blob: f7ffeb22e772815b1ec434658fa06ccf2ef1dedd [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
* Immutable class that picks the best match between a user's desired locales and
* and application's supported locales.
* <p>If there are multiple supported locales with the same (language, script, region)
* likely subtags, then the current implementation returns the first of those locales.
* It ignores variant subtags (except for pseudolocale variants) and extensions.
* This may change in future versions.
* <p>For example, the current implementation does not distinguish between
* de, de-DE, de-Latn, de-1901, de-u-co-phonebk.
* <p>If you prefer one equivalent locale over another, then provide only the preferred one,
* or place it earlier in the list of supported locales.
* <p>Otherwise, the order of supported locales may have no effect on the best-match results.
* The current implementation compares each desired locale with supported locales
* in the following order:
* 1. Default locale, if supported;
* 2. CLDR "paradigm locales" like en-GB and es-419;
* 3. other supported locales.
* This may change in future versions.
* <p>TODO: Migration notes.
* @author markdavis
public final class XLocaleMatcher {
private static final LSR UND_LSR = new LSR("und","","");
private static final ULocale UND_ULOCALE = new ULocale("und");
private static final Locale UND_LOCALE = new Locale("und");
// Activates debugging output to stderr with details of GetBestMatch.
private static final boolean TRACE_MATCHER = false;
private static abstract class LsrIterator implements Iterator<LSR> {
int bestDesiredIndex = -1;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public abstract void rememberCurrent(int desiredIndex);
* Builder option for whether the language subtag or the script subtag is most important.
* @see Builder#setFavorSubtag(FavorSubtag)
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public enum FavorSubtag {
* Language differences are most important, then script differences, then region differences.
* (This is the default behavior.)
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* Makes script differences matter relatively more than language differences.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* Builder option for whether all desired locales are treated equally or
* earlier ones are preferred.
* @see Builder#setDemotionPerDesiredLocale(Demotion)
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public enum Demotion {
* All desired locales are treated equally.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* Earlier desired locales are preferred.
* <p>From each desired locale to the next,
* the distance to any supported locale is increased by an additional amount
* which is at least as large as most region mismatches.
* A later desired locale has to have a better match with some supported locale
* due to more than merely having the same region subtag.
* <p>For example: <code>Supported={en, sv} desired=[en-GB, sv]</code>
* yields <code>Result(en-GB, en)</code> because
* with the demotion of sv its perfect match is no better than
* the region distance between the earlier desired locale en-GB and en=en-US.
* <p>Notes:
* <ul>
* <li>In some cases, language and/or script differences can be as small as
* the typical region difference. (Example: sr-Latn vs. sr-Cyrl)
* <li>It is possible for certain region differences to be larger than usual,
* and larger than the demotion.
* (As of CLDR 35 there is no such case, but
* this is possible in future versions of the data.)
* </ul>
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* Data for the best-matching pair of a desired and a supported locale.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static final class Result {
private final ULocale desiredULocale;
private final ULocale supportedULocale;
private final Locale desiredLocale;
private final Locale supportedLocale;
private final int desiredIndex;
private final int supportedIndex;
private Result(ULocale udesired, ULocale usupported,
Locale desired, Locale supported,
int desIndex, int suppIndex) {
desiredULocale = udesired;
supportedULocale = usupported;
desiredLocale = desired;
supportedLocale = supported;
desiredIndex = desIndex;
supportedIndex = suppIndex;
* Returns the best-matching desired locale.
* null if the list of desired locales is empty or if none matched well enough.
* @return the best-matching desired locale, or null.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public ULocale getDesiredULocale() {
return desiredULocale == null && desiredLocale != null ?
ULocale.forLocale(desiredLocale) : desiredULocale;
* Returns the best-matching desired locale.
* null if the list of desired locales is empty or if none matched well enough.
* @return the best-matching desired locale, or null.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Locale getDesiredLocale() {
return desiredLocale == null && desiredULocale != null ?
desiredULocale.toLocale() : desiredLocale;
* Returns the best-matching supported locale.
* If none matched well enough, this is the default locale.
* The default locale is null if the list of supported locales is empty and
* no explicit default locale is set.
* @return the best-matching supported locale, or null.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public ULocale getSupportedULocale() { return supportedULocale; }
* Returns the best-matching supported locale.
* If none matched well enough, this is the default locale.
* The default locale is null if the list of supported locales is empty and
* no explicit default locale is set.
* @return the best-matching supported locale, or null.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Locale getSupportedLocale() { return supportedLocale; }
* Returns the index of the best-matching desired locale in the input Iterable order.
* -1 if the list of desired locales is empty or if none matched well enough.
* @return the index of the best-matching desired locale, or -1.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public int getDesiredIndex() { return desiredIndex; }
* Returns the index of the best-matching supported locale in the constructor’s or builder’s input order
* (“set” Collection plus “added” locales).
* If the matcher was built from a locale list string, then the iteration order is that
* of a LocalePriorityList built from the same string.
* -1 if the list of supported locales is empty or if none matched well enough.
* @return the index of the best-matching supported locale, or -1.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public int getSupportedIndex() { return supportedIndex; }
* Takes the best-matching supported locale and adds relevant fields of the
* best-matching desired locale, such as the -t- and -u- extensions.
* May replace some fields of the supported locale.
* The result is the locale that should be used for date and number formatting, collation, etc.
* <p>Example: desired=ar-SA-u-nu-latn, supported=ar-EG, service locale=ar-EG-u-nu-latn
* @return the service locale, combining the best-matching desired and supported locales.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public ULocale makeServiceULocale() {
ULocale bestDesired = getDesiredULocale();
ULocale serviceLocale = supportedULocale;
if (!serviceLocale.equals(bestDesired) && bestDesired != null) {
ULocale.Builder b = new ULocale.Builder().setLocale(serviceLocale);
// Copy the region from bestDesired, if there is one.
// TODO: Seems wrong to clobber serviceLocale.getCountry() if that is not empty.
String region = bestDesired.getCountry();
if (!region.isEmpty()) {
// Copy the variants from bestDesired, if there are any.
// Note that this will override any serviceLocale variants.
// For example, "sco-ulster-fonipa" + "...-fonupa" => "sco-fonupa" (replacing ulster).
// TODO: Why replace? Why not append?
String variants = bestDesired.getVariant();
if (!variants.isEmpty()) {
// Copy the extensions from bestDesired, if there are any.
// Note that this will override any serviceLocale extensions.
// For example, "th-u-nu-latn-ca-buddhist" + "...-u-nu-native" => "th-u-nu-native"
// (replacing calendar).
// TODO: Maybe enumerate -u- keys to not replace others in the serviceLocale??
// (Unsure about this one.)
for (char extensionKey : bestDesired.getExtensionKeys()) {
b.setExtension(extensionKey, bestDesired.getExtension(extensionKey));
serviceLocale =;
return serviceLocale;
* Takes the best-matching supported locale and adds relevant fields of the
* best-matching desired locale, such as the -t- and -u- extensions.
* May replace some fields of the supported locale.
* The result is the locale that should be used for date and number formatting, collation, etc.
* <p>Example: desired=ar-SA-u-nu-latn, supported=ar-EG, service locale=ar-EG-u-nu-latn
* @return the service locale, combining the best-matching desired and supported locales.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Locale makeServiceLocale() {
return makeServiceULocale().toLocale();
private final int thresholdDistance;
private final int demotionPerDesiredLocale;
private final FavorSubtag favorSubtag;
// These are in input order.
private final ULocale[] supportedULocales;
private final Locale[] supportedLocales;
// These are in preference order: 1. Default locale 2. paradigm locales 3. others.
private final Map<LSR, Integer> supportedLsrToIndex;
// Array versions of the supportedLsrToIndex keys and values.
// The distance lookup loops over the supportedLsrs and returns the index of the best match.
private final LSR[] supportedLsrs;
private final int[] supportedIndexes;
private final ULocale defaultULocale;
private final Locale defaultLocale;
private final int defaultLocaleIndex;
* LocaleMatcher Builder.
* @see XLocaleMatcher#builder()
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static class Builder {
private List<ULocale> supportedLocales;
private int thresholdDistance = -1;
private Demotion demotion;
private ULocale defaultLocale;
private FavorSubtag favor;
* Parses the string like {@link LocalePriorityList} does and
* sets the supported locales accordingly.
* Clears any previously set/added supported locales first.
* @param locales the languagePriorityList to set
* @return this Builder object
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setSupportedLocales(String locales) {
return setSupportedULocales(LocalePriorityList.add(locales).build().getULocales());
* Copies the supported locales, preserving iteration order.
* Clears any previously set/added supported locales first.
* Duplicates are allowed, and are not removed.
* @param locales the list of locale
* @return this Builder object
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setSupportedULocales(Collection<ULocale> locales) {
supportedLocales = new ArrayList<>(locales);
return this;
* Copies the supported locales, preserving iteration order.
* Clears any previously set/added supported locales first.
* Duplicates are allowed, and are not removed.
* @param locales the list of locale
* @return this Builder object
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setSupportedLocales(Collection<Locale> locales) {
supportedLocales = new ArrayList<>(locales.size());
for (Locale locale : locales) {
return this;
* Adds another supported locale.
* Duplicates are allowed, and are not removed.
* @param locale the list of locale
* @return this Builder object
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder addSupportedULocale(ULocale locale) {
if (supportedLocales == null) {
supportedLocales = new ArrayList<>();
return this;
* Adds another supported locale.
* Duplicates are allowed, and are not removed.
* @param locale the list of locale
* @return this Builder object
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder addSupportedLocale(Locale locale) {
return addSupportedULocale(ULocale.forLocale(locale));
* Sets the default locale; if null, or if it is not set explicitly,
* then the first supported locale is used as the default locale.
* @param defaultLocale the default locale
* @return this Builder object
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setDefaultULocale(ULocale defaultLocale) {
this.defaultLocale = defaultLocale;
return this;
* Sets the default locale; if null, or if it is not set explicitly,
* then the first supported locale is used as the default locale.
* @param defaultLocale the default locale
* @return this Builder object
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setDefaultLocale(Locale defaultLocale) {
this.defaultLocale = ULocale.forLocale(defaultLocale);
return this;
* If SCRIPT, then the language differences are smaller than script differences.
* This is used in situations (such as maps) where
* it is better to fall back to the same script than a similar language.
* @param subtag the subtag to favor
* @return this Builder object
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setFavorSubtag(FavorSubtag subtag) {
this.favor = subtag;
return this;
* Option for whether all desired locales are treated equally or
* earlier ones are preferred (this is the default).
* @param demotion the demotion per desired locale to set.
* @return this Builder object
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public Builder setDemotionPerDesiredLocale(Demotion demotion) {
this.demotion = demotion;
return this;
* <i>Internal only!</i>
* @param thresholdDistance the thresholdDistance to set, with -1 = default
* @return this Builder object
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public Builder internalSetThresholdDistance(int thresholdDistance) {
if (thresholdDistance > 100) {
thresholdDistance = 100;
this.thresholdDistance = thresholdDistance;
return this;
* Builds and returns a new locale matcher.
* This builder can continue to be used.
* @return new XLocaleMatcher.
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public XLocaleMatcher build() {
return new XLocaleMatcher(this);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder().append("{XLocaleMatcher.Builder");
if (!supportedLocales.isEmpty()) {
s.append(" supported={").append(supportedLocales.toString()).append('}');
if (defaultLocale != null) {
s.append(" default=").append(defaultLocale.toString());
if (favor != null) {
s.append(" distance=").append(favor.toString());
if (thresholdDistance >= 0) {
s.append(String.format(" threshold=%d", thresholdDistance));
if (demotion != null) {
s.append(" demotion=").append(demotion.toString());
return s.append('}').toString();
* Returns a builder used in chaining parameters for building a LocaleMatcher.
* @return a new Builder object
* @draft ICU 65
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
/** Convenience method */
public XLocaleMatcher(String supportedLocales) {
/** Convenience method */
public XLocaleMatcher(LocalePriorityList supportedLocales) {
private XLocaleMatcher(Builder builder) {
thresholdDistance = builder.thresholdDistance < 0 ?
LocaleDistance.INSTANCE.getDefaultScriptDistance() : builder.thresholdDistance;
// Store the supported locales in input order,
// so that when different types are used (e.g., java.util.Locale)
// we can return those by parallel index.
int supportedLocalesLength = builder.supportedLocales.size();
supportedULocales = new ULocale[supportedLocalesLength];
supportedLocales = new Locale[supportedLocalesLength];
// Supported LRSs in input order.
LSR lsrs[] = new LSR[supportedLocalesLength];
// Also find the first supported locale whose LSR is
// the same as that for the default locale.
ULocale udef = builder.defaultLocale;
Locale def = null;
LSR defLSR = null;
int idef = -1;
if (udef != null) {
def = udef.toLocale();
defLSR = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(udef);
int i = 0;
for (ULocale locale : builder.supportedLocales) {
supportedULocales[i] = locale;
supportedLocales[i] = locale.toLocale();
LSR lsr = lsrs[i] = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(locale);
if (idef < 0 && defLSR != null && lsr.equals(defLSR)) {
idef = i;
// We need an unordered map from LSR to first supported locale with that LSR,
// and an ordered list of (LSR, Indexes).
// We use a LinkedHashMap for both,
// and insert the supported locales in the following order:
// 1. Default locale, if it is supported.
// 2. Priority locales in builder order.
// 3. Remaining locales in builder order.
supportedLsrToIndex = new LinkedHashMap<>(supportedLocalesLength);
Map<LSR, Integer> otherLsrToIndex = null;
if (idef >= 0) {
supportedLsrToIndex.put(defLSR, idef);
i = 0;
for (ULocale locale : supportedULocales) {
if (i == idef) { continue; }
LSR lsr = lsrs[i];
if (defLSR == null) {
assert i == 0;
udef = locale;
def = supportedLocales[0];
defLSR = lsr;
idef = 0;
supportedLsrToIndex.put(lsr, 0);
} else if (lsr.equals(defLSR) || LocaleDistance.INSTANCE.isParadigmLSR(lsr)) {
putIfAbsent(supportedLsrToIndex, lsr, i);
} else {
if (otherLsrToIndex == null) {
otherLsrToIndex = new LinkedHashMap<>(supportedLocalesLength);
putIfAbsent(otherLsrToIndex, lsr, i);
if (otherLsrToIndex != null) {
int numSuppLsrs = supportedLsrToIndex.size();
supportedLsrs = new LSR[numSuppLsrs];
supportedIndexes = new int[numSuppLsrs];
i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<LSR, Integer> entry : supportedLsrToIndex.entrySet()) {
supportedLsrs[i] = entry.getKey(); // = lsrs[entry.getValue()]
supportedIndexes[i++] = entry.getValue();
defaultULocale = udef;
defaultLocale = def;
defaultLocaleIndex = idef;
demotionPerDesiredLocale =
builder.demotion == Demotion.NONE ? 0 :
LocaleDistance.INSTANCE.getDefaultDemotionPerDesiredLocale(); // null or REGION
favorSubtag = builder.favor;
private static final void putIfAbsent(Map<LSR, Integer> lsrToIndex, LSR lsr, int i) {
Integer index = lsrToIndex.get(lsr);
if (index == null) {
lsrToIndex.put(lsr, i);
private static final LSR getMaximalLsrOrUnd(ULocale locale) {
if (locale.equals(UND_ULOCALE)) {
return UND_LSR;
} else {
return XLikelySubtags.INSTANCE.makeMaximizedLsrFrom(locale);
private static final LSR getMaximalLsrOrUnd(Locale locale) {
if (locale.equals(UND_LOCALE)) {
return UND_LSR;
} else {
return XLikelySubtags.INSTANCE.makeMaximizedLsrFrom(locale);
private static final class ULocaleLsrIterator extends LsrIterator {
private Iterator<ULocale> locales;
private ULocale current, remembered;
ULocaleLsrIterator(Iterator<ULocale> locales) {
this.locales = locales;
public boolean hasNext() {
return locales.hasNext();
public LSR next() {
current =;
return getMaximalLsrOrUnd(current);
public void rememberCurrent(int desiredIndex) {
bestDesiredIndex = desiredIndex;
remembered = current;
private static final class LocaleLsrIterator extends LsrIterator {
private Iterator<Locale> locales;
private Locale current, remembered;
LocaleLsrIterator(Iterator<Locale> locales) {
this.locales = locales;
public boolean hasNext() {
return locales.hasNext();
public LSR next() {
current =;
return getMaximalLsrOrUnd(current);
public void rememberCurrent(int desiredIndex) {
bestDesiredIndex = desiredIndex;
remembered = current;
public ULocale getBestMatch(ULocale desiredLocale) {
LSR desiredLSR = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(desiredLocale);
int suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(desiredLSR, null);
return suppIndex >= 0 ? supportedULocales[suppIndex] : defaultULocale;
public ULocale getBestMatch(Iterable<ULocale> desiredLocales) {
Iterator<ULocale> desiredIter = desiredLocales.iterator();
if (!desiredIter.hasNext()) {
return defaultULocale;
ULocaleLsrIterator lsrIter = new ULocaleLsrIterator(desiredIter);
LSR desiredLSR =;
int suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(desiredLSR, lsrIter);
return suppIndex >= 0 ? supportedULocales[suppIndex] : defaultULocale;
public ULocale getBestMatch(String desiredLocaleList) {
return getBestMatch(LocalePriorityList.add(desiredLocaleList).build());
public Locale getBestLocale(Locale desiredLocale) {
LSR desiredLSR = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(desiredLocale);
int suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(desiredLSR, null);
return suppIndex >= 0 ? supportedLocales[suppIndex] : defaultLocale;
public Locale getBestLocale(Iterable<Locale> desiredLocales) {
Iterator<Locale> desiredIter = desiredLocales.iterator();
if (!desiredIter.hasNext()) {
return defaultLocale;
LocaleLsrIterator lsrIter = new LocaleLsrIterator(desiredIter);
LSR desiredLSR =;
int suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(desiredLSR, lsrIter);
return suppIndex >= 0 ? supportedLocales[suppIndex] : defaultLocale;
private Result makeResult(ULocale desiredLocale, ULocaleLsrIterator lsrIter, int suppIndex) {
if (suppIndex < 0) {
return new Result(null, defaultULocale, null, defaultLocale, -1, defaultLocaleIndex);
} else if (desiredLocale != null) {
return new Result(desiredLocale, supportedULocales[suppIndex],
null, supportedLocales[suppIndex], 0, suppIndex);
} else {
return new Result(lsrIter.remembered, supportedULocales[suppIndex],
null, supportedLocales[suppIndex], lsrIter.bestDesiredIndex, suppIndex);
private Result makeResult(Locale desiredLocale, LocaleLsrIterator lsrIter, int suppIndex) {
if (suppIndex < 0) {
return new Result(null, defaultULocale, null, defaultLocale, -1, defaultLocaleIndex);
} else if (desiredLocale != null) {
return new Result(null, supportedULocales[suppIndex],
desiredLocale, supportedLocales[suppIndex], 0, suppIndex);
} else {
return new Result(null, supportedULocales[suppIndex],
lsrIter.remembered, supportedLocales[suppIndex],
lsrIter.bestDesiredIndex, suppIndex);
public Result getBestMatchResult(ULocale desiredLocale) {
LSR desiredLSR = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(desiredLocale);
int suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(desiredLSR, null);
return makeResult(desiredLocale, null, suppIndex);
* Returns the best match between the desired and supported locales.
* @param desiredLocales Typically a user's languages, in order of preference (descending).
* @return the best-matching pair of a desired and a supported locale.
public Result getBestMatchResult(Iterable<ULocale> desiredLocales) {
Iterator<ULocale> desiredIter = desiredLocales.iterator();
if (!desiredIter.hasNext()) {
return makeResult(UND_ULOCALE, null, -1);
ULocaleLsrIterator lsrIter = new ULocaleLsrIterator(desiredIter);
LSR desiredLSR =;
int suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(desiredLSR, lsrIter);
return makeResult(null, lsrIter, suppIndex);
public Result getBestLocaleResult(Locale desiredLocale) {
LSR desiredLSR = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(desiredLocale);
int suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(desiredLSR, null);
return makeResult(desiredLocale, null, suppIndex);
public Result getBestLocaleResult(Iterable<Locale> desiredLocales) {
Iterator<Locale> desiredIter = desiredLocales.iterator();
if (!desiredIter.hasNext()) {
return makeResult(UND_LOCALE, null, -1);
LocaleLsrIterator lsrIter = new LocaleLsrIterator(desiredIter);
LSR desiredLSR =;
int suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(desiredLSR, lsrIter);
return makeResult(null, lsrIter, suppIndex);
* @param desiredLSR The first desired locale's LSR.
* @param remainingIter Remaining desired LSRs, null or empty if none.
* @return the index of the best-matching supported locale, or -1 if there is no good match.
private int getBestSuppIndex(LSR desiredLSR, LsrIterator remainingIter) {
int desiredIndex = 0;
int bestSupportedLsrIndex = -1;
for (int bestDistance = thresholdDistance;;) {
// Quick check for exact maximized LSR.
Integer index = supportedLsrToIndex.get(desiredLSR);
if (index != null) {
int suppIndex = index;
System.err.printf("Returning %s: desiredLSR=supportedLSR\n",
if (remainingIter != null) { remainingIter.rememberCurrent(desiredIndex); }
return suppIndex;
int bestIndexAndDistance = LocaleDistance.INSTANCE.getBestIndexAndDistance(
desiredLSR, supportedLsrs, bestDistance, favorSubtag);
if (bestIndexAndDistance >= 0) {
bestDistance = bestIndexAndDistance & 0xff;
if (remainingIter != null) { remainingIter.rememberCurrent(desiredIndex); }
bestSupportedLsrIndex = bestIndexAndDistance >> 8;
if ((bestDistance -= demotionPerDesiredLocale) <= 0) {
if (remainingIter == null || !remainingIter.hasNext()) {
desiredLSR =;
if (bestSupportedLsrIndex < 0) {
System.err.printf("Returning default %s: no good match\n", defaultULocale);
return -1;
int suppIndex = supportedIndexes[bestSupportedLsrIndex];
System.err.printf("Returning %s: best matching supported locale\n",
return suppIndex;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder().append("{XLocaleMatcher");
if (supportedULocales.length > 0) {
s.append(" supported={").append(supportedULocales[0].toString());
for (int i = 1; i < supportedULocales.length; ++i) {
s.append(", ").append(supportedULocales[i].toString());
s.append(" default=").append(Objects.toString(defaultULocale));
if (favorSubtag != null) {
s.append(" distance=").append(favorSubtag.toString());
if (thresholdDistance >= 0) {
s.append(String.format(" threshold=%d", thresholdDistance));
s.append(String.format(" demotion=%d", demotionPerDesiredLocale));
return s.append('}').toString();
* Returns a fraction between 0 and 1, where 1 means that the languages are a
* perfect match, and 0 means that they are completely different. This is (100-distance(desired, supported))/100.0.
* <br>Note that
* the precise values may change over time; no code should be made dependent
* on the values remaining constant.
* @param desired Desired locale
* @param desiredMax Maximized locale (using likely subtags)
* @param supported Supported locale
* @param supportedMax Maximized locale (using likely subtags)
* @return value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
* @deprecated ICU 65 Build and use a matcher rather than comparing pairs of locales.
public double match(ULocale desired, ULocale desiredMax, ULocale supported, ULocale supportedMax) {
// Returns the inverse of the distance: That is, 1-distance(desired, supported).
int distance = LocaleDistance.INSTANCE.getBestIndexAndDistance(
new LSR[] { XLikelySubtags.INSTANCE.makeMaximizedLsrFrom(supported) },
thresholdDistance, favorSubtag) & 0xff;
return (100 - distance) / 100.0;
* Canonicalize a locale (language). Note that for now, it is canonicalizing
* according to CLDR conventions (he vs iw, etc), since that is what is needed
* for likelySubtags.
* @param ulocale language/locale code
* @return ULocale with remapped subtags.
* @stable ICU 4.4
public ULocale canonicalize(ULocale ulocale) {
return null;