blob: 677dbb99b0eccd0c7e0e47b406db92e3438ba7e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* This class reads the *.res resource bundle format
* (For the latest version of the file format documentation see
* ICU4C's source/common/uresdata.h file.)
* File format for .res resource bundle files (formatVersion=1.2)
* An ICU4C resource bundle file (.res) is a binary, memory-mappable file
* with nested, hierarchical data structures.
* It physically contains the following:
* Resource root; -- 32-bit Resource item, root item for this bundle's tree;
* currently, the root item must be a table or table32 resource item
* int32_t indexes[indexes[0]]; -- array of indexes for friendly
* reading and swapping; see URES_INDEX_* above
* new in formatVersion 1.1 (ICU 2.8)
* char keys[]; -- characters for key strings
* (formatVersion 1.0: up to 65k of characters; 1.1: <2G)
* (minus the space for root and indexes[]),
* which consist of invariant characters (ASCII/EBCDIC) and are NUL-terminated;
* padded to multiple of 4 bytes for 4-alignment of the following data
* data; -- data directly and indirectly indexed by the root item;
* the structure is determined by walking the tree
* Each resource bundle item has a 32-bit Resource handle (see typedef above)
* which contains the item type number in its upper 4 bits (31..28) and either
* an offset or a direct value in its lower 28 bits (27..0).
* The order of items is undefined and only determined by walking the tree.
* Leaves of the tree may be stored first or last or anywhere in between,
* and it is in theory possible to have unreferenced holes in the file.
* Direct values:
* - Empty Unicode strings have an offset value of 0 in the Resource handle itself.
* - Integer values are 28-bit values stored in the Resource handle itself;
* the interpretation of unsigned vs. signed integers is up to the application.
* All other types and values use 28-bit offsets to point to the item's data.
* The offset is an index to the first 32-bit word of the value, relative to the
* start of the resource data (i.e., the root item handle is at offset 0).
* To get byte offsets, the offset is multiplied by 4 (or shifted left by 2 bits).
* All resource item values are 4-aligned.
* The structures (memory layouts) for the values for each item type are listed
* in the table above.
* Nested, hierarchical structures: -------------
* Table items contain key-value pairs where the keys are 16-bit offsets to char * key strings.
* Key string offsets are also relative to the start of the resource data (of the root handle),
* i.e., the first string has an offset of 4 (after the 4-byte root handle).
* The values of these pairs are Resource handles.
* Array items are simple vectors of Resource handles.
* An alias item is special (and new in ICU 2.4): --------------
* Its memory layout is just like for a UnicodeString, but at runtime it resolves to
* another resource bundle's item according to the path in the string.
* This is used to share items across bundles that are in different lookup/fallback
* chains (e.g., large collation data among zh_TW and zh_HK).
* This saves space (for large items) and maintenance effort (less duplication of data).
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Resource types:
* Most resources have their values stored at four-byte offsets from the start
* of the resource data. These values are at least 4-aligned.
* Some resource values are stored directly in the offset field of the Resource itself.
* See UResType in unicode/ures.h for enumeration constants for Resource types.
* Type Name Memory layout of values
* (in parentheses: scalar, non-offset values)
* 0 Unicode String: int32_t length, UChar[length], (UChar)0, (padding)
* or (empty string ("") if offset==0)
* 1 Binary: int32_t length, uint8_t[length], (padding)
* - this value should be 32-aligned -
* 2 Table: uint16_t count, uint16_t keyStringOffsets[count], (uint16_t padding), Resource[count]
* 3 Alias: (physically same value layout as string, new in ICU 2.4)
* 4 Table32: int32_t count, int32_t keyStringOffsets[count], Resource[count]
* (new in formatVersion 1.1/ICU 2.8)
* 7 Integer: (28-bit offset is integer value)
* 8 Array: int32_t count, Resource[count]
* 14 Integer Vector: int32_t length, int32_t[length]
* 15 Reserved: This value denotes special purpose resources and is for internal use.
* Note that there are 3 types with data vector values:
* - Vectors of 8-bit bytes stored as type Binary.
* - Vectors of 16-bit words stored as type Unicode String
* (no value restrictions, all values 0..ffff allowed!).
* - Vectors of 32-bit words stored as type Integer Vector.
public final class ICUResourceBundleReader implements ICUBinary.Authenticate{
* File format version that this class understands.
* "ResB"
private static final byte DATA_FORMAT_ID[] = {(byte)0x52, (byte)0x65,
(byte)0x73, (byte)0x42};
private static final String ICU_RESOURCE_SUFFIX = ".res";
/* indexes[] value names; indexes are generally 32-bit (Resource) indexes */
private static final int URES_INDEX_LENGTH = 0; /* [0] contains URES_INDEX_TOP==the length of indexes[] */
//private static final int URES_INDEX_STRINGS_TOP = 1; /* [1] contains the top of the strings, */
/* same as the bottom of resources, rounded up */
//private static final int URES_INDEX_RESOURCES_TOP = 2; /* [2] contains the top of all resources */
private static final int URES_INDEX_BUNDLE_TOP = 3; /* [3] contains the top of the bundle, */
/* in case it were ever different from [2] */
//private static final int URES_INDEX_MAX_TABLE_LENGTH = 4; /* [4] max. length of any table */
private static final int URES_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES = 5; /* [5] attributes bit set, see URES_ATT_* (new in formatVersion 1.2) */
//private static final int URES_INDEX_TOP = 6;
//private static final int URES_STRINGS_BOTTOM=(1+URES_INDEX_TOP)*4;
* Nofallback attribute, attribute bit 0 in indexes[URES_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES].
* New in formatVersion 1.2 (ICU 3.6).
* If set, then this resource bundle is a standalone bundle.
* If not set, then the bundle participates in locale fallback, eventually
* all the way to the root bundle.
* If indexes[] is missing or too short, then the attribute cannot be determined
* reliably. Dependency checking should ignore such bundles, and loading should
* use fallbacks.
private static final int URES_ATT_NO_FALLBACK = 1;
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private byte[] /* formatVersion, */ dataVersion;
private int rootRes;
private int[] indexes;
private boolean noFallback; /* see URES_ATT_NO_FALLBACK */
private byte[] data;
private ICUResourceBundleReader(InputStream stream, String resolvedName){
BufferedInputStream bs = new BufferedInputStream(stream);
if(DEBUG) System.out.println("The InputStream class is: " + stream.getClass().getName());
if(DEBUG) System.out.println("The BufferedInputStream class is: " + bs.getClass().getName());
if(DEBUG) System.out.println("The bytes avialable in stream before reading the header: " + bs.available());
dataVersion = ICUBinary.readHeader(bs,DATA_FORMAT_ID,this);
if(DEBUG) System.out.println("The bytes available in stream after reading the header: " + bs.available());
}catch(IOException ex){
throw new RuntimeException("Data file "+ resolvedName+ " is corrupt - " + ex.getMessage());
public static ICUResourceBundleReader getReader(String baseName, String localeName, ClassLoader root){
String resolvedName = getFullName(baseName, localeName);
InputStream stream = ICUData.getStream(root,resolvedName);
return null;
ICUResourceBundleReader reader = new ICUResourceBundleReader(stream, resolvedName);
return reader;
private static void writeInt(int i, byte[] bytes, int offset) {
private void readData(InputStream stream)
throws IOException{
DataInputStream ds = new DataInputStream(stream);
if(DEBUG) System.out.println("The DataInputStream class is: " + ds.getClass().getName());
if(DEBUG) System.out.println("The available bytes in the stream before reading the data: "+ds.available());
* The following will read two integers before ds.mark().
* Later, the two integers need to be placed into data[],
* then ds.reset(), then ds.readFully(into rest of data[]).
* This is necessary because we don't know the readLimit for ds.mark()
* until we have read the second integer (indexLength).
rootRes = ds.readInt();
// read the variable-length indexes[] array
int indexLength = ds.readInt();
indexes = new int[indexLength];
indexes[URES_INDEX_LENGTH] = indexLength;
for(int i=1; i<indexLength; i++){
indexes[i] = ds.readInt();
// determine if this resource bundle falls back to a parent bundle
// along normal locale ID fallback
noFallback =
// read the entire bundle (after the header) into data[]
// put rootRes and indexLength into data[0..7]
// and the rest of the data into data[8..length-1]
int length = indexes[URES_INDEX_BUNDLE_TOP]*4;
if(DEBUG) System.out.println("The number of bytes in the bundle: "+length);
data = new byte[length];
writeInt(rootRes, data, 0);
writeInt(indexLength, data, 4);
// now reset to the mark, which was set after reading rootRes and indexLength
ds.readFully(data, 8, length-8);
* Gets the full name of the resource with suffix.
public static String getFullName(String baseName, String localeName){
if(baseName==null || baseName.length()==0){
return ULocale.getDefault().toString()+ICU_RESOURCE_SUFFIX;
return localeName+ICU_RESOURCE_SUFFIX;
if(baseName.charAt(baseName.length()-1)!= '/'){
return baseName+"/"+localeName+ICU_RESOURCE_SUFFIX;
return baseName+localeName+ICU_RESOURCE_SUFFIX;
baseName = baseName.replace('.','/');
return baseName+ICU_RESOURCE_SUFFIX;
return baseName+"_"+localeName+ICU_RESOURCE_SUFFIX;
public VersionInfo getVersion(){
return VersionInfo.getInstance(dataVersion[0],dataVersion[1],dataVersion[2],dataVersion[3]);
public boolean isDataVersionAcceptable(byte version[]){
// while ICU4C can read formatVersion 1.0 and up,
// ICU4J requires 1.1 as a minimum
// formatVersion = version;
return version[0] == 1 && version[1] >= 1;
public byte[] getData(){
return data;
public int getRootResource() {
return rootRes;
public boolean getNoFallback() {
return noFallback;