InputText: Fixed not tracking the cursor horizontally When modifying the text buffer through a callback.
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt
index 2095c62..3539308 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
  - Window: Added global io.OptResizeWindowsFromEdges option to enable resizing windows from their edges and from the lower-left corner. (#1495)
  - Window: Collapse button shows hovering highlight + clicking and dragging on it allows to drag the window as well. 
  - InputText: Added support for buffer size/capacity changes via the ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize flag. (#2006, #1443, #1008).
+ - InputText: Fixed not tracking the cursor horizontally When modifying the text buffer through a callback.
  - InputText: Fixed minor off-by-one issue when submitting a buffer size smaller than the initial zero-terminated buffer contents.
  - Drag and Drop: Fixed an incorrect assert when dropping a source that is submitted after the target (bug introduced with 1.62 changes 
    related to the addition of IsItemDeactivated()). (#1875, #143)
diff --git a/imgui.cpp b/imgui.cpp
index 3b8a8d8..654a934 100644
--- a/imgui.cpp
+++ b/imgui.cpp
@@ -11113,9 +11113,9 @@
                     IM_ASSERT(callback_data.Buf == edit_state.TempBuffer.Data);  // Invalid to modify those fields
                     IM_ASSERT(callback_data.BufSize == edit_state.BufCapacityA);
                     IM_ASSERT(callback_data.Flags == flags);
-                    if (callback_data.CursorPos != utf8_cursor_pos)            edit_state.StbState.cursor = ImTextCountCharsFromUtf8(callback_data.Buf, callback_data.Buf + callback_data.CursorPos);
-                    if (callback_data.SelectionStart != utf8_selection_start)  edit_state.StbState.select_start = ImTextCountCharsFromUtf8(callback_data.Buf, callback_data.Buf + callback_data.SelectionStart);
-                    if (callback_data.SelectionEnd != utf8_selection_end)      edit_state.StbState.select_end = ImTextCountCharsFromUtf8(callback_data.Buf, callback_data.Buf + callback_data.SelectionEnd);
+                    if (callback_data.CursorPos != utf8_cursor_pos)            { edit_state.StbState.cursor = ImTextCountCharsFromUtf8(callback_data.Buf, callback_data.Buf + callback_data.CursorPos); edit_state.CursorFollow = true; }
+                    if (callback_data.SelectionStart != utf8_selection_start)  { edit_state.StbState.select_start = ImTextCountCharsFromUtf8(callback_data.Buf, callback_data.Buf + callback_data.SelectionStart); }
+                    if (callback_data.SelectionEnd != utf8_selection_end)      { edit_state.StbState.select_end = ImTextCountCharsFromUtf8(callback_data.Buf, callback_data.Buf + callback_data.SelectionEnd); }
                     if (callback_data.BufDirty)
                         IM_ASSERT(callback_data.BufTextLen == (int)strlen(callback_data.Buf)); // You need to maintain BufTextLen if you change the text!