blob: ef952f4a431b11594821c5ecf423afdc3d7ccca8 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (c) 2006-2016, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Created on 2006-4-21
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* Represents a collection of test data described in a UResourceBoundle file.
* The root of the UResourceBoundle file is a table resource, and it has one
* Info and one TestData sub-resources. The Info describes the data module
* itself. The TestData, which is a table resource, has a collection of test
* data.
* The test data is a named table resource which has Info, Settings, Headers,
* and Cases sub-resources.
* <pre>
* DataModule:table(nofallback){
* Info:table {}
* TestData:table {
* entry_name:table{
* Info:table{}
* Settings:array{}
* Headers:array{}
* Cases:array{}
* }
* }
* }
* </pre>
* The test data is expected to be fed to test code by following sequence
* for each setting in Setting{
* prepare the setting
* for each test data in Cases{
* perform the test
* }
* }
* For detail of the specification, please refer to the code. The code is
* initially ported from "icu4c/source/tools/ctestfw/unicode/tstdtmod.h"
* and should be maintained parallelly.
* @author Raymond Yang
class ResourceModule implements TestDataModule {
private static final String INFO = "Info";
// private static final String DESCRIPTION = "Description";
// private static final String LONG_DESCRIPTION = "LongDescription";
private static final String TEST_DATA = "TestData";
private static final String SETTINGS = "Settings";
private static final String HEADER = "Headers";
private static final String DATA = "Cases";
UResourceBundle res;
UResourceBundle info;
UResourceBundle defaultHeader;
UResourceBundle testData;
ResourceModule(String baseName, String localeName) throws DataModuleFormatError{
res = (UResourceBundle) UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(baseName, localeName,
info = getFromTable(res, INFO, UResourceBundle.TABLE);
testData = getFromTable(res, TEST_DATA, UResourceBundle.TABLE);
try {
// unfortunately, actually, data can be either ARRAY or STRING
defaultHeader = getFromTable(info, HEADER, new int[]{UResourceBundle.ARRAY, UResourceBundle.STRING});
} catch (MissingResourceException e){
defaultHeader = null;
public String getName() {
return res.getKey();
public DataMap getInfo() {
return new UTableResource(info);
public TestData getTestData(String testName) throws DataModuleFormatError {
return new UResourceTestData(defaultHeader, testData.get(testName));
public Iterator getTestDataIterator() {
return new IteratorAdapter(testData){
protected Object prepareNext(UResourceBundle nextRes) throws DataModuleFormatError {
return new UResourceTestData(defaultHeader, nextRes);
* To make UResourceBundleIterator works like Iterator
* and return various data-driven test object for next() call
* @author Raymond Yang
private abstract static class IteratorAdapter implements Iterator{
private UResourceBundle res;
private UResourceBundleIterator itr;
private Object preparedNextElement = null;
// fix a strange behavior for UResourceBundleIterator for
// UResourceBundle.STRING. It support hasNext(), but does
// not support next() now.
// Use the iterated resource itself as the result from next() call
private boolean isStrRes = false;
private boolean isStrResPrepared = false; // for STRING resouce, we only prepare once
IteratorAdapter(UResourceBundle theRes) {
assert_not (theRes == null);
res = theRes;
itr = ((ICUResourceBundle)res).getIterator();
isStrRes = res.getType() == UResourceBundle.STRING;
public void remove() {
// do nothing
private boolean hasNextForStrRes(){
assert_is (isStrRes);
assert_not (!isStrResPrepared && preparedNextElement != null);
if (isStrResPrepared && preparedNextElement != null) return true;
if (isStrResPrepared && preparedNextElement == null) return false; // only prepare once
assert_is (!isStrResPrepared && preparedNextElement == null);
try {
preparedNextElement = prepareNext(res);
assert_not (preparedNextElement == null, "prepareNext() should not return null");
isStrResPrepared = true; // toggle the tag
return true;
} catch (DataModuleFormatError e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(),e);
public boolean hasNext() {
if (isStrRes) return hasNextForStrRes();
if (preparedNextElement != null) return true;
UResourceBundle t = null;
if (itr.hasNext()) {
// Notice, other RuntimeException may be throwed
t =;
} else {
return false;
try {
preparedNextElement = prepareNext(t);
assert_not (preparedNextElement == null, "prepareNext() should not return null");
return true;
} catch (DataModuleFormatError e) {
// Sadly, we throw RuntimeException also
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(),e);
public Object next(){
if (hasNext()) {
Object t = preparedNextElement;
preparedNextElement = null;
return t;
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
* To prepare data-driven test object for next() call, should not return null
abstract protected Object prepareNext(UResourceBundle nextRes) throws DataModuleFormatError;
* Avoid use Java 1.4 language new assert keyword
static void assert_is(boolean eq, String msg){
if (!eq) throw new Error("test code itself has error: " + msg);
static void assert_is(boolean eq){
if (!eq) throw new Error("test code itself has error.");
static void assert_not(boolean eq, String msg){
assert_is(!eq, msg);
static void assert_not(boolean eq){
* Internal helper function to get resource with following add-on
* 1. Assert the returned resource is never null.
* 2. Check the type of resource.
* The UResourceTypeMismatchException for various get() method is a
* RuntimeException which can be silently bypassed. This behavior is a
* trouble. One purpose of the class is to enforce format checking for
* resource file. We don't want to the exceptions are silently bypassed
* and spreaded to our customer's code.
* Notice, the MissingResourceException for get() method is also a
* RuntimeException. The caller functions should avoid sepread the execption
* silently also. The behavior is modified because some resource are
* optional and can be missed.
static UResourceBundle getFromTable(UResourceBundle res, String key, int expResType) throws DataModuleFormatError{
return getFromTable(res, key, new int[]{expResType});
static UResourceBundle getFromTable(UResourceBundle res, String key, int[] expResTypes) throws DataModuleFormatError{
assert_is (res != null && key != null && res.getType() == UResourceBundle.TABLE);
UResourceBundle t = res.get(key);
assert_not (t ==null);
int type = t.getType();
if (Arrays.binarySearch(expResTypes, type) >= 0) {
return t;
} else {
throw new DataModuleFormatError(new UResourceTypeMismatchException("Actual type " + t.getType()
+ " != expected types " + Arrays.toString(expResTypes) + "."));
* Unfortunately, UResourceBundle is unable to treat one string as string array.
* This function return a String[] from UResourceBundle, regardless it is an array or a string
static String[] getStringArrayHelper(UResourceBundle res, String key) throws DataModuleFormatError{
UResourceBundle t = getFromTable(res, key, new int[]{UResourceBundle.ARRAY, UResourceBundle.STRING});
return getStringArrayHelper(t);
static String[] getStringArrayHelper(UResourceBundle res) throws DataModuleFormatError{
int type = res.getType();
switch (type) {
case UResourceBundle.ARRAY:
return res.getStringArray();
case UResourceBundle.STRING:
return new String[]{res.getString()};
throw new UResourceTypeMismatchException("Only accept ARRAY and STRING types.");
} catch (UResourceTypeMismatchException e){
throw new DataModuleFormatError(e);
public static void main(String[] args){
try {
TestDataModule m = new ResourceModule("com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata/","DataDrivenCollationTest");
System.out.println("hello: " + m.getName());
} catch (DataModuleFormatError e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
private static class UResourceTestData implements TestData{
private UResourceBundle res;
private UResourceBundle info;
private UResourceBundle settings;
private UResourceBundle header;
private UResourceBundle data;
UResourceTestData(UResourceBundle defaultHeader, UResourceBundle theRes) throws DataModuleFormatError{
assert_is (theRes != null && theRes.getType() == UResourceBundle.TABLE);
res = theRes;
// unfortunately, actually, data can be either ARRAY or STRING
data = getFromTable(res, DATA, new int[]{UResourceBundle.ARRAY, UResourceBundle.STRING});
try {
// unfortunately, actually, data can be either ARRAY or STRING
header = getFromTable(res, HEADER, new int[]{UResourceBundle.ARRAY, UResourceBundle.STRING});
} catch (MissingResourceException e){
if (defaultHeader == null) {
throw new DataModuleFormatError("Unable to find a header for test data '" + res.getKey() + "' and no default header exist.");
} else {
header = defaultHeader;
settings = getFromTable(res, SETTINGS, UResourceBundle.ARRAY);
info = getFromTable(res, INFO, UResourceBundle.TABLE);
} catch (MissingResourceException e){
// do nothing, left them null;
settings = data;
public String getName() {
return res.getKey();
public DataMap getInfo() {
return info == null ? null : new UTableResource(info);
public Iterator getSettingsIterator() {
assert_is (settings.getType() == UResourceBundle.ARRAY);
return new IteratorAdapter(settings){
protected Object prepareNext(UResourceBundle nextRes) throws DataModuleFormatError {
return new UTableResource(nextRes);
public Iterator getDataIterator() {
// unfortunately,
assert_is (data.getType() == UResourceBundle.ARRAY
|| data.getType() == UResourceBundle.STRING);
return new IteratorAdapter(data){
protected Object prepareNext(UResourceBundle nextRes) throws DataModuleFormatError {
return new UArrayResource(header, nextRes);
private static class UTableResource implements DataMap{
private UResourceBundle res;
UTableResource(UResourceBundle theRes){
res = theRes;
public String getString(String key) {
String t;
t = res.getString(key);
} catch (MissingResourceException e){
t = null;
return t;
public Object getObject(String key) {
return res.get(key);
private static class UArrayResource implements DataMap{
private Map theMap;
UArrayResource(UResourceBundle theHeader, UResourceBundle theData) throws DataModuleFormatError{
assert_is (theHeader != null && theData != null);
String[] header;
header = getStringArrayHelper(theHeader);
if (theData.getSize() != header.length)
throw new DataModuleFormatError("The count of Header and Data is mismatch.");
theMap = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) {
theMap.put(header[i], theData.get(i));
}else if(theData.getType()==UResourceBundle.STRING){
theMap.put(header[i], theData.getString());
throw new DataModuleFormatError("Did not get the expected data!");
public String getString(String key) {
Object o = theMap.get(key);
UResourceBundle rb;
if(o instanceof UResourceBundle) {
// unpack ResourceBundle strings
rb = (UResourceBundle)o;
return rb.getString();
return (String)o;
public Object getObject(String key) {
return theMap.get(key);