| * Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. |
| * License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| ******************************************************************************** |
| * Copyright (C) 2008-2012, International Business Machines Corporation * |
| * and others. All Rights Reserved. * |
| * * |
| * 6/26/08 - Created by Brian Rower - heavy copying from ICU4J readme & others * |
| * * |
| ******************************************************************************** |
| |
| Procedures for building ICU4J data from ICU4C data: |
| |
| *Setup* |
| |
| In the following, |
| $icu4c_root is the ICU4C root directory |
| $icu4j_root is the ICU4J root directory |
| $jdk_bin is the JDK bin directory (for the jar tool) |
| |
| 1. *Linux* |
| Download, configure, and build ICU4C. When you configure ICU4C, you must |
| set the environment variable ICU_DATA_BUILDTOOL_OPTS to |
| "--include_uni_core_data" to build additional required ICU4J data: |
| |
| ICU_DATA_BUILDTOOL_OPTS=--include_uni_core_data ./runConfigureICU Linux |
| |
| *Windows* |
| - Add ICU_DATA_BUILDTOOL_OPTS as a system environment variable with value "--include_uni_core_data" |
| - Build $icu4c_root\source\allinone\allinone.sln in Visual Studio |
| |
| For more instructions on downloading and building ICU4C, |
| see the ICU4C readme at: |
| https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/blob/main/icu4c/readme.html#HowToBuild |
| (Windows: build as 'x86, Release' otherwise you will have to set 'CFG' differently below.) |
| |
| *NOTE* You should do a full rebuild after any data changes. |
| |
| 1a. If you didn't download from GitHub, you will also need the "icu4c-*-data.zip" file. Unpack this file and replace the icu/source/data directory's contents with the contents of the data directory from the zip file. |
| |
| |
| 2. Step 2 depends on whether you are on a Windows or a Unix-type |
| platform. |
| |
| *Windows* |
| |
| 2a. On Developer Command Prompt for VS, cd to $icu4c_root\source\data. |
| |
| 2b. On Developer Command Prompt for VS, |
| nmake -f makedata.mak ICUMAKE=$icu4c_root\source\data\ CFG=x86\Release JAR="$jdk_bin\jar" ICU4J_ROOT=$icu4j_root icu4j-data-install |
| |
| Continue with step 3 below, in Java: |
| |
| |
| *Linux* |
| |
| $icu4c_build is the ICU4C root build directory, |
| which is $icu4c_root/source in an in-source build. |
| (in other words, $icu4c_build is where you ran runConfigureICU or configure) |
| |
| 2c. On the command line, cd to $icu4c_build/data |
| |
| 2d. Do |
| make JAR=$jdk_bin/jar ICU4J_ROOT=$icu4j_root icu4j-data-install |
| |
| (You can omit the JAR if it's just jar.) |
| |
| Continue with step 3, in Java: |
| |
| Step 2 on either platform will produce two files: icudata.jar and |
| icutzdata.jar in $icu4j_root/main/shared/data. |
| |
| *Java* |
| |
| 3. After the ICU4C-side steps above, build the ICU4J artifacts and run |
| the tests locally to make sure they pass: |
| |
| cd $icu4j_root |
| mvn verify |