blob: f85c2012750d60c9f3432450fb546e0453ad24d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import static;
import static;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrDraftStatus;
* The converter config intended to generate the standard ICU data files. This used to be something
* that was configured by text files such as "icu-locale-deprecates.xml" and "icu-config.
public final class IcuConverterConfig implements LdmlConverterConfig {
private static final Optional<Path> DEFAULT_CLDR_DIR =
Optional.ofNullable(System.getProperty("CLDR_DIR", null))
.map(d -> Paths.get(d).toAbsolutePath());
private static final Optional<Path> DEFAULT_ICU_DIR =
Optional.ofNullable(System.getProperty("ICU_DIR", null))
.map(d -> Paths.get(d).toAbsolutePath());
/** The builder with which to specify configuration for the {@link LdmlConverter}. */
public static final class Builder {
private Path cldrDir = DEFAULT_CLDR_DIR.orElse(null);
private Path outputDir = -> d.resolve("icu4c/source/data")).orElse(null);
private Path specialsDir = -> d.resolve("icu4c/source/data/xml")).orElse(null);;
private ImmutableSet<OutputType> outputTypes = OutputType.ALL;
private CldrDraftStatus minimalDraftStatus = CldrDraftStatus.CONTRIBUTED;
private boolean emitReport = false;
* Sets the CLDR base directory from which to load all CLDR data. This is optional if the
* {@code CLDR_DIR} environment variable is set, which will be used instead.
public Builder setCldrDir(Path cldrDir) {
this.cldrDir = checkNotNull(cldrDir.toAbsolutePath());
return this;
* Sets the output directory in which the ICU data directories and files will go. This is
* optional if the {@code ICU_DIR} system property is set, which will be used to generate
* the path instead (i.e. {@code "icu4c/source/data"} inside the ICU release directory).
public Builder setOutputDir(Path outputDir) {
this.outputDir = checkNotNull(outputDir);
return this;
* Sets the "specials" directory containing additional ICU specific data to be processed.
* This is optional if the {@code ICU_DIR} system property is set, which will be used to
* generate the path instead (i.e. {@code "icu4c/source/data/xml"} inside the ICU release
* directory).
public Builder setSpecialsDir(Path specialsDir) {
this.specialsDir = checkNotNull(specialsDir);
return this;
* Sets the output types which will be converted. This is optional and defaults to {@link
* OutputType#ALL}.
public Builder setOutputTypes(Iterable<OutputType> types) {
this.outputTypes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(types);
return this;
* Sets the minimum draft status for CLDR data to be converted (paths below this status are
* ignored during conversion). This is optional and defaults to {@link
* CldrDraftStatus#CONTRIBUTED}.
public Builder setMinimalDraftStatus(CldrDraftStatus minimalDraftStatus) {
this.minimalDraftStatus = checkNotNull(minimalDraftStatus);
return this;
public Builder setEmitReport(boolean emitReport) {
this.emitReport = emitReport;
return this;
/** Returns a converter config from the current builder state. */
public LdmlConverterConfig build() {
return new IcuConverterConfig(this);
private final Path cldrDir;
private final Path outputDir;
private final Path specialsDir;
private final ImmutableSet<OutputType> outputTypes;
private final CldrDraftStatus minimalDraftStatus;
private final boolean emitReport;
private IcuConverterConfig(Builder builder) {
this.cldrDir = checkNotNull(builder.cldrDir,
"must set a CLDR directory, or the CLDR_DIR system property");
if (DEFAULT_CLDR_DIR.isPresent() && !this.cldrDir.equals(DEFAULT_CLDR_DIR.get())) {
"Warning: Specified CLDR base directory does not appear to match the"
+ " directory inferred by the 'CLDR_DIR' system property.\n"
+ "Specified: %s\n"
+ "Inferred: %s\n",
this.cldrDir, DEFAULT_CLDR_DIR.get());
this.outputDir = checkNotNull(builder.outputDir);
"specified output directory if not a directory: %s", outputDir);
this.specialsDir = checkNotNull(builder.specialsDir,
"must specify a 'specials' XML directory");
"specified specials directory does not exist: %s", specialsDir);
this.outputTypes = builder.outputTypes;
"must specify at least one output type to be generated (possible values are: %s)",
this.minimalDraftStatus = builder.minimalDraftStatus;
this.emitReport = builder.emitReport;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
@Override public Path getCldrDirectory() {
return cldrDir;
@Override public Path getOutputDir() {
return outputDir;
@Override public Set<OutputType> getOutputTypes() {
return outputTypes;
@Override public CldrDraftStatus getMinimumDraftStatus() {
return minimalDraftStatus;
@Override public Path getSpecialsDir() {
return specialsDir;
@Override public boolean emitReport() {
return emitReport;
// Currently hard-coded "hacks" which could be encoded via the builder if wanted.
@Override public Map<String, String> getForcedAliases(IcuLocaleDir dir) {
switch (dir) {
case COLL:
return ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
// It is not at all clear why this is being done (we expect "sr_Latn_ME" normally).
// TODO: Find out and document this properly.
.put("sr_ME", "sr_Cyrl_ME")
// This appears to be a hack to avoid needing to copy and maintain the same "zh"
// data for "yue". The files for "yue" in this directory should be empty otherwise.
// The maximized versions of "yue_Hans" is "yue_Hans_CN" (vs "zh_Hans_CN"), and for
// "yue" it's "yue_Hant_HK" (vs "zh_Hant_HK"), so the aliases are effectively just
// rewriting the base language.
.put("yue_Hans", "zh_Hans")
.put("yue", "zh_Hant")
case RBNF:
// It is not at all clear why this is being done. It's certainly not exactly the same
// as above, since (a) the alias is reversed (b) "zh_Hant" does exist, with different
// data than "yue", so this alias is not just rewriting the base language.
// TODO: Find out and document this properly.
return ImmutableMap.of("zh_Hant_HK", "yue");
return ImmutableMap.of();
// This set of locale files in each directory denotes the supported/available locales for that
// API. In most cases, it's the same set, but a few directories support only a subset of IDs.
@Override public ImmutableSet<String> getTargetLocaleIds(IcuLocaleDir dir) {
switch (dir) {
case COLL:
case BRKITR:
case RBNF:
// The primary set of locale IDs to be generated. Other, directory specific, sets should be
// subsets of this. Some of these ID are aliases, so XML files may not exist for all of them.
// This was further modified (in order to better match the set of generated ICU files) by:
// * Removing "es_003" (which just seems to be ignored in current code)
// * Adding: "en_NH", "sr_XK", "yue_CN", "yue_HK" (deprecated locale IDs in the manual config)
// * Adding: "no_NO_NY" (a not even structurally valid ID that exists for very legacy reasons)
private static final ImmutableSet<String> ICU_LOCALE_IDS = ImmutableSet.of(
// A
"af", "af_NA", "af_ZA", "agq", "agq_CM", "ak", "ak_GH", "am", "am_ET", "ar", "ar_001",
"ar_AE", "ar_BH", "ar_DJ", "ar_DZ", "ar_EG", "ar_EH", "ar_ER", "ar_IL", "ar_IQ",
"ar_JO", "ar_KM", "ar_KW", "ar_LB", "ar_LY", "ar_MA", "ar_MR", "ar_OM", "ar_PS",
"ar_QA", "ar_SA", "ar_SD", "ar_SO", "ar_SS", "ar_SY", "ar_TD", "ar_TN", "ar_YE", "ars",
"as", "as_IN", "asa", "asa_TZ", "ast", "ast_ES", "az", "az_AZ", "az_Cyrl", "az_Cyrl_AZ",
"az_Latn", "az_Latn_AZ",
// B
"bas", "bas_CM", "be", "be_BY", "bem", "bem_ZM", "bez", "bez_TZ", "bg", "bg_BG", "bm",
"bm_ML", "bn", "bn_BD", "bn_IN", "bo", "bo_CN", "bo_IN", "br", "br_FR", "brx", "brx_IN",
"bs", "bs_Cyrl", "bs_Cyrl_BA", "bs_Latn", "bs_Latn_BA", "bs_BA",
// C
"ca", "ca_AD", "ca_ES", "ca_FR", "ca_IT", "ccp", "ccp_BD", "ccp_IN", "ce", "ce_RU",
"ceb", "ceb_PH", "cgg", "cgg_UG", "chr", "chr_US", "ckb", "ckb_IQ", "ckb_IR", "cs",
"cs_CZ", "cy", "cy_GB",
// D
"da", "da_DK", "da_GL", "dav", "dav_KE", "de", "de_AT", "de_BE", "de_CH", "de_DE",
"de_IT", "de_LI", "de_LU", "dje", "dje_NE", "dsb", "dsb_DE", "dua", "dua_CM", "dyo",
"dyo_SN", "dz", "dz_BT",
// E
"ebu", "ebu_KE", "ee", "ee_GH", "ee_TG", "el", "el_CY", "el_GR", "en", "en_001",
"en_150", "en_AE", "en_AG", "en_AI", "en_AS", "en_AT", "en_AU", "en_BB", "en_BE",
"en_BI", "en_BM", "en_BS", "en_BW", "en_BZ", "en_CA", "en_CC", "en_CH", "en_CK",
"en_CM", "en_CX", "en_CY", "en_DE", "en_DG", "en_DK", "en_DM", "en_ER", "en_FI",
"en_FJ", "en_FK", "en_FM", "en_GB", "en_GD", "en_GG", "en_GH", "en_GI", "en_GM",
"en_GU", "en_GY", "en_HK", "en_IE", "en_IL", "en_IM", "en_IN", "en_IO", "en_JE",
"en_JM", "en_KE", "en_KI", "en_KN", "en_KY", "en_LC", "en_LR", "en_LS", "en_MG",
"en_MH", "en_MO", "en_MP", "en_MS", "en_MT", "en_MU", "en_MW", "en_MY", "en_NA",
"en_NF", "en_NG", "en_NH", "en_NL", "en_NR", "en_NU", "en_NZ", "en_PG", "en_PH",
"en_PK", "en_PN", "en_PR", "en_PW", "en_RH", "en_RW", "en_SB", "en_SC", "en_SD",
"en_SE", "en_SG", "en_SH", "en_SI", "en_SL", "en_SS", "en_SX", "en_SZ", "en_TC",
"en_TK", "en_TO", "en_TT", "en_TV", "en_TZ", "en_UG", "en_UM", "en_US", "en_US_POSIX",
"en_VC", "en_VG", "en_VI", "en_VU", "en_WS", "en_ZA", "en_ZM", "en_ZW", "eo",
"eo_001", "es", "es_419", "es_AR", "es_BO", "es_BR", "es_BZ", "es_CL", "es_CO",
"es_CR", "es_CU", "es_DO", "es_EA", "es_EC", "es_ES", "es_GQ", "es_GT", "es_HN",
"es_IC", "es_MX", "es_NI", "es_PA", "es_PE", "es_PH", "es_PR", "es_PY", "es_SV",
"es_US", "es_UY", "es_VE", "et", "et_EE", "eu", "eu_ES", "ewo", "ewo_CM",
// F
"fa", "fa_AF", "fa_IR", "ff", "ff_CM", "ff_GN", "ff_Latn", "ff_Latn_BF", "ff_Latn_CM",
"ff_Latn_GH", "ff_Latn_GM", "ff_Latn_GN", "ff_Latn_GW", "ff_Latn_LR", "ff_Latn_MR",
"ff_Latn_NE", "ff_Latn_NG", "ff_Latn_SL", "ff_Latn_SN", "ff_MR", "ff_SN", "fi",
"fi_FI", "fil", "fil_PH", "fo", "fo_DK", "fo_FO", "fr", "fr_BE", "fr_BF", "fr_BI",
"fr_BJ", "fr_BL", "fr_CA", "fr_CD", "fr_CF", "fr_CG", "fr_CH", "fr_CI", "fr_CM",
"fr_DJ", "fr_DZ", "fr_FR", "fr_GA", "fr_GF", "fr_GN", "fr_GP", "fr_GQ", "fr_HT",
"fr_KM", "fr_LU", "fr_MA", "fr_MC", "fr_MF", "fr_MG", "fr_ML", "fr_MQ", "fr_MR",
"fr_MU", "fr_NC", "fr_NE", "fr_PF", "fr_PM", "fr_RE", "fr_RW", "fr_SC", "fr_SN",
"fr_SY", "fr_TD", "fr_TG", "fr_TN", "fr_VU", "fr_WF", "fr_YT", "fur", "fur_IT",
"fy", "fy_NL",
// G
"ga", "ga_IE", "gd", "gd_GB", "gl", "gl_ES", "gsw", "gsw_CH", "gsw_FR", "gsw_LI",
"gu", "gu_IN", "guz", "guz_KE", "gv", "gv_IM",
// H
"ha", "ha_GH", "ha_NE", "ha_NG", "haw", "haw_US", "he", "he_IL", "hi", "hi_IN",
"hr", "hr_BA", "hr_HR", "hsb", "hsb_DE", "hu", "hu_HU", "hy", "hy_AM",
// I
"ia", "ia_001", "id", "id_ID", "ig", "ig_NG", "ii", "ii_CN", "in", "in_ID", "is",
"is_IS", "it", "it_CH", "it_IT", "it_SM", "it_VA", "iw", "iw_IL",
// J
"ja", "ja_JP", "ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", "jgo", "jgo_CM", "jmc", "jmc_TZ", "jv", "jv_ID",
// K
"ka", "ka_GE", "kab", "kab_DZ", "kam", "kam_KE", "kde", "kde_TZ", "kea", "kea_CV",
"khq", "khq_ML", "ki", "ki_KE", "kk", "kk_KZ", "kkj", "kkj_CM", "kl", "kl_GL", "kln",
"kln_KE", "km", "km_KH", "kn", "kn_IN", "ko", "ko_KP", "ko_KR", "kok", "kok_IN",
"ks", "ks_IN", "ksb", "ksb_TZ", "ksf", "ksf_CM", "ksh", "ksh_DE", "ku", "ku_TR",
"kw", "kw_GB", "ky", "ky_KG",
// L
"lag", "lag_TZ", "lb", "lb_LU", "lg", "lg_UG", "lkt", "lkt_US", "ln", "ln_AO",
"ln_CD", "ln_CF", "ln_CG", "lo", "lo_LA", "lrc", "lrc_IQ", "lrc_IR", "lt", "lt_LT",
"lu", "lu_CD", "luo", "luo_KE", "luy", "luy_KE", "lv", "lv_LV",
// M
"mas", "mas_KE", "mas_TZ", "mer", "mer_KE", "mfe", "mfe_MU", "mg", "mg_MG", "mgh",
"mgh_MZ", "mgo", "mgo_CM", "mi", "mi_NZ", "mk", "mk_MK", "ml", "ml_IN", "mn",
"mn_MN", "mo", "mr", "mr_IN", "ms", "ms_BN", "ms_MY", "ms_SG", "mt", "mt_MT", "mua",
"mua_CM", "my", "my_MM", "mzn", "mzn_IR",
// N
"naq", "naq_NA", "nb", "nb_NO", "nb_SJ", "nd", "nd_ZW", "nds", "nds_DE", "nds_NL",
"ne", "ne_IN", "ne_NP", "nl", "nl_AW", "nl_BE", "nl_BQ", "nl_CW", "nl_NL", "nl_SR",
"nl_SX", "nmg", "nmg_CM", "nn", "nn_NO", "nnh", "nnh_CM", "no", "no_NO", "no_NO_NY",
"nus", "nus_SS", "nyn", "nyn_UG",
// O
"om", "om_ET", "om_KE", "or", "or_IN", "os", "os_GE", "os_RU",
// P
"pa", "pa_Arab", "pa_Arab_PK", "pa_Guru", "pa_Guru_IN", "pa_IN", "pa_PK", "pl",
"pl_PL", "ps", "ps_AF", "ps_PK", "pt", "pt_AO", "pt_BR", "pt_CH", "pt_CV", "pt_GQ",
"pt_GW", "pt_LU", "pt_MO", "pt_MZ", "pt_PT", "pt_ST", "pt_TL",
// Q
"qu", "qu_BO", "qu_EC", "qu_PE",
// R
"rm", "rm_CH", "rn", "rn_BI", "ro", "ro_MD", "ro_RO", "rof", "rof_TZ", "ru",
"ru_BY", "ru_KG", "ru_KZ", "ru_MD", "ru_RU", "ru_UA", "rw", "rw_RW", "rwk", "rwk_TZ",
// S
"sah", "sah_RU", "saq", "saq_KE", "sbp", "sbp_TZ", "sd", "sd_PK", "se", "se_FI",
"se_NO", "se_SE", "seh", "seh_MZ", "ses", "ses_ML", "sg", "sg_CF", "sh", "sh_BA",
"sh_CS", "sh_YU", "shi", "shi_Latn", "shi_Latn_MA", "shi_Tfng", "shi_Tfng_MA",
"shi_MA", "si", "si_LK", "sk", "sk_SK", "sl", "sl_SI", "smn", "smn_FI", "sn",
"sn_ZW", "so", "so_DJ", "so_ET", "so_KE", "so_SO", "sq", "sq_AL", "sq_MK", "sq_XK",
"sr", "sr_Cyrl", "sr_Cyrl_BA", "sr_Cyrl_ME", "sr_Cyrl_RS", "sr_Cyrl_CS", "sr_Cyrl_XK",
"sr_Cyrl_YU", "sr_Latn", "sr_Latn_BA", "sr_Latn_ME", "sr_Latn_RS", "sr_Latn_CS",
"sr_Latn_XK", "sr_Latn_YU", "sr_BA", "sr_ME", "sr_RS", "sr_CS", "sr_XK", "sr_YU",
"sv", "sv_AX", "sv_FI", "sv_SE", "sw", "sw_CD", "sw_KE", "sw_TZ", "sw_UG",
// T
"ta", "ta_IN", "ta_LK", "ta_MY", "ta_SG", "te", "te_IN", "teo", "teo_KE", "teo_UG",
"tg", "tg_TJ", "th", "th_TH", "th_TH_TRADITIONAL", "ti", "ti_ER", "ti_ET", "tk",
"tk_TM", "tl", "tl_PH", "to", "to_TO", "tr", "tr_CY", "tr_TR", "tt", "tt_RU",
"twq", "twq_NE", "tzm", "tzm_MA",
// U
"ug", "ug_CN", "uk", "uk_UA", "ur", "ur_IN", "ur_PK", "uz", "uz_AF", "uz_Arab",
"uz_Arab_AF", "uz_Cyrl", "uz_Cyrl_UZ", "uz_Latn", "uz_Latn_UZ", "uz_UZ",
// V
"vai", "vai_Latn", "vai_Latn_LR", "vai_LR", "vai_Vaii", "vai_Vaii_LR", "vi",
"vi_VN", "vun", "vun_TZ",
// W
"wae", "wae_CH", "wo", "wo_SN",
// X
"xh", "xh_ZA", "xog", "xog_UG",
// Y
"yav", "yav_CM", "yi", "yi_001", "yo", "yo_BJ", "yo_NG", "yue", "yue_CN", "yue_HK",
"yue_Hans", "yue_Hans_CN", "yue_Hant", "yue_Hant_HK",
// Z
"zgh", "zgh_MA", "zh", "zh_Hans", "zh_Hans_CN", "zh_Hans_HK", "zh_Hans_MO",
"zh_Hans_SG", "zh_Hant", "zh_Hant_HK", "zh_Hant_MO", "zh_Hant_TW", "zh_CN",
"zh_HK", "zh_MO", "zh_SG", "zh_TW", "zu", "zu_ZA");
private static final ImmutableSet<String> COLL_LOCALE_IDS = ImmutableSet.of(
// A-B
"af", "am", "ars", "ar", "as", "az", "be", "bg", "bn", "bo", "bs_Cyrl", "bs",
// C-F
"ca", "ceb", "chr", "cs", "cy", "da", "de_AT", "de", "dsb", "dz", "ee", "el", "en",
"en_US_POSIX", "en_US", "eo", "es", "et", "fa_AF", "fa", "fil", "fi", "fo", "fr_CA", "fr",
// G-J
"ga", "gl", "gu", "ha", "haw", "he", "hi", "hr", "hsb", "hu", "hy",
"id_ID", "id", "ig", "in", "in_ID", "is", "it", "iw_IL", "iw", "ja",
// K-P
"ka", "kk", "kl", "km", "kn", "kok", "ko", "ku", "ky", "lb", "lkt", "ln", "lo", "lt", "lv",
"mk", "ml", "mn", "mo", "mr", "ms", "mt", "my", "nb", "ne", "nl", "nn", "no_NO", "no",
"om", "or", "pa_IN", "pa", "pa_Guru", "pl", "ps", "pt",
// R-T
"ro", "ru", "se", "sh_BA", "sh_CS", "sh", "sh_YU", "si", "sk", "sl", "smn", "sq",
"sr_BA", "sr_Cyrl_ME", "sr_Latn", "sr_ME", "sr_RS", "sr", "sv", "sw",
"ta", "te", "th", "tk", "to", "tr",
// U-Z
"ug", "uk", "ur", "uz", "vi", "wae", "wo", "xh", "yi", "yo", "yue_CN", "yue_Hans",
"yue", "zh_CN", "zh_Hant", "zh_HK", "zh_MO", "zh_SG", "zh_TW", "zh", "zu");
private static final ImmutableSet<String> BRKITR_LOCALE_IDS = ImmutableSet.of(
"root", "de", "el", "en", "en_US_POSIX", "en_US", "es", "fr", "it", "ja", "pt", "ru",
"zh_Hant", "zh");
private static final ImmutableSet<String> RBNF_LOCALE_IDS = ImmutableSet.of(
"root", "af", "ak", "am", "ars", "ar", "az", "be", "bg", "bs", "ca", "ccp", "chr", "cs",
"cy", "da", "de_CH", "de", "ee", "el", "en_001", "en_IN", "en", "eo", "es_419", "es_DO",
"es_GT", "es_HN", "es_MX", "es_NI", "es_PA", "es_PR", "es_SV", "es", "es_US", "et",
"fa_AF", "fa", "ff", "fil", "fi", "fo", "fr_BE", "fr_CH", "fr", "ga", "he", "hi", "hr",
"hu", "hy", "id", "in", "is", "it", "iw", "ja", "ka", "kl", "km", "ko", "ky", "lb",
"lo", "lrc", "lt", "lv", "mk", "ms", "mt", "my", "nb", "nl", "nn", "no", "pl", "pt_PT",
"pt", "qu", "ro", "ru", "se", "sh", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr_Latn", "sr", "sv",
"sw", "ta", "th", "tr", "uk", "vi", "yue_Hans", "yue", "zh_Hant_HK", "zh_Hant", "zh_HK",
"zh_MO", "zh_TW", "zh");