blob: 2dfa370ad0269612fc0b80a70e086774b89e507e [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Objects;
* @author sffc
public class AffixMatcher implements NumberParseMatcher {
private final AffixPatternMatcher prefix;
private final AffixPatternMatcher suffix;
private final int flags;
* Comparator for two AffixMatcher instances which prioritizes longer prefixes followed by longer
* suffixes, ensuring that the longest prefix/suffix pair is always chosen.
public static final Comparator<AffixMatcher> COMPARATOR = new Comparator<AffixMatcher>() {
public int compare(AffixMatcher lhs, AffixMatcher rhs) {
if (length(lhs.prefix) != length(rhs.prefix)) {
return length(lhs.prefix) > length(rhs.prefix) ? -1 : 1;
} else if (length(lhs.suffix) != length(rhs.suffix)) {
return length(lhs.suffix) > length(rhs.suffix) ? -1 : 1;
} else if (!lhs.equals(rhs)) {
// If the prefix and suffix are the same length, arbitrarily break ties.
// We can't return zero unless the elements are equal.
return lhs.hashCode() > rhs.hashCode() ? -1 : 1;
} else {
return 0;
private static boolean isInteresting(
AffixPatternProvider patternInfo,
IgnorablesMatcher ignorables,
int parseFlags) {
String posPrefixString = patternInfo.getString(AffixPatternProvider.FLAG_POS_PREFIX);
String posSuffixString = patternInfo.getString(AffixPatternProvider.FLAG_POS_SUFFIX);
String negPrefixString = null;
String negSuffixString = null;
if (patternInfo.hasNegativeSubpattern()) {
negPrefixString = patternInfo.getString(AffixPatternProvider.FLAG_NEG_PREFIX);
negSuffixString = patternInfo.getString(AffixPatternProvider.FLAG_NEG_SUFFIX);
if (0 == (parseFlags & ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_USE_FULL_AFFIXES)
&& AffixUtils.containsOnlySymbolsAndIgnorables(posPrefixString, ignorables.getSet())
&& AffixUtils.containsOnlySymbolsAndIgnorables(posSuffixString, ignorables.getSet())
&& AffixUtils.containsOnlySymbolsAndIgnorables(negPrefixString, ignorables.getSet())
&& AffixUtils.containsOnlySymbolsAndIgnorables(negSuffixString, ignorables.getSet())
// HACK: Plus and minus sign are a special case: we accept them trailing only if they are
// trailing in the pattern string.
&& !AffixUtils.containsType(posSuffixString, AffixUtils.TYPE_PLUS_SIGN)
&& !AffixUtils.containsType(posSuffixString, AffixUtils.TYPE_MINUS_SIGN)
&& !AffixUtils.containsType(negSuffixString, AffixUtils.TYPE_PLUS_SIGN)
&& !AffixUtils.containsType(negSuffixString, AffixUtils.TYPE_MINUS_SIGN)) {
// The affixes contain only symbols and ignorables.
// No need to generate affix matchers.
return false;
return true;
public static void createMatchers(
AffixPatternProvider patternInfo,
NumberParserImpl output,
AffixTokenMatcherFactory factory,
IgnorablesMatcher ignorables,
int parseFlags) {
if (!isInteresting(patternInfo, ignorables, parseFlags)) {
// The affixes have interesting characters, or we are in strict mode.
// Use initial capacity of 6, the highest possible number of AffixMatchers.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
ArrayList<AffixMatcher> matchers = new ArrayList<>(6);
boolean includeUnpaired = 0 != (parseFlags & ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_INCLUDE_UNPAIRED_AFFIXES);
AffixPatternMatcher posPrefix = null;
AffixPatternMatcher posSuffix = null;
// Pre-process the affix strings to resolve LDML rules like sign display.
for (PatternSignType type : PatternSignType.VALUES) {
// Skip affixes in some cases
if (type == PatternSignType.POS
&& 0 != (parseFlags & ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_PLUS_SIGN_ALLOWED)) {
if (type == PatternSignType.POS_SIGN
&& 0 == (parseFlags & ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_PLUS_SIGN_ALLOWED)) {
// Generate Prefix
AffixPatternMatcher prefix = AffixPatternMatcher
.fromAffixPattern(sb.toString(), factory, parseFlags);
// Generate Suffix
AffixPatternMatcher suffix = AffixPatternMatcher
.fromAffixPattern(sb.toString(), factory, parseFlags);
if (type == PatternSignType.POS) {
posPrefix = prefix;
posSuffix = suffix;
} else if (Objects.equals(prefix, posPrefix) && Objects.equals(suffix, posSuffix)) {
// Skip adding these matchers (we already have equivalents)
// Flags for setting in the ParsedNumber; the token matchers may add more.
int flags = (type == PatternSignType.NEG) ? ParsedNumber.FLAG_NEGATIVE : 0;
// Note: it is indeed possible for posPrefix and posSuffix to both be null.
// We still need to add that matcher for strict mode to work.
matchers.add(getInstance(prefix, suffix, flags));
if (includeUnpaired && prefix != null && suffix != null) {
// The following if statements are designed to prevent adding two identical matchers.
if (type == PatternSignType.POS || !Objects.equals(prefix, posPrefix)) {
matchers.add(getInstance(prefix, null, flags));
if (type == PatternSignType.POS || !Objects.equals(suffix, posSuffix)) {
matchers.add(getInstance(null, suffix, flags));
// Put the AffixMatchers in order, and then add them to the output.
Collections.sort(matchers, COMPARATOR);
private static final AffixMatcher getInstance(
AffixPatternMatcher prefix,
AffixPatternMatcher suffix,
int flags) {
// TODO: Special handling for common cases like both strings empty.
return new AffixMatcher(prefix, suffix, flags);
private AffixMatcher(AffixPatternMatcher prefix, AffixPatternMatcher suffix, int flags) {
this.prefix = prefix;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.flags = flags;
public boolean match(StringSegment segment, ParsedNumber result) {
if (!result.seenNumber()) {
// Prefix
// Do not match if:
// 1. We have already seen a prefix (result.prefix != null)
// 2. The prefix in this AffixMatcher is empty (prefix == null)
if (result.prefix != null || prefix == null) {
return false;
// Attempt to match the prefix.
int initialOffset = segment.getOffset();
boolean maybeMore = prefix.match(segment, result);
if (initialOffset != segment.getOffset()) {
result.prefix = prefix.getPattern();
return maybeMore;
} else {
// Suffix
// Do not match if:
// 1. We have already seen a suffix (result.suffix != null)
// 2. The suffix in this AffixMatcher is empty (suffix == null)
// 3. The matched prefix does not equal this AffixMatcher's prefix
if (result.suffix != null || suffix == null || !matched(prefix, result.prefix)) {
return false;
// Attempt to match the suffix.
int initialOffset = segment.getOffset();
boolean maybeMore = suffix.match(segment, result);
if (initialOffset != segment.getOffset()) {
result.suffix = suffix.getPattern();
return maybeMore;
public boolean smokeTest(StringSegment segment) {
return (prefix != null && prefix.smokeTest(segment))
|| (suffix != null && suffix.smokeTest(segment));
public void postProcess(ParsedNumber result) {
// Check to see if our affix is the one that was matched. If so, set the flags in the result.
if (matched(prefix, result.prefix) && matched(suffix, result.suffix)) {
// Fill in the result prefix and suffix with non-null values (empty string).
// Used by strict mode to determine whether an entire affix pair was matched.
if (result.prefix == null) {
result.prefix = "";
if (result.suffix == null) {
result.suffix = "";
result.flags |= flags;
if (prefix != null) {
if (suffix != null) {
* Helper method to return whether the given AffixPatternMatcher equals the given pattern string.
* Either both arguments must be null or the pattern string inside the AffixPatternMatcher must equal
* the given pattern string.
static boolean matched(AffixPatternMatcher affix, String patternString) {
return (affix == null && patternString == null)
|| (affix != null && affix.getPattern().equals(patternString));
* Helper method to return the length of the given AffixPatternMatcher. Returns 0 for null.
private static int length(AffixPatternMatcher matcher) {
return matcher == null ? 0 : matcher.getPattern().length();
public boolean equals(Object _other) {
if (!(_other instanceof AffixMatcher)) {
return false;
AffixMatcher other = (AffixMatcher) _other;
return Objects.equals(prefix, other.prefix)
&& Objects.equals(suffix, other.suffix)
&& flags == other.flags;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(prefix) ^ Objects.hashCode(suffix) ^ flags;
public String toString() {
boolean isNegative = 0 != (flags & ParsedNumber.FLAG_NEGATIVE);
return "<AffixMatcher" + (isNegative ? ":negative " : " ") + prefix + "#" + suffix + ">";