blob: 3fa1cd12f6dbdc93737ea05e5e26950fe28dfd95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/text/Attic/,v $
* $Date: 2001/10/23 17:08:13 $
* $Revision: 1.5 $
import java.util.Arrays;
* Internal parent reader class reading binary header data from uprops.dat and
* unames.dat, created by ICU programs genprops and gennames.
* It arranges the header data into meaningful data before
* populating <a href=UCharacterDB.html>UCharacterDB</a>. It also authenticates
* that the data files before proceeding on.
* For more information about the format of uprops.dat refer to
* <a>
* ReadMe</a>.<br>
* and unames.dat which are in big-endian format are jared together
* with this package.
* @author Syn Wee Quek
* @since oct1000
abstract class UGenReader
// private variables ===========================================
* Magic numbers to authenticate the data file
private static final byte MAGIC1 = (byte)0xda;
private static final byte MAGIC2 = (byte)0x27;
* Size of the field datasize and reservedcharacter
private static final int SKIP_BYTES_ = 4;
* File format authentication values
private static final byte BIG_ENDIAN_ = 1;
private static final byte CHAR_SET_ = 0;
private static final byte CHAR_SIZE_ = 2;
private static final byte UNICODE_VERSION_[] = {(byte)0x3, (byte)0x1,
(byte)0x1, (byte)0x0};
// constructor =================================================
* Protected constructor
protected UGenReader()
// protected methods ===========================================
* Read the data header and fills the relevant information into UCharacterDB.
* If unsuccessful false will be returned
* @param input data stream
* @param data data instance
* @return true if successfully filled
protected boolean read(DataInputStream input, UCharacterDB data)
char headersize = input.readChar();
headersize -= 2;
//reading the header format
byte magic1 = input.readByte();
headersize --;
byte magic2 = input.readByte();
headersize --;
headersize -= SKIP_BYTES_;
if (authenticate(magic1, magic2))
byte bigendian = input.readByte();
headersize --;
byte charset = input.readByte();
headersize --;
byte charsize = input.readByte();
headersize --;
headersize --;
byte dataformatid[] = new byte[getFileFormatIDSize()];
headersize -= getFileFormatIDSize();
byte dataformatversion[] = new byte[getFileFormatVersionSize()];
headersize -= getFileFormatVersionSize();
byte unicodeversion[] = new byte[UNICODE_VERSION_.length];
headersize -= UNICODE_VERSION_.length;
if (authenticate(bigendian, charset, charsize, unicodeversion) &&
authenticate(dataformatid, dataformatversion)) {
return setUCharacterDB(data, unicodeversion);
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return false;
* Abstract method for verifying the file format version
* @param formatid file format identification
* @param formatversion file format version of input file to be verified
* @return true if the right file format version is used
protected abstract boolean authenticate(byte formatid[],
byte formatversion[]);
* Abstract method for getting the size of the file format version
* @return size of file format version in bytes
protected abstract int getFileFormatVersionSize();
* Abstract method for getting the size of the file format id
* @return size of file format id in bytes
protected abstract int getFileFormatIDSize();
// private methods ====================================================
* Checking the file against the magic numbers for authenticity
* @param m1 magic number 1
* @param m2 magic number 2
* @return true if the magic numbers are correct
private boolean authenticate(byte m1, byte m2)
if (m1 == MAGIC1 && m2 == MAGIC2) {
return true;
return false;
* Checking the file for the correct format
* @param bigendian
* @param charset
* @param charsize
* @param dataformatid
* @param dataformatversion
* @param unicodeversion
* @return true if the file is in bigendian, charset , charsize == 2,
* dataformatid, dataformatversion dependent on file,
* and unicodeversion >
private boolean authenticate(byte bigendian, byte charset, byte charsize,
byte unicodeversion[])
if (bigendian != BIG_ENDIAN_ || charset != CHAR_SET_ ||
charsize != CHAR_SIZE_) {
return false;
return Arrays.equals(UNICODE_VERSION_, unicodeversion);
* Sets the relevant data into UCharacterDB
* @param data UCharacterDB instance to populate
* @param unicodeversion version number of the Unicode data information used
* @param formatversion icu version number of the uprops.dat and unames.dat
* used
* @return true if operation is successful, false otherwise
private boolean setUCharacterDB(UCharacterDB data, byte[] unicodeversion)
boolean result = data.setUnicodeVersion(unicodeversion);
return result;