blob: fb759f665fa1da72064258ff88ea853a366a7666 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/test/collator/Attic/,v $
* $Date: 2002/08/13 21:55:25 $
* $Revision: 1.3 $
public class CollationTestData extends ICUListResourceBundle {
public CollationTestData() {
super.contents = data;
static final Object[][] data = new Object[][] {
new Object[][]{
"This is locale based collation test for Danish",
new String[] {
"The following entries are separate tests " +
"containing test data for various locales." +
"Each entry has the following fields: Test" +
"Locale - the locale that we should instan" +
"tiate collator with.ArgumentStrength - st" +
"rength of collatorTestData - set of test " +
"cases, which are sequences of strings tha" +
"t will be parsedSequences must not change" +
" the sign of relation, i.e. we can only h" +
"ave < and = or> and = in single sequence." +
" Cannot mix < and > in the same sequence." +
" Whitespace isis ignored unless quoted.",
new Object[][]{
new Object[][]{
new Object[]{
new Object[]{
new String[] {
"njiva=n\uD834\uDD65ji" +
"va=n\uD834\uDD79jiva=" +
"n\u0000\u0000\u0000ji" +
"va=n\u0000jiva=n\uD800" +
"ljubav=l\u0000jubav=l" +
"\uD834\uDD79jubav=l\u0000" +
"\u0000\u0000jubav=l\uD800" +
"Ljubav=L\u0000jubav=L" +
"\uD834\uDD79jubav=L\u0000" +
"\u0000\u0000jubav=L\uD800" +
new Object[][]{
"Checks whether completely" +
" ignorable code points ar" +
"e skipped in contractions" +
new Object[]{
new Object[][]{
new Object[][]{
"& L < lj, Lj <<< LJ& " +
"N < nj, Nj <<< NJ ",
new Object[][]{
new Object[]{
new Object[]{
new String[] {
"\u30A1\u30FC= \u30A1\uDB40" +
"\uDC30\u30FC= \u30A1\uD800" +
"\u30FC= \u30A1\uFFFE\u30FC" +
"= \u30A1\uD834\uDD79\u30FC"
* +
"= \u30A1\u0000\u0000\u0000" +
"\u30FC= \u30A1\u0000\u30FC" +
"= \u30A1\u30FC= \u30A1" +
"\u0000\u059A\u30FC= \u30A1" +
new Object[][]{
"Checks whether completely" +
" ignorable code points ar" +
"e skipped in prefix proce" +
new Object[]{
new Object[][]{
new Object[][]{
new Object[]{
new Object[]{
new String[] {
"a' 'b<A' 'b<a' '\u0301" +
"b<A' '\u0301b<a' '\u0300" +
"b<A' '\u0300b<a_b<A_b" +
"<a_\u0301b<A_\u0301b<" +
"a_\u0300b<A_\u0300b<a" +
"\u0301b<A\u0301b<a\u0300" +
new Object[][]{
"New UCA states that prima" +
"ry ignorables should be c" +
"ompletely ignorable when " +
"following a shifted code " +
new Object[]{
new Object[][]{
"[alternate non-ignora" +
"ble][strength 3]",
new Object[][]{
new Object[]{
new Object[]{
new String[] {
new Object[][]{
"It turned out that surrog" +
"ates were not skipped pro" +
"perly when iterating back" +
"wards if they were in the" +
" middle of a contraction." +
" This test assures that t" +
"his is fixed.",
new Object[]{
new Object[][]{
"&a < x\uD800\uDC00b",
new Object[][]{
new Object[]{
new Object[]{
new String[] {
"a' 'b=a' '\u0300b=a' " +
"'\u0301b<a_b=a_\u0300" +
"b=a_\u0301b<A' 'b=A' " +
"'\u0300b=A' '\u0301b<" +
"A_b=A_\u0300b=A_\u0301" +
"b<a\u0301b<A\u0301b<a" +
new Object[][]{
"New UCA states that prima" +
"ry ignorables should be c" +
"ompletely ignorable when " +
"following a shifted code " +
new Object[]{
new Object[][]{
"[alternate shifted][s" +
"trength 4]",
// "da_TestPrimary",
new Object[][]{
new Object[]{
new Object[]{
new String[] {
new Object[][]{
"This test goes through pr" +
"imary strength cases",
new Object[]{
new Object[][]{
"[strength 1]",
// "da_TestTertiary",
new Object[][]{
new Object[]{
new Object[]{
new String[] {
"A/S<ANDRE<ANDR\u00C9<" +
"<CB<\u00C7C<D.S.B.<DA" +
"<DB<DSB<DSC<\u00D0A<\u00D0" +
"<H\u00C5NDBOG<HAANDV\u00C6" +
"RKSBANKEN<karl<Karl<'" +
"EN<'R\u00C9E, A'<'REE" +
", B'<'R\u00C9E, L'<'R" +
"EE, V'<'SCHYTT, B'<'S" +
"CHYTT, H'<'SCH\u00DCT" +
"T, H'<'SCHYTT, L'<'SC" +
"H\u00DCTT, M'<SS<\u00DF" +
"<STOREK\u00C6R0<'STOR" +
"YGESEN<\u00FEORVAR\u00D0" +
"UR<'VESTERG\u00C5RD, " +
"VESTERG\u00C5RD, B'<\u00C6" +
"BLE<\u00C4BLE<\u00D8B" +
"andere<chaque<chemin<" +
"cote<cot\u00E9<c\u00F4" +
"te<c\u00F4t\u00E9<\u010D" +
"u\u010D\u0113t<Czech<" +
"hi\u0161a<irdisch<lie" +
"<lire<llama<l\u00F5ug" +
"<l\u00F2za<lu\u010D<l" +
"uck<L\u00FCbeck<lye<l" +
"\u00E4vi<L\u00F6wen<m" +
"\u00E0\u0161ta<m\u00EE" +
"r<myndig<M\u00E4nner<" +
"m\u00F6chten<pi\u00F1" +
"a<pint<pylon<\u0161\u00E0" +
"ran<savoir<\u0160erb\u016B" +
"ra<Sietla<\u015Blub<s" +
"ubtle<symbol<s\u00E4m" +
"tlich<waffle<verkehrt" +
"<wood<vox<v\u00E4ga<y" +
"en<yuan<yucca<\u017Ea" +
"l<\u017Eena<\u017Den\u0113" +
"va<zoo0<Zviedrija<Z\u00FC" +
"rich<zysk0<\u00E4nder" +
new Object[][]{
"This test goes through te" +
"rtiary strength cases",
new Object[]{
new Object[][]{
"[strength 3]",