blob: 1b72dd3a0f462ca8ee9b6589a8b85e832dbca70a [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
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import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* @author emader
* TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
public class NGramList
public interface NGramKeyMapper
Object mapKey(String key);
public static final class NGram implements Comparable
private String value;
private int refCount;
public NGram(String theValue, int theRefCount)
value = theValue;
refCount = theRefCount;
public NGram(String theValue)
this(theValue, 1);
public NGram(NGram other)
this(other.getValue(), other.getRefCount());
public final String getValue()
return value;
public final int getRefCount()
return refCount;
public final void incrementRefCount()
refCount += 1;
// Note: This makes higher refCounts come *before* lower refCounts...
public int compareTo(Object o)
NGram ng = (NGram) o;
return ng.getRefCount() - refCount;
protected TreeMap ngrams;
protected int totalNGrams;
protected int uniqueNGrams;
protected final int N_GRAM_SIZE = 3;
private NGramKeyMapper keyMapper;
public NGramList(NGramKeyMapper theMapper)
keyMapper = theMapper;
ngrams = new TreeMap();
totalNGrams = uniqueNGrams = 0;
public void setMapper(NGramKeyMapper nGramKeyMapper)
keyMapper = nGramKeyMapper;
public NGram get(Object mappedKey)
return (NGram) ngrams.get(mappedKey);
public NGram get(String key)
Object mappedKey = keyMapper.mapKey(key);
return get(mappedKey);
public void put(String key)
Object mappedKey = keyMapper.mapKey(key);
NGram ngram = get(mappedKey);
totalNGrams += 1;
if (ngram == null) {
uniqueNGrams += 1;
ngrams.put(mappedKey, new NGram(key));
} else {
public Collection values()
return ngrams.values();
public Collection keys()
return ngrams.keySet();
public int getTotalNGrams()
return totalNGrams;
public int getUniqueNGrams()
return uniqueNGrams;