blob: 8747b1f06077cf0f9e34dbbc47d1d0fcc689d9c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.lang.Character.DIRECTIONALITY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
import static java.util.function.Function.identity;
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE;
import static org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrDataSupplier.CldrResolution.RESOLVED;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrData;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrDataSupplier;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrDataSupplier.CldrResolution;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrDataType;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrDraftStatus;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrPath;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrValue;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.FilteredData;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.PathMatcher;
* A factory for wrapping data suppliers to add synthetic locales for debugging. The currently
* supported synthetic locales are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code en_XA}: A pseudo locale which generates expanded text with many non-Latin accents.
* <li>{@code ar_XB}: A pseudo locale which generates BiDi text for debugging.
* </ul>
* <p>Both pseudo locales are based on {@code "en"} data, and generate values which are readable
* by English speaking developers. For example, the CLDR value "Hello World" will be turned into
* something like:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code en_XA}: [Ĥéļļö Ŵöŕļð one two]
* <li>{@code ar_XB}: dlroW elloH
* </ul>
* <p>In the case of BiDi pseudo localization, bi-directional markers are also inserted into the
* text so that, if the system using the data is configured correctly, the results will look
* "normal" (i.e. Latin text will appear displayed left-to-right because of the BiDi markers).
// TODO(CLDR-13381): Move this all into the CLDR API once the dust has settled.
public final class PseudoLocales {
private enum PseudoType {
BIDI("ar_XB", PseudoLocales::bidi, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"),
EXPAND("en_XA", PseudoLocales::expanding,
+ "\u0271n\u00f1o\u00f6p\u00feq\u01ebr\u0155s\u0161t\u0163u\u00fbv\u1e7dw\u0175"
+ "x\u1e8by\u00fdz\u017e");
private static final ImmutableMap<String, PseudoType> ID_MAP =, identity()));
private static PseudoType fromId(String localeId) {
return checkNotNull(ID_MAP.get(localeId), "unknown pseduo locale: %s", localeId);
private static ImmutableSet<String> getLocaleIds() {
return ID_MAP.keySet();
private final String localeId;
private final Function<Boolean, PseudoText> textSupplier;
// A string whose code points form the exemplar set for the pseudo locale.
private final String exemplars;
PseudoType(String localeId, Function<Boolean, PseudoText> textSupplier, String exemplars) {
this.localeId = localeId;
this.textSupplier = textSupplier;
this.exemplars = exemplars;
String getLocaleId() {
return localeId;
PseudoText getText(boolean isPattern) {
return textSupplier.apply(isPattern);
String getExemplars() {
return exemplars;
* Returns a wrapped data supplier which will inject {@link CldrData} for the pseudo locales
* {@code en_XA} and {@code ar_XB}. These locales should behave in all respects like normal
* locales and can be processed accordingly.
public static CldrDataSupplier addPseudoLocalesTo(CldrDataSupplier src) {
return new PseudoSupplier(src);
private static final class PseudoSupplier extends CldrDataSupplier {
private final CldrDataSupplier src;
private final Set<String> srcIds;
private final CldrData enData;
PseudoSupplier(CldrDataSupplier src) {
this.src = checkNotNull(src);
this.srcIds = src.getAvailableLocaleIds();
// Use resolved data to ensure we get all the values (e.g. values in "en_001").
this.enData = src.getDataForLocale("en", RESOLVED);
// Just check that we aren't wrapping an already wrapped supplier.
.forEach(id -> checkArgument(!srcIds.contains(id),
"pseudo locale %s already supported by given data supplier", id));
@Override public CldrDataSupplier withDraftStatusAtLeast(CldrDraftStatus draftStatus) {
return new PseudoSupplier(src.withDraftStatusAtLeast(draftStatus));
@Override public CldrData getDataForLocale(String localeId, CldrResolution resolution) {
if (PseudoType.getLocaleIds().contains(localeId)) {
return new PseudoLocaleData(enData, resolution, PseudoType.fromId(localeId));
} else {
return src.getDataForLocale(localeId, resolution);
@Override public Set<String> getAvailableLocaleIds() {
return Sets.union(src.getAvailableLocaleIds(), PseudoType.getLocaleIds());
@Override public CldrData getDataForType(CldrDataType type) {
return src.getDataForType(type);
private interface PseudoText {
void addFragment(String text, boolean isLocalizable);
private static final class PseudoLocaleData extends FilteredData {
private static final PathMatcher LDML = PathMatcher.of("//ldml");
private static final PathMatcher AUX_EXEMPLARS =
private static final PathMatcher NUMBERING_SYSTEM =
// These paths were mostly derived from looking at the previous implementation's behaviour
// and can be modified as needed. Notably there are no "units" here (but they were also
// excluded in the original code).
private static final Predicate<CldrPath> IS_PSEUDO_PATH =
// The expectation is that all non-alias paths with values under these roots are "date/time
// pattern like" (such as "E h:mm:ss B") in which care must be taken to not pseudo localize
// the patterns in such as way as to break them. This list must be accurate.
private static final Predicate<CldrPath> IS_PATTERN_PATH = matchAnyLdmlPrefix(
private static PathMatcher ldml(String paths) {
return LDML.withSuffix(paths);
private static Predicate<CldrPath> matchAnyLdmlPrefix(String... paths) {
ImmutableList<Predicate<CldrPath>> collect =
.map(s -> (Predicate<CldrPath>) ldml(s)::matchesPrefixOf)
return p -> -> e.test(p));
// Look for any attribute in the path with "narrow" in its value. Since "narrow" values
// have strong expectations of width, we should not expand these (but might alter them
// otherwise).
private static final Predicate<String> IS_NARROW =
Pattern.compile("\\[@[a-z]+=\"[^\"]*narrow[^\"]*\"]", CASE_INSENSITIVE).asPredicate();
private static final Pattern NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDER = Pattern.compile("\\{\\d+\\}");
private static final Pattern QUOTED_TEXT = Pattern.compile("'.*?'");
private final PseudoType type;
private final boolean isResolved;
private PseudoLocaleData(CldrData srcData, CldrResolution resolution, PseudoType type) {
this.isResolved = checkNotNull(resolution) == RESOLVED;
this.type = checkNotNull(type);
protected CldrValue filter(CldrValue value) {
CldrPath path = value.getPath();
// Special case(s) first...
// We add the exemplar character list according to the pseudo type.
if (AUX_EXEMPLARS.matches(path)) {
return getExemplarValue(path);
// Force "latn" for the "ar_XB" pseudo locale (since otherwise it inherits from "ar".
// The path we get here was from "en" so should already be "latn", but we just have
// to return it in order for it to take effect.
if (type == PseudoType.BIDI && NUMBERING_SYSTEM.matches(path)) {
return value;
CldrValue defaultReturnValue = isResolved ? value : null;
// This makes it look like we have explicit values only for the included paths.
if (!IS_PSEUDO_PATH.test(path)) {
return defaultReturnValue;
String fullPath = value.getFullPath();
// For now don't do anything with "narrow" data (this matches the previous behaviour).
// We can always add something here later if necessary.
if (IS_NARROW.test(fullPath)) {
return defaultReturnValue;
String text = createMessage(value.getValue(), IS_PATTERN_PATH.test(path));
return CldrValue.parseValue(fullPath, text);
// It's tempting to think that the existing exemplar list in "en" could be parsed to
// generate list automatically (rather than having a hard coded list in the type) but
// makes it quite clear that this is infeasible, since there are many equivalent
// representations of the examplar characters that could appear in the value
// (e.g. "[a b ... z]", "[a-z]", "[{a} {b} ... {z}]")
private CldrValue getExemplarValue(CldrPath path) {
StringBuilder exemplarList = new StringBuilder("[");
.forEach(cp -> exemplarList.appendCodePoint(cp).append(' '));
exemplarList.setCharAt(exemplarList.length() - 1, ']');
return CldrValue.parseValue(path.toString(), exemplarList.toString());
private String createMessage(String text, boolean isPattern) {
// Pattern text is split by the quoted sections (which are localizable) whereas
// non-pattern text is split by placeholder (e.g. {0}) which are not localizable.
// This is why "isPattern" is used to signal "isLocalizable" in addFragment().
Matcher match = (isPattern ? QUOTED_TEXT : NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDER).matcher(text);
// Alternate between unmatched and matched sections in the text, always localizing one
// but not the other (depending the type). Append the trailing section at the end.
PseudoText out = type.getText(isPattern);
int start = 0;
for (; match.find(); start = match.end()) {
out.addFragment(text.substring(start, match.start()), !isPattern);
out.addFragment(, isPattern);
out.addFragment(text.substring(start), !isPattern);
return out.toString();
// ---- Expanding Pseudo-localizer (e.g. "November" --> "[Ñöṽéɱƀéŕ one two]") ----
// A map from a string of alternating key/value code-points; e.g. '1' -> '①'.
// Note that a subset of this is also used to form the "exemplar" set (see PseudoType).
private static final IntUnaryOperator CONVERT_CODEPOINT = toCodePointFunction(
" \u2003!\u00a1\"\u2033#\u266f$\u20ac%\u2030&\u214b*\u204e+\u207a,\u060c-\u2010.\u00b7"
+ "/\u20440\u24ea1\u24602\u24613\u24624\u24635\u24646\u24657\u24668\u24679\u2468"
+ ":\u2236;\u204f<\u2264=\u2242>\u2265?\u00bf@\u055eA\u00c5B\u0181C\u00c7D\u00d0"
+ "E\u00c9F\u0191G\u011cH\u0124I\u00ceJ\u0134K\u0136L\u013bM\u1e40N\u00d1O\u00d6"
+ "P\u00deQ\u01eaR\u0154S\u0160T\u0162U\u00dbV\u1e7cW\u0174X\u1e8aY\u00ddZ\u017d"
+ "[\u2045\\\u2216]\u2046^\u02c4_\u203f`\u2035a\u00e5b\u0180c\u00e7d\u00f0e\u00e9"
+ "f\u0192g\u011dh\u0125i\u00eej\u0135k\u0137l\u013cm\u0271n\u00f1o\u00f6p\u00fe"
+ "q\u01ebr\u0155s\u0161t\u0163u\u00fbv\u1e7dw\u0175x\u1e8by\u00fdz\u017e|\u00a6"
+ "~\u02de");
// Converts a source/target alternating code-points into a map.
private static IntUnaryOperator toCodePointFunction(String s) {
// Not pretty, but there's no nice way to "pair up" successive stream elements without
// extra library dependencies, so we collect them and then iterate via index.
int[] codePoints = s.codePoints().toArray();
checkArgument((codePoints.length & 1) == 0,
"must have an even number of code points (was %s)", codePoints.length);
ImmutableMap<Integer, Integer> map =
IntStream.range(0, codePoints.length / 2)
.collect(toImmutableMap(n -> codePoints[2 * n], n -> codePoints[(2 * n) + 1]));
return cp -> map.getOrDefault(cp, cp);
// A list of words to be added to text when it is expanded. A whole number of words are
// always added (and the fact they are numeric words is irrelevant, could be Lorem Ipsum).
// So far nothing goes above "ten" in en_XA, but this can always be trivially extended.
private static final String PADDING = "one two three four five six seven eight nine ten";
private static PseudoText expanding(boolean isPattern) {
return new PseudoText() {
IntStream.Builder codePoints = IntStream.builder();
public void addFragment(String text, boolean isLocalizable) {
.map(isLocalizable ? CONVERT_CODEPOINT : cp -> cp)
public String toString() {
int[] cp =;
// Copy the original code and round up the 50% calculation (it's not important).
int endIndex = CharMatcher.whitespace().indexIn(PADDING, (cp.length + 1) / 2);
String suffix = PADDING.substring(0, Math.min(endIndex, PADDING.length()));
// For pattern strings, any literal text must be quoted (the fragment text
// already was). Note that this is why we don't transform single-quotes.
if (isPattern) {
suffix = "'" + suffix.replace(" ", "' '") + "'";
// Final output is something like "November" --> "[Ñöṽéɱƀéŕ one two]"
// Where the additional padding adds at least 50% to the length of the text.
return "[" + new String(cp, 0, cp.length) + " " + suffix + "]";
// ---- Bidi Pseudo-localizer (e.g. "November" --> "rebmevoN" using BiDi tags)----
// Right-to-left override character.
private static final String RLO = "\u202e";
// Arabic letter mark character.
private static final String ALM = "\u061C";
// Pop direction formatting character.
private static final String PDF = "\u202c";
// Prefix to add before each LTR word.
private static final String BIDI_PREFIX = ALM + RLO;
// Postfix to add after each LTR word.
private static final String BIDI_POSTFIX = PDF + ALM;
// Bidi localization doesn't care if the fragment is a pattern or not.
private static PseudoText bidi(boolean isPattern) {
return new PseudoText() {
private final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
// This was largely copied from the original CLDRFilePseudolocalizer class and
// while it appears to work fine, I don't know enough to comment it clearly.
// TODO: Find someone who can add a decent comment here!
public void addFragment(String text, boolean isLocalizable) {
if (isLocalizable) {
boolean wrapping = false;
for (int index = 0; index < text.length(); ) {
int codePoint = text.codePointAt(index);
index += Character.charCount(codePoint);
byte directionality = Character.getDirectionality(codePoint);
boolean needsWrap = (directionality == DIRECTIONALITY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT);
if (needsWrap != wrapping) {
wrapping = needsWrap;
out.append(wrapping ? BIDI_PREFIX : BIDI_POSTFIX);
if (wrapping) {
} else {
public String toString() {
return out.toString();
private PseudoLocales() {