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# Copyright (c) 2016, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
# file: word.txt
# Reference Word Break rules for intltest rbbi/RBBIMonkeyTest
# Note: Rule syntax and the monkey test itself are still a work in progress.
# They are expected to change with review and the addition of support for rule tailoring.
type = word; # one of grapheme | word | line | sentence
locale = en;
E_Base = [\u261D\u26F9\u270A-\u270D\U0001F385\U0001F3C3-\U0001F3C4\U0001F3CA-\U0001F3CB\U0001F442-\U0001F443\U0001F446-\U0001F450\U0001F466-\U0001F469\U0001F46E\U0001F470-\U0001F478\U0001F47C\U0001F481-\U0001F483\U0001F485-\U0001F487\U0001F4AA\U0001F575\U0001F590\U0001F595-\U0001F596\U0001F645-\U0001F647\U0001F64B-\U0001F64F\U0001F6A3\U0001F6B4-\U0001F6B6\U0001F6C0\U0001F918];
E_Modifier = [\U0001F3FB-\U0001F3FF];
ZWJ = [\u200D];
GAZ = [\U0001F466-\U0001F469\U0001F48B\U0001F5E8\u2764];
CR = [\p{Word_Break = CR}];
LF = [\p{Word_Break = LF}];
Newline = [\p{Word_Break = Newline}];
Extend = [[[\p{Word_Break = Extend}][:Block=Tags:]]-ZWJ];
Regional_Indicator = [\p{Word_Break = Regional_Indicator}];
Format = [[\p{Word_Break = Format}]-[:Block=Tags:]];
Katakana = [\p{Word_Break = Katakana}];
Hebrew_Letter = [\p{Word_Break = Hebrew_Letter}];
ALetter = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter}];
Single_Quote = [\p{Word_Break = Single_Quote}];
Double_Quote = [\p{Word_Break = Double_Quote}];
MidNumLet = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];
MidLetter = [\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}];
MidNum = [\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];
Numeric = [\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];
ExtendNumLet = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];
#define dicitionary, with the effect being that those characters don't appear in test data.
Han = [:Han:];
Hiragana = [:Hiragana:];
Control = [\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}];
HangulSyllable = [\uac00-\ud7a3];
ComplexContext = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
KanaKanji = [Han Hiragana Katakana];
dictionaryCJK = [KanaKanji HangulSyllable];
dictionary = [ComplexContext dictionaryCJK];
# leave CJK scripts out of ALetterPlus
# Tricky. Redfine a set.
# For tailorings, if it modifies itself, do at end of sets ????
# Tweak redefine to mean replace existing definition at its original location.
# Insert defs without redefine just after last pre-existing def of that name.
# Maybe drop redefine, add warning for sets defined and not used, should catch typos.
ALetter = [ALetter - dictionary];
AHLetter = [ALetter Hebrew_Letter];
MidNumLetQ = [MidNumLet Single_Quote];
ExtFmt = [Extend Format ZWJ];
WB3a: (Newline | CR | LF) ÷;
WB3b: . ÷ (Newline | CR | LF); # actually redundant? No other rule combines.
# (but needed with UAX treat-as scheme.)
WB5: AHLetter ExtFmt* AHLetter;
# includes both WB6 and WB7
WB6: AHLetter ExtFmt* (MidLetter | MidNumLetQ) ExtFmt* AHLetter;
WB7a: Hebrew_Letter ExtFmt* Single_Quote;
WB7b: Hebrew_Letter ExtFmt* Double_Quote ExtFmt* Hebrew_Letter; # Include WB7c
WB8: Numeric ExtFmt* Numeric;
WB9: AHLetter ExtFmt* Numeric;
WB10: Numeric ExtFmt* AHLetter;
WB11: Numeric ExtFmt* (MidNum | MidNumLetQ) ExtFmt* Numeric; # includes WB12
WB13: Katakana ExtFmt* Katakana;
WB13a: (AHLetter | Numeric | Katakana | ExtendNumLet) ExtFmt* ExtendNumLet;
WB13b: ExtendNumLet ExtFmt* (AHLetter | Numeric | Katakana);
# WB rule 13c, pairs of Regional Indicators stay unbroken.
# Interacts with WB3c.
WB13c.1: Regional_Indicator ExtFmt* Regional_Indicator ExtFmt* ZWJ GAZ;
WB13c.2: Regional_Indicator ExtFmt* Regional_Indicator ExtFmt* ÷;
WB13d: (E_Base | GAZ) ExtFmt* E_Modifier;
# Rule WB 14 Any ÷ Any
# Interacts with WB3c, do not break between ZWJ and GAZ.
WB14.1: . ExtFmt* ZWJ GAZ;
WB14.2: . ExtFmt* ÷;