blob: 2d0367f3f441b51fe362bea15f1cde78925b72b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Google, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
public class ListFormatterTest extends TestFmwk {
String[] HardcodedTestData = {
"A and B",
"A; B, and C",
"A; B, C, and D",
"A; B, C, D, and E"
public void TestBasic() {
ListFormatter formatter = new ListFormatter("{0} and {1}", "{0}; {1}", "{0}, {1}", "{0}, and {1}");
checkData(formatter, HardcodedTestData);
String[] EnglishTestData = {
"A and B",
"A, B, and C",
"A, B, C, and D",
"A, B, C, D, and E"
public void TestEnglish() {
checkData(ListFormatter.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH), EnglishTestData);
checkData(ListFormatter.getInstance(ULocale.US), EnglishTestData);
// Redundant tests for code coverage.
checkData(ListFormatter.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH), EnglishTestData);
if (isDefaultLocaleEnglishLike()) {
checkData(ListFormatter.getInstance(), EnglishTestData);
// Tests resource loading and inheritance when region sublocale
// has only partial data for the listPattern element (overriding
// some of the parent data). #12994
String[] EnglishGBTestData = {
"A and B",
"A, B and C",
"A, B, C and D",
"A, B, C, D and E"
public void TestEnglishGB() {
checkData(ListFormatter.getInstance(new ULocale("en_GB")), EnglishGBTestData);
// Tests resource loading and inheritance when region sublocale
// has only partial data for the listPattern element (overriding
// some of the parent data). #12994
String[] ChineseTradHKTestData = {
public void TestChineseTradHK() {
checkData(ListFormatter.getInstance(new ULocale("zh_Hant_HK")), ChineseTradHKTestData);
String[] JapaneseTestData = {
public void TestJapanese() {
checkData(ListFormatter.getInstance(ULocale.JAPANESE), JapaneseTestData);
String[] outOfOrderTestData = {
"B after A",
"C in the last after B after the first A",
"D in the last after C after B after the first A",
"E in the last after D after C after B after the first A"
public void TestPatternOutOfOrder() {
ListFormatter formatter = new ListFormatter("{1} after {0}", "{1} after the first {0}", "{1} after {0}",
"{1} in the last after {0}");
checkData(formatter, outOfOrderTestData);
String[] RootTestData = {
"A, B",
"A, B, C",
"A, B, C, D",
"A, B, C, D, E"
public void TestSpecial() {
checkData(ListFormatter.getInstance(ULocale.ROOT), RootTestData);
if (isDefaultLocaleEnglishLike()) {
checkData(ListFormatter.getInstance(new ULocale("xxx")), EnglishTestData);
public void checkData(ListFormatter listFormat, String[] strings) {
assertEquals("0", strings[0], listFormat.format());
assertEquals("1", strings[1], listFormat.format("A"));
assertEquals("2", strings[2], listFormat.format("A", "B"));
assertEquals("3", strings[3], listFormat.format("A", "B", "C"));
assertEquals("4", strings[4], listFormat.format("A", "B", "C", "D"));
assertEquals("5", strings[5], listFormat.format("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"));
public void TestFromList() {
ListFormatter listFormatter = ListFormatter.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
assertEquals("list", "A, B, and C", listFormatter.format(list));
public void TestCreatePatternForNumItems() {
ListFormatter listFormatter = ListFormatter.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
"{0}, {1}, and {2}",
public void TestGetPatternForNumItemsException() {
ListFormatter listFormatter = ListFormatter.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
try {
fail("IllegalArgumentException expected.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// expected.
public void TestGetLocale() {
"getLocale", ULocale.ENGLISH, ListFormatter.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH).getLocale());
public void Test9946() {
ListFormatter listFormatter = ListFormatter.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
assertEquals("bug 9946", "{0}, {1}, and {2}", listFormatter.format("{0}", "{1}", "{2}"));
void DoTheRealListStyleTesting(ULocale locale, String items[], ListFormatter.Style style, String expected) {
ListFormatter listFormatter = ListFormatter.getInstance(locale, style);
assertEquals("Style \"" + style + "\"", expected, listFormatter.format((Object[])items));
public void TestDifferentStyles() {
ULocale locale = ULocale.FRENCH;
String[] input = { "rouge", "jaune", "bleu", "vert" };
DoTheRealListStyleTesting(locale, input, ListFormatter.Style.STANDARD, "rouge, jaune, bleu et vert");
DoTheRealListStyleTesting(locale, input, ListFormatter.Style.OR, "rouge, jaune, bleu ou vert");
DoTheRealListStyleTesting(locale, input, ListFormatter.Style.UNIT, "rouge, jaune, bleu et vert");
DoTheRealListStyleTesting(locale, input, ListFormatter.Style.UNIT_NARROW, "rouge jaune bleu vert");
DoTheRealListStyleTesting(locale, input, ListFormatter.Style.UNIT_SHORT, "rouge, jaune, bleu et vert");
private boolean isDefaultLocaleEnglishLike() {
ULocale defaultLocale = ULocale.getDefault(ULocale.Category.FORMAT);
return defaultLocale.equals(ULocale.ENGLISH) || defaultLocale.equals(ULocale.US);