Metrics: Various tweaks, listing windows front-to-back, greying inactive items when possible.
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
index 2126be2..28d1139 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
   where v_min == v_max. (#3361)
 - BeginMenuBar: Fixed minor bug where CursorPosMax gets pushed to CursorPos prior to calling BeginMenuBar(),
   so e.g. calling the function at the end of a window would often add +ItemSpacing.y to scrolling range.
+- Metrics: Various tweaks, listing windows front-to-back, greying inactive items when possible.
 - Demo: Add simple InputText() callbacks demo (aside from the more elaborate ones in 'Examples->Console').
diff --git a/imgui.cpp b/imgui.cpp
index eea7bd8..797d0a0 100644
--- a/imgui.cpp
+++ b/imgui.cpp
@@ -10413,7 +10413,8 @@
             if (!ImGui::TreeNode(label, "%s (%d)", label, windows.Size))
-            for (int i = 0; i < windows.Size; i++)
+            ImGui::Text("(In front-to-back order:)");
+            for (int i = windows.Size - 1; i >= 0; i--) // Iterate front to back
                 Funcs::NodeWindow(windows[i], "Window");
@@ -10429,14 +10430,18 @@
                 ImGui::BulletText("%s: NULL", label);
-            bool open = ImGui::TreeNode(label, "%s '%s', %d @ 0x%p", label, window->Name, (window->Active || window->WasActive), window);
-            if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && window->WasActive)
-                ImGui::GetForegroundDrawList()->AddRect(window->Pos, window->Pos + window->Size, IM_COL32(255, 255, 0, 255));
+            ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
+            const bool is_active = window->WasActive;
+            ImGuiTreeNodeFlags tree_node_flags = (window == g.NavWindow) ? ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Selected : ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_None;
+            if (!is_active) { PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled)); }
+            const bool open = ImGui::TreeNodeEx(label, tree_node_flags, "%s '%s'%s", label, window->Name, is_active ? "" : " *Inactive*");
+            if (!is_active) { PopStyleColor(); }
+            if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && is_active)
+                ImGui::GetForegroundDrawList(window)->AddRect(window->Pos, window->Pos + window->Size, IM_COL32(255, 255, 0, 255));
             if (!open)
-            if (!window->WasActive)
-                ImGui::TextDisabled("Note: window is not currently visible.");
             if (window->MemoryCompacted)
                 ImGui::TextDisabled("Note: some memory buffers have been compacted/freed.");
@@ -10481,9 +10486,13 @@
             char buf[256];
             char* p = buf;
             const char* buf_end = buf + IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf);
-            p += ImFormatString(p, buf_end - p, "TabBar (%d tabs)%s", tab_bar->Tabs.Size, (tab_bar->PrevFrameVisible < ImGui::GetFrameCount() - 2) ? " *Inactive*" : "");
+            const bool is_active = (tab_bar->PrevFrameVisible >= ImGui::GetFrameCount() - 2);
+            p += ImFormatString(p, buf_end - p, "Tab Bar 0x%08X (%d tabs)%s", tab_bar->ID, tab_bar->Tabs.Size, is_active ? "" : " *Inactive*");
-            if (ImGui::TreeNode(tab_bar, "%s", buf))
+            if (!is_active) { PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled)); }
+            bool open = ImGui::TreeNode(tab_bar, "%s", buf);
+            if (!is_active) { PopStyleColor(); }
+            if (open)
                 for (int tab_n = 0; tab_n < tab_bar->Tabs.Size; tab_n++)
@@ -10635,8 +10644,7 @@
         if (ImGui::TreeNode("SettingsIniData", "Settings unpacked data (.ini): %d bytes", g.SettingsIniData.size()))
-            char* buf = (char*)(void*)(g.SettingsIniData.Buf.Data ? g.SettingsIniData.Buf.Data : "");
-            ImGui::InputTextMultiline("##Ini", buf, g.SettingsIniData.Buf.Size, ImVec2(-FLT_MIN, 0.0f), ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly);
+            ImGui::InputTextMultiline("##Ini", (char*)(void*)g.SettingsIniData.c_str(), g.SettingsIniData.Buf.Size, ImVec2(-FLT_MIN, 0.0f), ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly);
@@ -10646,21 +10654,35 @@
     if (ImGui::TreeNode("Internal state"))
         const char* input_source_names[] = { "None", "Mouse", "Nav", "NavKeyboard", "NavGamepad" }; IM_ASSERT(IM_ARRAYSIZE(input_source_names) == ImGuiInputSource_COUNT);
+        ImGui::Text("WINDOWING");
+        ImGui::Indent();
         ImGui::Text("HoveredWindow: '%s'", g.HoveredWindow ? g.HoveredWindow->Name : "NULL");
         ImGui::Text("HoveredRootWindow: '%s'", g.HoveredRootWindow ? g.HoveredRootWindow->Name : "NULL");
         ImGui::Text("HoveredWindowUnderMovingWindow: '%s'", g.HoveredWindowUnderMovingWindow ? g.HoveredWindowUnderMovingWindow->Name : "NULL");
-        ImGui::Text("HoveredId: 0x%08X/0x%08X (%.2f sec), AllowOverlap: %d", g.HoveredId, g.HoveredIdPreviousFrame, g.HoveredIdTimer, g.HoveredIdAllowOverlap); // Data is "in-flight" so depending on when the Metrics window is called we may see current frame information or not
+        ImGui::Text("MovingWindow: '%s'", g.MovingWindow ? g.MovingWindow->Name : "NULL");
+        ImGui::Unindent();
+        ImGui::Text("ITEMS");
+        ImGui::Indent();
         ImGui::Text("ActiveId: 0x%08X/0x%08X (%.2f sec), AllowOverlap: %d, Source: %s", g.ActiveId, g.ActiveIdPreviousFrame, g.ActiveIdTimer, g.ActiveIdAllowOverlap, input_source_names[g.ActiveIdSource]);
         ImGui::Text("ActiveIdWindow: '%s'", g.ActiveIdWindow ? g.ActiveIdWindow->Name : "NULL");
-        ImGui::Text("MovingWindow: '%s'", g.MovingWindow ? g.MovingWindow->Name : "NULL");
+        ImGui::Text("HoveredId: 0x%08X/0x%08X (%.2f sec), AllowOverlap: %d", g.HoveredId, g.HoveredIdPreviousFrame, g.HoveredIdTimer, g.HoveredIdAllowOverlap); // Data is "in-flight" so depending on when the Metrics window is called we may see current frame information or not
+        ImGui::Text("DragDrop: %d, SourceId = 0x%08X, Payload \"%s\" (%d bytes)", g.DragDropActive, g.DragDropPayload.SourceId, g.DragDropPayload.DataType, g.DragDropPayload.DataSize);
+        ImGui::Unindent();
+        ImGui::Text("NAV,FOCUS");
+        ImGui::Indent();
         ImGui::Text("NavWindow: '%s'", g.NavWindow ? g.NavWindow->Name : "NULL");
         ImGui::Text("NavId: 0x%08X, NavLayer: %d", g.NavId, g.NavLayer);
         ImGui::Text("NavInputSource: %s", input_source_names[g.NavInputSource]);
         ImGui::Text("NavActive: %d, NavVisible: %d", g.IO.NavActive, g.IO.NavVisible);
         ImGui::Text("NavActivateId: 0x%08X, NavInputId: 0x%08X", g.NavActivateId, g.NavInputId);
         ImGui::Text("NavDisableHighlight: %d, NavDisableMouseHover: %d", g.NavDisableHighlight, g.NavDisableMouseHover);
+        ImGui::Text("NavFocusScopeId = 0x%08X", g.NavFocusScopeId);
         ImGui::Text("NavWindowingTarget: '%s'", g.NavWindowingTarget ? g.NavWindowingTarget->Name : "NULL");
-        ImGui::Text("DragDrop: %d, SourceId = 0x%08X, Payload \"%s\" (%d bytes)", g.DragDropActive, g.DragDropPayload.SourceId, g.DragDropPayload.DataType, g.DragDropPayload.DataSize);
+        ImGui::Unindent();