Merge branch 'master' into docking
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
index 9c11cc3..133dd19 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
 - InputText, Nav: Fixed Home/End key broken when activating Keyboard Navigation. (#787)
 - TreeNode: Fixed combination of ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_SpanFullWidth and ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnArrow
   incorrectly locating the arrow hit position to the left of the frame. (#2451, #2438, #1897)
+- Demo: Added simple item reordering demo in Widgets -> Drag and Drop section. (#2823, #143) [@rokups]
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index b4540c1..7d29ace 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -120,9 +120,14 @@
 Integrating Dear ImGui within your custom engine is a matter of 1) wiring mouse/keyboard/gamepad inputs 2) uploading one texture to your GPU/render engine 3) providing a render function that can bind textures and render textured triangles. The [examples/]( folder is populated with applications doing just that. If you are an experienced programmer at ease with those concepts, it should take you less than two hours to integrate Dear ImGui in your custom engine. **Make sure to spend time reading the FAQ, comments, and one of the examples/ application!**
-_NB: those third-party bindings may be more or less maintained, more or less close to the original API (as people who create language bindings sometimes haven't used the C++ API themselves.. for the good reason that they aren't C++ users!). Dear ImGui was designed with C++ in mind and some of the subtleties may be lost in translation with other languages. If your language supports it, I would suggest replicating the function overloading and default parameters used in the original, else the API may be harder to use. In doubt, please check the original C++ version first!_
+_NB: third-party bindings may be more or less maintained, more or less close to the original API (as people who create language bindings sometimes haven't used the C++ API themselves.. for the good reason that they aren't C++ users!). Dear ImGui was designed with C++ in mind and some of the subtleties may be lost in translation with other languages. If your language supports it, I would suggest replicating the function overloading and default parameters used in the original, else the API may be harder to use. In doubt, please check the original C++ version first!_
+Officially maintained bindings in repository:
+- Renderers: DirectX9, DirectX10, DirectX11, DirectX12, OpenGL (legacy), OpenGL3/ES/ES2 (modern), Vulkan, Metal.
+- Platforms: GLFW, SDL2, Win32, Glut, OSX.
+- Others: Allegro5, Marmalade.
+Third-party - Languages bindings:
 - C: [cimgui]( (auto-generated! **you can use its json output to generate bindings for other languages**)
 - C#/.Net: [ImGui.NET](
 - ChaiScript: [imgui-chaiscript](
@@ -141,11 +146,7 @@
 - Rust: [imgui-rs]( or [imgui-rust](
 - Swift: [swift-imgui](
-- Renderers: DirectX 9/10/11/12, Metal, OpenGL2, OpenGL3+/ES2/ES3, Vulkan: [examples/](
-- Platform: GLFW, SDL, Win32, OSX, GLUT: [examples/](
-- Framework: Allegro 5, Emscripten, Marmalade: [examples/](
-- Unmerged PR: Android: [#421](
+Third-party - Engines/Frameworks bindings:
 - bsf: [bsfimgui](
 - Cinder: [Cinder-ImGui](
 - Cocos2d-x: [imguix](, [#551](
@@ -164,6 +165,7 @@
 - SFML: [imgui-sfml](
 - Software renderer: [imgui_software_renderer](
 - Unreal Engine 4: [segross/UnrealImGui]( or [sronsse/UnrealEngine_ImGui](
+- Unmerged PR: Android: [#421](
 For other bindings: see [Bindings]( Also see [Wiki]( for more links and ideas.
diff --git a/examples/example_allegro5/ b/examples/example_allegro5/
index 5ef4555..10d9d6e 100644
--- a/examples/example_allegro5/
+++ b/examples/example_allegro5/
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
 # How to Build
-### On Ubuntu 14.04+
+### On Ubuntu 14.04+ and macOS
-g++ -DIMGUI_USER_CONFIG=\"examples/example_allegro5/imconfig_allegro5.h\" -I .. -I ../.. main.cpp ../imgui_impl_allegro5.cpp ../../imgui*.cpp -lallegro -lallegro_primitives -o allegro5_example
+g++ -DIMGUI_USER_CONFIG=\"examples/example_allegro5/imconfig_allegro5.h\" -I .. -I ../.. main.cpp ../imgui_impl_allegro5.cpp ../../imgui*.cpp -lallegro -lallegro_main -lallegro_primitives -o allegro5_example
+On macOS, install Allegro with homebrew: `brew install allegro`.
 ### On Windows with Visual Studio's CLI
 You may install Allegro using vcpkg:
diff --git a/imgui.cpp b/imgui.cpp
index 8c5dd74..6abba62 100644
--- a/imgui.cpp
+++ b/imgui.cpp
@@ -4643,7 +4643,7 @@
 // Calculate text size. Text can be multi-line. Optionally ignore text after a ## marker.
-// CalcTextSize("") should return ImVec2(0.0f, GImGui->FontSize)
+// CalcTextSize("") should return ImVec2(0.0f, g.FontSize)
 ImVec2 ImGui::CalcTextSize(const char* text, const char* text_end, bool hide_text_after_double_hash, float wrap_width)
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
diff --git a/imgui.h b/imgui.h
index 20b194d..1a3b60a 100644
--- a/imgui.h
+++ b/imgui.h
@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@
     inline const T*     find(const T& v) const              { const T* data = Data;  const T* data_end = Data + Size; while (data < data_end) if (*data == v) break; else ++data; return data; }
     inline bool         find_erase(const T& v)              { const T* it = find(v); if (it < Data + Size) { erase(it); return true; } return false; }
     inline bool         find_erase_unsorted(const T& v)     { const T* it = find(v); if (it < Data + Size) { erase_unsorted(it); return true; } return false; }
-    inline int          index_from_ptr(const T* it) const   { IM_ASSERT(it >= Data && it <= Data+Size); const ptrdiff_t off = it - Data; return (int)off; }
+    inline int          index_from_ptr(const T* it) const   { IM_ASSERT(it >= Data && it < Data + Size); const ptrdiff_t off = it - Data; return (int)off; }
diff --git a/imgui_demo.cpp b/imgui_demo.cpp
index 1f46186..2946194 100644
--- a/imgui_demo.cpp
+++ b/imgui_demo.cpp
@@ -1561,24 +1561,21 @@
     if (ImGui::TreeNode("Drag and Drop"))
+        if (ImGui::TreeNode("Drag and drop in standard widgets"))
             // ColorEdit widgets automatically act as drag source and drag target.
             // They are using standardized payload strings IMGUI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_COLOR_3F and IMGUI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_COLOR_4F to allow your own widgets
             // to use colors in their drag and drop interaction. Also see the demo in Color Picker -> Palette demo.
-            ImGui::BulletText("Drag and drop in standard widgets");
-            ImGui::SameLine();
             HelpMarker("You can drag from the colored squares.");
-            ImGui::Indent();
-            static float col1[3] = { 1.0f,0.0f,0.2f };
-            static float col2[4] = { 0.4f,0.7f,0.0f,0.5f };
+            static float col1[3] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f };
+            static float col2[4] = { 0.4f, 0.7f, 0.0f, 0.5f };
             ImGui::ColorEdit3("color 1", col1);
             ImGui::ColorEdit4("color 2", col2);
-            ImGui::Unindent();
+            ImGui::TreePop();
+        if (ImGui::TreeNode("Drag and drop to copy/swap items"))
-            ImGui::BulletText("Drag and drop to copy/swap items");
-            ImGui::Indent();
             enum Mode
@@ -1632,7 +1629,31 @@
-            ImGui::Unindent();
+            ImGui::TreePop();
+        }
+        if (ImGui::TreeNode("Drag to reorder items (simple)"))
+        {
+            // Simple reordering
+            HelpMarker("We don't use the drag and drop api at all here! Instead we query when the item is held but not hovered, and order items accordingly.");
+            static const char* item_names[] = { "Item One", "Item Two", "Item Three", "Item Four", "Item Five" };
+            for (int n = 0; n < IM_ARRAYSIZE(item_names); n++)
+            {
+                const char* item = item_names[n];
+                ImGui::Selectable(item);
+                if (ImGui::IsItemActive() && !ImGui::IsItemHovered())
+                {
+                    int n_next = n + (ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta(0).y < 0.f ? -1 : 1);
+                    if (n_next >= 0 && n_next < IM_ARRAYSIZE(item_names))
+                    {
+                        item_names[n] = item_names[n_next];
+                        item_names[n_next] = item;
+                        ImGui::ResetMouseDragDelta();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            ImGui::TreePop();
@@ -1662,10 +1683,10 @@
         if (item_type == 10){ ret = ImGui::TreeNodeEx("ITEM: TreeNode w/ ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoTreePushOnOpen); } // Testing tree node with ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnDoubleClick button policy.
         if (item_type == 11){ const char* items[] = { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Kiwi" }; static int current = 1; ret = ImGui::ListBox("ITEM: ListBox", &current, items, IM_ARRAYSIZE(items), IM_ARRAYSIZE(items)); }
-        // Display the value of IsItemHovered() and other common item state functions. 
+        // Display the value of IsItemHovered() and other common item state functions.
         // Note that the ImGuiHoveredFlags_XXX flags can be combined.
-        // Because BulletText is an item itself and that would affect the output of IsItemXXX functions, 
-        // we query every state in a single call to avoid storing them and to simplify the code 
+        // Because BulletText is an item itself and that would affect the output of IsItemXXX functions,
+        // we query every state in a single call to avoid storing them and to simplify the code
             "Return value = %d\n"
             "IsItemFocused() = %d\n"
@@ -1708,7 +1729,7 @@
         if (embed_all_inside_a_child_window)
             ImGui::BeginChild("outer_child", ImVec2(0, ImGui::GetFontSize() * 20), true);
-        // Testing IsWindowFocused() function with its various flags. 
+        // Testing IsWindowFocused() function with its various flags.
         // Note that the ImGuiFocusedFlags_XXX flags can be combined.
             "IsWindowFocused() = %d\n"
diff --git a/imgui_widgets.cpp b/imgui_widgets.cpp
index 10c251f..7c266c7 100644
--- a/imgui_widgets.cpp
+++ b/imgui_widgets.cpp
@@ -1512,8 +1512,10 @@
+    // We don't use BeginPopupEx() solely because we have a custom name string, which we could make an argument to BeginPopupEx()
+    ImGuiWindowFlags window_flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove;
     // Horizontally align ourselves with the framed text
-    ImGuiWindowFlags window_flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings;
     PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, ImVec2(style.FramePadding.x, style.WindowPadding.y));
     bool ret = Begin(name, NULL, window_flags);
@@ -3411,11 +3413,14 @@
     const ImGuiID id = window->GetID(label);
     const ImVec2 label_size = CalcTextSize(label, NULL, true);
-    ImVec2 size = CalcItemSize(size_arg, CalcItemWidth(), (is_multiline ? g.FontSize * 8.0f : label_size.y) + style.FramePadding.y*2.0f); // Arbitrary default of 8 lines high for multi-line
-    const ImRect frame_bb(window->DC.CursorPos, window->DC.CursorPos + size);
-    const ImRect total_bb(frame_bb.Min, frame_bb.Max + ImVec2(label_size.x > 0.0f ? (style.ItemInnerSpacing.x + label_size.x) : 0.0f, 0.0f));
+    const ImVec2 frame_size = CalcItemSize(size_arg, CalcItemWidth(), (is_multiline ? g.FontSize * 8.0f : label_size.y) + style.FramePadding.y*2.0f); // Arbitrary default of 8 lines high for multi-line
+    const ImVec2 total_size = ImVec2(frame_size.x + (label_size.x > 0.0f ? style.ItemInnerSpacing.x + label_size.x : 0.0f), frame_size.y);
+    const ImRect frame_bb(window->DC.CursorPos, window->DC.CursorPos + frame_size);
+    const ImRect total_bb(frame_bb.Min, frame_bb.Min + total_size);
     ImGuiWindow* draw_window = window;
+    ImVec2 inner_size = frame_size;
     if (is_multiline)
         if (!ItemAdd(total_bb, id, &frame_bb))
@@ -3430,9 +3435,9 @@
             return false;
-        draw_window = GetCurrentWindow();
+        draw_window = g.CurrentWindow; // Child window
         draw_window->DC.NavLayerActiveMaskNext |= draw_window->DC.NavLayerCurrentMask; // This is to ensure that EndChild() will display a navigation highlight
-        size.x -= draw_window->ScrollbarSizes.x;
+        inner_size.x -= draw_window->ScrollbarSizes.x;
@@ -3921,7 +3926,7 @@
         RenderFrame(frame_bb.Min, frame_bb.Max, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_FrameBg), true, style.FrameRounding);
-    const ImVec4 clip_rect(frame_bb.Min.x, frame_bb.Min.y, frame_bb.Min.x + size.x, frame_bb.Min.y + size.y); // Not using frame_bb.Max because we have adjusted size
+    const ImVec4 clip_rect(frame_bb.Min.x, frame_bb.Min.y, frame_bb.Min.x + inner_size.x, frame_bb.Min.y + inner_size.y); // Not using frame_bb.Max because we have adjusted size
     ImVec2 draw_pos = is_multiline ? draw_window->DC.CursorPos : frame_bb.Min + style.FramePadding;
     ImVec2 text_size(0.0f, 0.0f);
@@ -4002,7 +4007,7 @@
             // Store text height (note that we haven't calculated text width at all, see GitHub issues #383, #1224)
             if (is_multiline)
-                text_size = ImVec2(size.x, line_count * g.FontSize);
+                text_size = ImVec2(inner_size.x, line_count * g.FontSize);
         // Scroll
@@ -4011,11 +4016,11 @@
             // Horizontal scroll in chunks of quarter width
             if (!(flags & ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoHorizontalScroll))
-                const float scroll_increment_x = size.x * 0.25f;
+                const float scroll_increment_x = inner_size.x * 0.25f;
                 if (cursor_offset.x < state->ScrollX)
                     state->ScrollX = (float)(int)ImMax(0.0f, cursor_offset.x - scroll_increment_x);
-                else if (cursor_offset.x - size.x >= state->ScrollX)
-                    state->ScrollX = (float)(int)(cursor_offset.x - size.x + scroll_increment_x);
+                else if (cursor_offset.x - inner_size.x >= state->ScrollX)
+                    state->ScrollX = (float)(int)(cursor_offset.x - inner_size.x + scroll_increment_x);
@@ -4028,8 +4033,8 @@
                 float scroll_y = draw_window->Scroll.y;
                 if (cursor_offset.y - g.FontSize < scroll_y)
                     scroll_y = ImMax(0.0f, cursor_offset.y - g.FontSize);
-                else if (cursor_offset.y - size.y >= scroll_y)
-                    scroll_y = cursor_offset.y - size.y;
+                else if (cursor_offset.y - inner_size.y >= scroll_y)
+                    scroll_y = cursor_offset.y - inner_size.y;
                 draw_pos.y += (draw_window->Scroll.y - scroll_y);   // Manipulate cursor pos immediately avoid a frame of lag
                 draw_window->Scroll.y = scroll_y;
@@ -4103,7 +4108,7 @@
         // Render text only (no selection, no cursor)
         if (is_multiline)
-            text_size = ImVec2(size.x, InputTextCalcTextLenAndLineCount(buf_display, &buf_display_end) * g.FontSize); // We don't need width
+            text_size = ImVec2(inner_size.x, InputTextCalcTextLenAndLineCount(buf_display, &buf_display_end) * g.FontSize); // We don't need width
         else if (!is_displaying_hint && g.ActiveId == id)
             buf_display_end = buf_display + state->CurLenA;
         else if (!is_displaying_hint)