blob: 8a966669273aa7c00b29960821f2f44971b6c9e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (c) 2002-2016, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Author: Alan Liu
* Created: December 18 2002
* Since: ICU 2.4
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
* @test
* @summary General test of Currency
public class CurrencyTest extends TestFmwk {
* Test of basic API.
public void TestAPI() {
Currency usd = Currency.getInstance("USD");
/*int hash = */usd.hashCode();
Currency jpy = Currency.getInstance("JPY");
if (usd.equals(jpy)) {
errln("FAIL: USD == JPY");
if (usd.equals("abc")) {
errln("FAIL: USD == (String)");
if (usd.equals(null)) {
errln("FAIL: USD == (null)");
if (!usd.equals(usd)) {
errln("FAIL: USD != USD");
try {
Currency nullCurrency = Currency.getInstance((String)null);
errln("FAIL: Expected getInstance(null) to throw "
+ "a NullPointerException, but returned " + nullCurrency);
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
logln("PASS: getInstance(null) threw a NullPointerException");
try {
Currency bogusCurrency = Currency.getInstance("BOGUS");
errln("FAIL: Expected getInstance(\"BOGUS\") to throw "
+ "an IllegalArgumentException, but returned " + bogusCurrency);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
logln("PASS: getInstance(\"BOGUS\") threw an IllegalArgumentException");
Locale[] avail = Currency.getAvailableLocales();
errln("FAIL: getAvailableLocales returned null");
try {
usd.getName(ULocale.US, 5, new boolean[1]);
errln("expected getName with invalid type parameter to throw exception");
catch (Exception e) {
logln("PASS: getName failed as expected");
* Test registration.
public void TestRegistration() {
final Currency jpy = Currency.getInstance("JPY");
final Currency usd = Currency.getInstance(Locale.US);
try {
Currency.unregister(null); // should fail, coverage
errln("expected unregister of null to throw exception");
catch (Exception e) {
logln("PASS: unregister of null failed as expected");
if (Currency.unregister("")) { // coverage
errln("unregister before register erroneously succeeded");
ULocale fu_FU = new ULocale("fu_FU");
Object key1 = Currency.registerInstance(jpy, ULocale.US);
Object key2 = Currency.registerInstance(jpy, fu_FU);
Currency nus = Currency.getInstance(Locale.US);
if (!nus.equals(jpy)) {
errln("expected " + jpy + " but got: " + nus);
// converage, make sure default factory works
Currency nus1 = Currency.getInstance(Locale.JAPAN);
if (!nus1.equals(jpy)) {
errln("expected " + jpy + " but got: " + nus1);
ULocale[] locales = Currency.getAvailableULocales();
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; ++i) {
if (locales[i].equals(fu_FU)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
errln("did not find locale" + fu_FU + " in currency locales");
if (!Currency.unregister(key1)) {
errln("unable to unregister currency using key1");
if (!Currency.unregister(key2)) {
errln("unable to unregister currency using key2");
Currency nus2 = Currency.getInstance(Locale.US);
if (!nus2.equals(usd)) {
errln("expected " + usd + " but got: " + nus2);
locales = Currency.getAvailableULocales();
found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; ++i) {
if (locales[i].equals(fu_FU)) {
found = true;
if (found) {
errln("found locale" + fu_FU + " in currency locales after unregister");
Locale[] locs = Currency.getAvailableLocales();
found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < locs.length; ++i) {
if (locs[i].equals(fu_FU)) {
found = true;
if (found) {
errln("found locale" + fu_FU + " in currency locales after unregister");
* Test names.
public void TestNames() {
// Do a basic check of getName()
// USD { "US$", "US Dollar" } // 04/04/1792-
ULocale en = ULocale.ENGLISH;
ULocale en_CA = ULocale.forLanguageTag("en-CA");
ULocale en_US = ULocale.forLanguageTag("en-US");
ULocale en_NZ = ULocale.forLanguageTag("en-NZ");
boolean[] isChoiceFormat = new boolean[1];
Currency USD = Currency.getInstance("USD");
Currency CAD = Currency.getInstance("CAD");
Currency USX = Currency.getInstance("USX");
// Warning: HARD-CODED LOCALE DATA in this test. If it fails, CHECK
// THE LOCALE DATA before diving into the code.
assertEquals("USD.getName(SYMBOL_NAME, en)",
USD.getName(en, Currency.SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
assertEquals("USD.getName(NARROW_SYMBOL_NAME, en)",
USD.getName(en, Currency.NARROW_SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
assertEquals("USD.getName(LONG_NAME, en)",
"US Dollar",
USD.getName(en, Currency.LONG_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
assertEquals("CAD.getName(SYMBOL_NAME, en)",
CAD.getName(en, Currency.SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
assertEquals("CAD.getName(NARROW_SYMBOL_NAME, en)",
CAD.getName(en, Currency.NARROW_SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
assertEquals("CAD.getName(SYMBOL_NAME, en_CA)",
CAD.getName(en_CA, Currency.SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
assertEquals("USD.getName(SYMBOL_NAME, en_CA)",
USD.getName(en_CA, Currency.SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
assertEquals("USD.getName(NARROW_SYMBOL_NAME, en_CA)",
USD.getName(en_CA, Currency.NARROW_SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
assertEquals("USD.getName(SYMBOL_NAME) in en_NZ",
USD.getName(en_NZ, Currency.SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
CAD.getName(en_NZ, Currency.SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
USX.getName(en_US, Currency.SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
USX.getName(en_US, Currency.NARROW_SYMBOL_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
USX.getName(en_US, Currency.LONG_NAME, isChoiceFormat));
public void testGetName_Locale_Int_String_BooleanArray() {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(ULocale.CHINA);
boolean[] isChoiceFormat = new boolean[1];
int nameStyle = Currency.LONG_NAME;
String pluralCount = "";
String ulocaleName =
currency.getName(ULocale.CANADA, nameStyle, pluralCount, isChoiceFormat);
assertEquals("currency name mismatch", "Chinese Yuan", ulocaleName);
String localeName = currency.getName(Locale.CANADA, nameStyle, pluralCount, isChoiceFormat);
assertEquals("currency name mismatch", ulocaleName, localeName);
public void TestCoverage() {
Currency usd = Currency.getInstance("USD");
// A real test of the CurrencyDisplayNames class.
public void TestCurrencyDisplayNames() {
if (!CurrencyDisplayNames.hasData()) {
errln("hasData() should return true.");
// with substitute
CurrencyDisplayNames cdn = CurrencyDisplayNames.getInstance(ULocale.GERMANY);
assertEquals("de_USD_name", "US-Dollar", cdn.getName("USD"));
assertEquals("de_USD_symbol", "$", cdn.getSymbol("USD"));
assertEquals("de_USD_plural_other", "US-Dollar", cdn.getPluralName("USD", "other"));
// unknown plural category, substitute "other"
assertEquals("de_USD_plural_foo", "US-Dollar", cdn.getPluralName("USD", "foo"));
cdn = CurrencyDisplayNames.getInstance(ULocale.forLanguageTag("en-US"));
assertEquals("en-US_USD_name", "US Dollar", cdn.getName("USD"));
assertEquals("en-US_USD_symbol", "$", cdn.getSymbol("USD"));
assertEquals("en-US_USD_plural_one", "US dollar", cdn.getPluralName("USD", "one"));
assertEquals("en-US_USD_plural_other", "US dollars", cdn.getPluralName("USD", "other"));
assertEquals("en-US_FOO_name", "FOO", cdn.getName("FOO"));
assertEquals("en-US_FOO_symbol", "FOO", cdn.getSymbol("FOO"));
assertEquals("en-US_FOO_plural_other", "FOO", cdn.getPluralName("FOO", "other"));
assertEquals("en-US bundle", "en", cdn.getULocale().toString());
cdn = CurrencyDisplayNames.getInstance(ULocale.forLanguageTag("zz-Gggg-YY"));
assertEquals("bundle from current locale", "en", cdn.getULocale().toString());
// with no substitute
cdn = CurrencyDisplayNames.getInstance(ULocale.GERMANY, true);
assertNotNull("have currency data for Germany", cdn);
// known currency, behavior unchanged
assertEquals("de_USD_name", "US-Dollar", cdn.getName("USD"));
assertEquals("de_USD_symbol", "$", cdn.getSymbol("USD"));
assertEquals("de_USD_plural_other", "US-Dollar", cdn.getPluralName("USD", "other"));
// known currency but unknown plural category
assertNull("de_USD_plural_foo", cdn.getPluralName("USD", "foo"));
// unknown currency, get null
assertNull("de_FOO_name", cdn.getName("FOO"));
assertNull("de_FOO_symbol", cdn.getSymbol("FOO"));
assertNull("de_FOO_plural_other", cdn.getPluralName("FOO", "other"));
assertNull("de_FOO_plural_foo", cdn.getPluralName("FOO", "foo"));
// unknown locale with no substitute
cdn = CurrencyDisplayNames.getInstance(ULocale.forLanguageTag("zz-Gggg-YY"), true);
String ln = "";
if (cdn != null) {
ln = " (" + cdn.getULocale().toString() + ")";
assertNull("no fallback from unknown locale" + ln , cdn);
// Locale version
cdn = CurrencyDisplayNames.getInstance(Locale.GERMANY, true);
assertNotNull("have currency data for Germany (Java Locale)", cdn);
assertEquals("de_USD_name (Locale)", "US-Dollar", cdn.getName("USD"));
assertNull("de_FOO_name (Locale)", cdn.getName("FOO"));
// Coverage-only test of CurrencyData
public void TestCurrencyData() {
CurrencyData.DefaultInfo info_fallback = (CurrencyData.DefaultInfo)CurrencyData.DefaultInfo.getWithFallback(true);
if (info_fallback == null) {
errln("getWithFallback() returned null.");
CurrencyData.DefaultInfo info_nofallback = (CurrencyData.DefaultInfo)CurrencyData.DefaultInfo.getWithFallback(false);
if (info_nofallback == null) {
errln("getWithFallback() returned null.");
if (!info_fallback.getName("isoCode").equals("isoCode") || info_nofallback.getName("isoCode") != null) {
errln("Error calling getName().");
if (!info_fallback.getPluralName("isoCode", "type").equals("isoCode") || info_nofallback.getPluralName("isoCode", "type") != null) {
errln("Error calling getPluralName().");
if (!info_fallback.getSymbol("isoCode").equals("isoCode") || info_nofallback.getSymbol("isoCode") != null) {
errln("Error calling getSymbol().");
if (!info_fallback.symbolMap().isEmpty()) {
errln("symbolMap() should return empty map.");
if (!info_fallback.nameMap().isEmpty()) {
errln("nameMap() should return empty map.");
if (!info_fallback.getUnitPatterns().isEmpty() || info_nofallback.getUnitPatterns() != null) {
errln("Error calling getUnitPatterns().");
if (!info_fallback.getSpacingInfo().equals((CurrencyData.CurrencySpacingInfo.DEFAULT)) ||
info_nofallback.getSpacingInfo() != null) {
errln("Error calling getSpacingInfo().");
if (info_fallback.getULocale() != ULocale.ROOT) {
errln("Error calling getLocale().");
if (info_fallback.getFormatInfo("isoCode") != null) {
errln("Error calling getFormatInfo().");
// A real test of CurrencyMetaInfo.
public void testCurrencyMetaInfoRanges() {
CurrencyMetaInfo metainfo = CurrencyMetaInfo.getInstance(true);
assertNotNull("have metainfo", metainfo);
CurrencyFilter filter = CurrencyFilter.onRegion("DE"); // must be capitalized
List<CurrencyInfo> currenciesInGermany = metainfo.currencyInfo(filter);
logln("currencies: " + currenciesInGermany.size());
DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z");
Date demLastDate = new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE);
Date eurFirstDate = new Date(Long.MIN_VALUE);
for (CurrencyInfo info : currenciesInGermany) {
logln("from: " + fmt.format(info.from)+ Long.toHexString(info.from));
logln(" to: " + fmt.format( + Long.toHexString(;
if (info.code.equals("DEM")) {
demLastDate = new Date(;
} else if (info.code.equals("EUR")) {
eurFirstDate = new Date(info.from);
// the Euro and Deutschmark overlapped for several years
assertEquals("DEM available at last date", 2, metainfo.currencyInfo(filter.withDate(demLastDate)).size());
// demLastDate + 1 millisecond is not the start of the last day, we consider it the next day, so...
Date demLastDatePlus1ms = new Date(demLastDate.getTime() + 1);
assertEquals("DEM not available after very start of last date", 1, metainfo.currencyInfo(filter.withDate(demLastDatePlus1ms)).size());
// both available for start of euro
assertEquals("EUR available on start of first date", 2, metainfo.currencyInfo(filter.withDate(eurFirstDate)).size());
// but not one millisecond before the start of the first day
Date eurFirstDateMinus1ms = new Date(eurFirstDate.getTime() - 1);
assertEquals("EUR not avilable before very start of first date", 1, metainfo.currencyInfo(filter.withDate(eurFirstDateMinus1ms)).size());
// end time is last millisecond of day
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
assertEquals("hour is 23", 23, cal.get(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
assertEquals("minute is 59", 59, cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE));
assertEquals("second is 59", 59, cal.get(GregorianCalendar.SECOND));
assertEquals("millisecond is 999", 999, cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND));
// start time is first millisecond of day
assertEquals("hour is 0", 0, cal.get(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
assertEquals("minute is 0", 0, cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE));
assertEquals("second is 0", 0, cal.get(GregorianCalendar.SECOND));
assertEquals("millisecond is 0", 0, cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND));
public void testCurrencyMetaInfoRangesWithLongs() {
CurrencyMetaInfo metainfo = CurrencyMetaInfo.getInstance(true);
assertNotNull("have metainfo", metainfo);
CurrencyFilter filter = CurrencyFilter.onRegion("DE"); // must be capitalized
List<CurrencyInfo> currenciesInGermany = metainfo.currencyInfo(filter);
CurrencyFilter filter_br = CurrencyFilter.onRegion("BR"); // must be capitalized
List<CurrencyInfo> currenciesInBrazil = metainfo.currencyInfo(filter_br);
logln("currencies Germany: " + currenciesInGermany.size());
logln("currencies Brazil: " + currenciesInBrazil.size());
long demFirstDate = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long demLastDate = Long.MAX_VALUE;
long eurFirstDate = Long.MIN_VALUE;
CurrencyInfo demInfo = null;
for (CurrencyInfo info : currenciesInGermany) {
if (info.code.equals("DEM")) {
demInfo = info;
demFirstDate = info.from;
demLastDate =;
} else if (info.code.equals("EUR")) {
eurFirstDate = info.from;
// the Euro and Deutschmark overlapped for several years
assertEquals("DEM available at last date", 2, metainfo.currencyInfo(filter.withDate(demLastDate)).size());
// demLastDate + 1 millisecond is not the start of the last day, we consider it the next day, so...
long demLastDatePlus1ms = demLastDate + 1;
assertEquals("DEM not available after very start of last date", 1, metainfo.currencyInfo(filter.withDate(demLastDatePlus1ms)).size());
// both available for start of euro
assertEquals("EUR available on start of first date", 2, metainfo.currencyInfo(filter.withDate(eurFirstDate)).size());
// but not one millisecond before the start of the first day
long eurFirstDateMinus1ms = eurFirstDate - 1;
assertEquals("EUR not avilable before very start of first date", 1,
// Deutschmark available from first millisecond on
assertEquals("Millisecond of DEM Big Bang", 1,
assertEquals("From Deutschmark to Euro", 2,
metainfo.currencyInfo(CurrencyFilter.onDateRange(demFirstDate, eurFirstDate).withRegion("DE")).size());
assertEquals("all Tender for Brazil", 7,
assertTrue("No legal tender", demInfo.isTender());
public void TestWithTender() {
CurrencyMetaInfo metainfo = CurrencyMetaInfo.getInstance();
if (metainfo == null) {
errln("Unable to get CurrencyMetaInfo instance.");
CurrencyMetaInfo.CurrencyFilter filter =
List<String> currencies = metainfo.currencies(filter);
assertTrue("More than one currency for switzerland", currencies.size() > 1);
"With tender",
Arrays.asList(new String[] {"CHF", "CHE", "CHW"}),
// Coverage-only test of the CurrencyMetaInfo class
public void TestCurrencyMetaInfo() {
CurrencyMetaInfo metainfo = CurrencyMetaInfo.getInstance();
if (metainfo == null) {
errln("Unable to get CurrencyMetaInfo instance.");
if (!CurrencyMetaInfo.hasData()) {
errln("hasData() should note return false.");
CurrencyMetaInfo.CurrencyFilter filter;
CurrencyMetaInfo.CurrencyInfo info;
CurrencyMetaInfo.CurrencyDigits digits;
{ // CurrencyFilter
filter = CurrencyMetaInfo.CurrencyFilter.onCurrency("currency");
CurrencyMetaInfo.CurrencyFilter filter2 = CurrencyMetaInfo.CurrencyFilter.onCurrency("test");
if (filter == null) {
errln("Unable to create CurrencyFilter.");
if (filter.equals(new Object())) {
errln("filter should not equal to Object");
if (filter.equals(filter2)) {
errln("filter should not equal filter2");
if (filter.hashCode() == 0) {
errln("Error getting filter hashcode");
if (filter.toString() == null) {
errln("Error calling toString()");
{ // CurrencyInfo
info = new CurrencyMetaInfo.CurrencyInfo("region", "code", 0, 1, 1, false);
if (info == null) {
errln("Error creating CurrencyInfo.");
if (info.toString() == null) {
errln("Error calling toString()");
{ // CurrencyDigits
digits = metainfo.currencyDigits("isoCode");
if (digits == null) {
errln("Unable to get CurrencyDigits.");
if (digits.toString() == null) {
errln("Error calling toString()");
public void TestCurrencyKeyword() {
ULocale locale = new ULocale("th_TH@collation=traditional;currency=QQQ");
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(locale);
String result = currency.getCurrencyCode();
if (!"QQQ".equals(result)) {
errln("got unexpected currency: " + result);
public void TestAvailableCurrencyCodes() {
String[][] tests = {
{ "eo_AM", "1950-01-05" },
{ "eo_AM", "1969-12-31", "SUR" },
{ "eo_AM", "1991-12-26", "RUR" },
{ "eo_AM", "2000-12-23", "AMD" },
{ "eo_AD", "2000-12-23", "EUR", "ESP", "FRF", "ADP" },
{ "eo_AD", "1969-12-31", "ESP", "FRF", "ADP" },
{ "eo_AD", "1950-01-05", "ESP", "ADP" },
{ "eo_AD", "1900-01-17", "ESP" },
{ "eo_UA", "1994-12-25" },
{ "eo_QQ", "1969-12-31" },
{ "eo_AO", "2000-12-23", "AOA" },
{ "eo_AO", "1995-12-25", "AOR", "AON" },
{ "eo_AO", "1990-12-26", "AON", "AOK" },
{ "eo_AO", "1979-12-29", "AOK" },
{ "eo_AO", "1969-12-31" },
{ "eo_DE@currency=DEM", "2000-12-23", "EUR", "DEM" },
{ "eo-DE-u-cu-dem", "2000-12-23", "EUR", "DEM" },
{ "en_US", null, "USD", "USN" },
{ "en_US_PREEURO", null, "USD", "USN" },
{ "en_US_Q", null, "USD", "USN" },
DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US);
for (String[] test : tests) {
ULocale locale = new ULocale(test[0]);
String timeString = test[1];
Date date;
if (timeString == null) {
date = new Date();
timeString = "today";
} else {
try {
date = fmt.parse(timeString);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("could not parse date: " + timeString);
String[] expected = null;
if (test.length > 2) {
expected = new String[test.length - 2];
System.arraycopy(test, 2, expected, 0, expected.length);
String[] actual = Currency.getAvailableCurrencyCodes(locale, date);
// Order is not important as of 4.4. We never documented that it was.
Set<String> expectedSet = new HashSet<String>();
if (expected != null) {
Set<String> actualSet = new HashSet<String>();
if (actual != null) {
assertEquals(locale + " on " + timeString, expectedSet, actualSet);
// With Java Locale
// Note: skip this test on Java 6 or older when keywords are available
if (locale.getKeywords() == null || TestUtil.getJavaVendor() == JavaVendor.Android || TestUtil.getJavaVersion() >= 7) {
Locale javaloc = locale.toLocale();
String[] actualWithJavaLocale = Currency.getAvailableCurrencyCodes(javaloc, date);
// should be exactly same with the ULocale version
boolean same = true;
if (actual == null) {
if (actualWithJavaLocale != null) {
same = false;
} else {
if (actualWithJavaLocale == null || actual.length != actualWithJavaLocale.length) {
same = false;
} else {
same = true;
for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
if (!actual[i].equals(actualWithJavaLocale[i])) {
same = false;
assertTrue("getAvailableCurrencyCodes with ULocale vs Locale", same);
public void TestDeprecatedCurrencyFormat() {
// bug 5952
Locale locale = new Locale("sr", "QQ");
DecimalFormatSymbols icuSymbols = new;
String symbol = icuSymbols.getCurrencySymbol();
Currency currency = icuSymbols.getCurrency();
String expectCur = null;
String expectSym = "\u00A4";
if(!symbol.toString().equals(expectSym) || currency != null) {
errln("for " + locale + " expected " + expectSym+"/"+expectCur + " but got " + symbol+"/"+currency);
} else {
logln("for " + locale + " expected " + expectSym+"/"+expectCur + " and got " + symbol+"/"+currency);
public void TestGetKeywordValues(){
final String[][] PREFERRED = {
{"root", },
{"und", },
{"und_ZZ", "XAG", "XAU", "XBA", "XBB", "XBC", "XBD", "XDR", "XPD", "XPT", "XSU", "XTS", "XUA", "XXX"},
{"en_US", "USD", "USN"},
{"en_029", },
{"en_TH", "THB"},
{"de", "EUR"},
{"de_DE", "EUR"},
{"de_ZZ", "XAG", "XAU", "XBA", "XBB", "XBC", "XBD", "XDR", "XPD", "XPT", "XSU", "XTS", "XUA", "XXX"},
{"ar", "EGP"},
{"ar_PS", "ILS", "JOD"},
{"en@currency=CAD", "USD", "USN"},
{"fr@currency=ZZZ", "EUR"},
{"de_DE@currency=DEM", "EUR"},
{"en_US@rg=THZZZZ", "THB"},
{"de@rg=USZZZZ", "USD", "USN"},
{"en_US@currency=CAD;rg=THZZZZ", "THB"},
String[] ALL = Currency.getKeywordValuesForLocale("currency", ULocale.getDefault(), false);
HashSet ALLSET = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < ALL.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < PREFERRED.length; i++) {
ULocale loc = new ULocale(PREFERRED[i][0]);
String[] expected = new String[PREFERRED[i].length - 1];
System.arraycopy(PREFERRED[i], 1, expected, 0, expected.length);
String[] pref = Currency.getKeywordValuesForLocale("currency", loc, true);
assertEquals(loc.toString(), expected, pref);
String[] all = Currency.getKeywordValuesForLocale("currency", loc, false);
// The items in the two collections should match (ignore order,
// behavior change from 4.3.3)
Set<String> returnedSet = new HashSet<String>();
assertEquals(loc.toString(), ALLSET, returnedSet);
public void TestIsAvailable() {
Date d1995 = new Date(788918400000L); // 1995-01-01 00:00 GMT
Date d2000 = new Date(946684800000L); // 2000-01-01 00:00 GMT
Date d2005 = new Date(1104537600000L); // 2005-01-01 00:00 GMT
assertTrue("USD all time", Currency.isAvailable("USD", null, null));
assertTrue("USD before 1995", Currency.isAvailable("USD", null, d1995));
assertTrue("USD 1995-2005", Currency.isAvailable("USD", d1995, d2005));
assertTrue("USD after 2005", Currency.isAvailable("USD", d2005, null));
assertTrue("USD on 2005-01-01", Currency.isAvailable("USD", d2005, d2005));
assertTrue("usd all time", Currency.isAvailable("usd", null, null));
assertTrue("DEM all time", Currency.isAvailable("DEM", null, null));
assertTrue("DEM before 1995", Currency.isAvailable("DEM", null, d1995));
assertTrue("DEM 1995-2000", Currency.isAvailable("DEM", d1995, d2000));
assertTrue("DEM 1995-2005", Currency.isAvailable("DEM", d1995, d2005));
assertFalse("DEM after 2005", Currency.isAvailable("DEM", d2005, null));
assertTrue("DEM on 2000-01-01", Currency.isAvailable("DEM", d2000, d2000));
assertFalse("DEM on 2005-01-01", Currency.isAvailable("DEM", d2005, d2005));
assertTrue("CHE all the time", Currency.isAvailable("CHE", null, null));
assertFalse("XXY unknown code", Currency.isAvailable("XXY", null, null));
assertFalse("USDOLLAR invalid code", Currency.isAvailable("USDOLLAR", null, null));
// illegal argument combination
try {
Currency.isAvailable("USD", d2005, d1995);
errln("Expected IllegalArgumentException, because lower range is after upper range");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
logln("IllegalArgumentException, because lower range is after upper range");
* Test case for getAvailableCurrencies()
public void TestGetAvailableCurrencies() {
Set<Currency> avail1 = Currency.getAvailableCurrencies();
// returned set must be modifiable - add one more currency
avail1.add(Currency.getInstance("ZZZ")); // ZZZ is not defined by ISO 4217
Set<Currency> avail2 = Currency.getAvailableCurrencies();
assertTrue("avail1 does not contain all currencies in avail2", avail1.containsAll(avail2));
assertTrue("avail1 must have one more currency", (avail1.size() - avail2.size() == 1));
* Test case for getNumericCode()
public void TestGetNumericCode() {
final Object[][] NUMCODE_TESTDATA = {
{"USD", 840},
{"Usd", 840}, /* mixed casing */
{"EUR", 978},
{"JPY", 392},
{"XFU", 0}, /* XFU: no numeric code */
{"ZZZ", 0}, /* ZZZ: undefined ISO currency code */
for (Object[] data : NUMCODE_TESTDATA) {
Currency cur = Currency.getInstance((String)data[0]);
int numCode = cur.getNumericCode();
int expected = ((Integer)data[1]).intValue();
if (numCode != expected) {
errln("FAIL: getNumericCode returned " + numCode + " for "
+ cur.getCurrencyCode() + " - expected: " + expected);
* Test case for getDisplayName()
public void TestGetDisplayName() {
final String[][] DISPNAME_TESTDATA = {
{"USD", "US Dollar"},
{"EUR", "Euro"},
{"JPY", "Japanese Yen"},
Locale defLocale = Locale.getDefault();
Locale jaJP = new Locale("ja", "JP");
Locale root = new Locale("");
for (String[] data : DISPNAME_TESTDATA) {
Currency cur = Currency.getInstance(data[0]);
assertEquals("getDisplayName() for " + data[0], data[1], cur.getDisplayName());
assertEquals("getDisplayName() for " + data[0] + " in locale " + defLocale, data[1], cur.getDisplayName(defLocale));
// ICU has localized display name for ja
assertNotEquals("getDisplayName() for " + data[0] + " in locale " + jaJP, data[1], cur.getDisplayName(jaJP));
// root locale does not have any localized display names,
// so the currency code itself should be returned
assertEquals("getDisplayName() for " + data[0] + " in locale " + root, data[0], cur.getDisplayName(root));
public void TestCurrencyInfoCtor() {
new CurrencyMetaInfo.CurrencyInfo("region", "code", 0, 0, 1);
* Class CurrencyMetaInfo has methods which are overwritten by its derived classes.
* A derived class is defined here for the purpose of testing these methods.
* Since the creator of CurrencyMetaInfo is defined as 'protected', no instance of
* this class can be created directly.
public class TestCurrencyMetaInfo extends CurrencyMetaInfo {
final TestCurrencyMetaInfo tcurrMetaInfo = new TestCurrencyMetaInfo();
* Test methods of base class CurrencyMetaInfo. ICU4J only creates subclasses,
* never an instance of the base class.
public void TestCurrMetaInfoBaseClass() {
CurrencyFilter usFilter = CurrencyFilter.onRegion("US");
assertEquals("Empty list expected", 0, tcurrMetaInfo.currencyInfo(usFilter).size());
assertEquals("Empty list expected", 0, tcurrMetaInfo.currencies(usFilter).size());
assertEquals("Empty list expected", 0, tcurrMetaInfo.regions(usFilter).size());
assertEquals("Iso format for digits expected",
* Test cases for rounding and fractions.
public void testGetDefaultFractionDigits_CurrencyUsage() {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(ULocale.CHINA);
int cashFractionDigits = currency.getDefaultFractionDigits(Currency.CurrencyUsage.CASH);
assertEquals("number of digits in fraction incorrect", 2, cashFractionDigits);
public void testGetRoundingIncrement() {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(ULocale.JAPAN);
// It appears as though this always returns 0 irrespective of the currency.
double roundingIncrement = currency.getRoundingIncrement();
assertEquals("Rounding increment not zero", 0.0, roundingIncrement, 0.0);
public void testGetRoundingIncrement_CurrencyUsage() {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(ULocale.JAPAN);
// It appears as though this always returns 0 irrespective of the currency or usage.
double roundingIncrement = currency.getRoundingIncrement(Currency.CurrencyUsage.CASH);
assertEquals("Rounding increment not zero", 0.0, roundingIncrement, 0.0);
public void TestCurrencyDataCtor() throws Exception {