blob: 22f6e20616a0ea10d399934e938f3a3009eab9d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public final class DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD extends DecimalQuantity_AbstractBCD {
* The BCD of the 16 digits of the number represented by this object. Every 4 bits of the long map
* to one digit. For example, the number "12345" in BCD is "0x12345".
* <p>Whenever bcd changes internally, {@link #compact()} must be called, except in special cases
* like setting the digit to zero.
private long bcd;
public int maxRepresentableDigits() {
return 16;
public DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD(long input) {
public DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD(int input) {
public DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD(double input) {
public DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD(BigInteger input) {
public DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD(BigDecimal input) {
public DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD(DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD other) {
public DecimalQuantity createCopy() {
return new DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD(this);
protected byte getDigitPos(int position) {
if (position < 0 || position >= 16) return 0;
return (byte) ((bcd >>> (position * 4)) & 0xf);
protected void setDigitPos(int position, byte value) {
assert position >= 0 && position < 16;
int shift = position * 4;
bcd = bcd & ~(0xfL << shift) | ((long) value << shift);
protected void shiftLeft(int numDigits) {
assert precision + numDigits <= 16;
bcd <<= (numDigits * 4);
scale -= numDigits;
precision += numDigits;
protected void shiftRight(int numDigits) {
bcd >>>= (numDigits * 4);
scale += numDigits;
precision -= numDigits;
protected void popFromLeft(int numDigits) {
bcd &= (1L << ((precision - numDigits) * 4)) - 1;
precision -= numDigits;
protected void setBcdToZero() {
bcd = 0L;
scale = 0;
precision = 0;
isApproximate = false;
origDouble = 0;
origDelta = 0;
exponent = 0;
protected void readIntToBcd(int n) {
assert n != 0;
long result = 0L;
int i = 16;
for (; n != 0; n /= 10, i--) {
result = (result >>> 4) + (((long) n % 10) << 60);
// ints can't overflow the 16 digits in the BCD, so scale is always zero
bcd = result >>> (i * 4);
scale = 0;
precision = 16 - i;
protected void readLongToBcd(long n) {
assert n != 0;
long result = 0L;
int i = 16;
for (; n != 0L; n /= 10L, i--) {
result = (result >>> 4) + ((n % 10) << 60);
int adjustment = (i > 0) ? i : 0;
bcd = result >>> (adjustment * 4);
scale = (i < 0) ? -i : 0;
precision = 16 - i;
protected void readBigIntegerToBcd(BigInteger n) {
assert n.signum() != 0;
long result = 0L;
int i = 16;
for (; n.signum() != 0; i--) {
BigInteger[] temp = n.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger.TEN);
result = (result >>> 4) + (temp[1].longValue() << 60);
n = temp[0];
int adjustment = (i > 0) ? i : 0;
bcd = result >>> (adjustment * 4);
scale = (i < 0) ? -i : 0;
protected BigDecimal bcdToBigDecimal() {
long tempLong = 0L;
for (int shift = (precision - 1); shift >= 0; shift--) {
tempLong = tempLong * 10 + getDigitPos(shift);
BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.valueOf(tempLong);
result = result.scaleByPowerOfTen(scale);
if (isNegative()) result = result.negate();
return result;
protected void compact() {
// Special handling for 0
if (bcd == 0L) {
scale = 0;
precision = 0;
// Compact the number (remove trailing zeros)
int delta = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(bcd) / 4;
bcd >>>= delta * 4;
scale += delta;
// Compute precision
precision = 16 - (Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(bcd) / 4);
protected void copyBcdFrom(DecimalQuantity _other) {
DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD other = (DecimalQuantity_64BitBCD) _other;
bcd = other.bcd;
public String toString() {
return String.format(
"<DecimalQuantity2 %d:%d %016XE%d>",