blob: d4b51aea88ad9a18f14e02f969bcd87e1e98b02a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Set;
* This class represents the information needed by
* DecimalFormat to format currency plural,
* such as "3.00 US dollars" or "1.00 US dollar".
* DecimalFormat creates for itself an instance of
* CurrencyPluralInfo from its locale data.
* If you need to change any of these symbols, you can get the
* CurrencyPluralInfo object from your
* DecimalFormat and modify it.
* Following are the information needed for currency plural format and parse:
* locale information,
* plural rule of the locale,
* currency plural pattern of the locale.
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public class CurrencyPluralInfo implements Cloneable, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
* Create a CurrencyPluralInfo object for the default locale.
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public CurrencyPluralInfo() {
initialize( ULocale.getDefault() );
* Create a CurrencyPluralInfo object for the given locale.
* @param locale the locale
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public CurrencyPluralInfo( Locale locale ) {
initialize( ULocale.forLocale(locale) );
* Create a CurrencyPluralInfo object for the given locale.
* @param locale the locale
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public CurrencyPluralInfo( ULocale locale ) {
initialize( locale );
* Gets a CurrencyPluralInfo instance for the default locale.
* @return A CurrencyPluralInfo instance.
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static CurrencyPluralInfo getInstance() {
return new CurrencyPluralInfo();
* Gets a CurrencyPluralInfo instance for the given locale.
* @param locale the locale.
* @return A CurrencyPluralInfo instance.
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static CurrencyPluralInfo getInstance(Locale locale) {
return new CurrencyPluralInfo(locale);
* Gets a CurrencyPluralInfo instance for the given locale.
* @param locale the locale.
* @return A CurrencyPluralInfo instance.
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static CurrencyPluralInfo getInstance(ULocale locale) {
return new CurrencyPluralInfo(locale);
* Gets plural rules of this locale, used for currency plural format
* @return plural rule
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public PluralRules getPluralRules() {
return pluralRules;
* Given a plural count, gets currency plural pattern of this locale,
* used for currency plural format
* @param pluralCount currency plural count
* @return a currency plural pattern based on plural count
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public String getCurrencyPluralPattern(String pluralCount) {
String currencyPluralPattern =
if (currencyPluralPattern == null) {
// fall back to "other"
if (!pluralCount.equals("other")) {
currencyPluralPattern =
if (currencyPluralPattern == null) {
// no currencyUnitPatterns defined,
// fallback to predefined defult.
// This should never happen when ICU resource files are
// available, since currencyUnitPattern of "other" is always
// defined in root.
currencyPluralPattern = defaultCurrencyPluralPattern;
return currencyPluralPattern;
* Get locale
* @return locale
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public ULocale getLocale() {
return ulocale;
* Set plural rules.
* The plural rule is set when CurrencyPluralInfo
* instance is created.
* You can call this method to reset plural rules only if you want
* to modify the default plural rule of the locale.
* @param ruleDescription new plural rule description
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public void setPluralRules(String ruleDescription) {
pluralRules = PluralRules.createRules(ruleDescription);
* Set currency plural patterns.
* The currency plural pattern is set when CurrencyPluralInfo
* instance is created.
* You can call this method to reset currency plural patterns only if
* you want to modify the default currency plural pattern of the locale.
* @param pluralCount the plural count for which the currency pattern will
* be overridden.
* @param pattern the new currency plural pattern
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public void setCurrencyPluralPattern(String pluralCount, String pattern) {
pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern.put(pluralCount, pattern);
* Set locale
* @param loc the new locale to set
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public void setLocale(ULocale loc) {
ulocale = loc;
* Standard override
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Object clone() {
try {
CurrencyPluralInfo other = (CurrencyPluralInfo) super.clone();
// locale is immutable
other.ulocale = (ULocale)ulocale.clone();
// plural rule is immutable
//other.pluralRules = pluralRules;
// clone content
//other.pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern = pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern;
other.pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern = new HashMap();
Iterator iter = pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String pluralCount = (String);
String currencyPattern = (String)pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern.get(pluralCount);
other.pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern.put(pluralCount, currencyPattern);
return other;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
* Override equals
* @draft ICU 4.2
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public boolean equals(Object a) {
if (a instanceof CurrencyPluralInfo) {
CurrencyPluralInfo other = (CurrencyPluralInfo)a;
return pluralRules.equals(other.pluralRules) &&
return false;
* Given a number, returns the keyword of the first rule that applies
* to the number
String select(double number) {
* Currency plural pattern iterator.
* @return a iterator on currency plural pattern key set.
Iterator pluralPatternIterator() {
return pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern.keySet().iterator();
private void initialize(ULocale uloc) {
ulocale = uloc;
pluralRules = PluralRules.forLocale(uloc);
private void setupCurrencyPluralPattern(ULocale uloc) {
pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern = new HashMap();
Set pluralCountSet = new HashSet();
ULocale parentLocale = uloc;
String numberStylePattern = NumberFormat.getPattern(uloc, NumberFormat.NUMBERSTYLE);
while (parentLocale != null) {
try {
ICUResourceBundle resource = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, parentLocale);
ICUResourceBundle currencyRes = resource.getWithFallback("CurrencyUnitPatterns");
int size = currencyRes.getSize();
for (int index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
String pluralCount = currencyRes.get(index).getKey();
if (pluralCountSet.contains(pluralCount)) {
String pattern = currencyRes.get(index).getString();
// replace {0} with numberStylePattern
// and {1} with triple currency sign
String patternWithNumber = Utility.replace(pattern, "{0}", numberStylePattern);
String patternWithCurrencySign = Utility.replace(patternWithNumber, "{1}", tripleCurrencyStr);
pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern.put(pluralCount, patternWithCurrencySign);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
parentLocale = parentLocale.getFallback();
//-------------------- private data member ---------------------
// triple currency sign char array
private static final char[] tripleCurrencySign = {0xA4, 0xA4, 0xA4};
// triple currency sign string
private static final String tripleCurrencyStr = new String(tripleCurrencySign);
// default currency plural pattern char array
private static final char[] defaultCurrencyPluralPatternChar = {0, '.', '#', '#', ' ', 0xA4, 0xA4, 0xA4};
// default currency plural pattern string
private static final String defaultCurrencyPluralPattern = new String(defaultCurrencyPluralPatternChar);
// map from plural count to currency plural pattern, for example
// one (plural count) --> {0} {1} (currency plural pattern,
// in which, {0} is the amount number, and {1} is the currency plural name.
private Map pluralCountToCurrencyUnitPattern = null;
* The plural rule is used to format currency plural name,
* for example: "3.00 US Dollars".
* If there are 3 currency signs in the currency patttern,
* the 3 currency signs will be replaced by currency plural name.
private PluralRules pluralRules = null;
// locale
private ULocale ulocale = null;