blob: a236ed107493f504187cfbe0866716650f66f5a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* @(#)$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2000/04/20 17:46:22 $
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999. All Rights Reserved.
* The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* IBM will not be liable for any damages suffered by you as a result
* of using the Program. In no event will IBM be liable for any
* special, indirect or consequential damages or lost profits even if
* IBM has been advised of the possibility of their occurrence. IBM
* will not be liable for any third party claims against you.
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Window;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
* SwingMenuBuilder provides a method for creating a set of Swing menus for interacting
* with an MTextPanel. Future versions of this class may provide greater control
* over the menu contents.
* @see MTextPanel
public final class SwingMenuBuilder extends MenuBuilder {
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999 - All Rights Reserved";
private static final SwingMenuBuilder INSTANCE = new SwingMenuBuilder();
* Id for an Edit menu. The Edit menu has the following items:
* <ul>
* <li><b>Undo</b> - invoke undo() on the MTextPanel</li>
* <li><b>Redo</b> - invoke redo() on the MTextPanel</li>
* <li><b>Cut</b> - invoke cut() on the MTextPanel</li>
* <li><b>Copy</b> - invoke copy() on the MTextPanel</li>
* <li><b>Paste</b> - invoke paste() on the MTextPanel</li>
* <li><b>Clear</b> - invoke clear() on the MTextPanel</li>
* <li><b>Select All</b> - invoke selectAll() on the MTextPanel</li>
* </ul>
public static final int EDIT = MenuBuilder.EDIT;
* Id for the point sizes menu. The menu has items that set the size of a character
* in a typeface.
public static final int SIZE = MenuBuilder.SIZE;
* Id for a Style menu. The Style menu has the following items:
* <ul>
* <li><b>Plain</b> - remove <code>WEIGHT</code>,
* <code>POSTURE</code>,
* <code>UNDERLINE</code> and
* <code>STRIKETHROUGH</code> attributes from the
* current selection</li>
* <li><b>Bold</b> - add <code>{WEIGHT,WEIGHT_BOLD}</code> to
* the current selection</li>
* <li><b>Italic</b> - add <code>{POSTURE,POSTURE_ITALIC}</code> to
* the current selection</li>
* <li><b>Underline</b> - add <code>{UNDERLINE,UNDERLINE_ON}</code> to
* the current selection</li>
* <li><b>Strikethrough</b> - add <code>{STRIKETHROUGH,STRIKETHROUGH_ON}</code>
* to the current selection</li>
* <li><b>Font...</b> - display a dialog allowing the user to
* select a typeface (font family) for the current selection</li>
* <li><b>Forecolor...</b> - display a dialog allowing the user to
* select a foreground color for the current selection</li>
* <li><b>Backcolor...</b> - display a dialog allowing the user to
* select a background color for the current selection</li>
* </ul>
public static final int STYLE = MenuBuilder.STYLE;
* Id for a paragraph alignment menu. The menu has the following items:
* <ul>
* <li><b>Leading</b> - give selected paragraph(s) LEADING flush</li>
* <li><b>Center</b> - give selected paragraph(s) CENTER flush</li>
* <li><b>Trailing</b> - give selected paragraph(s) TRAILING flush</li>
* <li><b>Justified</b> - give selected paragraph(s) full justification</li>
* </ul>
public static final int FLUSH = MenuBuilder.FLUSH;
* Id for a menu that sets the KeyRemap
* on an MTextPanel. The menu has the following items:
* <ul>
* <li><b>Default</b> - set KeyRemap to identity remap</li>
* <li><b>Arabic</b> - set KeyRemap to Arabic transliteration</li>
* <li><b>Hebrew</b> - set KeyRemap to Hebrew transliteration</li>
* <li><b>Israel Nikud</b> - set KeyRemap to Israel Nikud</li>
* <li><b>Thai Ketmanee</b> - set KeyRemap to Thai Ketmanee</li>
* </ul>
public static final int KEYMAP = MenuBuilder.KEYMAP;
* Id for a menu that sets
* the primary run direction for a paragraph. Run direction can be left-to-right,
* right-to-left, or can use the default run direction from the Unicode bidi algorithm.
public static final int BIDI = MenuBuilder.BIDI;
* Id for a menu with an <b>About</b> item. When selected,
* the item displays a Frame containing some
* self-promotional text.
public static final int ABOUT = MenuBuilder.ABOUT;
* Return an instance of SwingMenuBuilder.
public static SwingMenuBuilder getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
private JMenuBar fMenuBar;
private SwingMenuBuilder() {
* Add a standard set of menus to the given menu bar. The menus
* will interact with the given MTextPanel.
* @param menuBar the MenuBar to which menus are added
* @param textPanel the MTextPanel with which the menus interact
* @param frame a Frame to use as the parent of any dialogs created by a
* a menu item. If null, menu items which create dialogs will be omitted.
public void createMenus(JMenuBar menuBar,
MTextPanel textPanel,
Frame frame) {
createMenus(menuBar, textPanel, frame, defaultMenus);
* Add a set of menus to the given menu bar. The menus
* will interact with the given MTextPanel.
* @param menuBar the MenuBar to which menus are added
* @param textPanel the MTextPanel with which the menus interact
* @param frame a Frame to use as the parent of any dialogs created by a
* a menu item. If null, menu items which create dialogs will be omitted.
* @param menus an array of integer menu id's. Each element of the
* array must be one of this class's menu id constants. If null,
* the default menus are created.
public void createMenus(JMenuBar menuBar,
MTextPanel textPanel,
Frame frame,
int[] menus) {
if (menus == null) {
menus = defaultMenus;
synchronized (MItem.LOCK) {
fMenuBar = menuBar;
doCreateMenus(textPanel, frame, menus);
fMenuBar = null;
protected void handleAddMenu(String key) {
JMenu menu = new JMenu(ResourceUtils.getResourceString(key));
MItem.setItemFactory(new SwingMenuFactory(menu));
protected DialogFactory createObjectDialogFactory(final String dialogTitle,
final String dialogMessage,
final Object key,
final boolean character,
final String[] names,
final Object[] values) {
final Frame dialogParent = fDialogParent;
return new DialogFactory() {
public Window createDialog(MTextPanel textPanel) {
return new JObjectDialog(dialogParent,
protected DialogFactory createNumberDialogFactory(final String dialogTitle,
final String dialogMessage,
final Object key,
final boolean character) {
final Frame dialogParent = fDialogParent;
final MTextPanel textPanel = fTextPanel;
return new DialogFactory() {
public Window createDialog(MTextPanel fTextPanel) {
return new JNumberDialog(dialogParent,
protected DialogFactory createAboutDialogFactory() {
return new DialogFactory() {
public Window createDialog(MTextPanel textPanel) {
String title = ResourceUtils.getResourceString(FrameResources.ABOUT_TITLE);
return new JMessageDialog(title, AboutText.getAboutText());