ImDrawList: (Breaking) merge float radius_x/radius_y parameters into ImVec2 radius in PathEllipticalArcTo(), AddEllipse(), AddEllipseFilled(). (#2743, #7417)
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
index 48d5921..20e12f2 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@
   It has been unnecessary and a no-op since 1.87 (it returns the same value as passed
   when used with a 1.87+ backend using io.AddKeyEvent() function). (#4921)
   - IsKeyPressed(GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_XXX)) --> IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_XXX)
+- ImDrawList: Merged the radius_x/radius_y parameters in AddEllipse(), AddEllipseFilled()
+  and PathEllipticalArcTo() into a single ImVec2 parameter. Exceptionally, because those
+  functions were added in 1.90, we are not adding inline redirection functions.
+  The transition is easy and should affect few users. (#2743, #7417) [@cfillion]
 Other changes:
diff --git a/imgui.cpp b/imgui.cpp
index 6a83fd2..5d8db20 100644
--- a/imgui.cpp
+++ b/imgui.cpp
@@ -429,6 +429,7 @@
  When you are not sure about an old symbol or function name, try using the Search/Find function of your IDE to look for comments or references in all imgui files.
  You can read releases logs for more details.
+ - 2024/03/18 (1.90.5) - merged the radius_x/radius_y parameters in ImDrawList::AddEllipse(), AddEllipseFilled() and PathEllipticalArcTo() into a single ImVec2 parameter. Exceptionally, because those functions were added in 1.90, we are not adding inline redirection functions. The transition is easy and should affect few users. (#2743, #7417)
  - 2024/03/08 (1.90.5) - inputs: more formally obsoleted GetKeyIndex() when IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_FUNCTIONS is set. It has been unnecessary and a no-op since 1.87 (it returns the same value as passed when used with a 1.87+ backend using io.AddKeyEvent() function). (#4921)
                            - IsKeyPressed(GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_XXX)) -> use IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_XXX)
  - 2024/01/15 (1.90.2) - commented out obsolete ImGuiIO::ImeWindowHandle marked obsolete in 1.87, favor of writing to 'void* ImGuiViewport::PlatformHandleRaw'.
diff --git a/imgui.h b/imgui.h
index 3918de1..cb833a1 100644
--- a/imgui.h
+++ b/imgui.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 // Library Version
 // (Integer encoded as XYYZZ for use in #if preprocessor conditionals, e.g. '#if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 12345')
 #define IMGUI_VERSION       "1.90.5 WIP"
-#define IMGUI_VERSION_NUM   19045
+#define IMGUI_VERSION_NUM   19046
@@ -2754,8 +2754,8 @@
     IMGUI_API void  AddCircleFilled(const ImVec2& center, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments = 0);
     IMGUI_API void  AddNgon(const ImVec2& center, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments, float thickness = 1.0f);
     IMGUI_API void  AddNgonFilled(const ImVec2& center, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments);
-    IMGUI_API void  AddEllipse(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, ImU32 col, float rot = 0.0f, int num_segments = 0, float thickness = 1.0f);
-    IMGUI_API void  AddEllipseFilled(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, ImU32 col, float rot = 0.0f, int num_segments = 0);
+    IMGUI_API void  AddEllipse(const ImVec2& center, const ImVec2& radius, ImU32 col, float rot = 0.0f, int num_segments = 0, float thickness = 1.0f);
+    IMGUI_API void  AddEllipseFilled(const ImVec2& center, const ImVec2& radius, ImU32 col, float rot = 0.0f, int num_segments = 0);
     IMGUI_API void  AddText(const ImVec2& pos, ImU32 col, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end = NULL);
     IMGUI_API void  AddText(const ImFont* font, float font_size, const ImVec2& pos, ImU32 col, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end = NULL, float wrap_width = 0.0f, const ImVec4* cpu_fine_clip_rect = NULL);
     IMGUI_API void  AddBezierCubic(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, ImU32 col, float thickness, int num_segments = 0); // Cubic Bezier (4 control points)
@@ -2787,7 +2787,7 @@
     inline    void  PathStroke(ImU32 col, ImDrawFlags flags = 0, float thickness = 1.0f) { AddPolyline(_Path.Data, _Path.Size, col, flags, thickness); _Path.Size = 0; }
     IMGUI_API void  PathArcTo(const ImVec2& center, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments = 0);
     IMGUI_API void  PathArcToFast(const ImVec2& center, float radius, int a_min_of_12, int a_max_of_12);                // Use precomputed angles for a 12 steps circle
-    IMGUI_API void  PathEllipticalArcTo(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, float rot, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments = 0); // Ellipse
+    IMGUI_API void  PathEllipticalArcTo(const ImVec2& center, const ImVec2& radius, float rot, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments = 0); // Ellipse
     IMGUI_API void  PathBezierCubicCurveTo(const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, int num_segments = 0); // Cubic Bezier (4 control points)
     IMGUI_API void  PathBezierQuadraticCurveTo(const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, int num_segments = 0);               // Quadratic Bezier (3 control points)
     IMGUI_API void  PathRect(const ImVec2& rect_min, const ImVec2& rect_max, float rounding = 0.0f, ImDrawFlags flags = 0);
@@ -2820,6 +2820,9 @@
     inline    void  PrimVtx(const ImVec2& pos, const ImVec2& uv, ImU32 col)         { PrimWriteIdx((ImDrawIdx)_VtxCurrentIdx); PrimWriteVtx(pos, uv, col); } // Write vertex with unique index
     // Obsolete names
+    //inline  void  AddEllipse(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, ImU32 col, float rot = 0.0f, int num_segments = 0, float thickness = 1.0f) { AddEllipse(center, ImVec2(radius_x, radius_y), col, rot, num_segments, thickness); } // OBSOLETED in 1.90.5 (Mar 2024)
+    //inline  void  AddEllipseFilled(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, ImU32 col, float rot = 0.0f, int num_segments = 0) { AddEllipseFilled(center, ImVec2(radius_x, radius_y), col, rot, num_segments); }                        // OBSOLETED in 1.90.5 (Mar 2024)
+    //inline  void  PathEllipticalArcTo(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, float rot, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments = 0) { PathEllipticalArcTo(center, ImVec2(radius_x, radius_y), rot, a_min, a_max, num_segments); } // OBSOLETED in 1.90.5 (Mar 2024)
     //inline  void  AddBezierCurve(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, ImU32 col, float thickness, int num_segments = 0) { AddBezierCubic(p1, p2, p3, p4, col, thickness, num_segments); } // OBSOLETED in 1.80 (Jan 2021)
     //inline  void  PathBezierCurveTo(const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, int num_segments = 0) { PathBezierCubicCurveTo(p2, p3, p4, num_segments); } // OBSOLETED in 1.80 (Jan 2021)
diff --git a/imgui_demo.cpp b/imgui_demo.cpp
index 8e8c17c..a191a1d 100644
--- a/imgui_demo.cpp
+++ b/imgui_demo.cpp
@@ -8053,7 +8053,7 @@
                 float th = (n == 0) ? 1.0f : thickness;
                 draw_list->AddNgon(ImVec2(x + sz*0.5f, y + sz*0.5f), sz*0.5f, col, ngon_sides, th);                 x += sz + spacing;  // N-gon
                 draw_list->AddCircle(ImVec2(x + sz*0.5f, y + sz*0.5f), sz*0.5f, col, circle_segments, th);          x += sz + spacing;  // Circle
-                draw_list->AddEllipse(ImVec2(x + sz*0.5f, y + sz*0.5f), sz*0.5f, sz*0.3f, col, -0.3f, circle_segments, th); x += sz + spacing;	// Ellipse
+                draw_list->AddEllipse(ImVec2(x + sz*0.5f, y + sz*0.5f), ImVec2(sz*0.5f, sz*0.3f), col, -0.3f, circle_segments, th); x += sz + spacing;	// Ellipse
                 draw_list->AddRect(ImVec2(x, y), ImVec2(x + sz, y + sz), col, 0.0f, ImDrawFlags_None, th);          x += sz + spacing;  // Square
                 draw_list->AddRect(ImVec2(x, y), ImVec2(x + sz, y + sz), col, rounding, ImDrawFlags_None, th);      x += sz + spacing;  // Square with all rounded corners
                 draw_list->AddRect(ImVec2(x, y), ImVec2(x + sz, y + sz), col, rounding, corners_tl_br, th);         x += sz + spacing;  // Square with two rounded corners
@@ -8084,7 +8084,7 @@
             // Filled shapes
             draw_list->AddNgonFilled(ImVec2(x + sz * 0.5f, y + sz * 0.5f), sz * 0.5f, col, ngon_sides);             x += sz + spacing;  // N-gon
             draw_list->AddCircleFilled(ImVec2(x + sz * 0.5f, y + sz * 0.5f), sz * 0.5f, col, circle_segments);      x += sz + spacing;  // Circle
-            draw_list->AddEllipseFilled(ImVec2(x + sz * 0.5f, y + sz * 0.5f), sz * 0.5f, sz * 0.3f, col, -0.3f, circle_segments); x += sz + spacing;// Ellipse
+            draw_list->AddEllipseFilled(ImVec2(x + sz * 0.5f, y + sz * 0.5f), ImVec2(sz * 0.5f, sz * 0.3f), col, -0.3f, circle_segments); x += sz + spacing;// Ellipse
             draw_list->AddRectFilled(ImVec2(x, y), ImVec2(x + sz, y + sz), col);                                    x += sz + spacing;  // Square
             draw_list->AddRectFilled(ImVec2(x, y), ImVec2(x + sz, y + sz), col, 10.0f);                             x += sz + spacing;  // Square with all rounded corners
             draw_list->AddRectFilled(ImVec2(x, y), ImVec2(x + sz, y + sz), col, 10.0f, corners_tl_br);              x += sz + spacing;  // Square with two rounded corners
diff --git a/imgui_draw.cpp b/imgui_draw.cpp
index ad3fda9..405684f 100644
--- a/imgui_draw.cpp
+++ b/imgui_draw.cpp
@@ -1218,10 +1218,10 @@
-void ImDrawList::PathEllipticalArcTo(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, float rot, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments)
+void ImDrawList::PathEllipticalArcTo(const ImVec2& center, const ImVec2& radius, float rot, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments)
     if (num_segments <= 0)
-        num_segments = _CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount(ImMax(radius_x, radius_y)); // A bit pessimistic, maybe there's a better computation to do here.
+        num_segments = _CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount(ImMax(radius.x, radius.y)); // A bit pessimistic, maybe there's a better computation to do here.
     _Path.reserve(_Path.Size + (num_segments + 1));
@@ -1230,11 +1230,10 @@
     for (int i = 0; i <= num_segments; i++)
         const float a = a_min + ((float)i / (float)num_segments) * (a_max - a_min);
-        ImVec2 point(ImCos(a) * radius_x, ImSin(a) * radius_y);
-        const float rel_x = (point.x * cos_rot) - (point.y * sin_rot);
-        const float rel_y = (point.x * sin_rot) + (point.y * cos_rot);
-        point.x = rel_x + center.x;
-        point.y = rel_y + center.y;
+        ImVec2 point(ImCos(a) * radius.x, ImSin(a) * radius.y);
+        const ImVec2 rel((point.x * cos_rot) - (point.y * sin_rot), (point.x * sin_rot) + (point.y * cos_rot));
+        point.x = rel.x + center.x;
+        point.y = rel.y + center.y;
@@ -1559,31 +1558,31 @@
 // Ellipse
-void ImDrawList::AddEllipse(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, ImU32 col, float rot, int num_segments, float thickness)
+void ImDrawList::AddEllipse(const ImVec2& center, const ImVec2& radius, ImU32 col, float rot, int num_segments, float thickness)
     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
     if (num_segments <= 0)
-        num_segments = _CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount(ImMax(radius_x, radius_y)); // A bit pessimistic, maybe there's a better computation to do here.
+        num_segments = _CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount(ImMax(radius.x, radius.y)); // A bit pessimistic, maybe there's a better computation to do here.
     // Because we are filling a closed shape we remove 1 from the count of segments/points
     const float a_max = IM_PI * 2.0f * ((float)num_segments - 1.0f) / (float)num_segments;
-    PathEllipticalArcTo(center, radius_x, radius_y, rot, 0.0f, a_max, num_segments - 1);
+    PathEllipticalArcTo(center, radius, rot, 0.0f, a_max, num_segments - 1);
     PathStroke(col, true, thickness);
-void ImDrawList::AddEllipseFilled(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, ImU32 col, float rot, int num_segments)
+void ImDrawList::AddEllipseFilled(const ImVec2& center, const ImVec2& radius, ImU32 col, float rot, int num_segments)
     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
     if (num_segments <= 0)
-        num_segments = _CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount(ImMax(radius_x, radius_y)); // A bit pessimistic, maybe there's a better computation to do here.
+        num_segments = _CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount(ImMax(radius.x, radius.y)); // A bit pessimistic, maybe there's a better computation to do here.
     // Because we are filling a closed shape we remove 1 from the count of segments/points
     const float a_max = IM_PI * 2.0f * ((float)num_segments - 1.0f) / (float)num_segments;
-    PathEllipticalArcTo(center, radius_x, radius_y, rot, 0.0f, a_max, num_segments - 1);
+    PathEllipticalArcTo(center, radius, rot, 0.0f, a_max, num_segments - 1);