blob: 41da0b1271baf861f04e6c1a6e9b9f328e3f2aee [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- © 2020 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
License & terms of use:
See README.txt for instructions on updating the local repository.
<project xmlns=""
<!-- This POM file acts as a parent POM file for any tool which is built
via Maven and requires access to the CLDR data APIs. This POM file
and the other files in this directory encapsulate the somewhat messy
task of including the Ant-built CLDR JAR file in Maven projects. -->
<!-- Declares this to be a POM that's included by other POM files. -->
<!-- This must match any child POM file's <parent> declaration. -->
<!-- Important: The "${project.basedir}" property is the directory of the
child POM file, not this directory (and there's no easy way in Maven
to identify the absolute path of a parent POM file). However since
child POM files should have a <parent> declaration with the relative
path in it, we can use that. Note however that this is a bit fragile
and relies on <relativePath> being a directory, not a POM file. -->
<!-- Ant-built JAR file(s) installed into the local Maven repository in this
directory by the '' script. -->