CALENDER_ORDERING.listOfValuesFrom(v).get(0);
CALENDER_TERRITORIES.listOfValuesFrom(v).forEach(t -> defaultCalendarMap.put(t, c));
} else if (LIKELY_SUBTAGS.matches(v.getPath())) {
likelySubtagMap.put(SUBTAG_FROM.valueFrom(v), SUBTAG_TO.valueFrom(v));
// WARNING: The original mapper code determines the full set of deprecated territories and
// then removes the following hard-coded list without any explanation as to why. While this
// is presumably to "undeprecate" them for the purposes of the locale processing, there's
// no explanation of where this list comes from, and thus no way to maintain it.
// asList("062", "172", "200", "830", "AN", "CS", "QU")
// .forEach(t -> aliasTable.remove(Alias.TERRITORY, t));
// TODO: Understand and document what on Earth this is all about or delete this comment.
return new SupplementalData(
aliasTable, parentLocaleMap, defaultCalendarMap, likelySubtagMap);
// A simple-as-possible, mutable, locale ID data "struct" to handle the IDs used during ICU
// data generation. Because this is mutable, it is thoroughly unsuitable for general use.
private static final class LocaleId {
// From:
// Locale ID is:
// (<language>(_<script>)?|<script>)(_<region>)?(_<variant>)*
// However in CLDR data, there's always a language (even if it's "und"), and never more
// than one variant, so this can be simplified to:
// <language>(_<script>)?(_<region>)?(_<variant>)?
// * Required language is lowercase 2 or 3 letter language ID (e.g. "en", "gsw").
// Note that the specification allows for languages 5-8 characters long, but in reality
// this has never occurred yet, so it's ignored in this code.
// * Script is 4-letter Xxxx script identifier (e.g. "Latn").
// The specification permits any casing for script subtags, but since all the data uses
// the capitalized "Xxxx" form, that's what this code expects.
// * Region is the uppercase 2-letter CLDR region code ("GB") or the 3-digit numeric
// identifier (e.g. "001").
// * Variants are a bit complex; either 5-8 length alphanumerics, or length 4 but starting
// with a digit (this avoids any ambiguity with script subtags). However because ICU
// violates this rule by using "TRADITIONAL" (11-letters) the length restriction is
// merely "longer than 5".
// Finaly, CLDR data only uses an '_' as the separator, whereas the specification allows
// for either '-' or '_').
// The regex for unambiguously capturing the parts of a locale ID from the CLDR data is:
private static final Pattern LOCALE_ID =
+ "(?:_([A-Z][a-z]{3}))?"
+ "(?:_([A-Z]{2}|[0-9]{3}))?"
+ "(?:_([a-zA-Z]{5,}|[0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]{3}))?");
static LocaleId parse(String localeId) {
Matcher m = LOCALE_ID.matcher(checkNotNull(localeId, "locale ID cannot be null"));
checkArgument(m.matches(), "invalid locale ID: %s", localeId);
return of(,,;
static LocaleId of(String language, String script, String region) {
return new LocaleId().setLanguage(language).setScript(script).setRegion(region);
// Only the language subtag is non-nullable.
private String languageSubtag;
private String scriptSubtag;
private String regionSubtag;
private String variantSubtag;
String getLanguage() {
return languageSubtag;
String getScript() {
return scriptSubtag;
String getRegion() {
return regionSubtag;
String getVariant() {
return variantSubtag;
LocaleId setLanguage(String languageSubtag) {
checkNotNull(languageSubtag, "language subtag must not be null");
checkArgument(!languageSubtag.isEmpty(), "language subtag must not be empty");
this.languageSubtag = languageSubtag;
return this;
LocaleId setScript(String scriptSubtag) {
this.scriptSubtag = Strings.emptyToNull(scriptSubtag);
return this;
LocaleId setRegion(String regionSubtag) {
this.regionSubtag = Strings.emptyToNull(regionSubtag);
return this;
LocaleId setVariant(String variantSubtag) {
this.variantSubtag = Strings.emptyToNull(variantSubtag);
return this;
@Override public String toString() {
StringBuilder id = new StringBuilder(languageSubtag);
if (scriptSubtag != null) {
if (regionSubtag != null) {
if (variantSubtag != null) {
return id.toString();
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof LocaleId)) {
return false;
LocaleId other = (LocaleId) o;
return Objects.equals(languageSubtag, other.languageSubtag)
&& Objects.equals(scriptSubtag, other.scriptSubtag)
&& Objects.equals(regionSubtag, other.regionSubtag)
&& Objects.equals(variantSubtag, other.variantSubtag);
@Override public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(languageSubtag, scriptSubtag, regionSubtag, variantSubtag);
private final ImmutableTable<Alias, String, String> aliasTable;
private final ImmutableMap<String, String> parentLocaleMap;
private final ImmutableMap<String, String> defaultCalendarMap;
private final ImmutableMap<String, String> likelySubtagMap;
private SupplementalData(
Table<Alias, String, String> aliasTable,
Map<String, String> parentLocaleMap,
Map<String, String> defaultCalendarMap,
Map<String, String> likelySubtagMap) {
this.aliasTable = ImmutableTable.copyOf(aliasTable);
this.parentLocaleMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(parentLocaleMap);
this.defaultCalendarMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(defaultCalendarMap);
this.likelySubtagMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(likelySubtagMap);
* Returns the "maximized" form of a given locale ID, by adding likely subtags where possible.
public Optional<String> maximize(String localeId) {
return addLikelySubtags(localeId).map(Object::toString);
* Returns the locale ID with any deprecated elements replaced. This is an
* implementation of the algorithm specified in
* <a href="">the LDML
* specification</a> but without any "minimizing" of the final result (as happens for
* canonicalization in the CLDR tools).
public String replaceDeprecatedTags(String localeId) {
if (localeId.equals("root")) {
return localeId;
LocaleId id = LocaleId.parse(localeId);
// ---- LDML Specification ----
// If the region subtag matches the type attribute of a territoryAlias element in
// Supplemental Data, replace the region subtag with the replacement value, as follows:
// * If there is a single territory in the replacement, use it.
// * If there are multiple territories:
// * Look up the most likely territory for the base language code (and script, if there
// is one).
// * If that likely territory is in the list, use it.
// * Otherwise, use the first territory in the list.
// ----
// However there is a footnote that says:
// Formally, replacement of multiple territories uses Section 4.3 Likely Subtags.
// However, there are a small number of cases of multiple territories, so the mappings
// can be precomputed. This results in a faster lookup with a very small subset of the
// likely subtags data.
// Note that (contrary to the order implied by the LDML specification) this step is
// performed _before_ the language alias lookup. This is to allow ID such as "sr_YU" to
// work, where "YU" should be replaced with "RS" and _then_ "sr_RS" is expanded to
// "sr_Cryl_RS" by the language alias lookup. In the other order, you just get "sr_RS" out.
// TODO: Can we simplify this my just using "addLikelySubtags()" when region is missing?
if (id.getRegion() != null) {
String replacementRegions = aliasTable.get(Alias.TERRITORY, id.getRegion());
if (replacementRegions != null) {
List<String> regions = LIST_SPLITTER.splitToList(replacementRegions);
checkArgument(!regions.isEmpty(), "invalid empty region list for %s", localeId);
if (regions.size() == 1) {
} else {
LocaleId key = LocaleId.of(id.getLanguage(), id.getScript(), null);
String likelyId = likelySubtagMap.get(key.toString());
if (likelyId == null) {
likelyId = likelySubtagMap.get(key.setScript(null).toString());
String likelyRegion =
likelyId != null ? LocaleId.parse(likelyId).getRegion() : null;
if (regions.contains(likelyRegion)) {
} else {
// While it's not mentioned in the LDML specification, there is data in the alias table for
// replacement scripts (currently it contains exactly one entry with one value). Because
// its not clear if this is intended to only be single values or a list (and how to handle
// it if it were a list), there's a hard check to ensure it's only ever a single value.
if (id.getScript() != null) {
String replacementScript = aliasTable.get(Alias.SCRIPT, id.getScript());
if (replacementScript != null) {
"unexpected list of replacement scripts: %s", replacementScript);
// ---- LDML Specification ----
// If the language subtag matches the type attribute of a languageAlias element in
// Supplemental Data, replace the language subtag with the replacement value.
// If there are additional subtags in the replacement value, add them to the result, but
// only if there is no corresponding subtag already in the tag.
// ----
// Contrary to the precise wording of the specification, we don't just check the language
// subtag, since language aliases can contain script and even region information. Instead
// we check the alias table using the same order as defined in subtag maximizing:
// <language>_<script>_<region>
// <language>_<region>
// <language>_<script>
// <language>
// There is no need to check for "und" however since that's not aliased anything, but since
// it shares the same code it's harmless to do.
resolveLocaleId(id, s -> aliasTable.get(Alias.LANGUAGE, s))
.ifPresent(resolvedId -> {
"missing language subtag in language alias: %s", resolvedId));
if (id.getScript() == null) {
if (id.getRegion() == null) {
if (id.getVariant() == null) {
return id.toString();
* Returns a suitable default calendar for a given locale if it's different from the default
* calendar inferred by the locale's parent.
* <p>Note that since the default calendar data is keyed from territory (region subtag) rather
* than the complete locale ID, it is impossible to encode some real life cases (e.g. the fact
* that "ja_JP_TRADITIONAL" has a different default calendar to "ja_JP"). This is currently
* handled with hard-code special casing, but should probably be data driven eventually.
public Optional<String> getDefaultCalendar(String localeId) {
Optional<String> calendar = getSpecialCaseCalendar(localeId);
if (calendar.isPresent()) {
return calendar;
String t = territoryOf(localeId);
calendar = Optional.ofNullable(defaultCalendarMap.get(t));
if (!calendar.isPresent()) {
return Optional.empty();
String rootCalendar = defaultCalendarMap.get("001");
checkState(!rootCalendar.isEmpty(), "missing root calendar");
if (localeId.equals("root")) {
return Optional.of(rootCalendar);
// All locales reach "root" eventually, and that maps to territory "001" which
// we already know has a value, so this loop *must* exit.
String parentCalendar;
do {
localeId = getParent(localeId);
String territory = territoryOf(localeId);
parentCalendar = defaultCalendarMap.get(territory);
} while (parentCalendar == null);
return parentCalendar.equals(calendar.get()) ? Optional.empty() : calendar;
// Hack to work around the limitation that CLDR data cannot represent default calendars that
// change because of non-territory information. Since this is limited to exactly two cases at
// the moment, and is unlikely to be expanded, it's being done directly in code.
private Optional<String> getSpecialCaseCalendar(String localeId) {
Optional<String> maximized = maximize(localeId);
if (maximized.isPresent()) {
switch (maximized.get()) {
case "ja_Jpan_JP_TRADITIONAL":
return Optional.of("japanese");
case "th_Thai_TH_TRADITIONAL":
return Optional.of("buddhist");
return Optional.empty();
* Returns the parent of a non-root locale ID. This is more complex than simple truncation for
* two reasons:
* <ul>
* <li>There may be an explicit parent locale ID specified in the CLDR data.
* <li>Removal of non-default script subtags makes the parent locale "root" (unless there
* was an explicit parent specified).
* </ul>
* Note that all valid locale ID parent "chains" must end up at "root" eventually.
* For example (showing parent "chains"):
* <ul>
* <li>{@code en_GB} --> {@code en_001} --> {@code en} --> {@code root}
* <li>{@code en_Cyrl_RU} --> {@code en_Cyrl} --> {@code root}
* </ul>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given locale ID is invalid or "root".
public String getParent(String localeId) {
checkState(!localeId.equals("root"), "cannot ask for parent of 'root' locale");
// Always defer to an explicit parent locale set in the CLDR data.
Optional<String> explicitParent = getExplicitParentLocaleOf(localeId);
if (explicitParent.isPresent()) {
return explicitParent.get();
// Now look for the start of the last ID "part" in order to truncate.
int lastPartSeperatorIndex = localeId.lastIndexOf('_');
// The parent of a base language ID (e.g. "en" or "fr") is always "root".
if (lastPartSeperatorIndex == -1) {
return "root";
String parentId = localeId.substring(0, lastPartSeperatorIndex);
// However, if the script of the locale is what's being truncated and it's NOT the default
// script for the language, return "root" as the parent rather than truncating.
String lastPart = localeId.substring(lastPartSeperatorIndex + 1);
if (SCRIPT_SUBTAG.matcher(lastPart).matches() && !lastPart.equals(scriptOf(parentId))) {
return "root";
return !parentId.isEmpty() ? parentId : "root";
* Returns the explicit parent of a locale ID if specified in the CLDR data.
* Note that this method will not return a value for most locale IDs, since they do not have
* an explicit parent set. If you just want "normal" parent of a locale ID, use {@link
* #getParent(String)}.
public Optional<String> getExplicitParentLocaleOf(String localeId) {
return Optional.ofNullable(parentLocaleMap.get(localeId));
private String territoryOf(String localeId) {
return localeId.equals("root")
? "001"
: addLikelySubtags(localeId).map(LocaleId::getRegion).orElse("ZZ");
private String scriptOf(String localeId) {
return addLikelySubtags(localeId).map(LocaleId::getScript).orElse("Zzzz");
// From:
// Add Likely Subtags
// ------------------
// Given a source locale X, to return a locale Y where the empty subtags have been filled in
// by the most likely subtags. A subtag is called empty if it is a missing script or region
// subtag, or it is a base language subtag with the value "und".
// Canonicalize
// ------------
// Make sure the input locale is in canonical form ...
// ...
// Remove the script code 'Zzzz' and the region code 'ZZ' if they occur.
// Note that this implementation does not need to handle "grandfathered" tags.
private Optional<LocaleId> addLikelySubtags(String localeId) {
if (localeId.equals("root")) {
return Optional.empty();
LocaleId id = LocaleId.parse(localeId);
// ---- LDML Specification ----
// Remove the script code 'Zzzz' and the region code 'ZZ' if they occur.
if ("Zzzz".equals(id.getScript())) {
if ("ZZ".equals(id.getRegion())) {
// ---- LDML Specification ----
// A subtag is called empty if it is a missing script or region subtag, or it is a base
// language subtag with the value "und"
if (!id.getLanguage().equals("und") && id.getScript() != null && id.getRegion() != null) {
// We are already canonical, so just return.
return Optional.of(id);
Optional<LocaleId> optTags = resolveLocaleId(id, likelySubtagMap::get);
if (!optTags.isPresent()) {
return Optional.empty();
LocaleId subtags = optTags.get();
checkArgument(!subtags.getLanguage().equals("und"), "invalid subtags: %s", subtags);
// Replace "missing" elements in the original ID with likely subtags.
if (id.getLanguage().equals("und")) {
if (id.getScript() == null) {
if (id.getRegion() == null) {
// Language is not "und" and both script and region subtags are set!
return Optional.of(id);
// From:
// Lookup
// ------
// Lookup each of the following in order, and stop on the first match:
// <language>_<script>_<region>
// <language>_<region>
// <language>_<script>
// <language>
// "und"_<script>
private Optional<LocaleId> resolveLocaleId(LocaleId id, Function<String, String> fn) {
String lang = id.getLanguage();
String script = id.getScript();
String region = id.getRegion();
Stream<LocaleId> candidateIds = Stream.of(
LocaleId.of(lang, script, region),
LocaleId.of(lang, null, region),
LocaleId.of(lang, script, null),
LocaleId.of(lang, null, null));
// Only add "und"_<script> if there's a script, otherwise you end up maximizing "und" on
// its own ("en_Latn_US") which is not intended.
if (script != null) {
candidateIds = Stream.concat(candidateIds, Stream.of(LocaleId.of("und", script, null)));
return candidateIds
// Remove duplicate IDs (keeps the first one encountered).