Merge branch 'docking' into features/logarithmic_sliders_docking

# Conflicts:
#	imgui.cpp
#	imgui.h
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
index 17bab9b..ad58c57 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -104,6 +104,34 @@
  VERSION 1.78 WIP (In Progress)
+Breaking Changes:
+- Obsoleted use of the trailing 'float power=1.0f' parameter for those functions: [@Shironekoben, @ocornut]
+  - DragFloat(), DragFloat2(), DragFloat3(), DragFloat4(), DragFloatRange2(), DragScalar(), DragScalarN()
+  - SliderFloat(), SliderFloat2(), SliderFloat3(), SliderFloat4(), SliderScalar(), SliderScalarN()
+  - VSliderFloat(), VSliderScalar()
+  Replaced the 'float power=1.0f' argument with integer-based flags defaulting to 0 (as with all our flags).
+  The type of those flags are ImGuiDragFlags and ImGuiSliderFlags (underlying int storage).
+  Worked out a backward-compatibility scheme so hopefully most C++ codebase should not be affected.
+  In short, when calling those functions:
+  - If you omitted the 'power' parameter (likely!), you are not affected.
+  - If you set the 'power' parameter to 1.0f (same as previous default value):
+    - Your compiler may warn on float>int conversion.
+    - Everything else will work.
+    - You can replace the 1.0f value with 0 to fix the warning, and be technically correct.
+  - If you set the 'power' parameter to >1.0f (to enable non-linear editing):
+    - Your compiler may warn on float>int conversion.
+    - Code will assert at runtime for IM_ASSERT(power == 1.0f) with the following assert description:
+      "Call Drag function with ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic instead of using the old 'float power' function!".
+    - In case asserts are disabled, the code will not crash and enable the _Logarithmic flag.
+    - You can replace the >1.0f value with ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic or ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic
+      to fix the warning/assert and get a _similar_ effect as previous uses of power >1.0f.
+  See for all details.
+  Kept inline redirection functions (will obsolete) apart for: DragFloatRange2(), VSliderFloat(), VSliderScalar().
+  For those three the 'float power=1.0f' version was removed directly as they were most unlikely ever used.
+- DragInt, DragFloat, DragScalar: Obsoleted use of v_min > v_max to lock edits (introduced in 1.73, this was not
+  demoed nor documented much, will be replaced a more generic ReadOnly feature).
 Other Changes:
 - Nav: Fixed clicking on void (behind any windows) from not clearing the focused window.
@@ -111,6 +139,20 @@
   flag being cleared accordingly. (bug introduced in 1.77 WIP on 2020/06/16) (#3344, #2880)
 - Window: Fixed clicking over an item which hovering has been disabled (e.g inhibited by a popup)
   from marking the window as moved.
+- Drag, Slider: Added ImGuiDragFlags and ImGuiSliderFlags parameters.
+  For float functions they replace the old trailing 'float power=1.0' parameter.
+  (See #3361 and the "Breaking Changes" block above for all details).
+- Drag, Slider: Added ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic/ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic flags to
+  enable logarithmic editing (generally more precision around zero), as a replacement to the old
+  'float power' parameter which was obsoleted. (#1823, #1316, #642) [@Shironekoben, @AndrewBelt]
+- Drag, Slider: Added ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput/ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput flags to force
+  clamping value when using CTRL+Click to type in a value manually. (#1829, #3209, #946, #413).
+- Drag, Slider: Added ImGuiDragFlags_NoRoundToFormat/ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat flags
+  to disable rounding underlying value to match precision of the display format string. (#642)
+- Drag, Slider: Added ImGuiDragFlags_NoInput/ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput to disable turning
+  widget into a text input with CTRL+Click or Nav Enter.
+- Nav, Slider: Fix using keyboard/gamepad controls with certain logarithmic sliders where
+  pushing a direction near zero values would be cancelled out. [@Shironekoben]
 - DragFloatRange2, DragIntRange2: Fixed an issue allowing to drag out of bounds when both
   min and max value are on the same value. (#1441)
 - InputText, ImDrawList: Fixed assert triggering when drawing single line of text with more
@@ -118,6 +160,12 @@
   clipping, more than 16 KB characters are visible in the same low-level ImDrawList::RenderText
   call. ImGui-level functions such as TextUnformatted() are not affected. This is quite rare
   but it will be addressed later). (#3349)
+- Selectable: Fixed highlight/hit extent when used with horizontal scrolling (in or outside columns). 
+  Also fixed related text clipping when used in a column after the first one. (#3187, #3386)
+- Scrolling: Avoid SetScroll, SetScrollFromPos functions from snapping on the edge of scroll
+  limits when close-enough by (WindowPadding - ItemPadding), which was a tweak with too many
+  side-effects. The behavior is still present in SetScrollHere functions as they are more explicitly
+  aiming at making widgets visible. May later be moved to a flag.
 - InvisibleButton: Made public a small selection of ImGuiButtonFlags (previously in imgui_internal.h)
   and allowed to pass them to InvisibleButton(): ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonLeft/Right/Middle.
   This is a small but rather important change because lots of multi-button behaviors could previously
@@ -137,9 +185,10 @@
   by modifying the 'style.CircleSegmentMaxError' value. [@ShironekoBen]
 - ImDrawList: Fixed minor bug introduced in 1.75 where AddCircle() with 12 segments would generate
   an extra vertex. (This bug was mistakenly marked as fixed in earlier 1.77 release). [@ShironekoBen]
-- Demo: Improve "Custom Rendering"->"Canvas" demo with a grid, scrolling and context menu.
+- Demo: Improved "Custom Rendering"->"Canvas" demo with a grid, scrolling and context menu.
   Also showcase using InvisibleButton() will multiple mouse buttons flags.
-- Demo: Tweak "Child Windows" section.
+- Demo: Improved "Layout & Scrolling" -> "Clipping" section.
+- Demo: Improved "Layout & Scrolling" -> "Child Windows" section.
 - Style Editor: Added preview of circle auto-tessellation when editing the corresponding value.
 - Backends: OpenGL3: Added support for glad2 loader. (#3330) [@moritz-h]
 >>>>>>> master
@@ -643,7 +692,7 @@
   because it needs application to be linked with '-framework ApplicationServices'. It can be explicitly
   enabled back by using '#define IMGUI_ENABLE_OSX_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS' in imconfig.h. Re-added
   equivalent using NSPasteboard api in the experimental back-end. (#2546)
-- Backends: SDL2: Added dummy ImGui_ImplSDL2_InitForD3D() function to make D3D support more visible.
+- Backends: SDL2: Added ImGui_ImplSDL2_InitForD3D() function to make D3D support more visible.
   (#2482, #2632) [@josiahmanson]
 - Examples: Added SDL2+DirectX11 example application. (#2632, #2612, #2482) [@vincenthamm]
@@ -803,7 +852,7 @@
 - Misc: Made IMGUI_CHECKVERSION() macro also check for matching size of ImDrawIdx.
 - Metrics: Added "Show windows rectangles" tool to visualize the different rectangles.
 - Demo: Improved trees in columns demo.
-- Examples: OpenGL: Added a dummy GL call + comments in ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init() to detect uninitialized
+- Examples: OpenGL: Added a test GL call + comments in ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init() to detect uninitialized
   GL function loaders early, and help users understand what they are missing. (#2421)
 - Examples: SDL: Added support for SDL_GameController gamepads (enable with ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad). (#2509) [@DJLink]
 - Examples: Emscripten: Added Emscripten+SDL+GLES2 example. (#2494, #2492, #2351, #336) [@nicolasnoble, @redblobgames]
@@ -911,7 +960,7 @@
 - Removed io.DisplayVisibleMin/DisplayVisibleMax (which were marked obsolete and removed from viewport/docking branch already).
 - Made it illegal/assert when io.DisplayTime == 0.0f (with an exception for the first frame).
-  If for some reason your time step calculation gives you a zero value, replace it with a dummy small value!
+  If for some reason your time step calculation gives you a zero value, replace it with a arbitrary small value!
 Other Changes:
@@ -1403,7 +1452,7 @@
 - ColorEdit: Fixed not being able to pass the ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha or ImGuiColorEditFlags_HDR flags to SetColorEditOptions().
 - Nav: Fixed hovering a Selectable() with the mouse so that it update the navigation cursor (as it happened in the pre-1.60 navigation branch). (#787)
 - Style: Changed default style.DisplaySafeAreaPadding values from (4,4) to (3,3) so it is smaller than FramePadding and has no effect on main menu bar on a computer. (#1439)
-- Fonts: When building font atlas, glyphs that are missing in the fonts are not using the glyph slot to render a dummy/default glyph. Saves space and allow merging fonts with
+- Fonts: When building font atlas, glyphs that are missing in the fonts are not using the glyph slot to render the default glyph. Saves space and allow merging fonts with
   overlapping font ranges such as FontAwesome5 which split out the Brands separately from the Solid fonts. (#1703, #1671)
 - Misc: Added IMGUI_CHECKVERSION() macro to compare version string and data structure sizes in order to catch issues with mismatching compilation unit settings. (#1695, #1769)
 - Misc: Added IMGUI_DISABLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS in imconfig.h to make it easier to redefine wrappers for std/crt math functions.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index adce4d4..b5fbcc9 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@
 **Note:** You should always pass your mouse/keyboard inputs to Dear ImGui, even when the io.WantCaptureXXX flag are set false.
  This is because imgui needs to detect that you clicked in the void to unfocus its own windows.
-**Note:** The `io.WantCaptureMouse` is more correct that any manual attempt to "check if the mouse is hovering a window" (don't do that!). It handle mouse dragging correctly (both dragging that started over your application or over a Dear ImGui window) and handle e.g. popup and modal windows blocking inputs. 
+**Note:** The `io.WantCaptureMouse` is more correct that any manual attempt to "check if the mouse is hovering a window" (don't do that!). It handle mouse dragging correctly (both dragging that started over your application or over a Dear ImGui window) and handle e.g. popup and modal windows blocking inputs.
-**Note:** Those flags are updated by `ImGui::NewFrame()`. However it is generally more correct and easier that you poll flags from the previous frame, then submit your inputs, then call `NewFrame()`. If you attempt to do the opposite (which is generally harder) you are likely going to submit your inputs after `NewFrame()`, and therefore too late. 
+**Note:** Those flags are updated by `ImGui::NewFrame()`. However it is generally more correct and easier that you poll flags from the previous frame, then submit your inputs, then call `NewFrame()`. If you attempt to do the opposite (which is generally harder) you are likely going to submit your inputs after `NewFrame()`, and therefore too late.
-**Note:** If you are using a touch device, you may find use for an early call to `UpdateHoveredWindowAndCaptureFlags()` to correctly dispatch your initial touch. We will work on better out-of-the-box touch support in the future. 
+**Note:** If you are using a touch device, you may find use for an early call to `UpdateHoveredWindowAndCaptureFlags()` to correctly dispatch your initial touch. We will work on better out-of-the-box touch support in the future.
 **Note:** Text input widget releases focus on the "KeyDown" event of the Return key, so the subsequent "KeyUp" event that your application receive will typically have `io.WantCaptureKeyboard == false`. Depending on your application logic it may or not be inconvenient to receive that KeyUp event. You might want to track which key-downs were targeted for Dear ImGui, e.g. with an array of bool, and filter out the corresponding key-ups.)
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
 - To generate colors: you can use the macro `IM_COL32(255,255,255,255)` to generate them at compile time, or use `ImGui::GetColorU32(IM_COL32(255,255,255,255))` or `ImGui::GetColorU32(ImVec4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f))` to generate a color that is multiplied by the current value of `style.Alpha`.
 - Math operators: if you have setup `IM_VEC2_CLASS_EXTRA` in `imconfig.h` to bind your own math types, you can use your own math types and their natural operators instead of ImVec2. ImVec2 by default doesn't export any math operators in the public API. You may use `#define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS` `#include "imgui_internal.h"` to use the internally defined math operators, but instead prefer using your own math library and set it up in `imconfig.h`.
 - You can use `ImGui::GetBackgroundDrawList()` or `ImGui::GetForegroundDrawList()` to access draw lists which will be displayed behind and over every other dear imgui windows (one bg/fg drawlist per viewport). This is very convenient if you need to quickly display something on the screen that is not associated to a dear imgui window.
-- You can also create your own dummy window and draw inside it. Call Begin() with the NoBackground | NoDecoration | NoSavedSettings | NoInputs flags (The `ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration` flag itself is a shortcut for NoTitleBar | NoResize | NoScrollbar | NoCollapse). Then you can retrieve the ImDrawList* via GetWindowDrawList() and draw to it in any way you like.
+- You can also create your own empty window and draw inside it. Call Begin() with the NoBackground | NoDecoration | NoSavedSettings | NoInputs flags (The `ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration` flag itself is a shortcut for NoTitleBar | NoResize | NoScrollbar | NoCollapse). Then you can retrieve the ImDrawList* via GetWindowDrawList() and draw to it in any way you like.
 - You can create your own ImDrawList instance. You'll need to initialize them with `ImGui::GetDrawListSharedData()`, or create your own instancing ImDrawListSharedData, and then call your renderer function with your own ImDrawList or ImDrawData data.
 ##### [Return to Index](#index)
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
 ### Q: How should I handle DPI in my application?
-The short answer is: obtain the desired DPI scale, load a suitable font resized with that scale (always round down font size to nearest integer), and scale your Style structure accordingly using `style.ScaleAllSizes()`. 
+The short answer is: obtain the desired DPI scale, load a suitable font resized with that scale (always round down font size to nearest integer), and scale your Style structure accordingly using `style.ScaleAllSizes()`.
 Your application may want to detect DPI change and reload the font and reset style being frames.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index a0ca648..9579ee2 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
 - Frameworks: Emscripten, Allegro5, Marmalade.
 Third-party bindings (see [Bindings]( page):
-- Languages: C, C#/.Net, ChaiScript, D, Go, Haskell, Haxe/hxcpp, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Kotlin, Lua, Odin, Pascal, PureBasic, Python, Ruby, Rust, Swift...
-- Frameworks: AGS/Adventure Game Studio, Amethyst, bsf, Cinder, Cocos2d-x, Diligent Engine, Flexium, GML/Game Maker Studio2, GTK3+OpenGL3, Irrlicht Engine, LÖVE+LUA, Magnum, NanoRT, Nim Game Lib, Ogre, openFrameworks, OSG/OpenSceneGraph, Orx, Photoshop, px_render, Qt/QtDirect3D, SFML, Sokol, Unity, Unreal Engine 4, vtk, Win32 GDI, WxWidgets.
+- Languages: C, C# and: Beef, ChaiScript, D, Go, Haskell, Haxe/hxcpp, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Kotlin, Lua, Odin, Pascal, PureBasic, Python, Ruby, Rust, Swift...
+- Frameworks: AGS/Adventure Game Studio, Amethyst, bsf, Cinder, Cocos2d-x, Diligent Engine, Flexium, GML/Game Maker Studio2, Godot, GTK3+OpenGL3, Irrlicht Engine, LÖVE+LUA, Magnum, NanoRT, Nim Game Lib, Ogre, openFrameworks, OSG/OpenSceneGraph, Orx, Photoshop, px_render, Qt/QtDirect3D, SFML, Sokol, Unity, Unreal Engine 4, vtk, Win32 GDI, WxWidgets.
 - Note that C bindings ([cimgui]( are auto-generated, you can use its json/lua output to generate bindings for other languages.
 Also see [Wiki]( for more links and ideas.
diff --git a/docs/TODO.txt b/docs/TODO.txt
index 90d5004..3ba0cdc 100644
--- a/docs/TODO.txt
+++ b/docs/TODO.txt
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
  - slider: step option (#1183)
  - slider style: fill % of the bar instead of positioning a drag.
  - knob: rotating knob widget (#942)
- - drag float: power/logarithmic slider and drags are weird. (#1316)
+ - drag float: support for reversed drags (min > max) (removed is_locked, also see fdc526e)
  - drag float: up/down axis
  - drag float: power != 0.0f with current value being outside the range keeps the value stuck.
  - drag float: added leeway on edge (e.g. a few invisible steps past the clamp limits)
@@ -407,7 +407,6 @@
  - misc: idle: if cursor blink if the _only_ visible animation, could even expose a dirty rectangle that optionally can be leverage by some app to render in a smaller viewport, getting rid of much pixel shading cost.
  - misc: no way to run a root-most GetID() with ImGui:: api since there's always a Debug window in the stack. (mentioned in #2960)
  - misc: make the ImGuiCond values linear (non-power-of-two). internal storage for ImGuiWindow can use integers to combine into flags (Why?)
- - misc: provide a way to compile out the entire implementation while providing a dummy API (e.g. #define IMGUI_DUMMY_IMPL)
  - misc: PushItemFlag(): add a flag to disable keyboard capture when used with mouse? (#1682)
  - misc: use more size_t in public api?
  - misc: possible compile-time support for string view/range instead of char* would e.g. facilitate usage with Rust (#683)
@@ -436,6 +435,8 @@
  - backends: bgfx:
  - backends: mscriptem: with refactored examples, we could provide a direct imgui_impl_emscripten platform layer (see eg.
+ - bindings: ways to use clang ast dump to generate bindings or helpers for bindings? (e.g. clang++ -Xclang -ast-dump=json imgui.h)
  - optimization: replace vsnprintf with stb_printf? using IMGUI_USE_STB_SPRINTF.(#1038)
  - optimization: add clipping for multi-component widgets (SliderFloatX, ColorEditX, etc.). one problem is that nav branch can't easily clip parent group when there is a move request.
  - optimization: add a flag to disable most of rendering, for the case where the user expect to skip it (#335)
diff --git a/examples/example_allegro5/example_allegro5.vcxproj b/examples/example_allegro5/example_allegro5.vcxproj
index c86dcb2..ace8855 100644
--- a/examples/example_allegro5/example_allegro5.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_allegro5/example_allegro5.vcxproj
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_glfw_opengl2/example_glfw_opengl2.vcxproj b/examples/example_glfw_opengl2/example_glfw_opengl2.vcxproj
index b265fea..5cb59b8 100644
--- a/examples/example_glfw_opengl2/example_glfw_opengl2.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_glfw_opengl2/example_glfw_opengl2.vcxproj
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_glfw_opengl3/example_glfw_opengl3.vcxproj b/examples/example_glfw_opengl3/example_glfw_opengl3.vcxproj
index 47d2538..3d670bf 100644
--- a/examples/example_glfw_opengl3/example_glfw_opengl3.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_glfw_opengl3/example_glfw_opengl3.vcxproj
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_glfw_vulkan/example_glfw_vulkan.vcxproj b/examples/example_glfw_vulkan/example_glfw_vulkan.vcxproj
index 9e2c9b3..65458eb 100644
--- a/examples/example_glfw_vulkan/example_glfw_vulkan.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_glfw_vulkan/example_glfw_vulkan.vcxproj
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_glut_opengl2/example_glut_opengl2.vcxproj b/examples/example_glut_opengl2/example_glut_opengl2.vcxproj
index 9a23951..ac8f6a7 100644
--- a/examples/example_glut_opengl2/example_glut_opengl2.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_glut_opengl2/example_glut_opengl2.vcxproj
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_null/main.cpp b/examples/example_null/main.cpp
index aa2f6db..72381f0 100644
--- a/examples/example_null/main.cpp
+++ b/examples/example_null/main.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// dear imgui: null/dummy example application
+// dear imgui: "null" example application
 // (compile and link imgui, create context, run headless with NO INPUTS, NO GRAPHICS OUTPUT)
 // This is useful to test building, but you cannot interact with anything here!
 #include "imgui.h"
diff --git a/examples/example_sdl_directx11/example_sdl_directx11.vcxproj b/examples/example_sdl_directx11/example_sdl_directx11.vcxproj
index 804bd50..b32034e 100644
--- a/examples/example_sdl_directx11/example_sdl_directx11.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_sdl_directx11/example_sdl_directx11.vcxproj
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_sdl_opengl2/example_sdl_opengl2.vcxproj b/examples/example_sdl_opengl2/example_sdl_opengl2.vcxproj
index 83a6a8a..8bba207 100644
--- a/examples/example_sdl_opengl2/example_sdl_opengl2.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_sdl_opengl2/example_sdl_opengl2.vcxproj
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
   <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
-    <ProjectGuid>{2AE17FDE-F7F3-4CAC-ADAB-0710EDA4F741}</ProjectGuid>
+    <ProjectGuid>{4168B148-B7DE-4A31-8497-19AFA6B83360}</ProjectGuid>
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_sdl_opengl3/example_sdl_opengl3.vcxproj b/examples/example_sdl_opengl3/example_sdl_opengl3.vcxproj
index 54aaa79..c516c99 100644
--- a/examples/example_sdl_opengl3/example_sdl_opengl3.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_sdl_opengl3/example_sdl_opengl3.vcxproj
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_sdl_vulkan/example_sdl_vulkan.vcxproj b/examples/example_sdl_vulkan/example_sdl_vulkan.vcxproj
index ac701a2..8a6eab4 100644
--- a/examples/example_sdl_vulkan/example_sdl_vulkan.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_sdl_vulkan/example_sdl_vulkan.vcxproj
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_win32_directx10/example_win32_directx10.vcxproj b/examples/example_win32_directx10/example_win32_directx10.vcxproj
index 5c3aa69..6182b68 100644
--- a/examples/example_win32_directx10/example_win32_directx10.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_win32_directx10/example_win32_directx10.vcxproj
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_win32_directx11/example_win32_directx11.vcxproj b/examples/example_win32_directx11/example_win32_directx11.vcxproj
index bcb71bc..3e4db23 100644
--- a/examples/example_win32_directx11/example_win32_directx11.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_win32_directx11/example_win32_directx11.vcxproj
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/example_win32_directx9/example_win32_directx9.vcxproj b/examples/example_win32_directx9/example_win32_directx9.vcxproj
index 25bdd85..cf944ae 100644
--- a/examples/example_win32_directx9/example_win32_directx9.vcxproj
+++ b/examples/example_win32_directx9/example_win32_directx9.vcxproj
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
+      <DebugInformationFormat>EditAndContinue</DebugInformationFormat>
diff --git a/examples/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp b/examples/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
index 08e739c..a3cf8a9 100644
--- a/examples/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
+++ b/examples/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 //  2019-05-29: OpenGL: Desktop GL only: Added support for large mesh (64K+ vertices), enable ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset flag.
 //  2019-04-30: OpenGL: Added support for special ImDrawCallback_ResetRenderState callback to reset render state.
 //  2019-03-29: OpenGL: Not calling glBindBuffer more than necessary in the render loop.
-//  2019-03-15: OpenGL: Added a dummy GL call + comments in ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init() to detect uninitialized GL function loaders early.
+//  2019-03-15: OpenGL: Added a GL call + comments in ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init() to detect uninitialized GL function loaders early.
 //  2019-03-03: OpenGL: Fix support for ES 2.0 (WebGL 1.0).
 //  2019-02-20: OpenGL: Fix for OSX not supporting OpenGL 4.5, we don't try to read GL_CLIP_ORIGIN even if defined by the headers/loader.
 //  2019-02-11: OpenGL: Projecting clipping rectangles correctly using draw_data->FramebufferScale to allow multi-viewports for retina display.
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
     strcpy(g_GlslVersionString, glsl_version);
     strcat(g_GlslVersionString, "\n");
-    // Dummy construct to make it easily visible in the IDE and debugger which GL loader has been selected.
+    // Debugging construct to make it easily visible in the IDE and debugger which GL loader has been selected.
     // The code actually never uses the 'gl_loader' variable! It is only here so you can read it!
     // If auto-detection fails or doesn't select the same GL loader file as used by your application,
     // you are likely to get a crash below.
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
     gl_loader = "none";
-    // Make a dummy GL call (we don't actually need the result)
+    // Make an arbitrary GL call (we don't actually need the result)
     // IF YOU GET A CRASH HERE: it probably means that you haven't initialized the OpenGL function loader used by this code.
     // Desktop OpenGL 3/4 need a function loader. See the IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_xxx explanation above.
     GLint current_texture;
diff --git a/imgui.cpp b/imgui.cpp
index cd3712b..f93f40e 100644
--- a/imgui.cpp
+++ b/imgui.cpp
@@ -382,7 +382,15 @@
                           If you query mouse positions to interact with non-imgui coordinates you will need to offset them, e.g. subtract GetWindowViewport()->Pos.
  - 2020/XX/XX (1.XX) - Moved IME support functions from io.ImeSetInputScreenPosFn, io.ImeWindowHandle to the PlatformIO api.
+ - 2020/07/23 (1.78) - obsoleted use of the trailing 'float power=1.0f' parameter for DragFloat(), DragFloat2(), DragFloat3(), DragFloat4(), DragFloatRange2(), DragScalar(), DragScalarN(), SliderFloat(), SliderFloat2(), SliderFloat3(), SliderFloat4(), SliderScalar(), SliderScalarN(), VSliderFloat() and VSliderScalar().
+                       replaced the 'float power=1.0f' argument with integer-based flags defaulting to 0 (as with all our flags).
+                       worked out a backward-compatibility scheme so hopefully most C++ codebase should not be affected. in short, when calling those functions:
+                       - if you omitted the 'power' parameter (likely!), you are not affected.
+                       - if you set the 'power' parameter to 1.0f (same as previous default value): 1/ your compiler may warn on float>int conversion, 2/ everything else will work. 3/ you can replace the 1.0f value with 0 to fix the warning, and be technically correct.
+                       - if you set the 'power' parameter to >1.0f (to enable non-linear editing): 1/ your compiler may warn on float>int conversion, 2/ code will assert at runtime, 3/ in case asserts are disabled, the code will not crash and enable the _Logarithmic flag. 4/ you can replace the >1.0f value with ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic or ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic flag to fix the warning/assert and get a _similar_ effect as previous uses of power >1.0f.
+                       see for all details.
+                       kept inline redirection functions (will obsolete) apart for: DragFloatRange2(), VSliderFloat(), VSliderScalar(). For those three the 'float power=1.0f' version were removed directly as they were most unlikely ever used.
+                     - obsoleted use of v_min > v_max in DragInt, DragFloat, DragScalar to lock edits (introduced in 1.73, was not demoed nor documented very), will be replaced by a more generic ReadOnly feature. You may use the ImGuiDragFlags_ReadOnly internal flag in the meantime.
  - 2020/06/23 (1.77) - removed BeginPopupContextWindow(const char*, int mouse_button, bool also_over_items) in favor of BeginPopupContextWindow(const char*, ImGuiPopupFlags flags) with ImGuiPopupFlags_NoOverItems.
  - 2020/06/15 (1.77) - renamed OpenPopupOnItemClick() to OpenPopupContextItem(). Kept inline redirection function (will obsolete).
  - 2020/06/15 (1.77) - removed CalcItemRectClosestPoint() entry point which was made obsolete and asserting in December 2017.
@@ -428,7 +436,7 @@
  - 2019/04/29 (1.70) - removed GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), use GetContentRegionAvail().x instead. Kept inline redirection function (will obsolete).
  - 2019/03/04 (1.69) - renamed GetOverlayDrawList() to GetForegroundDrawList(). Kept redirection function (will obsolete).
  - 2019/02/26 (1.69) - renamed ImGuiColorEditFlags_RGB/ImGuiColorEditFlags_HSV/ImGuiColorEditFlags_HEX to ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB/ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHSV/ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHex. Kept redirection enums (will obsolete).
- - 2019/02/14 (1.68) - made it illegal/assert when io.DisplayTime == 0.0f (with an exception for the first frame). If for some reason your time step calculation gives you a zero value, replace it with a dummy small value!
+ - 2019/02/14 (1.68) - made it illegal/assert when io.DisplayTime == 0.0f (with an exception for the first frame). If for some reason your time step calculation gives you a zero value, replace it with an arbitrary small value!
  - 2019/02/01 (1.68) - removed io.DisplayVisibleMin/DisplayVisibleMax (which were marked obsolete and removed from viewport/docking branch already).
  - 2019/01/06 (1.67) - renamed io.InputCharacters[], marked internal as was always intended. Please don't access directly, and use AddInputCharacter() instead!
  - 2019/01/06 (1.67) - renamed ImFontAtlas::GlyphRangesBuilder to ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder. Kept redirection typedef (will obsolete).
@@ -820,7 +828,7 @@
 static void             SetCurrentWindow(ImGuiWindow* window);
 static void             FindHoveredWindow();
 static ImGuiWindow*     CreateNewWindow(const char* name, ImGuiWindowFlags flags);
-static ImVec2           CalcNextScrollFromScrollTargetAndClamp(ImGuiWindow* window, bool snap_on_edges);
+static ImVec2           CalcNextScrollFromScrollTargetAndClamp(ImGuiWindow* window);
 static void             AddDrawListToDrawData(ImVector<ImDrawList*>* out_list, ImDrawList* draw_list);
 static void             AddWindowToSortBuffer(ImVector<ImGuiWindow*>* out_sorted_windows, ImGuiWindow* window);
@@ -952,6 +960,7 @@
     ScrollbarRounding       = 9.0f;             // Radius of grab corners rounding for scrollbar
     GrabMinSize             = 10.0f;            // Minimum width/height of a grab box for slider/scrollbar
     GrabRounding            = 0.0f;             // Radius of grabs corners rounding. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular slider grabs.
+    LogSliderDeadzone       = 4.0f;             // The size in pixels of the dead-zone around zero on logarithmic sliders that cross zero.
     TabRounding             = 4.0f;             // Radius of upper corners of a tab. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular tabs.
     TabBorderSize           = 0.0f;             // Thickness of border around tabs.
     TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton = 0.0f; // Minimum width for close button to appears on an unselected tab when hovered. Set to 0.0f to always show when hovering, set to FLT_MAX to never show close button unless selected.
@@ -991,6 +1000,7 @@
     ScrollbarRounding = ImFloor(ScrollbarRounding * scale_factor);
     GrabMinSize = ImFloor(GrabMinSize * scale_factor);
     GrabRounding = ImFloor(GrabRounding * scale_factor);
+    LogSliderDeadzone = ImFloor(LogSliderDeadzone * scale_factor);
     TabRounding = ImFloor(TabRounding * scale_factor);
     if (TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton != FLT_MAX)
         TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton = ImFloor(TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton * scale_factor);
@@ -1700,8 +1710,8 @@
 // Not optimal but we very rarely use this function.
 int ImTextCountUtf8BytesFromChar(const char* in_text, const char* in_text_end)
-    unsigned int dummy = 0;
-    return ImTextCharFromUtf8(&dummy, in_text, in_text_end);
+    unsigned int unused = 0;
+    return ImTextCharFromUtf8(&unused, in_text, in_text_end);
 static inline int ImTextCountUtf8BytesFromChar(unsigned int c)
@@ -2197,7 +2207,7 @@
     *out_items_display_end = end;
-static void SetCursorPosYAndSetupDummyPrevLine(float pos_y, float line_height)
+static void SetCursorPosYAndSetupForPrevLine(float pos_y, float line_height)
     // Set cursor position and a few other things so that SetScrollHereY() and Columns() can work when seeking cursor.
     // FIXME: It is problematic that we have to do that here, because custom/equivalent end-user code would stumble on the same issue.
@@ -2229,7 +2239,7 @@
         ImGui::CalcListClipping(ItemsCount, ItemsHeight, &DisplayStart, &DisplayEnd); // calculate how many to clip/display
         if (DisplayStart > 0)
-            SetCursorPosYAndSetupDummyPrevLine(StartPosY + DisplayStart * ItemsHeight, ItemsHeight); // advance cursor
+            SetCursorPosYAndSetupForPrevLine(StartPosY + DisplayStart * ItemsHeight, ItemsHeight); // advance cursor
         StepNo = 2;
@@ -2240,7 +2250,7 @@
     // In theory here we should assert that ImGui::GetCursorPosY() == StartPosY + DisplayEnd * ItemsHeight, but it feels saner to just seek at the end and not assert/crash the user.
     if (ItemsCount < INT_MAX)
-        SetCursorPosYAndSetupDummyPrevLine(StartPosY + ItemsCount * ItemsHeight, ItemsHeight); // advance cursor
+        SetCursorPosYAndSetupForPrevLine(StartPosY + ItemsCount * ItemsHeight, ItemsHeight); // advance cursor
     ItemsCount = -1;
     StepNo = 3;
@@ -2274,7 +2284,7 @@
         StepNo = 3;
         return true;
-    if (StepNo == 2) // Step 2: dummy step only required if an explicit items_height was passed to constructor or Begin() and user still call Step(). Does nothing and switch to Step 3.
+    if (StepNo == 2) // Step 2: empty step only required if an explicit items_height was passed to constructor or Begin() and user still call Step(). Does nothing and switch to Step 3.
         IM_ASSERT(DisplayStart >= 0 && DisplayEnd >= 0);
         StepNo = 3;
@@ -3098,7 +3108,7 @@
     if ((window->DC.ItemFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled) && !(flags & ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenDisabled))
         return false;
-    // Special handling for the dummy item after Begin() which represent the title bar or tab.
+    // Special handling for calling after Begin() which represent the title bar or tab.
     // When the window is collapsed (SkipItems==true) that last item will never be overwritten so we need to detect the case.
     if ((window->DC.LastItemId == window->ID || window->DC.LastItemId == window->MoveId) && window->WriteAccessed)
         return false;
@@ -3524,8 +3534,8 @@
                     if (!root_window->TitleBarRect().Contains(g.IO.MouseClickedPos[0]))
                         g.MovingWindow = NULL;
-            // Cancel moving if clicked over an item which was disabled or inhibited by popups
-            if (g.HoveredId == 0 && g.HoveredIdDisabled)
+            // Cancel moving if clicked over an item which was disabled or inhibited by popups (note that we know HoveredId == 0 already)
+            if (g.HoveredIdDisabled)
                 g.MovingWindow = NULL;
         else if (root_window == NULL && g.NavWindow != NULL && GetTopMostPopupModal() == NULL)
@@ -5047,7 +5057,7 @@
         NavInitWindow(child_window, false);
-        SetActiveID(id + 1, child_window); // Steal ActiveId with a dummy id so that key-press won't activate child item
+        SetActiveID(id + 1, child_window); // Steal ActiveId with another arbitrary id so that key-press won't activate child item
         g.ActiveIdSource = ImGuiInputSource_Nav;
     return ret;
@@ -6390,7 +6400,7 @@
         window->ScrollMax.y = ImMax(0.0f, window->ContentSize.y + window->WindowPadding.y * 2.0f - window->InnerRect.GetHeight());
         // Apply scrolling
-        window->Scroll = CalcNextScrollFromScrollTargetAndClamp(window, true);
+        window->Scroll = CalcNextScrollFromScrollTargetAndClamp(window);
         window->ScrollTarget = ImVec2(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
         // DRAWING
@@ -6472,6 +6482,7 @@
         window->WorkRect.Min.y = ImFloor(window->InnerRect.Min.y - window->Scroll.y + ImMax(window->WindowPadding.y, window->WindowBorderSize));
         window->WorkRect.Max.x = window->WorkRect.Min.x + work_rect_size_x;
         window->WorkRect.Max.y = window->WorkRect.Min.y + work_rect_size_y;
+        window->ParentWorkRect = window->WorkRect;
         // [LEGACY] Content Region
         // FIXME-OBSOLETE: window->ContentRegionRect.Max is currently very misleading / partly faulty, but some BeginChild() patterns relies on it.
@@ -8063,30 +8074,20 @@
-static ImVec2 CalcNextScrollFromScrollTargetAndClamp(ImGuiWindow* window, bool snap_on_edges)
+static ImVec2 CalcNextScrollFromScrollTargetAndClamp(ImGuiWindow* window)
-    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
     ImVec2 scroll = window->Scroll;
     if (window->ScrollTarget.x < FLT_MAX)
         float cr_x = window->ScrollTargetCenterRatio.x;
         float target_x = window->ScrollTarget.x;
-        if (snap_on_edges && cr_x <= 0.0f && target_x <= window->WindowPadding.x)
-            target_x = 0.0f;
-        else if (snap_on_edges && cr_x >= 1.0f && target_x >= window->ContentSize.x + window->WindowPadding.x + g.Style.ItemSpacing.x)
-            target_x = window->ContentSize.x + window->WindowPadding.x * 2.0f;
         scroll.x = target_x - cr_x * (window->SizeFull.x - window->ScrollbarSizes.x);
     if (window->ScrollTarget.y < FLT_MAX)
-        // 'snap_on_edges' allows for a discontinuity at the edge of scrolling limits to take account of WindowPadding so that scrolling to make the last item visible scroll far enough to see the padding.
         float decoration_up_height = window->TitleBarHeight() + window->MenuBarHeight();
         float cr_y = window->ScrollTargetCenterRatio.y;
         float target_y = window->ScrollTarget.y;
-        if (snap_on_edges && cr_y <= 0.0f && target_y <= window->WindowPadding.y)
-            target_y = 0.0f;
-        if (snap_on_edges && cr_y >= 1.0f && target_y >= window->ContentSize.y + window->WindowPadding.y + g.Style.ItemSpacing.y)
-            target_y = window->ContentSize.y + window->WindowPadding.y * 2.0f;
         scroll.y = target_y - cr_y * (window->SizeFull.y - window->ScrollbarSizes.y - decoration_up_height);
     scroll.x = IM_FLOOR(ImMax(scroll.x, 0.0f));
@@ -8118,7 +8119,7 @@
         else if (item_rect.Max.y >= window_rect.Max.y)
             SetScrollFromPosY(window, item_rect.Max.y - window->Pos.y + g.Style.ItemSpacing.y, 1.0f);
-        ImVec2 next_scroll = CalcNextScrollFromScrollTargetAndClamp(window, false);
+        ImVec2 next_scroll = CalcNextScrollFromScrollTargetAndClamp(window);
         delta_scroll = next_scroll - window->Scroll;
@@ -8179,10 +8180,10 @@
     window->ScrollTargetCenterRatio.y = 0.0f;
+// Note that a local position will vary depending on initial scroll value
+// We store a target position so centering can occur on the next frame when we are guaranteed to have a known window size
 void ImGui::SetScrollFromPosX(ImGuiWindow* window, float local_x, float center_x_ratio)
-    // We store a target position so centering can occur on the next frame when we are guaranteed to have a known window size
     IM_ASSERT(center_x_ratio >= 0.0f && center_x_ratio <= 1.0f);
     window->ScrollTarget.x = IM_FLOOR(local_x + window->Scroll.x);
     window->ScrollTargetCenterRatio.x = center_x_ratio;
@@ -8190,10 +8191,8 @@
 void ImGui::SetScrollFromPosY(ImGuiWindow* window, float local_y, float center_y_ratio)
-    // We store a target position so centering can occur on the next frame when we are guaranteed to have a known window size
     IM_ASSERT(center_y_ratio >= 0.0f && center_y_ratio <= 1.0f);
-    const float decoration_up_height = window->TitleBarHeight() + window->MenuBarHeight();
-    local_y -= decoration_up_height;
+    local_y -= window->TitleBarHeight() + window->MenuBarHeight(); // FIXME: Would be nice to have a more standardized access to our scrollable/client rect
     window->ScrollTarget.y = IM_FLOOR(local_y + window->Scroll.y);
     window->ScrollTargetCenterRatio.y = center_y_ratio;
@@ -8210,15 +8209,34 @@
     SetScrollFromPosY(g.CurrentWindow, local_y, center_y_ratio);
+// Tweak: snap on edges when aiming at an item very close to the edge,
+// So the difference between WindowPadding and ItemSpacing will be in the visible area after scrolling.
+// When we refactor the scrolling API this may be configurable with a flag?
+// Note that the effect for this won't be visible on X axis with default Style settings as WindowPadding.x == ItemSpacing.x by default.
+static float CalcScrollSnap(float target, float snap_min, float snap_max, float snap_threshold, float center_ratio)
+    if (target <= snap_min + snap_threshold)
+        return ImLerp(snap_min, target, center_ratio);
+    if (target >= snap_max - snap_threshold)
+        return ImLerp(target, snap_max, center_ratio);
+    return target;
 // center_x_ratio: 0.0f left of last item, 0.5f horizontal center of last item, 1.0f right of last item.
 void ImGui::SetScrollHereX(float center_x_ratio)
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
     ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow;
-    float target_x = window->DC.LastItemRect.Min.x - window->Pos.x; // Left of last item, in window space
-    float last_item_width = window->DC.LastItemRect.GetWidth();
-    target_x += (last_item_width * center_x_ratio) + (g.Style.ItemSpacing.x * (center_x_ratio - 0.5f) * 2.0f); // Precisely aim before, in the middle or after the last item.
-    SetScrollFromPosX(target_x, center_x_ratio);
+    float spacing_x = g.Style.ItemSpacing.x;
+    float target_x = ImLerp(window->DC.LastItemRect.Min.x - spacing_x, window->DC.LastItemRect.Max.x + spacing_x, center_x_ratio);
+    // Tweak: snap on edges when aiming at an item very close to the edge
+    const float snap_x_threshold = ImMax(0.0f, window->WindowPadding.x - spacing_x);
+    const float snap_x_min = window->DC.CursorStartPos.x - window->WindowPadding.x;
+    const float snap_x_max = window->DC.CursorStartPos.x + window->ContentSize.x + window->WindowPadding.x;
+    target_x = CalcScrollSnap(target_x, snap_x_min, snap_x_max, snap_x_threshold, center_x_ratio);
+    SetScrollFromPosX(window, target_x - window->Pos.x, center_x_ratio);
 // center_y_ratio: 0.0f top of last item, 0.5f vertical center of last item, 1.0f bottom of last item.
@@ -8226,9 +8244,16 @@
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
     ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow;
-    float target_y = window->DC.CursorPosPrevLine.y - window->Pos.y; // Top of last item, in window space
-    target_y += (window->DC.PrevLineSize.y * center_y_ratio) + (g.Style.ItemSpacing.y * (center_y_ratio - 0.5f) * 2.0f); // Precisely aim above, in the middle or below the last line.
-    SetScrollFromPosY(target_y, center_y_ratio);
+    float spacing_y = g.Style.ItemSpacing.y;
+    float target_y = ImLerp(window->DC.CursorPosPrevLine.y - spacing_y, window->DC.CursorPosPrevLine.y + window->DC.PrevLineSize.y + spacing_y, center_y_ratio);
+    // Tweak: snap on edges when aiming at an item very close to the edge
+    const float snap_y_threshold = ImMax(0.0f, window->WindowPadding.y - spacing_y);
+    const float snap_y_min = window->DC.CursorStartPos.y - window->WindowPadding.y;
+    const float snap_y_max = window->DC.CursorStartPos.y + window->ContentSize.y + window->WindowPadding.y;
+    target_y = CalcScrollSnap(target_y, snap_y_min, snap_y_max, snap_y_threshold, center_y_ratio);
+    SetScrollFromPosY(window, target_y - window->Pos.y, center_y_ratio);
@@ -8590,7 +8615,7 @@
     g.WithinEndChild = false;
-// Open a popup if mouse is released over the item
+// Open a popup if mouse button is released over the item
 bool ImGui::OpenPopupContextItem(const char* str_id, ImGuiPopupFlags popup_flags)
     ImGuiWindow* window = GImGui->CurrentWindow;
diff --git a/imgui.h b/imgui.h
index 10e548a..ba531fd 100644
--- a/imgui.h
+++ b/imgui.h
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 // Version
 // (Integer encoded as XYYZZ for use in #if preprocessor conditionals. Work in progress versions typically starts at XYY99 then bounce up to XYY00, XYY01 etc. when release tagging happens)
 #define IMGUI_VERSION               "1.78 WIP"
-#define IMGUI_VERSION_NUM           17703
+#define IMGUI_VERSION_NUM           17704
 #define IMGUI_CHECKVERSION()        ImGui::DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(IMGUI_VERSION, sizeof(ImGuiIO), sizeof(ImGuiStyle), sizeof(ImVec2), sizeof(ImVec4), sizeof(ImDrawVert), sizeof(ImDrawIdx))
 #define IMGUI_HAS_VIEWPORT          1 // Viewport WIP branch
 #define IMGUI_HAS_DOCK              1 // Docking WIP branch
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@
 typedef int ImGuiConfigFlags;       // -> enum ImGuiConfigFlags_     // Flags: for io.ConfigFlags
 typedef int ImGuiComboFlags;        // -> enum ImGuiComboFlags_      // Flags: for BeginCombo()
 typedef int ImGuiDockNodeFlags;     // -> enum ImGuiDockNodeFlags_   // Flags: for DockSpace()
+typedef int ImGuiDragFlags;         // -> enum ImGuiDragFlags_       // Flags: for DragFloat(), DragInt() etc.
 typedef int ImGuiDragDropFlags;     // -> enum ImGuiDragDropFlags_   // Flags: for BeginDragDropSource(), AcceptDragDropPayload()
 typedef int ImGuiFocusedFlags;      // -> enum ImGuiFocusedFlags_    // Flags: for IsWindowFocused()
 typedef int ImGuiHoveredFlags;      // -> enum ImGuiHoveredFlags_    // Flags: for IsItemHovered(), IsWindowHovered() etc.
@@ -172,6 +173,7 @@
 typedef int ImGuiKeyModFlags;       // -> enum ImGuiKeyModFlags_     // Flags: for io.KeyMods (Ctrl/Shift/Alt/Super)
 typedef int ImGuiPopupFlags;        // -> enum ImGuiPopupFlags_      // Flags: for OpenPopup*(), BeginPopupContext*(), IsPopupOpen()
 typedef int ImGuiSelectableFlags;   // -> enum ImGuiSelectableFlags_ // Flags: for Selectable()
+typedef int ImGuiSliderFlags;       // -> enum ImGuiSliderFlags_     // Flags: for SliderFloat(), SliderInt() etc.
 typedef int ImGuiTabBarFlags;       // -> enum ImGuiTabBarFlags_     // Flags: for BeginTabBar()
 typedef int ImGuiTabItemFlags;      // -> enum ImGuiTabItemFlags_    // Flags: for BeginTabItem()
 typedef int ImGuiTreeNodeFlags;     // -> enum ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_   // Flags: for TreeNode(), TreeNodeEx(), CollapsingHeader()
@@ -345,8 +347,8 @@
     // Windows Scrolling
     IMGUI_API float         GetScrollX();                                                   // get scrolling amount [0..GetScrollMaxX()]
     IMGUI_API float         GetScrollY();                                                   // get scrolling amount [0..GetScrollMaxY()]
-    IMGUI_API float         GetScrollMaxX();                                                // get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.X - WindowSize.X
-    IMGUI_API float         GetScrollMaxY();                                                // get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.Y - WindowSize.Y
+    IMGUI_API float         GetScrollMaxX();                                                // get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.x - WindowSize.x
+    IMGUI_API float         GetScrollMaxY();                                                // get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.y - WindowSize.y
     IMGUI_API void          SetScrollX(float scroll_x);                                     // set scrolling amount [0..GetScrollMaxX()]
     IMGUI_API void          SetScrollY(float scroll_y);                                     // set scrolling amount [0..GetScrollMaxY()]
     IMGUI_API void          SetScrollHereX(float center_x_ratio = 0.5f);                    // adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. center_x_ratio=0.0: left, 0.5: center, 1.0: right. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead.
@@ -474,39 +476,45 @@
     // - CTRL+Click on any drag box to turn them into an input box. Manually input values aren't clamped and can go off-bounds.
     // - For all the Float2/Float3/Float4/Int2/Int3/Int4 versions of every functions, note that a 'float v[X]' function argument is the same as 'float* v', the array syntax is just a way to document the number of elements that are expected to be accessible. You can pass address of your first element out of a contiguous set, e.g. &myvector.x
     // - Adjust format string to decorate the value with a prefix, a suffix, or adapt the editing and display precision e.g. "%.3f" -> 1.234; "%5.2f secs" -> 01.23 secs; "Biscuit: %.0f" -> Biscuit: 1; etc.
+    // - Format string may also be set to NULL or use the default format ("%f" or "%d").
     // - Speed are per-pixel of mouse movement (v_speed=0.2f: mouse needs to move by 5 pixels to increase value by 1). For gamepad/keyboard navigation, minimum speed is Max(v_speed, minimum_step_at_given_precision).
     // - Use v_min < v_max to clamp edits to given limits. Note that CTRL+Click manual input can override those limits.
     // - Use v_max = FLT_MAX / INT_MAX etc to avoid clamping to a maximum, same with v_min = -FLT_MAX / INT_MIN to avoid clamping to a minimum.
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);     // If v_min >= v_max we have no bound
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragFloatRange2(const char* label, float* v_current_min, float* v_current_max, float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", const char* format_max = NULL, float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragInt(const char* label, int* v, float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d");                                       // If v_min >= v_max we have no bound
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragInt2(const char* label, int v[2], float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d");
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragInt3(const char* label, int v[3], float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d");
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragInt4(const char* label, int v[4], float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d");
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragIntRange2(const char* label, int* v_current_min, int* v_current_max, float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", const char* format_max = NULL);
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, float v_speed, const void* p_min = NULL, const void* p_max = NULL, const char* format = NULL, float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, float v_speed, const void* p_min = NULL, const void* p_max = NULL, const char* format = NULL, float power = 1.0f);
+    // - Legacy: Pre-1.78 there are DragXXX() function signatures that takes a final `float power=1.0f' argument instead of the `ImGuiDragFlags flags=0' argument.
+    //   If you get a warning converting a float to ImGuiDragFlags, read
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);     // If v_min >= v_max we have no bound
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragFloatRange2(const char* label, float* v_current_min, float* v_current_max, float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", const char* format_max = NULL, ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragInt(const char* label, int* v, float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);  // If v_min >= v_max we have no bound
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragInt2(const char* label, int v[2], float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragInt3(const char* label, int v[3], float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragInt4(const char* label, int v[4], float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragIntRange2(const char* label, int* v_current_min, int* v_current_max, float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", const char* format_max = NULL, ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, float v_speed, const void* p_min = NULL, const void* p_max = NULL, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, float v_speed, const void* p_min = NULL, const void* p_max = NULL, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiDragFlags flags = 0);
     // Widgets: Sliders
     // - CTRL+Click on any slider to turn them into an input box. Manually input values aren't clamped and can go off-bounds.
     // - Adjust format string to decorate the value with a prefix, a suffix, or adapt the editing and display precision e.g. "%.3f" -> 1.234; "%5.2f secs" -> 01.23 secs; "Biscuit: %.0f" -> Biscuit: 1; etc.
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);     // adjust format to decorate the value with a prefix or a suffix for in-slider labels or unit display. Use power!=1.0 for power curve sliders
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderAngle(const char* label, float* v_rad, float v_degrees_min = -360.0f, float v_degrees_max = +360.0f, const char* format = "%.0f deg");
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderInt(const char* label, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d");
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderInt2(const char* label, int v[2], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d");
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderInt3(const char* label, int v[3], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d");
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderInt4(const char* label, int v[4], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d");
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format = NULL, float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format = NULL, float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          VSliderFloat(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", float power = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API bool          VSliderInt(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d");
-    IMGUI_API bool          VSliderScalar(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format = NULL, float power = 1.0f);
+    // - Format string may also be set to NULL or use the default format ("%f" or "%d").
+    // - Legacy: Pre-1.78 there are SliderXXX() function signatures that takes a final `float power=1.0f' argument instead of the `ImGuiSliderFlags flags=0' argument.
+    //   If you get a warning converting a float to ImGuiSliderFlags, read
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);     // adjust format to decorate the value with a prefix or a suffix for in-slider labels or unit display.
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderAngle(const char* label, float* v_rad, float v_degrees_min = -360.0f, float v_degrees_max = +360.0f, const char* format = "%.0f deg", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderInt(const char* label, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderInt2(const char* label, int v[2], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderInt3(const char* label, int v[3], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderInt4(const char* label, int v[4], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          VSliderFloat(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          VSliderInt(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
+    IMGUI_API bool          VSliderScalar(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
     // Widgets: Input with Keyboard
     // - If you want to use InputText() with std::string or any custom dynamic string type, see misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.h and comments in imgui_demo.cpp.
@@ -1357,6 +1365,28 @@
+// Flags for DragFloat(), DragInt() etc.
+enum ImGuiDragFlags_
+    ImGuiDragFlags_None                     = 0,
+    ImGuiDragFlags_InvalidMask_             = 0x7000000F,   // [Internal] We treat using those bits as being potentially a 'float power' argument from the previous API that has got miscast to this enum, and will trigger an assert if needed.
+    ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput             = 1 << 4,       // Clamp value to min/max bounds (if any) when input manually with CTRL+Click. By default CTRL+Click allows going out of bounds.
+    ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic              = 1 << 5,       // Make the widget logarithmic (linear otherwise)
+    ImGuiDragFlags_NoRoundToFormat          = 1 << 6,       // Disable rounding underlying value to match precision of the display format string (e.g. %.3f values are rounded to those 3 digits)
+    ImGuiDragFlags_NoInput                  = 1 << 7        // Disable CTRL+Click or Enter key allowing to input text directly into the widget
+// Flags for SliderFloat(), SliderInt() etc.
+enum ImGuiSliderFlags_
+    ImGuiSliderFlags_None                   = 0,
+    ImGuiSliderFlags_InvalidMask_           = 0x7000000F,   // [Internal] We treat using those bits as being potentially a 'float power' argument from the previous API that has got miscast to this enum, and will trigger an assert if needed.
+    ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput           = 1 << 4,       // Clamp value to min/max bounds when input manually with CTRL+Click. By default CTRL+Click allows going out of bounds.
+    ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic            = 1 << 5,       // Make the widget logarithmic (linear otherwise)
+    ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat        = 1 << 6,       // Disable rounding underlying value to match precision of the display format string (e.g. %.3f values are rounded to those 3 digits)
+    ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput                = 1 << 7        // Disable CTRL+Click or Enter key allowing to input text directly into the widget
 // Identify a mouse button.
 // Those values are guaranteed to be stable and we frequently use 0/1 directly. Named enums provided for convenience.
 enum ImGuiMouseButton_
@@ -1405,16 +1435,16 @@
 // Helpers: Memory allocations macros
 // We call C++ constructor on own allocated memory via the placement "new(ptr) Type()" syntax.
-// Defining a custom placement new() with a dummy parameter allows us to bypass including <new> which on some platforms complains when user has disabled exceptions.
+// Defining a custom placement new() with a custom parameter allows us to bypass including <new> which on some platforms complains when user has disabled exceptions.
-struct ImNewDummy {};
-inline void* operator new(size_t, ImNewDummy, void* ptr) { return ptr; }
-inline void  operator delete(void*, ImNewDummy, void*)   {} // This is only required so we can use the symmetrical new()
+struct ImNewWrapper {};
+inline void* operator new(size_t, ImNewWrapper, void* ptr) { return ptr; }
+inline void  operator delete(void*, ImNewWrapper, void*)   {} // This is only required so we can use the symmetrical new()
 #define IM_ALLOC(_SIZE)                     ImGui::MemAlloc(_SIZE)
 #define IM_FREE(_PTR)                       ImGui::MemFree(_PTR)
-#define IM_PLACEMENT_NEW(_PTR)              new(ImNewDummy(), _PTR)
-#define IM_NEW(_TYPE)                       new(ImNewDummy(), ImGui::MemAlloc(sizeof(_TYPE))) _TYPE
+#define IM_PLACEMENT_NEW(_PTR)              new(ImNewWrapper(), _PTR)
+#define IM_NEW(_TYPE)                       new(ImNewWrapper(), ImGui::MemAlloc(sizeof(_TYPE))) _TYPE
 template<typename T> void IM_DELETE(T* p)   { if (p) { p->~T(); ImGui::MemFree(p); } }
@@ -1518,6 +1548,7 @@
     float       ScrollbarRounding;          // Radius of grab corners for scrollbar.
     float       GrabMinSize;                // Minimum width/height of a grab box for slider/scrollbar.
     float       GrabRounding;               // Radius of grabs corners rounding. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular slider grabs.
+    float       LogSliderDeadzone;          // The size in pixels of the dead-zone around zero on logarithmic sliders that cross zero.
     float       TabRounding;                // Radius of upper corners of a tab. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular tabs.
     float       TabBorderSize;              // Thickness of border around tabs.
     float       TabMinWidthForUnselectedCloseButton; // Minimum width for close button to appears on an unselected tab when hovered. Set to 0.0f to always show when hovering, set to FLT_MAX to never show close button unless selected.
@@ -1789,6 +1820,20 @@
 namespace ImGui
+    // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from July 2020)
+    // Old drag/sliders functions that took a 'float power = 1.0' argument instead of flags
+    IMGUI_API bool      DragScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power);
+    IMGUI_API bool      DragScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power);
+    static inline bool  DragFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)    { return DragScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); }
+    static inline bool  DragFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power) { return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 2, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); }
+    static inline bool  DragFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power) { return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 3, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); }
+    static inline bool  DragFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power) { return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 4, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); }
+    IMGUI_API bool      SliderScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power);
+    IMGUI_API bool      SliderScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power);
+    static inline bool  SliderFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)                 { return SliderScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); }
+    static inline bool  SliderFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)              { return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 2, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); }
+    static inline bool  SliderFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)              { return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 3, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); }
+    static inline bool  SliderFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)              { return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 4, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); }
     // OBSOLETED in 1.77 (from June 2020)
     static inline bool  OpenPopupOnItemClick(const char* str_id = NULL, ImGuiMouseButton mb = 1)          { return OpenPopupContextItem(str_id, mb); } // Passing a mouse button to ImGuiPopupFlags is legal
     static inline bool  BeginPopupContextWindow(const char* str_id, ImGuiMouseButton mb, bool over_items) { return BeginPopupContextWindow(str_id, mb | (over_items ? 0 : ImGuiPopupFlags_NoOpenOverItems)); }
@@ -1947,7 +1992,7 @@
 //             ImGui::Text("line number %d", i);
 // - Step 0: the clipper let you process the first element, regardless of it being visible or not, so we can measure the element height (step skipped if we passed a known height as second arg to constructor).
 // - Step 1: the clipper infer height from first element, calculate the actual range of elements to display, and position the cursor before the first element.
-// - (Step 2: dummy step only required if an explicit items_height was passed to constructor or Begin() and user call Step(). Does nothing and switch to Step 3.)
+// - (Step 2: empty step only required if an explicit items_height was passed to constructor or Begin() and user call Step(). Does nothing and switch to Step 3.)
 // - Step 3: the clipper validate that we have reached the expected Y position (corresponding to element DisplayEnd), advance the cursor to the end of the list and then returns 'false' to end the loop.
 struct ImGuiListClipper
diff --git a/imgui_demo.cpp b/imgui_demo.cpp
index eb8c211..93c50a5 100644
--- a/imgui_demo.cpp
+++ b/imgui_demo.cpp
@@ -230,6 +230,148 @@
 static void ShowDemoWindowColumns();
 static void ShowDemoWindowMisc();
+static void TestLogarithmicDragSliders()
+    // Tests for logarithmic sliders
+    ImGui::Begin("Slider tests");
+    static float v = 0.0f;
+    ImGui::DragFloat("Drag RoundToFormat=1", &v, 0.001f, .00001f, 1.0f, "%.3f", ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic);
+    ImGui::DragFloat("Drag RoundToFormat=0", &v, 0.001f, .00001f, 1.0f, "%.3f", ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic | ImGuiDragFlags_NoRoundToFormat);
+    ImGui::SliderFloat("Slider RoundToFormat=1", &v, .00001f, 1.0f, "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic);
+    ImGui::SliderFloat("Slider RoundToFormat=0", &v, .00001f, 1.0f, "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic | ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat);
+    for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
+    {
+        ImGui::PushID(pass);
+        ImGuiSliderFlags slider_flags = (pass == 1) ? ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic : ImGuiSliderFlags_None;
+        ImGuiDragFlags drag_flags = (pass == 1) ? ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic : ImGuiDragFlags_None;
+        ImGui::Columns(2);
+        ImGui::Text((pass == 0) ? "Normal Slider" : "Log Slider");
+        ImGui::NextColumn();
+        ImGui::Text((pass == 0) ? "Normal Drag" : "Log Drag");
+        ImGui::NextColumn();
+        {
+            // FIXME: With io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard, we cannot step out of small Logarithmic Slider values.
+            // Maybe Slider could accumulate changes until they take effect (with rounding) and then subtract from the accumulator? (this is what Drag already does)
+            static float val = 0.001f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Normal", &val, 0.001f, 100.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Normal drag", &val, 1.0f, 0.001f, 100.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 0.0f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Normal from zero", &val, 0.0f, 100.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Normal from zero drag", &val, 1.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 0.0f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Negative from zero", &val, -100.0f, 0.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Negative from zero drag", &val, 1.0f, -100.0f, 0.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 0.0f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Negative to positive", &val, -100.0f, 100.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Negative to positive drag", &val, 1.0f, -100.0f, 100.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 0.0f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Negative to positive offset", &val, -10.0f, 100.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Negative to positive offset drag", &val, 1.0f, -10.0f, 100.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 0.0f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Normal from zero reverse", &val, 100.0f, 0.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            // FIXME: Negative drag doesn't work. Should at least remove `bool is_locked` in DragBehaviorT() but that's not enough.
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Normal from zero reverse drag", &val, 1.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 0.0f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Negative to positive reverse", &val, 100.0f, -100.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            // FIXME: Negative drag doesn't work. Should at least remove `bool is_locked` in DragBehaviorT() but that's not enough.
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Negative to positive reverse drag", &val, 1.0f, 100.0f, -100.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 0.0f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Huge from zero", &val, 0.0f, 1000000.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Huge from zero drag", &val, 10000.0f, 0.0f, 1000000.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            // FIXME: Doesn't work with e.g. FLT_MAX/1000.0f. Maybe that's fine but would be nice to clearly define (assert?) on known limits with Logarithmic flag.
+            static float val = 0.0f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Huge negative to positive", &val, -1000000.0f, 1000000.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Huge negative to positive drag", &val, 10000.0f, -1000000.0f, 1000000.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 0.0001f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Tiny", &val, 0.0001f, 0.0004f, "%.8f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Tiny drag", &val, 0.00001f, 0.0001f, 0.0004f, "%.8f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 0.0001f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Tiny 2", &val, 0.0001f, 0.01f, "%.8f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Tiny 2 drag", &val, 0.00001f, 0.0001f, 0.01f, "%.8f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 10000.0f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Offset", &val, 10000.0f, 10001.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Offset drag", &val, 0.001f, 10000.0f, 10001.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        {
+            static float val = 10000.0f;
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("Offset 2", &val, 10000.0f, 20000.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+            ImGui::DragFloat("Offset 2 drag", &val, 100.0f, 10000.0f, 20000.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+            ImGui::NextColumn();
+        }
+        ImGui::Columns(1);
+        ImGui::PopID();
+    }
+    ImGui::End();
 // Demonstrate most Dear ImGui features (this is big function!)
 // You may execute this function to experiment with the UI and understand what it does.
 // You may then search for keywords in the code when you are interested by a specific feature.
@@ -239,6 +381,8 @@
     // Most ImGui functions would normally just crash if the context is missing.
     IM_ASSERT(ImGui::GetCurrentContext() != NULL && "Missing dear imgui context. Refer to examples app!");
+    TestLogarithmicDragSliders();
     // Examples Apps (accessible from the "Examples" menu)
     static bool show_app_main_menu_bar = false;
     static bool show_app_dockspace = false;
@@ -684,7 +828,7 @@
             static float f1 = 0.123f, f2 = 0.0f;
             ImGui::SliderFloat("slider float", &f1, 0.0f, 1.0f, "ratio = %.3f");
-            ImGui::SliderFloat("slider float (curve)", &f2, -10.0f, 10.0f, "%.4f", 2.0f);
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("slider float (log)", &f2, -10.0f, 10.0f, "%.4f", ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic);
             static float angle = 0.0f;
             ImGui::SliderAngle("slider angle", &angle);
@@ -1298,7 +1442,7 @@
         static float arr[] = { 0.6f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.92f, 0.1f, 0.2f };
         ImGui::PlotLines("Frame Times", arr, IM_ARRAYSIZE(arr));
-        // Create a dummy array of contiguous float values to plot
+        // Fill an array of contiguous float values to plot
         // Tip: If your float aren't contiguous but part of a structure, you can pass a pointer to your first float
         // and the sizeof() of your structure in the "stride" parameter.
         static float values[90] = {};
@@ -1306,7 +1450,7 @@
         static double refresh_time = 0.0;
         if (!animate || refresh_time == 0.0)
             refresh_time = ImGui::GetTime();
-        while (refresh_time < ImGui::GetTime()) // Create dummy data at fixed 60 Hz rate for the demo
+        while (refresh_time < ImGui::GetTime()) // Create data at fixed 60 Hz rate for the demo
             static float phase = 0.0f;
             values[values_offset] = cosf(phase);
@@ -1406,7 +1550,7 @@
         ImGui::Text("Color button with Custom Picker Popup:");
-        // Generate a dummy default palette. The palette will persist and can be edited.
+        // Generate a default palette. The palette will persist and can be edited.
         static bool saved_palette_init = true;
         static ImVec4 saved_palette[32] = {};
         if (saved_palette_init)
@@ -1543,11 +1687,53 @@
+    if (ImGui::TreeNode("Drag/Slider Flags"))
+    {
+        // Demonstrate using advanced flags for DragXXX functions
+        static ImGuiDragFlags drag_flags = ImGuiDragFlags_None;
+        ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput", (unsigned int*)&drag_flags, ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput);
+        ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("Always clamp value to min/max bounds (if any) when input manually with CTRL+Click.");
+        ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic", (unsigned int*)&drag_flags, ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic);
+        ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("Enable logarithmic editing (more precision for small values).");
+        ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiDragFlags_NoRoundToFormat", (unsigned int*)&drag_flags, ImGuiDragFlags_NoRoundToFormat);
+        ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("Disable rounding underlying value to match precision of the format string (e.g. %.3f values are rounded to those 3 digits).");
+        ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiDragFlags_NoInput", (unsigned int*)&drag_flags, ImGuiDragFlags_NoInput);
+        ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("Disable CTRL+Click or Enter key allowing to input text directly into the widget.");
+        static float drag_f = 0.5f;
+        static int drag_i = 50;
+        ImGui::Text("Underlying float value: %f", drag_f);
+        ImGui::DragFloat("DragFloat (0 -> 1)", &drag_f, 0.005f, 0.0f, 1.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+        ImGui::DragFloat("DragFloat (0 -> +inf)", &drag_f, 0.005f, 0.0f, FLT_MAX, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+        ImGui::DragFloat("DragFloat (-inf -> 1)", &drag_f, 0.005f, -FLT_MAX, 1.0f, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+        ImGui::DragFloat("DragFloat (-inf -> +inf)", &drag_f, 0.005f, -FLT_MAX, +FLT_MAX, "%.3f", drag_flags);
+        ImGui::DragInt("DragInt (0 -> 100)", &drag_i, 0.5f, 0, 100, "%d", drag_flags);
+        // Demonstrate using advanced flags for SliderXXX functions
+        static ImGuiSliderFlags slider_flags = ImGuiSliderFlags_None;
+        ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput", (unsigned int*)&slider_flags, ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput);
+        ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("Always clamp value to min/max bounds (if any) when input manually with CTRL+Click.");
+        ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic", (unsigned int*)&slider_flags, ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic);
+        ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("Enable logarithmic editing (more precision for small values).");
+        ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat", (unsigned int*)&slider_flags, ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat);
+        ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("Disable rounding underlying value to match precision of the format string (e.g. %.3f values are rounded to those 3 digits).");
+        ImGui::CheckboxFlags("ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput", (unsigned int*)&slider_flags, ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput);
+        ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("Disable CTRL+Click or Enter key allowing to input text directly into the widget.");
+        static float slider_f = 0.5f;
+        static int slider_i = 50;
+        ImGui::Text("Underlying float value: %f", slider_f);
+        ImGui::SliderFloat("SliderFloat (0 -> 1)", &slider_f, 0.0f, 1.0f, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+        ImGui::SliderInt("SliderInt (0 -> 100)", &slider_i, 0, 100, "%.3f", slider_flags);
+        ImGui::TreePop();
+    }
     if (ImGui::TreeNode("Range Widgets"))
         static float begin = 10, end = 90;
         static int begin_i = 100, end_i = 1000;
-        ImGui::DragFloatRange2("range float", &begin, &end, 0.25f, 0.0f, 100.0f, "Min: %.1f %%", "Max: %.1f %%");
+        ImGui::DragFloatRange2("range float", &begin, &end, 0.25f, 0.0f, 100.0f, "Min: %.1f %%", "Max: %.1f %%", ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput);
         ImGui::DragIntRange2("range int", &begin_i, &end_i, 5, 0, 1000, "Min: %d units", "Max: %d units");
         ImGui::DragIntRange2("range int (no bounds)", &begin_i, &end_i, 5, 0, 0, "Min: %d units", "Max: %d units");
@@ -1612,34 +1798,34 @@
         ImGui::DragScalar("drag u32",       ImGuiDataType_U32,    &u32_v, drag_speed, drag_clamp ? &u32_zero : NULL, drag_clamp ? &u32_fifty : NULL, "%u ms");
         ImGui::DragScalar("drag s64",       ImGuiDataType_S64,    &s64_v, drag_speed, drag_clamp ? &s64_zero : NULL, drag_clamp ? &s64_fifty : NULL);
         ImGui::DragScalar("drag u64",       ImGuiDataType_U64,    &u64_v, drag_speed, drag_clamp ? &u64_zero : NULL, drag_clamp ? &u64_fifty : NULL);
-        ImGui::DragScalar("drag float",     ImGuiDataType_Float,  &f32_v, 0.005f,  &f32_zero, &f32_one, "%f", 1.0f);
-        ImGui::DragScalar("drag float ^2",  ImGuiDataType_Float,  &f32_v, 0.005f,  &f32_zero, &f32_one, "%f", 2.0f); ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker("You can use the 'power' parameter to increase tweaking precision on one side of the range.");
-        ImGui::DragScalar("drag double",    ImGuiDataType_Double, &f64_v, 0.0005f, &f64_zero, NULL,     "%.10f grams", 1.0f);
-        ImGui::DragScalar("drag double ^2", ImGuiDataType_Double, &f64_v, 0.0005f, &f64_zero, &f64_one, "0 < %.10f < 1", 2.0f);
+        ImGui::DragScalar("drag float",     ImGuiDataType_Float,  &f32_v, 0.005f,  &f32_zero, &f32_one, "%f");
+        ImGui::DragScalar("drag float log", ImGuiDataType_Float,  &f32_v, 0.005f,  &f32_zero, &f32_one, "%f", ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic);
+        ImGui::DragScalar("drag double",    ImGuiDataType_Double, &f64_v, 0.0005f, &f64_zero, NULL,     "%.10f grams");
+        ImGui::DragScalar("drag double log",ImGuiDataType_Double, &f64_v, 0.0005f, &f64_zero, &f64_one, "0 < %.10f < 1", ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic);
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s8 full",     ImGuiDataType_S8,     &s8_v,  &s8_min,   &s8_max,   "%d");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u8 full",     ImGuiDataType_U8,     &u8_v,  &u8_min,   &u8_max,   "%u");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s16 full",    ImGuiDataType_S16,    &s16_v, &s16_min,  &s16_max,  "%d");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u16 full",    ImGuiDataType_U16,    &u16_v, &u16_min,  &u16_max,  "%u");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s32 low",     ImGuiDataType_S32,    &s32_v, &s32_zero, &s32_fifty,"%d");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s32 high",    ImGuiDataType_S32,    &s32_v, &s32_hi_a, &s32_hi_b, "%d");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s32 full",    ImGuiDataType_S32,    &s32_v, &s32_min,  &s32_max,  "%d");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u32 low",     ImGuiDataType_U32,    &u32_v, &u32_zero, &u32_fifty,"%u");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u32 high",    ImGuiDataType_U32,    &u32_v, &u32_hi_a, &u32_hi_b, "%u");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u32 full",    ImGuiDataType_U32,    &u32_v, &u32_min,  &u32_max,  "%u");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s64 low",     ImGuiDataType_S64,    &s64_v, &s64_zero, &s64_fifty,"%I64d");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s64 high",    ImGuiDataType_S64,    &s64_v, &s64_hi_a, &s64_hi_b, "%I64d");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s64 full",    ImGuiDataType_S64,    &s64_v, &s64_min,  &s64_max,  "%I64d");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u64 low",     ImGuiDataType_U64,    &u64_v, &u64_zero, &u64_fifty,"%I64u ms");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u64 high",    ImGuiDataType_U64,    &u64_v, &u64_hi_a, &u64_hi_b, "%I64u ms");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u64 full",    ImGuiDataType_U64,    &u64_v, &u64_min,  &u64_max,  "%I64u ms");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider float low",   ImGuiDataType_Float,  &f32_v, &f32_zero, &f32_one);
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider float low^2", ImGuiDataType_Float,  &f32_v, &f32_zero, &f32_one,  "%.10f", 2.0f);
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider float high",  ImGuiDataType_Float,  &f32_v, &f32_lo_a, &f32_hi_a, "%e");
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider double low",  ImGuiDataType_Double, &f64_v, &f64_zero, &f64_one,  "%.10f grams", 1.0f);
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider double low^2",ImGuiDataType_Double, &f64_v, &f64_zero, &f64_one,  "%.10f", 2.0f);
-        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider double high", ImGuiDataType_Double, &f64_v, &f64_lo_a, &f64_hi_a, "%e grams", 1.0f);
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s8 full",       ImGuiDataType_S8,     &s8_v,  &s8_min,   &s8_max,   "%d");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u8 full",       ImGuiDataType_U8,     &u8_v,  &u8_min,   &u8_max,   "%u");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s16 full",      ImGuiDataType_S16,    &s16_v, &s16_min,  &s16_max,  "%d");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u16 full",      ImGuiDataType_U16,    &u16_v, &u16_min,  &u16_max,  "%u");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s32 low",       ImGuiDataType_S32,    &s32_v, &s32_zero, &s32_fifty,"%d");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s32 high",      ImGuiDataType_S32,    &s32_v, &s32_hi_a, &s32_hi_b, "%d");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s32 full",      ImGuiDataType_S32,    &s32_v, &s32_min,  &s32_max,  "%d");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u32 low",       ImGuiDataType_U32,    &u32_v, &u32_zero, &u32_fifty,"%u");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u32 high",      ImGuiDataType_U32,    &u32_v, &u32_hi_a, &u32_hi_b, "%u");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u32 full",      ImGuiDataType_U32,    &u32_v, &u32_min,  &u32_max,  "%u");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s64 low",       ImGuiDataType_S64,    &s64_v, &s64_zero, &s64_fifty,"%I64d");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s64 high",      ImGuiDataType_S64,    &s64_v, &s64_hi_a, &s64_hi_b, "%I64d");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider s64 full",      ImGuiDataType_S64,    &s64_v, &s64_min,  &s64_max,  "%I64d");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u64 low",       ImGuiDataType_U64,    &u64_v, &u64_zero, &u64_fifty,"%I64u ms");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u64 high",      ImGuiDataType_U64,    &u64_v, &u64_hi_a, &u64_hi_b, "%I64u ms");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider u64 full",      ImGuiDataType_U64,    &u64_v, &u64_min,  &u64_max,  "%I64u ms");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider float low",     ImGuiDataType_Float,  &f32_v, &f32_zero, &f32_one);
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider float low log", ImGuiDataType_Float,  &f32_v, &f32_zero, &f32_one,  "%.10f", ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic);
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider float high",    ImGuiDataType_Float,  &f32_v, &f32_lo_a, &f32_hi_a, "%e");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider double low",    ImGuiDataType_Double, &f64_v, &f64_zero, &f64_one,  "%.10f grams");
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider double low log",ImGuiDataType_Double, &f64_v, &f64_zero, &f64_one,  "%.10f", ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic);
+        ImGui::SliderScalar("slider double high",   ImGuiDataType_Double, &f64_v, &f64_lo_a, &f64_hi_a, "%e grams");
         static bool inputs_step = true;
@@ -1987,8 +2173,8 @@
         if (embed_all_inside_a_child_window)
-        static char dummy_str[] = "This is a dummy field to be able to tab-out of the widgets above.";
-        ImGui::InputText("dummy", dummy_str, IM_ARRAYSIZE(dummy_str), ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly);
+        static char unused_str[] = "This widget is only here to be able to tab-out of the widgets above.";
+        ImGui::InputText("unused", unused_str, IM_ARRAYSIZE(unused_str), ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly);
         // Calling IsItemHovered() after begin returns the hovered status of the title bar.
         // This is useful in particular if you want to create a context menu associated to the title bar of a window.
@@ -2018,7 +2204,7 @@
 static void ShowDemoWindowLayout()
-    if (!ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Layout"))
+    if (!ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Layout & Scrolling"))
     if (ImGui::TreeNode("Child windows"))
@@ -2434,7 +2620,7 @@
             ImGui::SameLine(0.0f, spacing);
             if (ImGui::TreeNode("Node##1"))
-                // Dummy tree data
+                // Placeholder tree data
                 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                     ImGui::BulletText("Item %d..", i);
@@ -2450,7 +2636,7 @@
             ImGui::SameLine(0.0f, spacing); ImGui::Button("Button##2");
             if (node_open)
-                // Dummy tree data
+                // Placeholder tree data
                 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                     ImGui::BulletText("Item %d..", i);
@@ -2548,11 +2734,9 @@
             "Use SetScrollHereX() or SetScrollFromPosX() to scroll to a given horizontal position.\n\n"
-            "Using the \"Scroll To Pos\" button above will make the discontinuity at edges visible: "
-            "scrolling to the top/bottom/left/right-most item will add an additional WindowPadding to reflect "
-            "on reaching the edge of the list.\n\nBecause the clipping rectangle of most window hides half "
-            "worth of WindowPadding on the left/right, using SetScrollFromPosX(+1) will usually result in "
-            "clipped text whereas the equivalent SetScrollFromPosY(+1) wouldn't.");
+            "Because the clipping rectangle of most window hides half worth of WindowPadding on the "
+            "left/right, using SetScrollFromPosX(+1) will usually result in clipped text whereas the "
+            "equivalent SetScrollFromPosY(+1) wouldn't.");
         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
@@ -2742,23 +2926,66 @@
     if (ImGui::TreeNode("Clipping"))
-        static ImVec2 size(100, 100), offset(50, 20);
-        ImGui::TextWrapped(
-            "On a per-widget basis we are occasionally clipping text CPU-side if it won't fit in its frame. "
-            "Otherwise we are doing coarser clipping + passing a scissor rectangle to the renderer. "
-            "The system is designed to try minimizing both execution and CPU/GPU rendering cost.");
+        static ImVec2 size(100.0f, 100.0f);
+        static ImVec2 offset(30.0f, 30.0f);
         ImGui::DragFloat2("size", (float*)&size, 0.5f, 1.0f, 200.0f, "%.0f");
-        ImGui::TextWrapped("(Click and drag)");
-        ImVec2 pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
-        ImVec4 clip_rect(pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + size.x, pos.y + size.y);
-        ImGui::InvisibleButton("##dummy", size);
-        if (ImGui::IsItemActive() && ImGui::IsMouseDragging(0))
+        ImGui::TextWrapped("(Click and drag to scroll)");
+        for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
-            offset.x += ImGui::GetIO().MouseDelta.x;
-            offset.y += ImGui::GetIO().MouseDelta.y;
+            if (n > 0)
+                ImGui::SameLine();
+            ImGui::PushID(n);
+            ImGui::BeginGroup(); // Lock X position
+            ImGui::InvisibleButton("##empty", size);
+            if (ImGui::IsItemActive() && ImGui::IsMouseDragging(ImGuiMouseButton_Left))
+            {
+                offset.x += ImGui::GetIO().MouseDelta.x;
+                offset.y += ImGui::GetIO().MouseDelta.y;
+            }
+            const ImVec2 p0 = ImGui::GetItemRectMin();
+            const ImVec2 p1 = ImGui::GetItemRectMax();
+            const char* text_str = "Line 1 hello\nLine 2 clip me!";
+            const ImVec2 text_pos = ImVec2(p0.x + offset.x, p0.y + offset.y);
+            ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
+            switch (n)
+            {
+            case 0:
+                HelpMarker(
+                    "Using ImGui::PushClipRect():\n"
+                    "Will alter ImGui hit-testing logic + ImDrawList rendering.\n"
+                    "(use this if you want your clipping rectangle to affect interactions)");
+                ImGui::PushClipRect(p0, p1, true);
+                draw_list->AddRectFilled(p0, p1, IM_COL32(90, 90, 120, 255));
+                draw_list->AddText(text_pos, IM_COL32_WHITE, text_str);
+                ImGui::PopClipRect();
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                HelpMarker(
+                    "Using ImDrawList::PushClipRect():\n"
+                    "Will alter ImDrawList rendering only.\n"
+                    "(use this as a shortcut if you are only using ImDrawList calls)");
+                draw_list->PushClipRect(p0, p1, true);
+                draw_list->AddRectFilled(p0, p1, IM_COL32(90, 90, 120, 255));
+                draw_list->AddText(text_pos, IM_COL32_WHITE, text_str);
+                draw_list->PopClipRect();
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                HelpMarker(
+                    "Using ImDrawList::AddText() with a fine ClipRect:\n"
+                    "Will alter only this specific ImDrawList::AddText() rendering.\n"
+                    "(this is often used internally to avoid altering the clipping rectangle and minimize draw calls)");
+                ImVec4 clip_rect(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y); // AddText() takes a ImVec4* here so let's convert.
+                draw_list->AddRectFilled(p0, p1, IM_COL32(90, 90, 120, 255));
+                draw_list->AddText(ImGui::GetFont(), ImGui::GetFontSize(), text_pos, IM_COL32_WHITE, text_str, NULL, 0.0f, &clip_rect);
+                break;
+            }
+            ImGui::EndGroup();
+            ImGui::PopID();
-        ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddRectFilled(pos, ImVec2(pos.x + size.x, pos.y + size.y), IM_COL32(90, 90, 120, 255));
-        ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddText(ImGui::GetFont(), ImGui::GetFontSize()*2.0f, ImVec2(pos.x + offset.x, pos.y + offset.y), IM_COL32_WHITE, "Line 1 hello\nLine 2 clip me!", NULL, 0.0f, &clip_rect);
@@ -2930,8 +3157,8 @@
             ImGui::Text("All those beautiful files will be deleted.\nThis operation cannot be undone!\n\n");
-            //static int dummy_i = 0;
-            //ImGui::Combo("Combo", &dummy_i, "Delete\0Delete harder\0");
+            //static int unused_i = 0;
+            //ImGui::Combo("Combo", &unused_i, "Delete\0Delete harder\0");
             static bool dont_ask_me_next_time = false;
             ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2(0, 0));
@@ -2953,7 +3180,7 @@
                 if (ImGui::BeginMenu("File"))
-                    if (ImGui::MenuItem("Dummy menu item")) {}
+                    if (ImGui::MenuItem("Some menu item")) {}
@@ -2972,8 +3199,8 @@
             // Also demonstrate passing a bool* to BeginPopupModal(), this will create a regular close button which
             // will close the popup. Note that the visibility state of popups is owned by imgui, so the input value
             // of the bool actually doesn't matter here.
-            bool dummy_open = true;
-            if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("Stacked 2", &dummy_open))
+            bool unused_open = true;
+            if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("Stacked 2", &unused_open))
                 ImGui::Text("Hello from Stacked The Second!");
                 if (ImGui::Button("Close"))
@@ -3308,7 +3535,7 @@
         if (ImGui::TreeNode("Tabbing"))
             ImGui::Text("Use TAB/SHIFT+TAB to cycle through keyboard editable fields.");
-            static char buf[32] = "dummy";
+            static char buf[32] = "hello";
             ImGui::InputText("1", buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf));
             ImGui::InputText("2", buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf));
             ImGui::InputText("3", buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf));
@@ -3783,6 +4010,7 @@
             ImGui::SliderFloat("PopupRounding", &style.PopupRounding, 0.0f, 12.0f, "%.0f");
             ImGui::SliderFloat("ScrollbarRounding", &style.ScrollbarRounding, 0.0f, 12.0f, "%.0f");
             ImGui::SliderFloat("GrabRounding", &style.GrabRounding, 0.0f, 12.0f, "%.0f");
+            ImGui::SliderFloat("LogSliderDeadzone", &style.LogSliderDeadzone, 0.0f, 12.0f, "%.0f");
             ImGui::SliderFloat("TabRounding", &style.TabRounding, 0.0f, 12.0f, "%.0f");
             ImGui::SliderFloat2("WindowTitleAlign", (float*)&style.WindowTitleAlign, 0.0f, 1.0f, "%.2f");
@@ -3894,10 +4122,9 @@
                 "rebuild the font atlas, and call style.ScaleAllSizes() on a reference ImGuiStyle structure.\n"
                 "Using those settings here will give you poor quality results.");
             static float window_scale = 1.0f;
-            if (ImGui::DragFloat("window scale", &window_scale, 0.005f, MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE, "%.2f"))       // Scale only this window
-                ImGui::SetWindowFontScale(IM_MAX(window_scale, MIN_SCALE));
-            if (ImGui::DragFloat("global scale", &io.FontGlobalScale, 0.005f, MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE, "%.2f")) // Scale everything
-                io.FontGlobalScale = IM_MAX(io.FontGlobalScale, MIN_SCALE);
+            if (ImGui::DragFloat("window scale", &window_scale, 0.005f, MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE, "%.2f", ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput)) // Scale only this window
+                ImGui::SetWindowFontScale(window_scale);
+            ImGui::DragFloat("global scale", &io.FontGlobalScale, 0.005f, MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE, "%.2f", ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput); // Scale everything
@@ -3985,7 +4212,7 @@
 // (future version will add explicit flags to BeginMenu() to request processing shortcuts)
 static void ShowExampleMenuFile()
-    ImGui::MenuItem("(dummy menu)", NULL, false, false);
+    ImGui::MenuItem("(demo menu)", NULL, false, false);
     if (ImGui::MenuItem("New")) {}
     if (ImGui::MenuItem("Open", "Ctrl+O")) {}
     if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Open Recent"))
@@ -4149,8 +4376,8 @@
         // TODO: display items starting from the bottom
-        if (ImGui::SmallButton("Add Dummy Text"))  { AddLog("%d some text", Items.Size); AddLog("some more text"); AddLog("display very important message here!"); } ImGui::SameLine();
-        if (ImGui::SmallButton("Add Dummy Error")) { AddLog("[error] something went wrong"); } ImGui::SameLine();
+        if (ImGui::SmallButton("Add Debug Text"))  { AddLog("%d some text", Items.Size); AddLog("some more text"); AddLog("display very important message here!"); } ImGui::SameLine();
+        if (ImGui::SmallButton("Add Debug Error")) { AddLog("[error] something went wrong"); } ImGui::SameLine();
         if (ImGui::SmallButton("Clear"))           { ClearLog(); } ImGui::SameLine();
         bool copy_to_clipboard = ImGui::SmallButton("Copy");
         //static float t = 0.0f; if (ImGui::GetTime() - t > 0.02f) { t = ImGui::GetTime(); AddLog("Spam %f", t); }
@@ -4640,7 +4867,7 @@
 // [SECTION] Example App: Property Editor / ShowExampleAppPropertyEditor()
-static void ShowDummyObject(const char* prefix, int uid)
+static void ShowPlaceholderObject(const char* prefix, int uid)
     // Use object uid as identifier. Most commonly you could also use the object pointer as a base ID.
@@ -4652,13 +4879,13 @@
     if (node_open)
-        static float dummy_members[8] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 3.1416f, 100.0f, 999.0f };
+        static float placeholder_members[8] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 3.1416f, 100.0f, 999.0f };
         for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
             ImGui::PushID(i); // Use field index as identifier.
             if (i < 2)
-                ShowDummyObject("Child", 424242);
+                ShowPlaceholderObject("Child", 424242);
@@ -4669,9 +4896,9 @@
                 if (i >= 5)
-                    ImGui::InputFloat("##value", &dummy_members[i], 1.0f);
+                    ImGui::InputFloat("##value", &placeholder_members[i], 1.0f);
-                    ImGui::DragFloat("##value", &dummy_members[i], 0.01f);
+                    ImGui::DragFloat("##value", &placeholder_members[i], 0.01f);
@@ -4701,9 +4928,9 @@
-    // Iterate dummy objects with dummy members (all the same data)
+    // Iterate placeholder objects (all the same data)
     for (int obj_i = 0; obj_i < 3; obj_i++)
-        ShowDummyObject("Object", obj_i);
+        ShowPlaceholderObject("Object", obj_i);
@@ -5041,13 +5268,14 @@
         if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Canvas"))
-            struct ItemLine { ImVec2 p0, p1; ItemLine(const ImVec2& _p0, const ImVec2& _p1) { p0 = _p0; p1 = _p1; } };
-            static ImVector<ItemLine> lines;
+            static ImVector<ImVec2> points;
             static ImVec2 scrolling(0.0f, 0.0f);
-            static bool show_grid = true;
+            static bool opt_enable_grid = true;
+            static bool opt_enable_context_menu = true;
             static bool adding_line = false;
-            ImGui::Checkbox("Show grid", &show_grid);
+            ImGui::Checkbox("Enable grid", &opt_enable_grid);
+            ImGui::Checkbox("Enable context menu", &opt_enable_context_menu);
             ImGui::Text("Mouse Left: drag to add lines,\nMouse Right: drag to scroll, click for context menu.");
             // Typically you would use a BeginChild()/EndChild() pair to benefit from a clipping region + own scrolling.
@@ -5084,41 +5312,43 @@
             // Add first and second point
             if (is_hovered && !adding_line && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Left))
-                lines.push_back(ItemLine(mouse_pos_in_canvas, mouse_pos_in_canvas));
+                points.push_back(mouse_pos_in_canvas);
+                points.push_back(mouse_pos_in_canvas);
                 adding_line = true;
             if (adding_line)
-                lines.back().p1 = mouse_pos_in_canvas;
+                points.back() = mouse_pos_in_canvas;
                 if (!ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Left))
                     adding_line = false;
-            // Pan (using zero mouse threshold)
-            if (is_active && ImGui::IsMouseDragging(ImGuiMouseButton_Right, 0.0f))
+            // Pan (we use a zero mouse threshold when there's no context menu)
+            // You may decide to make that threshold dynamic based on whether the mouse is hovering something etc.
+            const float mouse_threshold_for_pan = opt_enable_context_menu ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
+            if (is_active && ImGui::IsMouseDragging(ImGuiMouseButton_Right, mouse_threshold_for_pan))
                 scrolling.x += io.MouseDelta.x;
                 scrolling.y += io.MouseDelta.y;
             // Context menu (under default mouse threshold)
-            // We intentionally use the same button to demonstrate using mouse drag threshold. Some may feel panning should rely on same threshold.
             ImVec2 drag_delta = ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton_Right);
-            if (drag_delta.x == 0.0f && drag_delta.y == 0.0f)
+            if (opt_enable_context_menu && ImGui::IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton_Right) && drag_delta.x == 0.0f && drag_delta.y == 0.0f)
             if (ImGui::BeginPopup("context"))
                 if (adding_line)
-                    lines.pop_back();
+                    points.resize(points.size() - 2);
                 adding_line = false;
-                if (ImGui::MenuItem("Remove one", NULL, false, lines.Size > 0)) { lines.pop_back(); }
-                if (ImGui::MenuItem("Remove all", NULL, false, lines.Size > 0)) { lines.clear(); }
+                if (ImGui::MenuItem("Remove one", NULL, false, points.Size > 0)) { points.resize(points.size() - 2); }
+                if (ImGui::MenuItem("Remove all", NULL, false, points.Size > 0)) { points.clear(); }
             // Draw grid + all lines in the canvas
             draw_list->PushClipRect(canvas_p0, canvas_p1, true);
-            if (show_grid)
+            if (opt_enable_grid)
                 const float GRID_STEP = 64.0f;
                 for (float x = fmodf(scrolling.x, GRID_STEP); x < canvas_sz.x; x += GRID_STEP)
@@ -5126,8 +5356,8 @@
                 for (float y = fmodf(scrolling.y, GRID_STEP); y < canvas_sz.y; y += GRID_STEP)
                     draw_list->AddLine(ImVec2(canvas_p0.x, canvas_p0.y + y), ImVec2(canvas_p1.x, canvas_p0.y + y), IM_COL32(200, 200, 200, 40));
-            for (int n = 0; n < lines.Size; n++)
-                draw_list->AddLine(ImVec2(origin.x + lines[n].p0.x, origin.y + lines[n].p0.y), ImVec2(origin.x + lines[n].p1.x, origin.y + lines[n].p1.y), IM_COL32(255, 255, 0, 255), 2.0f);
+            for (int n = 0; n < points.Size; n += 2)
+                draw_list->AddLine(ImVec2(origin.x + points[n].x, origin.y + points[n].y), ImVec2(origin.x + points[n + 1].x, origin.y + points[n + 1].y), IM_COL32(255, 255, 0, 255), 2.0f);
@@ -5278,7 +5508,7 @@
     void DoForceClose() { Open = false; Dirty = false; }
     void DoSave()       { Dirty = false; }
-    // Display dummy contents for the Document
+    // Display placeholder contents for the Document
     static void DisplayContents(MyDocument* doc)
diff --git a/imgui_draw.cpp b/imgui_draw.cpp
index 1a40d3a..f4145d0 100644
--- a/imgui_draw.cpp
+++ b/imgui_draw.cpp
@@ -2313,8 +2313,8 @@
             const int codepoint = src_tmp.GlyphsList[glyph_i];
             const stbtt_packedchar& pc = src_tmp.PackedChars[glyph_i];
             stbtt_aligned_quad q;
-            float dummy_x = 0.0f, dummy_y = 0.0f;
-            stbtt_GetPackedQuad(src_tmp.PackedChars, atlas->TexWidth, atlas->TexHeight, glyph_i, &dummy_x, &dummy_y, &q, 0);
+            float unused_x = 0.0f, unused_y = 0.0f;
+            stbtt_GetPackedQuad(src_tmp.PackedChars, atlas->TexWidth, atlas->TexHeight, glyph_i, &unused_x, &unused_y, &q, 0);
             dst_font->AddGlyph(&cfg, (ImWchar)codepoint, q.x0 + font_off_x, q.y0 + font_off_y, q.x1 + font_off_x, q.y1 + font_off_y, q.s0, q.t0, q.s1, q.t1, pc.xadvance);
diff --git a/imgui_internal.h b/imgui_internal.h
index fba6d73..1692330 100644
--- a/imgui_internal.h
+++ b/imgui_internal.h
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@
 typedef int ImGuiLayoutType;            // -> enum ImGuiLayoutType_         // Enum: Horizontal or vertical
 typedef int ImGuiButtonFlags;           // -> enum ImGuiButtonFlags_        // Flags: for ButtonEx(), ButtonBehavior()
 typedef int ImGuiColumnsFlags;          // -> enum ImGuiColumnsFlags_       // Flags: BeginColumns()
-typedef int ImGuiDragFlags;             // -> enum ImGuiDragFlags_          // Flags: for DragBehavior()
 typedef int ImGuiItemFlags;             // -> enum ImGuiItemFlags_          // Flags: for PushItemFlag()
 typedef int ImGuiItemStatusFlags;       // -> enum ImGuiItemStatusFlags_    // Flags: for DC.LastItemStatusFlags
 typedef int ImGuiNavHighlightFlags;     // -> enum ImGuiNavHighlightFlags_  // Flags: for RenderNavHighlight()
@@ -128,7 +127,6 @@
 typedef int ImGuiNextItemDataFlags;     // -> enum ImGuiNextItemDataFlags_  // Flags: for SetNextItemXXX() functions
 typedef int ImGuiNextWindowDataFlags;   // -> enum ImGuiNextWindowDataFlags_// Flags: for SetNextWindowXXX() functions
 typedef int ImGuiSeparatorFlags;        // -> enum ImGuiSeparatorFlags_     // Flags: for SeparatorEx()
-typedef int ImGuiSliderFlags;           // -> enum ImGuiSliderFlags_        // Flags: for SliderBehavior()
 typedef int ImGuiTextFlags;             // -> enum ImGuiTextFlags_          // Flags: for TextEx()
 typedef int ImGuiTooltipFlags;          // -> enum ImGuiTooltipFlags_       // Flags: for BeginTooltipEx()
@@ -360,6 +358,12 @@
 #define ImCeil(X)           ceilf(X)
 static inline float  ImPow(float x, float y)    { return powf(x, y); }          // DragBehaviorT/SliderBehaviorT uses ImPow with either float/double and need the precision
 static inline double ImPow(double x, double y)  { return pow(x, y); }
+static inline float  ImLog(float x)             { return logf(x); }             // DragBehaviorT/SliderBehaviorT uses ImLog with either float/double and need the precision
+static inline double ImLog(double x)            { return log(x); }
+static inline float  ImAbs(float x)             { return fabsf(x); }
+static inline double ImAbs(double x)            { return fabs(x); }
+static inline float  ImSign(float x)            { return (x < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : ((x > 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f); } // Sign operator - returns -1, 0 or 1 based on sign of argument
+static inline double ImSign(double x)           { return (x < 0.0) ? -1.0 : ((x > 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0); }
 // - ImMin/ImMax/ImClamp/ImLerp/ImSwap are used by widgets which support variety of types: signed/unsigned int/long long float/double
 // (Exceptionally using templates here but we could also redefine them for those types)
@@ -639,16 +643,18 @@
     ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnDefault_      = ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnClickRelease
-enum ImGuiSliderFlags_
+// Extend ImGuiDragFlags_
+enum ImGuiDragFlagsPrivate_
-    ImGuiSliderFlags_None                   = 0,
-    ImGuiSliderFlags_Vertical               = 1 << 0
+    ImGuiDragFlags_Vertical                 = 1 << 20,  // Should this widget be orientated vertically?
+    ImGuiDragFlags_ReadOnly                 = 1 << 21
-enum ImGuiDragFlags_
+// Extend ImGuiSliderFlags_
+enum ImGuiSliderFlagsPrivate_
-    ImGuiDragFlags_None                     = 0,
-    ImGuiDragFlags_Vertical                 = 1 << 0
+    ImGuiSliderFlags_Vertical               = 1 << 20,  // Should this slider be orientated vertically?
+    ImGuiSliderFlags_ReadOnly               = 1 << 31
 // Extend ImGuiSelectableFlags_
@@ -1035,7 +1041,7 @@
     float               HostCursorMaxPosX;      // Backup of CursorMaxPos at the time of BeginColumns()
     ImRect              HostInitialClipRect;    // Backup of ClipRect at the time of BeginColumns()
     ImRect              HostBackupClipRect;     // Backup of ClipRect during PushColumnsBackground()/PopColumnsBackground()
-    ImRect              HostWorkRect;           // Backup of WorkRect at the time of BeginColumns()
+    ImRect              HostBackupParentWorkRect;//Backup of WorkRect at the time of BeginColumns()
     ImVector<ImGuiColumnData> Columns;
     ImDrawListSplitter  Splitter;
@@ -1446,6 +1452,8 @@
     float                   ColorEditLastSat;                   // Backup of last Saturation associated to LastColor[3], so we can restore Saturation in lossy RGB<>HSV round trips
     float                   ColorEditLastColor[3];
     ImVec4                  ColorPickerRef;                     // Initial/reference color at the time of opening the color picker.
+    float                   SliderCurrentAccum;                 // Accumulated slider delta when using navigation controls.
+    bool                    SliderCurrentAccumDirty;            // Has the accumulated slider delta changed since last time we tried to apply it?
     bool                    DragCurrentAccumDirty;
     float                   DragCurrentAccum;                   // Accumulator for dragging modification. Always high-precision, not rounded by end-user precision settings
     float                   DragSpeedDefaultRatio;              // If speed == 0.0f, uses (max-min) * DragSpeedDefaultRatio
@@ -1608,6 +1616,8 @@
         ColorEditOptions = ImGuiColorEditFlags__OptionsDefault;
         ColorEditLastHue = ColorEditLastSat = 0.0f;
         ColorEditLastColor[0] = ColorEditLastColor[1] = ColorEditLastColor[2] = FLT_MAX;
+        SliderCurrentAccum = 0.0f;
+        SliderCurrentAccumDirty = false;
         DragCurrentAccumDirty = false;
         DragCurrentAccum = 0.0f;
         DragSpeedDefaultRatio = 1.0f / 100.0f;
@@ -1801,7 +1811,8 @@
     ImRect                  OuterRectClipped;                   // == Window->Rect() just after setup in Begin(). == window->Rect() for root window.
     ImRect                  InnerRect;                          // Inner rectangle (omit title bar, menu bar, scroll bar)
     ImRect                  InnerClipRect;                      // == InnerRect shrunk by WindowPadding*0.5f on each side, clipped within viewport or parent clip rect.
-    ImRect                  WorkRect;                           // Cover the whole scrolling region, shrunk by WindowPadding*1.0f on each side. This is meant to replace ContentRegionRect over time (from 1.71+ onward).
+    ImRect                  WorkRect;                           // Initially covers the whole scrolling region. Reduced by containers e.g columns/tables when active. Shrunk by WindowPadding*1.0f on each side. This is meant to replace ContentRegionRect over time (from 1.71+ onward).
+    ImRect                  ParentWorkRect;                     // Backup of WorkRect before entering a container such as columns/tables. Used by e.g. SpanAllColumns functions to easily access. Stacked containers are responsible for maintaining this. // FIXME-WORKRECT: Could be a stack?
     ImRect                  ClipRect;                           // Current clipping/scissoring rectangle, evolve as we are using PushClipRect(), etc. == DrawList->clip_rect_stack.back().
     ImRect                  ContentRegionRect;                  // FIXME: This is currently confusing/misleading. It is essentially WorkRect but not handling of scrolling. We currently rely on it as right/bottom aligned sizing operation need some size to rely on.
     ImVec2ih                HitTestHoleSize;                    // Define an optional rectangular hole where mouse will pass-through the window.
@@ -2234,8 +2245,8 @@
     // Widgets low-level behaviors
     IMGUI_API bool          ButtonBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, bool* out_hovered, bool* out_held, ImGuiButtonFlags flags = 0);
-    IMGUI_API bool          DragBehavior(ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_v, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power, ImGuiDragFlags flags);
-    IMGUI_API bool          SliderBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_v, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power, ImGuiSliderFlags flags, ImRect* out_grab_bb);
+    IMGUI_API bool          DragBehavior(ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_v, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags);
+    IMGUI_API bool          SliderBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_v, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags, ImRect* out_grab_bb);
     IMGUI_API bool          SplitterBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiAxis axis, float* size1, float* size2, float min_size1, float min_size2, float hover_extend = 0.0f, float hover_visibility_delay = 0.0f);
     IMGUI_API bool          TreeNodeBehavior(ImGuiID id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char* label, const char* label_end = NULL);
     IMGUI_API bool          TreeNodeBehaviorIsOpen(ImGuiID id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags = 0);                     // Consume previous SetNextItemOpen() data, if any. May return true when logging
@@ -2244,9 +2255,10 @@
     // Template functions are instantiated in imgui_widgets.cpp for a finite number of types.
     // To use them externally (for custom widget) you may need an "extern template" statement in your code in order to link to existing instances and silence Clang warnings (see #2036).
     // e.g. " extern template IMGUI_API float RoundScalarWithFormatT<float, float>(const char* format, ImGuiDataType data_type, float v); "
-    template<typename T, typename SIGNED_T, typename FLOAT_T>   IMGUI_API bool  DragBehaviorT(ImGuiDataType data_type, T* v, float v_speed, T v_min, T v_max, const char* format, float power, ImGuiDragFlags flags);
-    template<typename T, typename SIGNED_T, typename FLOAT_T>   IMGUI_API bool  SliderBehaviorT(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, T* v, T v_min, T v_max, const char* format, float power, ImGuiSliderFlags flags, ImRect* out_grab_bb);
-    template<typename T, typename FLOAT_T>                      IMGUI_API float SliderCalcRatioFromValueT(ImGuiDataType data_type, T v, T v_min, T v_max, float power, float linear_zero_pos);
+    template<typename T, typename FLOAT_T>                      IMGUI_API float ScaleRatioFromValueT(ImGuiDataType data_type, T v, T v_min, T v_max, bool is_logarithmic, float logarithmic_zero_epsilon, float zero_deadzone_size);
+    template<typename T, typename FLOAT_T>                      IMGUI_API T     ScaleValueFromRatioT(ImGuiDataType data_type, float t, T v_min, T v_max, bool is_logarithmic, float logarithmic_zero_epsilon, float zero_deadzone_size);
+    template<typename T, typename SIGNED_T, typename FLOAT_T>   IMGUI_API bool  DragBehaviorT(ImGuiDataType data_type, T* v, float v_speed, T v_min, T v_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags);
+    template<typename T, typename SIGNED_T, typename FLOAT_T>   IMGUI_API bool  SliderBehaviorT(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, T* v, T v_min, T v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags, ImRect* out_grab_bb);
     template<typename T, typename SIGNED_T>                     IMGUI_API T     RoundScalarWithFormatT(const char* format, ImGuiDataType data_type, T v);
     // Data type helpers
diff --git a/imgui_widgets.cpp b/imgui_widgets.cpp
index da74ed5..f36d127 100644
--- a/imgui_widgets.cpp
+++ b/imgui_widgets.cpp
@@ -1917,10 +1917,11 @@
 template<typename T>
-static bool ClampBehaviorT(T* v, T v_min, T v_max)
+static bool ClampBehaviorT(T* v, const T* v_min, const T* v_max)
-    if (*v < v_min) { *v = v_min; return true; }
-    if (*v > v_max) { *v = v_max; return true; }
+    // Clamp, both sides are optional
+    if (v_min && *v < *v_min) { *v = *v_min; return true; }
+    if (v_max && *v > *v_max) { *v = *v_max; return true; }
     return false;
@@ -1928,16 +1929,16 @@
     switch (data_type)
-    case ImGuiDataType_S8:     return ClampBehaviorT<ImS8  >((ImS8*  )p_data, *(const ImS8*  )p_min, *(const ImS8*  )p_max);
-    case ImGuiDataType_U8:     return ClampBehaviorT<ImU8  >((ImU8*  )p_data, *(const ImU8*  )p_min, *(const ImU8*  )p_max);
-    case ImGuiDataType_S16:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImS16 >((ImS16* )p_data, *(const ImS16* )p_min, *(const ImS16* )p_max);
-    case ImGuiDataType_U16:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImU16 >((ImU16* )p_data, *(const ImU16* )p_min, *(const ImU16* )p_max);
-    case ImGuiDataType_S32:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImS32 >((ImS32* )p_data, *(const ImS32* )p_min, *(const ImS32* )p_max);
-    case ImGuiDataType_U32:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImU32 >((ImU32* )p_data, *(const ImU32* )p_min, *(const ImU32* )p_max);
-    case ImGuiDataType_S64:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImS64 >((ImS64* )p_data, *(const ImS64* )p_min, *(const ImS64* )p_max);
-    case ImGuiDataType_U64:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImU64 >((ImU64* )p_data, *(const ImU64* )p_min, *(const ImU64* )p_max);
-    case ImGuiDataType_Float:  return ClampBehaviorT<float >((float* )p_data, *(const float* )p_min, *(const float* )p_max);
-    case ImGuiDataType_Double: return ClampBehaviorT<double>((double*)p_data, *(const double*)p_min, *(const double*)p_max);
+    case ImGuiDataType_S8:     return ClampBehaviorT<ImS8  >((ImS8*  )p_data, (const ImS8*  )p_min, (const ImS8*  )p_max);
+    case ImGuiDataType_U8:     return ClampBehaviorT<ImU8  >((ImU8*  )p_data, (const ImU8*  )p_min, (const ImU8*  )p_max);
+    case ImGuiDataType_S16:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImS16 >((ImS16* )p_data, (const ImS16* )p_min, (const ImS16* )p_max);
+    case ImGuiDataType_U16:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImU16 >((ImU16* )p_data, (const ImU16* )p_min, (const ImU16* )p_max);
+    case ImGuiDataType_S32:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImS32 >((ImS32* )p_data, (const ImS32* )p_min, (const ImS32* )p_max);
+    case ImGuiDataType_U32:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImU32 >((ImU32* )p_data, (const ImU32* )p_min, (const ImU32* )p_max);
+    case ImGuiDataType_S64:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImS64 >((ImS64* )p_data, (const ImS64* )p_min, (const ImS64* )p_max);
+    case ImGuiDataType_U64:    return ClampBehaviorT<ImU64 >((ImU64* )p_data, (const ImU64* )p_min, (const ImU64* )p_max);
+    case ImGuiDataType_Float:  return ClampBehaviorT<float >((float* )p_data, (const float* )p_min, (const float* )p_max);
+    case ImGuiDataType_Double: return ClampBehaviorT<double>((double*)p_data, (const double*)p_min, (const double*)p_max);
     case ImGuiDataType_COUNT:  break;
@@ -2004,16 +2005,13 @@
 // This is called by DragBehavior() when the widget is active (held by mouse or being manipulated with Nav controls)
 template<typename TYPE, typename SIGNEDTYPE, typename FLOATTYPE>
-bool ImGui::DragBehaviorT(ImGuiDataType data_type, TYPE* v, float v_speed, const TYPE v_min, const TYPE v_max, const char* format, float power, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
+bool ImGui::DragBehaviorT(ImGuiDataType data_type, TYPE* v, float v_speed, const TYPE v_min, const TYPE v_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
     const ImGuiAxis axis = (flags & ImGuiDragFlags_Vertical) ? ImGuiAxis_Y : ImGuiAxis_X;
     const bool is_decimal = (data_type == ImGuiDataType_Float) || (data_type == ImGuiDataType_Double);
     const bool is_clamped = (v_min < v_max);
-    const bool is_power = (power != 1.0f && is_decimal && is_clamped && (v_max - v_min < FLT_MAX));
-    const bool is_locked = (v_min > v_max);
-    if (is_locked)
-        return false;
+    const bool is_logarithmic = (flags & ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic) && is_decimal;
     // Default tweak speed
     if (v_speed == 0.0f && is_clamped && (v_max - v_min < FLT_MAX))
@@ -2041,12 +2039,15 @@
     if (axis == ImGuiAxis_Y)
         adjust_delta = -adjust_delta;
+    // For logarithmic use our range is effectively 0..1 so scale the delta into that range
+    if (is_logarithmic && (v_max - v_min < FLT_MAX) && ((v_max - v_min) > 0.000001f)) // Epsilon to avoid /0
+        adjust_delta /= (float)(v_max - v_min);
     // Clear current value on activation
     // Avoid altering values and clamping when we are _already_ past the limits and heading in the same direction, so e.g. if range is 0..255, current value is 300 and we are pushing to the right side, keep the 300.
     bool is_just_activated = g.ActiveIdIsJustActivated;
     bool is_already_past_limits_and_pushing_outward = is_clamped && ((*v >= v_max && adjust_delta > 0.0f) || (*v <= v_min && adjust_delta < 0.0f));
-    bool is_drag_direction_change_with_power = is_power && ((adjust_delta < 0 && g.DragCurrentAccum > 0) || (adjust_delta > 0 && g.DragCurrentAccum < 0));
-    if (is_just_activated || is_already_past_limits_and_pushing_outward || is_drag_direction_change_with_power)
+    if (is_just_activated || is_already_past_limits_and_pushing_outward)
         g.DragCurrentAccum = 0.0f;
         g.DragCurrentAccumDirty = false;
@@ -2063,13 +2064,19 @@
     TYPE v_cur = *v;
     FLOATTYPE v_old_ref_for_accum_remainder = (FLOATTYPE)0.0f;
-    if (is_power)
+    float logarithmic_zero_epsilon = 0.0f; // Only valid when is_logarithmic is true
+    const float zero_deadzone_halfsize = 0.0f; // Drag widgets have no deadzone (as it doesn't make sense)
+    if (is_logarithmic)
-        // Offset + round to user desired precision, with a curve on the v_min..v_max range to get more precision on one side of the range
-        FLOATTYPE v_old_norm_curved = ImPow((FLOATTYPE)(v_cur - v_min) / (FLOATTYPE)(v_max - v_min), (FLOATTYPE)1.0f / power);
-        FLOATTYPE v_new_norm_curved = v_old_norm_curved + (g.DragCurrentAccum / (v_max - v_min));
-        v_cur = v_min + (SIGNEDTYPE)ImPow(ImSaturate((float)v_new_norm_curved), power) * (v_max - v_min);
-        v_old_ref_for_accum_remainder = v_old_norm_curved;
+        // When using logarithmic sliders, we need to clamp to avoid hitting zero, but our choice of clamp value greatly affects slider precision. We attempt to use the specified precision to estimate a good lower bound.
+        const int decimal_precision = is_decimal ? ImParseFormatPrecision(format, 3) : 1;
+        logarithmic_zero_epsilon = ImPow(0.1f, (float)decimal_precision);
+        // Convert to parametric space, apply delta, convert back
+        float v_old_parametric = ScaleRatioFromValueT<TYPE, FLOATTYPE>(data_type, v_cur, v_min, v_max, is_logarithmic, logarithmic_zero_epsilon, zero_deadzone_halfsize);
+        float v_new_parametric = v_old_parametric + g.DragCurrentAccum;
+        v_cur = ScaleValueFromRatioT<TYPE, FLOATTYPE>(data_type, v_new_parametric, v_min, v_max, is_logarithmic, logarithmic_zero_epsilon, zero_deadzone_halfsize);
+        v_old_ref_for_accum_remainder = v_old_parametric;
@@ -2077,14 +2084,16 @@
     // Round to user desired precision based on format string
-    v_cur = RoundScalarWithFormatT<TYPE, SIGNEDTYPE>(format, data_type, v_cur);
+    if (!(flags & ImGuiDragFlags_NoRoundToFormat))
+        v_cur = RoundScalarWithFormatT<TYPE, SIGNEDTYPE>(format, data_type, v_cur);
     // Preserve remainder after rounding has been applied. This also allow slow tweaking of values.
     g.DragCurrentAccumDirty = false;
-    if (is_power)
+    if (is_logarithmic)
-        FLOATTYPE v_cur_norm_curved = ImPow((FLOATTYPE)(v_cur - v_min) / (FLOATTYPE)(v_max - v_min), (FLOATTYPE)1.0f / power);
-        g.DragCurrentAccum -= (float)(v_cur_norm_curved - v_old_ref_for_accum_remainder);
+        // Convert to parametric space, apply delta, convert back
+        float v_new_parametric = ScaleRatioFromValueT<TYPE, FLOATTYPE>(data_type, v_cur, v_min, v_max, is_logarithmic, logarithmic_zero_epsilon, zero_deadzone_halfsize);
+        g.DragCurrentAccum -= (float)(v_new_parametric - v_old_ref_for_accum_remainder);
@@ -2111,8 +2120,11 @@
     return true;
-bool ImGui::DragBehavior(ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_v, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
+bool ImGui::DragBehavior(ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_v, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
+    // Read imgui.cpp "API BREAKING CHANGES" section for 1.78 if you hit this assert.
+    IM_ASSERT((flags == 1 || (flags & ImGuiDragFlags_InvalidMask_) == 0) && "Invalid ImGuiDragFlags flags! Has the 'float power' argument been mistakenly cast to flags? Call function with ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic flags instead.");
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
     if (g.ActiveId == id)
@@ -2123,21 +2135,21 @@
     if (g.ActiveId != id)
         return false;
-    if (g.CurrentWindow->DC.ItemFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_ReadOnly)
+    if ((g.CurrentWindow->DC.ItemFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_ReadOnly) || (flags & ImGuiDragFlags_ReadOnly))
         return false;
     switch (data_type)
-    case ImGuiDataType_S8:     { ImS32 v32 = (ImS32)*(ImS8*)p_v;  bool r = DragBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float>(ImGuiDataType_S32, &v32, v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImS8*) p_min : IM_S8_MIN,  p_max ? *(const ImS8*)p_max  : IM_S8_MAX,  format, power, flags); if (r) *(ImS8*)p_v = (ImS8)v32; return r; }
-    case ImGuiDataType_U8:     { ImU32 v32 = (ImU32)*(ImU8*)p_v;  bool r = DragBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float>(ImGuiDataType_U32, &v32, v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImU8*) p_min : IM_U8_MIN,  p_max ? *(const ImU8*)p_max  : IM_U8_MAX,  format, power, flags); if (r) *(ImU8*)p_v = (ImU8)v32; return r; }
-    case ImGuiDataType_S16:    { ImS32 v32 = (ImS32)*(ImS16*)p_v; bool r = DragBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float>(ImGuiDataType_S32, &v32, v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImS16*)p_min : IM_S16_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImS16*)p_max : IM_S16_MAX, format, power, flags); if (r) *(ImS16*)p_v = (ImS16)v32; return r; }
-    case ImGuiDataType_U16:    { ImU32 v32 = (ImU32)*(ImU16*)p_v; bool r = DragBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float>(ImGuiDataType_U32, &v32, v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImU16*)p_min : IM_U16_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImU16*)p_max : IM_U16_MAX, format, power, flags); if (r) *(ImU16*)p_v = (ImU16)v32; return r; }
-    case ImGuiDataType_S32:    return DragBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float >(data_type, (ImS32*)p_v,  v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImS32* )p_min : IM_S32_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImS32* )p_max : IM_S32_MAX, format, power, flags);
-    case ImGuiDataType_U32:    return DragBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float >(data_type, (ImU32*)p_v,  v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImU32* )p_min : IM_U32_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImU32* )p_max : IM_U32_MAX, format, power, flags);
-    case ImGuiDataType_S64:    return DragBehaviorT<ImS64, ImS64, double>(data_type, (ImS64*)p_v,  v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImS64* )p_min : IM_S64_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImS64* )p_max : IM_S64_MAX, format, power, flags);
-    case ImGuiDataType_U64:    return DragBehaviorT<ImU64, ImS64, double>(data_type, (ImU64*)p_v,  v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImU64* )p_min : IM_U64_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImU64* )p_max : IM_U64_MAX, format, power, flags);
-    case ImGuiDataType_Float:  return DragBehaviorT<float, float, float >(data_type, (float*)p_v,  v_speed, p_min ? *(const float* )p_min : -FLT_MAX,   p_max ? *(const float* )p_max : FLT_MAX,    format, power, flags);
-    case ImGuiDataType_Double: return DragBehaviorT<double,double,double>(data_type, (double*)p_v, v_speed, p_min ? *(const double*)p_min : -DBL_MAX,   p_max ? *(const double*)p_max : DBL_MAX,    format, power, flags);
+    case ImGuiDataType_S8:     { ImS32 v32 = (ImS32)*(ImS8*)p_v;  bool r = DragBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float>(ImGuiDataType_S32, &v32, v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImS8*) p_min : IM_S8_MIN,  p_max ? *(const ImS8*)p_max  : IM_S8_MAX,  format, flags); if (r) *(ImS8*)p_v = (ImS8)v32; return r; }
+    case ImGuiDataType_U8:     { ImU32 v32 = (ImU32)*(ImU8*)p_v;  bool r = DragBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float>(ImGuiDataType_U32, &v32, v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImU8*) p_min : IM_U8_MIN,  p_max ? *(const ImU8*)p_max  : IM_U8_MAX,  format, flags); if (r) *(ImU8*)p_v = (ImU8)v32; return r; }
+    case ImGuiDataType_S16:    { ImS32 v32 = (ImS32)*(ImS16*)p_v; bool r = DragBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float>(ImGuiDataType_S32, &v32, v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImS16*)p_min : IM_S16_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImS16*)p_max : IM_S16_MAX, format, flags); if (r) *(ImS16*)p_v = (ImS16)v32; return r; }
+    case ImGuiDataType_U16:    { ImU32 v32 = (ImU32)*(ImU16*)p_v; bool r = DragBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float>(ImGuiDataType_U32, &v32, v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImU16*)p_min : IM_U16_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImU16*)p_max : IM_U16_MAX, format, flags); if (r) *(ImU16*)p_v = (ImU16)v32; return r; }
+    case ImGuiDataType_S32:    return DragBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float >(data_type, (ImS32*)p_v,  v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImS32* )p_min : IM_S32_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImS32* )p_max : IM_S32_MAX, format, flags);
+    case ImGuiDataType_U32:    return DragBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float >(data_type, (ImU32*)p_v,  v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImU32* )p_min : IM_U32_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImU32* )p_max : IM_U32_MAX, format, flags);
+    case ImGuiDataType_S64:    return DragBehaviorT<ImS64, ImS64, double>(data_type, (ImS64*)p_v,  v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImS64* )p_min : IM_S64_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImS64* )p_max : IM_S64_MAX, format, flags);
+    case ImGuiDataType_U64:    return DragBehaviorT<ImU64, ImS64, double>(data_type, (ImU64*)p_v,  v_speed, p_min ? *(const ImU64* )p_min : IM_U64_MIN, p_max ? *(const ImU64* )p_max : IM_U64_MAX, format, flags);
+    case ImGuiDataType_Float:  return DragBehaviorT<float, float, float >(data_type, (float*)p_v,  v_speed, p_min ? *(const float* )p_min : -FLT_MAX,   p_max ? *(const float* )p_max : FLT_MAX,    format, flags);
+    case ImGuiDataType_Double: return DragBehaviorT<double,double,double>(data_type, (double*)p_v, v_speed, p_min ? *(const double*)p_min : -DBL_MAX,   p_max ? *(const double*)p_max : DBL_MAX,    format, flags);
     case ImGuiDataType_COUNT:  break;
@@ -2145,16 +2157,13 @@
 // Note: p_data, p_min and p_max are _pointers_ to a memory address holding the data. For a Drag widget, p_min and p_max are optional.
-// Read code of e.g. SliderFloat(), SliderInt() etc. or examples in 'Demo->Widgets->Data Types' to understand how to use this function directly.
-bool ImGui::DragScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power)
+// Read code of e.g. DragFloat(), DragInt() etc. or examples in 'Demo->Widgets->Data Types' to understand how to use this function directly.
+bool ImGui::DragScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
     ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
     if (window->SkipItems)
         return false;
-    if (power != 1.0f)
-        IM_ASSERT(p_min != NULL && p_max != NULL); // When using a power curve the drag needs to have known bounds
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
     const ImGuiStyle& style = g.Style;
     const ImGuiID id = window->GetID(label);
@@ -2175,10 +2184,11 @@
     // Tabbing or CTRL-clicking on Drag turns it into an input box
     const bool hovered = ItemHoverable(frame_bb, id);
-    bool temp_input_is_active = TempInputIsActive(id);
+    const bool temp_input_allowed = (flags & ImGuiDragFlags_NoInput) == 0;
+    bool temp_input_is_active = temp_input_allowed && TempInputIsActive(id);
     if (!temp_input_is_active)
-        const bool focus_requested = FocusableItemRegister(window, id);
+        const bool focus_requested = temp_input_allowed && FocusableItemRegister(window, id);
         const bool clicked = (hovered && g.IO.MouseClicked[0]);
         const bool double_clicked = (hovered && g.IO.MouseDoubleClicked[0]);
         if (focus_requested || clicked || double_clicked || g.NavActivateId == id || g.NavInputId == id)
@@ -2187,7 +2197,7 @@
             SetFocusID(id, window);
             g.ActiveIdUsingNavDirMask = (1 << ImGuiDir_Left) | (1 << ImGuiDir_Right);
-            if (focus_requested || (clicked && g.IO.KeyCtrl) || double_clicked || g.NavInputId == id)
+            if (temp_input_allowed && (focus_requested || (clicked && g.IO.KeyCtrl) || double_clicked || g.NavInputId == id))
                 temp_input_is_active = true;
@@ -2195,9 +2205,12 @@
-    // Our current specs do NOT clamp when using CTRL+Click manual input, but we should eventually add a flag for that..
     if (temp_input_is_active)
-        return TempInputScalar(frame_bb, id, label, data_type, p_data, format);// , p_min, p_max);
+    {
+        // Only clamp CTRL+Click input when ImGuiDragFlags_ClampInput is set
+        const bool is_clamp_input = (flags & ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput) != 0;
+        return TempInputScalar(frame_bb, id, label, data_type, p_data, format, is_clamp_input ? p_min : NULL, is_clamp_input ? p_max : NULL);
+    }
     // Draw frame
     const ImU32 frame_col = GetColorU32(g.ActiveId == id ? ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive : g.HoveredId == id ? ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered : ImGuiCol_FrameBg);
@@ -2205,7 +2218,7 @@
     RenderFrame(frame_bb.Min, frame_bb.Max, frame_col, true, style.FrameRounding);
     // Drag behavior
-    const bool value_changed = DragBehavior(id, data_type, p_data, v_speed, p_min, p_max, format, power, ImGuiDragFlags_None);
+    const bool value_changed = DragBehavior(id, data_type, p_data, v_speed, p_min, p_max, format, flags);
     if (value_changed)
@@ -2221,7 +2234,7 @@
     return value_changed;
-bool ImGui::DragScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::DragScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
     ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
     if (window->SkipItems)
@@ -2238,7 +2251,7 @@
         if (i > 0)
             SameLine(0, g.Style.ItemInnerSpacing.x);
-        value_changed |= DragScalar("", data_type, p_data, v_speed, p_min, p_max, format, power);
+        value_changed |= DragScalar("", data_type, p_data, v_speed, p_min, p_max, format, flags);
         p_data = (void*)((char*)p_data + type_size);
@@ -2256,27 +2269,28 @@
     return value_changed;
-bool ImGui::DragFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::DragFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
-    return DragScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power);
+    return DragScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::DragFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::DragFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
-    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 2, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power);
+    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 2, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::DragFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::DragFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
-    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 3, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power);
+    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 3, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::DragFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::DragFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
-    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 4, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power);
+    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 4, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::DragFloatRange2(const char* label, float* v_current_min, float* v_current_max, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, const char* format_max, float power)
+// NB: You likely want to specify the ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput when using this.
+bool ImGui::DragFloatRange2(const char* label, float* v_current_min, float* v_current_max, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, const char* format_max, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
     ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
     if (window->SkipItems)
@@ -2287,17 +2301,17 @@
     PushMultiItemsWidths(2, CalcItemWidth());
-    float min = (v_min >= v_max) ? -FLT_MAX : v_min;
-    float max = (v_min >= v_max) ? *v_current_max : ImMin(v_max, *v_current_max);
-    if (min == max) { min = FLT_MAX; max = -FLT_MAX; } // Lock edit
-    bool value_changed = DragScalar("##min", ImGuiDataType_Float, v_current_min, v_speed, &min, &max, format, power);
+    float min_min = (v_min >= v_max) ? -FLT_MAX : v_min;
+    float min_max = (v_min >= v_max) ? *v_current_max : ImMin(v_max, *v_current_max);
+    ImGuiDragFlags min_flags = flags | ((min_min == min_max) ? ImGuiDragFlags_ReadOnly : 0);
+    bool value_changed = DragScalar("##min", ImGuiDataType_Float, v_current_min, v_speed, &min_min, &min_max, format, min_flags);
     SameLine(0, g.Style.ItemInnerSpacing.x);
-    min = (v_min >= v_max) ? *v_current_min : ImMax(v_min, *v_current_min);
-    max = (v_min >= v_max) ? FLT_MAX : v_max;
-    if (min == max) { min = FLT_MAX; max = -FLT_MAX; } // Lock edit
-    value_changed |= DragScalar("##max", ImGuiDataType_Float, v_current_max, v_speed, &min, &max, format_max ? format_max : format, power);
+    float max_min = (v_min >= v_max) ? *v_current_min : ImMax(v_min, *v_current_min);
+    float max_max = (v_min >= v_max) ? FLT_MAX : v_max;
+    ImGuiDragFlags max_flags = flags | ((max_min == max_max) ? ImGuiDragFlags_ReadOnly : 0);
+    value_changed |= DragScalar("##max", ImGuiDataType_Float, v_current_max, v_speed, &max_min, &max_max, format_max ? format_max : format, max_flags);
     SameLine(0, g.Style.ItemInnerSpacing.x);
@@ -2308,27 +2322,28 @@
 // NB: v_speed is float to allow adjusting the drag speed with more precision
-bool ImGui::DragInt(const char* label, int* v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format)
+bool ImGui::DragInt(const char* label, int* v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
-    return DragScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format);
+    return DragScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::DragInt2(const char* label, int v[2], float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format)
+bool ImGui::DragInt2(const char* label, int v[2], float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
-    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 2, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format);
+    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 2, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::DragInt3(const char* label, int v[3], float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format)
+bool ImGui::DragInt3(const char* label, int v[3], float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
-    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 3, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format);
+    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 3, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::DragInt4(const char* label, int v[4], float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format)
+bool ImGui::DragInt4(const char* label, int v[4], float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
-    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 4, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format);
+    return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 4, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::DragIntRange2(const char* label, int* v_current_min, int* v_current_max, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, const char* format_max)
+// NB: You likely want to specify the ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput when using this.
+bool ImGui::DragIntRange2(const char* label, int* v_current_min, int* v_current_max, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, const char* format_max, ImGuiDragFlags flags)
     ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
     if (window->SkipItems)
@@ -2339,17 +2354,17 @@
     PushMultiItemsWidths(2, CalcItemWidth());
-    int min = (v_min >= v_max) ? INT_MIN : v_min;
-    int max = (v_min >= v_max) ? *v_current_max : ImMin(v_max, *v_current_max);
-    if (min == max) { min = INT_MAX; max = INT_MIN; } // Lock edit
-    bool value_changed = DragInt("##min", v_current_min, v_speed, min, max, format);
+    int min_min = (v_min >= v_max) ? INT_MIN : v_min;
+    int min_max = (v_min >= v_max) ? *v_current_max : ImMin(v_max, *v_current_max);
+    ImGuiDragFlags min_flags = flags | ((min_min == min_max) ? ImGuiDragFlags_ReadOnly : 0);
+    bool value_changed = DragInt("##min", v_current_min, v_speed, min_min, min_max, format, min_flags);
     SameLine(0, g.Style.ItemInnerSpacing.x);
-    min = (v_min >= v_max) ? *v_current_min : ImMax(v_min, *v_current_min);
-    max = (v_min >= v_max) ? INT_MAX : v_max;
-    if (min == max) { min = INT_MAX; max = INT_MIN; } // Lock edit
-    value_changed |= DragInt("##max", v_current_max, v_speed, min, max, format_max ? format_max : format);
+    int max_min = (v_min >= v_max) ? *v_current_min : ImMax(v_min, *v_current_min);
+    int max_max = (v_min >= v_max) ? INT_MAX : v_max;
+    ImGuiDragFlags max_flags = flags | ((max_min == max_max) ? ImGuiDragFlags_ReadOnly : 0);
+    value_changed |= DragInt("##max", v_current_max, v_speed, max_min, max_max, format_max ? format_max : format, max_flags);
     SameLine(0, g.Style.ItemInnerSpacing.x);
@@ -2360,9 +2375,40 @@
     return value_changed;
+// Obsolete versions with power parameter. See for details.
+bool ImGui::DragScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power)
+    ImGuiDragFlags drag_flags = ImGuiDragFlags_None;
+    if (power != 1.0f)
+    {
+        IM_ASSERT(power == 1.0f && "Call function with ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic flags instead of using the old 'float power' function!");
+        IM_ASSERT(p_min != NULL && p_max != NULL);  // When using a power curve the drag needs to have known bounds
+        drag_flags |= ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic;   // Fallback for non-asserting paths
+    }
+    return DragScalar(label, data_type, p_data, v_speed, p_min, p_max, format, drag_flags);
+bool ImGui::DragScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power)
+    ImGuiDragFlags drag_flags = ImGuiDragFlags_None;
+    if (power != 1.0f)
+    {
+        IM_ASSERT(power == 1.0f && "Call function with ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic flags instead of using the old 'float power' function!");
+        IM_ASSERT(p_min != NULL && p_max != NULL);  // When using a power curve the drag needs to have known bounds
+        drag_flags |= ImGuiDragFlags_Logarithmic;   // Fallback for non-asserting paths
+    }
+    return DragScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, v_speed, p_min, p_max, format, drag_flags);
 // [SECTION] Widgets: SliderScalar, SliderFloat, SliderInt, etc.
+// - ScaleRatioFromValueT<> [Internal]
+// - ScaleValueFromRatioT<> [Internal]
 // - SliderBehaviorT<>() [Internal]
 // - SliderBehavior() [Internal]
 // - SliderScalar()
@@ -2381,42 +2427,147 @@
 // - VSliderInt()
+// Convert a value v in the output space of a slider into a parametric position on the slider itself (the logical opposite of ScaleValueFromRatioT)
 template<typename TYPE, typename FLOATTYPE>
-float ImGui::SliderCalcRatioFromValueT(ImGuiDataType data_type, TYPE v, TYPE v_min, TYPE v_max, float power, float linear_zero_pos)
+float ImGui::ScaleRatioFromValueT(ImGuiDataType data_type, TYPE v, TYPE v_min, TYPE v_max, bool is_logarithmic, float logarithmic_zero_epsilon, float zero_deadzone_halfsize)
     if (v_min == v_max)
         return 0.0f;
+    IM_UNUSED(data_type);
-    const bool is_power = (power != 1.0f) && (data_type == ImGuiDataType_Float || data_type == ImGuiDataType_Double);
     const TYPE v_clamped = (v_min < v_max) ? ImClamp(v, v_min, v_max) : ImClamp(v, v_max, v_min);
-    if (is_power)
+    if (is_logarithmic)
-        if (v_clamped < 0.0f)
+        bool flipped = v_max < v_min;
+        if (flipped) // Handle the case where the range is backwards
+            ImSwap(v_min, v_max);
+        // Fudge min/max to avoid getting close to log(0)
+        FLOATTYPE v_min_fudged = (ImAbs((FLOATTYPE)v_min) < logarithmic_zero_epsilon) ? ((v_min < 0.0f) ? -logarithmic_zero_epsilon : logarithmic_zero_epsilon) : (FLOATTYPE)v_min;
+        FLOATTYPE v_max_fudged = (ImAbs((FLOATTYPE)v_max) < logarithmic_zero_epsilon) ? ((v_max < 0.0f) ? -logarithmic_zero_epsilon : logarithmic_zero_epsilon) : (FLOATTYPE)v_max;
+        // Awkward special cases - we need ranges of the form (-100 .. 0) to convert to (-100 .. -epsilon), not (-100 .. epsilon)
+        if ((v_min == 0.0f) && (v_max < 0.0f))
+            v_min_fudged = -logarithmic_zero_epsilon;
+        else if ((v_max == 0.0f) && (v_min < 0.0f))
+            v_max_fudged = -logarithmic_zero_epsilon;
+        float result;
+        if (v_clamped <= v_min_fudged)
+            result = 0.0f; // Workaround for values that are in-range but below our fudge
+        else if (v_clamped >= v_max_fudged)
+            result = 1.0f; // Workaround for values that are in-range but above our fudge
+        else if ((v_min * v_max) < 0.0f) // Range crosses zero, so split into two portions
-            const float f = 1.0f - (float)((v_clamped - v_min) / (ImMin((TYPE)0, v_max) - v_min));
-            return (1.0f - ImPow(f, 1.0f / power)) * linear_zero_pos;
+            float zero_point_center = (-(float)v_min) / ((float)v_max - (float)v_min); // The zero point in parametric space.  There's an argument we should take the logarithmic nature into account when calculating this, but for now this should do (and the most common case of a symmetrical range works fine)
+            float zero_point_snap_L = zero_point_center - zero_deadzone_halfsize;
+            float zero_point_snap_R = zero_point_center + zero_deadzone_halfsize;
+            if (v == 0.0f)
+                result = zero_point_center; // Special case for exactly zero
+            else if (v < 0.0f)
+                result = (1.0f - (float)(ImLog(-(FLOATTYPE)v_clamped / logarithmic_zero_epsilon) / ImLog(-v_min_fudged / logarithmic_zero_epsilon))) * zero_point_snap_L;
+            else
+                result = zero_point_snap_R + ((float)(ImLog((FLOATTYPE)v_clamped / logarithmic_zero_epsilon) / ImLog(v_max_fudged / logarithmic_zero_epsilon)) * (1.0f - zero_point_snap_R));
+        else if ((v_min < 0.0f) || (v_max < 0.0f)) // Entirely negative slider
+            result = 1.0f - (float)(ImLog(-(FLOATTYPE)v_clamped / -v_max_fudged) / ImLog(-v_min_fudged / -v_max_fudged));
-        {
-            const float f = (float)((v_clamped - ImMax((TYPE)0, v_min)) / (v_max - ImMax((TYPE)0, v_min)));
-            return linear_zero_pos + ImPow(f, 1.0f / power) * (1.0f - linear_zero_pos);
-        }
+            result = (float)(ImLog((FLOATTYPE)v_clamped / v_min_fudged) / ImLog(v_max_fudged / v_min_fudged));
+        return flipped ? (1.0f - result) : result;
     // Linear slider
     return (float)((FLOATTYPE)(v_clamped - v_min) / (FLOATTYPE)(v_max - v_min));
-// FIXME: Move some of the code into SliderBehavior(). Current responsibility is larger than what the equivalent DragBehaviorT<> does, we also do some rendering, etc.
+// Convert a parametric position on a slider into a value v in the output space (the logical opposite of ScaleRatioFromValueT)
+template<typename TYPE, typename FLOATTYPE>
+TYPE ImGui::ScaleValueFromRatioT(ImGuiDataType data_type, float t, TYPE v_min, TYPE v_max, bool is_logarithmic, float logarithmic_zero_epsilon, float zero_deadzone_halfsize)
+    if (v_min == v_max)
+        return (TYPE)0.0f;
+    const bool is_decimal = (data_type == ImGuiDataType_Float) || (data_type == ImGuiDataType_Double);
+    TYPE result;
+    if (is_logarithmic)
+    {
+        // We special-case the extents because otherwise our fudging can lead to "mathematically correct" but non-intuitive behaviors like a fully-left slider not actually reaching the minimum value
+        if (t <= 0.0f)
+            result = v_min;
+        else if (t >= 1.0f)
+            result = v_max;
+        else
+        {
+            bool flipped = v_max < v_min; // Check if range is "backwards"
+            // Fudge min/max to avoid getting silly results close to zero
+            FLOATTYPE v_min_fudged = (ImAbs((FLOATTYPE)v_min) < logarithmic_zero_epsilon) ? ((v_min < 0.0f) ? -logarithmic_zero_epsilon : logarithmic_zero_epsilon) : (FLOATTYPE)v_min;
+            FLOATTYPE v_max_fudged = (ImAbs((FLOATTYPE)v_max) < logarithmic_zero_epsilon) ? ((v_max < 0.0f) ? -logarithmic_zero_epsilon : logarithmic_zero_epsilon) : (FLOATTYPE)v_max;
+            if (flipped)
+                ImSwap(v_min_fudged, v_max_fudged);
+            // Awkward special case - we need ranges of the form (-100 .. 0) to convert to (-100 .. -epsilon), not (-100 .. epsilon)
+            if ((v_max == 0.0f) && (v_min < 0.0f))
+                v_max_fudged = -logarithmic_zero_epsilon;
+            float t_with_flip = flipped ? (1.0f - t) : t; // t, but flipped if necessary to account for us flipping the range
+            if ((v_min * v_max) < 0.0f) // Range crosses zero, so we have to do this in two parts
+            {
+                float zero_point_center = (-(float)ImMin(v_min, v_max)) / ImAbs((float)v_max - (float)v_min); // The zero point in parametric space
+                float zero_point_snap_L = zero_point_center - zero_deadzone_halfsize;
+                float zero_point_snap_R = zero_point_center + zero_deadzone_halfsize;
+                if (t_with_flip >= zero_point_snap_L && t_with_flip <= zero_point_snap_R)
+                    result = (TYPE)0.0f; // Special case to make getting exactly zero possible (the epsilon prevents it otherwise)
+                else if (t_with_flip < zero_point_center)
+                    result = (TYPE)-(logarithmic_zero_epsilon * ImPow(-v_min_fudged / logarithmic_zero_epsilon, (FLOATTYPE)(1.0f - (t_with_flip / zero_point_snap_L))));
+                else
+                    result = (TYPE)(logarithmic_zero_epsilon * ImPow(v_max_fudged / logarithmic_zero_epsilon, (FLOATTYPE)((t_with_flip - zero_point_snap_R) / (1.0f - zero_point_snap_R))));
+            }
+            else if ((v_min < 0.0f) || (v_max < 0.0f)) // Entirely negative slider
+                result = (TYPE)-(-v_max_fudged * ImPow(-v_min_fudged / -v_max_fudged, (FLOATTYPE)(1.0f - t_with_flip)));
+            else
+                result = (TYPE)(v_min_fudged * ImPow(v_max_fudged / v_min_fudged, (FLOATTYPE)t_with_flip));
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Linear slider
+        if (is_decimal)
+        {
+            result = ImLerp(v_min, v_max, t);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // For integer values we want the clicking position to match the grab box so we round above
+            // This code is carefully tuned to work with large values (e.g. high ranges of U64) while preserving this property..
+            FLOATTYPE v_new_off_f = (v_max - v_min) * t;
+            TYPE v_new_off_floor = (TYPE)(v_new_off_f);
+            TYPE v_new_off_round = (TYPE)(v_new_off_f + (FLOATTYPE)0.5);
+            if (v_new_off_floor < v_new_off_round)
+                result = v_min + v_new_off_round;
+            else
+                result = v_min + v_new_off_floor;
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+// FIXME: Move more of the code into SliderBehavior()
 template<typename TYPE, typename SIGNEDTYPE, typename FLOATTYPE>
-bool ImGui::SliderBehaviorT(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, TYPE* v, const TYPE v_min, const TYPE v_max, const char* format, float power, ImGuiSliderFlags flags, ImRect* out_grab_bb)
+bool ImGui::SliderBehaviorT(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, TYPE* v, const TYPE v_min, const TYPE v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags, ImRect* out_grab_bb)
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
     const ImGuiStyle& style = g.Style;
     const ImGuiAxis axis = (flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_Vertical) ? ImGuiAxis_Y : ImGuiAxis_X;
     const bool is_decimal = (data_type == ImGuiDataType_Float) || (data_type == ImGuiDataType_Double);
-    const bool is_power = (power != 1.0f) && is_decimal;
+    const bool is_logarithmic = (flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic) && is_decimal;
     const float grab_padding = 2.0f;
     const float slider_sz = (bb.Max[axis] - bb.Min[axis]) - grab_padding * 2.0f;
@@ -2429,19 +2580,14 @@
     const float slider_usable_pos_min = bb.Min[axis] + grab_padding + grab_sz * 0.5f;
     const float slider_usable_pos_max = bb.Max[axis] - grab_padding - grab_sz * 0.5f;
-    // For power curve sliders that cross over sign boundary we want the curve to be symmetric around 0.0f
-    float linear_zero_pos;   // 0.0->1.0f
-    if (is_power && v_min * v_max < 0.0f)
+    float logarithmic_zero_epsilon = 0.0f; // Only valid when is_logarithmic is true
+    float zero_deadzone_halfsize = 0.0f; // Only valid when is_logarithmic is true
+    if (is_logarithmic)
-        // Different sign
-        const FLOATTYPE linear_dist_min_to_0 = ImPow(v_min >= 0 ? (FLOATTYPE)v_min : -(FLOATTYPE)v_min, (FLOATTYPE)1.0f / power);
-        const FLOATTYPE linear_dist_max_to_0 = ImPow(v_max >= 0 ? (FLOATTYPE)v_max : -(FLOATTYPE)v_max, (FLOATTYPE)1.0f / power);
-        linear_zero_pos = (float)(linear_dist_min_to_0 / (linear_dist_min_to_0 + linear_dist_max_to_0));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Same sign
-        linear_zero_pos = v_min < 0.0f ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
+        // When using logarithmic sliders, we need to clamp to avoid hitting zero, but our choice of clamp value greatly affects slider precision. We attempt to use the specified precision to estimate a good lower bound.
+        const int decimal_precision = is_decimal ? ImParseFormatPrecision(format, 3) : 1;
+        logarithmic_zero_epsilon = ImPow(0.1f, (float)decimal_precision);
+        zero_deadzone_halfsize = (style.LogSliderDeadzone * 0.5f) / ImMax(slider_usable_sz, 1.0f);
     // Process interacting with the slider
@@ -2467,87 +2613,80 @@
         else if (g.ActiveIdSource == ImGuiInputSource_Nav)
-            const ImVec2 delta2 = GetNavInputAmount2d(ImGuiNavDirSourceFlags_Keyboard | ImGuiNavDirSourceFlags_PadDPad, ImGuiInputReadMode_RepeatFast, 0.0f, 0.0f);
-            float delta = (axis == ImGuiAxis_X) ? delta2.x : -delta2.y;
-            if (g.NavActivatePressedId == id && !g.ActiveIdIsJustActivated)
+            if (g.ActiveIdIsJustActivated)
-                ClearActiveID();
+                g.SliderCurrentAccum = 0.0f; // Reset any stored nav delta upon activation
+                g.SliderCurrentAccumDirty = false;
-            else if (delta != 0.0f)
+            const ImVec2 input_delta2 = GetNavInputAmount2d(ImGuiNavDirSourceFlags_Keyboard | ImGuiNavDirSourceFlags_PadDPad, ImGuiInputReadMode_RepeatFast, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+            float input_delta = (axis == ImGuiAxis_X) ? input_delta2.x : -input_delta2.y;
+            if (input_delta != 0.0f)
-                clicked_t = SliderCalcRatioFromValueT<TYPE, FLOATTYPE>(data_type, *v, v_min, v_max, power, linear_zero_pos);
                 const int decimal_precision = is_decimal ? ImParseFormatPrecision(format, 3) : 0;
-                if ((decimal_precision > 0) || is_power)
+                if (decimal_precision > 0)
-                    delta /= 100.0f;    // Gamepad/keyboard tweak speeds in % of slider bounds
+                    input_delta /= 100.0f;    // Gamepad/keyboard tweak speeds in % of slider bounds
                     if (IsNavInputDown(ImGuiNavInput_TweakSlow))
-                        delta /= 10.0f;
+                        input_delta /= 10.0f;
                     if ((v_range >= -100.0f && v_range <= 100.0f) || IsNavInputDown(ImGuiNavInput_TweakSlow))
-                        delta = ((delta < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : +1.0f) / (float)v_range; // Gamepad/keyboard tweak speeds in integer steps
+                        input_delta = ((input_delta < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : +1.0f) / (float)v_range; // Gamepad/keyboard tweak speeds in integer steps
-                        delta /= 100.0f;
+                        input_delta /= 100.0f;
                 if (IsNavInputDown(ImGuiNavInput_TweakFast))
-                    delta *= 10.0f;
-                set_new_value = true;
+                    input_delta *= 10.0f;
+                g.SliderCurrentAccum += input_delta;
+                g.SliderCurrentAccumDirty = true;
+            }
+            float delta = g.SliderCurrentAccum;
+            if (g.NavActivatePressedId == id && !g.ActiveIdIsJustActivated)
+            {
+                ClearActiveID();
+            }
+            else if (g.SliderCurrentAccumDirty)
+            {
+                clicked_t = ScaleRatioFromValueT<TYPE, FLOATTYPE>(data_type, *v, v_min, v_max, is_logarithmic, logarithmic_zero_epsilon, zero_deadzone_halfsize);
                 if ((clicked_t >= 1.0f && delta > 0.0f) || (clicked_t <= 0.0f && delta < 0.0f)) // This is to avoid applying the saturation when already past the limits
+                {
                     set_new_value = false;
+                    g.SliderCurrentAccum = 0.0f; // If pushing up against the limits, don't continue to accumulate
+                }
+                {
+                    set_new_value = true;
+                    float old_clicked_t = clicked_t;
                     clicked_t = ImSaturate(clicked_t + delta);
+                    // Calculate what our "new" clicked_t will be, and thus how far we actually moved the slider, and subtract this from the accumulator
+                    TYPE v_new = ScaleValueFromRatioT<TYPE, FLOATTYPE>(data_type, clicked_t, v_min, v_max, is_logarithmic, logarithmic_zero_epsilon, zero_deadzone_halfsize);
+                    if (!(flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat))
+                        v_new = RoundScalarWithFormatT<TYPE, SIGNEDTYPE>(format, data_type, v_new);
+                    float new_clicked_t = ScaleRatioFromValueT<TYPE, FLOATTYPE>(data_type, v_new, v_min, v_max, is_logarithmic, logarithmic_zero_epsilon, zero_deadzone_halfsize);
+                    if (delta > 0)
+                        g.SliderCurrentAccum -= ImMin(new_clicked_t - old_clicked_t, delta);
+                    else
+                        g.SliderCurrentAccum -= ImMax(new_clicked_t - old_clicked_t, delta);
+                }
+                g.SliderCurrentAccumDirty = false;
         if (set_new_value)
-            TYPE v_new;
-            if (is_power)
-            {
-                // Account for power curve scale on both sides of the zero
-                if (clicked_t < linear_zero_pos)
-                {
-                    // Negative: rescale to the negative range before powering
-                    float a = 1.0f - (clicked_t / linear_zero_pos);
-                    a = ImPow(a, power);
-                    v_new = ImLerp(ImMin(v_max, (TYPE)0), v_min, a);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // Positive: rescale to the positive range before powering
-                    float a;
-                    if (ImFabs(linear_zero_pos - 1.0f) > 1.e-6f)
-                        a = (clicked_t - linear_zero_pos) / (1.0f - linear_zero_pos);
-                    else
-                        a = clicked_t;
-                    a = ImPow(a, power);
-                    v_new = ImLerp(ImMax(v_min, (TYPE)0), v_max, a);
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // Linear slider
-                if (is_decimal)
-                {
-                    v_new = ImLerp(v_min, v_max, clicked_t);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // For integer values we want the clicking position to match the grab box so we round above
-                    // This code is carefully tuned to work with large values (e.g. high ranges of U64) while preserving this property..
-                    FLOATTYPE v_new_off_f = (v_max - v_min) * clicked_t;
-                    TYPE v_new_off_floor = (TYPE)(v_new_off_f);
-                    TYPE v_new_off_round = (TYPE)(v_new_off_f + (FLOATTYPE)0.5);
-                    if (v_new_off_floor < v_new_off_round)
-                        v_new = v_min + v_new_off_round;
-                    else
-                        v_new = v_min + v_new_off_floor;
-                }
-            }
+            TYPE v_new = ScaleValueFromRatioT<TYPE, FLOATTYPE>(data_type, clicked_t, v_min, v_max, is_logarithmic, logarithmic_zero_epsilon, zero_deadzone_halfsize);
             // Round to user desired precision based on format string
-            v_new = RoundScalarWithFormatT<TYPE, SIGNEDTYPE>(format, data_type, v_new);
+            if (!(flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat))
+                v_new = RoundScalarWithFormatT<TYPE, SIGNEDTYPE>(format, data_type, v_new);
             // Apply result
             if (*v != v_new)
@@ -2565,7 +2704,7 @@
         // Output grab position so it can be displayed by the caller
-        float grab_t = SliderCalcRatioFromValueT<TYPE, FLOATTYPE>(data_type, *v, v_min, v_max, power, linear_zero_pos);
+        float grab_t = ScaleRatioFromValueT<TYPE, FLOATTYPE>(data_type, *v, v_min, v_max, is_logarithmic, logarithmic_zero_epsilon, zero_deadzone_halfsize);
         if (axis == ImGuiAxis_Y)
             grab_t = 1.0f - grab_t;
         const float grab_pos = ImLerp(slider_usable_pos_min, slider_usable_pos_max, grab_t);
@@ -2581,36 +2720,39 @@
 // For 32-bit and larger types, slider bounds are limited to half the natural type range.
 // So e.g. an integer Slider between INT_MAX-10 and INT_MAX will fail, but an integer Slider between INT_MAX/2-10 and INT_MAX/2 will be ok.
 // It would be possible to lift that limitation with some work but it doesn't seem to be worth it for sliders.
-bool ImGui::SliderBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_v, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power, ImGuiSliderFlags flags, ImRect* out_grab_bb)
+bool ImGui::SliderBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_v, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags, ImRect* out_grab_bb)
+    // Read imgui.cpp "API BREAKING CHANGES" section for 1.78 if you hit this assert.
+    IM_ASSERT((flags == 1 || (flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_InvalidMask_) == 0) && "Invalid ImGuiSliderFlags flag!  Has the 'float power' argument been mistakenly cast to flags? Call function with ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic flags instead.");
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
-    if (g.CurrentWindow->DC.ItemFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_ReadOnly)
+    if ((g.CurrentWindow->DC.ItemFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_ReadOnly) || (flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_ReadOnly))
         return false;
     switch (data_type)
-    case ImGuiDataType_S8:  { ImS32 v32 = (ImS32)*(ImS8*)p_v;  bool r = SliderBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float>(bb, id, ImGuiDataType_S32, &v32, *(const ImS8*)p_min,  *(const ImS8*)p_max,  format, power, flags, out_grab_bb); if (r) *(ImS8*)p_v  = (ImS8)v32;  return r; }
-    case ImGuiDataType_U8:  { ImU32 v32 = (ImU32)*(ImU8*)p_v;  bool r = SliderBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float>(bb, id, ImGuiDataType_U32, &v32, *(const ImU8*)p_min,  *(const ImU8*)p_max,  format, power, flags, out_grab_bb); if (r) *(ImU8*)p_v  = (ImU8)v32;  return r; }
-    case ImGuiDataType_S16: { ImS32 v32 = (ImS32)*(ImS16*)p_v; bool r = SliderBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float>(bb, id, ImGuiDataType_S32, &v32, *(const ImS16*)p_min, *(const ImS16*)p_max, format, power, flags, out_grab_bb); if (r) *(ImS16*)p_v = (ImS16)v32; return r; }
-    case ImGuiDataType_U16: { ImU32 v32 = (ImU32)*(ImU16*)p_v; bool r = SliderBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float>(bb, id, ImGuiDataType_U32, &v32, *(const ImU16*)p_min, *(const ImU16*)p_max, format, power, flags, out_grab_bb); if (r) *(ImU16*)p_v = (ImU16)v32; return r; }
+    case ImGuiDataType_S8:  { ImS32 v32 = (ImS32)*(ImS8*)p_v;  bool r = SliderBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float>(bb, id, ImGuiDataType_S32, &v32, *(const ImS8*)p_min,  *(const ImS8*)p_max,  format, flags, out_grab_bb); if (r) *(ImS8*)p_v  = (ImS8)v32;  return r; }
+    case ImGuiDataType_U8:  { ImU32 v32 = (ImU32)*(ImU8*)p_v;  bool r = SliderBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float>(bb, id, ImGuiDataType_U32, &v32, *(const ImU8*)p_min,  *(const ImU8*)p_max,  format, flags, out_grab_bb); if (r) *(ImU8*)p_v  = (ImU8)v32;  return r; }
+    case ImGuiDataType_S16: { ImS32 v32 = (ImS32)*(ImS16*)p_v; bool r = SliderBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float>(bb, id, ImGuiDataType_S32, &v32, *(const ImS16*)p_min, *(const ImS16*)p_max, format, flags, out_grab_bb); if (r) *(ImS16*)p_v = (ImS16)v32; return r; }
+    case ImGuiDataType_U16: { ImU32 v32 = (ImU32)*(ImU16*)p_v; bool r = SliderBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float>(bb, id, ImGuiDataType_U32, &v32, *(const ImU16*)p_min, *(const ImU16*)p_max, format, flags, out_grab_bb); if (r) *(ImU16*)p_v = (ImU16)v32; return r; }
     case ImGuiDataType_S32:
         IM_ASSERT(*(const ImS32*)p_min >= IM_S32_MIN / 2 && *(const ImS32*)p_max <= IM_S32_MAX / 2);
-        return SliderBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float >(bb, id, data_type, (ImS32*)p_v,  *(const ImS32*)p_min,  *(const ImS32*)p_max,  format, power, flags, out_grab_bb);
+        return SliderBehaviorT<ImS32, ImS32, float >(bb, id, data_type, (ImS32*)p_v,  *(const ImS32*)p_min,  *(const ImS32*)p_max,  format, flags, out_grab_bb);
     case ImGuiDataType_U32:
         IM_ASSERT(*(const ImU32*)p_max <= IM_U32_MAX / 2);
-        return SliderBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float >(bb, id, data_type, (ImU32*)p_v,  *(const ImU32*)p_min,  *(const ImU32*)p_max,  format, power, flags, out_grab_bb);
+        return SliderBehaviorT<ImU32, ImS32, float >(bb, id, data_type, (ImU32*)p_v,  *(const ImU32*)p_min,  *(const ImU32*)p_max,  format, flags, out_grab_bb);
     case ImGuiDataType_S64:
         IM_ASSERT(*(const ImS64*)p_min >= IM_S64_MIN / 2 && *(const ImS64*)p_max <= IM_S64_MAX / 2);
-        return SliderBehaviorT<ImS64, ImS64, double>(bb, id, data_type, (ImS64*)p_v,  *(const ImS64*)p_min,  *(const ImS64*)p_max,  format, power, flags, out_grab_bb);
+        return SliderBehaviorT<ImS64, ImS64, double>(bb, id, data_type, (ImS64*)p_v,  *(const ImS64*)p_min,  *(const ImS64*)p_max,  format, flags, out_grab_bb);
     case ImGuiDataType_U64:
         IM_ASSERT(*(const ImU64*)p_max <= IM_U64_MAX / 2);
-        return SliderBehaviorT<ImU64, ImS64, double>(bb, id, data_type, (ImU64*)p_v,  *(const ImU64*)p_min,  *(const ImU64*)p_max,  format, power, flags, out_grab_bb);
+        return SliderBehaviorT<ImU64, ImS64, double>(bb, id, data_type, (ImU64*)p_v,  *(const ImU64*)p_min,  *(const ImU64*)p_max,  format, flags, out_grab_bb);
     case ImGuiDataType_Float:
         IM_ASSERT(*(const float*)p_min >= -FLT_MAX / 2.0f && *(const float*)p_max <= FLT_MAX / 2.0f);
-        return SliderBehaviorT<float, float, float >(bb, id, data_type, (float*)p_v,  *(const float*)p_min,  *(const float*)p_max,  format, power, flags, out_grab_bb);
+        return SliderBehaviorT<float, float, float >(bb, id, data_type, (float*)p_v,  *(const float*)p_min,  *(const float*)p_max,  format, flags, out_grab_bb);
     case ImGuiDataType_Double:
         IM_ASSERT(*(const double*)p_min >= -DBL_MAX / 2.0f && *(const double*)p_max <= DBL_MAX / 2.0f);
-        return SliderBehaviorT<double, double, double>(bb, id, data_type, (double*)p_v, *(const double*)p_min, *(const double*)p_max, format, power, flags, out_grab_bb);
+        return SliderBehaviorT<double, double, double>(bb, id, data_type, (double*)p_v, *(const double*)p_min, *(const double*)p_max, format, flags, out_grab_bb);
     case ImGuiDataType_COUNT: break;
@@ -2619,7 +2761,7 @@
 // Note: p_data, p_min and p_max are _pointers_ to a memory address holding the data. For a slider, they are all required.
 // Read code of e.g. SliderFloat(), SliderInt() etc. or examples in 'Demo->Widgets->Data Types' to understand how to use this function directly.
-bool ImGui::SliderScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::SliderScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
     ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
     if (window->SkipItems)
@@ -2646,10 +2788,11 @@
     // Tabbing or CTRL-clicking on Slider turns it into an input box
     const bool hovered = ItemHoverable(frame_bb, id);
-    bool temp_input_is_active = TempInputIsActive(id);
+    const bool temp_input_allowed = (flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput) == 0;
+    bool temp_input_is_active = temp_input_allowed && TempInputIsActive(id);
     if (!temp_input_is_active)
-        const bool focus_requested = FocusableItemRegister(window, id);
+        const bool focus_requested = temp_input_allowed && FocusableItemRegister(window, id);
         const bool clicked = (hovered && g.IO.MouseClicked[0]);
         if (focus_requested || clicked || g.NavActivateId == id || g.NavInputId == id)
@@ -2657,7 +2800,7 @@
             SetFocusID(id, window);
             g.ActiveIdUsingNavDirMask |= (1 << ImGuiDir_Left) | (1 << ImGuiDir_Right);
-            if (focus_requested || (clicked && g.IO.KeyCtrl) || g.NavInputId == id)
+            if (temp_input_allowed && (focus_requested || (clicked && g.IO.KeyCtrl) || g.NavInputId == id))
                 temp_input_is_active = true;
@@ -2665,9 +2808,12 @@
-    // Our current specs do NOT clamp when using CTRL+Click manual input, but we should eventually add a flag for that..
     if (temp_input_is_active)
-        return TempInputScalar(frame_bb, id, label, data_type, p_data, format);// , p_min, p_max);
+    {
+        // Only clamp CTRL+Click input when ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampInput is set
+        const bool is_clamp_input = (flags & ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput) != 0;
+        return TempInputScalar(frame_bb, id, label, data_type, p_data, format, is_clamp_input ? p_min : NULL, is_clamp_input ? p_max : NULL);
+    }
     // Draw frame
     const ImU32 frame_col = GetColorU32(g.ActiveId == id ? ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive : g.HoveredId == id ? ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered : ImGuiCol_FrameBg);
@@ -2676,7 +2822,7 @@
     // Slider behavior
     ImRect grab_bb;
-    const bool value_changed = SliderBehavior(frame_bb, id, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format, power, ImGuiSliderFlags_None, &grab_bb);
+    const bool value_changed = SliderBehavior(frame_bb, id, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format, flags, &grab_bb);
     if (value_changed)
@@ -2697,7 +2843,7 @@
 // Add multiple sliders on 1 line for compact edition of multiple components
-bool ImGui::SliderScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* v, int components, const void* v_min, const void* v_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::SliderScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* v, int components, const void* v_min, const void* v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
     ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
     if (window->SkipItems)
@@ -2714,7 +2860,7 @@
         if (i > 0)
             SameLine(0, g.Style.ItemInnerSpacing.x);
-        value_changed |= SliderScalar("", data_type, v, v_min, v_max, format, power);
+        value_changed |= SliderScalar("", data_type, v, v_min, v_max, format, flags);
         v = (void*)((char*)v + type_size);
@@ -2732,57 +2878,57 @@
     return value_changed;
-bool ImGui::SliderFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::SliderFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
-    return SliderScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, &v_min, &v_max, format, power);
+    return SliderScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::SliderFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::SliderFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
-    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 2, &v_min, &v_max, format, power);
+    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 2, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::SliderFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::SliderFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
-    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 3, &v_min, &v_max, format, power);
+    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 3, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::SliderFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::SliderFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
-    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 4, &v_min, &v_max, format, power);
+    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 4, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::SliderAngle(const char* label, float* v_rad, float v_degrees_min, float v_degrees_max, const char* format)
+bool ImGui::SliderAngle(const char* label, float* v_rad, float v_degrees_min, float v_degrees_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
     if (format == NULL)
         format = "%.0f deg";
     float v_deg = (*v_rad) * 360.0f / (2 * IM_PI);
-    bool value_changed = SliderFloat(label, &v_deg, v_degrees_min, v_degrees_max, format, 1.0f);
+    bool value_changed = SliderFloat(label, &v_deg, v_degrees_min, v_degrees_max, format, flags);
     *v_rad = v_deg * (2 * IM_PI) / 360.0f;
     return value_changed;
-bool ImGui::SliderInt(const char* label, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format)
+bool ImGui::SliderInt(const char* label, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
-    return SliderScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, &v_min, &v_max, format);
+    return SliderScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::SliderInt2(const char* label, int v[2], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format)
+bool ImGui::SliderInt2(const char* label, int v[2], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
-    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 2, &v_min, &v_max, format);
+    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 2, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::SliderInt3(const char* label, int v[3], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format)
+bool ImGui::SliderInt3(const char* label, int v[3], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
-    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 3, &v_min, &v_max, format);
+    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 3, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::SliderInt4(const char* label, int v[4], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format)
+bool ImGui::SliderInt4(const char* label, int v[4], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
-    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 4, &v_min, &v_max, format);
+    return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, 4, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::VSliderScalar(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::VSliderScalar(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
     ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
     if (window->SkipItems)
@@ -2822,7 +2968,7 @@
     // Slider behavior
     ImRect grab_bb;
-    const bool value_changed = SliderBehavior(frame_bb, id, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format, power, ImGuiSliderFlags_Vertical, &grab_bb);
+    const bool value_changed = SliderBehavior(frame_bb, id, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format, flags | ImGuiSliderFlags_Vertical, &grab_bb);
     if (value_changed)
@@ -2841,16 +2987,43 @@
     return value_changed;
-bool ImGui::VSliderFloat(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power)
+bool ImGui::VSliderFloat(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
-    return VSliderScalar(label, size, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, &v_min, &v_max, format, power);
+    return VSliderScalar(label, size, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
-bool ImGui::VSliderInt(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format)
+bool ImGui::VSliderInt(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format, ImGuiSliderFlags flags)
-    return VSliderScalar(label, size, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, &v_min, &v_max, format);
+    return VSliderScalar(label, size, ImGuiDataType_S32, v, &v_min, &v_max, format, flags);
+// Obsolete versions with power parameter. See for details.
+bool ImGui::SliderScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power)
+    ImGuiSliderFlags slider_flags = ImGuiSliderFlags_None;
+    if (power != 1.0f)
+    {
+        IM_ASSERT(power == 1.0f && "Call function with ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic flags instead of using the old 'float power' function!");
+        slider_flags |= ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic;   // Fallback for non-asserting paths
+    }
+    return SliderScalar(label, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, format, slider_flags);
+bool ImGui::SliderScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* v, int components, const void* v_min, const void* v_max, const char* format, float power)
+    ImGuiSliderFlags slider_flags = ImGuiSliderFlags_None;
+    if (power != 1.0f)
+    {
+        IM_ASSERT(power == 1.0f && "Call function with ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic flags instead of using the old 'float power' function!");
+        slider_flags |= ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic;   // Fallback for non-asserting paths
+    }
+    return SliderScalarN(label, data_type, v, components, v_min, v_max, format, slider_flags);
 // [SECTION] Widgets: InputScalar, InputFloat, InputInt, etc.
@@ -2966,20 +3139,10 @@
     return value_changed;
-// Note that Drag/Slider functions are currently NOT forwarding the min/max values clamping values!
+// Note that Drag/Slider functions are only forwarding the min/max values clamping values if the
+//  ImGuiDragFlags_ClampOnInput / ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput flag is set!
 // This is intended: this way we allow CTRL+Click manual input to set a value out of bounds, for maximum flexibility.
 // However this may not be ideal for all uses, as some user code may break on out of bound values.
-// In the future we should add flags to Slider/Drag to specify how to enforce min/max values with CTRL+Click.
-// See GitHub issues #1829 and #3209
-// In the meanwhile, you can easily "wrap" those functions to enforce clamping, using wrapper functions, e.g.
-//   bool SliderFloatClamp(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max)
-//   {
-//      float v_backup = *v;
-//      if (!SliderFloat(label, v, v_min, v_max))
-//         return false;
-//      *v = ImClamp(*v, v_min, v_max);
-//      return v_backup != *v;
-//   }
 bool ImGui::TempInputScalar(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const char* format, const void* p_clamp_min, const void* p_clamp_max)
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
@@ -3002,7 +3165,7 @@
         // Apply new value (or operations) then clamp
         DataTypeApplyOpFromText(data_buf, g.InputTextState.InitialTextA.Data, data_type, p_data, NULL);
-        if (p_clamp_min && p_clamp_max)
+        if (p_clamp_min || p_clamp_max)
             DataTypeClamp(data_type, p_data, p_clamp_min, p_clamp_max);
         // Only mark as edited if new value is different
@@ -5215,9 +5378,9 @@
             if (Selectable("##selectable", false, 0, picker_size)) // By default, Selectable() is closing popup
                 g.ColorEditOptions = (g.ColorEditOptions & ~ImGuiColorEditFlags__PickerMask) | (picker_flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags__PickerMask);
-            ImVec4 dummy_ref_col;
-            memcpy(&dummy_ref_col, ref_col, sizeof(float) * ((picker_flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha) ? 3 : 4));
-            ColorPicker4("##dummypicker", &dummy_ref_col.x, picker_flags);
+            ImVec4 previewing_ref_col;
+            memcpy(&previewing_ref_col, ref_col, sizeof(float) * ((picker_flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha) ? 3 : 4));
+            ColorPicker4("##previewing_picker", &previewing_ref_col.x, picker_flags);
@@ -5689,7 +5852,7 @@
 // - Selectable()
-// Tip: pass a non-visible label (e.g. "##dummy") then you can use the space to draw other text or image.
+// Tip: pass a non-visible label (e.g. "##hello") then you can use the space to draw other text or image.
 // But you need to make sure the ID is unique, e.g. enclose calls in PushID/PopID or use ##unique_id.
 // With this scheme, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns and ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowItemOverlap are also frequently used flags.
 // FIXME: Selectable() with (size.x == 0.0f) and (SelectableTextAlign.x > 0.0f) followed by SameLine() is currently not supported.
@@ -5714,8 +5877,8 @@
     ItemSize(size, 0.0f);
     // Fill horizontal space
-    const float min_x = (flags & ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns) ? window->ContentRegionRect.Min.x : pos.x;
-    const float max_x = (flags & ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns) ? window->ContentRegionRect.Max.x : GetContentRegionMaxAbs().x;
+    const float min_x = (flags & ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns) ? window->ParentWorkRect.Min.x : pos.x;
+    const float max_x = (flags & ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns) ? window->ParentWorkRect.Max.x : window->WorkRect.Max.x;
     if (size_arg.x == 0.0f || (flags & ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAvailWidth))
         size.x = ImMax(label_size.x, max_x - min_x);
@@ -6689,9 +6852,9 @@
     tab_bar->CurrFrameVisible = g.FrameCount;
     tab_bar->FramePadding = g.Style.FramePadding;
-    // Layout
-    ItemSize(ImVec2(tab_bar->OffsetMaxIdeal, tab_bar->BarRect.GetHeight()), tab_bar->FramePadding.y);
+    // Set cursor pos in a way which only be used in the off-chance the user erroneously submits item before BeginTabItem(): items will overlap
     window->DC.CursorPos.x = tab_bar->BarRect.Min.x;
+    window->DC.CursorPos.y = tab_bar->BarRect.Max.y + g.Style.ItemSpacing.y;
     // Draw separator
     const ImU32 col = GetColorU32((flags & ImGuiTabBarFlags_IsFocused) ? ImGuiCol_TabActive : ImGuiCol_TabUnfocusedActive);
@@ -6724,7 +6887,7 @@
         IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(tab_bar != NULL, "Mismatched BeginTabBar()/EndTabBar()!");
-    if (tab_bar->WantLayout)
+    if (tab_bar->WantLayout) // Fallback in case no TabItem have been submitted
     // Restore the last visible height if no tab is visible, this reduce vertical flicker/movement when a tabs gets removed without calling SetTabItemClosed().
@@ -6914,6 +7077,11 @@
     // Clear name buffers
     if ((tab_bar->Flags & ImGuiTabBarFlags_DockNode) == 0)
+    // Actual layout in host window (we don't do it in BeginTabBar() so as not to waste an extra frame)
+    ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow;
+    window->DC.CursorPos = tab_bar->BarRect.Min;
+    ItemSize(ImVec2(tab_bar->OffsetMaxIdeal, tab_bar->BarRect.GetHeight()), tab_bar->FramePadding.y);
 // Dockables uses Name/ID in the global namespace. Non-dockable items use the ID stack.
@@ -7196,7 +7364,8 @@
     const ImGuiStyle& style = g.Style;
     const ImGuiID id = TabBarCalcTabID(tab_bar, label);
-    // If the user called us with *p_open == false, we early out and don't render. We make a dummy call to ItemAdd() so that attempts to use a contextual popup menu with an implicit ID won't use an older ID.
+    // If the user called us with *p_open == false, we early out and don't render.
+    // We make a call to ItemAdd() so that attempts to use a contextual popup menu with an implicit ID won't use an older ID.
     IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ITEM_INFO(id, label, window->DC.LastItemStatusFlags);
     if (p_open && !*p_open)
@@ -7807,7 +7976,8 @@
     columns->HostCursorPosY = window->DC.CursorPos.y;
     columns->HostCursorMaxPosX = window->DC.CursorMaxPos.x;
     columns->HostInitialClipRect = window->ClipRect;
-    columns->HostWorkRect = window->WorkRect;
+    columns->HostBackupParentWorkRect = window->ParentWorkRect;
+    window->ParentWorkRect = window->WorkRect;
     // Set state for first column
     // We aim so that the right-most column will have the same clipping width as other after being clipped by parent ClipRect
@@ -7987,7 +8157,8 @@
     columns->IsBeingResized = is_being_resized;
-    window->WorkRect = columns->HostWorkRect;
+    window->WorkRect = window->ParentWorkRect;
+    window->ParentWorkRect = columns->HostBackupParentWorkRect;
     window->DC.CurrentColumns = NULL;
     window->DC.ColumnsOffset.x = 0.0f;
     window->DC.CursorPos.x = IM_FLOOR(window->Pos.x + window->DC.Indent.x + window->DC.ColumnsOffset.x);