blob: cc50c580eaaa69ad6c60c5d1e1ddd4470b18af46 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;
import static java.util.Comparator.nullsLast;
import static org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrPath.parseDistinguishingPath;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrPath;
import org.unicode.cldr.api.CldrValue;
* A specification for building a result from the arguments in a matched xpath. Results always
* hold a reference to their originating specification to allow them to be ordered in the same
* order as the corresponding specifications in the configuration file.
final class ResultSpec {
// Subtle ordering for results to ensure "config file order" for things in the same
// resource bundle while being "friendly" towards a global ordering. This is NOT consistent
// with equals if duplicate results exist.
// This is ESSENTIAL for correct grouping and ordering within resource bundles.
// In normal use this is expected only to be used to reorder results within a resource
// bundle (i.e. those sharing the same resource bundle path "key"). Resource bundles
// themselves can just be managed in "visitation order" or similar.
// Ordering priority is:
// 1: Result key (resource bundle): Groups results by resource bundle.
// 2: Result specification line number: Orders resource bundle contents by "file order".
// 3: Result distinguishing xpath: Tie breaking if duplicates are not yet removed.
// Note that the currently uses the String representation of the resource bundle path (key)
// as the primary order to match legacy behaviour. However it would be better to use the
// natural lexicographical RbPath order (the difference relates to having '/' as the
// separator in the string representation of the path). The string form of a path is a bad
// choice because some paths can contain a literal '/', which makes ordering problematic in
// rare case. However changing this will have the effect of reodering path elements, which
// while it should be safe, must be done with caution.
// TODO: Fix this to use RbPath ordering and NOT the String representation
private static final Comparator<AbstractResult> RESULT_ORDERING =
Comparator.<AbstractResult, String>comparing(r -> r.getKey().toString())
.thenComparing(r -> r.getSpec().lineNumber)
.thenComparing(nullsLast(comparing(r -> r.getPath().orElse(null))));
// Splitter for any values (either in CLDR data or results specifications). The only time
// values are split differently is when quoting exists in the "values" instruction.
private static final Splitter VALUE_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(whitespace()).omitEmptyStrings();
// Matcher for "&foo_bar(a,b,c)" which captures function name and complete argument list.
private static final Pattern FUNCTION = Pattern.compile("&(\\w++)\\(([^)]++)\\)");
// Resource bundle path specification with placeholders (e.g. "/foo/$1/bar") exactly as it
// appears in the configuration file.
private final String rbPathSpec;
// Declared instructions with which to generate result values (see Instruction).
private final ImmutableMap<Instruction, VarString> instructions;
// This index of the xpath argument whose value should be split to create multiple results.
// This mechanism is used when an xpath attribute is a space separated list of values and
// one result should be created for each value (e.g. [@territories="AA BB CC"] but you want
// a resource bundle for each region code (e.g. "foo/XX/bar", "foo/YY/bar", "foo/ZZ/bar").
// At most one argument is ever split (corresponding to the first unquoted placeholder in
// the resource bundle path specification).
private final int splitArgIndex;
// The line number of the result specification in the file which defines the ordering of
// results within a resource bundle. This needn't be a line number, but must be unique for
// each specification.
private final int lineNumber;
// The named functions available to the parser. Ideally the rules and result specifications
// would be an inner class of some kind of context/environment and just share this.
private final ImmutableMap<String, NamedFunction> icuFunctions;
// The map of dynamic variables (looked up from CldrPaths when a rule is resolved.
private final Function<Character, CldrPath> dynamicVarFn;
String rbPathSpec,
Map<Instruction, VarString> instructions,
int lineNumber,
Map<String, NamedFunction> icuFunctions,
Function<Character, CldrPath> dynamicVarFn) {
this.rbPathSpec = checkNotNull(rbPathSpec);
this.instructions = ImmutableMap.copyOf(instructions);
this.splitArgIndex = getSplitArgIndex(rbPathSpec);
this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
this.icuFunctions = ImmutableMap.copyOf(icuFunctions);
this.dynamicVarFn = checkNotNull(dynamicVarFn);
* Transforms a path/value into a sequence of results. The given matcher has successfully
* matched the path and contains the captured arguments corresponding to $1..$N in the
* various result specification strings.
Stream<Result> transform(
CldrValue value, Matcher m, DynamicVars varLookupFn) {
// Discard group(0) since that's always the full xpath that was matched, and we don't
// need that any more (so "$N" is args.get(N - 1)).
List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= m.groupCount(); i++) {
// Important since we turn this into an ImmutableList (which is null-hostile).
"captured regex arguments must always be present\n"
+ "(use an non-capturing groups for optional arguments): %s", m.pattern()));
// The first unquoted argument in any resource bundle path declaration, is defined as
// being "splittable". Typically this happens if the value of the captured xpath
// argument is expected to be a list of items.
// In this case, we generate one result for each individual argument, replacing the
// appropriate captured list with each split value in turn. Thus with original
// arguments:
// ["foo", "bar baz", "quux"]
// where splitArgIndex == 1, we get two results using the argument lists:
// ["foo", "bar", "quux"]
// ["foo", "baz", "quux"]
// Note also that since the splittability of the arguments is technically defined
// by the resource bundle path specification (not the xpath regular expression) it
// could differ per ResultSpec instance (but currently never does).
if (splitArgIndex != -1) {
List<String> splitArgs = VALUE_SPLITTER.splitToList(args.get(splitArgIndex));
// Only bother if there was more than one argument there anyway.
if (splitArgs.size() > 1) {
return -> {
args.set(splitArgIndex, a);
return matchedResult(value, args, varLookupFn);
// No splittable argument, or a splittable argument with only one value.
return Stream.of(matchedResult(value, args, varLookupFn));
// Simple helper to make results.
private Result matchedResult(
CldrValue value, List<String> args, DynamicVars varLookupFn) {
return new MatchedResult(
getValues(value.getValue(), args),
getResultPath(value.getPath(), args, varLookupFn));
// Resource bundle paths are a bit special (unsurprisingly). The captured arguments can
// contain '/' and will extend the path structure. Thus "foo/$1/bar" might end up as
// "foo/x/y/bar" after argument substitution.
// However (a hack for timezone "metazone" paths) if the argument placeholder is quoted
// (e.g. "foo/"$1"/bar") then '/' in arguments is replaced by ':' and quotes are retained
// (e.g. "foo/"x:y"/bar).
// TODO: Replace hard coded hack here with an explicit function in the config file.
private RbPath getRbPath(List<String> args) {
// Without more careful parsing, it's hard to figure out it quotes in a resource bundle
// path specification are around a placeholder or not. Since quotes are only used in a
// small number of cases currently, and only for this purpose, we just assume that any
// quotes in the path specification should trigger this behaviour.
if (rbPathSpec.contains("\"")) {
// Use a lazy transforming list to avoid char replacement in arguments that don't
// appear in the resource bundle path.
args = Lists.transform(args, s -> s.replace('/', ':'));
String path = substituteArgs(rbPathSpec, args);
return RbPath.parse(path);
// Create an array of output values according to the CLDR value (if present) and the
// "values" instruction in the result specification (if present). Any functions present in
// the "values" instruction are invoked here.
private ImmutableList<String> getValues(String value, List<String> args) {
VarString valuesSpec = instructions.get(Instruction.VALUES);
if (valuesSpec == null) {
// No "values" instruction, so just use the _unsplit_ CLDR value. To split a CLDR
// value use "values={value}" in the result specification.
return ImmutableList.of(value);
// The "value" instruction is not expected to have any dynamic %N variables in it,
// since those only represent CLDR path mappings, which should not be directly present
// in the ICU data. Hence the valueSpec should have been fully resolved by the static
// variables applied earlier and we should just need to resolve() it into a String.
String resolved = valuesSpec.get();
// First substitute the $N arguments in since they need to be passed to the
// functions.
// WARNING: This doesn't strictly work, since an argument or function result could
// (in theory) contain the string "{value}" which would then be substituted in an
// unexpected way. The better way to do this is with a single pass which handles
// arguments, function calling and the special "{value}" token together. This comes
// down to the fact that the mapping file syntax doesn't have a well defined concept
// of escaping or invocation order.
// TODO: Fix this, possibly by rewriting the whole transformer "language" to be consistent.
resolved = substituteArgs(resolved, args);
Matcher m = FUNCTION.matcher(resolved);
if (m.find()) {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
int index = 0;
do {
// Append up to the start of the function call.
buffer.append(resolved, index, m.start());
// Replace '{value}' here so functions can be called with the CLDR value as well
// as captured path arguments. We also have to replace it below, which is all a bit
// dodgy if a function every returned '{value}'.
NamedFunction fn = icuFunctions.get(;
checkArgument(fn != null, "no such function: %s",;
buffer.append("{value}", value)));
index = m.end();
} while (m.find());
resolved = buffer.append(resolved.substring(index)).toString();
// Having done function invocation, we handle the special "{value}" token and split
// the value (taking quoting into account).
return splitValues(resolved.replace("{value}", value));
// IMPORTANT: The path of a result is either:
// * The original distinguishing path
// * The specified "base_xpath" (which must also be a distinguishing xpath).
// and this is used as part of the equality semantics (which are very subtle).
// The existence of "base_xpath" is a hack to get around the fact the xpaths can only be
// matched in full, rather than by a prefix. For some cases this means that the "same"
// result will be created many times by potentially different distinguishing xpaths,
// perhaps even via different result specifications. "base_xpath" exists as a hack to give
// these duplicate results the same "fake" xpath, so deduplication can occur.
private CldrPath getResultPath(CldrPath path, List<String> args, DynamicVars varLookupFn) {
VarString basePath = instructions.get(Instruction.BASE_XPATH);
if (basePath == null) {
return path;
String resolvedBasePath = basePath.apply(dynamicVarFn.andThen(varLookupFn)).get();
return parseDistinguishingPath(substituteArgs(resolvedBasePath, args));
* Returns a fallback function if this specification has the "fallback=" instruction.
* The function takes a resolved resource bundle path and returns the possible fallback
* values for it. Note that currently fallback values do not support either quoting or
* grouping (but they easily could).
Optional<BiFunction<RbPath, DynamicVars, Optional<Result>>> getFallbackFunction() {
VarString fallbackSpec = instructions.get(Instruction.FALLBACK);
if (fallbackSpec == null) {
return Optional.empty();
// This is the only place where any hacking of regular expressions occurs. The fallback
// function must only return a value if the given resolved resource bundle path could
// have been a match for the path specification.
// In order to avoid ambiguity for paths such as "foo/$1/$2/bar" and "foo/$1/bar" which
// should not both be matched, we explicitly disallow '/' in argument values. In theory
// this is problematic, since '/' should be an allowed character, but the issues caused
// by ambiguous matching are worse.
// TODO: Fix/replace all of this fallback mess with something cleaner.
Pattern rbPathMatcher = getRbPathMatcher(rbPathSpec);
// Another, frankly terrifying, bit of hackery to support fallback specifications with
// $N argument substitution (this currently only happens once, but must be supported).
// Just another reason to want to replace the current fallback mechanism.
fallbackSpec = maybeRewriteFallbackSpec(fallbackSpec);
// Just copying here to make it effectively final.
VarString finalFallbackSpec = fallbackSpec;
return Optional.of(
(p, varFn) -> getFallbackResult(p, varFn, rbPathMatcher, finalFallbackSpec));
private Optional<Result> getFallbackResult(
RbPath rbPath, DynamicVars varFn, Pattern rbPathMatcher, VarString fallbackSpec) {
// Check is the given rbPath could be associated with this fallback (most are not).
Matcher matcher = rbPathMatcher.matcher(rbPath.toString());
if (!matcher.matches()) {
return Optional.empty();
// Expect that once any dynamic variables are provided to the fallback specification,
// we can get the resolved fallback specification (potentially with $N placeholders to
// be filled in from the resource bundle path).
String specStr = fallbackSpec.apply(dynamicVarFn.andThen(varFn)).get();
if (matcher.groupCount() > 0) {
specStr = substituteArgs(specStr, n -> + 1), matcher.groupCount());
// Split the fallback value _without_ considering quoting. This matches the original
// behaviour but could cause all sorts of subtle issues if values contained quotes.
// TODO: Rework transformation rules to make quoting behaviour deterministic.
Iterable<String> values =
// Fallback values that "look like" CLDR paths are auto-magically resolved.
.map(v -> v.startsWith("//") ? varFn.apply(parseDistinguishingPath(v)) : v)
return Optional.of(new FallbackResult(rbPath, values));
// WARNING: Another very hacky behaviour (used exactly once) is that "$N" argument
// substitutions are allowed in fallback values. This is highly problematic because
// since the fallback value must be synthesized only from the resource bundle path,
// there's no way for this substitution to handle:
// 1: multi-valued list arguments
// 2: arguments that didn't appear in the resource bundle path
// 3: dynamic path variables (e.g. %D=//some/path)
// An example would be something like a resource bundle specification of:
// /Baz/$2/$1
// and a fallback value of:
// Foo$1/Bar$2
// Here the order of substitution is not maintained and the original path specification
// has values that are not naturally ordered (or possibly even duplicated). The pattern
// we calculate from the resource bundle path specification will match/capture groups in
// "natural order" (i.e. "/Baz/(...)/(...)") so we have to rewrite the order of the
// placeholders in the fallback specification to match (e.g. "Foo$2/Bar$1").
// TODO: Figure out a way to remove all of this extreme complexity.
private VarString maybeRewriteFallbackSpec(
VarString fallbackSpec) {
Optional<String> fallback = fallbackSpec.resolve();
// If the fallback string is not present, it's because the VarString still has
// unresolved "dynamic" variables for late binding. This is okay, but should not
// be mixed with argument substitution.
if (!fallback.isPresent() || !fallback.get().contains("$")) {
return fallbackSpec;
// After the quick rejection check for '$', do a proper search for $N variables (since
// '$' is permitted as a literal if not followed by a digit).
Matcher fallbackMatcher = ARG_PLACEHOLDER.matcher(fallback.get());
if (!fallbackMatcher.find()) {
return fallbackSpec;
// Fallback spec has $N in it, triggering super hacky behaviour.
Matcher pathMatcher = ARG_PLACEHOLDER.matcher(rbPathSpec);
"$N arguments in fallback must be present in the resource bundle path: %s",
// Explicit group characters ("1"..."9") in the order they appear in the
// resource bundle path. There can be duplicates (e.g. "/Foo/$1/Bar$1").
List<Character> groupIds = new ArrayList<>();
do {
} while (pathMatcher.find());
// Special check to avoid a horrible bug if we every had more than 9 distinct
// placeholders (essentially impossible with current data). If it did happen,
// the returned index below would be >= 9 and we would get "$X", where 'X' was
// not a numeric value.
checkState(groupIds.size() < 10,
"too many placeholders in resource bundle path: %s", rbPathSpec);
// Now find each placeholder in the fallback specification string and map it to
// the equivalent index for the path matcher we just created.
StringBuilder rewrittenFallbackSpec = new StringBuilder(fallback.get());
do {
int placeholderPos = fallbackMatcher.start() + 1;
// The new ID is the index of the corresponding placeholder offset by '1'.
char placeholderDigit = rewrittenFallbackSpec.charAt(placeholderPos);
int newPlaceholderIndex = groupIds.indexOf(placeholderDigit);
checkState(newPlaceholderIndex != -1,
"fallback values may only contain arguments from the resource bundle path: %s",
rewrittenFallbackSpec.setCharAt(placeholderPos, (char)('1' + newPlaceholderIndex));
} while (fallbackMatcher.find());
return VarString.of(rewrittenFallbackSpec.toString());
/** Base class of either a matched or a fallback result. */
private abstract class AbstractResult extends Result {
// Split and resolved values for this result (see also "isGrouped()").
private final ImmutableList<String> values;
// The "source" CLDR path of a matched result (omitted if this is a fallback result).
// Note that this is the resolved "base_xpath" if it was specified in the instructions.
private final Optional<CldrPath> basePath;
// Calculated eagerly since we always expect results to need to be deduplicated.
private final int hashCode;
AbstractResult(RbPath key, Iterable<String> values, Optional<CldrPath> path) {
this.values = ImmutableList.copyOf(values);
this.basePath = checkNotNull(path);
// Same attributes in the same order as tested for in equals().
this.hashCode = Objects.hash(getKey(), getPath(), isGrouped(), getValues());
// Returns the specification from which this result was obtained. This is essential for
// correct ordering and determining fallback values, but is not directly used for
// determining result equality (since duplicate results can be generated by different
// specifications).
final ResultSpec getSpec() {
return ResultSpec.this;
final Optional<CldrPath> getPath() {
return basePath;
final boolean wasMatched() {
// We could also do this via a boolean field.
return this instanceof MatchedResult;
public final ImmutableList<String> getValues() {
return values;
public final int compareTo(Result other) {
checkArgument(other instanceof AbstractResult,
"unknown result type: %s", other.getClass());
return, (AbstractResult) other);
public final int hashCode() {
return hashCode;
// Equality semantics of results is ESSENTIAL for correct behaviour, especially the
// deduplication of results. See also "getSpec()", "getPath()", and RESULT_ORDERING.
public final boolean equals(Object obj) {
// Different subclasses are never equal, so test class directly (not instanceof).
if (obj == null || !getClass().equals(obj.getClass())) {
return false;
AbstractResult other = (AbstractResult) obj;
// DO NOT test the result specifier here. Equal results can be generated from
// different result specifications (if "base_xpath" was used).
return getKey().equals(other.getKey())
&& getPath().equals(other.getPath())
&& isGrouped() == other.isGrouped()
// Alternatively assert that values are equal if everything else is.
&& getValues().equals(other.getValues());
// Result created for an explicit path match using captured arguments.
private final class MatchedResult extends AbstractResult {
MatchedResult(RbPath key, Iterable<String> values, CldrPath path) {
super(key, values, Optional.of(path));
public boolean isGrouped() {
// We don't need to use the "group" value at all and it can be removed from the
// configuration file at some point.
return instructions.containsKey(Instruction.GROUP);
public boolean isFallbackFor(Result r) {
// Matched results are never a fallback for anything.
return false;
// Result created to hold possible fallback values for a specified resource bundle path.
private final class FallbackResult extends AbstractResult {
FallbackResult(RbPath rbPath, Iterable<String> values) {
super(rbPath, values, Optional.empty());
// Delete this method and move the other one into AbstractResult if we decide to allow
// grouping for fallback values (it's not clear if it's a good idea).
public boolean isGrouped() {
return false;
public boolean isFallbackFor(Result r) {
// We are a fallback if we came from the same specification as a matched result.
// To prevent duplication of fallback results, we also return true if the result we
// are "equal()" to the given result (equivalent fallback results can come from
// different input paths).
checkArgument(r instanceof AbstractResult, "unsupported result type: %s", r);
AbstractResult result = (AbstractResult) r;
return result.wasMatched() ? getSpec().equals(result.getSpec()) : equals(result);
// ==== Static helper functions ====
// Matches any "$N" placeholder without capturing.
private static final Pattern ARG_PLACEHOLDER = Pattern.compile("\\$[1-9]");
// Turn "$N" into a capturing groups.
// Note that this code currently assumes that each "$N" placeholder matches a single path
// segment (i.e. the captured values cannot contain '/'). This is an artificial restriction
// since resource bundle paths can have quoting in, so we could detect quoted placeholders
// and allow any characters. However at the moment this isn't an issue, and none of the
// "$N" placeholders in the paths expects to match anything with '/' in.
// TODO: Fix this to handle quoted placeholders (e.g. "$N" or <$N>) properly.
private static Pattern getRbPathMatcher(String rbPathSpec) {
// An RbPath instance's toString() does not have a leading '/' on it, so well have to
// account for that here (or we could just remove the leading '/' from paths in the
// config file...
if (rbPathSpec.startsWith("/")) {
rbPathSpec = rbPathSpec.substring(1);
// Protect potential regex meta-characters in the original resource bundle path. Using
// '\Q' and '\E' to mark quotation boundaries is the safest way to do this, but that
// means we also need to handle '\E' in the original string (incredibly unlikely but it
// would be super hard to debug if it ever happened).
// TODO: If resource paths cannot contain literal '\' or '$', add checks and simplify.
String regex = "\\Q" + rbPathSpec.replace("\\E", "\\E\\E\\Q") + "\\E";
// Remember that you could get "$1$2" here and the regex groups that replace them will
// abut. Use reluctant matching (i.e. "+?") to avoid any backtracking in this case.
// We assume that the substituted arguments contained at least one character, and so we
// capture at least one character per group here.
regex = ARG_PLACEHOLDER.matcher(regex).replaceAll("\\\\E([^/]+?)\\\\Q");
return Pattern.compile(regex);
private static String substituteArgs(String spec, List<String> args) {
return substituteArgs(spec, args::get, args.size());
// Substitutes "$N" (N = 1...9) placeholders for values obtained from a zero-indexed
// function (i.e. "$N" --> args(N - 1)).
private static String substituteArgs(String spec, Function<Integer, String> args, int size) {
return RegexTransformer.substitute(
spec, '$', c -> args.apply(checkElementIndex(c - '1', size, "argument index")));
// Matches arguments with or without enclosing quotes.
private static final Pattern ARGUMENT = Pattern.compile("[<\"]?\\$(\\d)[\">]?");
// Logic mostly copied from original RegexManager class. Finds first unquoted $N (N=1..9)
// and returns N-1 (or -1 if no match). We do not permit $0 to appear even though it is
// captured by the regex because it's just the entire path.
private static int getSplitArgIndex(String rbPath) {
// Captures a $N placeholder, but might catch surrounding quoting as well.
Matcher matcher = ARGUMENT.matcher(rbPath);
while (matcher.find()) {
char startChar = rbPath.charAt(matcher.start());
char endChar = rbPath.charAt(matcher.end() - 1);
// Splitting occurs for the first unquoted placeholder, so ignore <$1> and "$N".
// Q: Why two different "quoting" schemes?
// A: It's complex and relates the something called "hidden labels".
boolean shouldSplit = !((startChar == '"' && endChar == '"') ||
(startChar == '<' && endChar == '>'));
if (shouldSplit) {
// Allowed "$N" argument placeholders go from $1 to $9 ($0 is disallowed) and
// arguments are zero-indexed, so we expect an index from 0 to 8.
int groupNumber = Integer.parseInt(;
checkArgument(groupNumber >= 1 && groupNumber <= 9,
"invalid split argument: %s", groupNumber);
return groupNumber - 1;
return -1;
// Splits a possibly quoted string, where we need to handle \". This is a bit dubious
// though as we don't detect or unescape \\. Thus it's impossible to represent a single '\'
// at the end of a quoted string (e.g. "$1" where the expansion of $1 has a trailing '\'.
// It's also impossible to have a value that should be split but which contains '"'.
// This mimics the original RegexManager behaviour where spaces in and quotes in
// substituted values are _not_ escaped.
private static ImmutableList<String> splitValues(String value) {
int qstart = nextBareQuoteIndex(value, 0);
if (qstart == -1) {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(VALUE_SPLITTER.split(value));
ImmutableList.Builder<String> values = ImmutableList.builder();
int rawStart = 0;
do {
values.addAll(VALUE_SPLITTER.split(value.substring(rawStart, qstart)));
int qend = nextBareQuoteIndex(value, qstart + 1);
checkArgument(qend != -1, "mismatched quotes in splittable value: %s", value);
// Remember to unescape any '"' found in the quoted regions.
values.add(value.substring(qstart + 1, qend).replace("\\\"", "\""));
rawStart = qend + 1;
qstart = nextBareQuoteIndex(value, qend + 1);
} while (qstart != -1);
// Returns the index of the next '"' character that's not preceded by a '\'.
private static int nextBareQuoteIndex(String s, int i) {
i = s.indexOf('"', i);
// If i == 0, then '"' is the first char and must be "bare".
if (i > 0) {
do {
if (s.charAt(i - 1) != '\\') {
i = s.indexOf('\\', i + 1);
} while (i >= 0);
return i;