Refactor: moved low-layout helpers to imgui_widgets.cpp (Spacing, Dummy, NewLine, Separator, etc.) (#2036)
diff --git a/imgui.cpp b/imgui.cpp
index 061f9a3..6638f33 100644
--- a/imgui.cpp
+++ b/imgui.cpp
@@ -6030,17 +6030,6 @@
     return window->DC.StateStorage;
-void ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding()
-    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
-    if (window->SkipItems)
-        return;
-    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
-    window->DC.CurrentLineSize.y = ImMax(window->DC.CurrentLineSize.y, g.FontSize + g.Style.FramePadding.y * 2);
-    window->DC.CurrentLineTextBaseOffset = ImMax(window->DC.CurrentLineTextBaseOffset, g.Style.FramePadding.y);
 void ImGui::PushID(const char* str_id)
     ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindowRead();
@@ -6087,148 +6076,6 @@
     return GImGui->CurrentWindow->GetID(ptr_id);
-// Horizontal/vertical separating line
-void ImGui::Separator()
-    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
-    if (window->SkipItems)
-        return;
-    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
-    // Those flags should eventually be overridable by the user
-    ImGuiSeparatorFlags flags = (window->DC.LayoutType == ImGuiLayoutType_Horizontal) ? ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical : ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Horizontal;
-    IM_ASSERT(ImIsPowerOfTwo((int)(flags & (ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Horizontal | ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical))));   // Check that only 1 option is selected
-    if (flags & ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical)
-    {
-        VerticalSeparator();
-        return;
-    }
-    // Horizontal Separator
-    if (window->DC.ColumnsSet)
-        PopClipRect();
-    float x1 = window->Pos.x;
-    float x2 = window->Pos.x + window->Size.x;
-    if (!window->DC.GroupStack.empty())
-        x1 += window->DC.Indent.x;
-    const ImRect bb(ImVec2(x1, window->DC.CursorPos.y), ImVec2(x2, window->DC.CursorPos.y+1.0f));
-    ItemSize(ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f)); // NB: we don't provide our width so that it doesn't get feed back into AutoFit, we don't provide height to not alter layout.
-    if (!ItemAdd(bb, 0))
-    {
-        if (window->DC.ColumnsSet)
-            PushColumnClipRect();
-        return;
-    }
-    window->DrawList->AddLine(bb.Min, ImVec2(bb.Max.x,bb.Min.y), GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Separator));
-    if (g.LogEnabled)
-        LogRenderedText(NULL, IM_NEWLINE "--------------------------------");
-    if (window->DC.ColumnsSet)
-    {
-        PushColumnClipRect();
-        window->DC.ColumnsSet->LineMinY = window->DC.CursorPos.y;
-    }
-void ImGui::VerticalSeparator()
-    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
-    if (window->SkipItems)
-        return;
-    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
-    float y1 = window->DC.CursorPos.y;
-    float y2 = window->DC.CursorPos.y + window->DC.CurrentLineSize.y;
-    const ImRect bb(ImVec2(window->DC.CursorPos.x, y1), ImVec2(window->DC.CursorPos.x + 1.0f, y2));
-    ItemSize(ImVec2(bb.GetWidth(), 0.0f));
-    if (!ItemAdd(bb, 0))
-        return;
-    window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(bb.Min.x, bb.Min.y), ImVec2(bb.Min.x, bb.Max.y), GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Separator));
-    if (g.LogEnabled)
-        LogText(" |");
-// Using 'hover_visibility_delay' allows us to hide the highlight and mouse cursor for a short time, which can be convenient to reduce visual noise.
-bool ImGui::SplitterBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiAxis axis, float* size1, float* size2, float min_size1, float min_size2, float hover_extend, float hover_visibility_delay)
-    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
-    ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow;
-    const ImGuiItemFlags item_flags_backup = window->DC.ItemFlags;
-    window->DC.ItemFlags |= ImGuiItemFlags_NoNav | ImGuiItemFlags_NoNavDefaultFocus;
-    bool item_add = ItemAdd(bb, id);
-    window->DC.ItemFlags = item_flags_backup;
-    if (!item_add)
-        return false;
-    bool hovered, held;
-    ImRect bb_interact = bb;
-    bb_interact.Expand(axis == ImGuiAxis_Y ? ImVec2(0.0f, hover_extend) : ImVec2(hover_extend, 0.0f));
-    ButtonBehavior(bb_interact, id, &hovered, &held, ImGuiButtonFlags_FlattenChildren | ImGuiButtonFlags_AllowItemOverlap);
-    if (g.ActiveId != id)
-        SetItemAllowOverlap();
-    if (held || (g.HoveredId == id && g.HoveredIdPreviousFrame == id && g.HoveredIdTimer >= hover_visibility_delay))
-        SetMouseCursor(axis == ImGuiAxis_Y ? ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS : ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW);
-    ImRect bb_render = bb;
-    if (held)
-    {
-        ImVec2 mouse_delta_2d = g.IO.MousePos - g.ActiveIdClickOffset - bb_interact.Min;
-        float mouse_delta = (axis == ImGuiAxis_Y) ? mouse_delta_2d.y : mouse_delta_2d.x;
-        // Minimum pane size
-        float size_1_maximum_delta = ImMax(0.0f, *size1 - min_size1);
-        float size_2_maximum_delta = ImMax(0.0f, *size2 - min_size2);
-        if (mouse_delta < -size_1_maximum_delta)
-            mouse_delta = -size_1_maximum_delta;
-        if (mouse_delta > size_2_maximum_delta)
-            mouse_delta = size_2_maximum_delta;
-        // Apply resize
-        if (mouse_delta != 0.0f)
-        {
-            if (mouse_delta < 0.0f)
-                IM_ASSERT(*size1 + mouse_delta >= min_size1);
-            if (mouse_delta > 0.0f)
-               IM_ASSERT(*size2 - mouse_delta >= min_size2);
-            *size1 += mouse_delta;
-            *size2 -= mouse_delta;
-            bb_render.Translate((axis == ImGuiAxis_X) ? ImVec2(mouse_delta, 0.0f) : ImVec2(0.0f, mouse_delta));
-            MarkItemEdited(id);
-        }
-    }
-    // Render
-    const ImU32 col = GetColorU32(held ? ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive : (hovered && g.HoveredIdTimer >= hover_visibility_delay) ? ImGuiCol_SeparatorHovered : ImGuiCol_Separator);
-    window->DrawList->AddRectFilled(bb_render.Min, bb_render.Max, col, g.Style.FrameRounding);
-    return held;
-void ImGui::Spacing()
-    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
-    if (window->SkipItems)
-        return;
-    ItemSize(ImVec2(0,0));
-void ImGui::Dummy(const ImVec2& size)
-    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
-    if (window->SkipItems)
-        return;
-    const ImRect bb(window->DC.CursorPos, window->DC.CursorPos + size);
-    ItemSize(bb);
-    ItemAdd(bb, 0);
 bool ImGui::IsRectVisible(const ImVec2& size)
@@ -6336,22 +6183,6 @@
     window->DC.CurrentLineTextBaseOffset = window->DC.PrevLineTextBaseOffset;
-void ImGui::NewLine()
-    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
-    if (window->SkipItems)
-        return;
-    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
-    const ImGuiLayoutType backup_layout_type = window->DC.LayoutType;
-    window->DC.LayoutType = ImGuiLayoutType_Vertical;
-    if (window->DC.CurrentLineSize.y > 0.0f)     // In the event that we are on a line with items that is smaller that FontSize high, we will preserve its height.
-        ItemSize(ImVec2(0,0));
-    else
-        ItemSize(ImVec2(0.0f, g.FontSize));
-    window->DC.LayoutType = backup_layout_type;
 void ImGui::Indent(float indent_w)
     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
diff --git a/imgui_widgets.cpp b/imgui_widgets.cpp
index 82fde1e..6e0428d 100644
--- a/imgui_widgets.cpp
+++ b/imgui_widgets.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 Index of this file:
 - Widgets: Text, etc.
 - Widgets: Button, Image, Checkbox, RadioButton, ProgressBar, Bullet, etc.
+- Widgets: Low-level Layout helpers: Spacing, Dummy, NewLine, Separator, etc.
 - Widgets: ComboBox
 - Data Type and Data Formatting Helpers
 - Widgets: DragScalar, DragFloat, DragInt, etc.
@@ -1052,6 +1053,188 @@
+// WIDGETS: Low-level Layout helpers
+// - Spacing()
+// - Dummy()
+// - NewLine()
+// - AlignTextToFramePadding()
+// - Separator()
+// - VerticalSeparator() [Internal]
+// - SplitterBehavior() [Internal]
+void ImGui::Spacing()
+    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
+    if (window->SkipItems)
+        return;
+    ItemSize(ImVec2(0,0));
+void ImGui::Dummy(const ImVec2& size)
+    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
+    if (window->SkipItems)
+        return;
+    const ImRect bb(window->DC.CursorPos, window->DC.CursorPos + size);
+    ItemSize(bb);
+    ItemAdd(bb, 0);
+void ImGui::NewLine()
+    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
+    if (window->SkipItems)
+        return;
+    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
+    const ImGuiLayoutType backup_layout_type = window->DC.LayoutType;
+    window->DC.LayoutType = ImGuiLayoutType_Vertical;
+    if (window->DC.CurrentLineSize.y > 0.0f)     // In the event that we are on a line with items that is smaller that FontSize high, we will preserve its height.
+        ItemSize(ImVec2(0,0));
+    else
+        ItemSize(ImVec2(0.0f, g.FontSize));
+    window->DC.LayoutType = backup_layout_type;
+void ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding()
+    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
+    if (window->SkipItems)
+        return;
+    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
+    window->DC.CurrentLineSize.y = ImMax(window->DC.CurrentLineSize.y, g.FontSize + g.Style.FramePadding.y * 2);
+    window->DC.CurrentLineTextBaseOffset = ImMax(window->DC.CurrentLineTextBaseOffset, g.Style.FramePadding.y);
+// Horizontal/vertical separating line
+void ImGui::Separator()
+    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
+    if (window->SkipItems)
+        return;
+    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
+    // Those flags should eventually be overridable by the user
+    ImGuiSeparatorFlags flags = (window->DC.LayoutType == ImGuiLayoutType_Horizontal) ? ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical : ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Horizontal;
+    IM_ASSERT(ImIsPowerOfTwo((int)(flags & (ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Horizontal | ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical))));   // Check that only 1 option is selected
+    if (flags & ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical)
+    {
+        VerticalSeparator();
+        return;
+    }
+    // Horizontal Separator
+    if (window->DC.ColumnsSet)
+        PopClipRect();
+    float x1 = window->Pos.x;
+    float x2 = window->Pos.x + window->Size.x;
+    if (!window->DC.GroupStack.empty())
+        x1 += window->DC.Indent.x;
+    const ImRect bb(ImVec2(x1, window->DC.CursorPos.y), ImVec2(x2, window->DC.CursorPos.y+1.0f));
+    ItemSize(ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f)); // NB: we don't provide our width so that it doesn't get feed back into AutoFit, we don't provide height to not alter layout.
+    if (!ItemAdd(bb, 0))
+    {
+        if (window->DC.ColumnsSet)
+            PushColumnClipRect();
+        return;
+    }
+    window->DrawList->AddLine(bb.Min, ImVec2(bb.Max.x,bb.Min.y), GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Separator));
+    if (g.LogEnabled)
+        LogRenderedText(NULL, IM_NEWLINE "--------------------------------");
+    if (window->DC.ColumnsSet)
+    {
+        PushColumnClipRect();
+        window->DC.ColumnsSet->LineMinY = window->DC.CursorPos.y;
+    }
+void ImGui::VerticalSeparator()
+    ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
+    if (window->SkipItems)
+        return;
+    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
+    float y1 = window->DC.CursorPos.y;
+    float y2 = window->DC.CursorPos.y + window->DC.CurrentLineSize.y;
+    const ImRect bb(ImVec2(window->DC.CursorPos.x, y1), ImVec2(window->DC.CursorPos.x + 1.0f, y2));
+    ItemSize(ImVec2(bb.GetWidth(), 0.0f));
+    if (!ItemAdd(bb, 0))
+        return;
+    window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(bb.Min.x, bb.Min.y), ImVec2(bb.Min.x, bb.Max.y), GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Separator));
+    if (g.LogEnabled)
+        LogText(" |");
+// Using 'hover_visibility_delay' allows us to hide the highlight and mouse cursor for a short time, which can be convenient to reduce visual noise.
+bool ImGui::SplitterBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiAxis axis, float* size1, float* size2, float min_size1, float min_size2, float hover_extend, float hover_visibility_delay)
+    ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
+    ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow;
+    const ImGuiItemFlags item_flags_backup = window->DC.ItemFlags;
+    window->DC.ItemFlags |= ImGuiItemFlags_NoNav | ImGuiItemFlags_NoNavDefaultFocus;
+    bool item_add = ItemAdd(bb, id);
+    window->DC.ItemFlags = item_flags_backup;
+    if (!item_add)
+        return false;
+    bool hovered, held;
+    ImRect bb_interact = bb;
+    bb_interact.Expand(axis == ImGuiAxis_Y ? ImVec2(0.0f, hover_extend) : ImVec2(hover_extend, 0.0f));
+    ButtonBehavior(bb_interact, id, &hovered, &held, ImGuiButtonFlags_FlattenChildren | ImGuiButtonFlags_AllowItemOverlap);
+    if (g.ActiveId != id)
+        SetItemAllowOverlap();
+    if (held || (g.HoveredId == id && g.HoveredIdPreviousFrame == id && g.HoveredIdTimer >= hover_visibility_delay))
+        SetMouseCursor(axis == ImGuiAxis_Y ? ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS : ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW);
+    ImRect bb_render = bb;
+    if (held)
+    {
+        ImVec2 mouse_delta_2d = g.IO.MousePos - g.ActiveIdClickOffset - bb_interact.Min;
+        float mouse_delta = (axis == ImGuiAxis_Y) ? mouse_delta_2d.y : mouse_delta_2d.x;
+        // Minimum pane size
+        float size_1_maximum_delta = ImMax(0.0f, *size1 - min_size1);
+        float size_2_maximum_delta = ImMax(0.0f, *size2 - min_size2);
+        if (mouse_delta < -size_1_maximum_delta)
+            mouse_delta = -size_1_maximum_delta;
+        if (mouse_delta > size_2_maximum_delta)
+            mouse_delta = size_2_maximum_delta;
+        // Apply resize
+        if (mouse_delta != 0.0f)
+        {
+            if (mouse_delta < 0.0f)
+                IM_ASSERT(*size1 + mouse_delta >= min_size1);
+            if (mouse_delta > 0.0f)
+                IM_ASSERT(*size2 - mouse_delta >= min_size2);
+            *size1 += mouse_delta;
+            *size2 -= mouse_delta;
+            bb_render.Translate((axis == ImGuiAxis_X) ? ImVec2(mouse_delta, 0.0f) : ImVec2(0.0f, mouse_delta));
+            MarkItemEdited(id);
+        }
+    }
+    // Render
+    const ImU32 col = GetColorU32(held ? ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive : (hovered && g.HoveredIdTimer >= hover_visibility_delay) ? ImGuiCol_SeparatorHovered : ImGuiCol_Separator);
+    window->DrawList->AddRectFilled(bb_render.Min, bb_render.Max, col, g.Style.FrameRounding);
+    return held;
 // WIDGETS: Combo Box
 // - BeginCombo()
 // - EndCombo()