blob: 494a81957d96c5bcb2adf4dca02a981d5840e201 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import static;
import static org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrData.PathOrder.ARBITRARY;
import static org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrDataSupplier.CldrResolution.RESOLVED;
import static org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrDataSupplier.CldrResolution.UNRESOLVED;
import static;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrData;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrDataSupplier;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrPath;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrValue;
public class AlternateLocaleDataTest {
public void testLocaleData() {
// Target and source values.
CldrValue target =
ldml("numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"USD\"]/displayName", "Full Display Name");
CldrValue source =
ldml("numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"USD\"][@alt=\"short\"]/displayName", "Name");
// The target path with the source value we expect to be seen in the transformed data.
CldrValue altValue =
ldml("numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"USD\"]/displayName", "Name");
// Something that's not transformed.
CldrValue other =
ldml("numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"USD\"]/symbol", "US$");
// Something that should only exist in the resolved data.
CldrValue inherited =
ldml("units/durationUnit[@type=\"foo\"]/durationUnitPattern", "YYY");
FakeDataSupplier src = new FakeDataSupplier()
.addLocaleData("xx", target, source, other)
.addInheritedData("xx", inherited);
CldrDataSupplier transformed =
src, ImmutableMap.of(target.getPath(), source.getPath()), ImmutableTable.of());
CldrData unresolved = transformed.getDataForLocale("xx", UNRESOLVED);
CldrData resolved = transformed.getDataForLocale("xx", RESOLVED);
// Note that the source is always removed (unless it's also a target).
assertValuesUnordered(unresolved, altValue, other);
assertValuesUnordered(resolved, altValue, other, inherited);
public void testMissingSource() {
// Target and source values.
CldrValue target =
ldml("numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"USD\"]/displayName", "Full Display Name");
CldrValue source =
ldml("numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"USD\"][@alt=\"short\"]/displayName", "Name");
FakeDataSupplier src = new FakeDataSupplier().addLocaleData("xx", target);
CldrDataSupplier transformed =
src, ImmutableMap.of(target.getPath(), source.getPath()), ImmutableTable.of());
CldrData unresolved = transformed.getDataForLocale("xx", UNRESOLVED);
CldrData resolved = transformed.getDataForLocale("xx", RESOLVED);
// No change because there's nothing to get an alternate value from.
assertValuesUnordered(unresolved, target);
assertValuesUnordered(resolved, target);
public void testMissingTarget() {
// Target and source values.
CldrValue target =
ldml("numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"USD\"]/displayName", "Full Display Name");
CldrValue source =
ldml("numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"USD\"][@alt=\"short\"]/displayName", "Name");
CldrValue other =
ldml("numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"EUR\"]/displayName", "Euro");
FakeDataSupplier src = new FakeDataSupplier().addLocaleData("xx", source, other);
CldrDataSupplier transformed =
src, ImmutableMap.of(target.getPath(), source.getPath()), ImmutableTable.of());
CldrData unresolved = transformed.getDataForLocale("xx", UNRESOLVED);
CldrData resolved = transformed.getDataForLocale("xx", RESOLVED);
// Even though the missing target is not matched (so no change there) the source is always
// removed from the transformed data.
assertValuesUnordered(unresolved, other);
assertValuesUnordered(resolved, other);
public void testBadPaths() {
// Target and source values.
CldrPath target = CldrPath.parseDistinguishingPath(
CldrPath source = CldrPath.parseDistinguishingPath(
FakeDataSupplier src = new FakeDataSupplier();
IllegalArgumentException e = assertThrows(
() -> AlternateLocaleData.transform(
src, ImmutableMap.of(target, source), ImmutableTable.of()));
assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("alternate paths must have the same namespace");
public void testNonLdml() {
// Real supplemental data with "values" in the value attributes:
// target: territories=[AG AR AS AU ...]
// source: territories=[GB]
// where GB is also listed as having "mon" as the first day in it's primary path.
// You can see why swapping paths based on 'alt' for supplemental data would be very wrong,
// because it would remove "XX" and "YY" by replacing the value attribute. Supplemental
// and BCP-47 data doesn't have a single value per path, so isn't suitable for swapping.
// The right way to do this would be to merge the 'territories' attribute and remove the
// alt territoy from its original list, but that's very complex and depends on the specific
// meaning of each path in question, and will probably never be supported.
CldrPath target = CldrPath.parseDistinguishingPath(
CldrPath source = CldrPath.parseDistinguishingPath(
FakeDataSupplier src = new FakeDataSupplier();
IllegalArgumentException e = assertThrows(
() -> AlternateLocaleData.transform(
src, ImmutableMap.of(target, source), ImmutableTable.of()));
assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("only locale data (LDML) is supported");
// At least one of the paths should be in the error message, so look for common substring.
public static void assertValuesUnordered(CldrData data, CldrValue... values) {
Set<CldrValue> captured = new HashSet<>();
data.accept(ARBITRARY, captured::add);
private static CldrValue ldml(String path, String value) {
return CldrValue.parseValue("//ldml/" + path, value);