blob: e96df688247aa9502a370400d5f9b83f569de5ed [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2006-2016, Google, International Business Machines Corporation
* and others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
public class DateTimeGeneratorTest extends TestFmwk {
public static boolean GENERATE_TEST_DATA;
static {
try {
GENERATE_TEST_DATA = System.getProperty("GENERATE_TEST_DATA") != null;
} catch (SecurityException e) {
public static int RANDOM_COUNT = 1000;
public static boolean DEBUG = false;
public void TestC() {
String[][] tests = {
// These may change with actual data for Bhmm/bhmm skeletons
{"zh", "Cm", "Bh:mm"},
{"zh", "CCm", "Bhh:mm"},
{"zh", "CCCm", "BBBBh:mm"},
{"zh", "CCCCm", "BBBBhh:mm"},
{"zh", "CCCCCm", "BBBBBh:mm"},
{"zh", "CCCCCCm", "BBBBBhh:mm"},
{"de", "Cm", "HH:mm"},
{"de", "CCm", "HH:mm"},
{"de", "CCCm", "HH:mm"},
{"de", "CCCCm", "HH:mm"},
{"en", "Cm", "h:mm a"},
{"en", "CCm", "hh:mm a"},
{"en", "CCCm", "h:mm aaaa"},
{"en", "CCCCm", "hh:mm aaaa"},
{"en", "CCCCCm", "h:mm aaaaa"},
{"en", "CCCCCCm", "hh:mm aaaaa"},
{"en-BN", "Cm", "h:mm b"},
{"gu-IN", "Cm", "h:mm B"},
{"und-IN", "Cm", "h:mm B"},
for (String[] test : tests) {
DateTimePatternGenerator gen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(ULocale.forLanguageTag(test[0]));
String skeleton = test[1];
int options = DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_HOUR_FIELD_LENGTH;
String pattern = gen.getBestPattern(skeleton, options);
assertEquals(test[0] + "/" + skeleton, test[2], pattern);
public void TestSkeletonsWithDayPeriods() {
String[][] dataItems = {
// sample data in a locale (base is not in locale, just here for test)
// skel (base) pattern
{ "aH", "H", "H" }, // should ignore a
{ "h", "h", "h a"},
{ "Bh", "Bh", "B h"},
String[][] testItems = {
// sample requested skeletons and results
// skel pattern
{ "H", "H"},
{ "HH", "HH"},
{ "aH", "H"},
{ "aHH", "HH"},
{ "BH", "H"},
{ "BHH", "HH"},
{ "BBBBH", "H"},
{ "h", "h a"},
{ "hh", "hh a"},
{ "ah", "h a"},
{ "ahh", "hh a"},
{ "aaaah", "h aaaa"},
{ "aaaahh", "hh aaaa"},
{ "bh", "h b"},
{ "bhh", "hh b"},
{ "bbbbh", "h bbbb"},
{ "Bh", "B h"},
{ "Bhh", "B hh"},
{ "BBBBh", "BBBB h"},
{ "BBBBhh", "BBBB hh"},
{ "a", "a"},
{ "aaaaa", "aaaaa"},
{ "b", "b"},
{ "bbbb", "bbbb"},
{ "B", "B"},
{ "BBBB", "BBBB"},
DateTimePatternGenerator gen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getEmptyInstance();
DateTimePatternGenerator.PatternInfo returnInfo = new DateTimePatternGenerator.PatternInfo();
for (String[] dataItem : dataItems) {
gen.addPatternWithSkeleton(dataItem[2], dataItem[0], true, returnInfo);
String base = gen.getBaseSkeleton(dataItem[0]);
if (!base.equals(dataItem[1])) {
errln("getBaseSkeleton for skeleton " + dataItem[0] + ", expected " + dataItem[1] + ", got " + base);
for (String[] testItem : testItems) {
int options = DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_HOUR_FIELD_LENGTH;
String pattern = gen.getBestPattern(testItem[0], options);
if (!pattern.equals(testItem[1])) {
errln("getBestPattern for skeleton " + testItem[0] + ", expected " + testItem[1] + ", got " + pattern);
public void TestSimple() {
// some simple use cases
ULocale locale = ULocale.GERMANY;
TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Paris");
// make from locale
DateTimePatternGenerator gen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(locale);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(gen.getBestPattern("MMMddHmm"), locale);
assertEquals("simple format: MMMddHmm", "14. Okt., 08:58", format.format(sampleDate));
// (a generator can be built from scratch, but that is not a typical use case)
// modify the generator by adding patterns
DateTimePatternGenerator.PatternInfo returnInfo = new DateTimePatternGenerator.PatternInfo();
gen.addPattern("d'. von' MMMM", true, returnInfo);
// the returnInfo is mostly useful for debugging problem cases
assertEquals("modified format: MMMdHmm", "14. von Oktober, 08:58", format.format(sampleDate));
// get a pattern and modify it
format = (SimpleDateFormat)DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, locale);
String pattern = format.toPattern();
assertEquals("full-date", "Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 1999 um 08:58:59 Mitteleurop\u00E4ische Sommerzeit", format.format(sampleDate));
// modify it to change the zone.
String newPattern = gen.replaceFieldTypes(pattern, "vvvv");
assertEquals("full-date: modified zone", "Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 1999 um 08:58:59 Mitteleurop\u00E4ische Zeit", format.format(sampleDate));
// add test of basic cases
//lang YYYYMMM MMMd MMMdhmm hmm hhmm Full Date-Time
// en Mar 2007 Mar 4 6:05 PM Mar 4 6:05 PM 06:05 PM Sunday, March 4, 2007 6:05:05 PM PT
DateTimePatternGenerator enGen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
TimeZone enZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Etc/GMT");
SimpleDateFormat enFormat = (SimpleDateFormat)DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, ULocale.ENGLISH);
String[][] tests = {
{"yyyyMMMdd", "Oct 14, 1999"},
{"yyyyqqqq", "4th quarter 1999"},
{"yMMMdd", "Oct 14, 1999"},
{"EyyyyMMMdd", "Thu, Oct 14, 1999"},
{"yyyyMMdd", "10/14/1999"},
{"yyyyMMM", "Oct 1999"},
{"yyyyMM", "10/1999"},
{"yyMM", "10/99"},
{"yMMMMMd", "O 14, 1999"}, // narrow format
{"EEEEEMMMMMd", "T, O 14"}, // narrow format
{"MMMd", "Oct 14"},
{"MMMdhmm", "Oct 14, 6:58 AM"},
{"EMMMdhmms", "Thu, Oct 14, 6:58:59 AM"},
{"MMdhmm", "10/14, 6:58 AM"},
{"EEEEMMMdhmms", "Thursday, Oct 14, 6:58:59 AM"},
{"yyyyMMMddhhmmss", "Oct 14, 1999, 6:58:59 AM"}, // (fixed expected result per ticket 6872<-7180)
{"EyyyyMMMddhhmmss", "Thu, Oct 14, 1999, 6:58:59 AM"}, // (fixed expected result per ticket 6872<-7180)
{"hmm", "6:58 AM"},
{"hhmm", "6:58 AM"}, // (fixed expected result per ticket 6872<-7180)
{"hhmmVVVV", "6:58 AM GMT"}, // (fixed expected result per ticket 6872<-7180)
for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) {
final String testSkeleton = tests[i][0];
String pat = enGen.getBestPattern(testSkeleton);
String formattedDate = enFormat.format(sampleDate);
assertEquals("Testing skeleton '" + testSkeleton + "' with " + sampleDate, tests[i][1], formattedDate);
public void TestRoot() {
DateTimePatternGenerator rootGen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(ULocale.ROOT);
SimpleDateFormat rootFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(rootGen.getBestPattern("yMdHms"), ULocale.ROOT);
// *** expected result should be "1999-10-14 6:58:59" with current data, changed test temporarily to match current result, needs investigation
assertEquals("root format: yMdHms", "1999-10-14 06:58:59", rootFormat.format(sampleDate));
public void TestEmpty() {
// now nothing
DateTimePatternGenerator nullGen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getEmptyInstance();
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(nullGen.getBestPattern("yMdHms"), ULocale.ROOT);
TimeZone rootZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Etc/GMT");
public void TestPatternParser() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
PatternTokenizer pp = new PatternTokenizer()
.setIgnorableCharacters(new UnicodeSet("[-]"))
.setSyntaxCharacters(new UnicodeSet("[a-zA-Z]"))
.setEscapeCharacters(new UnicodeSet("[b#]"))
logln("Using Quote");
for (int i = 0; i < patternTestData.length; ++i) {
String patternTest = (String) patternTestData[i];
CheckPattern(buffer, pp, patternTest);
String[] randomSet = {"abcdef", "$12!@#-", "'\\"};
for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_COUNT; ++i) {
String patternTest = getRandomString(randomSet, 0, 10);
CheckPattern(buffer, pp, patternTest);
logln("Using Backslash");
for (int i = 0; i < patternTestData.length; ++i) {
String patternTest = (String) patternTestData[i];
CheckPattern(buffer, pp, patternTest);
for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_COUNT; ++i) {
String patternTest = getRandomString(randomSet, 0, 10);
CheckPattern(buffer, pp, patternTest);
Random random = new java.util.Random(-1);
private String getRandomString(String[] randomList, int minLen, int maxLen) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
int len = random.nextInt(maxLen + 1 - minLen) + minLen;
for (int i = minLen; i < len; ++ i) {
String source = randomList[random.nextInt(randomList.length)]; // don't bother with surrogates
char ch = source.charAt(random.nextInt(source.length()));
UTF16.append(result, ch);
return result.toString();
private void CheckPattern(StringBuffer buffer, PatternTokenizer pp, String patternTest) {
if (DEBUG && isVerbose()) {
showItems(buffer, pp, patternTest);
String normalized = pp.setStart(0).normalize();
logln("input:\t<" + patternTest + ">" + "\tnormalized:\t<" + normalized + ">");
String doubleNormalized = pp.setPattern(normalized).normalize();
if (!normalized.equals(doubleNormalized)) {
errln("Normalization not idempotent:\t" + patternTest + "\tnormalized: " + normalized + "\tnormalized2: " + doubleNormalized);
// allow for debugging at the point of failure
if (DEBUG) {
normalized = pp.setStart(0).normalize();
showItems(buffer, pp, normalized);
doubleNormalized = pp.normalize();
private void showItems(StringBuffer buffer, PatternTokenizer pp, String patternTest) {
logln("input:\t<" + patternTest + ">");
while (true) {
int status =;
if (status == PatternTokenizer.DONE) break;
String lit = "";
if (status != PatternTokenizer.SYNTAX ) {
lit = "\t<" + pp.quoteLiteral(buffer) + ">";
logln("\t" + statusName[status] + "\t<" + buffer + ">" + lit);
static final String[] statusName = {"DONE", "SYNTAX", "LITERAL", "BROKEN_QUOTE", "BROKEN_ESCAPE", "UNKNOWN"};
public void TestBasic() {
ULocale uLocale = null;
DateTimePatternGenerator dtfg = null;
Date date = null;
for (int i = 0; i < dateTestData.length; ++i) {
if (dateTestData[i] instanceof ULocale) {
uLocale = (ULocale) dateTestData[i];
dtfg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(uLocale);
if (GENERATE_TEST_DATA) logln("new ULocale(\"" + uLocale.toString() + "\"),");
} else if (dateTestData[i] instanceof Date) {
date = (Date) dateTestData[i];
if (GENERATE_TEST_DATA) logln("new Date(" + date.getTime()+ "L),");
} else if (dateTestData[i] instanceof String) {
String testSkeleton = (String) dateTestData[i];
String pattern = dtfg.getBestPattern(testSkeleton);
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, uLocale);
String formatted = sdf.format(date);
if (GENERATE_TEST_DATA) logln("new String[] {\"" + testSkeleton + "\", \"" + Utility.escape(formatted) + "\"},");
//logln(uLocale + "\t" + testSkeleton + "\t" + pattern + "\t" + sdf.format(date));
} else {
String[] testPair = (String[]) dateTestData[i];
String testSkeleton = testPair[0];
String testFormatted = testPair[1];
String pattern = dtfg.getBestPattern(testSkeleton);
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, uLocale);
String formatted = sdf.format(date);
logln("new String[] {\"" + testSkeleton + "\", \"" + Utility.escape(formatted) + "\"},");
} else if (!formatted.equals(testFormatted)) {
errln(uLocale + "\tformatted string doesn't match test case: " + testSkeleton + "\t generated: " + pattern + "\t expected: " + testFormatted + "\t got: " + formatted);
if (true) { // debug
pattern = dtfg.getBestPattern(testSkeleton);
sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, uLocale);
formatted = sdf.format(date);
//logln(uLocale + "\t" + testSkeleton + "\t" + pattern + "\t" + sdf.format(date));
static final Object[] patternTestData = {
"'' 'a",
"mm.dd 'dd ' x",
"'' ''",
// can be generated by using GENERATE_TEST_DATA. Must be reviewed before adding
static final Object[] dateTestData = {
new Date(916300739123L), // 1999-01-13T23:58:59.123,0-0800
new ULocale("en_US"),
new String[] {"yM", "1/1999"},
new String[] {"yMMM", "Jan 1999"},
new String[] {"yMd", "1/13/1999"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "Jan 13, 1999"},
new String[] {"Md", "1/13"},
new String[] {"MMMd", "Jan 13"},
new String[] {"MMMMd", "January 13"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "Q1 1999"},
new String[] {"hhmm", "11:58 PM"},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "11:58 PM"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58:59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "January 1999"}, // (new item for testing 6872<-5702)
new String[] {"MMMEd", "Wed, Jan 13"},
new String[] {"Ed", "13 Wed"},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "11:58:59.123 PM"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "11:58"},
new ULocale("en_US@calendar=japanese"), // (new locale for testing ticket 6872<-5702)
new String[] {"yM", "1/11 H"},
new String[] {"yMMM", "Jan 11 Heisei"},
new String[] {"yMd", "1/13/11 H"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "Jan 13, 11 Heisei"},
new String[] {"Md", "1/13"},
new String[] {"MMMd", "Jan 13"},
new String[] {"MMMMd", "January 13"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "Q1 11 Heisei"},
new String[] {"hhmm", "11:58 PM"},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "11:58 PM"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58:59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "January 11 Heisei"},
new String[] {"MMMEd", "Wed, Jan 13"},
new String[] {"Ed", "13 Wed"},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "11:58:59.123 PM"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "11:58"},
new ULocale("de_DE"),
new String[] {"yM", "1.1999"},
new String[] {"yMMM", "Jan. 1999"},
new String[] {"yMd", "13.1.1999"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "13. Jan. 1999"},
new String[] {"Md", "13.1."}, // 13.1
new String[] {"MMMd", "13. Jan."},
new String[] {"MMMMd", "13. Januar"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "Q1 1999"},
new String[] {"hhmm", "11:58 PM"},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58:59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "Januar 1999"}, // (new item for testing 6872<-5702)
new String[] {"MMMEd", "Mi., 13. Jan."},
new String[] {"Ed", "Mi., 13."},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "23:58:59,123"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "23:58"},
new ULocale("fi"),
new String[] {"yM", "1.1999"}, // (fixed expected result per ticket 6872<-6626)
new String[] {"yMMM", "tammi 1999"}, // (fixed expected result per ticket 6872<-7007)
new String[] {"yMd", "13.1.1999"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "13. tammik. 1999"},
new String[] {"Md", "13.1."},
new String[] {"MMMd", "13. tammik."},
new String[] {"MMMMd", "13. tammikuuta"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "1. nelj. 1999"},
new String[] {"hhmm", "11.58 ip."},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23.58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "23.58"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58.59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "tammikuu 1999"}, // (new item for testing 6872<-5702,7007)
new String[] {"MMMEd", "ke 13. tammik."},
new String[] {"Ed", "ke 13."},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "23.58.59,123"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "23.58"},
new ULocale("es"),
new String[] {"yM", "1/1999"},
new String[] {"yMMM", "ene. 1999"},
new String[] {"yMd", "13/1/1999"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "13 ene. 1999"},
new String[] {"Md", "13/1"},
new String[] {"MMMd", "13 ene."},
new String[] {"MMMMd", "13 de enero"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "T1 1999"},
new String[] {"hhmm", "11:58 p.\u00A0m."},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58:59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "enero de 1999"},
new String[] {"MMMEd", "mi\u00E9., 13 ene."},
new String[] {"Ed", "mi\u00E9. 13"},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "23:58:59,123"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "23:58"},
new ULocale("ja"), // (new locale for testing ticket 6872<-6626)
new String[] {"yM", "1999/1"},
new String[] {"yMMM", "1999\u5E741\u6708"},
new String[] {"yMd", "1999/1/13"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "1999\u5E741\u670813\u65E5"},
new String[] {"Md", "1/13"},
new String[] {"MMMd", "1\u670813\u65E5"},
new String[] {"MMMMd", "1\u670813\u65E5"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "1999/Q1"},
new String[] {"hhmm", "\u5348\u5F8C11:58"},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58:59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "1999\u5E741\u6708"}, // (new item for testing 6872<-5702)
new String[] {"MMMEd", "1\u670813\u65E5(\u6C34)"},
new String[] {"Ed", "13\u65E5(\u6C34)"},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "23:58:59.123"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "23:58"},
new ULocale("ja@calendar=japanese"), // (new locale for testing ticket 6872<-5702)
new String[] {"yM", "H11/1"},
new String[] {"yMMM", "\u5E73\u621011\u5E741\u6708"},
new String[] {"yMd", "H11/1/13"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "\u5E73\u621011\u5E741\u670813\u65E5"},
new String[] {"Md", "1/13"},
new String[] {"MMMd", "1\u670813\u65E5"},
new String[] {"MMMMd", "1\u670813\u65E5"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "\u5E73\u621011/Q1"},
new String[] {"hhmm", "\u5348\u5F8C11:58"},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58:59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "\u5E73\u621011\u5E741\u6708"},
new String[] {"MMMEd", "1\u670813\u65E5(\u6C34)"},
new String[] {"Ed", "13\u65E5(\u6C34)"},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "23:58:59.123"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "23:58"},
new ULocale("zh_Hans_CN"),
new String[] {"yM", "1999\u5E741\u6708"},
new String[] {"yMMM", "1999\u5E741\u6708"}, // (fixed expected result per ticket 6872<-6626)
new String[] {"yMd", "1999/1/13"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "1999\u5E741\u670813\u65E5"}, // (fixed expected result per ticket 6872<-6626)
new String[] {"Md", "1/13"},
new String[] {"MMMd", "1\u670813\u65E5"}, // (fixed expected result per ticket 6872<-6626)
new String[] {"MMMMd", "1\u670813\u65E5"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "1999\u5E74\u7B2C1\u5B63\u5EA6"},
new String[] {"hhmm", "\u4E0B\u534811:58"},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "\u4E0B\u534811:58"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58:59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "1999\u5E741\u6708"}, // (new item for testing 6872<-5702)
new String[] {"MMMEd", "1\u670813\u65E5\u5468\u4E09"},
new String[] {"Ed", "13\u65E5\u5468\u4E09"},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "\u4E0B\u534811:58:59.123"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "11:58"},
new ULocale("zh_TW@calendar=roc"), // (new locale for testing ticket 6872<-5702)
new String[] {"yM", "\u6C11\u570B88/1"},
new String[] {"yMMM", "\u6C11\u570B88\u5E741\u6708"},
new String[] {"yMd", "\u6C11\u570B88/1/13"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "\u6C11\u570B88\u5E741\u670813\u65E5"},
new String[] {"Md", "1/13"},
new String[] {"MMMd", "1\u670813\u65E5"},
new String[] {"MMMMd", "1\u670813\u65E5"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "\u6C11\u570B88\u5E74\u7B2C1\u5B63"},
new String[] {"hhmm", "\u4E0B\u534811:58"},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "\u4E0B\u534811:58"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58:59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "\u6C11\u570B88\u5E741\u6708"},
new String[] {"MMMEd", "1\u670813\u65E5\u9031\u4E09"},
new String[] {"Ed", "13 \u9031\u4E09"},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "\u4E0B\u534811:58:59.123"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "11:58"},
new ULocale("ru"),
new String[] {"yM", "01.1999"},
new String[] {"yMMM", "\u044F\u043D\u0432. 1999 \u0433."},
new String[] {"yMd", "13.01.1999"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "13 \u044F\u043D\u0432. 1999 \u0433."},
new String[] {"Md", "13.01"},
new String[] {"MMMd", "13 \u044F\u043D\u0432."},
new String[] {"MMMMd", "13 \u044F\u043D\u0432\u0430\u0440\u044F"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "1-\u0439 \u043A\u0432. 1999 \u0433."},
new String[] {"hhmm", "11:58 PM"},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58:59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "\u044F\u043D\u0432\u0430\u0440\u044C 1999 \u0433."},
new String[] {"MMMEd", "\u0441\u0440, 13 \u044F\u043D\u0432."},
new String[] {"Ed", "\u0441\u0440, 13"},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "23:58:59,123"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "23:58"},
new ULocale("zh@calendar=chinese"),
new String[] {"yM", "1998\u620A\u5BC5\u5E74\u5341\u4E00\u6708"},
new String[] {"yMMM", "1998\u620A\u5BC5\u5E74\u5341\u4E00\u6708"},
new String[] {"yMd", "1998\u5E74\u5341\u4E00\u670826"},
new String[] {"yMMMd", "1998\u5E74\u5341\u4E00\u670826"},
new String[] {"Md", "11-26"},
new String[] {"MMMd", "\u5341\u4E00\u670826\u65E5"},
new String[] {"MMMMd", "\u5341\u4E00\u670826\u65E5"},
new String[] {"yQQQ", "1998\u620A\u5BC5\u5E74\u7B2C\u56DB\u5B63\u5EA6"},
new String[] {"hhmm", "\u4E0B\u534811:58"},
new String[] {"HHmm", "23:58"},
new String[] {"jjmm", "\u4E0B\u534811:58"},
new String[] {"mmss", "58:59"},
new String[] {"yyyyMMMM", "1998\u620A\u5BC5\u5E74\u5341\u4E00\u6708"},
new String[] {"MMMEd", "\u5341\u4E00\u670826\u65E5\u5468\u4E09"},
new String[] {"Ed", "26\u65E5\u5468\u4E09"},
new String[] {"jmmssSSS", "\u4E0B\u534811:58:59.123"},
new String[] {"JJmm", "11:58"},
public void DayMonthTest() {
final ULocale locale = ULocale.FRANCE;
// set up the generator
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpgen
= DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(locale);
// get a pattern for an abbreviated month and day
final String pattern = dtpgen.getBestPattern("MMMd");
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale);
// use it to format (or parse)
String formatted = formatter.format(new Date());
logln("formatted=" + formatted);
// for French, the result is "13 sept."
public void TestOrdering() {
ULocale[] locales = ULocale.getAvailableLocales();
for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; ++i) {
for (int style1 = DateFormat.FULL; style1 <= DateFormat.SHORT; ++style1) {
for (int style2 = DateFormat.FULL; style2 < style1; ++style2) {
checkCompatible(style1, style2, locales[i]);
public void TestReplacingZoneString() {
Date testDate = new Date();
TimeZone testTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York");
TimeZone bogusTimeZone = new SimpleTimeZone(1234, "Etc/Unknown");
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
ParsePosition parsePosition = new ParsePosition(0);
ULocale[] locales = ULocale.getAvailableLocales();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; ++i) {
// skip the country locales unless we are doing exhaustive tests
if (getExhaustiveness() < 6) {
if (locales[i].getCountry().length() > 0) {
// Skipping some test case in the non-exhaustive mode to reduce the test time
if(getExhaustiveness()<=5 && count%3!=0){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpgen
= DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(locales[i]);
for (int style1 = DateFormat.FULL; style1 <= DateFormat.SHORT; ++style1) {
final SimpleDateFormat oldFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getTimeInstance(style1, locales[i]);
String pattern = oldFormat.toPattern();
String newPattern = dtpgen.replaceFieldTypes(pattern, "VVVV"); // replaceZoneString(pattern, "VVVV");
if (newPattern.equals(pattern)) {
// verify that it roundtrips parsing
SimpleDateFormat newFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(newPattern, locales[i]);
String formatted = newFormat.format(testDate);
newFormat.parse(formatted, calendar, parsePosition);
if (parsePosition.getErrorIndex() >= 0) {
errln("Failed parse with VVVV:\t" + locales[i] + ",\t\"" + pattern + "\",\t\"" + newPattern + "\",\t\"" + formatted.substring(0,parsePosition.getErrorIndex()) + "{}" + formatted.substring(parsePosition.getErrorIndex()) + "\"");
} else if (!calendar.getTimeZone().getID().equals(testTimeZone.getID())) {
errln("Failed timezone roundtrip with VVVV:\t" + locales[i] + ",\t\"" + pattern + "\",\t\"" + newPattern + "\",\t\"" + formatted + "\",\t" + calendar.getTimeZone().getID() + " != " + testTimeZone.getID());
} else {
logln(locales[i] + ":\t\"" + pattern + "\" => \t\"" + newPattern + "\"\t" + formatted);
public void TestVariableCharacters() {
UnicodeSet valid = new UnicodeSet("[G y Y u U r Q q M L l w W d D F g E e c a b B h H K k m s S A z Z O v V X x]");
for (char c = 0; c < 0xFF; ++c) {
boolean works = false;
try {
VariableField vf = new VariableField(String.valueOf(c), true);
logln("VariableField " + vf.toString());
works = true;
} catch (Exception e) {}
if (works != valid.contains(c)) {
if (works) {
errln("VariableField can be created with illegal character: " + c);
} else {
errln("VariableField can't be created with legal character: " + c);
static String[] DATE_STYLE_NAMES = {
* @param fullOrder
* @param longOrder
private void checkCompatible(int style1, int style2, ULocale uLocale) {
DateOrder order1 = getOrdering(style1, uLocale);
DateOrder order2 = getOrdering(style2, uLocale);
if (!order1.hasSameOrderAs(order2)) {
// Note: This test case was updated by #6806 and no longer reports
// ordering difference as an error case.
logln(showOrderComparison(uLocale, style1, style2, order1, order2));
private String showOrderComparison(ULocale uLocale, int style1, int style2, DateOrder order1, DateOrder order2) {
String pattern1 = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(style1, uLocale)).toPattern();
String pattern2 = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(style2, uLocale)).toPattern();
return "Mismatch in in ordering for " + uLocale + ": " + DATE_STYLE_NAMES[style1] + ": " + order1 + ", <" + pattern1
+ ">; "
+ DATE_STYLE_NAMES[style2] + ": " + order2 + ", <" + pattern2 + ">; " ;
* Main date fields -- Poor-man's enum -- change to real enum when we get JDK 1.5
public static class DateFieldType {
private String name;
private DateFieldType(String string) {
name = string;
public static DateFieldType
YEAR = new DateFieldType("YEAR"),
MONTH = new DateFieldType("MONTH"),
DAY = new DateFieldType("DAY");
public String toString() {
return name;
* Simple struct for output from getOrdering
static class DateOrder {
int monthLength;
DateFieldType[] fields = new DateFieldType[3];
public boolean isCompatible(DateOrder other) {
return monthLength == other.monthLength;
* @param order2
* @return
public boolean hasSameOrderAs(DateOrder other) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return fields[0] == other.fields[0] && fields[1] == other.fields[1] && fields[2] == other.fields[2];
public String toString() {
return "{" + monthLength + ", " + fields[0] + ", " + fields[1] + ", " + fields[2] + "}";
public boolean equals(Object that) {
DateOrder other = (DateOrder) that;
return monthLength == other.monthLength && fields[0] == other.fields[0] && fields[1] == other.fields[1] && fields[2] == other.fields[2];
DateTimePatternGenerator.FormatParser formatParser = new DateTimePatternGenerator.FormatParser ();
DateTimePatternGenerator generator = DateTimePatternGenerator.getEmptyInstance();
private Calendar sampleCalendar;
sampleCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"));
sampleCalendar.set(1999, Calendar.OCTOBER, 13, 23, 58, 59);
private Date sampleDate = sampleCalendar.getTime();
private TimeZone gmt = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Etc/GMT");
* Replace the zone string with a different type, eg v's for z's, etc. <p>Called with a pattern, such as one gotten from
* <pre>
* String pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getTimeInstance(style, locale)).toPattern();
* </pre>
* @param pattern original pattern to change, such as "HH:mm zzzz"
* @param newZone Must be: z, zzzz, Z, ZZZZ, v, vvvv, V, or VVVV
* @return
public String replaceZoneString(String pattern, String newZone) {
final List itemList = formatParser.set(pattern).getItems();
boolean changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < itemList.size(); ++i) {
Object item = itemList.get(i);
if (item instanceof VariableField) {
VariableField variableField = (VariableField) item;
if (variableField.getType() == DateTimePatternGenerator.ZONE) {
if (!variableField.toString().equals(newZone)) {
changed = true;
itemList.set(i, new VariableField(newZone, true));
return changed ? formatParser.toString() : pattern;
public boolean containsZone(String pattern) {
for (Iterator it = formatParser.set(pattern).getItems().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Object item =;
if (item instanceof VariableField) {
VariableField variableField = (VariableField) item;
if (variableField.getType() == DateTimePatternGenerator.ZONE) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the ordering from a particular date format. Best is to use
* DateFormat.FULL to get the format with String form month (like "January")
* and DateFormat.SHORT for the numeric format order. They may be different.
* (Theoretically all 4 formats could be different but that never happens in
* practice.)
* @param style
* DateFormat.FULL..DateFormat.SHORT
* @param locale
* desired locale.
* @return
* @return list of ordered items DateFieldType (I
* didn't know what form you really wanted so this is just a
* stand-in.)
private DateOrder getOrdering(int style, ULocale locale) {
// and the date pattern
String pattern = ((SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, locale)).toPattern();
int count = 0;
DateOrder result = new DateOrder();
for (Iterator it = formatParser.set(pattern).getItems().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Object item =;
if (!(item instanceof String)) {
// the first character of the variable field determines the type,
// according to CLDR.
String variableField = item.toString();
switch (variableField.charAt(0)) {
case 'y': case 'Y': case 'u':
result.fields[count++] = DateFieldType.YEAR;
case 'M': case 'L':
result.monthLength = variableField.length();
if (result.monthLength < 2) {
result.monthLength = 2;
result.fields[count++] = DateFieldType.MONTH;
case 'd': case 'D': case 'F': case 'g':
result.fields[count++] = DateFieldType.DAY;
return result;
/* Tests the method
* public static DateTimePatternGenerator getInstance()
public void TestGetInstance(){
} catch(Exception e){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance() was not suppose to " +
"return an exception, got: " + e.toString());
/* Tests the method
* public String getSkeleton(String pattern)
public void TestGetSkeleton(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
String[] cases = {"MMDD","MMMDD","MMM-DD","DD/MMM","ddM","MMMMd","h","ah","aaaah","Bh"};
String[] results = {"MMDD","MMMDD","MMMDD","MMMDD","Mdd","MMMMd","h","ah","aaaah","Bh"};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getSkeleton(String) did " +
"return the expected result when passing " + cases[i] +
" and expected " + results[i] + " but got " +
/* Tests the method
* public String getCanonicalSkeletonAllowingDuplicates(String pattern)
public void TestGetCanonicalSkeletonAllowingDuplicates(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
String[] cases = {"GyQMwEdaHmsSv","LegH","Legh"};
String[] results = {"GyQMwEdHmsSv","MEdH","MEdh"};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getCanonicalSkeletonAllowingDuplicates(String) did " +
"return the expected result when passing " + cases[i] +
" and expected " + results[i] + " but got " +
/* Tests the method
* public String getBaseSkeleton(String pattern)
public void TestGetBaseSkeleton(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
String[] cases = {"MMDD","MMMDD","MMM-DD","DD/MMM","ddM","MMMMd"};
String[] results = {"MD","MMMD","MMMD","MMMD","Md","MMMMd"};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getSkeleton(String) did " +
"return the expected result when passing " + cases[i] +
" and expected " + results[i] + " but got " +
/* Tests the method
* public Map<String, String> getSkeletons(Map<String, String> result)
public void TestGetSkeletons(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
// Tests when "if (result == null)" is true
} catch(Exception e){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getSkeletons(Map) was suppose to " +
"return a new LinkedHashMap for a null parameter.");
// Tests when "if (result == null)" is false
Map<String,String> mm = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
} catch(Exception e){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getSkeletons(Map) was suppose to " +
"return a new LinkedHashMap for a LinkedHashMap parameter.");
/* Tests the method
* public Set<String> getBaseSkeletons(Set<String> result)
public void TestGetBaseSkeletons(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
// Tests when "if (result == null)" is true
} catch(Exception e){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getBaseSkeletons(Map) was suppose to " +
"return a new LinkedHashMap for a null parameter.");
// Tests when "if (result == null)" is false
Set<String> mm = new HashSet<String>();
} catch(Exception e){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getBaseSkeletons(Map) was suppose to " +
"return a new LinkedHashMap for a HashSet parameter.");
/* Tests the method
* public String getDecimal()
public void TestGetDecimal(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getDecimal() was to return '.' " +
"when the object gets a new instance.");
String[] cases = {",","-","","*","&","a","0"};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getDecimal() was to return " + cases[i] +
"when setting decimal with " + cases[i]);
/* Tests the method
* public Collection<String> getRedundants(Collection<String> output)
public void TestGetRedundants(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
// Tests when "if (output == null)" is true
} catch(Exception e){
errln("DateTimeGenerator.getRedundants was not supposed to return " +
"an exception when passing a null parameter: " + e);
// Tests when "if (output == null)" is false
Collection<String> out = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
} catch(Exception e){
errln("DateTimeGenerator.getRedundants was not supposed to return " +
"an exception when passing a new LinkedHashSet<String>() parameter: " + e);
/* Tests the method
* public String setAppendItemFormat(int field)
public void TestSetAppendItemFormat(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
String[] cases = {"d","u","m","m","y"};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
dtpg.setAppendItemFormat(i, cases[i]);
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getAppendItemFormat(int field) " +
"did not return as expected. Value set at " + i + " was " +
cases[i] + " but got back " + dtpg.getAppendItemFormat(i));
/* Tests the method
* public String getAppendItemFormat(int field)
public void TestGetAppendItemFormat(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
int[] fields = {DateTimePatternGenerator.ERA,DateTimePatternGenerator.DAY,DateTimePatternGenerator.SECOND};
String[] results = {"{0} {1}","{0} ({2}: {1})","{0} ({2}: {1})"};
for(int i=0; i<fields.length; i++){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getAppendItemFormat(int field) " +
"did not return as expected. For field " + fields[i] + ", was expecting " +
results[i] + " but got back " + dtpg.getAppendItemFormat(fields[i]));
/* Tests the method
* public String getAppendItemName(int field)
private final class AppendItemName {
public int field;
public String name;
public AppendItemName(int f, String n) {
field = f;
name = n;
public void TestGetAppendItemName(){
final AppendItemName[] appendItemNames = {
new AppendItemName( DateTimePatternGenerator.YEAR, "vuosi" ),
new AppendItemName( DateTimePatternGenerator.MONTH, "kuukausi" ),
new AppendItemName( DateTimePatternGenerator.WEEKDAY, "viikonp\u00E4iv\u00E4" ),
new AppendItemName( DateTimePatternGenerator.DAY, "p\u00E4iv\u00E4" ),
new AppendItemName( DateTimePatternGenerator.HOUR, "tunti" ),
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
String[] cases = {"d","u","m","m","y"};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
dtpg.setAppendItemName(i, cases[i]);
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getAppendItemFormat(int field) " +
"did not return as expected. Value set at " + i + " was " +
cases[i] + " but got back " + dtpg.getAppendItemName(i));
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpgfi = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(ULocale.forLanguageTag("fi"));
for (AppendItemName appendItemName: appendItemNames) {
String name = dtpgfi.getAppendItemName(appendItemName.field);
if (!name.equals( {
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getAppendItemName returns invalid name for field " + appendItemName.field
+ ": got " + name + " but expected " +;
/* Tests the method
* public static boolean isSingleField(String skeleton)
public void TestIsSingleField(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
String[] cases = {" ", "m","mm","md","mmd","mmdd"};
boolean[] results = {true,true,true,false,false,false};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
if(dtpg.isSingleField(cases[i]) != results[i]){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.isSingleField(String skeleton) " +
"did not return as expected. Value passed was " + cases[i] +
" but got back " + dtpg.isSingleField(cases[i]));
/* Tests the method
* public Object freeze()
* public Object cloneAsThawed()
public void TestFreezeAndCloneAsThawed(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
if(dtpg.isFrozen() != false){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.isFrozen() is suppose to return false " +
"for a DateTimePatternGenerator object that was just " +
if(dtpg.isFrozen() != true){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.isFrozen() is suppose to return true " +
"for a DateTimePatternGenerator object that was just " +
"created and freeze.");
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg2 = dtpg.cloneAsThawed();
if(dtpg.isFrozen() != false){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.isFrozen() is suppose to return false " +
"for a DateTimePatternGenerator object that was just " +
"clone as thawed.");
if(dtpg2.isFrozen() != false){
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.isFrozen() is suppose to return false " +
"for a second DateTimePatternGenerator object that was just " +
"clone as thawed.");
/* Tests the method
* public Object clone()
public void TestClone(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg2 = (DateTimePatternGenerator) dtpg.clone();
dtpg = (DateTimePatternGenerator) dtpg2.clone();
/* Tests the constructor
* public VariableField(String string)
public void TestVariableField_String(){
String[] cases = {"d","mm","aa"};
String[] invalid = {null,"","dummy"};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
new VariableField(cases[i]);
} catch(Exception e){
errln("VariableField constructor was not suppose to return " +
"an exception when created when passing " + cases[i]);
for(int i=0; i<invalid.length; i++){
new VariableField(invalid[i]);
errln("VariableField constructor was suppose to return " +
"an exception when created when passing " + invalid[i]);
} catch(Exception e){}
/* Tests the method
* public FormatParser set(String string, boolean strict)
public void TestSet(){
FormatParser fp = new FormatParser();
//Tests when "if (string.length() == 0)" is true
}catch(Exception e){
errln("FormatParser.set(String,boolean) was not suppose to " +
"return an exception.");
/* Tests the method
* public String toString()
public void TestToString(){
FormatParser fp = new FormatParser();
errln("FormatParser.toString() was suppose to return an " +
"empty string for a new FormatParser object.");
String[] cases = {"m","d","y","mm","mmm","mm dd","mm':'dd","mm-dd-yyyy"};
String[] results = {"m","d","y","mm","mmm","mm dd","mm:dd","mm-dd-yyyy"};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
errln("FormatParser.toString() was suppose to return " + results[i] +
" after setting the object. Got: " + fp.toString());
/* Tests the method
* public boolean hasDateAndTimeFields()
public void TestHasDateAndTimeFields(){
FormatParser fp = new FormatParser();
if(fp.hasDateAndTimeFields() != false){
errln("FormatParser.hasDateAndTimeFields() was suppose to return " +
"false when a new object is created.");
String[] cases = {"MMDDYY", "HHMMSS", "", "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS",
boolean[] results = {false,true,false,true,true,true,true};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
if(fp.hasDateAndTimeFields() != results[i]){
errln("FormatParser.hasDateAndTimeFields() was suppose to " +
"return " + results[i] + " but returned " +
fp.hasDateAndTimeFields() + " for parameter " +
cases[i] + " that is set to FormatParser.");
/* Tests the method
* private void checkFrozen()
* from public void setDateTimeFormat(String dateTimeFormat)
public void TestCheckFrozen(){
// Tests when "if (isFrozen())" is true
DateTimePatternGenerator dt = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.checkFrozen() was suppose to " +
"return an exception when trying to setDateTimeFormat " +
"for a frozen object.");
} catch(Exception e){}
dt = dt.cloneAsThawed();
/* Tests the method
* public String getFields(String pattern)
public void TestGetFields(){
DateTimePatternGenerator dt = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance();
String[] cases = {"MMDDYY", "HHMMSS", "", "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS",
String[] results = {"{Month:N}{Day_Of_Year:N}{Year:N}",
"{Month:N}/{Day_Of_Year:N}/{Year:N} {Hour:N}:{Month:N}:{Fractional_Second:N}",
"{Month:N}{Day_Of_Year:N}{Year:N} {Hour:N}{Month:N}{Fractional_Second:N}",
"{Hour:N}{Month:N}{Fractional_Second:N} {Month:N}{Day_Of_Year:N}{Year:N}",
"{Hour:N}{Month:N}{Fractional_Second:N} {Month:N}{Day_Of_Year:N}{Year:N}"};
for(int i=0; i<cases.length; i++){
if(!dt.getFields(cases[i]).equals(results[i])) {
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator.getFields(String) did not " +
"not return an expected result when passing " + cases[i] +
". Got " + dt.getFields(cases[i]) + " but expected " +
* Test case for DateFormatPatternGenerator threading problem #7169
public void TestT7169() {
Thread[] workers = new Thread[10];
for (int i = 0 ; i < workers.length; i++) {
workers[i] = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
DateTimePatternGenerator patternGenerator =
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("FAIL: Caught an exception (frozen)" + e);
try {
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
DateTimePatternGenerator patternGenerator =
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("FAIL: Caught an exception " + e);
for (Thread wk : workers) {
for (Thread wk : workers) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
* Test handling of options
* For reference, as of ICU 4.3.3,
* root/gregorian has
* Hm{"H:mm"}
* Hms{"H:mm:ss"}
* hm{"h:mm a"}
* hms{"h:mm:ss a"}
* en/gregorian has
* Hm{"H:mm"}
* Hms{"H:mm:ss"}
* hm{"h:mm a"}
* be/gregorian has
* HHmmss{""}
* Hm{""}
* hm{" a"}
* hms{" a"}
private final class TestOptionsItem {
public String locale;
public String skeleton;
public String expectedPattern;
public int options;
// Simple constructor
public TestOptionsItem(String loc, String skel, String expectedPat, int opts) {
locale = loc;
skeleton = skel;
expectedPattern = expectedPat;
options = opts;
public void TestOptions() {
final TestOptionsItem[] testOptionsData = {
new TestOptionsItem( "en", "Hmm", "HH:mm", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en", "HHmm", "HH:mm", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en", "hhmm", "h:mm a", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en", "Hmm", "HH:mm", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_HOUR_FIELD_LENGTH ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en", "HHmm", "HH:mm", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_HOUR_FIELD_LENGTH ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en", "hhmm", "hh:mm a", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_HOUR_FIELD_LENGTH ),
new TestOptionsItem( "da", "Hmm", "", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "da", "HHmm", "", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "da", "hhmm", " a", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "da", "Hmm", "", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_HOUR_FIELD_LENGTH ),
new TestOptionsItem( "da", "HHmm", "", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_HOUR_FIELD_LENGTH ),
new TestOptionsItem( "da", "hhmm", " a", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_HOUR_FIELD_LENGTH ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en", "yyyy", "yyyy", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en", "YYYY", "YYYY", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en", "U", "y", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=japanese", "yyyy", "y G", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=japanese", "YYYY", "Y G", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=japanese", "U", "y G", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=chinese", "yyyy", "r(U)", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=chinese", "YYYY", "Y(Y)", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ), // not a good result, want r(Y) or r(U)
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=chinese", "U", "r(U)", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=chinese", "Gy", "r(U)", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=chinese", "GU", "r(U)", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=chinese", "ULLL", "MMM U", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=chinese", "yMMM", "MMM r(U)", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "en@calendar=chinese", "GUMMM", "MMM r(U)", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "zh@calendar=chinese", "yyyy", "rU\u5E74", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "zh@calendar=chinese", "YYYY", "YY\u5E74", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ), // not a good result, want r(Y) or r(U)
new TestOptionsItem( "zh@calendar=chinese", "U", "rU\u5E74", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "zh@calendar=chinese", "Gy", "rU\u5E74", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "zh@calendar=chinese", "GU", "rU\u5E74", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "zh@calendar=chinese", "ULLL", "U\u5E74MMM", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "zh@calendar=chinese", "yMMM", "rU\u5E74MMM", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
new TestOptionsItem( "zh@calendar=chinese", "GUMMM", "rU\u5E74MMM", DateTimePatternGenerator.MATCH_NO_OPTIONS ),
for (int i = 0; i < testOptionsData.length; ++i) {
ULocale uloc = new ULocale(testOptionsData[i].locale);
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpgen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(uloc);
String pattern = dtpgen.getBestPattern(testOptionsData[i].skeleton, testOptionsData[i].options);
if (pattern.compareTo(testOptionsData[i].expectedPattern) != 0) {
errln("Locale " + testOptionsData[i].locale + ", skeleton " + testOptionsData[i].skeleton +
", options " + ((testOptionsData[i].options != 0)? "!=0": "==0") +
", expected pattern " + testOptionsData[i].expectedPattern + ", got " + pattern);
* Test that DTPG can handle all valid pattern character / length combinations
private final class AllFieldsTestItem {
public char patternChar;
public int[] fieldLengths;
public String mustIncludeOneOf;
// Simple constructor
public AllFieldsTestItem(char pC, int[] fL, String mI) {
patternChar = pC;
fieldLengths = fL;
mustIncludeOneOf = mI;
public void TestAllFieldPatterns() {
String[] localeNames = {
final AllFieldsTestItem[] testItems = {
// pat fieldLengths generated pattern must
// chr to test include one of these
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'G', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}, "G" ), // era
// year
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'y', new int[]{1,2,3,4}, "yU" ), // year
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'Y', new int[]{1,2,3,4}, "Y" ), // year for week of year
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'u', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}, "yuU" ), // extended year
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'U', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}, "yU" ), // cyclic year name
// quarter
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'Q', new int[]{1,2,3,4}, "Qq" ), // x
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'q', new int[]{1,2,3,4}, "Qq" ), // standalone
// month
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'M', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}, "ML" ), // x
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'L', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}, "ML" ), // standalone
// week
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'w', new int[]{1,2}, "w" ), // week of year
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'W', new int[]{1}, "W" ), // week of month
// day
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'd', new int[]{1,2}, "d" ), // day of month
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'D', new int[]{1,2,3}, "D" ), // day of year
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'F', new int[]{1}, "F" ), // day of week in month
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'g', new int[]{7}, "g" ), // modified julian day
// weekday
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'E', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5,6}, "Eec" ), // day of week
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'e', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5,6}, "Eec" ), // local day of week
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'c', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5,6}, "Eec" ), // standalone local day of week
// day period
// new AllFieldsTestItem( 'a', new int[]{1}, "a" ), // am or pm // not clear this one is supposed to work (it doesn't)
// hour
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'h', new int[]{1,2}, "hK" ), // 12 (1-12)
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'H', new int[]{1,2}, "Hk" ), // 24 (0-23)
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'K', new int[]{1,2}, "hK" ), // 12 (0-11)
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'k', new int[]{1,2}, "Hk" ), // 24 (1-24)
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'j', new int[]{1,2}, "hHKk" ), // locale default
// minute
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'm', new int[]{1,2}, "m" ), // x
// second & fractions
new AllFieldsTestItem( 's', new int[]{1,2}, "s" ), // x
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'S', new int[]{1,2,3,4}, "S" ), // fractional second
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'A', new int[]{8}, "A" ), // milliseconds in day
// zone
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'z', new int[]{1,2,3,4}, "z" ), // x
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'Z', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}, "Z" ), // x
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'O', new int[]{1,4}, "O" ), // x
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'v', new int[]{1,4}, "v" ), // x
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'V', new int[]{1,2,3,4}, "V" ), // x
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'X', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}, "X" ), // x
new AllFieldsTestItem( 'x', new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}, "x" ), // x
final int FIELD_LENGTH_MAX = 8;
for (String localeName: localeNames) {
ULocale uloc = new ULocale(localeName);
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpgen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(uloc);
for (AllFieldsTestItem testItem: testItems) {
char[] skelBuf = new char[FIELD_LENGTH_MAX];
for (int chrIndx = 0; chrIndx < FIELD_LENGTH_MAX; chrIndx++) {
skelBuf[chrIndx] = testItem.patternChar;
for (int lenIndx = 0; lenIndx < testItem.fieldLengths.length; lenIndx++) {
int skelLen = testItem.fieldLengths[lenIndx];
if (skelLen > FIELD_LENGTH_MAX) {
String skeleton = new String(skelBuf, 0, skelLen);
String pattern = dtpgen.getBestPattern(skeleton);
if (pattern.length() <= 0) {
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator getBestPattern for locale " + localeName +
", skeleton " + skeleton + ", produces 0-length pattern");
} else {
// test that resulting pattern has at least one char in mustIncludeOneOf
boolean inQuoted = false;
int patIndx, patLen = pattern.length();
for (patIndx = 0; patIndx < patLen; patIndx++) {
char c = pattern.charAt(patIndx);
if (c == '\'') {
inQuoted = !inQuoted;
} else if (!inQuoted && c <= 'z' && c >= 'A') {
if (testItem.mustIncludeOneOf.indexOf(c) >= 0) {
if (patIndx >= patLen) {
errln("DateTimePatternGenerator getBestPattern for locale " + localeName +
", skeleton " + skeleton +
", produces pattern without required chars: " + pattern);
public void TestJavaLocale() {
DateTimePatternGenerator genUloc = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(ULocale.GERMANY);
DateTimePatternGenerator genLoc = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(Locale.GERMANY);
final String pat = "yMdHms";
String patUloc = genUloc.getBestPattern(pat);
String patLoc = genLoc.getBestPattern(pat);
assertEquals("German pattern 'yMdHms' - getInstance with Java Locale", patUloc, patLoc);
/* Tests the method
* public static int getAppendFormatNumber(String string)
public void TestGetAppendFormatNumber(){
int fieldNum;
fieldNum = DateTimePatternGenerator.getAppendFormatNumber("Era");
assertEquals("DateTimePatternGenerator.getAppendFormatNumber for Era", 0, fieldNum);
fieldNum = DateTimePatternGenerator.getAppendFormatNumber("Timezone");
assertEquals("DateTimePatternGenerator.getAppendFormatNumber for Timezone", 15, fieldNum);
* Coverage for methods otherwise not covered by other tests.
public void TestCoverage() {
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg;
// DateTimePatternGenerator#getDefaultHourFormatChar
// DateTimePatternGenerator#setDefaultHourFormatChar
dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getEmptyInstance();
assertEquals("Default hour char on empty instance", 'H', dtpg.getDefaultHourFormatChar());
assertEquals("Default hour char after explicit set", 'e', dtpg.getDefaultHourFormatChar());
dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
assertEquals("Default hour char on populated English instance", 'h', dtpg.getDefaultHourFormatChar());
// DateTimePatternGenerator#getSkeletonAllowingDuplicates
// DateTimePatternGenerator#getCanonicalSkeletonAllowingDuplicates
// DateTimePatternGenerator#getCanonicalChar
dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
assertEquals("Example skeleton with no duplicate fields", "MMMdd", dtpg.getSkeleton("dd/MMM"));
assertEquals("Should return same result as getSkeleton with no duplicate fields",
dtpg.getSkeleton("dd/MMM"), dtpg.getSkeletonAllowingDuplicates("dd/MMM"));
try {
dtpg.getSkeleton("dd/MMM Zz");
fail("getSkeleton should throw upon duplicate fields");
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals("getSkeleton should throw upon duplicate fields",
"Conflicting fields:\tZ, z\t in dd/MMM Zz", e.getMessage());
assertEquals("Should not throw upon duplicate fields",
"MMMddZ", dtpg.getSkeletonAllowingDuplicates("dd/MMM Zz"));
assertEquals("Should not throw upon duplicate fields and should return Canonical fields",
"MMMddv", dtpg.getCanonicalSkeletonAllowingDuplicates("dd/MMM Zz"));
// DistanceInfo#toString
// DateTimePatternGenerator#showMask
try {
String actual = invokeToString("$DistanceInfo");
assertEquals("DistanceInfo toString", "missingFieldMask: , extraFieldMask: ", actual);
} catch(Exception e) {
errln("Couldn't call DistanceInfo.toString(): " + e.toString());
// DateTimePatternGenerator#skeletonsAreSimilar
// DateTimePatternGenerator#getSet
dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
assertTrue("Trivial skeletonsAreSimilar", dtpg.skeletonsAreSimilar("MMMdd", "MMMdd"));
assertTrue("Different number of chars in skeletonsAreSimilar", dtpg.skeletonsAreSimilar("Mddd", "MMMdd"));
assertFalse("Failure case for skeletonsAreSimilar", dtpg.skeletonsAreSimilar("mmDD", "MMMdd"));
public void TestEmptyInstance() {
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getEmptyInstance();
String skeleton = "GrMMd";
String message = "DTPG getEmptyInstance should not throw exceptions on basic operations and should conform to "
+ "the example in setAppendItemFormat";
assertEquals(message, "G ├'F7': d┤ ├'F3': MM┤ ├'F1': y┤", dtpg.getBestPattern(skeleton));
dtpg.addPattern("d-MM-yyyy", false, new DateTimePatternGenerator.PatternInfo());
assertEquals(message, "d-MM-y ├'F0': G┤", dtpg.getBestPattern(skeleton));
dtpg.setAppendItemFormat(DateTimePatternGenerator.ERA, "{0}, {1}");
assertEquals(message, "d-MM-y, G", dtpg.getBestPattern(skeleton));
private final class FieldDisplayNameData {
public String locale;
public int field;
public DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth width;
public String expected;
// Simple constructor
public FieldDisplayNameData(String locale, int field, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth width, String expected) {
this.locale = locale;
this.field = field;
this.width = width;
this.expected = expected;
public void TestGetFieldDisplayNames() {
final FieldDisplayNameData[] testNamesData = {
new FieldDisplayNameData( "de", DateTimePatternGenerator.QUARTER, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.WIDE, "Quartal" ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "de", DateTimePatternGenerator.QUARTER, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.ABBREVIATED, "Quart." ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "de", DateTimePatternGenerator.QUARTER, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.NARROW, "Q" ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "en", DateTimePatternGenerator.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.WIDE, "weekday of the month" ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "en", DateTimePatternGenerator.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.ABBREVIATED, "wkday. of mo." ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "en", DateTimePatternGenerator.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.NARROW, "wkday. of mo." ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "en_GB", DateTimePatternGenerator.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.WIDE, "weekday of the month" ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "en_GB", DateTimePatternGenerator.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.ABBREVIATED, "wkday of mo" ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "en_GB", DateTimePatternGenerator.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.NARROW, "wkday of mo" ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "it", DateTimePatternGenerator.SECOND, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.WIDE, "secondo" ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "it", DateTimePatternGenerator.SECOND, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.ABBREVIATED, "s" ),
new FieldDisplayNameData( "it", DateTimePatternGenerator.SECOND, DateTimePatternGenerator.DisplayWidth.NARROW, "s" ),
for (int i = 0; i < testNamesData.length; ++i) {
ULocale uloc = new ULocale(testNamesData[i].locale);
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpgen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(uloc);
String getName = dtpgen.getFieldDisplayName(testNamesData[i].field, testNamesData[i].width);
if (getName.compareTo(testNamesData[i].expected) != 0) {
errln("Locale " + testNamesData[i].locale + ", field " + testNamesData[i].field +
", width " + testNamesData[i].width + ", expected " + testNamesData[i].expected + ", got " + getName);
public void testJjMapping() {
final String jSkeleton = "j";
final char[] timeCycleChars = { 'H', 'h', 'K', 'k' };
// First test that j maps correctly by region in a locale for which we do not have data.
String testLocaleID = "de_US"; // short patterns from fallback locale "de" have "HH"
ULocale testLocale = new ULocale(testLocaleID);
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(testLocale);
String jPattern = dtpg.getBestPattern(jSkeleton);
String jPatSkeleton = dtpg.getSkeleton(jPattern);
if (jPatSkeleton.indexOf('h') < 0) { // expect US preferred cycle 'h', not H or other cycle
errln("DateTimePatternGeneratorgetBestpattern locale " + testLocaleID + ", pattern j did not use 'h'");
// Next test that in all available Locales, the actual short time pattern uses the same cycle as produced by 'j'
ULocale[] locales = DateFormat.getAvailableULocales();
for (ULocale locale: locales) {
String localeID = locale.getName();
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(locale);
DateFormat dfmt = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale);
String shortPattern = ((SimpleDateFormat)dfmt).toPattern();
String jPattern = dtpg.getBestPattern(jSkeleton);
// Now check that shortPattern and jPattern use the same hour cycle
String jPatSkeleton = dtpg.getSkeleton(jPattern);
String shortPatSkeleton = dtpg.getSkeleton(shortPattern);
for (char timeCycleChar: timeCycleChars) {
if (jPatSkeleton.indexOf(timeCycleChar) >= 0) {
if (shortPatSkeleton.indexOf(timeCycleChar) < 0) {
String dfmtCalType = dfmt.getCalendar().getType();
errln("locale " + localeID + ", expected j resolved char " + timeCycleChar +
" to occur in short time pattern " + shortPattern + " for " + dfmtCalType);