blob: 57eadff2c225a5c445cfae783bcff3b6e13685b5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/icu/text/,v $
* $Date: 2002/07/26 21:12:36 $
* $Revision: 1.11 $
import java.util.*;
* A transliterator that performs name to character mapping.
* @author Alan Liu
class NameUnicodeTransliterator extends Transliterator {
char openDelimiter;
char closeDelimiter;
static final String _ID = "Name-Any";
* System registration hook.
static void register() {
Transliterator.registerFactory(_ID, new Transliterator.Factory() {
public Transliterator getInstance(String ID) {
return new NameUnicodeTransliterator(null);
* Constructs a transliterator.
public NameUnicodeTransliterator(char openDelimiter, char closeDelimiter,
UnicodeFilter filter) {
super(_ID, filter);
this.openDelimiter = openDelimiter;
this.closeDelimiter = closeDelimiter;
* Constructs a transliterator with the default delimiters '{' and
* '}'.
public NameUnicodeTransliterator(UnicodeFilter filter) {
this('{', '}', filter);
* Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
protected void handleTransliterate(Replaceable text,
Position offsets, boolean isIncremental) {
// Longest name as of 3.0.0 is 83
final int LONGEST_NAME = 83;
// Accomodate the longest possible name plus padding
char[] buf = new char[LONGEST_NAME + 8];
// The only characters used in names are (as of Unicode 3.0.0):
// (first character is a space).
int cursor = offsets.start;
int limit = offsets.limit;
// Modes:
// 0 - looking for open delimiter
// 1 - after open delimiter
int mode = 0;
int ibuf = 0;
int openPos = offsets.start; // position of openDelimiter
int c;
for (; cursor < limit; cursor+=UTF16.getCharCount(c)) {
c = text.char32At(cursor);
switch (mode) {
case 0: // looking for open delimiter
if (c == openDelimiter) {
openPos = cursor;
mode = 1;
ibuf = 0;
case 1: // after open delimiter
// Look for [-a-zA-Z0-9<>]. If \s+ is found, convert it
// to a single space. If closeDelimiter is found, exit
// the loop. If any other character is found, exit the
// loop. If the limit is found, exit the loop.
if (UCharacterProperty.isRuleWhiteSpace(c)) {
// Ignore leading whitespace
if (ibuf != 0 && buf[ibuf-1] != (char)0x0020) {
buf[ibuf++] = (char)0x0020 /* */;
// If we go a bit past the longest possible name then abort
if (ibuf == (LONGEST_NAME + 4)) {
mode = 0;
if (c == closeDelimiter) {
// Delete trailing space, if any
if (ibuf > 0 && buf[ibuf-1] == (char)0x0020) {
int ch = UCharacter.getCharFromExtendedName(new String(buf, 0, ibuf));
if (ch != -1) {
// Lookup succeeded
String str = UTF16.valueOf(ch);
text.replace(openPos, cursor+1, str);
// Adjust indices for the change in the length of
// the string. Do not assume that str.length() ==
// 1, in case of surrogates.
int delta = cursor + 1 - openPos - str.length();
cursor -= delta;
limit -= delta;
// assert(cursor == openPos + str.length());
// If the lookup failed, we leave things as-is and
// still switch to mode 0 and continue.
mode = 0;
if (c >= (char)0x0061 && c <= (char)0x007A) {
c -= 0x0020; // [a-z] => [A-Z]
// Check if c =~ [-A-Za-z0-9<>]
if (c == (char)0x002D ||
(c >= (char)0x0041 && c <= (char)0x005A) ||
(c >= (char)0x0061 && c <= (char)0x007A) ||
(c >= (char)0x0030 && c <= (char)0x0039) ||
c == (char)0x003C || c == (char)0x003E) {
buf[ibuf++] = (char) c;
// If we go a bit past the longest possible name then abort
if (ibuf == (LONGEST_NAME + 4)) {
mode = 0;
// Invalid character
else {
--cursor; // Backup and reprocess this character
mode = 0;
offsets.contextLimit += limit - offsets.limit;
offsets.limit = limit;
// In incremental mode, only advance the cursor up to the last
// open delimiter, if we are in mode 1.
offsets.start = (mode == 1 && isIncremental) ? openPos : cursor;