Internals: shallow tidying up of the old resize border structure. Make them match the ImGuiDir order. Split GetWindowResizeID() into GetWindowResizeCornerID() and GetWindowResizeBorderID().
diff --git a/imgui.cpp b/imgui.cpp
index e4926ec..eb1cb1c 100644
--- a/imgui.cpp
+++ b/imgui.cpp
@@ -5270,53 +5270,64 @@
     *out_size = size_constrained;
+// Data for resizing from corner
 struct ImGuiResizeGripDef
     ImVec2  CornerPosN;
     ImVec2  InnerDir;
     int     AngleMin12, AngleMax12;
 static const ImGuiResizeGripDef resize_grip_def[4] =
-    { ImVec2(1, 1), ImVec2(-1, -1), 0, 3 }, // Lower-right
-    { ImVec2(0, 1), ImVec2(+1, -1), 3, 6 }, // Lower-left
-    { ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(+1, +1), 6, 9 }, // Upper-left (Unused)
-    { ImVec2(1, 0), ImVec2(-1, +1), 9, 12 }, // Upper-right (Unused)
+    { ImVec2(1, 1), ImVec2(-1, -1), 0, 3 },  // Lower-right
+    { ImVec2(0, 1), ImVec2(+1, -1), 3, 6 },  // Lower-left
+    { ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(+1, +1), 6, 9 },  // Upper-left (Unused)
+    { ImVec2(1, 0), ImVec2(-1, +1), 9, 12 }  // Upper-right (Unused)
+// Data for resizing from borders
 struct ImGuiResizeBorderDef
     ImVec2 InnerDir;
-    ImVec2 CornerPosN1, CornerPosN2;
+    ImVec2 SegmentN1, SegmentN2;
     float  OuterAngle;
 static const ImGuiResizeBorderDef resize_border_def[4] =
-    { ImVec2(0, +1), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 0), IM_PI * 1.50f }, // Top
+    { ImVec2(+1, 0), ImVec2(0, 1), ImVec2(0, 0), IM_PI * 1.00f }, // Left
     { ImVec2(-1, 0), ImVec2(1, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), IM_PI * 0.00f }, // Right
-    { ImVec2(0, -1), ImVec2(1, 1), ImVec2(0, 1), IM_PI * 0.50f }, // Bottom
-    { ImVec2(+1, 0), ImVec2(0, 1), ImVec2(0, 0), IM_PI * 1.00f } // Left
+    { ImVec2(0, +1), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 0), IM_PI * 1.50f }, // Up
+    { ImVec2(0, -1), ImVec2(1, 1), ImVec2(0, 1), IM_PI * 0.50f }  // Down
 static ImRect GetResizeBorderRect(ImGuiWindow* window, int border_n, float perp_padding, float thickness)
     ImRect rect = window->Rect();
-    if (thickness == 0.0f) rect.Max -= ImVec2(1, 1);
-    if (border_n == 0) { return ImRect(rect.Min.x + perp_padding, rect.Min.y - thickness,    rect.Max.x - perp_padding, rect.Min.y + thickness);    } // Top
-    if (border_n == 1) { return ImRect(rect.Max.x - thickness,    rect.Min.y + perp_padding, rect.Max.x + thickness,    rect.Max.y - perp_padding); } // Right
-    if (border_n == 2) { return ImRect(rect.Min.x + perp_padding, rect.Max.y - thickness,    rect.Max.x - perp_padding, rect.Max.y + thickness);    } // Bottom
-    if (border_n == 3) { return ImRect(rect.Min.x - thickness,    rect.Min.y + perp_padding, rect.Min.x + thickness,    rect.Max.y - perp_padding); } // Left
+    if (thickness == 0.0f)
+        rect.Max -= ImVec2(1, 1);
+    if (border_n == ImGuiDir_Left)  { return ImRect(rect.Min.x - thickness,    rect.Min.y + perp_padding, rect.Min.x + thickness,    rect.Max.y - perp_padding); }
+    if (border_n == ImGuiDir_Right) { return ImRect(rect.Max.x - thickness,    rect.Min.y + perp_padding, rect.Max.x + thickness,    rect.Max.y - perp_padding); }
+    if (border_n == ImGuiDir_Up)    { return ImRect(rect.Min.x + perp_padding, rect.Min.y - thickness,    rect.Max.x - perp_padding, rect.Min.y + thickness);    }
+    if (border_n == ImGuiDir_Down)  { return ImRect(rect.Min.x + perp_padding, rect.Max.y - thickness,    rect.Max.x - perp_padding, rect.Max.y + thickness);    }
     return ImRect();
 // 0..3: corners (Lower-right, Lower-left, Unused, Unused)
-// 4..7: borders (Top, Right, Bottom, Left)
-ImGuiID ImGui::GetWindowResizeID(ImGuiWindow* window, int n)
+ImGuiID ImGui::GetWindowResizeCornerID(ImGuiWindow* window, int n)
-    IM_ASSERT(n >= 0 && n <= 7);
+    IM_ASSERT(n >= 0 && n < 4);
+    ImGuiID id = window->ID;
+    id = ImHashStr("#RESIZE", 0, id);
+    id = ImHashData(&n, sizeof(int), id);
+    return id;
+// Borders (Left, Right, Up, Down)
+ImGuiID ImGui::GetWindowResizeBorderID(ImGuiWindow* window, ImGuiDir dir)
+    IM_ASSERT(dir >= 0 && dir < 4);
+    int n = (int)dir + 4;
     ImGuiID id = window->ID;
     id = ImHashStr("#RESIZE", 0, id);
     id = ImHashData(&n, sizeof(int), id);
@@ -5351,15 +5362,16 @@
     for (int resize_grip_n = 0; resize_grip_n < resize_grip_count; resize_grip_n++)
-        const ImGuiResizeGripDef& grip = resize_grip_def[resize_grip_n];
-        const ImVec2 corner = ImLerp(window->Pos, window->Pos + window->Size, grip.CornerPosN);
+        const ImGuiResizeGripDef& def = resize_grip_def[resize_grip_n];
+        const ImVec2 corner = ImLerp(window->Pos, window->Pos + window->Size, def.CornerPosN);
         // Using the FlattenChilds button flag we make the resize button accessible even if we are hovering over a child window
-        ImRect resize_rect(corner - grip.InnerDir * grip_hover_outer_size, corner + grip.InnerDir * grip_hover_inner_size);
+        bool hovered, held;
+        ImRect resize_rect(corner - def.InnerDir * grip_hover_outer_size, corner + def.InnerDir * grip_hover_inner_size);
         if (resize_rect.Min.x > resize_rect.Max.x) ImSwap(resize_rect.Min.x, resize_rect.Max.x);
         if (resize_rect.Min.y > resize_rect.Max.y) ImSwap(resize_rect.Min.y, resize_rect.Max.y);
-        bool hovered, held;
-        ButtonBehavior(resize_rect, window->GetID(resize_grip_n), &hovered, &held, ImGuiButtonFlags_FlattenChildren | ImGuiButtonFlags_NoNavFocus);
+        ImGuiID resize_grip_id = window->GetID(resize_grip_n); // == GetWindowResizeCornerID()
+        ButtonBehavior(resize_rect, resize_grip_id, &hovered, &held, ImGuiButtonFlags_FlattenChildren | ImGuiButtonFlags_NoNavFocus);
         //GetForegroundDrawList(window)->AddRect(resize_rect.Min, resize_rect.Max, IM_COL32(255, 255, 0, 255));
         if (hovered || held)
             g.MouseCursor = (resize_grip_n & 1) ? ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNESW : ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNWSE;
@@ -5375,39 +5387,41 @@
             // Resize from any of the four corners
             // We don't use an incremental MouseDelta but rather compute an absolute target size based on mouse position
-            ImVec2 corner_target = g.IO.MousePos - g.ActiveIdClickOffset + ImLerp(grip.InnerDir * grip_hover_outer_size, grip.InnerDir * -grip_hover_inner_size, grip.CornerPosN); // Corner of the window corresponding to our corner grip
-            ImVec2 clamp_min = ImVec2(grip.CornerPosN.x == 1.0f ? visibility_rect.Min.x : -FLT_MAX, grip.CornerPosN.y == 1.0f ? visibility_rect.Min.y : -FLT_MAX);
-            ImVec2 clamp_max = ImVec2(grip.CornerPosN.x == 0.0f ? visibility_rect.Max.x : +FLT_MAX, grip.CornerPosN.y == 0.0f ? visibility_rect.Max.y : +FLT_MAX);
+            ImVec2 clamp_min = ImVec2(def.CornerPosN.x == 1.0f ? visibility_rect.Min.x : -FLT_MAX, def.CornerPosN.y == 1.0f ? visibility_rect.Min.y : -FLT_MAX);
+            ImVec2 clamp_max = ImVec2(def.CornerPosN.x == 0.0f ? visibility_rect.Max.x : +FLT_MAX, def.CornerPosN.y == 0.0f ? visibility_rect.Max.y : +FLT_MAX);
+            ImVec2 corner_target = g.IO.MousePos - g.ActiveIdClickOffset + ImLerp(def.InnerDir * grip_hover_outer_size, def.InnerDir * -grip_hover_inner_size, def.CornerPosN); // Corner of the window corresponding to our corner grip
             corner_target = ImClamp(corner_target, clamp_min, clamp_max);
-            CalcResizePosSizeFromAnyCorner(window, corner_target, grip.CornerPosN, &pos_target, &size_target);
+            CalcResizePosSizeFromAnyCorner(window, corner_target, def.CornerPosN, &pos_target, &size_target);
+        // Only lower-left grip is visible before hovering/activating
         if (resize_grip_n == 0 || held || hovered)
             resize_grip_col[resize_grip_n] = GetColorU32(held ? ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive : hovered ? ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered : ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip);
     for (int border_n = 0; border_n < resize_border_count; border_n++)
+        const ImGuiResizeBorderDef& def = resize_border_def[border_n];
+        const ImGuiAxis axis = (border_n == ImGuiDir_Left || border_n == ImGuiDir_Right) ? ImGuiAxis_X : ImGuiAxis_Y;
         bool hovered, held;
         ImRect border_rect = GetResizeBorderRect(window, border_n, grip_hover_inner_size, WINDOWS_RESIZE_FROM_EDGES_HALF_THICKNESS);
-        ButtonBehavior(border_rect, window->GetID(border_n + 4), &hovered, &held, ImGuiButtonFlags_FlattenChildren);
+        ImGuiID border_id = window->GetID(border_n + 4); // == GetWindowResizeBorderID()
+        ButtonBehavior(border_rect, border_id, &hovered, &held, ImGuiButtonFlags_FlattenChildren);
         //GetForegroundDrawLists(window)->AddRect(border_rect.Min, border_rect.Max, IM_COL32(255, 255, 0, 255));
         if ((hovered && g.HoveredIdTimer > WINDOWS_RESIZE_FROM_EDGES_FEEDBACK_TIMER) || held)
-            g.MouseCursor = (border_n & 1) ? ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW : ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS;
+            g.MouseCursor = (axis == ImGuiAxis_X) ? ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW : ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS;
             if (held)
                 *border_held = border_n;
         if (held)
+            ImVec2 clamp_min(border_n == ImGuiDir_Right ? visibility_rect.Min.x : -FLT_MAX, border_n == ImGuiDir_Down ? visibility_rect.Min.y : -FLT_MAX);
+            ImVec2 clamp_max(border_n == ImGuiDir_Left  ? visibility_rect.Max.x : +FLT_MAX, border_n == ImGuiDir_Up   ? visibility_rect.Max.y : +FLT_MAX);
             ImVec2 border_target = window->Pos;
-            ImVec2 border_posn;
-            if (border_n == 0) { border_posn = ImVec2(0, 0); border_target.y = (g.IO.MousePos.y - g.ActiveIdClickOffset.y + WINDOWS_RESIZE_FROM_EDGES_HALF_THICKNESS); } // Top
-            if (border_n == 1) { border_posn = ImVec2(1, 0); border_target.x = (g.IO.MousePos.x - g.ActiveIdClickOffset.x + WINDOWS_RESIZE_FROM_EDGES_HALF_THICKNESS); } // Right
-            if (border_n == 2) { border_posn = ImVec2(0, 1); border_target.y = (g.IO.MousePos.y - g.ActiveIdClickOffset.y + WINDOWS_RESIZE_FROM_EDGES_HALF_THICKNESS); } // Bottom
-            if (border_n == 3) { border_posn = ImVec2(0, 0); border_target.x = (g.IO.MousePos.x - g.ActiveIdClickOffset.x + WINDOWS_RESIZE_FROM_EDGES_HALF_THICKNESS); } // Left
-            ImVec2 clamp_min = ImVec2(border_n == 1 ? visibility_rect.Min.x : -FLT_MAX, border_n == 2 ? visibility_rect.Min.y : -FLT_MAX);
-            ImVec2 clamp_max = ImVec2(border_n == 3 ? visibility_rect.Max.x : +FLT_MAX, border_n == 0 ? visibility_rect.Max.y : +FLT_MAX);
+            border_target[axis] = g.IO.MousePos[axis] - g.ActiveIdClickOffset[axis] + WINDOWS_RESIZE_FROM_EDGES_HALF_THICKNESS;
             border_target = ImClamp(border_target, clamp_min, clamp_max);
-            CalcResizePosSizeFromAnyCorner(window, border_target, border_posn, &pos_target, &size_target);
+            CalcResizePosSizeFromAnyCorner(window, border_target, ImMin(def.SegmentN1, def.SegmentN2), &pos_target, &size_target);
@@ -5474,8 +5488,8 @@
         const ImGuiResizeBorderDef& def = resize_border_def[border_held];
         ImRect border_r = GetResizeBorderRect(window, border_held, rounding, 0.0f);
-        window->DrawList->PathArcTo(ImLerp(border_r.Min, border_r.Max, def.CornerPosN1) + ImVec2(0.5f, 0.5f) + def.InnerDir * rounding, rounding, def.OuterAngle - IM_PI * 0.25f, def.OuterAngle);
-        window->DrawList->PathArcTo(ImLerp(border_r.Min, border_r.Max, def.CornerPosN2) + ImVec2(0.5f, 0.5f) + def.InnerDir * rounding, rounding, def.OuterAngle, def.OuterAngle + IM_PI * 0.25f);
+        window->DrawList->PathArcTo(ImLerp(border_r.Min, border_r.Max, def.SegmentN1) + ImVec2(0.5f, 0.5f) + def.InnerDir * rounding, rounding, def.OuterAngle - IM_PI * 0.25f, def.OuterAngle);
+        window->DrawList->PathArcTo(ImLerp(border_r.Min, border_r.Max, def.SegmentN2) + ImVec2(0.5f, 0.5f) + def.InnerDir * rounding, rounding, def.OuterAngle, def.OuterAngle + IM_PI * 0.25f);
         window->DrawList->PathStroke(GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive), 0, ImMax(2.0f, border_size)); // Thicker than usual
     if (g.Style.FrameBorderSize > 0 && !(window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar))
diff --git a/imgui.h b/imgui.h
index 550f9be..5aa31bb 100644
--- a/imgui.h
+++ b/imgui.h
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 // Version
 // (Integer encoded as XYYZZ for use in #if preprocessor conditionals. Work in progress versions typically starts at XYY99 then bounce up to XYY00, XYY01 etc. when release tagging happens)
 #define IMGUI_VERSION               "1.83 WIP"
-#define IMGUI_VERSION_NUM           18202
+#define IMGUI_VERSION_NUM           18203
 #define IMGUI_CHECKVERSION()        ImGui::DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(IMGUI_VERSION, sizeof(ImGuiIO), sizeof(ImGuiStyle), sizeof(ImVec2), sizeof(ImVec4), sizeof(ImDrawVert), sizeof(ImDrawIdx))
diff --git a/imgui_internal.h b/imgui_internal.h
index 2bb00f1..548bb2c 100644
--- a/imgui_internal.h
+++ b/imgui_internal.h
@@ -2471,7 +2471,8 @@
     IMGUI_API bool          ImageButtonEx(ImGuiID id, ImTextureID texture_id, const ImVec2& size, const ImVec2& uv0, const ImVec2& uv1, const ImVec2& padding, const ImVec4& bg_col, const ImVec4& tint_col);
     IMGUI_API ImRect        GetWindowScrollbarRect(ImGuiWindow* window, ImGuiAxis axis);
     IMGUI_API ImGuiID       GetWindowScrollbarID(ImGuiWindow* window, ImGuiAxis axis);
-    IMGUI_API ImGuiID       GetWindowResizeID(ImGuiWindow* window, int n); // 0..3: corners, 4..7: borders
+    IMGUI_API ImGuiID       GetWindowResizeCornerID(ImGuiWindow* window, int n); // 0..3: corners
+    IMGUI_API ImGuiID       GetWindowResizeBorderID(ImGuiWindow* window, ImGuiDir dir);
     IMGUI_API void          SeparatorEx(ImGuiSeparatorFlags flags);
     IMGUI_API bool          CheckboxFlags(const char* label, ImS64* flags, ImS64 flags_value);
     IMGUI_API bool          CheckboxFlags(const char* label, ImU64* flags, ImU64 flags_value);